• Published 22nd Apr 2021
  • 2,500 Views, 80 Comments

I summon... - Xinrick

  • ...

Chapter 21

Well… that went… well…

“I think that’s the fastest anyone began worshiping us… ever…” Harlow said.

“I…suppose so…” I said carefully. “I…didn’t expect them all to worship me so readily or…so fervently…”

“Given you basically made the Griffon an endangered species I’d say… that was more or less expected…” Harlow said carefully.

I groaned and rubbed my temples. “Well…hopefully things will get better for them after this…” I admitted, hoping that they wouldn’t try to go genocide happy…”

“So let me guess, Order is demanding a way to repopulate the griffons?”

“Most likely…” I sighed, looking to the planet and seeing if the planet was demanding the Griffons to return…

… There… wasn’t much… Population at the moment consists of a few hundred… Barely enough…This is not good…

Worst case scenario I get more involved and create a new offshoot but similar enough species of Griffon… best case… Fuck…

“So, not good I take it?” Harlow asked me.

“Not good indeed…” I sighed. “Fuck…either I get more involved or…ick…”

“Welp… This is gonna be a long project…” Harlow sighed. “Want some help?”

“Yes…I would like some help.” I sighed. “All because I got protective…and now gives us an assload of work…”

“Alright well how should we go about it then?”

“Well…we should start by bringing the Griffon’s country back to life…” I said. “Rebuild all that…then try again with the Griffons, figure out where it all went wrong from there and…just…hope for the best.”

“Well that’s the easy part. They were preparing for war because their natural homeland is mountainous, little prey and they’re primarily carnivores. Just not enough food, and with how fast they can reproduce, they didn’t have many options since those mountains were just rock with not even minerals to mine.”

Right… if I can remake the mountains but have them be rich in ores and animals that would be good… fuck… I’ll have to ask for offerings to keep that going though… ugh… I’m gonna have to be so active in this…

“I really didn’t want to be this active in a world…” I sighed.

“Well, not really our choice now. I’ll gather all the Griffons into a single area while you remake their homeland. Odds are they’ll trust me more than you given…”

“Yeah…” I sighed. “Yeah I know…let’s just hope that it won’t suddenly cause a war here…”

“Right now they’re too busy questioning everything they’ve ever known in a global existential dread. Besides, if any of them try it I got it covered.”

“Alright…” I sighed. “Thanks Harlow…well, let’s get to work fixing my massive mistake…”

“Hey, it’s nice to be fixing your mess for a change.” He chuckled.

“Yes, it’s nice unlike the last few times I had to clean up your messes.” I said, managing to chuckle as well.

“Well, best get to work then.” He said, giving me a quick kiss before vanishing to gather all the Griffons.

I sighed, looking at the planet…

I can’t wait to see the girls again… but still… If in the end I’m not gonna do much, just make life more manageable for everyone… what am I going to do after?

I scratched my head, as I wasn’t sure what the hell to do after…all of this. “This bites…” I grumbled as I went to Equis 2 to start rebuilding the country.

It took a bit, but I was able to rebuild the mountainous country of the Griffons. I then added in a large variety of mountain based animals. Birds, goats, long rivers connecting to oceans filled with fish. I packed the mountains with iron, gold, coal and gemstones and all types of minerals. Even some rock salt deposits, and various small oasis’s where rabbits, cows and other beasts of prey vegetation.

I even included long cave systems where various insects that are good for eating and underground wells, and mushrooms grow as an added bonus.

Have to admit… the whole set up looks great.

“Rather proud of my world building.” I said with a smile.

“Boo.’ I heard Harlow over our mental connection.

“Oh shush you, that was a good pun.” I huffed.

I arrived at a fairly large clearing area on the first mountain base. There’s two hundred and sixteen griffons left… Let’s see… Should I make basic houses here? Maybe apartments? That would house them all better… plus I did want to make a griffon-like species for uh… repopulation reasons… oh boy.

“Oh dear…got a lot of idea’s and…then the repopulation thoughts…” I thought to myself carefully. “I should probably start with Apartments, would be better housing short term…”

Alright let’s see, two and three bedroom units, two bathrooms each… can be fairly tall, ten… maybe even ten stories, and since they can fly… a design like this can work… I’ll make the water, heating and lights all magic based as with fridge and stoves, beds in bathrooms… fully stock the kitchens, maybe some clothes. This Equis does have movies so some movies, TV, radios, bookshelves with various books… maybe a public library too… let’s make some infrastructure… roads in and out of the town here, a school… hmm… should make a water pump/milling place, one of the things here has a lot of wheat there so let’s add that, add in some maps and some gear…

… Oh… I made this place rather… self sufficient and no one is even here yet…

“...Woop…” I muttered, surprised at how lost I got in just wanting to make a good home for these people…when there wasn’t any people here…

Still, at least with all this here, they should hopefully be able to quickly pick up and thrive…

Now for the repopulation efforts… what would be best, full adults or eggs ready to hatch?

Either way I need them to be compatible, obviously, but also ensure they don't have the same issues the other griffons did. That means an omnivore's diet is best, and a less frequent reproductive cycle. The griffons here reproduce similar to humans, once a month, but the griffonesses here lay after just a week and next month could lay again. Plus the eggs only take three months to hatch. Add to each one can lay between three and six eggs… no wonder they overpopulated and quickly ran out of food.

“Good lord…” I muttered, scratching my head as I tried to come up with a solution to the rapid population increase…”Just…gotta figure this out, probably lower the time for breeding to maybe two or three months…the number of kids is fine…”

Let's see here… of the two hundred and thirteen, there's one hundred and two females and a hundred and eleven males. Subtracting those who won't be reproducing for various reasons and that leaves me with… a hundred and twenty. Exactly sixty males and sixty females able and willing to reproduce. Let's see… I see none are in relationships… Actually it looks like most griffons here used sex as a form of payment… fair, their economy was in the toilet given the lack of resources and trade. Now that that's gonna be fixed…

I know Harlow is using some more passive magic on the surviving griffons to change slowly overtime their apathy and aggression. Maybe I can just make them the partners they need? Add that Harlow can probably change the existing ones biology to match the new ones… that could work.

“Got a plan…hopefully this’ll all work.” I muttered, starting to humm ‘It’s tough to be a God’ from the Road to El Dorado as I got to work.

“Alright. Been two hundred years since the… incident and looks like the new Griffon Kingdom is thriving. Population is steady, food is steady, their economy booming… and they're all referring to you as the Wolf Phoenix God and me as the Ram of Change…” Harlow said, reading off the report at breakfast.

Shit it's already been that long? Yeesh, Immortality makes time move so damn fast….

“Okay so…didn’t expect it to be two hundred years already and two…well, neat names I suppose.’

“Heh, given what happened it's fairly fitting…” Harlow said, getting a bit quiet.

“What up?” I inquired.

“Just been thinking… would it be alright if we had a kid?”

“I mean, I'd love to have a kid, but why the sudden want for a kid?”

“Well… back when we first were repairing things for the griffons a lot of kids were there… and I know how much you miss Sonata and your unborn daughter with her… Sometimes I wonder where I place in regards to your loves and… for a while I thought I shouldn't ask since she's actually having your kid and… all we could do is adopt…”

“We have spent tend of thousands of years together.” I said, pulling him into a hug. “I love you, there is no ‘ranks’ or places in my heart.” I stated. “If you want to have a kid that's great, either adoption or the old fashioned way if either of us are inclined, but either way, I'd be happy to have kids with you my fluffy sheep.”

“Heh… the old fashioned way is kind of not an option for us- No, neither I, nor you, are taking that potion for that babe…” Harlow added quickly at the end.

“But you'd look amazing as a girl.” I teased, but dropped that bit cause he was right. “And sure, some people would argue ‘we’re just not trying hard enough’ but that's not how things work.”

He sighed. “You have a pregnancy and a breeding fetish don't you?”

“N-no.” I said nervously, blushing at the insinuation that I did have those fetishes.

“You're bad at lying… and your tail says otherwise.” He said with a chuckle.

Tail!? How could you?! Traitor!

“Sh-shush you.” I whined, grabbing my tail to make it cease its betrayal.

“Look, I'm not gonna kink shame you. You do plenty of my kinks, and it's part of who you are. I get and understand it, doesn't mean I'm going to help you satisfy it though. But I do want to raise a kid, maybe more with you. Whether adopted or through other means.”

“And I'd love to raise a kid with you as well.” I stated. “And yes…I have done plenty of your kinks.”

He smirked, giving me a kiss. “Care to do a few now?”

“Depends on the kinks we’re talking about.” I chuckled. “Needy sheep.”

“Oh you're one to talk mister ‘Knot Master’~”

My face went red and my body and tail went stiff at hearing my uh… accidental but also… kinda well earned nickname… heh… what can I say… I like to finish deep…

“It's not my fault you can take all of it…” I grumbled.

“Yeah yeah well I'm not the only one who can take all of something~”

Oh boy.






I yelped as I was woken up by a sudden kick to my jaw. It's been three years and Harlow and I have our first child. Our son, Nick. Turns out the family has a place where we were able to get a child that's related to us without the need for a surrogate or potion to change gender.

A two hour wait after going there, and we walked out with Nick in our arms.

Our little two year old is a needy, attention demanding little wolf-goat… and I love him so much…

Still, when he sleeps in bed with us, he's a very aggressive sleeper, and as such since his hind legs end in hooves, have ended in sleeping kicks to the chest, stomach, chin, neck, and crotch of both Harlow and I.

I rubbed my chin, seeing Nick asleep in his onesie and unaware of his sleep assault on my face.

I chuckled.

“Silly silly Nick.” I thought to myself warmly, lightly nuzzled the sleeping toddler.

It was still early, so I gently moved him around a bit and got back into bed. Nick between Harlow and I as I wrapped an arm around both. Not gonna lie… first few weeks of Nick's life were best summarized as screams in panic and what the fuck am I doing? But, it worked out and now, he's two, almost potty trained and healthy. And his grandparents spoil him… mom and dad adore him, and Harlow’s mother is arguably worse. Giving him sweet fruits, candy and such.

I hope when Sonata has our daughter she is just as much a joy as Nick. Hope they get along. By then Nick will be very much an adult.

“I’m sure everyone back home will love you two.” I thought to myself, as I could only imagine how happy everyone would be to meet Harlow and Nick…how much more spoiled my silly pupper would get.

Hmm… two already… all too soon he'll be eighteen…

Childhood doesn't last long at all…

No wonder our parents usually have more kids semi often. In Harlow's case, there's constantly new siblings of his, and for me, mom and dad have a new kid or kids once every twenty years or so.


I looked down at Nick, giving his forehead a light kiss. Maybe he'd enjoy being a big brother? Siblings do make childhood more fun…

“Gonna have to talk to Harlow when he wakes up…” I thought to myself. “Jeez…already thinking of having another kid with Harlow…and…who knows how many kids I want to have with all my wives back home…”

Heh… you know, just having and enjoying family does sound like a nice plan for later. Cause out of all the training and education I've done since getting this life… nothing prepared me more to wipe the floor with Pegasus and his allies than Brandy and her bullshit luck of the draw…

Heh… Gonna be a clean sweep of those jerks when I get back… should probably keep playing Brandy then. Don't want to get rusty… also, Nick might like card games too. Be fun to bond over.

To be cotinuned...