• Published 1st Feb 2016
  • 3,558 Views, 98 Comments

Sonata's Comeback Tour - milesprower06

A repentant Sonata has sought out the help of the Rainbooms to learn how to sing again. Can she sway the hearts and ears of Canterlot High?

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Second Time's The Charm

After getting kicked out, rained on, and a hot shower, Sunset figured Sonata would be sleeping like a baby until noon. The very last thing she expected was seeing her wide awake in the kitchen while she hazily shambled out of her bedroom.

"Morning!" Sonata cheerfully greeted her, as the smell of eggs and hash browns reached Sunset's nostrils.

"Hey there, you're up early..." Sunset greeted, the haze of sleep still slowly clearing.

"Yeah, I wanted to get an early start. Called work as soon as someone was there to make sure they had a spare uniform for me. Not entirely confident those two would let me back in there just to get my uniforms. Everything's all set, looks like I won't have to go back there, so I'll need a few more days to think about it, but if I don't hear from them, I think I would like to sign onto that lease with you." Sonata said as she gave the hash browns a final stir.

"So now you don't think they'll come around?" Sunset asked.

"I've been thinking about what you said last night, and I'm still not sure. If they eventually have a change of heart, fine. I was just worried that there was something crucial in that apartment that I was going to need." The siren said as she went to the cabinets to get plates. She had found her way around the kitchen rather quickly. She quickly served up scrambled eggs, hash browns, and two glasses of orange juice.

"So I looked at the bus schedule. I'm guessing you have to leave by 6:45 to make it to school on time. I have to be out of here by 8:00 to make it downtown. From there, this place is on the way to the school, so I shouldn't be late to practice this afternoon." Sonata told her.

"It's no sweat. If we have to wait on you, we have to wait on you. No big deal." Sunset replied as she started into her breakfast. This was going to be a better morning than most. She usually just had a bowl of cold cereal before starting getting ready. After a hot breakfast, Sunset took a quick shower before getting dressed, and was out the door to catch the bus to school.

"Good afternoon, Sunset. What can I do for you?" Principal Celestia asked.

Sunset stepped into Celestia's office once she had been welcomed in. She came forward and stood in front of her desk.

"Well, I'll be quick. As you know, the second Battle of the Bands is coming up next month, and we'd like to make some changes to our entrance application." Sunset began.

Although the Battle of the Bands had been orchestrated and masterminded by the sirens last year, the student body had surprised Celestia and Luna by asking that they do it again, although on more friendly terms, rather than revert to the musical showcase they had initially planned. The excitement of competition, even friendly, was rather difficult to deny.

"What sort of changes?" Celestia asked.

"We'd like to formally withdraw from the bracket, and perform an exhibition instead." Sunset told her.

Celestia looked up at the young woman inquisitively.

"Exhibition? But you're the defending champions."

"Well, I think it's pretty tricky to name a definitive winner from last year. But the thing is... Sonata's singing lessons have been going well. Really well. She's even showing up just to hear us play. The other two found out, and they kicked her out of their apartment into the thunderstorm last night. Flash and I went to go pick her up, and she's staying at my place for now. She's truly embraced the friendship we've offered her, and we'd like to prove it to her by having her perform with us. Since she's no longer a student, we didn't want to create a stir and figured performing an exhibition at the end would be for the best." Sunset explained.

Celestia mulled it over for a moment.

"The rest of your band members are on board with this?" Celestia asked.

"Yes. We're all in agreement. We think it'll make the competition a bit more interesting, since we're the only 'magical' band in the school."

"Alright, if you're really sure," Celestia began, pulling a sheet of paper from her desk drawer; the bracket for the Battle of the Bands. "With Sonata performing with you, you are voluntarily disqualified, and will perform at the end."

Aria walked through the door to see Adagio reclining on the couch, sulking behind a magazine as usual. She probably didn't have a single good day at the diner, but it was the only one that had called her back. She dropped her coat in the closet, and went to the kitchen, eager for something to eat. She opened the fridge, and her heart sank to find absolutely nothing in there except an empty milk carton and half a stick of butter.

"Ugh... Nice going, Adagio. Kicked out the one that usually does our grocery shopping and can cook halfway decently." Aria complained.

Adagio said nothing, annoying the other siren further.

Aria rolled her eyes as she went back towards the front door, opened the closet, and grabbed her coat. It looked like she was going to have to walk down the block for a meal.

"I don't know if you were hoping to have her groveling at the locked door after a few minutes in the rain, but you know what? I'm guessing they were nice enough to put a roof over her head."

With that, Aria went out into the night for a cheap meal, slamming the door behind her.