• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 12,541 Views, 236 Comments

Lunar Replacement - Pinklestia

I am now Princess Luna, and it’s not as fun as you might think. I don’t know what’s going on, how I got here, or what I’m going to do.

  • ...

I am a Loon

-*- Princess Luna? -*-

I have no clue what just happened. The plan was just to convince Celestia to let me go to live with Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville. And then…

I asked her an uncomfortable question about her past, I…I told her about having nightmares about the future. I promised to meet her in her dreams at night when I have no clue how the hell I moved the moon or even did any other magic. And I even called Celestia fat! How could I have said something so stupid?

'I…damnit I’m hungry.' Thankfully the night kitchen staff were kind enough to make me a sandwich…and after that about a dozen more. Weirdly enough I wasn’t even missing the taste of ham. That reminds me, why the heck does Applejack raise pigs? Does she trade them in the market in the big city to some meat eaters? Yeah that must be it; going into the Everfree to hunt truffles would be suicidal. Though maybe they hunted them in Whitetail woods instead...

So miss Loon, let's think… how the hell do I get to Ponyville? Did they even have a train service in the first season? No, I don't think so. Taking a carriage? I still don't have my own guard and it would kind of be awkward if I went back with Sunbutt…er, my sister, to ask for a ride. Though she’d probably be happy to give me one...

There is no way in Tartarus I’m going to try to teleport; I don't even know how to levitate a pencil! Or use my magic at all! So… do I trust whatever is going on that let me move the moon, to let me fly to Ponyville? I mean, it felt natural, as if I’d done it thousands of times before...

Well my body, even as weak as it is, is way tougher than Rainbow Dash, but if I go crashing into everything it would be weird. I don’t think I could explain that away all that well.

Thinking about it, I realize there is no need to go right away. I do need to pack and get money, then I realize I’m a freaking Princess. Ponies would probably just give me what I wanted if I asked.

But that would be abuse of authority and bla bla bla.

And of course, Celestia has probably gone to sleep already. She wouldn’t mind being bothered, but it doesn’t feel right bugging her when she is trying to sleep.

Yeah, moving in with Twilight Sparkle is future Loon’s problem, yay!

Oh stars, did I just act like Spike?
You know what? I am crazy and it works, all hail Luna Loon, ruler of the night sky!

While I am asleep I find myself in a black space full of hundreds of giant bubbles? But just when I find one full of pink, balloons, streamers and cake I wake up.

'Damn, I’m sure that was Pinkie Pie's dream!'

Unconsciously or by instinct I can use magic just fine, but if I try to do it on purpose the magic fails me since I have no idea what the heck I’m doing. Plus, I still have no clue if those were really the dreamlands or just a weird dream I had. It was hard to sort everything out right now…seeing as I was still wondering if this was all happening in the first place!

There go my plans of finding out what Pinkie Pie’s dreams are like and scaring certain ponies. I could have used the entertainment.

And how in Tartarus will I keep my promise to talk to Celestia in her dreams? I can’t even seem to enter a dream properly!

Okay…think about that episode where Pinkie Pie babysat (or rather, foalsat) the cake twins.

Maybe instead of overthinking it, I should just close my eyes and want very hard to visit somepony’s dream.

The world came into focus, and as I looked around, I saw shelves of books filled to the brim, almost to the point of bursting. A table with the bust of a Unicorn sat in the center of the room.

"A library? Then this must be…"

"Princess Luna?" Said a familiar boy's voice

'Spike's dream of course.' I thought as I turned towards the sound of the voice, putting on my best friendly face, like that time I had to babysit a bunch of kids despite myself not wanting to.

"Hello Spike the dragon, let's talk about your sister Twilight Sparkle, shall we?"

The following conversation literally took all night since I had to wake up to lower the Moon. Thank the stars for this body trained muscle memory, or I would be stuck right in Tartarus or worse.

Actually, probably not Tartarus. No, either some arcane magic lab, or a funny farm. And not the fun kind of farm, like Sweet Apple Acres.

What I learned was interesting and left me worried about the poor kid’s mental health… I think. I might be reading too much into it.

Twilight Sparkle wasn't a bad pony but apparently had become used to treating Spike like an assistant instead of a brother. Which wasn't really her fault; I admit, this might be me putting my own fan thoughts on their relationship. Still…

Celestia, it seemed, had raised Spike until he could talk and then encouraged him to spend time with Twilight. Twilight, being the bookworm that she was, ended up turning him into her assistant. At first it was more like a game, but as years passed he became one for real.

Worse, apparently my sister had not taught Twilight Sparkle ANYTHING about dragons. But to be fair the purple unicorn had never asked. Well, okay, Celestia might not know much either, but most Equestrians didn’t know anything about them except they were big, scary, and had pointy teeth.
Spike and Twilight Sparkle relationship wasn't bad. Whowever, while they genuinely cared about each other, I think it could be better. But was this me caring about them, or just wanting my vision of them to be true?

Also for better or worse, Twilight Sparkle DIDN'T have a brother called Shining Armor. She did have a pink foalsitter long ago, but it was a pegasus. And yes she had that long name save for the princess part. I wasn’t sure what to think about that part.

So I found myself as a Princess Luna in the wrong universe. Or maybe the right one? I never liked the idea of there being more alicorns than me and my sister after all.

Wait, me and my sister? But I’m not really- ugh this is making my brain hurt. Whatever. Help Spike to be treated like a little brother now, worry about the cosmic and phenomenal consequences of there only being two alicorns later. And think about what else might be different here. And I will not stop myself if I think that Celestia is my sister since at least biologically we are.

Wait… breakfast!

"Spike and my sanity can wait, I hunger!"

Want to know something hilarious?
I got the moon down two hours earlier than Celestia had planned to. But once the moon went down she was literally forced to wake up and raise the sun. My sister was NOT amused.

So I got to watch her glares as she drank enough caffeine to kill a normal pony.

"Dear Sister, the moon told me it was time; after all the Summer Sun Celebration IS supposed to be the longest day of the year and that was just a few days ago. So you only get a few minutes less daylight today. That's how it should be."

“It is still summer, and the days are supposed to be longer. I can understand being eager to exercise control over the Moon once again now that you are here, rather than imprisoned, but that does not mean you can go messing with the natural cycles even a little.” She replied grumpily as she finished off her cup, then took a bite of her oatmeal as she waited for a refill.

“I will have to add those minutes of sunlight to today just to make up for it, which will cause some minor confusion for some of our little Ponies.”

"Oh? But I did make the day longer, didn't I? After all the moon going down two hours earlier than you had planned means a longer day, not a shorter one." I said confused, slightly worried about my sister’s mental state.

Celestia looked at me, then at her coffee. “Hmph… seems I’m still half asleep… so much for the hope the coffee would do any good.”

"How about a week-long festival? Declare it a national holiday, every non-essential government activity gets closed down for the holidays and the festivities get done in the afternoon so you can just move the sun then go back to sleep."

Celestia had gotten a sack of coffee beans from… somewhere while I was busy rambling and was making her own coffee. Maybe they were stronger beans? So it took a while to answer. Once she had drank the third cup of "real coffee" she finally answered to my idea.

“My dear sister, as much as I would love to throw a festival to hail your return, Equestria just finished one of its biggest festivals, the Summer Sun celebration, and that in many cases takes more time and resources than any other holiday save perhaps Hearths Warming Eve.”

"Oh it would not be for me, but a Summer festival, maybe dedicated to the arts or something. Have plays right outside so anypony can see them, that kind of thing. And delegate a lot, give those stuffy nobles something to do. Oh! And make it mostly free so those same nobles and the rich ponies have to endure the 'peasants' or what do they call it nowadays. Not completely free of course; that leads to abuse and sick ponies."

Celestia sat and hummed at this, looking at me in a way that sent a small shiver down my spine. “Perhaps next year the Summer Sun celebration can be turned into a weeklong festival.”

“Besides, that will ensure I can spend some time having some fun with my sister this month, instead of having us both be caught up in preparing a kingdom wide festival.”

The mention of fun… it made the barest flicker of a memory cross my mind. I wasn’t sure if it was mine, or Luna’s. But I knew one thing…

“Fun? What is this…‘Fun’, you speak of dear sister?” I asked, feigning confusion.

Celestia smirked, shaking her head as she said “Lulu, I know for a fact you know what the word fun is, why-”

Celestia didn’t get a chance to finish, for I had pounced upon her, wrapping my forehooves around her and proceeding to tickle and lavish her with a kissy face. Celestia’s squeals of laughter echoed about the dining hall, filling it with a warmth no hall in Equestria had felt in a thousand years.

After that, Celestia had royal duties to do and I had a pony to hunt. Well I really didn't but I honestly wanted to meet Moon Dancer since when I awoke with Nightmare Moon controlling my body I had yet to see any episode where she appeared even as a cameo.

At least, as far as I was aware of anyways. The show didn’t exactly make a habit of giving all the background ponies names.

So I asked a few ponies, and I soon found myself inside the library of Celestia’s Gifted Students school. Yes, I know that’s not the name, but I’m in a hurry here!

There I found a cream colored Unicorn with a mane and tail style similar to that of Twilight Sparkle’s…though it was rather frayed and there were signs of stress on her face. I could even see some dampness still in her eyes.

Thankfully, I had picked up the present Spike had for her in the first episode from Twilight's tower, and had hastily sewed it back up, though not very well. I floated the present in front of her, but she ignored me. I waved it in front of her, but she seemed to just stare right through it. I even dropped it a few times, though not on purpose. I still wasn’t having much luck with this whole magic thing.

"Excuse me…"

Nothing..how rude. Well, time to be charming.

"Moon Dancer of Canterlot I have a present from Spike the dragon and Twilight Sparkle the gifted."

Talking in a more pleasant voice finally seemed to catch her attention. Then she saw that floating present and an alicorn.

And ignored it to go back to reading!

That made me angry! So angry I teleported away to some desert and screamed.

Then I created a glass statue of the mare and smashed it. Then did the same a thousand times more, every time making the statue more realistic and getting more creative in the ways I killed her.

By the time I ended up with her covered in quite realistic conjured blood my anger had finally subsided.

"I… I might need meditation lessons."

After that I took a dive in the ocean to calm down and extinguish my flames. Then I enjoyed the beauty of the sea and thanked the Sun and Moon that apparently breathing was optional for alicorns, or at least for me.

Then I went to take a bath and once I was presentable again I thought about what to do about Moon Dancer.

It took me a while to think in something that wasn't harmful to the mare or amusing to watch.

Finally I decided to take a page out my sister book and write her a letter. After all, sending her to Applelosa to make friends and study non-pony cultures might be actually be good for her. And yes I gave her a grant to do that on the condition she also get a job in the town and did her best to know everypony and actually make friends.

Of course I later told my sister what I had done. All of it, including my tantrum in the desert. Then she confessed to me that she dealt with frustration by being a prankster occasionally.

My answer was to dress in a clown outfit and, turn her mane and coat pink.

"Yes, this does seem to work well; thank you dear sister for your helpful advice."

I have no idea where I got the clown outfit either. No, actually I do, apparently there is a room full of costumes of my current size in the castle and I teleported one to myself just because.

Instead of a minor spell fight Celestia made up a song about being a "A Pink Princess in a pink world." that was basically a rip off the song Barbie girl.

And then we were both wearing our royal regalia and back to normal like nothing had happened.

Yeah it was weird for me too.

"So you decided to take Moon Dancer as a student of sorts?"

Well it was more of a punishment, but sure let's go with that.

"Somewhat, she really seems like she had to stop reading dusty old books and make some friends."

Celestia just stared at me, I winked.
"Did you talk to Twilight Sparkle, maybe in her dreams?"

"Oh no, I talked to the assistant, that's how you get to know the interesting things."

"And I suppose you also helped fillies and colts with their nightmares?"

Ouch, right into the heart, thanks a lot sunbutt.

"I think I will wait until ponies get used to me first; besides, I don't want to be feared." Then I started to cry.

Celestia hugged me. "Sorry I guess it must be hard."

"I… I think the children will be scared of me."

I really did, I had been acting weird lately. What if I acted like the other Luna did in the Nightmare Night episode?

So I kept crying and sobbing and I was basically a mess. Then I somewhat calmed down and we had dinner after we did our duty of moving the sun and the moon.

And of course when I went to sleep I just couldn't get pleasant dreams.

I had nightmares, everything from being exiled to the sun to waking up as a puppet in a dollhouse. The only reason I didn't wake up screaming was because the nightmares ended before I woke up.

And then I was left in an empty space with only myself in it.

"Now what?" I asked, but nothing answered back.

"Ah well, let's try something. My Sister Princess Celestia."

I then saw a bubble with a sun cutie mark on it and I entered it. What I saw inside was terrible, a blazing sun, scorched earth, the ruins of Canterlot and at the center of it there was my sister only she was literally light on fire and her eyes were blood red.

"Sister?" I asked fearfully and when the fire monster in the shape of my sister saw me she seemed surprised.

"Luna? Little Luna? NO! I killed you! I…"

The next thing I knew, I was hugging the flamming mare, it hurt and burned my coat , mane and skin but I didn't stop.

"Is okay Tia, is just a nightmare I am here now."

Thankfully the flames extinguished and I got hug back.

"My little sister… you shouldn't have to see me like this."

Celestia was back to her normal appearance and was crying. My horn glowed white and I became fully healed.

"Is my job. How could I face scared children if I can't face my sister first?"

We nuzzled each other and just stayed there, hugging each other.

'For you Princess Celestia. For the future of Equestria, you cannot know the truth.'

I could see it now, Celestia rage at being tricked, at being given a fake sister after waiting a thousand years… nothing would survive.

So I have to continue to wear this mask if lies until it becomes the truth, is the only choice.

Finally after what it seemed like a long time, I woke up. Then I went into my sister's room and saw her as she raised the sun, it was beautiful. No wonder Twilight Sparkle fell in love with that.

"Dear sister, are you well?"

Celestia turned around and seemed surprised to see me.

"So… it was really you? The one I saw in my dreams?"

"Yes. Children usually have their parents and caretakers, but we only have each other. And I did promise that we would see each other in dreams, didn't I?"

"I… thank you."

Even if is a lie, she is still my sister. I am the only one who can heal the broken mare behind the princess mask.

So even if it costs me everything, I will persist in my lie. Because this is the lie that might save Equestria's future.

Author's Note:

Chapter by Pinklestia with the collaboration of Rainbow Sparkle

Special thanks to Shadow of Doubt for beta reading this chapter.