• Published 22nd Apr 2021
  • 2,500 Views, 80 Comments

I summon... - Xinrick

  • ...

Chapter 7

"So Sunset's adopted mom invited you over for dinner?" Wallflower asked as she ate some chips in the bunker lounge while I was trying to catch up on homework and not freak out over having dinner with a literal goddess cause I'm banging her daughter.

“Yes…and I’m currently trying not to freak out over this cause…both the fact that I’m having dinner Sunset’s adoptive mother…and also I’m having dinner with a literal goddess of the sun…” I said worriedly, very nervous about fucking this up cause I’d rather not be burned to a crisp.

"I mean, you've already slept with her. Repeatedly so, worst she can do is marry you two on the spot."

“No, worst thing she can do is set me on fire with the power of the sun.” I frowned. “Marriage…while it would be sudden, is not a bad thing as far as I know…”

"You think she'd do that? Isn't she like, horse Principal Celestia?"

“I mean…yes, she is, but she’s also a literal Goddess of the Sun so there’s also that.”

"Well, is Sunset worried?"

“More worried about the fact that she’s going to be talking to Celestia again.” I said honestly.


“She originally ran away from her home because of a fight between them.” I said honestly. “I mean…how would you feel if you had a serious fight with your mother, ran to a different dimension, and then practically get invited to dinner with open arms and a motherly smile?” I said. “...Please don’t tell me you literally did something like that…”

"Six times." She shrugged. "Red Reality still banned me from returning. I threw a nuke into it."

I put my face in my hands and groan. “Need to remember….you’re a Bright…”

"Besides, I'm pretty sure she's just happy to have her daughter back in her life, and wants to thank you for bringing her back."

“I know.” I nodded. “Just…don’t want to make a bad impression when everything’s not trying to recover from a hostile takeover.”

"Oh please, it's not like that's the end of the world."

“The world? No. My life? Maybe.”

"Eh. I can bring you back. Not that hard to resurrect the dead."

I sighed. “Why am I not surprised that’s your answer…” I shook my head. “So…at least we got Canterlot down…just got another…ten’s of thousands of miles to scour for the next place to rescue…”

"Celestia probably has a map of all the cities and towns."

“And that’s only Equestria…they said it was the entire planet that got carded…plus infested with god know’s what.” I shook my head. “Still got a lot of work ahead of me…and I don’t like it.”

"Look on the bright side, you'll get to skip school, save the world and plow your harem daily."

“I’m not a generic harem protagonist damn it…” I tried to argue. “I have more want’s and desires than to plow…what I can only assume is an ever growing ‘future villiness’ harem…” I said, considering what the Siren’s were, what Sunset possibly could have been if I wasn’t here for her…and whatever the fuck Wallflower was going to do if she managed to find some weird magic shit around here.

“All you need is the Dommy Mommy of the group for your ‘future villiness’ harem.” Wallflower teased as I felt my face turn beat red.

“Woman, I swear to god…” I whined.

"Actually, that's probably gonna happen if this Nightmare Moon person runs away to this reality."

I face planted in my textbook.

“Why~.” I whined.

"Because you are a Harem Protagonist who is destined to recruit and plow every former villainess in their path. Actually, I think I saw a hentai with that same plot?"

“Wallflower please…” I said. “I’m trying to study for the past three days I missed…”

"Why not just ask one of the junior researchers to do it? I do, and they've maintained me a solid B average since middle school."

“So just…get someone else to do all my work and be done with it?” I asked. “Why? Sure, I’ve been straight A besides history cause…well, I don’t know the history of this world all that much but still.”

"It frees up time, keeps the rookies busy and it's one less worry off your mind."

“I mean…while that would work…” I sighed. “Honestly, I’ve been threw high school once, it sucks…whatever…” I sighed. “Oh yeah, I also need to be apart of the Drama Club…and still be pissed that Chrysalis thought I should be stage hands instead of a lead when I’m literally the only guy there.” I said, and while I know I’m being petty and holding a small grudge, I don’t care I knocked that audition out of the park damn it.

"Oh that was on purpose. She's one of our agents."

“Bruh…” I whined. “Why must you people hurt me like this?”

"That was before we started working with you. She saw two students arrive, no parents, no background, clearly falsified documents. She was keeping an eye on you two. Better us than the FBI."

“And yet somehow you few are the only one’s that noticed and or cared.” I brought up.

"That's our job."

“True…” I sighed. “At least now I know…”

Dinner with Celestia and Sunset. So far… nice. We were in Equestria, eating some fruit salads.

"So, Sunset tells me you are from an alternate version of the earth beyond the portal?" Celestia asked.

“Yes.” I nodded. “I lost a card game against one of these All Makers and…well, he decided why not keep the fun going?”

"Sounds quite mischievous."

"Considering we have met him, he is but can also be serious." Sunset added.

“Yeah, Voodoo is…rather scary when he get’s upset.” I said nervously.

"I see." Celestia said, taking a bit of her meal before speaking again. "So, you two already have a caring relationship."

"Yes, we might have started a bit early given what we… do, but I've never been one for taking things slow." Sunset said with a chuckle.

"I remember. You would burn the candle at both ends during your studies."

“That is very true.” I agreed.

"So, tell me about yourself Mike." Celestia asked. "Any plans for the future?"

“Well, I’m nothing much really.” I said honestly. “Just a simple guy wanting to get through life while also enjoying his hobbies.” I said honestly. “Sure, I would have liked to become an engineer to do some neat things but that’s just…very far away.”

"An engineer? Such as working with machines correct?"

“Yeah, always thought machinery was neat and I also…wanted to create a real life Duel Disk, which is a piece of machinery that involves the creatures I summon.” I explained.

"From those cards correct? I don't suppose you have any with you?"

“I sadly don’t.” I shook my head. “One of the thing’s about the portal is that it turned my entire card collection and Duel Disk into my magic and…cutie mark.” I said carefully, still not used to saying that.

"I see. How strange. I don't believe it has ever done that before."

“Yeah, it was really weird…though I suppose it makes a bit of sense considering I don’t have magic in the human world…though I am curious as to why I’m a super magical Earth Pony instead of a Unicorn.”

"I see. Definitely unique amongst ponies. Should other mares discover this, your harem may grow more than Sunset expects."

“Not you too~.” I whined as I heard the solar monarch giggle at my plight.

"Heh… she's not joking though. Especially in Canterlot, ponies with desirable abilities or Cutie Mark Talents are sought-after by others for them. I imagine a lot of Earth Pony Mares would want you since you're one of the few earth ponies ever to perform magic, and Unicorn mares would definitely want you too." Sunset explained.

“So…all those pompous ponies I saw before would only want me as a breeder to give them a strong child?” I asked, finding that outrageously insulting.

"Some, yes. Others would genuinely want to get to know you and have a connection since it's actually been proven that magically powerful or skilled parents with a genuine connection are more likely to produce a strong child than two that just breed to see if the child has strength."

"Unfortunately that was the boat Sunset herself was in." Celestia said. "Majority of Canterlot orphans are that since their parents try and produce magically powerful offspring. Those that don't make the cut are left at orphanages."

“Ya see, this is why Nobility either became weird social groups of a family tree that resembled a family circle, or made great halloween decorations when the Guillotine was still in fashion back in my home world.” I said honestly. “Sure we still have the ‘royal family’ where at least one country still has a Queen and stuff, but that’s mostly constitutional fluff and titles while their actual government did all the heavy lifting…” I shook my head, not wanting to remind myself of the shitshow Britain put itself in due to stupid people. “Eugenics is ethically fucking awful and these nobles should feel bad about it…nobody want’s ‘racial improvements’ based on what stupid people with too much power and time believe…”

"Well, that was a fairly well said summary of old Equestrian policies." Celestia said. "But the birth of magically and or skilled offspring from already magically and skilled parents regrettably has a foothold In this world. As Sunset explained a genuine connection of emotions paired with two magically or just skilled/uniquely talented parents often will produce a child inheriting the magical talents or Cutie Mark Talents of the parents. But there are still those that view seeking genuine emotional connections as… pointless, and so oftentimes pay for their mate to aid in producing an offspring."

“Okay…so just make sure I find the people that actually do want to get to know me, and tell the other’s that just want my fun rod to lick my salty taint.” I frowned…before I realized what I just said in front of the goddamn princess of a country.

"Oh believe me, the ones who would do that for a foal will be more than blunt. Specifically in asking you how much you'd charge for said foal. Or in this case your semen."

“Okay, so I can tell it to them directly then.” I said, giving a small sigh of relief at the part where Celestia didn’t really mind me saying something like that.

"Yeah, the ones who see you as both a mate and a lover will definitely be nicer and more flirty."

“I’m…still very concerned how I might go from four girlfriends…to five…to probably a hundred…” I said nervously.

"Heh, a regular Prince Hazelnut." Celestia said with a chuckle.

“Who? And also I like not being sent to the hospital for a broken pelvis and dehydration…”

"Prince Hazelnut was the husband to Princess Platinum. Way back before Equestria was founded. A little after Equestria was founded they wanted to establish the royal family, so nobility from all three pony tribes joined into a near hundred pony herd. While there were other stallions, Hazelnut slept with literally all the herd members, and fathered foals with all the mares."

"Yes, father was quite the horn dog." Celestia chuckled.

“Well…that’s good to know.” I nodded. “So…when should I expect a massive group of mares to show up?”

"Anywhere between now and the rest of your life."

“Fantastic…” I sighed. “So many women all of a sudden…I’m perfectly fine with it though…” I muttered the last bit.

"Just how I pictured my perfect stud to be." Sunset said, giving me a sly grin as I blushed and Celestia chuckled.

“I still have a lot of things to do, I don’t know if I can handle…hundreds…or even be a dad…” I said nervously.

"Just hope-"



The rooms doors burst open and in walked a slender near porcelain white mare with a long silky blonde mane. "Auntie where's the stallion that saved us?"

"He's right there Pure Blood." Celestia said, motioning at me.

She looked over at me… I get major bitch vibes off her but… crazy why does she look so hot?

"My my, I wasn't expecting you to be an earth pony." The mare, Pure Blood, said in a flirty tone I only ever heard from the girls and… certain anime…

“Uh…hi there…” I said carefully. “So…who are you?”

"I am Princess Pure Blood, niece to Princess Celestia and head of the Canterlot Cartography Center." She informed.

"*Slut*" Sunset coughed.

Pure Blood just glared in response at Sunset.

“So…” I tried to get the glaring away with a completely different topic. “Why do you want to date me?”

"Well a hero that saves the kingdom deserves to get their princess, and I am untethered to any arrangements at the time." She said, getting up close against me and nuzzling my neck. "And I'd like for you to correct that~"

… She smells like vanilla and honey…

"*Cunt*" Sunset coughed again.

"Oh Sunset, don't be so jealous."

"Don't need to be. I've gotten him first and fucked him first." Sunset said, making me blush again. "So ha!"

"I see, so is that extra roundness I see a foal in your barrel or have you just gained weight?"

"Oh that's it!" Sunset yelled, jumping the table and tackling Pure Blood. The two began a very violent punching and kicking fight.

I looked over at Celestia, who was just sipping some tea. Unphased by the brawl in the room.

“Uh…” I motioned to what was going on and trying to get an explanation.

"Sunset and Pure are sisters." Celestia said. "Same father, different mothers. Both born from one of the nobles paying mares for foals. As you know, Sunset didn't meet her father's standards, and was orphaned. Pure was what their father was after. As an infant her mana levels were far above those of the average foal, and her coat and mane were much like that of Princess Platinum. I took Sunset in as a student and daughter when she was ten and that was when she and Pure first met. As you can tell, Sunset hates Pure for having the family that abandoned her, raising and cherishing Pure all her life. Meanwhile Pure hates Sunset for always beating her in magic duels and studies, making Pure's last memories of her parents that of being a disappointment before they passed."

“So they're both being petty for experiencing the same situation just at different moments?” I asked.

"As siblings do." Celestia nodded. "On the bright side the constant fights over the years got Pure to take on some combat classes. Something I tried to get her to do for years."

Pure then flew and crashed into the table. Covered in food and spilled wine she got back on her hooves and smacked a charging Sunset with the cheese platter before tackling her and the two went back to brawling on the floor.

I couldn’t help but facehoof. “Holy hell, can you two stop fighting before I think this might end with you two making out?” I snapped at the both of them. “I don’t care if you have the same dad, this is becoming a weird harem anime and I’m fully expecting such nonsense.” I said, not even wanting to mention how I might think that’s hot but that’s besides the point.

"Never!" The two yelled.

"Also, ew, we're Sisters Mike." Sunset said.

The two then went back to fighting.

"Trust me, it's best to just let them tire out." Celestia said. "Last time it took three quarters of the royal guard to subdue them."

I shook my head. “Fine fine…” I sighed. “So anyways, is there any other mares in specific I should look out for?”

"None that come to mind personally." Celestia said, pondering as she raised her tea and cake up and avoided Sunset and Pure crashing into them as they flew on them fell off the table in the brawls tumbling.

"Maybe more of their sisters if they show up but that's a maybe."

“How many sisters do they have?” I asked nervously, so close to just summoning Lava Golem and caging the two to get them to stop.

"Eight." Celestia said. "But I doubt more than two of them will be an issue."

“Alright…” I nodded, trying to eat more of my food. “How long will they take?”

"It has been a while so… another hour maybe? Longest brawl of theirs was six hours."

“Of course…” I grumbled, really not wanting to have them fight for another hour but trusting Celestia here.

"So, while they tire out shall we head to your new quarters within the castle?"

“Yes please.” I nodded. “Let's just…get out of here while they finish their mating dance for me.”

Celestia and I slipped out rather easily.

"So, how long will your stays in Canterlot be?" Celestia asked as we walked down the halls.

“No idea, cause I have to go back home and do school stuff.” I said. “Plus make sure the town I live in is protected, even though the Foundation is there helping I still need to be there to help out…I have a lot of crap to do.”

"I see. Well, during your stays here in Equestria I have set up a room for you and any of your herd mates should you be staying for prolonged visits."

"Thank you princess " I nodded. "And I'm sure it's going to be long stays because of how far I need to travel to fight the Monarchs and whatever else the All Makers want to throw at me."

"I have faith in your abilities, my daughter, and this Foundation that aids you."

"Thanks…always glad to hear people have faith in me." I said honestly.

“You are very much welcome.” Celestia said, her horn lighting up and opening the door we were walking towards. The room on the other side was huge. Seeming to be multiple stories and with various other rooms. It’s more like a suite or luxury apartment or condo. “This is normally used for visiting royalty but I’ve decided to give it to you and your herd for stays on Equis. It has an indoor pool, sanna, spa, hot springs, persona library, kitchen, alchemy and potions room, seven walk in closets, nine bathrooms, a lovely balcony/garden, fully stocked pantry, observatory, med bay that is also fully stocked and of course the Master Bedroom which I had a dragon sized mattress placed within. Big enough to hold a fully adult dragon or equivalent to eighty to a hundred ponies depending on how they arrange themselves upon it. Plenty of pillows, blankets, and a full staff for twenty four seven service at the ring of a bell alert system that has a location in every room.”

I stood there…I thought I heard creaking as I slowly turned to face Celestia. “Wha?” I asked.

“What? Not enough?”

“Ma’am…me and Sunset can only afford a small one bedroom apartment back home, and we were just getting into furnishing the place…” I said. “You’re literally telling me ‘here’s this palace compared to your cardboard box of a house’.”

“Oh, if you need financial aid I am more than happy to help. I know gold doesn't change through the portal, at least not when in ingot bars.”

“I thought this would be just a nice room, not an entire mansion inside of a castle.” I said, trying to get my point across that the scale went from zero to a hundred real fucking quick.

“Well, for my daughter and her lover, and more than likely my niece's lover as well soon enough, nothing is too much.”

I now understand how Sunset got so… spoiled…

“I…now understand why…” I muttered, trying to wrap my head around…all of this.

“Is there anything else you’d like before I return to my duties?”

“Is…there a map of the planet or at least the country?” I inquired, trying to get my thought’s down to something more manageable than all this.

“That should be in the world almanac in the library.”

“Alright…so besides that, nothing else I suppose.” I said honestly.

With that I went inside and looked around. It took a bit to find the library in here but once I did I found the world almanac- What the hell…

It had a world map of Equis… The… This planet is legit FLAT?! Actually… that would make sense given Sunset said Celestia raises and lowers the sun and moon. Doubt a flat planet could rotate properly around a sun…

“This is…all sorts of dumb that this planets flat…” I muttered, not even wanting to think of how bad this planet’s geology is if it was just a flat planet. “Ugh, just thinking about how fucked half this planet’s geography and tide’s work is giving me a headache…” I shook my head. “Wait…no, this planet shouldn’t work…fucking…” I groaned and rubbed my temples with my hooves.

I shook my head and looked over the continents. Alright… So far… nine major continents, and a fuck ton of smaller islands ranging from UK sized to Hati sized. Alright, cool. Lots of these are not colonized so that’s at least easier. I see most of these major continents are also not as wide spread in terms of locations as I was worried about. Equestria has a huge land mass but very few towns/cities.

“Alright…so there’s still plenty of places to go, just not as much as I feared…” I sighed. “Still have no idea how this planet is flat…this is gonna bug me to no god damn end I just know it…” I shook my head, my inner engineer being bugged to hell about any and all logistics about how this should work even if I barely know much about geology or other stuff like that. “So…where is the closest town?”

Okay, and… there. Ponyville. Huh. Alright, good to know.

I heard the doors to this… condo, slam open then slam shut. A little bit later and- OH MY GOD!

“Heh, you should see that blonde bitch.” Sunset said smugly… I think… her cheeks and right eye were very swollen and purple.

“Why the fuck aren’t you seeing a doctor!?” I snapped in panic, rushing over and looking her over worriedly.

“Heh, this is nothing.” She said, putting a hoof to her muzzle- CRACK! “Agh, always stings snapping my muzzle back into place. So, Celestia gave us the Royal Guest Room? Sweet. I’m gonna go take a bath.”

I blinked. “No, hold the fuck up.” I said, going through my mind and searching through my many cards and finding it. “Ah, there we are, Dian Keto, the Cure Master.” I said, as an older priest woman appeared with a ball of holy energy, as she used her ability to heal Sunset of her damage, though I wasn’t sure how much would be healed but hopefully it’s enough.

Her swelling went down and her purple bruises seemed to vanish. “Cool, still gonna shower though.” Sunset said, blowing me a kiss before heading to… one of the many bathrooms… or maybe the sauna? Or spa? Or hot spring…

I shook my head, left to the bedroom… woah… Celestia wasn’t kidding… this is a huge bed…

I sighed, climbing onto it… woah, this feels super soft.

I smiled as I walked to the middle and threw covers over me, a pillow under my head and got ready for a nap.

As I was feeling myself drift off I felt some hooves wrap around me.

“Hmm?” I muttered, looking over to see who interrupted me about to fall asleep.

I yelped as I was expecting Sunset, and instead saw Pure there next to me… huh. She doesn’t look like Sunset did… did she heal herself.

“Hello there my hero~” She cooed, pulling me back in close.

“Uh…hi there.” I said carefully. “How are you healed so fast?” I asked carefully.

“I am magically talented. While my Special Talent is in navigation and cartography I do know a variety of combat, defense, and healing magics. Sunset’s damage was healed within minutes. But looking this good for you, I took my time for~” She said, now against me and WOAH! Okay, she’s got my flank! Literally…

“Whoa there lady.” I said quickly. “I take my ladies out on a date first before doing that…and at least so far, you haven’t tried to bribe me to be a sperm donor…”

“A true lady ensures she stays with the stallion she expects her future foals to come from, and I expect you to father every. Single. Foal~” She purred. “I imagine Sunset was rather blunt and un-elegant in her sexual advances.”

Well… kinda… the regular nudity… Granted that was more cultural things but also… yeah…

“Considering I’m originally human and…didn’t know a single thing about pony culture…technically?” I asked nervously. “But she explained everything to me so I…figured it all out and…yeah.”

“Well, how’s about I show you how pony courtship works-” Pure was suddenly wrapped in an orange magic and thrown near the edge of this huge bed.

“Whore!” Sunset yelled, still a bit damp but gutting under the covers next to me and squeezing me tight. “I’m his head mare, and you don’t get to cuddle him while I’m in the room!”

“Oh, but the head mare must do as her Stallion says.” Pure said, already up next to me. “And, Mike, would you enjoy being in the same bed as me for a cuddle nap~”

… Harem Protagonist Hell…

“My first step in this is giving you two an intervention.” I started. “Cause I’d rather not be a babysitter over your rivalry over who had a better life.”

“So, that’s a no?” Sunset asked.

“It was certainly not a no.” Pure replied.

I facehooved. “Holy hell…just get in bed and cuddle, I’m tired and we’ll talk about your stupid fighting tomorrow…”

Smug, Pure got back under the covers and pulled me against her. Sunset pulling me in against her.

I sighed, just accepting it as I let sleep take over.

To be continued...