• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 12,534 Views, 236 Comments

Lunar Replacement - Pinklestia

I am now Princess Luna, and it’s not as fun as you might think. I don’t know what’s going on, how I got here, or what I’m going to do.

  • ...

April Fools' Day: Trixie and her kitten

I can honesty say that I did not expect this to happen to me.

Lose my powers? Sure, I saw that coming.

Being shot? I actually preferred that to keep being a monster.

The Fairy Queen turning me into a cat and dropping me into another universe? Well, it wouldn't be so bad... only I am a cat.

And I was so sure I had drained Doormaker power almost dry, but then again is not like similar powers aren't a thing.

At least I am not a three legged cat, I have all my four legs and a tail, and look like your average tabby cat.

And this World... either the Entities went really crazy here or is not a version of Earth.

How I do know that? I could accept one talking pony as a result of a weird power, maybe a whole city of them, but a whole country?

And let's not forget the winged ponies, the pegasi or whatever the plural of pegasus is. They are flying ponies!

And then there is the unicorns, even the young ones have some kind of telekinesis and I have seen a few do other things.

Did some biotinker go crazy here? I wish. Because I also saw a donkey talk... and I am not sure if I saw cows talk or it was my imagination.

And how do I know is a whole country of ponies? Because my owner is a traveling entertainer. And we have been to a lot of places with lots of talking ponies.

She is not a bad... mare is the term I guess? Even if we didn't have the best start.

After all jumping at her face because she made fun of someone... or some pony? As part of her act was not one of my smartest ideas.

But I hate bullies, and that mare she made fun of ended crying.

Yet... it was somehow for the best? Ponies laughted and believed it was part of the act and we both... ended playing to that somehow.

And after that well... I ended following her until she accepted she now had a cat.

I know I am imposing so I tried to be the less annoying possible, but I am still a cat.

I may have keep my mind but... if anything not being human has made me even more stubborn an opinionated, and also quick to anger.

So fam quite sure that if I wasn't a kitten she would have got rid of me in those first few days.

And then I ended helping on the next show, without attacking her. Apparently ponies found the idea of a cute kitten assistant adorable.

And so we ended stuck with each other. She even started to put me on disguises.

Apparently the idea of a kitten dressed up as some big bear thing called an Ursa Major is hilarious.

And then... one day we reached a place called Ponyville.

That was... interesting is the most polite word I can say about it.


Ponyville looked like a town like any other... until you noticed is next to the Everfree Forest.

What's the Everfree Forest? A forest full of monsters, that wouldn't look out of place in fantasy book.

Then again talking ponies and magic, my life became is a fantasy book.

Yes is magic, I have no better explanation to it, ponies are not violent enough compared to Capes
and while monsters could be what this world version of Zion is using to create conflict...

That doesn't explain the whole ponies being in charge of changing the seasons things. That's... too much Disney Fairy tale to be the result of Capes powers.

Anyway what I was talking about? I felt nervous about this town, any place that had to deal with regular monsters attacks would mean Trixie was more likely to anger the wrong per... the wrong pony.

I tried to tell her this, I even used my claws to do crude drawings on the dirt of ponies running her out of town but that just have her the idea to work on another act instead.

Give me a pencil and see if I could draw things with my mouth on a piece of paper.

To my surprise I actually could, I still wonder if it is because of the Fairy Queen not exactly turning me into a regular cat or this whole world magic thing.

"Oh my gosh what a cute kitten!"

I turned my head to look at a yellow pegasus with a pink mane looking at me like it was the best thing that had happened to her recently.

She also... smelled of other animals.

Maybe she worked in one of the farms taking care of the animals or something.

"Ah yes Pest is very cute." Trixie said doing her usual bragging.

"You named you pet Pest?"

"Is not my cat, she just wouldn't leave!"

I stared at Trixie, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean... she is my best friend?"

That... was sadly accurate if only because I was the closest thing Trixie had to a friend.

"Why is she drawing a bunch of monsters attacking you?"

"She what? No Pest you are supposed to draw the Great-"


"Oh come on that-"

"Meow meow."

"Yes I know this place is near the Everfree Forest but-"


"No, they wouldn't dare!"

The pegasus meanwhile was stared at us shocked.

"I... I didn't understand what your cat said."

"Well... it takes a while since her accent is atrocious."

I glared at her again, 'I don't have an accent!'

"No, you don't understand I am supposed to be good at-"


I went to the top of the trailer to take a sun nap.

"Well maybe is because she is not from around here? Maybe cats from-"

"I had never thought about-"

I keep hearing less and less until I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was the afternoon, the yellow pegasus was gone.

"Hey Pest you still think they would run me out of town?" Unlile before Trixie actually seemed worried.


"Okay, we are not doing the Ursa Major story then."

I jumped from the rooftop to the ground, rubbed myself against her leg and purred.

"Oh wow... you really hate that story don't you? Then again I have been doing it since before I knew you, so it may be getting a bit stale."

If I wasn't a cat I would have kissed her in gratitude as it was when she showed me the evil queen dress she had made for me I didn't complain.


The new show proved quite popular with the young ponies, mostly because no one could take me seriously as a villain.

The illusions and magic tricks did help to make me a credible threat, for a open theater play for kids, but the thing was still incredible silly.

One or two times I had to bonk Trixie in the head to remind her to focus on being entertaining for the fillies and colts and to not fo her challenge someone thing. We were just too close to the country capital, the chance of an actual mage being around for a visit was just too high.

The fact I know more about geography that my owner was something Trixie had trouble with but once I showed her the map she had to accept that yes, better not push her luck in a town that had monsters nearby.

Trixie looked a mix of annoyed and happy upon the new show results. Young kids didn't have that much money to give us, but all of them have us some money or at least fruit and vegetables, and not in the throwing them into Trixie face.

And yes that had happened a few times, and only one time it was my fault.

Then came the part that tended to be most popular and I hated.

Me doing tricks for the kids with some of Trixie help from behind the scenes. And I hated it because small kids insisted on petting the cute kitten.

It didn't fool any adults or even smart kids but this was the part of the show for the youngest in the audience. And if we made those happy their parents tended to make Trixie happy, with coins.

"And now Arthur the magical cat-"

"She is a female cat." Said someone in the audience, was that that yellow pegasus again? No, it was the cowboy hat wearing mare next to yellow pegasus.

"Is just a stage name, as I was saying now Arthur the magical cats will do some tricks!"

Trixie then asked if any of the kids in the audience wanted to participate and purposely picked the youngest one she could find that wasn't wearing diapers.

Yes I know, ponies wearing diapers? Is weird.

Then I performed some card and coin tricks for the kid, a young filly, and she seemed to love it. Those were old tricks Trixie herself didn't do anymore but even in a land of magic and wonder a cat doing them was enough to impress or at least look cute.

And then the show ended and kids got the chance to take a picture with me in exchange for some money. That also mean said kids touching me, but it was this or eating the cheapest cat food, instead of the second cheapest. Yes I can hunt my own food but not all the time and not the same day we are doing a show.

It annoyed Trixie to no end that my pictures were more popular that pictures with her, but she also had some business sence and better take advantage while I remained young and cute.

And then we were finally done, I mistakely believed we had avoided disaster but then I saw a purple unicorn walk to us and when Trixie saw her she frowned for some reason.

Author's Note:

Happy April Fools' Day!