• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 3,557 Views, 98 Comments

Sonata's Comeback Tour - milesprower06

A repentant Sonata has sought out the help of the Rainbooms to learn how to sing again. Can she sway the hearts and ears of Canterlot High?

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"Afternoon, Sunset. Is Sonata right behind ya? We're about ready to get started here." Applejack asked, as she sat on the bench tuning her bass.

"She should be here in a few minutes. But we can get started if we want to, she was quite clear that she didn't want to impede on our regular rehearsals. Thanks again guys for agreeing to help her. I really think it's the right thing to do."

"I'll be completely honest, darling. I don't believe she needs a lot of help. All I've done is work with her on some basic scales, and she's taken leaps and bounds beyond what any rookie can do. She's done in days what takes most months or more to do." Rarity chimed in, sitting at the grand piano. Being the band's keytarist and pianist, she had spent the most one-on-one time with the siren.

"Well, if what she said is true, she had a lot of raw ability before they relied more and more on their magic pendants. If all she has to do is recall rather than learn it all over again, it may take a lot less time than we all thought." Sunset said.

"And we're sure that once she learns how to sing again, she won't go all siren-y on us again?" Rainbow asked, who was fine-tuning her guitar strings.

"I don't think she wants to, and I'm pretty sure it's not possible without the pendants." Sunset replied. Even though Rainbow was still being cautious, not a single band member really doubted Sonata's sincerity. She had picked things up so quickly during her first lesson that she had considerable trouble holding back tears of joy. They said they could make time for her on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and she even showed up on Wednesday just to hear them play. It was Friday, and Sunset figured she'd be by again.

"And didn't she say she wanted to bring the other two around as well? How do you think she'll fare with that?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not really sure. I mean, the only real interaction I've had with them is when I showed them around the school. I don't want to call her... Dimwitted... But they didn't seem to treat her too well. If she hasn't told them what she's been doing here, I have to imagine that there's at least a little animosity between them. Especially since she's taking the bus all the way out here just to hear us play for 45 minutes. If she'd rather spend time with us than with them..." Sunset trailed off.

The others silently nodded in agreement. Perhaps their defeat had done a number on whatever partnership or bond they had formed. But Sonata's heart was in the right place if she wanted to help them as well. Whether they'd be willing was another matter entirely.

Since the music rooms were only available for two hours after school, they went ahead and got started. Sure enough, they had barely finished Perfect Day For Fun before the double doors were pushed open, and Sonata made her way in, and when they saw what she was carrying, their mouths began to water.

The former siren had a large carrying tray around her shoulders, and on it was two dozen wrapped tacos and two large pitchers of what looked like fruit punch.

"Hey guys. Anyone hungry?"

"What's this?" Sunset asked, as the aroma of the steaming tacos reached their noses.

"Well, I really wanted to find a way to thank you for helping me. I figured an after-rehearsal meal would start to show how much I appreciate what you're doing for me."

"Well, we just got started, but with how that smells, I'd say a during-rehearsal meal is in order. What d'ya say, girls?"

Applejack hadn't even finished her sentence before the others had set down their guitars and sticks and made their way towards Sonata, who had set the food on a table against the wall. She took from the stack of plastic cups and began pouring out servings of punch. Rainbow and AJ immediately began unwrapping their first tacos, which were topped with lettuce, diced tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream. Loaded, just the way they liked them.

"Darling, this punch is divine!" Rarity raved, immediately gulping down her cup, and pouring another.

“You... You really like it?” Sonata asked, drinking her own.

“Absolutely. Where did you get this?”

“Oh, well, I made it myself. Adagio and Aria never thought much of it.”

“Well, their loss.” Sunset said, downing her own cup.

“Why thank you. I'm glad you like it.”

“And these tacos are the bomb. These from your job?” Rainbow said, her mouth full.

“Yeah. I trained three more people this week, so I got a bunch of free food.”

“Well, we've gotta start going up there, 'cause these are awesome.”

After eating, the Rainbooms resumed their rehearsal, and Sonata sat there, watching, listening, and taking their music in.

It reminded Sunset of where she was barely a year ago...

Adagio walked in the door and threw her hoodie in the coat closet. It was yet another exhausting day of waiting tables at one of the local diners. It wasn't glamorous, and she secretly couldn't stand most of the customers, but it helped keep the rent paid, the lights on, and kept cheap food in the fridge.

She sat down on the couch to pull her shoes and socks off, and began to pull her shirt off as she made her way down the hall, but her plans were temporarily halted as she heard the shower running, with the bathroom door already closed. Sonata must have beaten her home. Aria was always the last one home by two or three hours, with her shift lasting the longest.

“Ugh, just hurry up...” She muttered.

But then she heard something over the stream of water. Was she... Humming?

In key?

It was more than that. It... It was one of the Rainbooms' songs from last year's Battle of the Bands at Canterlot High nearly a year ago. Yes... 'Shake Your Tail' or something.

“Oh my... What have you been up to, dear Sonata?”