• Published 3rd Apr 2016
  • 8,378 Views, 205 Comments

My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon - Foxhelm

A Reboot of BrassHeart's My Little Mage: The Nightmare's Return, allowing for more stories and incorpating and re-purposing more MLP Gen. 1

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The Apprentice and The Crusader

Prologue: The Princess Sisters

Once upon a time in the principality of Mystica, two regal semi-divine sisters ruled. Each held sway over the great celestial bodies closest to the world. The elder kept the sun in motion, making sure that each day was along as it should be and oversaw hers and her sister's subjects during the day. The younger governed the night, the moon and the stars. Each but in equal effort to make the day and night beautiful, but the younger sister was a lunar demigod during a time when everyone lived according to and with the sun and as such many slept through her nights and all but shun the nights she labored so much over.

Envy and jealousy stirred in the heart of the younger sister and for almost 700 years the seed festered and grew until it encompassed and consumed her mind and soul as well as her heart.

On the longest day of the year, as the elder sister was guiding the sun up to its proper place for the day she saw the moon creep across the sky. That did not bother her, for the moon was scheduled to be visible during the day that day, but then she noticed the path the moon took. However, a total solar eclipse was not scheduled for that day. She turned and saw at first her sister, but something was off, she was dressed for war and her skin was not pale like a full moon, it was black, like a ‘new moon’ and she seemed taller. A fierce battle ensued, the two were evenly matched, but the elder couldn't land an attack as when she looked upon the Nightmare that her sister became, all she could see was her sister when they were children. The younger drove home her advantage and sent her sister cascading into the deepest part of their castle, where was stored the sisters' trump card against any foe, the six gems known as the Elements of Harmony.

Seeing no other choice, the elder sister took all six Elements and with their power, banished the younger to the moon. However, the Elements of Harmony were never meant to be used by either one person, or by one currently attuned to them against another and one of the Elements was destroyed in the backlash, the elder sister barely survived. Since that fateful day, the elder sister monitored both the day and night, laboring equally for both and governing her subjects alone. While the younger sister's image was forever engrained on the moon, Maiden in the Moon, Nightmare Moon.'

A young woman of twenty with fair skin, clearly of one that doesn't get out much, closed a book she was reading from. Her hair is dark, with two streaks, one pink one a darker purple than her normal hair, “Nightmare Moon?” She asked herself. “I know that name. But where?” She placed a hand on her chin and gasped. She placed the book back on the shelf and started scouring other books in the library.

The Apprentice

The young woman from before was scouring through the Royal Archives of Chantalot, the capital city of Mystica. It was surprisingly well lit, but a mess, no thanks to the current researcher. The young woman had with her a staff with a six-pointed star on top. On her forehead was a headband with an amethyst focusing crystal which appeared to be a horn. “Any luck Spike?” the woman asked calling out to what appeared to be no-one.

Out from a lower shelf of books, a small reptile popped out. By the looks it is a purple tuatara, iguana cross with green spines, this was the aforementioned Spike and despite his appearance, he was a baby dragon... well maybe the term baby is unfair, he is a decade old. Loads of luck. Twilight, look a thousand bit note! I am rich! The dragon thought in his mind and in the mind of the woman as he holds out a piece of paper-money. The young woman, Twilight, short for Twilight Sparkle, rolled her eyes. Think of all the gems we can get, I may grow another two feet long before the year's out. Haha.

“Spike, we are not looking for lost change. Any luck with the book?” Twilight asked she didn't need to turn around or 'hear' the dragon think 'at' her. “You forgot what we are looking for didn't you?” the silence confirmed everything in Twilight's mind. “We are looking for the prophecies of Pyth...i...” Twilight stopped as she turned to face the dragon and saw the book right under him. “What would I ever do without you?” Twilight asked rhetorically as she picked up her assistant patting him on the head and rubbing his chin as she placed him on her shoulder before going for the book. She opened it and looked for any mention of Nightmare Moon.

Twilight why are we looking up anything about Nightmare Moon? Spike asked.

“Do you remember what everyone was talking about after the last Winter Solstice?” Twilight answered via asking another one in turn.

Twilight, I am a ten-year-old dragon. I need my sleep. Spike commented.

“Four... well... for lack of better term stars, have appeared around the moon and have been getting closer and closer to it, by the best calculations they'll 'touch' the moon the midnight before the Summer Solstice,” Twilight informed.

And that's a problem because…

“Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration which is the Summer Solstice. Here it is. 'In the thousandth year, four stars will appear. Before the dawn of the longest day, those stars will open the way. The Nightmare will return from the Moon and everlasting night will be her boon.' Blast, I cannot make the rest of it out.” Twilight almost cursed not being able to make out the rest of the text.

I can, 'Yet the Sun will stand at Nightmare’s fall as the last light answers Harmony’s call' Spike thought at Twilight as he pointed out the letters.

“At last, final confirmation, that's 400 for 400 that predicted Nightmare Moon's return. Spike take a letter.” Twilight order. Spike reluctantly barfed up some flames which convert into a quill and a piece of parchment. “Ahem, Dear Archmage Celestia.” Twilight started.

Ahem, Dear Archmage Celestia.

“Spike, cross out that 'ahem'.”

Spike, cross out that... oh sorry. Say Twilight, if you’re so certain about this, why don't you tell the princess in person? You are her apprentice last I checked. The dragon asked as he took the quill away from the parchment. Twilight's eyes lighten and began to leave the archives. Twilight, the book.

“Oh right,” Twilight said as she put the book back and ran as fast as she could out of the royal archives. It was not very fast or far, however, she still all but collapsed just outside the archives. “Okay...(pant)... new (pant)... plan (pant)... teleportation spell.” Twilight took another deep breath and prepared to cast the spell.

“Hey, Twily!” a man's voice broke her concentration. His hair was blue, he stood just over 6' and was dressed in a unique purple colored Royal Guard armor and looked as though he is related to Twilight Sparkle.

“DAH!” Twilight screamed as she lost her balance after being startled by the older man. “Shining Armor why did you do that? You know I have to concentrate in order to cast spells.” Twilight pouted to the man towering her even as he rubbed her head, not unlike an older sibling having fun with their younger sibling.

“Sorry kiddo, but it's one of the perks of being a big brother. So another day in the library, I see. You know you’re going to miss your friend Moondancer's party if you don't hurry. I can give you a lift.” Shining Armor, Shining for short, offered.

“I have no time for parties, BBBFF. I have to get to Princess Celestia posthaste.” Twilight countered.

“Well, I just thought that since you two, Lyra Heartstrings, Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts were friends...”

“I have no time for friends. Got to go, Shining.” Twilight then started to cast the teleportation spell.

“Wait! Twily, I have something to tell you. I am..” Shining started but was cut short.

“No time. Talk to you later, BBBFF.” Twilight said as she vanished.

“getting married... hah,” Shining said too late and dipped his head in defeat and noticed a piece of paper on the ground. He picks it up. “Wow, a 1,000-bit note!” he says as he pockets the bill. “Spike’s birth...hatching day is coming up, and while this would help with the wedding, the little guy could use something more than another science book he’ll never read, maybe a Fire Ruby or a Hope Diamond,” Shining said to himself as he returned to his patrol.

Outside the throne room of the Royal Palace, there were two massive doors, they were mixed with silver and gold leafed solar and lunar symbols all over it. These were the first things Twilight sees as she arrives. I hate it when you do that. Wait! My 1,000-bit note. NNNNOOOO!!! Spike screamed as he fell to the floor.

“Pull yourself together, Spike. We're about to see the Princess.” Twilight scolded her familiar. She took a breath and brought her right hand up to knock on the door.

“Use the standard door in the left one, Twilight, I am having new hinges installed on the larger right door.” came a motherly voice through the door.” Twilight obeyed and entered. As she walks in most of the staff were heading out. “You have fantastic timing, my young apprentice. Almost everything is in order. But I have a few more 'i's to dot and 't's to cross. Please have a seat.” Came the voice from earlier. The owner was a royal woman, she appeared to be a decade and a half older than Twilight, but gave off an air of a having at least a millennium of Life actually under her belt. She sat at a plain desk as the last of the staff headed out of the throne room. Twilight took the open seat. The woman then poured two cups of tea and placed a small bowl of gems on the desk. The small dragon went straight to the bowl and started eating. “Hungry, isn't he, skipped breakfast again I see.” the woman chuckled lightheartedly.

“If I may speak, Princess Celestia?” Twilight started as she took the cup of tea offered her.

“Oh, it's only us and Spike here, besides if you really want to be formal its 'Princess Celestia, Protector of Gryphonstone, Stewardess of Cumula, Archmage of Mystica, Founder of Chantalot, Queen of Phoenixes.. and like five hundred other such titles.” Celestia joked and took a sip of her tea. “Please go on, Twilight.”

Twilight took a deep breath to collect her thoughts, “For the last three months I have been looking over the prophecies and predictions of Mystica's history and throughout the world all 400 known prophets and soothsayers, even the one from Yakyakistan, and every single one has predicted a Shadow falling from the Moon, all of them call this event 'The Revenge of Nightmare Moon'. Pythina even says...” Twilight started but stopped as she noticed Celestia's right hand shaking.

Celestia put her cup down and then grabbed her right hand with her left. “I didn't get much sleep last night, preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration and such,” Celestia said not looking at Twilight. She then looked Twilight right in the face, “Twilight, Nightmare Moon is a story meant to explain the appearance of a what looks like a young woman's face in the moon. That is all.” Celestia stated not unlike a mother trying to diplomatically get her child to drop a sour subject.

“But this is the only prophecy that every last one of them predicted and they all their other prophecies have been proven correct.” Twilight countered, not backing down.

“Twilight, prophecies are, by their nature, vague and can be interpreted in so many ways that they cannot be proven wrong. Vagueness is never good.” Celestia pointed out, still trying to be diplomatic.

“But Pythina was never vague in her prophecies, poetic, but not vague.” Twilight countered with one of the most known prophets of the world.

“Twilight, have you ever considered that people have gone out of their way to make sure those predictions come true? Also I reigned over Mystica from that throne," Celestia said as she pointed to her actual throne located at the wall farthest from the doors, past all the stained glass windows of the hallway in the throne room. "for at least a century before Pythina's mother was a twinkle in her own father's eye.” Celestia calls attention to her own long life.

“But....” Twilight tried to argue.

“THAT IS ENOUGH, TWILIGHT! NIGHTMARE MOON IS A FAIRY TALE NOTHING MORE AND I WILL NOT HEAR ANYMORE ON THE MATTER!” Celestia's voice boomed throughout the royal hall. The room felt at least twenty degrees hotter as Celestia took to her feet and glowed like blue fire as if she was the sun itself. After a second Celestia calmed seeing her prized pupil taking refuge behind the chair, cowering in fear. Celestia walked around and placed a hand on Twilight's shoulder, reaching out slowly, afraid that she might break Twilight as she too descended to the floor. “I am sorry Twilight, are you alright?” Celestia asked calm and concern.

“I'm physically fine,” Twilight said as she turned to face Celestia, but the princess was no longer the raging sun that frightened her just before, but the mother-like teacher that she has admired and strove to emulate. Celestia embraced Twilight and after two seconds let go and the two returned to their chairs and their tea. “So you mentioned that I have great timing,” Twilight started.

“Right, I am going to host the main Summer Sun Celebration in Magiville this year...”

“That backwater boarding the Everfree Forest!” Twilight almost shouted in disbelief of the selected venue.

“Yes, that backwater, and I want you to go there and check on the preparations unless you don't want to. I am certain I can find another task...” Celestia paused and gave … the grin... Twilight could never forget that grin, it meant, 'you can either do this job or be stuck with something you will abhor.'

“No, making sure the Magiville Summer Sun Celebration is perfect will be fine,” Twilight said as she shuddered thinking about the last time she elected the other task.

“Here is the list,” Celestia said as she handed a list to Twilight.

On the list was the following:
1)Catering by Sweet Apple Temple, seek out the residing paladin Applejack, ETA: meridiem
2)Weather by Cumula Weather Magiville Branch, seek out the branch head, Rainbow Dash ETA: two hours post meridiem
3)Music by locals, seek out the druid Fluttershy ETA: two hours thirty-five minutes post meridiem
4)Decorations by Carousel Boutique, seek out the proprietor Rarity ETA: three hours fifteen minutes post meridiem
5)Move into temporary residence ETA: four hours thirty minutes post meridiem

“This is another one of your attempts for me to make friends, isn't it?” Twilight asked, having a good idea of where this is going after she looked over the list. This would be the fifth attempt in 10 years that Celestia has tried to have Twilight make friends.

“Aren't you the clever girl,” Celestia smirked. “Now during your time in Magiville, you will be staying at the Golden Oak Library,” Celestia informed.

“A LIBRARY!!!” Twilight shouted and squealed in utter delight, as her eyes shot open, the pupils dilated in bliss.

“No, it's a five-star classic restaurant with an adjoining nightclub,” Celestia said almost rolling her eyes. “Here is your key. Now for transportation. The Charun is ready for your departure.”

“The dinghy...”

“Well, maybe the...” Celestia started as... the grin... creep as she spoke.

“The Charun will be perfect! I best be off. Good day to you Princess.” Twilight said as she got up and picked up Spike, still feasting on the gems. Spike dejectedly accepted that his meal was cut short. “I shall send my report on the preparation shortly.

“Oh Twilight, before you go did you hear the news about...”

“With all due respect, if I am supposed to be at Sweet Apple Temple for noon, I must leave.” Twilight and Spike then vanished as the teleportation spell was cast.

“Shining's engagement to Cadence... hah. Well, there goes Pinkie Pie's Welcome Wagon attempt.” Celestia said to herself. She got up from her desk and walked over to the stained glass windows of the throne room proper. There are so many that appear blank, however, Celestia saw the true images in each glass; the triumphant over the Wendigos and past hatred by the founders of Mystica, the finding of Celestia and Luna by Star Swirl, Each sister taking 'command' of the sun and moon, the ascendance to the sisters to the throne, the changing of Scorpan's heart, the casting of Tirek into Tarturus, the petrification of Discord, and the sealing of Sombra below the ice near the Crystal Mountains in the north are but a few. However, Celestia stopped at one. The real image in this one was the banishing of Nightm... no, her sister. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks as she remembered that day 1000 years ago.

'What's the meaning of this, Luna? A solar eclipse was not scheduled for today!” Celestia said as she turned but instead of her younger sister, she was greeted by... “Who are you? What have you done to my sister!” Celestia asked the person who could be best described as a dark copy of Luna prepared to attack.

“We are your sister. Her true form. Free of your shackles.” The figure replied.

“Luna, what is going on?”Celestia questioned the dark mockery of her sister.

“We are taking Sombra’s and Discord’s advice. There can be only one. We are here to take our due. We offer you this one chance to submit to us and keep your life. Kneel!”

"Luna, what are you...” Celestia started but is blasted by the figure that was her sister. Celestia barely dodged it.

“We will take our dues by force then.” ‘Luna’ charged Celestia as if to kill.

Narrowly Celestia avoided the blades of ‘Luna’ bladed staff and teleported to be a fair distance behind ‘Luna’. “I will not fight you, Luna. Sister, please listen to reason. Our subjects don’t shun you on purpose. They lack the means to take on a nocturnal lifestyle.”

“The Nightborn thrive in the night, dancing in our moonlight. So what is stopping the Magicborn from using their magic? What is preventing the Skyborn from dancing with our stars? What gives the Earthborn pause when so many creatures are also active at night and during the twilight and before the dawn?” ‘Luna’ ask rhetorically as she turned to face Celestia. “One shall stand, one shall fall, Sister!” ‘Luna’s hissed and renewed her attack forcing Celestia’s hand.

However, it became clear that this corrupted form of Luna was a closer match to Celestia's power than Luna has been, granted Celestia still was the more powerful. But each time Celestia is about to deliver the victory blow, the little sister she knew and love appeared as a frightened child. Celestia hesitated and was ultimately forced into the Chamber of the Elements. Celestia couldn't take one more blow and then reached for the six elements, one hovered in front of her as the other five spun around her. She shut her eyes as two large tears start to form. 'Luna' came charging in at full speed and at the last second Celestia stroke 'Luna... Nightmare Moon' with the Elements of Harmony. The blast sent Luna straight into the moon. The Element that hovered in front of Celestia, The Element of Magic shattered as the other five fall to the ground. Celestia could only stare forward into the moon, into the face that appeared, her sister. Soon the realization that not only is she alone but that had not seen or had flat out ignored her sister's torment and sorrow, that this was all her fault hit her. The tears and wails didn't stop as the day continued on and night started...

This time, it was just the tears that flow non-stop, Celestia was thankful she made sure she would not be disrupted for a few hours. What kept her silent is the knowledge that everything was in motion. At that moment a small bird made of fire perched on her shoulder. “Tonight's the night, Philomena,” Celestia said to the bird. “Are you ready?” The bird nodded.

Nine hundred ninety-nine years, three hundred sixty-fo... no this is a leap year... five days, she's waited. For the first decade, she raged against her prison, to no avail, after the anger died down she was able to see everything clearly. The Elements of Harmony were never intended to be used by one person, no matter who uses them, be the user a demigod, like her and her sister, or a child that had not learned his/her talent. Nor would they to be used by any number of the other bearers against another bearer, but if anyone could figure out how Nightmare Moon had to admit it would not be her but Celestia. However, there would have been a cost, at least one of the elements should have been destroyed leaving the other five useless and easy to destroy on their own.

Nightmare Moon also knew she would be let out of this prison eventually, most likely 1000 years. Thus she began to plot. She watched as Celestia expanded Mystika and conquer beings that thought to take what the sisters had. A large army of Satyrs tried, but they all but destroyed, the survivor fled but was done in by his own greed as he attempted to steal from the harpies of Gryphonstone. However, he did have a line and only took few words in the dreams of those in that line to secure willingness to follow. The other major foe was a population of Cat-people, Celestia left few to return to their lands, one, however, managed to take up residence in the Everfree Forest and she was just as easy to convince to follow her as the satyr.

Yet Nightmare Moon knew she needed a band truly loyal to her, these satyrs and that cat-folk could only be trusted so far as they did attempt to take HER rightful domain while she was in exile. Also, even if Celestia was easy to depose and the coup was bloodless for the most part, she couldn't count on Celestia's followers to simply change allegiance at the drop of a hat and many others that could be convinced to join her would be part of the less than desired of the population. She found a small group of men and women, that devoted themselves to her while she ruled with Celestia, The Nightborn, specifically those that took the title ‘The Order of Shadows’. They have kept their numbers few and their knowledge secret even among most of those of their lines. The mightiest of those found a way to truly show his fidelity to her and became effectively an extension of her will. He took over finding fitting minions and cronies, among those he looked was a succubus, and after 900 years of plotting and making sure everything was in order, it was only a matter of time.

Time Celestia didn't have. “Tick tock, Celestia, time's almost up.”

The Crusader

There were several forms of transportation in Mystica; on foot, on horseback, by chariot, by wagon, by boat, etc. Among the boats in Mystica, there were three typical types, traditional boats, land boats (boats designed and built to travel overland typically found in flatland and sand deserts), and sky-boats used to travel the air. The Charun was a unique fourth atypical type, able to be all three at the pilot’s choice. The Charun was also noted for being the smallest of Princess Celestia's personal boats, however, with a skilled pilot at the starboard, it could outmaneuver all other vessels. Sadly for a particular ten-year-old dragon, the current pilot was anything but skilled. “Can you believe her, she wouldn't even entertain the notion that my research was correct. I mean seriously, she selected me out of all the new students to be her personal appearance for the last ten years.” Twilight ranted irately. Spike only screamed in fear as only a dragon his age can as his claws were dug into the mast. “She didn't have to go all Solar Flare about it.” Twilight continued to complain.

Spike took a monument to see what is going on around him. He instantly regretted it. Twilight the mountain, turn left, left, LEFT!!!! Twilight WATCH OUT FOR THE...

It has been a point of pride that no one piloting the Charun was knocked out while piloting the vessel, for the four hundred and forty-nine years three hundred sixty-three days since christening. In three days the Charun would be three times the age of the next eldest boat and would have a perfect record... if anyone else piloted the ship.

However, the Charun's perfect record was now over as Twilight had piloted it into a gaggle of geese in flight. One goose collided with Twilight. Fortunately for all the geese, they got back into formation with only a few angry honks.

For Spike, he could not and did not wish to imagine things getting worse. The Charun began to plummet in a nose-dive as Spike desperately tried to get Twilight up. 'TWILIGHT WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!' he shouted as he, for lack of a better term, slapped Twilight trying to get her up.

“Put the hay into the apple and eat the candle,” Twilight said in her stupor.


Twilight soon regained some focus, “Look apple trees, scientific name, Malus pumila. One of the major crops and exports of Mystika...” The situation then dawned on Twilight. “AND WE'RE GOING TO CRASH INTO ONE!” Twilight screamed as she desperately pulled the boat up.

I'M TOO CUTE TO DIE!!! Spike screamed and bailed as Twilight was able to... well to say she rights the boat would be too... kind. More accurately she managed to pull the boat up just enough to just brush the trees as it descended and came to a stop in the road leading from the temple grounds of Sweet Apple Temple to Magiville proper.

After coming to a complete stop, “Well Shining said, 'any landing you can walk away from is a good one’.” Twilight said trying to calm herself and Spike. The young dragon only glared and hissed at her. “We'll get a ride on the flagship when we go home,” Twilight said. Spike lighten up his ire, but Twilight could tell she's going to need to get some very special gems or meat for him to fully cool off, as he growled as only he could as he got off the boat. Well, at least he's not chasing me with his fire-breath and biting at my heels for the like he did when I stepped on his tail when I was twelve years old. Twilight thinks to herself.

Twilight could not recall ever seeing Spike so happy to be on the ground, and to honest, as she felt the earth beneath her feet, neither did she. At that moment Twilight took out her tome and turned to a blank page. She took a deep breath and placed her right hand on the Charun. Her eyes appear to change into white lights as the skyboat and tome’s glow. After three seconds there was a big flash of light and once it ended the Charun was no longer present, but on a formerly empty page, an image of the Charun appeared. “Alright now to...” Twilight said as she finally took a look at Sweet Apple Temple. To most, the temple grounds look no different than an all-purpose farm with a larger allocation to apple trees than any other plants. In fact, the temple itself appears very similar to a simple farmhouse. As she looked she failed to find the holy symbols typically found at other temples, shrines, churches, and such, and in their stead were stylized apples. “So we should be expecting a lot of apples at the festival,” Twilight commented.

I hope there is at least some meat. I doubt there will be any crystals. Spike thinks as he climbed onto Twilight's shoulder. So what's that paladin's name again? Appletini?

“Applejack. Now, where is she?” Twilight asked and started to look around.

“S'e right 'ere,” a female voice with an accent Twilight didn't know said as a gloved hand was placed on Twilight's shoulder, turning Twilight around. She stood a few inches taller than Twilight, she had skin tanned from long hours in the field, with freckles on her face. Her long sun-bleached blonde hair was tied into a low ponytail. Her eyes were green as the leaves on the trees. She was dressed in a red, leather overcoat, with bronze armor at her hips, on her shoulders, and upper torso. Not the getup Twilight expected of a paladin, she figured something more akin to Shining Armor's armor but themed more to match the divine.

“DAH!” Twilight screamed and almost fell over.

“Easy there, Sugarcube, I didn't mean t' spook ya none.” The paladin said catching Twilight and helping her back to her fight. “Ah came as soon as Ah saw that skyboat almost crash into Bloomberg. Don't get many people flying over tha temple grounds. Name's Applejack Apple.” Applejack properly introduced herself.

“I think I am expected, Twilight Sparkle, on behalf of the Princess' court in Chantalot concerning the Summer Sun Celebration,” Twilight answered. The next thing she knew she's being scanned by the green eyes of the paladin and yet they didn't move as they stared straight into Twilight's eyes. After a second the eyes soften and a small smile grew on Applejack's face.

“So yer 'ere to check on tha caterin’ an’ food. Well, ya came at a good time, we're about ta have lunch. Oh, welcome ta Sweet Apple Temple. Glad ta make yer acquaintance Ms. Sparkle,” Applejack said as she started to shake Twilight's hand. In reality, it was just one firm shake, but for Twilight, with her below average build and the paladin's strength, the simple shake caused her arm and then her body to shake.

“L-l-l-l-likewise. But call me Twilight,” Twilight said as her body stopped shaking and she rubbed her hand and arm.

“Now lunchtime, so ya can check out tha food,” Applejack said as she grabbed Twilight and led her around the temple to it's back. There Twilight saw the most concerted number of not only family but of priests. Almost 30 people, clearly all related, second cousins, being the farthest apart any of them are from each other. Some were dressed as typical clerics, others simple priests, a few paladins like Applejack. All of them gathered around an exceptionally long picnic table with a wide spread of food, several apple-based dishes, some other fruits and vegetables and various meats (mostly pig, cow, chicken and turkey). “Everyone, t'is 'ere is Twilight Sparkle. She's here ta check on tha food for tha celebration tomorrow,” Applejack introduced. Everyone said 'Howdy Ms. Sparkle.' respectfully.

“It's an honor to meet everyone,” Twilight replied.

“Shoot, Sugarcube, ya cannot say you met anyone until proper introductions are made.” Applejack then took a breath. “Here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumpkin, Apple Cobbler, Red Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Apple Turnover, Baked Apple, Apple Cider, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp, Dutch Pie, Braeburn, Honeycrisp, Cortland, Fuji, Ginger Gold, Jonathan, Pacific Rose, Paula Red, Wealthy...” Applejack listed as she took Twilight around the table. Each person shook Twilight's hand, a little too forceful for Twilight's liking but after Wealthy, Twilight saw only three more people. After taking a breath after introducing Wealthy, Applejack continued “This here is Macintosh, everyone calls him Big Mac.”

BIG!!! BIG!!! BIG!!! The man Applejack identified as Macintosh was a giant, standing just short of 7', built like a tank. He was the largest man Twilight has ever seen. Unlike Applejack, he was clearly a cleric, but with more armor than normal. Twilight feared for herself, 'Big Mac' could rip her arm out of its socket with little if any effort. However, Big Mac only held his right hand out. Twilight took it, Big Mac gently closed his hand around hers and didn't shake and allowed Twilight to be the one to initiate the shake. After that, he let go of Twilight's hand.

“Little Apple Bloom.” Applejack said as she moved Twilight to the next person, a ten-year-old girl wearing plainclothes with a big pink bow in her red hair. Twilight had to admit the girl was cute. However, Twilight couldn't help but notice that she had nothing to indicate her specialized magical talent. If her family was to give a clue it would be Holy.

“And last but not least, the matriarch of the entire Apple clan, this here is not everyone, by the way, the head of Sweet Apple Temple, Sage Annie Smith!” Applejack then took Twilight to see a woman in her late eighties by appearance. “We call her Granny.”

“Sage Smith... as in …. Annie Smith, the Annie Smith!” Twilight all but squealed with delight. “I cannot believe it, I am in the presence of a national hero!”

“Wait what, hero? W'ere?” the sage says as she wakes from a short nap.

“Granny Smith, this here is Twilight Sparkle, the princess had her sent here to check out the food preparation. I was just introducin’ everyone and she started... how did Dash put it... 'Fan-gasming'... upon hearing you na...” Applejack started trying to bring Granny Smith up to speed.

“Do you all know who she is?” Twilight asked. Everyone just stared at Twilight mostly thinking Not another one. “Annie Smith, one of the greatest paladins in Mystica’s recent history. The bane of succubi...”

“SUCCUBUS!?” Granny Smith shouted and grabbed Twilight. She stared into Twilight as if she is reading Twilight's very soul. In the distance one of the family muttered 'Not this again.' only to received a thunderous smack on the head by Big Mac and glares from the rest of the family. After what felt like forever Granny let go of Twilight. “Good news, ya ain't a succubus.”

“Umm... thanks...” Twilight stammered unsure what to say.

“Don’t recall every meeting an angel like ya before. But ya'll best be careful, ya here. Succubi are demons, they don't...truly...di...” Granny yawned and fell into another nap.

“And that's everyone. Now Big Mac, Apple Bloom, switch places so that Twi can have a seat.” Applejack ordered. The two complied.

“Um thanks, but I really can...” Twilight started until she saw the one thing more powerful than Celestia; a sad, big-eyed, puffing lower lip Apple Bloom. Twilight couldn't help but hear a violin play a 'sad' tune as she cannot break free from the look.

Twilight, save yourself she's too cute! Spike thought as it is clear that her dragon has lost the battle of wills as he jumped onto the table and took some chicken and breathed fire on it.

“I... am really sor...” at that moment Twilight's stomach reminded her that she had not eaten at all today with a deep growl. “Okay, maybe a quick bite.” Twilight gave in.

An hour later, Twilight gives a rather unsophisticated burp, satisfied with her meal. Very likely the best of her life to date. Spike too is happy as he lies on the table. “Sorry,” Twilight said sheepishly, only for all the Apples to each give a much larger and longer burp in response, Apple Bloom gave the loudest and the longest of them all.

“Welcome ta t’e family, Sugarcube,” Applejack said as she patted Twilight on the back as she went back to her cider. “To be fair, I pegged ya for one of t’ose 'I find them charmingly rustic', 'I always had an admiration for the work ethic of Earthborns' all work no fun Chantalot Magicborn 1% types,” Applejack said as she put her mug down after her drink. As Applejack said the ‘I find them charmingly rustic’ to ‘work ethic of Earthborn’ Twilight couldn’t help but noticed that Applejack’s accent changed to perfectly match those of Chantalot. “With that skyboat and your dragon and all.”

“How did you know he is a dragon? Almost everyone calls him a lizard.” Twilight asked, being used to correcting people when they misidentified Spike.

“He's purple and cooked ‘is own piece o’ chicken. Ya think that because Ah am a country farm girl, Ah wouldn't notice. Ah expect that from Miss 'I am going to open a boutique in Chantalot'.” As Applejack said the last bit Twilight could not help but notice that Applejack’s accent again changed to match the graceful posh accent of a Manahattan debutant. “Sorry, yer new ta town. Well, ya'll meet her soon enough if you're checking on all the preparations.”

“Well back to you're pegging, you're actually not far off.” Applejack gave Twilight the 'That's BS' look. “I just got caught up in the atmosphere.” Twilight tried to recant. However, Applejack's look didn't change. “You have a nice family.” Twilight tried to change the topic.

“Thank ya kindly, Sugarcube. What about you? W’at’s yar family like?” Applejack asked as she took a drink.

“Well my mother is researcher and author, my father is an astronomer, astrophysics and such, and my big brother is the recently promoted captain of the Royal Guard,” Twilight answered a little self-conscious.

“Capt'n o’ the Guard, hun? Protecting tha princess, 'erself? Betcha get t' see her all the time.” Applejack said and took another drink.

“Funny that you mention that, I am Princess Celestia's personal apprentice. Spoke with her this morning.” Twilight said as if speaking to the princess was an everyday occasion... well for her it technically is... but that's beside the point. Applejack spat out her drink hitting Spike square in his back waking him from his mid-day nap.

Applejack coughed at first, “Yer tha royal apprentice! Why didn't ya say so, we would ‘ave got out tha actual silverware.” Applejack said looking at Twilight in bewilderment.

“It's okay, I was never one for those kinds of parties,” Twilight stated.

“Me neither. So what's yer next stop? I can point you in the right direction maybe give you some advice.” Applejack offered.

“Weather is the next thing on my list. I was advised to see a Rainbow Dash.” Twilight answers as she checks her list. She also noticed the time, and realized that she arrived at Sweet Apple Temple at meridiem, she’s right on schedule.

“Never understood why or how she became the overseer of the Magiville Branch of the Weather, with all her goofing off.” Applejack commented as she takes another drink.

“So Rainbow Dash is lackluster? This doesn't bode well.” Twilight sighed disappointedly with the prospects.

“I never said that. When Rainbow Dash does ‘er job and follows through on a mission, she's tha best at what she does. Tha problem is ta get her ta do it. You'll find ‘er just ta tha south.” Applejack informed as she finished her mug.

“Well, Spike and I best be going. Say, before we go, do you know why Magiville is having a Druid taking care of the music?” Twilight asked as she recalled what she read and didn’t ask Celestia before she left.

“Oh, Fluttershy is great with all critters, especially birds... not ta good wid people. But watch out for ‘er rabbit, Angel Bunny. That leporid is a demon. Follow me, Ah'll point ya in tha right direction, but first, ya gotta apologize ta Bloomberg.” Applejack said as she led Twilight.

“Right, thank you.” The two then left, Twilight putting Spike on her shoulder, as everyone took care of the dishes and cutlery. “Um, who's Bloomberg?”

“Bloomberg’s tha tree ya almost crashed inta w’en ya flew over. The poor fella's shaken up mighty fierce, the last hour and scared trees make bad apples.” After a short walk, the two arrived at the tree in question. “Hey there, Bloffy-wuffy. This ‘ere is Twilight, she's tha one that nearly crashed inta ya wid that skyboat. Now she's goin’ ta apologize for what happened. Are ya going ta be okay wid that?” Applejack said as she patted the tree and spoke to it like it was a little child. After a second. “He's ready ta listen. Now just put your hand oh him, gently, he's still a little jittery, and apologize.”

Twilight never talked to a tree like this and really didn't get all this, but she really had no choice. As soon as she placed her hand on the tree she felt it tense up and then...relax... “Um... I've never done anything like this before. I am sorry Bloomberg.” Twilight said to the tree. An apple dropped onto her head. “OW!”

“Bloomberg!” Applejack scolded the tree. A leaf fell onto the spot that the apple fell on Twilight. Twilight suddenly felt no pain and somehow...forgiven. “That's better, Bloffy,” Applejack then turned back to Twilight. “He's a little emotional with the replanting to Appleloosa in two months. Now it's best that you not start flying on temple grounds, the other trees may not be as forgiving.” Applejack said as she leads Twilight to where they met. Once there Twilight took out her tome and summoned the Charun. Twilight boarded it and began her ascent and at a proper altitude, she started flying... North.

“Oh for the love of... SOUTH, YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!!!” Applejack shouted to get Twilight's attention.

“I KNEW THAT!” Twilight shouted back as she corrected her course. Applejack and Spike both rolled their eyes.

Few beings were a frightening as her, not only could she flawlessly copy another being in appearance, diction, etc, she fed off of those who loved what she disguised as. Heck, she fed off more than just the emotions, but the very life of her victims, being a Succubus had its advantages. She appeared as a woman in her late twenties, early thirties, but still a very active woman, with barely visible horns, a pair of bat-like wings and a tail ended with a point. Her skin was fair and she was dressed leaving little to the imaging and would bedazzle those of weak will. “Lady Hydia,” comes a man's voice. The succubus turned to the being that spoke, she saw a copy of herself.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Doppelganger, but to what am I owed this disturbance,” Hydia said as she walked past her copy.

'Doppelganger', changed into his true form, a gray-skinned roughly humanoid figure, “Her return is at hand and we are ready.”

“Excellent. But remember, embarrass me in front of The Tantabus or Her Highness and I'll turn you all back into changelings and Chrysalis will not suffer the return of deserters.” Hydia said as she cast a spell that inflicted pain on her lackey. 'Doppelganger' fell to the floor and writhed in agony along with a century of others like him, in their pain, their forms shifted to a more insect-like form. Hydia simply walked past them. She had another plan to prepare, if the doppelgangers fail her, she had to save face. “Magiville seems just ripe for the plucking,” she smirked as she slipped into the shadows. The spell ended as the changelings-turned doppelgangers started to recover.

“I hate it when she does that.” One of them said.

“It's either that or have no will under Chrysalis.” Another pointed out. They all shivered.