• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 808 Views, 2 Comments

Powers of Darkness and Magic: World of Heros - MLPgirlwriter

King Sombra has returned, and the mane 6 can't stop him. Instead, Princess Luna is the only one who can stop it, but when a pegasus joins her and they are transfered to a new world with super heros, lets just say things get complcated.

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Dream of Connection

Fluttershy was astonished when she and the titans arrived at Titans Tower; the place was huge even in the common room. There was a long curved out couch facing a breathtaking view of the ocean, a bar area, and a little lounge! The pegasus pony marveled at everything she laid her green eyes on. Even her rambunctious bunny was impressed by everything, "You live here?" Fluttershy trotted over to the big window overlooking the sea as the sky was giving out mixtures of reds, pinks, and oranges, indicating that it was going to be dark soon.

The titans watched the female pony for a second in amusement as she explored the areas in the room. Then, Robin and Beast Boy remembering that they had two sleeping girls in their arms, approached the couch and laid them gingerly on the sofa on different sides. Fluttershy, now noticing the humans gathering around the unconscious Raven and Luna, walked over to join them.

"Oh, I hope they will be alright. Princess Luna still has to raise the moon up in the sky," Fluttershy looked out the window in concern, hoping that her friend would not miss her deadline.

The superheros went wide eyed at the part about Luna raising up the moon, but they decided that now was not the time to ask questions seeing on how the mare yawned in exhaustion. Starfire approached the pony and scooped her up with a gentle smile, "Seems you are very tired. I shall escort you to your bedroom for the night,"

Fluttershy gave the alien a smile of gratitude before giving Luna another look of sympathy, "Luna will be okay, right? And what about our saddlebags? We need some of the stuff in them," Robin came up from behind Starfire's shoulder and smiled, "Don't worry, we'll take care of Luna and go back and grab your stuff for you," with that, the yellow coated pegasus told the adults where they could find the saddlebags and what they looked like before she fell asleep in Star's arms.

Once Starfire went to put Fluttershy in her temporary room, Robin turned to the rest of his team, "Okay guys, here's what we are going to do; Cyborg, you go and put the princess in one of the guest rooms, and I will go and retrieve the 'saddlebags' that pony told me about," "Her name is Fluttershy, and what about me?" Beast Boy stared at his leader expectedly, waiting for him to give an order.

Robin faced the green boy, "You stay here with Raven. She might wake up and be wondering what's going on," Beast Boy just nodded his head in understanding as he looked towards Raven, who was now breathing slowly. Beast Boy creaked out the smallest of smiles. He couldn't help but admit that when she wasn't getting angry, fighting bad guys, or scorning him for whatever, she looked quite peaceful and pretty.

Soon Cyborg left with Luna and Robin went to get the ponies bags, leaving Beast Boy alone with Raven in the living area. The only sound that could be heard was a cricket from the outside. Beast Boy stared at Raven like he was afraid she would disappear, and didn't even notice when Robin came back and hour later with Luna and Fluttershy's saddlebags.

Robin was shocked to find his animal changing friend still awake and in the same spot he left him in. With a little nudge, the man awoke the green man from his trance on Raven, "Ya know, if you want me to I can watch over her so you can get some sleep," Beast Boy simply shook his head, never losing his gaze on the cloaked woman, "Nah, it fine. I'm already situated and I'm not even tired yet,"

Robin just nodded his head when he looked out the window and noticed something odd; there was no moon up in the sky! Sure, they wouldn't always be able to see the moon all the time, but there was no illumination from the ocean what so ever! Not to mention that there was not a star in the sky and that there were no waves being pulled towards the shore of the island!

Robin just stared blankly at the window before shaking his head and walking out of the room. Little did he know that he was sheltering the only one who could bring back the moon.


Raven walked blindly through her dark surroundings as she called out for someone to come to her, "HELLO!!" her voice echoed all around her as she grew more and more creeped out. She breathed in for oxygen, trying to keep her emotions in check. However, another voice shouted out of the darkness, catching the girl by complete surprise, "Who is there?"

The cloaked woman could tell that the voice was female as she looked all around her, expecting someone to emerge to attack her or something. But no one came into her view as she kept on walking further into the blackness. She walked on for a moment or two before she noticed something; a blue mass walking towards her direction, seemingly lost as well.

Luna was confused of where she was; one minute she was chasing after the smoke, then she was knocked to the ground. She was about to turn back when a tall, blue cloaked figure was staring at her direction. Feeling relieved that she was not alone, the princess walked toward it, "HELLO! ARE YOU THERE!? PLEASE, I AM PRINCESS LUNA AND I COULD USE YOUR ASSISTANCE!!!"

Raven was surprised that the mass was speaking to her. She could see it was not a human as it got closer to her. Hesitantly, she to approached the strange being and gasped when she saw that it was a pony with a horn and wings! Luna was just as shocked to see that the figure in front of her was a human being!

The two locked eyes as they tried to comprehend what was going on; they thought it was strange to be seeing each other together in the same place. With no one else around. To be sure they weren't hallucinating, the two girls stretched out their arms to touch each others hoof and fingers.

When they did, they both felt a blast of visions consume them as they saw flashes of each other's life, powers, and souls. Once they were able to break apart, they both took deep breaths as they stared at each other in disbelief, "You are Princess Luna, second in line of your kingdom and the Princess of the Night. You control the rise and fall of the moon," Luna went wide eyed, for the girl had gotten everything right, "And you are known as Raven, daughter of Trigon, and member of a team called 'Teen Titans',"

Raven was astonished, "That's right!" and in unison, the two girls got in each other's faces as they shouted, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!!!??? I DON'T KNOW!!! STOP THAT!!!" the two stared intensly for a few seconds before Raven asked dully, "What are you?" Luna scoffed, "Truly you have never heard of an alicorn before," but instead of getting a no for an answer, Raven simply nodded her head, "I have never heard of an 'alicorn' before, but we cannot worry about that now. We need to figure out where we are,"

Luna had to agree, "I suppose you are right. But I have a feeling we are dreaming," this caught Raven's attention, "How do you know? Does that mean that you are not real?" Luna narrowed her eyes at the woman, irritated by the comment, "I can assure you that I am real. And what of YOU? Are you a figment of my imagination?" "Of course I'm not!"

The females glared at one another for a minute, before they were sucked up in the air by what looked to be a blackened twister as it separated into two and sucked the two girls apart.

Simultaneously, the two girls jolted awake in their sleeping areas. Luna noticed that her surroundings were completely different then the alley she crash landed in hours ago, but quickly was reassured when she saw Fluttershy and Angel sleeping in a nearby bed. With a loud sigh, the alicorn pulled back her covers and went to sleep.

As for Raven, she jolted up and was surprised to find that she was on the couch in the common room. But what really caught her attention was who was snoring on the coffee table; Beast Boy. The cloaked woman couldn't help the small blush that was forming on her cheeks as she laid down and went to sleep. They two girls couldn't help but think about each other as they closed their eyes for the night.

Author's Note:

So, that is all I've got for you guys today! Seems Raven and Luna will be surprised to see each other in the morning! Also, hope you guys liked the Beast Boy and Raven moments I put in here! I hope it didn't seem forced! Anyway, let me know what you guys think in the comments! Bye!