• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 808 Views, 2 Comments

Powers of Darkness and Magic: World of Heros - MLPgirlwriter

King Sombra has returned, and the mane 6 can't stop him. Instead, Princess Luna is the only one who can stop it, but when a pegasus joins her and they are transfered to a new world with super heros, lets just say things get complcated.

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Rising Moon: Part 1

Luna awoke the following morning early; she was so use to getting up at the early hours because of lowering the moon at dawn, but she figured that since it was a new dimension that she wouldn't have to worry about raising or lowering the moon. Oh how wrong she was about that.

Her mane and tail were knotted and everywhere, and her eyes were sucked in; she had clearly had a rough night of sleep the previous night. She couldn't help but have reoccurring nightmares of Sombra and the great Shadow War she and her sister became victorious in. The moon goddess also thought about the time before the war, when she and Sombra were both Star Swirl's apprentices and when they-

Luna abruptly stopped in her thoughts as she blocked that part of her mind out. She couldn't think about the past right then; she had to find out what happened to her while she was knocked out. Not to mention the fact that the alicorn wanted to learn about the 'Raven' girl as soon as possible. Grudgingly, Luna slipped out of the small bed and looked towards a nearby window to see Fluttershy sound asleep with a curled up Angel beside her on her pillow.

Luna walked out of the room and down the hallway. The mare assumed that she was in a hospital of some kind, but was shocked to find that the place looked more like a home then a medical center. Luna found a flight of stairs when she turned a corner. Feeling as though she could use some fresh air, the princess climbed the steps that led her to the roof of the building, where she was met with a thick fog that overtook her being like everything else around her. The night princess didn't mind the vapor surrounding her. Infact, the fog felt like a warm welcome compared to the hit in the face she got from the runaway mist from the previous day.

Luna sat down to take it all in as she attempted to clear her mind for a moment, when she heard a male voice from behind her, "Well, it's good to see that you're awake," the night princess turned and froze in place when she saw that the voice belonged to a human being just like the caped woman from her dream.

Robin leaned on the threshold of the door that led to the rooftop as he observed the pony with interest; he would have never believed that a creature such as Luna would have existed. Though, he had battled against many bizarre animals, creatures, aliens, beasts, and super villains so he figured that it could be possible that a unicorn with wings and a pegasus could make some sense.

Luna felt the surge of her magic well up inside of her horn as she got ready to attack if it was necessary. The man quickly noticed the action as he held his hands up in a reassuring way as he tried to calm the mare's fears, "Woah, it's okay. You can trust me. I'm a friend. Your friend Fluttershy met us yesterday and we took you two here to our home to keep you safe," the man's words calmed the princess down after he said that as the mare's muscles relaxed as she put on an apologetic face, "My apologies, it's just that I have never exactly met a male human before and I do not know you,"

The masked titan simply nodded his head, as he knew where the princess was coming from, "Yeah, I get it. I'm Robin by the way, and your Princess Luna, right?" Robin sat down next to the princess as she gave a slight smirk, "I am suspecting that Fluttershy has told you about me?" Robin just nodded as he got up and held out his arm out to Luna, who smiled and gladly took it as the two made their way back down the stairs.

Even though Luna had just met the human, she could tell that he was a good person and that she could trust him. She didn't know why, but she felt as though the man was an important figure to the dimension she found herself in, but she just couldn't put her hoof on it. They made their way into the living room to the tongue-watering smell of breakfast; Starfire was busy cooking a strange, yet delicious breakfast that came from her home planet, Tamera, for everyone.

Before Luna could move a step further, she found herself being embraced in a gut-wrenching hug by non-other than Fluttershy, "I am so glad you are okay!" the pink maned pegasus pulled away as she looked up at Robin,"Where was she?" "
She was up on the roof of the building. She was up there for a while I think before I came and got her," Robin went over to Starfire and pecked her on the cheek, causing the tan skinned female to face him and smile in greeting.

Fluttershy directed Luna to the other side of the room where Beast Boy and Cyborg were watching an action movie. Noticing the two ponies, the men got up from the sofa and walked towards them and smiled as Fluttershy introduced them to the Princess of the Night, "Luna, these two are Cyborg and Beast Boy. They live here with Robin and his mare- I mean, girlfriend, Starfire. Boys, this is Princess Luna," Beast Boy lowered down to the princess's level as he took her hoof and shook it, "It's good to meet you, your highness!"

Luna shook along with the man, but she couldn't help but wonder what the deal was with the green skin and pointed ears. She decided that she could ask later, as she didn't wish to be rude when she had just met the young man. The princess moved to Cyborg and felt intimidated a bit by the half metal exterior that covered half of the titan's body. Yet, just like with Beast Boy, she shook her hoof with the half-robot's hand and tried to be polite as another presence came behind her as she turned to see Starfire, looking down at her with two green-glazed over eyes.

Luna smiled a bit nervously, as she had never been around so many new humans before, "It is nice to meet all of you. Really, it's just...I have never been around so many of your kind before." at that, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire laughed at the comment, "Don't sweat! To be honest, I have never seen ponies like you two before, either!" Cyborg ruffled the alicorn's mane causing it to get messed up even more, but the air in the room was no longer thick. Luna actually found herself laughing along with the group as they all sat down at the table for breakfast.

Luna and Fluttershy found themselves enjoying the company of the titans as they told jokes and spoke of what they were going to do for the day. Luna was in the middle eating an apple when she sensed yet another presence enter the room. She turned to look and dropped her apple from her hoof as she stared, astonished at who came into the room.

Raven walked in the common room after getting washed up, only to be shocked into one spot at who she saw sitting at the dinner table with her friends; Luna. She also had gotten the mare's attention, for she watched the alicorn drop her apple as they both stared, wide eyed and mouths open for a moment or so.

The Teen Titans and Fluttershy also noticed the sudden character change in the princess, so they all followed her lead as they spotted the caped woman, staring in the alicorn's direction as if she was staring at a long lost relative. The group arced their eyebrows at the tension between the two females as they tried to figure out what was so shocking. It was only when the blue pegasus got out of her spot when things got even more tense; Luna approached Raven, never losing her gaze on the girl as she stopped a few feet in front of her.

Raven looked down at the pony, trying to figure out what to do or what to say, but the only thought that crossed her mind was if she was having another dream, or if she had just gone insane. The pair stared at one another for a few more seconds before they touched hoof and hand again, to see if they would be blown across the room like in their dream, but nothing happened as they broke apart and started speaking in unison, "What are you doing here? You are really here, right? Stop that! Oh, not THIS, again,"

The human and pony both fist and hoofed palmed their faces as they looked away from the other for the first time in minutes. The five people and pony watched the whole thing unfold in confusion, intrigue, and astonishment. It was like the cloaked woman and princess had already met, but how? they were both unconscious at the SAME time! Robin stood up from the table, "Um...Raven, princess, what's going on here?"

Simultaneously, the two girls pointed at the other as they both said, "SHE WAS IN MY DREAM!!!!" with that, they both started to explain on how they both had a dream where the were shrouded in darkness, walked around for what felt like forever, heard each other's voices, met, then talked about the electric spark that clashed between them and saw each other's lives, abilities, and destinies.

Fluttershy and the titans listened with much interest as the tale went on. The titans started to wonder if there was something going on that they did not know about. Once Luna and Raven ended their story of their shared dream, they waited to see if their acquaintances could come up with a rational explanation, but to their disappointment, no one could think of anything.

"We'll find out what is going on with your 'dream' later. But right now I want to talk about somethings I think are important," Robin waved at Raven and Luna, inviting them to sit at the table, which they did. But they were careful to keep their distance from each other as Robin began, "Okay guys first off, I saw something odd last night; I saw that the moon was not in the sky, nor was there any illumination in the waves," at this news, luna went wide eyed as she spit out her milk all over Cyborg, causing everyone to turn to her in surprise, "WHAT!!!??? OH NO!!! THIS IS TERRIBLE!!! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO FOOLISH!!!!"

Luna began pacing back and forth as she rambled on to herself about how stupid she was for not doing her duty as a princess. All the titans except for Raven and Fluttershy, stared in confusion and shock, wondering what the mare was freaking out about. Fluttershy was the first to move from her chair as she flew over to Luna and stopped her in mid sentence, "Princess, please calm down. It was not your fault. You were unconscious and was in no capability to do your duty,"

She didn't know what came over her, but Raven found herself stand up and walk to the princess and put a reassuring hand on the alicorn's shoulder, which caused the princess to stare at her.

The Teen Titans watched with amazement as they saw apart of Raven they rarely ever saw; a kind, comforting, and caring Raven. It was strange to see her interact the way she was with creatures she hadn't known for a whole day. Everyone in the room were caught off guard when a blinking red light and a siren went off causing all the titans to jump to their feet and for Fluttershy to jump in fright.

Instantly, Robin's leader mode came out as he instructed his team, "Titans,trouble. Go!" with no hesitation, the group except for Fluttershy and Luna all ran to the door to stop the trouble that was spreading chaos in the city. However, Luna wanted to find out what was going on, so she grabbed ahold of Raven's cloak with her mouth, "Wait! What is going on!?" Raven didn't have time for this, "There's no time to explain, but stay here and don't go outside!" Raven pulled away her cloak as she exited the common room, leaving Luna and Fluttershy to look on with both astonishment and horror.

It had been eight hours and yet still, the titans had not returned home. Luna was pacing around the room, worried for the people who had saved them, "Where are they! What are they doing that could be taking so LONG!" Fluttershy followed Luna's movements with concern for the princess and the titans, "I'm sure they are fine," though Fluttershy was beginning to wonder what was going on and if it was safe as well, "I don't care! Those humans could be in need of our help and we're sitting here!" Luna stared out of the window; thinking, until she made up her mind.

"We're going after them! Come on!" before Fluttershy could protest, Luna flew out of the room at top speed. She knew that what she was about to do was dangerous, but she knew that she was going to do anything and everything in her power to help the titans, weather they wanted it or not....

To Be Continued........

Author's Note:

Seems Luna will face off in the first challenge of her journey, but will she be able to save the titans? Sorry if this chapter dragged but I had to go to sleep and it was getting late, so this is a 2 parter.