• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 5,985 Views, 380 Comments

Bakugan: Equestria Girls - CosmicAlchemist24

Come and join this band of heroes as they face trials against an unknown evil from the dimension of New Vestroia. How will they face this threat, come and find out. BAKUGAN BRAWL!!

  • ...

The King Returns!

Location: Canterlot Park

“Come on man, pull yourself together.” Clyde said shaking his head. He was still trying to get over his battle with Lilac. Wolfurio then jumped onto his shoulder.

“Clyde I know you’re still upset, but you need to let it go.” He said.

“I know, you’re right.” Clyde said with a nod.

“Why don’t you talk to Rarity about this, you haven’t talked to her since yesterday and that’s really unusual for you.” Wolfurio said. Clyde’s eyes widened and realized Wolfurio was right, he hadn’t talked to Rarity all day.

“Oh man you’re right, my Boo must be worried sick.” Clyde said before pulling out his phone. Wolfurio chuckled abit.

“Well that’s progress I guess.” Wolfurio thought.

“Hey Rarity, you think you can meet me in the park in a few minutes….Thank I just need to talk to someone….thanks...ok bye.” Clyde said before hanging up his phone.

“She coming?” Wulfurio asked. “Yes she’ll be here in a few minutes.” Clyde said with a smile.

“It’s nice to see you smiling again partner.” Wulfurio said.

“It’s my Boo, how could I not smile.”


An hour had passed since Clyde got off the phone with Rarity and she still hadn’t shown up.

“Where is she?” Clyde asked in a worried tone.

“It’s doesn’t take that long to get to the park, I wonder what’s taking her.” Wolfurio said. Clyde then got up and took out his phone.

“I’m calling her.” He said dialing Rarity’s number. After a few seconds, the call went straight to voicemail and Clyde began to worry even more than before.

“Something’s wrong, Rarity’s not answering. Come on Wolfurio.” Clyde said putting his phone away. Wolfurio jumped onto Clyde’s shoulder and the two made their way out of the park.

“Excuse me good sir, would you care for a little battle?” Clyde turned around and saw Neon Lights standing behind him.

“You’re Neon, right?” Clyde asked.

“You remember me.” Neon said with a smile.

“How could I forget the guy that tried to fight Treble a few months ago.” Clyde said glaring a Neon.

“Aww come on Clyde, can’t we just forgive and forget?” Neon said with a chuckle.

“After what you did, that’s definitely not happening.” Clyde said.

“Aw well, you can’t befriend everyone. You never answered my question, care for a friendly battle?” Neon asked with a smile.

“No thanks, I have no time for a weasel like you.” Clyde said before walking away.

“Aww come on, what could be so important?” Neon asked.

“None of your business.” Clyde said not looking back.

“Actually it is his business, as well as mine as well.” Clyde’s blood ran cold as he hear a very familiar voice. He then turned to see Lilac sitting up in a tree.

“Lilac.” Clyde said trembling a bit.

“Good to see you handsome, how have you been?” Lilac asked jumping down from the tree.

“What are you doing here, this is my battle Lilac.” Neon said.

“Oh I know and I have no intention of interfering, I’m just giving Clyde over there a reason to battle.” Lilac said with a smirk.

“What do you mean?” Clyde asked reluctantly.

“I’d like to know myself.” Neon said. Lilac chuckled and looked to Clyde.

“Tell me Clyde, why were you in such a hurry to leave the park.” She asked. Clyde raised an eyebrow at her question.

“What’s that have to do with anything?” He asked. Lilac just stared at Clyde with a smile on her face. It took a minute, but Clyde finally put two and two together and he glared at Lilac.

“Where! Is! Rarity!” He said angrily. Lilac then began to laugh.

“Took you long enough to figure it out.” She said. By this point, Clyde was steaming and Lilac laughing wasn’t helping.

“I swear Lilac, If you’ve done anything to her I’ll-” “Calm down handsome, your precious little Gem is safe...for now.” Lilac said with a smirk. Clyde growled at her words.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“You for starters handsome, but that’ll have to wait til later.” Lilac said with a flirtatious smile. Clyde felt a small blush come across his face.

“UGH Stop, you have Rarity,YOU HAVE RARITY!” He thought shaking his head.

“Aww someone’s flustered again.” Lilac said with a giggle.

“I’m not in the mood for your games Lilac, what do you want?!” Clyde asked losing his patience.

“Chill Handsome, I’m teasing. All I want is you you to battle Neon, nothing more nothing less.” Lilac said.

“That’s it?” Clyde asked.

“Yes, but there’s a catch.” Lilac said smiling.

“Of course there is.” Clyde said to himself.

“If you win, I’ll tell you where your Little Gem is.” Lilac said.

“And if I lose?” Clyde asked.

“Wolfurio, goes to the Doom Dimension.” Lilac said. Clyde winced at her answer and looked down. Wolfurio finally decided to speak up.

“Clyde, pull yourself together. We can do this, we have to save Rarity.” He said. Clyde closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“I know, but what if-” “No! Clyde, stop thinking about the what ifs, if ands and if onlys. Start thinking about what’s most important to you and what’ll happen to it if you start doubting yourself.” Wolfurio said cutting Clyde off. Clyde took in Wolfurio’s words and opened his eyes.

“You’re right, we can do this. Alright Neon, you want a battle you got one.” Clyde said with determination in his eyes.

“That’s the spirit handsome, don’t hold anything back Neon.” Lilac said pulling a field card out of her pocket.

“You got it boss.” Neon said also pulling a field card. Clyde did the same and looked to Wolfurio.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Always.” Wolfurio answered.


As soon as that phrase was said, a big circle appeared underneath Clyde, Lilac and Neon and started glow. Those outside of the circle all started to move in slow motion until they all just stopped, while those in the circle were being engulfed by the light and began to disappear. After a few seconds, Clyde, Neon and Lilac appeared in the colosseum. Clyde and Neon were standing across from each other on the field and Lilac was in the Colosseum bleachers.

“This is going to interesting.” Lilac said. Hydranoid then jumped onto her shoulder.

“Yes, let’s see if Wolfurio can handle Professor Rex’s new Creation.” He said with a chuckle.

The Bakugan Battle between Clyde and Neon Lights will now begin!

Clyde Life Force: 500
Neon Life Force: 500

“Doom Card Set!” Neon said throwing the doom card onto the field. The card then began to glow purple and insert itself into the field causing the entire coliseum to glow purple for a few seconds.

There it goes.” Clyde thought to himself.

“Alright Clyde, let’s get started! Gate Card Set.” Neon said throwing a card onto the field. The card then glowed green and began to expand until it covered the field and disappeared.

“Allow me to introduce, Ventus Altair! Bakugan Brawl, Altair Stand!” Neon said throwing a green, yellow and silver ball onto the field. The transformed and began to glow green. Once the Light died down, the ball was replaced a what looked like a Mechanical Bakugan. The lenses in its red eyes glimmer brightly, It’s fangs and horns were sharp as swords and it had widespread wings had spinners that allowed it to hover.

“What is that thing?” Clyde asked in shock.

“This is my partner, Ventus Altair. A very close ally of ours created him and gave him to me to test run.” Neon said with a smile.

“So they have someone creating Bakugan for them?” Clyde thought to himself.

“This piece of junk is nothing more than a joke, it can’t beat a living Bakugan. I’ll take down that trash heap piece by piece.” Clyde said in a low tone.

“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Neon mocked.

“Come back up all that talk, if you think you can.” He said baiting Clyde. Clyde growled.

“Ready Wolfurio?” He asked.

“Let’s do it.” Wolfurio said before landing in Clyde’s hand.

“Bakugan Brawl!” Clyde said throwing Wolfurio onto the field. “Wolfurio Stand!” Wolfurio transformed and soon was back in his original form.

“Get ready Neon because you’re about to be one partner short.” Wolfurio said.

Wolfurio: 900
Altair: 700

“We’ll see about that, Ability Activate: Thunder Flare!” Neon said holding up a card. Altair aimed it’s tail at Wolfurio before firing multiple shots of electricity from it.

Wolfurio: 900-200=700

Clyde quickly raised his right arm to reveal his Bakupod and pressed three buttons. “Baku-Nano: Lanzato, Destroy!” He said. After a few seconds, both of Wolfurio’s hands began to glow and soon he was holding a spear and shield.

Wolfurio: 700+100=800
Altair: 900

Wolfurio blocked all the shots of electricity with his shield and began to chuckle. “If that’s all this things got than this will be a short battle.” He said.

“Got that right, Ability Activate: Spear Aegis!” Clyde said holding up a card. Wolfurio’s spear began to glow and he then began charging toward Altair.

Wolfurio: 800+500=1300
Altair: 900

“Oh no you don’t, Ability Activate: Sanctuary Protection!” Neon said. Soon a green orb surrounded Altair and once Wolfurio’s spear made contact the orb began shocking him.

“AHHH!” Wolfurio screamed in pain before falling to the ground.

“Wofurio!” Clyde said with worry in his voice.

Wolfurio: 1300-400=900
Altair: 900+400=1300

“What was that about this being a short battle, Gate Card Open: Ansamon Judgement!” The feild began to glow and soon Wolfurio felt as if all his energy was being drained out of him.

“AGH!” Wolfurio cried out.

“Wolfurio, What’s going on?” Clyde asked glaring at Neon.

“Ansamon Judgement is a command card that brings the power levels of all Bakugan who aren’t Ventus on the battlefield to zero.” Neon explained.

“Oh, nice move on Neon’s part.” Lilac said with a smile.

“Agreed, What will you do Wolfurio?” Hydranoid asked.

“Hold on Wolfurio, Ability Activate: Solar Flare!” Clyde said throwing a card onto the field. Once the card landed, the field started to glow and the Gate card began to break apart. Wolfurio felt all the energy he had lost return to him and he got up off of the ground.

Wolfurio: 900+400=1300
Altair: 1300-400=900

“Are you kidding me?” Neon said in shock.

“When I said I was going to take that junk heap down, I meant it! Go Wolfurio!” Clyde commanded.

“You got it!” Wolfurio said before jumping up and slashing Altair with his spear. Altair let out a cry before returning to ball form and rolling over to Neon.

“Dammit.” Neon growled as he picked up Altair. Once Wolfurio landed back on the ground, he also returned to back to ball form and landed in Clyde’s hand.

“Nice job Wolfurio.” Clyde said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Wolfurio said with a nod.

Clyde Life Force: 500
Neon Life Force: 100

“Talk about cutting it close, if it wasn’t for Solar flare Wolfurio would be gone.” Lilac said.

“Clyde and Wolfurio sure make a strong team.” Hydranoid said.

“Yea~ they do.” Lilac said cooed.

“You’re drooling Lilac.” Hydranoid joked.

“Shut up you!” Lilac said.

“I’m giving you a chance here Neon, give up and I won’t destroy that tin can of yours.” Clyde said.

“What’s the fun in that, I haven’t even showed you my secret weapon yet.” Neon said with a smile.

“Like you’ll have the chance to use it, Gate Card Set!” Clyde said throwing a card onto the field. “Bakugan Brawl, Bakugan stand!” Clyde said throwing Wolfurio back onto the battlefield. “Come on!” Wolfurio said.

“Bakugan Brawl, Bakugan Stand!” Neon said throwing Altair back onto the field.

Altair: 700

“Ability Activate: Radiant Blazer!” Clyde said holding up a card. Wolfurio’s body was soon covered in a golden aura and he began charging Altair with great speed.

Wolfurio: 900+500=1400
Altair: 700-500=200

“Ability Activate: Sanctuary Protection!” Neon said. Soon the same green orb from before surrounded Altair.

Wolfurio: 1400-400=1000
Altair: 200+400=600

“Like that’s going to help you, Wolfurio still has the higher power level.” Clyde said.

“Oh I’m not done yet, Fusion Ability Activate: Omni Engine!” Neon said. Just then, the orb surrounding Altair began glowing brighter and once Wolfurio made contact with it…


A huge explosion was set off in the middle of the battlefield causing everyone to shield themselves as best as the could.

“Wolfurio, are you ok!?” Clyde asked. There was no answer and Clyde quickly checked his Bakupod for the score.

Wolfurio: 1000-500=500
Altair: 600+500=1100

“Oh no, Wolfurio!” Clyde said in a worried tone. Just then he heard a small grunt and saw a shadow through the smoke.

“Don’t...worry Clyde, I’m alright.” Once the smoke cleared, Clyde saw Wolfurio on one knee and holding his arm. He also saw Altair hovering over Wolfurio with not so much as a scratch on him.

“Wow, I really didn’t expect Wolfurio to survive that.” Lilac said in shock.

“I guess he’s more durable than we originally thought.” Hydranoid said. Lilac nodded.

“Well, that was a blast wasn’t it Clyde?” Neon asked with a chuckle.

“Not funny.” Clyde said with a deadpanned stare.

“Says you, Altair finish them off.” Neon Commanded. Altair soon released a green laser from it mouth that was heading straight for Wolfurio.

“Gate Card Open: Flat Power!” The field began to glow and the laser heading for Wolfurio disappeared.

Wolfurio: 500+400=900
Altair: 1100-400=700

“Hey, what gives?” Neon asked.

“The Command Card ‘Flat Power’ returns the power levels of all Bakugan on the battlefield back to their base Levels.” Clyde explained.

“Clever, but not clever enough. I think it’s time for that secret weapon I was talking about.” Neon said with a smile.

“Fine bring it out, it won’t make a difference.” Clyde said.

“That’s what you think.” Neon said pulling a silver and green ball out of his pocket. “Mechanical Ventus Wired, Bakugan Brawl!” He said throwing the ball up into the air. The ball transformed and began to glow. Once the light died down, the ball was replaced with a large mechanical bird with a large beak, tiny spinners under it’s wings allowing it to hover, it’s wings consisted of five razor sharp feathers and clawed feet.

Wolfurio: 900
Altair: 700
Wired: 400

Clyde looked at the the new bakugan with an unimpressed look on his face.

“Is that it, an overgrown mechanical bird?” Clyde asked.

“That’s right and there’s more to him than meets the eye.” Neon said with a sinister smile.

“You’re bluffing.” Clyde said not buying his words.

“Then let me prove it. Altair, Wired, Combination Formation!” Neon commanded. Altair and Wired both flew up into the sky and began combining to form one new Bakugan. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce Meta-Altair.” Neon exclaimed and his new Bakugan descended.

Wolfurio: 900
Meta-Altair: 1650

Clyde and Wolfurio both looked at Meta-Altair in shock.

“Whoa.” Wolfurio said.

“You can say that again, they’re 750 points ahead of us.” Clyde said.

“So that’s Meta-Altair, The professor has really outdone himself this time.” Lilac said with a smile.

“I must admit that is rather impressive.” Hydranoid said.

“HAHAHAHA! Aw man, you should see the looks on your faces.” Neon said laughing his but off. Clyde quickly composed himself and glared at Neon.

“Aww come on Clyde, why the angry face?” Neon asked with a smirk. Clyde growled.

“Wolfurio, we have to end this now?” He said.

“Right.” Wolfurio nodded. Clyde then raised his right arm and pressed three buttons on his Bakupod.

“Baku-Nano: Lanzato, Destroy!” He said. After a few seconds, both of Wolfurio’s hands began to glow and soon he was once again holding his spear and shield.

Wolfurio: 900+100=1000
Meta-Altair: 1650

“Pulling out the Nano again huh, too bad it won’t do you any good. Let’s go Altair, Ability Activate, Lightning Lance!” Neon said. Meta-Altair opened it’s mouth and began charging his next attack.

Wolfurio: 1000
Meta-Altair: 1650+400=2050

After a few seconds, Meta-Altair fired a massive green laser at Wolfurio and it was increasing in size as it grew closer.

“Aw crap, Ability Activate: Royal Light!” Clyde said. A golden light then surrounded Wolfurio as he held out his shield to block the attack as best as he could, but was soon overpowered by the blast and sent into the colosseum wall.

“AGH!” Wolfurio screamed in pain.

“WOLFURIO!” Clyde yelled.

Wolfurio: 1000+200=1200
Meta-Altair: 2050-400-200=1450

“That was worse than the explosion earlier.” Lilac said.

“I know, you think he’s ok?” Hydranoid asked.

“We’ll find out.” Lilac said with a smile. Clyde ran over to the hole that Wolfurio had made when he crashed into the wall and began calling out to him.

“Wolfurio! Wolfurio! Come on man answer me.” Clyde said in a worried tone.

“Uhh…..” Clyde then saw Wolfurio slowly walking out of the hole, but his armor was cracked and his breathing was heavy. Once Wolfurio was out of the hole, he dropped to one knee and began coughing.

“That….wasn’t….fun.” He said before falling to the ground.

“Wolfurio!” Clyde yelled. After a few seconds, a huge portal opened up above Wolfurio and began to suck him in.

“No….NO!” Clyde said in a panic.

“HAHAHAHAHA! Guess you couldn’t handle me after all.” Neon said with a smile.

“I guess that’s it and here I thought we found two worthy rivals.” Hydranoid said.

“Hmmm...don’t count them out just yet Hydranoid. There’s more to these two than meets the eye, their journey together isn’t over yet.” Lilac said in a serious tone.

“You think so?” Hydranoid asked. Lilac then looked to Clyde and smiled at him.

“I know so.” She said. All Clyde could do was watch in horror as his partner was being sucked in by the huge portal.

“NO! Wolfurio open your eyes please! Wolfurio!” He yelled. Wolfurio didn’t respond. Clyde then looked to the ground and gritted his teeth.

Wolfurio please, I can’t do this alone. You’re more than just my partner, you’re my best friend. Please….don’t let it end like this.” Clyde thought hoping his feelings would reach his partner. Just as Wolfurio’s body reached the portal, his eyes began to glow and the entire field was surrounded by a golden aura.

“What’s going on?” Hydranoid asked.

“I was way off, those two have an even stronger bond than I thought.” Lilac said.

“What are you talking about?” Hydranoid asked in a confused tone.

“Watch and you’ll find out.” Lilac said with a smile.

“Hey, what’s with the light? Why isn’t Wolfurio gone?” Neon asked shielding his eyes from the bright light. After a few seconds, the portal above Wolfurio began to close and Wolfurio himself slowly fell back onto the ground.

“Wolfurio, are you ok?” Clyde asked walking over to his partner. It took a minute, but Wolfurio regained consciousness and looked to Clyde.

“Don’t worry partner…..I’m not...going anywhere.” He said before returning to ball form and rolling over to Wolfurio. There was a few minutes of silence before Neon and Hydranoid broke it.

“WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?” They both shouted. Soon Meta-Altair returned to ball form and landed in Neon’s hand.

Clyde Life Force: 250
Neon Life Force:100

Clyde quickly picked Wolfurio up off the ground and sighed in relief. “Thank Faust you’re ok.” He said.

“But, how am I still here?” Wolfurio asked.

“I can answer that.” Everyone looked to Lilac who had a big smile on her face.

“Alright I want answers boss, what the hell just happened?” Neon asked impatiently.

“I’d watch my tone if I were you Neon.” Lilac said as a black aura surrounded her. Neon quickly covered his mouth and nodded.

“Good boy. Now, remember when I said the ‘Doom Card’ will send every defeated bakugan to the Doom Dimension?” She asked. Neon and Clyde nodded. “While that is true, bakugan who have a very strong bond with their partner brawler can’t be sent to the Doom Dimension after one loss.” Lilac said. Clyde’s eyes widened at her words.

“Wait that means-” “Unless you’re Life Force drops to zero handsome, you get to keep Wolfurio.” Lilac said cutting Clyde off.

“Are you serious?” Neon asked.

“Oh I’m very serious.” Lilac said with a smile. Wolfurio then jumped onto Clyde’s shoulder.

“We still have a chance to win this Clyde.” He said. Clyde then took a deep breath and smiled.

“You bet we do! Alright Neon, bring it on!” Clyde said. Neon was taken aback by Clyde challenge, but quickly composed himself.

“Don’t think this changes anything, You and Wolfurio still don’t stand a chance against Altair.” Neon he said.

“You really think that don’t you? Well then, I think it time you learn why they call me the King of Canterlot High.” Clyde said with a confident smile. Lilac looked at Clyde longingly and smiled.

“Now that’s the boy I remember battling~” She said.

“You really have it bad don’t you?” Hydranoid asked.

“Is it that obvious?” Lilac asked with a smile on her face.

“King or not, you’re going down! Gate Card Set!” Neon said throwing a card onto the field.

“Altair, Bakugan Brawl! Wired, you’re up too!” He said throwing Altair onto the field and throwing Wired into the air.

“A double throw, huh?” Clyde asked.

“That’s right, Combination Formation!” Neon commanded. Both Bakugan transformed and began to combine once more. Clyde and Wolfurio looked at the Mechanical monster and nodded.

“Ready?” Clyde asked.

“Ready.” Wolfurio answered. “Bakugan Brawl, Wolfurio Stand!” Clyde said throwing Wolfurio back onto the field.

“Let’s end this!” Wolfurio said.

Wolfurio: 900
Meta-Altair: 1650

“Yes, let’s end this! Ability Activate: Voltage Gale!” Neon said holding up a card. Altair’s wings began to glow before shooting multiple streams of electricity at Wolfurio.

Meta-Altair: 1650+400=2050

“Oh please, is that it? Ability Activate: Radiant Crasher!” Clyde said. Wolfurio held out both of his hands and soon a golden shield appeared in front of him.

“You won’t defeat me boy!” Wofurio said blocking Altair’s attack.

Wolfurio: 500+400+500=1400

“No way!” Neon said in shock.

“Oh yes way, ‘Radiant Crasher’ is an ability unique only to Haos Wolfurio. It nullifies all the opponent's abilities and transfers 500 points from you to me.” Clyde explained. “Clyde’s getting his groove back.” Lilac said.

“Yes and so is Wolfurio. Looks like I found a worthy rival after all.” Hydranoid said.

“And I found the perfect man.” Lilac cooed.

“So Neon, What are you going to do now?” Clyde asked with a smirk. Neon growled.

“I’ll show you what I’m going to do! Double Ability Activate: Jupiter Pulse plus Voltage Curse!” He said holding up two cards. After a few seconds, Altair’s body was covered in lightning and he began flying toward Wolfrio with insane speed.

Wolfurio: 1400-500-300-400=200
Meta-Altair: 1150+500+300+400=2350

“Well, that’s not good.” Lilac said.

“You got that right.” Hydranoid said.

“HA! How do you like that, I’m ahead by over 2000 points. There’s no way for you to catch to me, got anything to say now?” Neon asked with a victorious smirk. Clyde raised his right arm to reveal his Bakupod.

“Baku-Nano: Lanzato, Destroy!” Clyde said. After a few seconds, Wolfurio was holding his spear and shield.

Wolfurio: 200+100=300
Meta-Altair: 2350

“You must be desperate if you think that Nano is going to help you.” Neon said. Clyde sighed and looked to Neon.

“Let me give you some advice Neon, never and I mean never underestimate a King! Double Fusion Ability Activate: Blazing Shine plus True Aura!” Clyde said holding up two cards. Wolfurio body was soon covered in a flaming golden aura and he began charging toward Altair.


“Double Fusion Ability, That’s impressive.” Hydranoid said with genuine praise in his voice.

“I know.” Lilac said.

“That’s it, Gate Card Open: Character!” Neon said. The field then began to glow, but as soon as it did the light began to fade away.

“Huh, What gives?” Neon asked.

“The Gate Card can’t be opened once Blazing Shine is activated.” Clyde said.

“NO!” Neon shouted. Soon Wolfurio and Altair both collided with each other causing a small explosion mid-air.

After a few seconds, both Bakugan emerged from the explosion. Wolfurio landed on the ground with barely a scratch on him, but Altair on the other hand crashed to the ground and returned to ball for after doing so.

“DAMMIT ALL!” Neon yelled. Wolfurio also returned to ball form and landed in Clyde’s hand.

“Great job Wolfurio.” Clyde said with a smile.

“Thank you.” Wolfurio said with a nod.

“Now that’s what I call a battle.” Lilac said.

“Agreed, I hope Wolfurio shows off that power the next time we battle.” Hydranoid said.

Clyde Life Force: 250
Neon Life Force: 0

Battle over, Winner: Clyde!

As soon as that was said the entire field started to glow and began to disappear. After a few seconds, the field was completely gone and everyone returned to their original spots as when they left.

“I can’t believe this.” Neon said picking Altair and Wired off of the ground.

“It’s your fault for underestimating him, but it was a good battle nonetheless. Head back to HQ Neon, I have some business to attend to.” LIlac said looking towards Clyde.

“Fine, whatever.” Neon said before he disappeared in a bright flash of light.

“Just you and me now handsome.” Lilac said with a smile.

“I have no time for that, Where’s Rarity?” Clyde asked. Lilac giggled and walked over to Clyde.

“Don’t worry handsome, she’s fine. She’s on the next block around the corner, she’s just napping.” Lilac said. Clyde nodded and turned to leave, but Lilac grabbed his am before he could.

“What now?” Clyde asked getting annoyed. Lilac smiled deviously and pulled Clyde in close.

“Just remember, we never finished our battle and I plan on finishing it.” She said. Clyde held his composure and glared at Lilac. “I’ll tell you this now, you’ll lose.” He said trying to get out of Lilacs grip. “We’ll see about that, but until then…” Lilac then leaned in and kissed Clyde on the cheek before she released him. “I’ll see you soon.” She said before winking at him and disappearing. Clyde just stood there with a large blush on his face.

“Clyde? Clyde, Are you alright?” Wolfurio asked. Clyde didn’t answer as he was in his own thoughts.

What is wrong with me, why am I blush like this? I have Rarity...but Lilac…..AGH STOP IT! You have Rarity, You have your Boo, you don’t need anyone else but her.” Clyde thought as he shook his head.

“Come one Wolfurio, we have to find Rarity.” Clyde said as he began walking.

“Uh...right.” Wolfurio said.


“If what Lilac said was true, then Rarity should be right around- Whoa!” Clyde said as he tripped and fell to the ground.

“Clyde, are you alright?” Wolfurio asked.

“Yea I’m fine, what did I trip- Oh my gosh!” Clyde said as he saw Rarity laying on the ground. Clyde quickly went over to her and tried to wake her up. “Rarity, wake up! Come on Boo, wake up!” He said shaking her.

“Mmmmm, five more minutes darling.” Rarity said half asleep. Clyde sighed in relief and smiled.

“Sleep as long as you want.” He said before putting Rarity on his back.

“Sure brings back memories, I don’t think I’ve carried you home like this since we started dating.” Clyde said as he began walking.

“We should tell the others about what happened today.” Wolfurio said.

“You’re right, but that can wait right now Li-I mean Rarity in my only concern.” Clyde said hoping Wolfurio didn’t catch his slip up.

“I understand, let’s get her home then.” Wolfurio said. Clyde nodded and continued to walked.

Thank goodness he didn’t catch that.”

Author's Note:

Finally I'm done, I hope you all enjoyed because the King has Returned and he's stronger than ever.

Clyde: Why did you make her kiss me?

Because I wanted too that's why.

Next Time: The Legendary Dragon.