• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 6,080 Views, 82 Comments

A Strange Trip - TheWhiteFreak

HiE turned into a dragon by Eris the greek God of Chaos for a little bit of fun

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Ch.0 Prologue

Ch. 0 Prologue
Hello there, my name is Eric, Eric James Carlson if you want to be formal, or at least that was my name before I got sent on the ride of my now very much extended life. This is my story of not only how I ended up in Equestria but what I did while there. You see I’m now a dragon, yup that’s right, a massive, magically super-charged, fire-breathing flying lizard. I didn’t start out that way mind you, I used to be a human, a regular Average Joe, not some super assassin, not a genius, but a total wimp. I stayed within the median of society, not standing out on anything, just going with the flow, it wasn’t the best life but I was happy. I was a pretty nice guy mostly because I couldn’t fight for shit and didn't want to get my teeth kicked in. I was also a brony, not a crazy scream-it-out-to-the-world brony mind you but I did enjoy the show and all the fanfics that fellow bronies wrote.

I used to work at an Ad agency, not the most exciting of jobs but it paid well and I could troll the internet for hours at a time and no one would care. My daily routine would be wake up, go to work, troll internet for a few hours, work for one, troll some more, go home, troll some more, go to bed, rinse and repeat. All that changed when I met Eris, the Greek God of Chaos; the hottest as well as the most bat-shit crazy god that I had ever met, which made sense, given her job. I had just turned thirty and after a night of binge drinking with some fellow co-workers, I was stumbling through the snowy streets when I ran into Eris, I didn’t know it was her at the time, she had pale white skin, glowing golden hair and wearing nothing but a toga, even in my drunken stupor it struck me as odd that a woman would be wearing a toga in the middle of winter and since I am a nice guy I asked her if she needed any help.

“Hey… ar-are you o-ok?” I asked her while stumbling a little.

“Oh yes, I’m fine now that you are here.” Her voiced had a melodious ring to it.

“M-me? Why were you wait-waiting for me?”

“Well you see a friend of mine from long ago contacted me and presented me with a little game he wanted to play. We would each take a being from our world and put them in the others world. He already chose his and I chose you to be mine. Now tell me what do you know about ‘My Little Pony’?”

Now you all know that drinking reduced your inhibitions? Well I was smashed so I just started drunkenly praising the show.

“I know a whole bunch, I’m a brony after all.” I tried to put my hand on my chest and accidentally hit my neck.

“Excellent.” She clapped her hands together, “Would you like to go there?”

“Oh hell ya, it’d be loads of fun, could you make me into a pony?” I drunkenly asked her.

“Oh that’s no fun, how bout something bigger, like a dragon?” she had an evil smirk.

“Hey yea I forgot about those… I’m not gonna be a small dragon like Spike am I?” the drunken brony in me was thoroughly enjoying himself.

“Of course not, like I said before, where’s the fun in that? So, are you ready to go?” she takes a slightly wider stance.

“All set, let ‘er rip!” I spread my arms out, ready to receive.

She then reached behind her back and pulled out a bat that had a gratuitous amount of nails sticking out of it.
Now, you know you are drunk and you all of a sudden have a moment of sobriety when some bad shit just happened or is about to? Yea that’s what happened to me, as she took a batter’s stance and wound up for the pitch.

“Wait hold on a sec-?” was all I got out as she swung hard and caught me right in the temple with a sickening crunch, as the world went dark I heard her shout.