• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 5,985 Views, 380 Comments

Bakugan: Equestria Girls - CosmicAlchemist24

Come and join this band of heroes as they face trials against an unknown evil from the dimension of New Vestroia. How will they face this threat, come and find out. BAKUGAN BRAWL!!

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The Discussion.

After Clyde and Lilac’s battle ended, Principal Celestia decided to postpone the competition until further notice. After everyone left the school, the Rainboom, The Dazzlings, The Shadow 5 and the PomE Boys all met in the gym to discuss what happened today. Since Fluttershy, Straight and Rarity all missed the battle today, Twilight gave a very specific recap for the three.

“SHE DID WHAT!?” Rarity screamed in anger.

“Calm down Diamond Head.” Artemis said trying to calm Rarity down.

“This Lilac girl not only battle and almost beat Clyde, but she had the nerve to FLIRT with him and you expect me to CALM DOWN!!” Rarity yelled in Artemis’s face.

“Yes I do because we have more important things to worry about Rarity and we don’t have time for this.” Artemis said in a stern tone. Rarity glared at Artemis for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.

“You’re right, from what you all have told me this Lilac girl kills Bakugan correct?” Rarity asked.

“That right, she uses something called a ‘Doom Card’ to alter the battlefield.” Twilight said.

“How could she be so cruel?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“I have a better question, how is she so strong?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow’s right it took a total of four Bakugan to even put a scratch on her Bakugan.” Swift said.

“Not only that, Hydranoid was able to use Triple Ability and that shouldn’t be possible.” Twilight said.

“That just proves how powerful Hydranoid really is, even Helios’s power wasn’t enough.” Adagio said crossing her arms. Helios then jumped onto her shoulder.

“Hydranoid is powerful, but how is it the this Lilac has the same power as him?” Helios asked.

“That’s what I was wondering.” Sunset said.

“Do you think she’s from Equestria?” Straight asked. “I doubt it the girl was leaking dark magic, but it wasn’t Equestrian.” Aria said. Just then a black and purple ball jumped onto Aria’s shoulder and transformed. It looked like a knight similar to Wolfurio only it only had gold horns and bat wings.

“You’re right in that regard Aria.” The dark knight said.

“What do you mean Linehalt?” Aria asked her partner. Everyone’s turned their attention to Linehalt.

“As you all know, we bakugan have our own unique powers and Abilities. Everytime we battle our power increases, however there is only so much we can do alone.” Linehalt said.

“What do you mean?” Warhawk asked.

“You see alone we bakugan are powerful, but with our partners we’re unstoppable” Linehalt said. Everyone seemed confused by this, but then a light bulb went off in Adagio’s head.

“I get it you’re saying that we can tap into the potential of our partners, is that right?” Adagio asked.

“Correct Miss Dazzle, battlers and their bakugan are connected by a bond known as the ‘Switch Code’. While a Bakugan can battle with anyone, it's only with our bonded partner can we maximize our potential.” Linehalt explained. This got everyone in the room thinking.

“So you’re saying you guy’s can be more powerful than you already are, but you can only do it with our help?” Rainbow asked.

“I just asked that Dash.” Adagio said rolling her eyes. “I just wanted to make sure.” Rainbow said crossing her arms.

“Ok so now that we have this info, what do we do with it?” Zero asked.

“That’s easy, we all have to find partner bakugan so we can battle Lilac head on without worrying too much.” Pinkie said smiling.

“Pinkie that's….absolutely right.” Sunset said a bit shocked. “So how do we find our bonded partners anyway?” Indigo asked.

“It’s not that simple, you see your partner has to find you.” Linehalt said.

“Well that doesn’t help the situation.” Sour Sweet said glaring at Linehalt.

“Watch it Sour, Linehalt’s trying to help us and your negativity is not helping.” Aria said glaring at her.

“And I’m thankful for the info he’s given us.” Sour Sweet said in a cheery tone. Before anything else could be said Eclipse got up from his seat and began to leave.

“Hey, where are you going Eclipse?” Midnight asked. He didn’t answer and walked out the door.

“What’s his problem?” Rainbow asked.

“Well Lilac did beat him pretty bad and not only that she sent both of his best bakugan to the Doom Dimension. I’d be down too of that happened to me.” Quill said looking down.

“Just give him some space he’ll bounce back, he always does.” Artemis said. Everyone nodded except for Midnight who couldn’t help but worry about her boyfriend.


After everyone went left the school, The Humane seven all headed to Pinkie’s house to discuss things further.

“So what do we do now?” Rainbow said laying on her sleeping bag.

“Well I think we should go with Pinkie’s plan to find our bonded partners.” Twilight said.

“B..but Linehalt said that they have to find us.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Ah but you forget Fluttershy, there are three of us here who have our partners.” Rarity said. Just then Coredem, Rubanoid and Strikeflier jumped onto Applejack’s, Sunset’s and Twilight’s shoulders.

“She’s right Fluttershy and we might be able to help you all find your partners.” Coredem said.

“We have a lot of friends that live both on Earth and in New Vestroia, I’m sure some of them could help us.” Rubanoid said.

“Wait does that mean we’re actually going to New Vestroia?” Applejack asked.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves girls, New Vestroia is still uncharted territory.” Twilight said.

“Then let’s make it charted territory besides, I’ve always wanted to see what New Vestroia was like.” Rainbow said with a smile.

“I have to agree with Twilight on this one, let's not go to New Vestroia unless we really need to. Rubanoid you said you had friends here right, would you mind taking us to meet them?” Sunset asked her partner.

“Of course we can go tomorrow morning.” Rubanoid said.

“Sweet I can't wait!” Rainbow said fist pumping.

“There’s just one thing I don't get, how does she know about the Elements?” Applejack asked. Everyone just looked at one another and realized that AJ was right, how did she know about the Elements.

“Maybe you should call that Princess friend of yours, she might have a few answers for us and she could give us a hand with this girl.” Strikeflier suggested.

“That’s actually a good idea, we’re going to need all that help he can get this time.” Sunset said pulling a book out of her bag.

“You think she’ll answer this time?” Pinkie asked.

“I hope so, we need her this time.” Sunset said as she finished writing her letter. After a few minutes, the book began to glow and vibrate.

“Wow that was quick.” Applejack said.

“After what happened last time, I bet she keeps the book very close to her.” Rarity said. Sunset opened the book and began to read aloud.

“Sunset I’m sorry to say that the girl you described isn’t familiar to me, but I can tell you all are in danger. I’ll meet you all in front of the School tomorrow morning at eleven-thirty.” As Sunset finished, she turned to her friends and smiled.

“Well she’s coming tomorrow, that’s some good news.” She said.

“Yes, but we still don’t know anything about Lilac.” Rarity said crossing her arms.

“To be honest I could care less about who she is, I say we just focus on taking her down.” Applejack said. Everyone nodded in agreement and began to get ready for bed.

Dazzling’s mansion

When Adagio, Aria and Sonata got home, they immediately sat in their living room for about twenty minutes in silence.

“Ok I’ll say it, today was insane.” Aria said looking down.

“Oh good I thought we’d be sitting here in silence for the rest of the day.” Sonata said sighing in relief.

“Aria’s right today was insane and that Lilac girl didn’t make it any better.” Adagio said.

“Don’t even mention her, that girl gives me the creeps.” Aria said crossing her arms.

“We have to talk about her eventually Ari, she knows who we are and that’s really bad.” Sonata said.

“She’s right Aria, this girl has abilities we’ve never seen before and we need to do something about her.” Adagio said in a serious tone.

“Why do we have to do something, let the Rainbooms handle it like they always do.” Aria said.

“Aria did you not feel the power coming off of that girl, the Rainbooms are out of their league they need help and you know it.” Adagio said glaring at her sister. Aria hated to admit it, but Adagio was right.

“Ugh fine, but I doubt we’ll be much help and I for one don’t want to lose Linehalt.” Aria said. Just then Helios, Akwimos and Linehalt jumped onto the living room table.

“You don’t have to worry about me so much Aria.” Linehalt said.

“I know...but seeing Anchorsaur and Hammersaur getting sent to the Doom Dimension and seeing how much pain Wolfurio was in during his battle with her, I just don’t want you to have to go through that.” Aria said looking down.

“Aww so there is a heart under all that grumpy.” Akwimos said.

“Shut up!” Aria said looking away. Linehalt then jumped onto Aria’s shoulder.

“I’m glad you care so much about me Aria, but our friends need us. We can't just sit by and let this girl do as she pleases.” He said.

“I know and you’re right, so what are we going to do?” Aria asked. Akwimos then jumped onto Sonata’s shoulder.

“Well I say we do some training, that Hydranoid is powerful and I'd rather not be at a disadvantage should I have to battle the dude.” He said.

“I'm with Akwimos, I think training will do is some good.” Sonata said smiling.

“Agreed, shall we sisters.” Adagio said holding up a card. Aria and Sonata held up their cards with smiles on their faces.


As soon as that phrase was said, a big circle appeared underneath the three sisters and they were soon engulfed by the light and began to disappear. After a few seconds, the Dazzlings appeared in the Colosseum.

“So how are we going to do this?” Aria asked.

“A three-way battle royal obviously.” Sonata said smiling.

“Let’s go then sisters, Gate Card Set!” Adagio said throwing a card onto the field.

Soul’s house

“So we're going to do something about her right?” Soul asked.

“What are we supposed to do, that girl is way too strong.” Night said looking down.

“Night’s right, she almost took Wolfurio away from me. I don’t know what I would have done if that happened.” Clyde said in a somber tone. Zero then put a hand on Clyde’s shoulder.

“Hey come on man, you can’t give up like that. You and Wolfurio did your best-” “AND MY BEST WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH!” Clyde screamed in anger cutting Zero off. The boys were shocked, they had never seen Clyde act this way before.

“Clyde you need to calm down.” Rivet said.

“You expect me to calm down after what that girl almost did to my partner.” Clyde said glaring at Rivet.

“GET A GRIP! Did you lose Wolfurio, no you didn’t. Are you and he still a together, yes you are. So stop thinking about what could have happened and focus on what you’re going to do next.” Rivet said glaring back at Clyde. Swift, Soul, Zero and Night were about to step in, but Clyde then turned around and punched the wall.

“Clyde..” Soul said with concern in his voice.

“I’m sorry, but….I have to go.” With that Clyde grabbed his stuff and left.

“Poor guy.” Swift said. Rivet just crossed his arms and looked away from everyone.

“So much for our fearless leader.” He said.

“Rivet that’s enough, can’t you see he’s trying to get over this? We need to help him.” Swift said.

“Oh please the guy’s being a wuss. You don’t see Eclipse crying or complaining.” Rivet said.

“He’s taking it even worse, did you even see his face when he lost to Lilac he was crushed. I can only imagine what's going through his mind right now.” Zero said glaring at Rivet.

“He’s right Rivet, they’re both hurting right now and you’re acting as if you don’t care. Seriously what is wrong with you, can you at least show a shred of sympathy?” Soul asked also glaring at Rivet. Rivet looked to his friends and sighed.

“Look I am worried about this Lilac girl too, but up getting upset isn’t going to help the situation. I get that Clyde and Eclipse are hurting, but they need to move past it and get it together.” Rivet said.

“That’s easier said than done Rivet.” Zero said.

“I get that, but still if we’re going to fight this girl we can’t start doubting ourselves. We have to keep our calm and cool.” Rivet said. Soul and Zero’s faces softened after hearing Rivets words.

“You’re right we need to stay calm.” Zero said looking down. Night and Swift were relieved that this argument was over.

“Yea, sorry man.” Soul said also looking down. “It’s fine I know you guys are worried, sorry for being so cold.” Rivet said.

“It’s cool pal, you were just thinking of the team.” Zero said. Soul nodded in agreement.

“So what now?” Night said finally speaking up. “What Linehalt said we should do, find our partner bakugan.” Swift said. The boys all nodded in agreement and decided to call it a night.

Unknown location

“Dr.Rex, I’ve brought the new recruits.” Blueblood said. Dr.Rex turned around to see four people standing behind Blueblood. The first was a young man with spiky gray hair, pale mint skin and he was wearing a Crystal Prep uniform. The second was another young man with light blue skin and dark blue hair. He was also wearing a Crystal Prep uniform. Third was another boy with silver eyes and hair. He had brown skin and he was wearing a blue hoodie, gray pants and white sneakers. The fourth boy had light brown skin, Bronze grey hair and was also wearing a Crystal Prep uniform.

“Allow me it introduce Neon Lights, Ledger, Noteworthy and IIfrit.” Blueblood said. Dr.Rex approached the four young men.

“Good work Blueblood, I can tell they’re a capable lot.” He said.

“Thank you doctor..Hey where’s Lilac?” Blueblood asked. Before he could get an answer, Lilac walked into the room.

“Even a dark master needs her beauty sleep Blueblood. So these are our new teammates?” She asked stretching her arms. Noteworthy then stepped up to Lilac and smiled at her.

“Yes we are and who might you be?” He asked. Lilac smiled at him.

“I’m Lilac Steele, your leader and you're not my type.” She said. Blueblood and the rest of the boys began to laugh at Noteworthy who in turn just looked away with a blush on his face. Dr.Rex pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Teenagers.” He said under his breath.

“Now this is a way to start off a team meeting.” Neon said still laughing.

“Got that right.” IIfrit said. “So now that we’re all here, would you mind explaining why you need us?” Ledger asked.

“That’s the easy part my friend, you see a long time ago there was a mighty Bakugan named Naga and he was on the verge of ruling both New Vestroia and Earth, but another bakugan with power equal to his was standing in the way of that. The two of them battled for days, but it was Naga who suffered defeat and was utterly destroyed. The Bakugan that defeated Naga then went on to turn New Vestroia into what it is today. Our goal is to revive Master Naga.” Lilac said smiling at her teammates.

“You want our help to revive an evil Bakugan, for what reason could you possibly want to revive him.” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow. Dr.Rex stepped forward.

“For one Master Naga has immense power at his disposal, he has the potential to make anything happen and this time that bakugan that stopped him all those years ago is dead and gone.” He said.

“Ok so what’s in it for us?” Neon asked. Blueblood then smiled and spoke up.

“Well you see there are certain people that might stand in our way, The Rainbooms, those three Sirens, the Shadowbolts, and their boyfriends. I believe you all except for IIfrit has history with them.” He said. Noteworthy put a hand of a certain part of his chest and growled, Neon and Ledger just smiled deviously, IIfrit just raised an eyebrow. Lilac noticed this and walked up to IIfrit.

“I can see you’re confused, let’s just say the other boys have had bad experiences with the Rainbooms and their friends.” She said. IIfrit nodded.

“So when do start?” Neon asked. Dr.Rex then walked over to table and picked up a small box.

“You start right now.” He said opening the box, only to reveal four Doom Cards and four Bakugan balls.

“These will be your new partner bakugan, for Ledger Pyrus Bolcanon, for Noteworthy Haos Lumagrowl, for Neon Ventus Altair and for IIfrit Aquos Ballista. These Bakugan will aid you in our mission, I hope they’re all to your liking.” Dr.Rex said with a sinister smile. They boys all took their respective bakugan and smiled as well. Hydranoid then jumped onto Lilac’s shoulder.

“And so it begins.” He said.

“That it does my faithful partner." Lilac said with a dark chuckle.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but here it is. Lilac has her team and our heroes are in for the fight of our lives. I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you all next time.

OC's: Ledger belongs to Tiberious Silverfang and IIfrit belongs to Mkchief34

Ledger's Partner: Pyrus Bolcanon. (Ball form)

Noteworthy's Partner: Haos Lumagrowl. (Ball form)

Neon's Partner: Ventus Altair. (Ball form)

IIfrit's Partner: Aquos Ballista. (Ball Form)

Next time: Rainbow Rocks.