• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 6,080 Views, 82 Comments

A Strange Trip - TheWhiteFreak

HiE turned into a dragon by Eris the greek God of Chaos for a little bit of fun

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Ch. 1 I'm A Dragon

Ch. 1 I'm A Dragon
I groaned as I slowly regained consciousness, my body laid spread eagle, heavy from last night drunken shenanigans. I smacked my lips together and realized that I was dehydrated.

“Your finally awake, I thought I may have hit you a little too hard.” That same melodious voice came from above me.

I groaned again as I blearily opened my eyes to see that I am not in my bed but in a white void with the crazy toga chick standing above me wearing an outfit that made me think of what a stripper would wear if you told her to dress like a Greek god, a cloth string bikini covered her chest, a mini skirt barely covering her waist and privates, gold bands on her upper arms and around her neck and wrists and some four inch gold high heels. She was standing above me with her toes just above my ears, I could seethat she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“You know I can see everything right?” I said while blushing.

She smiled seductively, kneeled down and put my head on her lap, her golden glowing eyes staring through my soul, and pinched my cheeks.

“Ow, ok-ok, I didn’t see anything, now why the hell am I here?” I tried to bring my hands up to rub my cheeks but they wouldn’t move.

“I told you that I was gonna send you to Equestria but humans aren’t allowed so I had to destroy your old body so I could give you a new one.” Her smile didn’t even quiver.

“Wait… so does that mean I’m dead?”

“In a sense yes, but you won’t stay dead for long, your new body is almost finished, just needs to ‘cook’ a little longer and it will be all ready.” Her smile was starting to freak me out.

“So who are you anyways?” I probably should’ve asked that last night but since I was drunk I really don’t remember if she told me or not.

“My name is Eris Strife, Greek god of Chaos.” She looked down at me with her golden eyes.

'Greek god? I though they were just myths that anicent civilizations used to explain things they didn't understand'

“No we are not myths; we are all very much real.” She said as she looked up and turned her head to the left.

I looked out the corner of my eye seeing as I couldn’t turn my head and saw a puff of pink smoke and heard the quack of a duck.

“Ah Eris, is that the one you picked? A little scrawny isn’t he?” The infamous draconequus asked as he emerged from the smoke.

“Maybe so Discord, but if I remember the one you picked wasn’t exactly Hercules himself.” She said sarcastically.

Discord gave a hearty laugh, “I guess you got me on that one. Well I just came to see who you picked. I have to go see to my little pony now.” In another puff of pink smoke and a honk of a goose he was gone.

I then heard a ding, like the bell you ring at a hotel front desk; she looked up and smiled again.

“Ah, looks like your new body is ready, well then off you go.” She stood up and grabbed me by the hair and tore my head off.

As I looked down I could see my decapitated body, I didn’t have time to panic as she raised me up to eye level and gave me another evil smile.

“And a word of advice, don’t tell anyone, or anypony I should say, that you are from a different world, it would be… unhealthy to do so.” She let go of my hair and punted my head across the void, the world went dark again.

I groaned again as I once again regain consciousness. I could feel that I was on my stomach lying on some dirt and rocks, the smell of a forest around me.

‘So am I a dragon now? Or did Eris turn me into something silly just to get a laugh.’

I blinked open my eyes adjusting to the light and saw that I was indeed in a forest; it sort of looked like the Everfree forest. As I looked around I could see that my eyesight had been improved by leaps and bounds, where before I would need glasses to see ten feet in front of me, I could see at least two hundred feet away with vivid detail. I looked down and could see that I didn’t have a human nose anymore; instead my snout extended out and was covered in shimmering black scales. I tried to lift my head, instantly aware that it was very heavy and my brain screaming at me didn’t help either. After a few minutes of slow movement, I was finally able to lift my head without too much pain, as I turned around to get a good look at my new body and I was thoroughly impressed.

‘Alright so I’m a black dragon, she didn’t lie about that. Ok first things first, assess my new body.’

I clenched my fingers in the dirt and rocks to regain feeling and noticed that I still had four fingers along with my thumb. My fingernails had been replaced with long black-grey talons that covered the tips of my fingers. As I opened and closed my fist a few times and accidentally crushed a rock that was under my hand, I smiled at my new strength. I continued up to my arms which were thick and I could see the muscles and sinew expand and contract as I tested my new limb. My elbows had some bone-like protrusions that were shaped like blades that didn’t seem to hinder any movement as I swung my arm around in a big arc. I saw that on my back were two very large black wings that were folded up against my back, I tried to move them using new muscles that I didn’t have before, and they just twitched a little bit.

‘To do list; Learn to work my wings.’

I looked further down and say my legs which followed similar designs to my arms, I had lost one of my toes and the rest had been turned into long equal length talons with the same black-grey color along with the bone blade sticking out from my heel. Looking down at my tail, I saw that it was a little longer than my body and started thick where it connected and then tapered down to a shape that looked like a double-bladed sword that looked fairly sharp, I gave it a few testing swings and cut a tree clean in half. As I experimented with my tail I saw that it was prehensile as I twisted it around the tree I just cut down and lifted it up and swung it around before throwing it out of sight. Half way down my tail, I saw a ridge of small spines that got bigger as it followed my spine back to my head. I probed my hand around the back of my neck and head and felt that the spines were almost like horns, the larger ones near my spine and the others got progressively smaller around the sides of my head. I felt around my face and noticed that similar spines were around my face, although they were much smaller, giving me the feeling they were somewhat like a beard.

‘Assessment done, next let’s try walking’

I slowly rose on my han- claws, shaking and quivering as I did. As I stood waiting for my shaking to stop, I took in just how much taller I was, my head almost reached the top of a couple of the smaller trees, using them as a reference I made a rough guess at my new height.

‘I’m probably about twenty feet or so tall.’

I looked behind me at the length of my body.

‘And maybe fifty or so feet long with my tail.’

With the shaking gone from my legs, I shifted my weight around on my limbs as tested my new body, I then lifted my left arm and immediately fell flat on my face as I lost my balance.

“Oof.” As my face met the dirt, causing a loud crash as my body followed my head.

My eyes shot open as I noticed my voice was much, much deeper.

“Hello?” My voice rumbled out as it reverberated in my throat.

“Hello, hello, hello.” I spoke out as I tried different octaves and pitches with my new voice as I rose back to my claws.

‘My new voice is pretty kick-ass.’

I gave a chuckle and was shocked when a small puff of fire escaped my mouth.

‘What the-?’ I face-clawed myself, ‘Duh, I’m a dragon; of course I can breathe fire.’

I looked over to a group of trees and took a deep breath and unleashed a gout of fire that incinerated all the trees in front of me for a good hundred feet to ashes. I gave a hearty laugh and continued to burn down the trees around me. Satisfied with my control of my new fire-breathing, I decided to try walking again. I lifted my leg again, happy that I didn’t fall flat on my face again, and placed it a little farther forward. I then repeated the action with my other limbs each giving a small thud as they fell, the entire ordeal taking me little over a minute.

’First steps complete now to get walking down, won’t get very far if it takes a minute between each step.’

I spend a few minutes walking in the large clearing that I made, getting faster and faster as I mastered walking. Satisfied with my new walking pattern, I picked a random direction and began walking through the forest, quietly humming to myself even though it still came out as a dull roar. As I walked through the trees I could hear the cries of some of the smaller animals as they ran away from the new dragon that was trudging through their home. A couple of times I accidentally bumped into a few trees and scrapped off all of the bark in one motion, my tail knocked over some of the trees as well. I walked for what felt like an hour or two before I stopped when I noticed a strange smell in the air. It wasn’t the same as the rest of the forest, dank and moldy; it was pleasant, like a field of flowers along with the smell of freshly cut wood and it was right in front of me. I lowered myself to a crouch and began sneaking my way towards the smell, why I was sneaking as a big-ass dragon I didn’t know, maybe an old habit from when I was human. I came upon a horrifying scene, a pack of about five Timberwolves were surrounding a small quivering yellow pegasus pony with a pink mane up against a tree.

‘Holy shit! Fluttershy!’

The wolves were slowly closing in on her, growling and barking about the meal to come. I was going to deny them that meal. I loosed a deep growl of my own as I revealed myself from the trees, slamming my claws into the ground with each step, each eliciting a small boom. The wolves as well as the pony all snapped their heads to the new player and stared wide-eyed, legs shaking (Fluttershy was shaking a lot more than the wolves). I looked down at the wolves that were paralyzed with fear.

“Beat it.” I said nonchalantly while nodding my head to the side.

Even if the wolves couldn’t understand my words, they knew exactly what I meant as they bolted off into the trees. After I watched the spot they all went through for a minute, I turned my head back to Fluttershy who was still shaking like a leaf. I slowly walked closer to her, taking lighter steps; she just shook harder eyes still locked on mine.

“Are you ok?” I asked her in the quietest voice I could.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.
