• Published 22nd Apr 2021
  • 2,500 Views, 80 Comments

I summon... - Xinrick

  • ...

Last Turn

“First time back to Equis in… shit, long ass time. Thought you’d be more excited.” Harlow said.

“Well…my excitement has been tempered after a long time of me suffering, and losing a dear friend because of random chance.” I stated.

“You are gonna be meeting Sunset and them again. Aren’t you happy about that?”

“I am…but again, I’ve had millions of years to temper it all…all the bad that’s happened and my own worries.” I sighed. “I…I just don’t want this special day to turn into shit…” I admitted, walking over to the door where Sunset and everyone else was in. “Let’s…let’s hope for the best…”

“... Think they’ll find you being into my ass hot?” Harlow asked. I managed a chuckle.

“Probably.” I said honestly, as I gently pushed the door open. “Sunset? Everyone?” I called out.

“Hey- What in the shit?” Sunset asked.

“Hey…so a lot of things happened…” I said sheepishly.

“Pupper!” Sonata said, running up and giving me a hug.

“Who’s the sheep?” Pure asked.

“Long story short, I’m Harlow, Mike’s husband.”

The girls all looked at Harlow. Then to me.

“Like I said…a lot has happened for me.” I said, giving Sonata a hug. “And uh…yes, Harlow here is my husband…he's a very fluffy power-bottom and…yeah…”

“Oh yeah and when you’re the bottom you’re so power hungry.” Harlow smirked.

“Hot!” Sunset said.

“Anyways!” I said, trying to derail this train of thought. “So…I'm back after…a long…long time, to try and help fix this world.”

“It’s been two hours?” Wallflower said.

“For you, it’s been two hours…for me and Harlow…it’s been two million years…” I said, looking down bitterly. “All because I wanted the power to change this world for the better…so I could fix it’s flaw of apathy…”

“...And?” Sunset asked.

“And?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I get the feeling there’s something else you are gonna tell us.”

“He gave that up cause of a Nightmare and is gonna try a more gentle approach rather than rewriting your whole reality.” Harlow said.

“... Thanks…” Wallflower said.

“I didn’t want to tell them that, thanks Harlow.” I huffed.

“What was the Nightmare about?”

“...All of you hating me, dissolving into dust as you asked me why…as our new resident sheep here was with someone else…someone better than me as I lost everything I ever loved and cared for…” I sighed, knowing I would be pressed to tell them or Harlow would.

“Well… Thanks for not opting to… rewrite us. I quite like myself.” Sunset said.

“Come on.” Harlow said, taking my hand. “You should save the world right now. I imagine they need time to process the uh… news.”

“Yeah…” I sighed, letting go of Sonata and prying her off of me and putting her down. “I’ll be back…just have to go out and do something’s.” I said, turning around and heading off to at least save all of Equestria first, cause I have no idea what the hell the other places are going to be.

It took a few days. The duels felt… lackluster. Before, they were intense and I felt at risk of death… but now… They don’t hold a candle to Brandy’s skill…

I hope I can see her again, and making me learn that losing brought me experience. Experience and determination. I’ll have to thank her forever if I get to see her again.

Soon, I stood before Pegasus. He looked rather… Melancholy.

“...I learned what took Brandy.” I said to the poor man, as I still felt like shit because of the Brandy situation. “I…know it’s not much…but Lord told me that it took Brandy and…took her to the true world…”

“Past the Door in Afterlife?” He asked.

“Yes, past that door, because the bastard that took her is…some fragment of whatever was powering The Machine, that was still alive after Uncle King was done with the All Maker war…”

“I see… I’m afraid I… still don’t have the will to continue this act.” Pegasus sighed.

I sighed. “I know…I know…” I admitted. “I…I know you feel worse but…I feel horrible…the last thing she’ll know about me is getting into that dumbass fight…”

“Knowing her, she’s already forgotten it. She never held a grudge for long.” Pegasus chuckled weakly. “I’m afraid I won’t be your opponent. You will be facing someone else though.” He said. Descending from the sky were two figures in metallic wolf and griffon-like armor.

I smirked.

“Finally, someone that can give me a challenge.” I said. “You'd think fighting at minimum two people with the power over the fabric of reality would be difficult…but Z-arc and Don Thousand was shockingly easy.”

“You battled a master dueler since early childhood. Who else could compare?” The female in griffon armor spoke. Her voice was… familiar.

I stared at the two. “Master dueler…mastery doesn't explain half the shit she's done.” I pointed out carefully

“Perhaps. Tell me, which of us will be your first challenger?” The one in the wolf armor spoke. He sounded familiar too…

“That depends…are we playing cards, or should I pull out a spear,” I pointed to the wolf. “Or a gun?” I pointed to the griffon as the familiarity was bugging the piss out of me so I needed to see.

They were both silent, then laughed. “Wondered if you were going to figure it out.” Mom chuckled as the armor was removed from her body via magic.

“How long did it take ya?” Dad asked as his armor came off him as well.

“Well, for the longest time I thought it was a coincidence that the ‘bosses’ of this just happened to be the same shape and build as my parents, the voices tipped it off finally so about…maybe when I was five.” I admitted.

“Heh. Glad to see you’ve always been a clever child.” Mom smiled. “But the question still stands, which of us will you be dueling first?”

“Well, might as well try my luck against you mom.” I said readily.

“As you wish sweetie.” Mom said, taking out a deck.

“Right…” I muttered, pulling out one of my deck’s. “So are we doing this like I’ve trained to do, playing the card game like it’s supposed to, or what?” I inquired.

“We’re doing it like you were trained to do, cause the card game as normal is boring as shit, and I know the both of us have enough negates to just ignore everything.” Mom said honestly, as she threw a ton of cards in the air, as light’s beamed down and…oh dear, Sky Strikers…

“Right…” I muttered, seeing all the different Sky Striker monsters, all in their fancy futuristic armor and the many equip cards on them, as Mom…still pulled out two lever action shotguns…”Well…while you got high tech, I’ll use this.” I said, raising my deck as the Gouki’s, twenty three different animal themed masked wrestlers and ogre’s, as I donned the Gouki Black Mask, feeling my body shift and grow in bulk. “You’re going down!” I roared as the rest cheered.

We all started to run, dodging laser bolts and rifle rounds, leaping over and even throwing back missiles and drones as we clashed, magical girls in cool robot suits vs a bunch of masked wrestlers and ogre’s, as I was in a grip match against my own mother and butted heads. “This all ya got kid?” Mom asked with a smirk.

“I’m just getting warmed up.” I said, stomping down and lifting my opponent up into the air, letting my hands slip as I grabbed mom by the shoulders and suplexed the woman into the ground. “I’m literally wrestling my mom…”

“Kinky.” Mom joked as I immediately grabbed her and did a pile driver on the woman.

“Fucking don’t!” I shouted with a furious blush that she would even insinuate that, as I flipped over and piledrived her again, then flipped over her again and raised her up into the air, driving my hand into her midsection and slamming her into the ground hard enough to crack the ground.

“Not the worst thing you’ve seen, heard or done.” Jenny said as she got up with ease, dusting herself off as she leaned to the side as Gouki Suprex was flung off to the side. “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, these aren’t your average Sky Strikers.” Jenny said, pointing to the side as I actually got a look…

“...Why are they all Milfs?” I asked carefully, not sure why that was the first thing that caught my eye but…still.

“One, cause it would distract you, you horny wolf.” Mom chuckled. “And two, because these aren’t just Ace’s, these are SkyStriker Masters.” She said readily, as I did notice that all their gear, while showing age, was way more advanced and strong than what normal Sky Strikers would have.

“Oh…shit…” I muttered, slamming my fist down into the ground as it shook, an entire wrestling ring appearing beneath all of us as I heard my monsters shout and improved vigor as an invisible crowd was heard cheering. “So…what will be the winning requirements?”

“Ten minutes, if you live, you win, if you ‘die’ then I win.” She stated, swapping out her twin lever rifles and grabbing two Shotgun Gauntlets. “RWBY may be shit, but Shotgun Gauntlets are still cool.”

“Right…” I said carefully. “Gouki Unite!” I shouted, raising my fist high as I casted the spell, energizing each and everyone of my monsters as they roared their challenge.

Ten minutes of dodging, guarding, parrying, and a whole ass ton of wrestling moves against mech driving ladies and their robots later, me and all my Gouki monsters were panting heavily as mom stood there with some battered Sky Strikers looking like they were ready for more. “And time.” I heard dad call out.

“Not bad.” Mom said, as all the Sky Striker Masters turned back into cards as all my Gouki monsters, mask and the Cage Ring vanished into cards as well.

“Right…” I said, bringing out an energy drink and chugging it. “Holy hell…that was rough…”

“And it’s only going to get rougher from there.” Dad said as he walked up as he brought out his Lances, Lindworm.

“Whoa there hun, think it’s okay to kick our kids ass like that?” Mom asked as I gulped at her admitting that.

“He’s strong, and I want to see if he’s strong enough.” Dad said as I brought out another deck.

“Alright…if we’re going full out…” I said, looking at my cards and seeing this wasn’t some pure deck that I made, but a full on competitive ‘no one’s allowed to have fun’ deck as I did my summon chain to summon seven monsters, Borreload Savage Dragon, Barrone De Fluer, Destiny Hero-Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer, Thunder Dragon Colossus, Borrelend Dragon, Red Eyes Dark Dragoon, and finally Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon. “Alright dad.” I said as I used one of the cards I created with some inspiration from the Joey vs Valon fight, as I donned my Chaos Envoy’s Armor, which in looks is a very cool fusion between Envoy of the Beginning and the End, as the dragon themed black luster soldier armor was wrapped around my body, I grabbed a shield with the face of the Chaos Dragon, Envoy of the End and the Sword of the Beginning. “Bring it!” I shouted as all my monsters roared their challenge and I raised my sword.

“Dragon Rulers with Tomahawk is kinda bullshit still.” Dad admitted.

“Yes.” I agreed. “But it’s fun as hell.” I raised my sword. “Go!” I snapped as the dragon’s and warrior’s rushed at Dad.

“Hmm…so many omninegates.” Dad hummed, as he raised a hand and blocked all of my monsters' attacks with each Lance he had. “But that doesn’t stop me from just beating your asses.” Joy said, as the wind rushed past all of us, giving plenty of cuts to both me, my monsters, and the ground around us.

“Shit…” I muttered, but I lunged in between all my monsters and the lances and tried to slash at him, but he only blocked with a wall of wind. “Oh dear…”

“Even with these powerful Boss Monsters, you’re still gonna need to try son.” Dad said readily as he kicked me away and blew back all these powerful boss monsters.

“Right…this isn’t going to be good…” I thought to myself, as me and the rest of my monsters got back up. “Alright, let's try this again.” I muttered.

Ten…minutes…the most grueling ten minutes of my life as me and my monsters struggled so much as to hit him, as whenever any of them negated one of his abilities, he either dodged, parried, or countered us with ease, and when he was on the offensive we were all hard pressed, even when all these boss monsters had some high end resistance and defenses we were still getting our asses kicked.

The area around us was decimated, the land carved by bladed winds, cratered by powerful attacks and overall it was a complete fucking mess…but me and all my monsters were all standing, panting hard and injured but…but we all made it. “Fucking…hell…” I panted.

“Welp, guess that settles it.” I turned, seeing Nitch standing there. “My realm and all it’s territories is all yours. All Maker Mike.”

“R-really?” I asked. “That’s…that seems too easy when I barely survived mom and dad’s fights…” I said, getting all my monsters back into their cards so they could rest.

“All you had to do was complete the All Maker training, which you did, then finish up your work on the planet then I had full right to hand it all over to you.”

“Right…” I said. “So…I now have full reign over this world…”

I took a long, deep sigh… too bad I’m not really gonna do anything with it. I can change so the next generations born will have the empathy and such to not be like the prior ones… and fix up some other stuff, but other than that… I’d be changing people into who they’re not…

“Took your time.” Lord said. He sat across from us for this… debriefing we were to receive before being sent past the door.

I spent many, many years with my wives… my kids… All the way until Celestia and Nightmare Moon passed away.

“Because I needed and wanted it.” I stated. “Surprised that even Pattern Screamers can die…” I sighed, as grieving was…rough, all around.

“Most everything can. Under the right conditions.” Lord said. “So, a few things before you two are sent off. Firstly, your powers as All Makers and Admins will be sealed away. You will retain your godly powers and Divine Titles, and that’s it. Second, you are not to make it known to anyone that you are children of The Family. That’s more for your privacy than anything.”

“I can understand not saying I’m a part of the Family, but why are my All Maker Powers sealed away?” I inquired.

“Personal Safety and to keep you two chuckle fucks from doing something stupid.”

“... Why does that feel targeted?” Harlow asked.

“It was.” Lord said. I could feel him glaring at me despite his helmet not having visors or anything to indicate eye location.

“Fuck did we do?” I asked, wondering why he was glaring at me cause I was running my new realm well, especially given I was still cleaning up after NItch’s nonsense.

“Not important. In any case you should also know, we don’t know when or where Brandy will appear in the other reality. Time over there doesn’t technically exist so, for you two, it could be a day, you could arrive when she’s been there for billions of years, or vice versa.”

“That’s…weird that time doesn’t exist.” I pointed out.

“It’s a work in progress. Regardless of that some things are finally taking root so hopefully it won’t be too long until that’s resolved. In any case, that’s more or less all. Have fun.” Lord said, and with a metallic snap of his fingers everything went white.

The End.

Author's Note:

Yeah, another story down with me trying to write out a good fight scene to cap it off but I can't write for shit, so we have this. Kind of went off the rails a bit with what I originally had in mind but overall I think this was overall okay even as it kind of petered off. But if you want to know more about what Mike and Harlow are doing, read Open World: Custodes Purpose to see something's about what their doing, and also see the silly adventures of Apollo of the Adeptus Custodes

Comments ( 3 )

First, if this is the end, then why does it still say incomplete. And second, how is this Yugioh related when we barely seen any of that, let alone one single duel. Seems misleading, don’t you think. It’s like ordering a full steak dinner and not receiving the actual meat itself.

I agree with this commenter here. I applaud you for going your own direction and making a decent story all things considered, but honestly I haven’t been a fan of where this has gone since his ‘rebirth’ was it. I came for Yugioh duels to have a little reminiscence of my box TV days and Saturday or was it Sunday? cartoons but we’ve strayed so far from the original premise of the story.

I wish you luck on your future chapters and/or the sequel to this story my good author but I myself am going to have to end my journey here. Maybe I’ll find another story of yours in the future I can enjoy again like I did the start of this one, tell then good luck and enjoy writing what you find enjoyable and too your hearts content.

Pretty nice in seeing a long-running story is done. Like a end of a journey.

Though it still really bothers me about what happened with Spike though..
And the fact that human-world Spike basically missed out hard stung too..

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