• Published 21st Feb 2016
  • 804 Views, 2 Comments

Powers of Darkness and Magic: World of Heros - MLPgirlwriter

King Sombra has returned, and the mane 6 can't stop him. Instead, Princess Luna is the only one who can stop it, but when a pegasus joins her and they are transfered to a new world with super heros, lets just say things get complcated.

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New Team, New Friends

Author's Note:

HELLO BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS ALIKE!!! Wow. It has seriously been like 3 weeks since i updated a new chapter! Sorry about that, things have just been real crazy lately. I am going on vacation for the week and i won't be back until next sunday, so i really wanted to do this chapter real quick. I THINK this is a long one so brace yourselves. Also, I am really sorry if this drags. Please comment (if you want) and bye!!!!!:rainbowwild:

Somewhere in an ominous and dark tunnel under Jump City......

The former Crystal King waited impatiently for his Servants of Shadows to return from their mission. To be more specific, he was awaiting for the commander of the fleet to come to him and inform Sombra that he, or rather 'it' had delivered it's message to Princess Luna. The stallion was getting more and more agitated with his messenger every minute that past. He grimaced when he wondered if the message had even been sent. At last, the demented unicorn felt the prescience of his commander of black, smoky smog infest his chamber.

Once Sombra knew for sure that the smoke was in earshot, the red-horned pony spoke in his calm, yet most traumatizing tone so horrible, it could scare even the bravest of all grown stallions, "I hope you were successful in your task. If not, then you know what shall come to you..." as he said this, King Sombra opened the slightest of openings out of thin air with his magic. It was an opening to oblivion.

The smoked creature quivered a little bit, as it did not wish to be sent to such a place. The smoke was very grateful that it did have good news to it's master, "...Yes, sire.The task is complete...the Princess of Slumber now knows of your request to meet with her in six moons..." the grey-coated emperor allowed a devilish smile to grace across his snout at this news, until he sensed an uneasiness radiating off of the monster in front of him. He frowned as he realized that there was more to the story than just the alicorn mare. King Sombra narrowed his purple-smoked eyes upon the smog as he asked a simple, yet critical question, "And...?"

Already knowing what it's master meant by the question, the smog-infested creature said simply, "...And, it would appear that she is now being accompanied by a yellow-coated and pink maned pegasus mare, and a strange set of the beings known as 'humans' with magics I have never seen before," the beast chuckled as it continued on, "Of course, even with their abilities, those pitiful creatures would be dead by now if those two foolish ponies did not come in to save them!"

At this new revelation, the King of Shadows glared at his servant, making it step a few hooves away. Sombra was now even more agitated than he already wanted to be when he heard of the humans and the Element of Kindness! He had sent a piece of smog the used to shroud his body with darkened smoke to retrieve all six of the Elements of Harmony, but for whatever reason could not get a hold of what Sombra believed to be the weakest out of the artifacts; Kindness. Not to mention that even though he has only been in the new dimension for a short period, the dark king could tell that the humans were very intelligent and more advanced than what he was accustomed to. He knew that if Luna had aid from one of the elements and the humans then she would have the upper hoof! And yet, his minions just let the princess and her companions walk away!

The horned king was surging with anger as he all of a sudden pushed and cornered his misted-servant into a nearby wall! Stunned and petrified to the spot, the mist dreaded what was about to come next. The smoke's master and leader stared down on it, for the darkened vapor had shrunk down to a small size as a result of the fear. Sombra sneered at his so called 'loyal' servant of darkness with pure fury and hatred in his red and green eyes, "How DARE you let them escape!? Do you realize what you have done!? That pegasus was the last element I needed, and YOU and your army just let her go! If that wasn't any worse, you allowed those 'humans' to escape as well!" the evil king spat coldly.

King Sombra took a few steps back, away from his commander of mist and breathed in repeatedly and tried to calm his anger. Finally, with a heavy sigh, the curved-red horned unicorn king turned his back on his minion, who was slowly regaining it's misted figure, but remaining in the same spot. Sombra retrieved his composure and spat in a low, yet menacing manner, "You are very fortunate I shall reward you with mercy for at least giving the princess the message. You are now dismissed. I must be alone..."

Not hesitating in the slightest, the vaporized form quickly got out of the chamber.

As for the Shadow King, he stood where he was for a good minute or so, before he used his magic to materialize a chest and opened it up to reveal none other than the Elements of Harmony. With the exception of kindness. However, the elements, which were usually gorgeous gems with vibrant and bright colors, now looked drained of their colors and dull looking. If anyone looked really closely at the jewelry, they could also make out small cracks around the edges of the jems. This was bad, especially for the five mares who protected these artifacts. But for King Sombra, this was very good.

Once again for the second time that day, the stallion graced a wicked grin upon his narrow face, "I'm coming for you, Luna. And you new friends, too..."


Princess Luna got up from bed early as usual to lower the moon and make way for the sun. The immortal made her way up to the roof of Titans Tower and, with much difficulty, lowered the moon. Luna landed back on the roof on her hooves, but stumbled a bit. Luna could barely describe how drained and tired she felt every time she raised or lowered her moon for the past month in a half, "I bet this has something to do with Sombra..." the alicorn thought to herself as an unpleasant chill ran down her spine, and not just because of the idea of her losing control over her moon to Sombra. It was Sombra himself that made her feel this way.

Pushing all thoughts of her moon and Sombra aside, the moon goddess made her way to the common room where she wanted to be alone until everyone else in the tower awoke from their slumbers. But when Luna did arrive to the common room, she was surprised to see none other than Raven, sitting at the lounge, reading a book, and drinking herbal tea. Without looking up from her book, the empath said in her signature monotone voice, "'morning," Luna responded and sat with the woman across from her at the table, "Good morning, Raven. Why are you up so early?"

Still not looking up from her reading, Raven answered the moon princess, "I'm always up this early. I like to get some reading done before everyone else wakes up. I am guessing you are up because you had to lower the moon?" Luna nodded, before her acquaintance finally looked at her with an unreadable expression, "Speaking of which, its morning. And that means you have to answer my questions from last night," Raven could sense the mare's muscles tighten up and the feelings of nervousness, anxiety, and fear overcome Luna.

Feeling a bit guilty about getting to the point so early in the day, and doing it to a princess, Raven then decided to wait once everyone in the building were up and about. Only then would she get answers from the pony in front of her.

Soon enough, the sun was up in the sky, and the titans, Fluttershy, and Angel awake. After everyone said their good mornings and got settled around the living area, Robin spoke up, "Okay everyone, there are some things that Raven and I feel we need to discuss. Particularly with Princess Luna and Fluttershy," at the mention of their names, Luna and Fluttershy tensed up when all the titans eyes were on them. Raven began with her questions, "Okay, what did that 'thing' want with you, and why did it say 'despite it being one thousand years ago'?"

Luna took a deep breath and answered the question, "Okay well first off, I am here with Fluttershy on a dangerous mission," at this statement, the adult humans and alien grew interested in what their guest was talking about, "You see, about a week ago in Equestria, and before you ask, that is our home country in a different dimension," the titans all nodded their heads in understanding as the alicorn continued, "An old foe from our past, known as King Sombra, escaped from his imprisonment and stole five artifacts known as the Elements of Harmony, which protect our world from devastation, from the five mares who control them, and then came here to your dimension to....to.."

Trailing off, Luna turned away from the group in front of her, who were now more than interested in the tale. It was only when Luna felt a hoof on her shoulder from Fluttershy did she finish her sentence, "Huh...to do who knows what. Let's just say that when I was younger, we were pupils together for the great Star Swirl The Bearded, who was the greatest wizard of that time. That was.....1004 years ago,"

"WHAT!!!! YOU MEAN TO TELL US THAT YOU ARE 1004 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!??????" Cyborg's human eye was wide, and it's pupil had shrunk, indicating that he was in shock. Not to mention that his was wide open so much, six crows could fly in it and nest. Luna couldn't help help the little chuckle that escaped her lips, "Well, no. I'm not 1004 years old, Cyborg," at that, the robotic man gave a sigh of relief, "Oh good, I was freaking out there for a second," Luna only smirked, "I'm 1026 years old,"

Cyborg then freaked out once again, but his fellow teammates only stared at the princess in astonishment and amazement. Starfire then caught on to Luna's statement, "Wait! So that must mean you are immortal, yes?" the Princess of the Night nodded, "Yes, Starfire. I am immortal. In my world, I am what is known as an 'alicorn', which is a pony with all the pony types known as unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. My older sister, Princess Celestia, is the ruler of Equestria and the Princess of the Sun. I am the Princess of the Moon. Together, we bring forth night and day,"

The Teen Titans just stared, dumbfounded and amazed at this new discovery. Although, they wondered weather or not Luna was telling them the truth. Then again, she WAS a horse with wings and a horn that helped save their butts the previous day AND she could talk! Thinking back, it now made a lot more sense to Robin when Luna freaked out when he spoke about the moon's absence the previous morning. Beast Boy was the first to break everyone away from their thoughts, "Dude, that is so cool!"

"Well, now it makes more sense for everything that is going on, but what about these 'Elements of Harmony'? who controls them?" Robin asked. Fluttershy's expression quickly saddened at the mention of the artifacts that could easily kill her best friends and even her if they were destroyed. Her personality change did not go un-noticed by Luna or Beast Boy, who wrapped their wing and arm over the pegasus's shoulder. The green changling didn't know why, but he felt very protective of the shy pony. He didn't know if it was his human instincts or his animal ones, but felt like he had to be gentle to the pink maned mare.

Fluttershy decided to answer this time, "...The Elements of Harmony are controlled by my five best friends. I control an element, too. My element is kindness. Twilight Sparkle, who became an alicorn princess just recently, is the Element of Magic, the strongest element of them all. Rarity is the Element of Generosity. Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter. Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty. And Applejack is the Element of Honesty. When King Sombra took the elements except for mine, he also weakened my friends...."

The winged pony choked up a sob as she tried to hold back her tears. Luna and Beast Boy only squeezed her tighter with sad eyes. As for Robin, Raven, Cyborg, and Starfire, they just looked on at the trio with saddened expressions plastered on their aged faces. Starfire was already in tears as Robin hugged her and tried to comfort her. Heaving in a deep, ragged sigh, Fluttershy continued, "You see, according to Princess Celestia, the Elements of Harmony are connected to my friends and I by heart, soul, and spirit. If the elements were affected in anyway, then they would affect us. So, if the elements were destroyed, then my friends and I would....."

An eerie silence filled the room like the plague as the group of superheros and ponies grew silent as they drifted off into their own thoughts, comprehending what to do or to say. Fluttershy didn't need to say the word for them to understand what she meant. Even Starfire knew what it meant.

At long last, the blue moon goddess got up from her spot on the couch, getting everyone's attention and speaking, "Well, now you know everything you wanted. Thank you all for sheltering us, but Fluttershy and I now have to stop this ordeal from going any farther," with that, Luna walked out of the room, with Fluttershy, who was released from Beast Boy, and quickly followed the immortal to their room to pack. This left the five titans to sit once again in an uncomfortable silence, gazing at the door where the two mares just exited.

"We can't let them leave," Beast Boy suddenly blurted out of the blue, resulting in his friends turning to him with surprise. Even Raven was surprised, yet she had to agree with the shape-shifter, "I agree with Garfield. We can't let those two ponies leave the tower, especially Fluttershy," Beast Boy was shocked that Raven used his real name, but let it slide. His name came out just right when she said it. Robin shook his head, "I don't know, guys. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with you. It's just that I doubt that the princess and Fluttershy will let us get involved. They seem like the type of peop-or ponies who don't want any harm inflicted upon anyone,"

"But Robin, we can protect them. Please, let them stay. I know we have only known the two equins for a few days, but I feel as though our fates were meant to intwine," Starfire argued. The tanned alien was certain that having Fluttershy and Luna safe would be best. That, and she really liked the idea of having a few more girls for her and Raven to hang out with.

Raven agreed with the Tamoranion princess. She couldn't help but feel like Luna and herself were meant to meet each other and that they were connected to each other. After all, one does not simply have a dream where they meet a person, or in Raven's case, pony who you find out is a real soul and have it be a coincidence! Robin however, was still unsure.

"I don't know, Starfire..." Robin was trying to figure out what to do, but was having a difficult time. Finally, Cyborg spoke up, "Come on, man! We owe them for saving our butts yesterday. If those two horses, or ponies, or whatever they are didn't show up, we wouldn't be here right now! Besides, we could really use Luna's magic and Fluttershy could do something with her Element of Harmony thing-y!"

That must have done the trick though, because Robin agreed with his team after that. Now was the real challenge; convincing the ponies to stay with them. The titans waited in the hallway outside the common room where they knew that the alicorn princess and pegasus pony would come out with their saddlebags to leave.

The two ponies didn't want to leave the comfort or the residents of the T-shaped tower. In the few days, they've known the humans and alien, they had grown to like them and respect them. Luna especially liked Raven and Fluttershy liked Beast Boy and Starfire. as much as they didn't want to go, the girls knew that it would keep the titans safe. But when they turned the corner, they spotted the titans standing in the middle of the hallway, as if barricading it out of their way.

Luna couldn't help but narrow her eyes and ask with a stern tone in her voice, "What is the meaning of this?" Raven knelt down to Luna's level and Beast Boy knelt down to Fluttershy's, "We know that you're leaving because you don't want us to get hurt, but we don't want the same to happen to you two," Raven spoke in a surprisingly compassionate and caring tone. Beast Boy smiled down at the yellow pony in front of him, "Yeah, we owe you guys for helping us out of that mess yesterday," the shape-shifter scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment.

Luna smiled sweetly up at the woman in front of her, and then looked to the rest of the group, "Thank you, but we do not wish to put your lives on the line for us. Fluttershy and I will handle it alone," Robin only shook his head, "We get it. We understand what you two are trying to do, but you must know that it is our job to put our lives on the line, so we can help others. And besides, this 'King Sombra' is not only threatening your world. He is threatening our world, too. We need to work together if we are going to stop him,"

Fluttershy arced an eyebrow, "You mean, like a team?" Robin only nodded and took out two communicators from his back pockets and held them out, "Well, only if you want to," the Boy Wonder said with a small smile. Cyborg gave the two mares an encouraging smile, "So, what do you say, little ladies? Want to join the Teen Titans?" Starfire waited with anticipation as she watched the two ponies. Raven and Beast Boy were still crouched beside the two, awaiting for their answer.

Luna and Fluttershy exchanged looks, asking each other mentally if the should join the team. Once they made their choice, the two nodded to each other in agreement and flew up towards Robin, who still held out the communicators. With a big grin, Luna placed her hoof on the communicator and smiled up at Robin, who smiled back, "When do we start?" she asked.