• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 5,985 Views, 380 Comments

Bakugan: Equestria Girls - CosmicAlchemist24

Come and join this band of heroes as they face trials against an unknown evil from the dimension of New Vestroia. How will they face this threat, come and find out. BAKUGAN BRAWL!!

  • ...

Darkus Master Pt. 2.

"What are you doing Lilac?” Clyde asked. Lilac closed her eyes and snickered.

“Oh nothing really, I’m just showing you what happens when I get angry.” She said in a sadistic tone. Soon the field and sky turned pitch black, leaving everyone in the colosseum blind.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked getting freaked out.

“I’m not sure, but I think it’s time we intervene.” Adagio said. After a few seconds a full moon appeared above the colosseum illuminating the field below. Clyde looked around and was a bit freaked out.

“What happened, what did you do?” He asked turning to Lilac. She opened her eyes once again and smiled.

“What’s wrong handsome, you don’t like what I did to the field? Oh well, now I believe it’s your turn Clyde show me what you got.” She said in a cold tone. Clyde flinched a bit and stood there frozen for what seemed like minutes. Wolfurio then jumped onto his shoulder.

“Clyde...Clyde are you ok?” He asked. Clyde shook his head and composed himself.

“Not really, this is just too crazy. I knew she had a bakugan with dark powers, I didn’t expect her to have dark powers.” Clyde said with slight fear in his voice.

“Clyde I want you to listen to me, You and I have been through alot these past few months and we have not come this far to be beaten by some girl who thinks she can waltz in and turn what was a fun sport into a game of death. You and I can beat her as long as you don’t let fear take you over and you trust me. We’re Partners and we look out for each other always.” Wolfurio said in a serious and hopeful tone. Clyde looked to his partner and took a deep breath.

“You’re right and I’m sorry I kinda lost myself there.” Clyde said with a smile.

“It’s fine partner, so you ready?” Wolfurio asked. Clyde nodded and pulled a card out of his pocket.

“Hey Lilac.” Clyde said. “Yes Clyde, do you need something?” She asked with a smile.

“Yea I need you to lose, Gate Card Set! Bakugan Brawl, Wolfurio Stand!” Clyde said throwing Wolfurio back onto the field.

“Come on Hydranoid, let’s end this.” Wolfurio said.

“Hehe someone sounds confident, let’s show him who he’s messing with. Bakugan Brawl, Hydranoid Stand.” Lilac said throwing Hydranoid back onto the field.

“Is Clyde out of his mind he can’t continue this.” Soul said panicking.

“Soul’s right, that girl is literally leaking dark magic.” Sunset said also panicking.

“CLYDE STOP IT, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE JUST STOP!” Artemis yelled only to have see Clyde shake his head.

“Don’t worry Artemis, we’ll be fine I promise.” Clyde said.

“Like I said, It’s been nice knowing him.” Warhawk said crossing his arms. Sonata then hit him in the back of the head and glared at him.

“This is Serious Warhawk the least you could do is pretend to be worried about him.” She said.

“I am worried about him you think I like seeing my friend and his partner battling a evil girl with dark powers and possibly risking their lives? No! I Don’t! So don’t go judging me by what I say Nata.” Warhawk said glaring back at her.

“Then act like it and stop talking like that.” Sonata said crossing her arms.

“Stop it you two, this isn’t the time to be fighting amongst ourselves we have bigger problems.” Artemis said trying to calm the couple down. Sonata and Warhawk looked back to the battle, but both were still angry with the other. Back on the battlefield, Hydranoid and Wolfurio were both staring at each other intensively.

Wolfurio: 900
Hydranoid: 500

“What are you waiting for Wolfurio, you’re not scared are you?” Hydranoid asked in a cocky tone.

“Scared of you, did you forget who beat you five minutes ago?” Wolfurio asked with the same cocky tone. Hydranoid growled at him in anger.

“Keep your cool Hydranoid, Ability Activate: Poison Needles.” Lilac said holding up a card. Hydranoid’s body glowed purple as the sharp needles on it’s back began to grow in size. Soon the needles shot off Hydranoid’s body into the sky and soon descended heading straight for Wolfurio.

Wolfurio: 900-400=500
Hydranoid: 500+400=900

Multiple needles were hitting Wolfurio who was trying to shield himself, but soon they over they overpowered him and he fell onto his back unable to move.

“Hold on Wolfurio, Ability Activate: Royal Light!” Clyde said holding up a card. Wolfurio’s body began to glow, but it quickly died down and caused Clyde to raise an eyebrow.

Wolfurio: 500
Hydranoid: 900

“What the...Why didn’t it work?” Clyde asked confused.

“Oh did I forget to mention that ‘Poison Needles’ nullifies any abilities you try to activate because I did I’m so sorry.” Lilac said sarcastically.

“Are you Serious?” Clyde asked shocked.

“Oh I’m very serious, Go Hydranoid!” Lilac said. Hydranoid then began charging toward a now paralyzed Wolfurio.

“Clyde do something!” Wolfurio said in pain.

“Don’t worry pal, Gate Card Open: Haos Saver!” Clyde said. Soon the field began glow and the needles that covered Wolfurio began to disappear. With Hydranoid drawing closer, Wolfurio got up and jumped into the air to avoid the attack.

Wolfurio: 500+400=900
Hydranoid: 900-400=500

“Oh thank Faust, I thought he wouldn’t survive that one.” Swift said putting a hand over his heart.

“If he didn’t activate his “Haos Saver” card he wouldn’t have, it completely shuts down all of your opponents activated abilities as long as you have a haos bakugan on the field.” Twilight explained.

“He’s hanging in there, but I think Lilac is don playing with him.” Sunset said. Adagio nodded and turned to her partner.

“Get ready to go if things too intense for Clyde.” She whispered.

“Right.” Helios growled.

“Not a bad move, but you just wasted a very useful Gate Card.” Lilac said with a smile.

“I don’t care as long as I keep Wolfurio safe and beat you then nothing else matters.” Clyde said with determination in his voice.

“Ooh~ loyal as well as handsome, whoever this girlfriend of yours is she’s lucky.” Lilac said.

“Thanks... I guess.” Clyde said scratching the back of his head.

“No problem sweetie, but now I think it’s time to end this.” Lilac said.

“What do you mean end this, if you haven’t noticed I’m in the lead right now.” Clyde said.

“Not for long, Triple Ability Activate!” Lilac said holding up three cards.

“WHAT?!” Clyde yelled shocked.

“She can’t do that…..can she?” Soul asked.

“No she can’t, the limit is two ability cards. No Bakugan can handle a triple ability, it puts a major strain on their body.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

“Chaos of the Darkness, plus Dark Ritual, plus Fusion Ability: Lunatic Burst!” Lilac said. After a few seconds, the entire field began to shake and Hydranoid was then covered by a pitch black aura.

“What’s going on?” Wolfurio asked looking around the field.

“The end that’s what.” Hydranoid said in a dark tone. Soon an unnatural storm covered the moon and shot a bolt of lightning at hydranoid causing the black aura around him to grow even larger. Clyde, Wolfurio and the spectators could only watch in horror as Hydranoid’s powers grew even stronger.

Wolfurio: 900-500=400
Hydranoid: 500+500+500=1500

“S..S..She pulled it off.” Sour stuttered.

“This is bad, this is really bad.” Rivet said in a worried tone. Clyde couldn’t deny it anymore he was scared and he was genuinely trembling at the sight of Hydranoids power.

“I..I..I can’t...No I can't let her win, Ability Activate-” “Sorry to break it to you Handsome, but you’re wasting your time. ‘Dark Ritual’ prevents you from activating any abilities and since you already used your Gate Card...well you should know what comes next.” Lilac said cutting Clyde off. Clyde then slowly put his card down and had a look of complete despair on his face. Wolfurio wanted to say something to Clyde, but was quickly sent flying into the wall on the arena.

“AHHH!” Wolfurio screamed in pain. Clyde then snapped out of his thoughts and looked to his partner in horror.

“WOLFURIO!” Clyde screamed.

“I can’t watch this.” Sonata said covering her eyes. Adagio then stood up.

“Helios let's go!” She said.

“You got it.” Helios growled.

“You’re not going alone, Rubanoid you ready?” Sunset asked her partner.

“You bet I am.” Rubanoid said. The two girls grabbed their partners and ran down to the field.

“I going with them, Come on Harpus!” Night said following Sunset and Adagio. Back on the battlefield, Hydranoid was charging a huge ball of energy and getting ready to fire it at Wolfurio.

“Well Wolfurio you had a good run, but now it’s time to finish you” Hydranoid said. Wolfurio didn’t speak, all he did was stand up and look at Hydranoid with a serious look.

Come on Clyde think, there's gotta be something I can do…..Of course how could I forget that.” Clyde thought as he raised his right arm revealing the same watch like device that Warhawk has, but this one was white and yellow. Clyde the pressed three buttons and spoke into the device. “Baku-Nano: Lanzato, Destroy!” He said. After a few seconds, both of Wolfurio’s hands began to glow and soon he was holding a spear and shield.

Wolfurio: 400+100=500
Hydranoid: 1500

“A bakunano impressive but, it still won't be enough. Hydranoid end this please.” Lilac said.

“With pleasure!” Hydranoid said releasing the massive energy ball from it's mouth . Woflufio raised his shield and took the attack head on, but it was slowly overpowering him.

“Hold on Wolfurio!” Clyde said.

“I’ll hold Clyde, I’ll hold.” Wolfurio said trying his best to stand his ground.

“Just give it up, you and your pathetic excuse for a partner are finished.” Hydranoid said with a dark chuckle.

“I..won’t stop...until..I...put you ..down!” Wolfurio said struggling to hold back the ball of energy.

“I’d like to see you try!” Hydranoid said releasing a stream of fire from his mouth. Clyde knew what was going to happen next.

If that fire hit’s the ball it’s over. I can’t activate any abilities, I used my only Gate Card and the Baku-Nano is about to give. I..I can’t win there’s nothing I can do, I GOT NOTHING!” Clyde screamed in his head.

“Bakugan Brawl!” Clyde then turned to see Adagio, Sunset and Night throwing their partners onto the field.

“Rise Pyrus Helios.” Adagio said.

“Let’s go, Pyrus Rubanoid.” Sunset said.

“Come on, Ventus Harpus” Night said.

All three Bakugan transformed and were soon replaced by their true forms. Helios was a red and black dragon-like Bakugan with spikes covering its arms and shoulders while hardened rumpled skin that protects its legs. Horns point in both directions of it’s head and colossal red wings on his back.

Rubanoid was also a dragon-like bakugan except that it’s entire body was made of red and yellow rubies.

Harpus was as her name implied a large feathered Harpy-type Bakugan with green and yellow hair, a tan shirt and skirt and sharp talons.

“Hold on Wolfurio, were coming!” Harpus said as she, Helios and Rubanoid were flying toward him.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 500+900+700+600=2700

“Well I don’t think that’s very fair.” Lilac said crossing her arms

“When you mess with one of our friends, the rules are null and void. Ability Active: Burst Core!” Adagio said holding up a card. Helios flew right in front of stream of fire blocked it with his bare claws.

“Is that all you got? Helios growled.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 2700
Hydranoid: 1500-500-500=500

The ball of energy disappeared allowing Wolfurio to rest for a few seconds.

“You ok?” Helios asked.

“Yes ..Thank you.” Wolfurio said.

“Enough talk, let’s take this guy down.” Rubanoid said.

“Yea let’s!” Harpus said flying toward Hydranoid. “You think you can stop me?” Hydranoid asked in a cocky tone.

“I don’t think I know!” Harpus said.

“We'll see about that, Ability Activate: Violet Nightmare.” Lilac said holding up a card. Hydranoid was then covered in a violet aura and vanished in an instant.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 2700- 1600=1100
Hydranoid: 500+400=900

Hydranoid soon appeared behind Harpus and slammed her into the arena wall with his tail.

“Harpus, you ok?” Night asked worried about his partner.

“Yea I’m fine just give me a minute.” Harpus said weakly.

"You’ll pay for that, Adagio let’s teach him a lesson.” Helios growled.

“Let’s, Double Ability Activate: General Quasar, plus Fusion Ability: Omega!” Adagio said holding up two cards. Helios began to inhale and then released a large ball of fire from his mouth.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 1100+200+200=1500
Hydranoid: 900

Hydranoid turned around only to be hit by the ball of fire and fall to the ground.

“Haha How do you like that Lilac, Looks like you’re partner is on the ropes.” Adagio said with a cocky smile. Lilac just looked at Adagio with a smile and began to laugh. Everyone was both scared and confused by this.

“Oh forgive me, I just didn’t think I would have this much fun. To be honest I expected one of the element bearers to intervene, but I didn’t expect one of the infamous sirens to intervene as well.” Lilac said causing Sunset and Adagio to look at her with wide eyes.

“How do you know about the Elements?” Sunset asked confused.

“And how do you know about me and my sisters?” Adagio asked equally confused.

“I think I’ll keep that a secret for now.” Lilac said with a smirk.

“Ok this girl is really starting to piss me off.” Adagio said glaring at Lilac.

“Calm down Dazzle, we need to end this battle now.” Clyde said.

“Clyde’s right, we can’t hold anything back." Sunset said.

“Right, Harpus get ready.” Night said.

“You got it Night.” Harpus said getting up.

“Come on Wolfurio, I know you still got at least one good attack left.” Rubanoid said.

“Yea I do, let’s do this.” Wolfurio said.

“Then stop talking and start attacking.” Helios growled. The others nodded and faced Hydranoid who was starting to get up.

“You’ll pay for that.” He growled.

“In your dreams Hydranoid, Clyde let’s start off.” Wolfurio said.

“You got it pal, Ability Activate: Spear Aegis!” Clyde said. Wolfurio’s spear began to glow and he then began charging toward Hydranoid.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 1500+500=2000
Hydranoid: 900

“We’re up next Rubanoid, Ability Active: Joule Deeper” Sunset said. Rubanoid began to and then released a bright red laser from his mouth.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 2000+400=2400
Hydranoid: 900

“No mercy Helios, Ability Activate: Maximum Quasar! Adagio said. Helios opened his mouth and released a large torrent of fire from his mouth.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 2400+300=2700
Hydranoid: 900

“Harpus let's join in the Fun, Ability Activate: Aerial Twister!” Night said. Harpus began flying toward Hydranoid and began to spin create a small tornado.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 2700+300=3000

“This is awesome, there is no way Lilac can catch up up.” Rainbow said fist pumping.

“I know she's twenty-one hundred points behind.” Twilight said with a smile.

“GO CLYDE, GO DAGI, GO NIGHT, GO SHIMMY!” Pinkie and Sonata cheered. Everyone on else in the arena cheered as well hoping that Lilac was finally finished.

“So Lilac, any last words?” Adagio asked with a smirk.

“Oh I sure do, oh Blueblood~!” Adagio raised an eyebrow at what she said and then heard an annoyingly familiar voice.

“Let’s go Subterra Dryoid, Bakugan Brawl! Soon after hearing that, a bakugan ball was thrown out onto the field and was soon replaced by what looked like a robot ninja.

“What the hell is that!?” Night asked shocked.

“That would be my partner Subterra Dryoid.” Everyone one looked to see Blueblood walking over to Lilac.

Wolfurio, Rubanoid, Harpus and Helios: 3000
Hydranoi and Dryoid: 900+900=1800

“Nice of you to join me Blood, now if you would be so kind as to stop the battle.” Lilac said to him.

“As you wish Mistress Lilac.” Blueblood said with a bow.

“Mistress?” Clyde said with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh nothing you need to worry about handsome, this was a really fun battle and I look forward to our next one.” Lilac said blowing a kiss at Clyde who blushed once again.

“Ability Activate: Zero Resolve!” Blueblood said holding a card up. Dryoid then raised his fist and punched the ground causing a massive earthquake and returning all the bakugan on the field to their owners hands.

Clyde Life Force:0
Lilac Life Force:0

Battle over this match is a draw!

“What did you do Blueballs?” Sunset asked angrily.

“I just activated the ‘Zero Resolve’ Ability, it's a rare ability that returns all bakugan to their owners hands and drops all players life to zero.” Blueblood said with a chuckle.

“I never knew a card like that existed.” Night said. Lilac giggled a bit.

“Ok I've had my fun.” Lilac said snapping her fingers and as she did the moon in the sky disappeared and the sky was back to normal.

“Shall me go mistress?” Blueblood asked.

“Yes we shall, goodbye everyone.” Lilac said as she and Blueblood began to walk away.

“Hold on Lilac!” Clyde said. Lilac turned to Clyde and Smiled.

“Yes handsome.” She said.

“Why are you doing this, the bakugan are living creatures. Why are you killing them and how can Hydranoid be ok with killing his own kind?” Clyde asked demanding answers. Hydranoid then jumped onto Lilac’s shoulder.

“You wouldn't understand and besides it's not like you can stop is. I feed of the life energy of every bakugan I send to the Doom Dimension, it makes me stronger.” Hydranoid said in a dark tone.

“There's is more to this than you think, but I think I'll keep that a secret for now. See you soon Clyde.” With that Lilac and Blueblood disappeared is a bright flash of light.

“What did she mean by there's more to this than we think?” Sunset asked.

“Not sure, but I’m going to find out.” Clyde said with a determined look on his face.

“We’ll find out.” Sunset said.

Unknown Location

Lilac and Blueblood both appeared in a large room and were greeted by Dr. Rex.

“So how did it go?” He asked.

“You’re asking as if you don’t know.” Lilac said sitting down in a chair. Dr. Rex chuckled.

“Yes I was monitoring the Battle and I must say that boy really gave you a run for your money.” He said.

“Yea~ he’s an amazing brawler.” Lilac said with a smile on her face.

“Aww looks little Lilacs got a crush.” Blueblood said in a teasing tone.

“So what if I do?” Lilac said glaring at Blueblood.

“No arguing you two, right now we have work to do. Blueblood did you do what I told you to do before helping Lilac?” Dr. Rex asked.

"Yes Doctor, I’ve found the perfect candidates to help us with our cause.” Blueblood said.

“Good work bring them to me and soon our master will be reborn.” Dr. Rex said with a sinister smile on his face.

“Yes Doctor.” Blueblood said before leaving the room.

“That guy may be irritating, but he’s dependable for what you need.” Lilac said.

“Yes he is useful, for now anyway.” Dr. Rex said.

“So what’s our next move going to be?” Lilac asked.

“Well now that the Element Bearers know of you and your powers, they’re probably going to start interfering with our plans. So I want you, Blueblood and the new recruits to make sure that doesn’t happen.” Dr. Rex said.

“Yes Doctor, Hydranoid are you ready to have some fun?” Lilac asked her partner.

“I’m ready when you are.” Hydranoid said. With that Lilac began to walk out of the room.

“The more we battle Hydranoid, the closer you are to evolving.” Lilac said with a smile.

“If Blueblood didn’t stop the battle I might have evolved.” Hydranoid growled.

“Cool down, you’ll have your chance my dear partner and soon our goal will be achieved.” Lilac said.

“Yes Mistress.” Hydranoid said. Lilac then began to giggle.

“Soon Master Naga will be reborn.”

Author's Note:

I Hope you all enjoyed this chapter enjoyed part 2. Naga is Returning, but how will Dr. Rex and Lilac bring him back? You guys won't be finding out anytime soon haha!

Artemis: You're a jerk you know that?

Yes Artemis I do.

Next Time: The Discussion.