• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 6,080 Views, 82 Comments

A Strange Trip - TheWhiteFreak

HiE turned into a dragon by Eris the greek God of Chaos for a little bit of fun

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Ch. 6 Head of State

Ch. 6 Head of State

After I spent a good five minutes laughing at Pinkie’s fourth wall breaking antics, the other ponies decided to return to what they were doing before my fight. Twilight suggested we all meet at SugarCube Corner in two hours, we all agreed as the other members of the Mane 6 made their way out the library.

“So Twilight anymore tests you wanna run?” I asked.

“Not for right now, I want to send a letter to the princess though, I’m sure she will be just as excited to hear about proof of ‘Magus Perceptum’ but I will continue researching it, see if I can uncover some more information.” She answered while pulling a different piece of paper out.

“Ok then, I’m gonna go take a look around town, maybe stop by that market that you mentioned.”

“Sure, just make sure you don’t forget about SugarCube Corner. Oh and by the way, it seems that you are going to be in charge of a few fillies while you are out.” She gave me a smirk while looking at the CMC.

I turned my head to see the fillies giving me their trademark ‘puppy dog’ eyes complete with quivering lips.

‘Gah, must resist… impossible… D’awwwwwww.’

“I suppose I can manage that, so Cutie Mark Crusaders, what would you like to do?” I lowered myself to their level.

“We ne’er got a chance to sneak up on ya again; I wanna give it ‘nother go.” Applebloom quickly responded.

“Hmm… I’ve got a better idea, why don’t you all learn how to run away from a big scary dragon-pony!” I said the last part with a comically evil voice.

They all squealed out in joy and ran out of the library, I rose back to my hooves, gave Twilight and Spike a big smile and took off after the CMC.

“FLEE BEFORE ME PUNY CRUSADERS; YOU CANNOT HOPE TO MATCH TAROS THE EVIL!” I was using my cartoon bad-guy voice while I chased the squealing crusaders from the air.

They were running through the streets as I swopped down near them, making them laugh even louder as we passed a few other ponies that were looking with confusion at the strange scene in front of them. As I came around for another pass, I could see that they were hatching a plan to ‘defeat’ me, Sweetie Belle took off to the left down a side street, while Scootaloo went to the right, Applebloom still running down the main road. Applebloom then performed the ‘B-grade horror movie white girl fall’ maneuver complete with pretend scream.

‘What are you three planning I wonder?’

I decided to take the bait as I swopped down and landed a few hooves from Applebloom, who was trying to hide her smile behind her hooves.

“YOU SHALL MAKE A DECLICOUS SNACK LITTLE CRUSADER.” I ‘roared’ as I slowly walked towards her.

“NOW!” Applebloom shouted.

Sweetie and Scootaloo now came running out from the side streets and leapt at me while Applebloom jumped from her position at me as well. Applebloom latched on to my neck, Sweetie got me around the leg and Scootaloo grabbed my tail.

“ARRGH! IT IS NOT POSSIBLE! I AM DEFEATED!” I gave out a death yell and fell to the side that Sweetie wasn’t on and played dead complete with my mouth open and tongue hanging out.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS DRAGON SLAYERS, YAY!” they all cheered out together.

That was all I could handle, I started laughing on the ground and the crusaders soon joined in. Many other ponies were watching the scene with even more confusion than before.

“Good job crusaders, you have defeated your first dragon, now how bout we go take a look at that market?” I asked as they let me go and got up.

“Girls? Are you the one causing all this commotion?” The fuchsia earth pony I recognized as Cheeriliee walked up to us barely batting an eyelash at me.

“Hey, Ms. Cheeriliee, we were just crusadin’ with Taros.” Applebloom waved a hoof over to me.

“Hello Ms. Cheeriliee, nice to meet you.” I stuck out my hoof for a friendly greeting which she reciprocated happily.

“Ah, of course, nice to meet you as well Mr. Taros, I heard about that terrible fight you had with that other dragon, are you ok?”

“Just Taros is fine and yea I’m good, just a couple of scratches.” I replied.

“What brings ya to the market Ms. Cheeriliee?” Scootaloo asked.

“Just a little shopping that I had to take care of, the weekend markets always seem to bring out the freshest produce. If you will excuse me, I have quite a bit of grading that I need to take care of.” She said with a smile as she bid us goodbye.

“Wanna go tour the market for a little before we meet up with the mares?” I asked while looking at the fillies.

They nodded as they ran up to flank me on each side as we walked through the main street where all of the stalls and carts were set up. I was once again getting those strange looks from ponies, some seemed to be outright disgusted while others seemed to see me as a curiosity, which in all fairness I was. I simply ignored them as we continued though the market. This market was much like any you would find at a farmer’s market on Earth, all sorts of fruits and vegetables in carts and on tables while the owners hawked at any who would walk close enough, just with ponies instead of humans. One thing that was different was there were a couple of merchants who were not selling produce or food of any kind; they were selling weapons and armor. Most of them were iron or some other type of metal but there was one merchant that made me despise him instantly. In his stall were weapons and armor made from the scales and bones of dragons. Now I didn’t have any real love for the dragons so far, given by the one that I met already, but there was something about seeing the bones and scales of one of my kind, hung up like a trophy just rubbed me the wrong way.

“Taros? You ok?” Applebloom gave me a nudge in the leg when she saw that I was growling loudly.

“Huh?” I snapped my head to her when I realized what I was doing, “yea… yea, I’m… fine. Let’s get out of here.”

As we walked by the merchant, admittedly at a hurried pace, I gave him my equivalent of the ‘Stare’ and given by his reaction, it conveyed my feelings to him. I shook off my anger once he was out of sight, brooding about it wasn’t going to change anything and attacking him probably wouldn’t go over as well as it did with Elitros. We ended up just walking aimlessly for a while until we spotted the familiar sight of SugarCube Corner.

“Hmm… we might be a little early but you fillies feel like waiting for the others inside?” I asked while looking down at my young entourage.

They all gave a nod before running ahead of me into the shop, I followed them through the door expecting to see the Cakes and maybe Pinkie, but instead I was greeted by all of the Mane 6 all wearing worried looks on their face.

“What’s up everypony?”

“We have a problem. The dragon ambassador came to visit Princess Celestia today.” Twilight answered while she looked at the ground.

“So? Why should I care about some other dragon?”

“She has asked for you personally.” I could see the worry in her eyes.



“How does the dragon ambassador even know about me? Everyone that I’ve met had said that all the Blacks were dead and I haven’t shown myself to any other dragon except for Elitros and there is no way he got the information to any other dragon.” Taros was visibly worried about having to meet a foreign dignitary.

“That’s just it Taros, the dragon ambassador knew you were coming, it’s why she is here today.” Twilight was trying to keep him calm.

“That’s impossible, how could someone know I was here so quickly?”

“Her name is Deraga Soothsight; she is a dragon seer, possibly the strongest one in over two hundred years.” She had to read the name off of the letter she received to make sure she pronounced it right.

“Seer? You mean she can see the future?” Taros was still pacing around the store.

“Yes, and she asked for you personally because she foresaw your arrival over one year ago.” Twilight said.

“A whole year she has been waiting for me? Wait… does that mean she knows everything that I’ve done since I got here? The diamond dogs, Elitros and the Magus Perceptum thing too?”

“No I don’t think so. The letter says that you should fly there in your dragon form because she doesn’t seem to be aware of it yet and we should keep it under wraps as best we can for now.”

“I guess there is no way for me to get out of this is there?” Taros sighed as he made his way back out the door.

“I’m afraid not, no” Twilight answered as they all walked into the street in front of SugarCube Corner.

“Well I guess I better get going then, you might wanna back up though.” He gave a wave of his hoof and the group all backed up away from him.

Twilight could feel the magic Taros was giving off as he began changing forms. His body began wriggling and his bones snapped and changed shape as his form expanded and stretched to regain his draconic size. His hooves became claws with razor-sharp talons, his single unicorn horn and the hair on his head disappeared and were replaced by a field of spines that erupted from his head and ran down his neck. His tail also changed shape; the smooth rounded nub was replaced by the sharp double-bladed tip from before. As his transformation finished, many of the other ponies who were not in the know of what just happened were staring with utter shock, some even passed out when they saw a dragon-pony change into a twenty-hoof tall dragon.

“Seeya everypony.” He shouted as he unfurled his wings, crouched his body and leapt into the air, scattering dust from his take off point and began flying majestically towards Canterlot.


If dragons were capable of sweating, I would have been sweating bullets. The flight to Canterlot was excruciating, even if the flight wasn’t very long what was bothering me was who I was going to meet when I got there. As Canterlot Castle got bigger and bigger as I approached I could see some of the guard ponies start to mobilize when I came into view. I saw at least three dozen pegasus ponies come flying out from rooms in the castle to me. They surrounded me and moved to flank me on all sides, providing the equivalent of an armed escort.

“Is this really necessary? I’m not the most vulnerable of creatures.” I asked the guard closest to my head.

“This escort is not for you Sir, it is so the castle guards do not attack you and the citizenry are not disturbed by your presence!” he yelled out over the wind.

‘That does make sense, I probably would upset some of the ‘nobles’ if I just come flying in all of sudden.’

As we flew towards the castle I could see that there was an entire city beneath the city that was never seen in the show. The architecture had three different styles arranged into a rough ‘S’ shape that worked its way up the mountain towards the castle. The lowest district, which was closest to the outer gates, had mostly wooden buildings as well as a great deal of warehouses.

‘Guess that would be the ‘lower city’.’

The next district was what I assumed was the market district given all the open-walled building with ponies shouting about their wares and supplies.

‘Would I call that market district? Or maybe middle city? Nah that sounds silly.’

The last district was by far the most expensive-looking; each of the small estates had their own style and architecture leading me to believe that they were each commissioned by an individual, not the local government like the other districts. Even though the houses looked small from up in the air, I could tell that they were quite large.

‘Bet even I could be comfortable in some of those houses, this would probably be the noble district or something.’

I looked past the district and came upon the castle itself. The castle was a truly beautiful structure; the show did no justice to it. The stone was all a pearlescent white framed with shining gold and silver edging around the doors, balconies and windows. The spires and parapets reached high into the sky dwarfing even me with how far they scrapped the clouds in the sky. I was so lost in the beauty of the castle that I almost didn’t notice my escort begin to slow and drop altitude, forcing me to quickly follow suit.

We didn’t land in front of the castle though; we instead flew around to a large stone slab that was surrounded by an assortment of trees, bushes and shrubs. Already on the landing I could see Celestia as well as a very large blue dragoness as we landed on the stone.

Now even though I was turned into a dragon, I was still a human in heart and mind so it would make sense that I would still be attracted to a human woman, but something about this dragoness simply radiated beauty that could surpass even the most beautiful human woman in the world. I couldn’t help but stare at her.

She was a little larger than me, about 1/3 or so bigger with the same four legs and two wings body type. Even though her body roughly had the same bulkiness as mine, her features and bone structures were much more graceful, each curving to give her a gentle appearance. She had beautiful deep-blue scales and matching eyes that seemed to gleam and reflect the light perfectly. Along her head, neck and back was not spines like me or a fin like Elitros but instead she had hair that looked to be made of pure crystal that clinked and rang out like a wind chime as they blew gracefully in the wind. Her talons also seemed to be made of the same crystal material as her hair but they were ridged but still reflected the light in a prismatic display of color. She seemed to notice me staring at her as she gave a seductive smile.

“Has it been so long since you have seen another female Black?” Her voice sounded like a captivating song.

“Huh… oh…umm…yea… I guess.” I was stumbling with my words like the captain of the chess club trying to talk to the prom queen.

“Please, there is no need to be so nervous, you are not in trouble, and I merely came today to meet the last of the Blacks.” She gave a small smile and I could see her teeth were lined up perfectly and pearly white.

“Yea… sure, so what did you want to talk to me about then?”

“We shall address that in due time, Princess? Could you give us a moment please?” She lowered her head to address Celestia.

“Of course, take all the time you need, I shall be in the throne room when you are finished.” Celestia turned to walk awake while giving me secret and knowing look and wink.

As she left I looked back to Deraga and saw her eyes light up with a blue light and a bubble of air radiated out from her and surrounded us both. I looked around to see that the bubble was holding at about twenty feet from us while making everything beyond it look like it was seen through the water and the air was stale. I analyzed the spell with my eyes.

‘A muffling and obscuring spell so no one can see or hear what is going on.’

“Now then Taros, It’s time we had serious talk.” The smile was gone from her face as well as the harmonious voice.


I have been plagued by nightmares for weeks, each night they are different but each night there is one thing that is always constant, that black figure with the red eyes that sees through my soul towering over me. Some nights it is standing in a field of fire and death; dragons, griffons and diamond dogs lying dead or dying all around him. Other nights I see the same figure standing in a sunlit field with the same beings, but instead of on the ground they are standing next to him, supporting the decisions that he has made. It was not until last night when these nightmares became clear. I was once again standing in the field of fire but the black figure was nowhere to be seen, instead I saw dragon, griffon and diamond dog all standing against each other, weapons draw, fangs and claws barred, ready to tear each other apart. Before they began their battle, the black figure once again emerged from the flames and approached the standoff. As he walked forward I saw his form become solid, he was a black dragon who was only a little shorter than me with the same piercing red eyes. He stopped in front of the fighters and spoke words that I could not understand and the combatants lowered their weapons. He lifted his head and looked to me and I could see the sorrow in his eyes at what this war had done to our world. The dream then faded to black.

I woke in a panicked scream and was breathing heavily, my steward Jahila, a young purple dragon of no more than fifty came into the room.

“My Lady, are you alright?” her voice was tinged with worry.

“Yes…yes… Jahila… I am fine…please get me my journal…I must write what I saw before it fades.”

“Was it the nightmares again?” She asked me.

“Yes it was, but it was much clearer this time, I now know what they were trying to tell me all along.”

“What did you see?” she handed me my journal.

“The one who will change the fate of this world.”


Author’s Note: I hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter; I wanted to add an actual huge bustling city to Canterlot instead of just the small one that is in the show. I also added a few other dragons to begin to form the culture for each of the colors which will be evident in their names and attitudes Blues will be very respectful (using proper names and such), Purples will always be very proper in their speech (never using contractions or slang) and Greens are going to be very sneaky and conniving. I’m still thinking about the other colors; I will have to see how their attitudes strike me. In case anyone is confused or wondering how Jahila’s name is pronounced it’s Ja-He-La.

Comments ( 32 )

this gon be good is pretty much the only thing i can say:pinkiehappy:

Dang I just posted a new chapter and you want another already? :rainbowhuh: I can't work that fast but i will try to get the chapers out as soon as they are finished.


I have an idea, how about you make different groups for the dragons. the normal colors blue, purple, green, black, can be named the "common" group or whatever and the colors yellow, pink, orange, red, and shades of blue can be named the "exotics" that have more power than the commons but are more rarer, its just an idea, you dun have to add it but im just saying, you can fill in all the "ranks" if you choose my idea :pinkiehappy:

edit: sorry the 'black' is in exotics

I am indeed going to put a rank structure to how the dragons work as well as the different abilities of each as they appear.
I hint for you, if you are a fan of D&D you will understand

DIS IS GOOD!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::twilightsheepish:

More please?

More Chapters :flutterrage:

DIS GON BE GUD (insert .gif here derp :p:yay:)

Aww crap I find another interesting story and it hasn't been updated in almost a year...

:facehoof:Eris is the goddess of discord, not chaos...

67 weeks ago the author commented and updated... Tis a sad day...


Looking at how that comment was over a year ago, I find it pointless that you replied to it. I assure you my grammar has improved exponentially compared to what it used to be, thank you very much. :trixieshiftleft:

3351093 i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/198/020/BRTky.jpg

why is it that the last 3 dragon fics i have read that i thoroughly enjoyed are dead...........i want to read more :fluttercry:

3441572 You are a good person.

Hey, this is a great story. WHY HAVENT YOU UPDATED IT YET!:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

good story. update soon ya?

Nice story!:pinkiehappy:

>> Syndicate Luna
I know most dragon stories are either dead or haven't been updated in awhile

i like and i smell romance in the air

when will this story continue ?
it was great btw :twilightsmile:

The amount of swearing that I spat out when I noticed that there was no other chapter after this would make Deadpool flinch.

holy shit this is the same pic i use for my profile pic

*Pokes with stick* is...is it dead? Dang another dragon story abandoned and this one was really good too, makes me sad :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

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