• Published 3rd Apr 2016
  • 8,378 Views, 205 Comments

My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon - Foxhelm

A Reboot of BrassHeart's My Little Mage: The Nightmare's Return, allowing for more stories and incorpating and re-purposing more MLP Gen. 1

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The Socialite and The Jester

The Socialite

“So what did you do with the eggshells after he hatched?” Fluttershy asked as she and Twilight actually arrived in Magiville proper. As they walked Twilight couldn't help but notice several of the decorations set up at the edge of town and throughout it as they neared their destination. They are all clearly solar-themed, red, yellow, orange as the base colors with gold and several other colors in addition to them, there were also many different stylized rendering of the sun. Throughout the entire walk, Angel and Spike gave death glares to each other. If looks could kill, Angel would have died infinite times by then, Spike on the other hand... would be eating fresh rabbit... death effects, like glares of petrification, have never been reported to have an effect on dragons.

However neither the arcane mage nor the druid seemed to notice the conflict between the two, yet Twilight did feel in the part of her mind that was linked to Spike's intense... rage, wrath, ire, anger, or something far more intense.... Twilight couldn't exactly place the emotion, but she knew that if anything happened to the bunny there would be no love lost on Spike's end. Fluttershy too could tell Angel disliked Spike, but while for Twilight it was something she could hold in her hand, for Fluttershy it was more like the wind on her skin. “Well my master, Princess Celestia, actually collected them and said she'll give them to me when Spike turns 11 for him to eat when he turns 12,” Twilight answered a little unsure as to why Fluttershy would even ask such a question.

“Um. I heard somewhere that eating their shells helps dragons grow larger and stronger.” Fluttershy commented amused by the idea, it was as if knew about it but only as rumors.

“You seem to know a lot about dragons,” Twilight commented as she looked at everything she has heard from the druid both after she noticed Spike was a dragon and in response to each of Twilight's answers. Twilight then asked Fluttershy a question. “Have you reached them?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy answered as she looked back on the conversation she has had with Twilight thus far.

“Do you want to own one?” Twilight asked, trying to find out why a druid like Fluttershy would be so knowledgeable about dragons, normally this amount of research would indicate that someone is looking to own an animal... well technically one doesn't own a dragon... but the point still stands.

“Oh no! I can never do that, dragons can live up to two millennia and we are lucky to live a century, most of us will likely only see 85. Can you imagine what a dragon would go through after losing someone so close to him or her for the first 65 years or so of their life and then spend over the next 1900 years with only the memories of that person? I don't know if I can do that to such a creature that can live so long.” Fluttershy answered. This gave Twilight pause, why would Celestia test students by having them hatch a dragon's egg with magic.

Twilight elected to put that thought to the side and discuss with Celestia later. She elected to ask another question. “So, you want to change into one?” To Twilight this is the only other reason why a druid would reach any creature.

“Why would I want to change into one?” Fluttershy asked taken aback at the thought of her changing into a dragon.

“Well, I heard that the very powerful druids are able to change their forms into any living creature, from birds to dragons to bats, heck even to trees,” Twilight informed as she looked back at her own research into different types of magic early in her lessons with Celestia.

“Oh…, I just thought it would be a good idea to understand all living creatures, you never know when you might encounter one,” Fluttershy answered, anyone aside from Twilight could see that Fluttershy was lying. Soon they arrived at Twilight's destination, Carousel Boutique. “Well, here we are. Carousel Boutique.”

“Well, thank you very much,” Twilight said as she started up the few stairs.

“Wait I have a few more...”

“Sorry, I got to go. Have a nice day. Bye.” Twilight said a little too fast as she bolted into the establishment.

“Um... you too,” Fluttershy said almost slightly. She turned her head to look at Angel. “Um... Angel... did I just make a friend?” She asked the rabbit. Angel shrugged, unsure of how to differentiate the proper answers to the question.

Once inside the boutique, Twilight and Spike saw that many more decorations in various stages of completion, most almost down and soon to be taken outside to finish decorating the town. The two noticed a young woman in white around Twilight's age and height at a desk. She was working on something. “Um... excuse me, I am looking...” Twilight started only for the woman to raise a white-gloved hand.

“Just a moment, darling, I have to finish this lantern and I can help you with your order. Please know that your order will have to wait until after the Summer Sun Celebration before I get started.” The woman answered as she went back to the lantern. After a couple of seconds, the woman held the completed spherical lantern in the air, it was mostly red with a golden eight-pointed sun on two sides of the lantern. She seemed to smile and let it go. The lantern then floated over to the pile of completed decorations. The woman then turned to face Twilight. After taking off a pair of glasses used by seamstress and others that work with fabric and things that have a lot of tiny details. “Now, how can I help you?”

Spike had never imaged a woman could be so... even the words 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' were insults if he were to use them to describe the woman. The woman had long flowing hair, a different shade of purple than Twilight's that just glinted in any light. Clearly well cared for, her skin was a lighter shade than Twilight's but seemed to be overall healthier, kind of like a porcelain doll, her eyes made sapphires look like gravel. In addition to the white gloves, she wore a long white dress, a magenta shawl on her shoulders and on her head a golden crown with three sapphires cut into kites (the shape) in the center, functioning like the amethyst ‘horn’ like focus crystal Twilight had on her forehead. The dragon's lower jaw hung wide open as his pupils and irises changed into the shape of hearts. Twilight could feel the dragon's tail go back and forth at a rapid pace, like a happy dog wagging its tail.

After putting Spike down on the ground before he bruised her, “I am Twilight Sparkle. I am here on behalf of the Court of Her Highness, Princess Celestia, to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. I am looking for a Rarity...” It was then that Twilight noticed the other woman staring at her with a mix of horror, disgust and... pity. “If you could just point me in the right direction... I can get out of your hair. Okay, tell me what is wrong, now! I've seen statues that moved more!”

“My word... your hair... What have you done to your hair, darling?” the woman asked as she got up from her desk and walked over to Twilight as if she was approaching a monster.

“Excuse me!” Twilight exclaimed baffled at the woman’s action.

“Oh just look at it.” The woman said as she started to hold Twilight's hair and started going through it, inspecting it thoroughly. “Split ends, knots.... oh darling, it's like you're going out of your way to not care for yourself. Even that ruffian of a paladin, Applejack, takes the time to properly maintain her hair, even if she does use a dagger to cut her hair every so often.” The woman continued as she contrasted Twilight to of all people… Applejack.

“Do you mind!” Twilight shouted as she bashed the woman’s hand away from her hair, even Fluttershy respected Twilight’s space more.

“And your complexion... oh it's marvelous... but all these patches of dry skin. A recluse. Even poor Fluttershy takes care of her skin, even coming into town and joining me at the spa once a week.”

“Hey!” Now Twilight was being contrasted to the druid that lived out of town.

“And your nails... do you even file... even Rainbow Dash has a manicure on a monthly basis, albeit reluctantly.” The woman said holding Twilight’s hands.

“What the!” Now Rainbow Dash, ‘How do all these people know each other?’ Twilight thought.

“And your clothes!... These poor things, Whirly Willow originals even... they must have been worn near constantly for at least two years.” The woman said as she felt Twilight’s sleeve.

“Get your hands off and keep them off me!” Twilight shouted as she pulled back and swung her staff at the woman, having had enough of this woman’s action. “I have had these for over two and a half years. Now, I am here to check the status of the decorations, now tell me where is Rarity so I can report to Princess Celestia...”

“Princess Celestia has you reporting directly to her about my work... I was hoping for someone with a little more status than a student.” The woman commented looking Twilight over.

“I am Princess Celestia's Personal Apprentice, I'll have you know!” This woman had gone too far, another Magicborn or not.

“Her personal... it's decided then.” The woman did a complete turnaround, with an almost delicate clap, and changed her approach.

“Decided, what's...HEY!” Twilight screamed as she was levitated by the woman and is brought out with her as they leave the boutique and head to another part of town. Spike, however, remained on the floor lost in his mind’s eye.

After a few minutes, the two arrived at a small spa. “LOTUS! ALOE!” the woman shouted as they entered. At the front desk sat a woman with pink hair, it's a different shade of pink than Fluttershy's.

The pink-haired woman looked up, “Aloe is in the back. Miss. Rarity, You're not expected to be here until the day after the Summer Sun Celebration,” She said with an accent Twilight could not place.

“Oh Lotus, it's not for me.” 'Rarity' said as she showed 'Lotus' Twilight and finally lowered Twilight to the ground.

“This woman kidnap...” Twilight started but soon realized she's going to be ignored as 'Lotus'' eyes widen in utter shock.

“ALOE, 2319, 2319!!!” 'Lotus' shouted and soon a woman almost identical to 'Lotus' save for having light blue hair, came out to the front. The third woman saw Twilight and her faced matched 'Lotus' tick-for-tack.

“I know this is going to be the greatest challenge you'll face. Give her the princess treatment, and put it on my tab.”

“HEY DON'T...” Twilight started as 'Lotus' and 'Aloe' grabbed her and pulled her into the back and before she could register what happened she was in nothing but a very fluffy and comfy bathrobe lying face down on a massage table, with green facial mud on her face and two slices of cucumbers over her eyes. “Wait!”

“Shshsh... relax, darling, it's all going to be alright. Aloe and Lotus are going to take care of everything, save your hair, salvage your nails, freshen your complexion, and loosen up your tension with a massage. As for myself, I am going to rescue your clothes before their enchantments fade away, and infuse new ones into them. I will also watch over your little dragon, what was her name?”

“Spike's a male dragon, how could you not see his pupils go heart-shaped when he saw you!” Twilight almost shouted. “Also How am I supposed to...” Twilight stopped as she felt four hands start to massage her back through the bathrobe and soon every concern she had just … melt. “Ohhh... yes.” She moaned in a state of bliss.

An hour later Rarity returned with Twilight's clothes folded neatly in her arms and Spike on her shoulder. The clothes were passed to Aloe and then, in turn, handed to Twilight. After a few more minutes Twilight emerged from the spa proper, while she was still clearly Twilight Sparkle she looked and felt like a brand new person. Rarity applauded at the sight.
“Absolutely marvelous, darling. Aloe, Lotus, you have outdone yourselves.”

“It was not easy, we had to utilize the... royal supplement,” Aloe informed as if she and Lotus went beyond budget.

Rarity sighed, “Well you had to do what you had to do.” As she turned back to Twilight. “However, you cannot argue with the results. How do you feel, darling?”

Twilight blushed as she replied, “I think I know how the belle of the ball feels, thank you, Mis...”

“Call me ‘Rarity’, darling, all my friends do. Although it still baffles me that I count Applejack and Rainbow Dash as my friends... well neither here nor there. How do you feel about your clothes?”

“Like I just got them, thank you. Um about the spa and the clothes...”

“Pish-posh, tut-tut, the first fixer-upper, that's the clothes and the spa treatment, and the first costume dressings are pro bono.” Rarity said expressing what is her business practice in Magiville.

“Thank you, however, there is still the matter of you looking after my familiar...”

“Oh Spikey-wikey was most helpful, he kept my family occupied, in particular, little Sweetie Belle, he finished the rest of the decorations, he was very good with Opalescence, kept the peace between her and Applejack's dog Winona and he found everything I needed for your clothes. He is just the best ‘little’ assistant in the world. Aren't you Spikey-wikey, yes you are, yes you are.” Rarity said speaking to Spike like he was a puppy.

“Sp-Spikey-wikey?” Twilight asked as her right eye twitched at the pet-name Rarity gave HER familiar.

“Oh, he's just the cutest wittle baby drawgon in the world.” Rarity said as she handed Spike to Twilight still speaking to towards the dragon in the 'puppy' talk.

I think I'm in love. Spike thought to Twilight.

“I have to ask you to not encourage him. He's ten years old. Well, I think that's everything, what's time is it?” Twilight asked.

“A little after four hours after midday.” Rarity answered, “You arrived at the boutique at 3:15 pm. You're on schedule with everything. You should be able to reach The Golden Oak Library at your 4:30 pm ETA.”

“Thanks, say can...” Twilight started to ask.

“When you exit the spa, look to your left and head further into town. You cannot miss it, it's the only oak tree actually in town, and is in the actual center of town, you can follow any road, you'll get to it. Unless you end up going out of town, in which case you'll have to turn around. It's actually the oldest living thing in town. How it's still alive even after being made into a library is something you'll have to ask Applejack or one of the florists in town.” Rarity informed giving Twilight directions to The Golden Oak Library and what she was to look for.

“So, it's an actual oak tree?” Twilight asked slightly baffled at the notion.

“Specifically, it’s a golden oak. Oh, before you go, I have a question to ask.” Rarity said before Twilight started heading out of the spa.

Please don't ask about Blueblood, please don't ask about Blueblood, please don't ask about Blueblood!

“Aside from Lotus, have you met a young woman, about our age with pink hair?” Rarity asked.

Twilight was taken aback slightly but answered the question. “Fluttershy was the one that led me to your boutique.”

“Oh, I keep forgetting about Fluttershy's hair color, I’m going have to work on that.” Rarity said as if she remembered something that was right in front of her face. However, her focus changed as she recalled what she was trying to ask Twilight. “No, the woman I am talking about has pink curly cotton candy-like hair.”

“No, I haven't, should I?” Twilight asked confused.

“Oh...” Rarity said as she brought her hand to her chin.

“Oh, what?” Twilight asked.

“She must have... never mind. Well, you best be on your way.” Rarity said as she and Twilight started to walk away but was stopped. “Oh, one last thing. Since you are familiar with the Royal Court, did you meet the grand-duke, Prince Blueblood?” Rarity asked.

“Sorry, the name doesn't ring a bell. Gotta go. Bye” Twilight lied as she bolted out the spa.

“Doesn't know Blueblood? She really is a recluse... wait if she hasn't met Pinkie Pie yet...” Rarity looked down at her dress. “I am going to be late… And unfashionably late to boot. Oh, Applejack will never let me live it down!” Rarity said as she rushed back to Carousel Boutique.

“And so after Celestia's deception, only your son, Arimaspi the One-Eyed, survived the battle.” The messenger, a faun, reported to a much more goat-like blue furred Satyr seated on a throne. “The Bell of Tambelon was lost. Lord Grogar, in the confusion. He sent me to report that he will not return home empty-handed, he could not recover the Bell of Tambelon, he raided Gryphonstone to take the Idle of Boreas.” the report continued.

The satyr on the throne, Lord Grogar was angry. Angry for the loss of the amplifier of his powers, which he lent his son, angry at the loss of his forces to a human... well to be fair Princess Celestia is a demigoddess and an archmage... but still, an army of satyrs, fauns and such, beaten by ONE human. And what angered him the most is that his son, the giant Arimaspi, would not own up to his failure. But Lord Grogar did see that Arimaspi was attempting to make amends for his failure by stripping Celestia of a possible ally by breaking the will of the Harpies of Gryphonstone. Lord Grogar however, showed only his anger as he sent a blast of yellow energy into the messenger. “Have Arimaspi brought before me now, Bray!” Lord Grogar ordered the messenger he just shot.

“Yes, sire,” Bray says as he recovers from the blast. Just as the faun gets to his feet another faun came running into the chambers.

“SIRE! IT'S YOUR SON, ARIMASPI! HE FELL TO THE HARPIES OF GRYPHONSTONE!” the faun yelled before he fell to his knees.

“WHAT!!!!!” Grogar yelled in utter ire.

It has been almost 950 years since that day. Lord Grogar stood on the mountainside looking over the Everfree Forest and a small hamlet not far away from it. With him was a small army of satyrs and fauns ready for war. “Soon, Arimaspi, my son, I will fully avenge you, Celestia will die, I shall recover the Bell and take what should have been ours all those years ago,” Grogar said as he imagined a satyr twice his size with one large eye as opposed to the normal two.

The image was replaced as a small faun, Bray broke Grogar from his imagination “Umm, Sire, we are ready. We will be meeting up with Hydia and Catrina and their forces and the Order of Shadow shortly. But I must ask, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean Celestia could have had the bell melted down, stripped it of its magic and what is stopping the others from backstabbing us, Hydia is a succubus and Catrina is not noted for her loyalty. Also, what do we really know about these Nightborn or whomever else they may have recruited.” Bray said timidly as he pointed out only a few of the flaws in Grogar's plan of revenge.

Grogar grabbed Bray and held him by the neck. “Do you think we cannot overpower those fools; Hydia and Catrina!” Grogar almost roared. “We have the Tantabus' word that the Order of Shadow will not betray us! Don't forget, that, unlike Arimaspi, I have necromantic and other powers even without the Bell!” Grogar shouted as he cast a spell on the ground near him. From it emerged long dead and buried skeletons of mountain goats and sheep. Bray did not respond to Grogar’s demonstration of power. “I fear nothing, not even Death himself,” Grogar said, be it was devoid of pride, hubris, anger, any emotion, it was if it just a statement of fact.

“Arimaspi said the same thing before... (gag)” Bray started to retort before Grogar started to choke the poor faun one-handed.

“I am not my son!” Grogar said as he threw Bray into the rest of his forces. “Prepare to board the Shadow’s skyboat! Our next, stop Magiville, then Chantarlot, then we make the Harpies pay for Arimaspi’s death and finally All of Mystica will be MINE!” Grogar ordered his troops. None challenged their leader's statement, none wanted to be made into a zombie. Besides Mystica had a large population of women...

The Jester

Rarity was right, Twilight could not miss the Golden Oak Library. It was, in fact, an oak tree. “So, they have their library in an actual tree? How can it still be alive?” Twilight asked as she looked at the tree.

Why don't you read a book on golden oaks, you know, if you want to take a break from the whole Nightmare Moon paranoia? Spike thought. I know you're still worried about it. For your own sake, let it go. Also, if I remember right, didn’t some of the ancient druids from...like a really long time ago know a few things about how to make trees stay alive and grow under a variety of conditions...and didn’t the grand Druid from early in Celestia’s reign have reports about her stating she had turned a tree into her home, of course, the place where she reportedly lived was allegedly cleared out to build Blueblood’s father’s manor about thirty years ago.

Twilight gave a sigh of defeat knowing that she cannot hide anything from Spike, as she opened the door, the room was black due to a lack of light. Twilight tries to find something to give light to the room. She found a switch but after three tries she gave up. “Great.” Well, I guess I'll have to feel for the blinds in the windows.” Twilight stated as she started to feel along the wall.

Suddenly she and Spike heard the door shut.

GHOST! This place is haunted!

“Spike relax. It's likely that the door has an enchantment on it that shuts it after so long being open.”

You don't know that. It could be a poltergeist.

“Spike, you have been reading too many of Dad's reprints,” Twilight said. “There are no such things as poltergeists. Besides, a haunted library, that’s just stupid.”

“Yeah, the Golden Oak Library is not haunted. Although there was a sighting of a ghost in Dr. Time Turner Who’ place last year, granted it turned out to be Brighteyes trying out her Nightmare Night costume,” came a surprisingly cheerful voice from within the library.

Twilight turned as she cast a Daylight spell and sees a young woman right next to her. “Dah!” Twilight screamed.

“DAH!” The other woman screamed louder than Twilight.

“DAH!!” Twilight screamed even louder than before.

“DAH!!!” the woman screamed even louder causing Twilight to lose her balance and fall to the floor. “So did I win the screaming contest. I usually win those. I can be really loud!” the woman said as she gave a huge smile which for some reason gave the sound like a squee.

“Wh..who are you?” Twilight asked as she looked at the woman. She looked to around Twilight’s age, maybe a few months younger. She had pink cotton candy-like hair that was all but bursting out of the twin-tailed jester’s cap. The cap itself was emblazoned with three balloons, two blue one yellow. The woman also wore a dark pink overcoat with puffy pink sleeves, and a pair of white frilly gloves, a simple leotard under her jacket, leaving her legs bare except for the curly-toed shoes she wore.

“I am sorry, I am Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone knows me as Pinkie Pie, Pinkie for short.” Pinkie Pie answered as she reached out a hand to help Twilight up.

“Ho...how did you get in here?” Twilight asked as she accepted the hand reluctantly.

“The Golden Oak Library is the property of Magiville, all residences of Magiville can enter and exit it whenever. Although they cannot leave with a book without signing it out, they have ten days to return it, before they are hit with a fine. But it would be nice to have an actual librarian when Cheerilee goes back to teaching when the school season starts.”

“Wh..what are doing in here?” Twilight asked, she knows she’s nearing the rabbit hole, but has no idea how close she is.

“Hum... give me a moment. I forgot.” Pinkie answered as she takes a pose akin to ‘The Thinker’ and sticks her tongue out as she tried to concentrate.

“Yo.. you don’t remember...” Too late Twilight just realized she was chasing a white rabbit.

Pinkie Pie snapped her fingers as she recalled what she had forgotten. “Now, I remember, I was waiting for you. I was supposed to greet you at one hour before Meridium on the road from Chantalot, but when Noon came and you didn't show up I decided to greet you here.”

“How did you know I was coming?”

“Itchy toe.” Pinkie answered matter-a-factually with a deadpan face and tone as if this was normal.

“What?” Twilight asked baffled by the thought of what Pinkie Pie just said and all its implications.

“Yeah, when a new person comes to town my one of toes gets itchy. Since it was one of my big toes I knew you were coming from Chantalot and since it was my left big toe I knew Princess Celestia sent you, Twilight Sparkle, Apprentice of Princess Celestia, in her role as the Archmage.” Pinkie said as she pulled from nowhere a ‘recording’ of her left big two starting to itch time stamped with a ‘recording’ of Twilight leaving the throne room with an identical timestamp. “See.”

“How do you know my name?” Twilight asked as Pinkie Pie returned the screen to the nothingness she conjured it from.

“My friends, namely Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy just say, ‘It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.’. Also, the writer, Foxhelm, thought it would be funny if I broke the fourth wall and function like a deus ex machina. Also, you can set these to have closed captions, it’s a text-based way to convey information that is often conveyed audibly to the hearing-impaired.” Answered with and gave a smile.

To save the better part of her mind, Twilight found an unused corner in it, marked it 'Pinkie Pie', put everything she just found out in it and strove to forget it existed. “Why are you here?”

“To get to know you and become your friend. You see I am friends with everyone in Magiville and from my experience and in Foxhelm's book, ‘How to Become Friends?’ with commentary by dracone, (coming soon to Fimfiction.net), there are two foolproof ways to become friends. We cannot do one because it's not Hard Apple Cider Season and there are no guards to break the fight up, so, that leaves my favorite way...” she paused for few seconds, which Twilight found surprisingly unnerving, before throwing her arms out so wide as if she was trying to embrace all of existence and shouted “A PARTY!”

If there were any crickets within ear-shot and with excellent timing, that was a good time to start chirping.

“Um Foxhelm, that joke is really old, both with the crickets chirping and not chirping.” Pinkie Pie said with a deadpan tone to the author/narrator. However, her attention then turned to a small purple lizard-like creature that had scurried to Twilight’s shoulder and started hissing at her. “Oh, oh, is that Spike, your ten-year-old Northern Mountain Dragon familiar. He’s c…” Pinkie tried to pet the dragon but pulled back before her glove was burnt by his green flames. “Kinda really mad. I know just the thing to calm him down.” Pinkie Pie said as she dug into her pockets and after a few seconds pulled out… “A Blazing Beating Sapphire-Ruby Heart.” Pinkie said as she held out a heart shape gem that was half sapphire and half ruby. “Here you go, big guy.”

“Ho...ho...how…” Twilight stammered as she witnessed Pinkie Pie offered one of the rarest type of gems, something that should be impossible because of the way sapphires and rubies form are for all intents and purposes mutually exclusive because they are both made from the same base compounds, but what gives rubies their red color are considered ‘impurities’ for sapphires.

“I grew up on a rock farm, my family mined like three dozen of these last year. They gave me three. This one I set aside to appease a dragon. Come on, you know you want it.” Pinkie Pie coed to Spike. Spike sniffed the peace offering and took it with his mouth, still glaring wrath at the pink-haired jester. As soon as he tasted the gem, his temperament changed drastically as he sucked on the gem-like it was a pacifier.

Twilight was utterly bewildered as she watched someone just give to Spike one of the rarest gems in the world for him to… eat... Yes, Spike eats gems… but… To save her sanity Twilight elected to change topics to the party or rather the lack thereof. “What party are you talking about, there is no one else here?”

“Oh no... um... SURPRISE!” Pinkie screamed at the top of her lungs and soon the lights proper came on and a lot of people jumped out into the open, among them Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“SURPRISE!” everyone shouted as Twilight saw them almost popped out of the woodwork.

“DAH!” Twilight screamed as she fell to the floor.

After a second Rarity came in huffing and puffing. “Sorry I am... I missed the 'Surprise' didn't I?” Rarity asked as she looked at everyone.

“Rares, why do yah ’ave ta always be late?” Applejack asks as she gave a sigh of frustration at Rarity’s frequent tardiness.

“Yeah, it would be cool that you'd be on time for once.” Rainbow Dash commented pointing out that these parties are better and cooler with everyone there. Rarity thought this a bit like the pot calling the kettle black since Rainbow was known for her frequently being late and tardy in a variety of things around town.

“Um, Pinkie... you forgot the welcome wagon..” Fluttershy pointed out the lack of the actual Welcome Wagon.

“Shoot.” Pinkie then dug into her pockets and pulled out... a rubber chicken.

“Why do you have a rubber chicken in your pocket?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Because a live chicken would squirm and fight and to have one of those in your pocket is animal cruelty.” Pinkie answered in a deadpan tone with a look on her face that said ‘how did you not see that answer, it’s right there, three feet in front of you’. “On a different note a good trickster mage has to be prepared for anything, so I have to keep a lot in my pockets. Oh, oh, found something even better than my welcome wagon!” Pinkie Pie said as she found something and gave a small ‘evil’ grin.

“Oh merciful Zacherle, no...” Applejack said first.

“Not that...” Rainbow Dash said seconded.

“Anything but...” Rarity continued overly dramatic.

Fluttershy just froze in terror, and if you looked really closely you could see a bit of her hair turn a leaf green for a moment.

After looking at the five people she met today and then to all the town people in the library. “Should I be afraid to ask?” Twilight asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“Don’t worry Twilight it’s perfectly legal. BEHOLD AND LO!” Pinkie Pie pulled out of the pocket something that logically should not have been in her pocket in the first place. It made contact with the floor with a loud thud with it’s two pink flower decorated wheels. The barrel was blue and shaped like a typical cartoon cannon. “MY PARTY CANNON!”

“How… how did...” Twilight stammered as her mind was trying to save itself before the logical part of it leads the mind down a path it could never recover from.

“I have no idea.” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as she pulled out a match and as she went to light said match, “But I am not complaining!” she sang.

Before Pinkie Pie can light the fuse, “WAIT!” Applejack shouted. “Sugarcube, remember when ya used that in the barn during Big Mac's last birthday party?”

“Yes.” Pinkie answered.

“And what did ya and I agree ta after that? Applejack asked trying to get Pinkie Pie to connect the dots.

“That the… oh…” Pinkie Pie realized and then blow out the match and pocketed the match and cannon. “outdoor party item. Sorry, everybody. Let’s get back to the party.”

“STOP! I don't want a party.” Twilight said before anything else happened.

Everyone froze as Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight in utter confusion. “Um... what?” Pinkie Pie asked, this time it was her mind that was on the line.

“I...DO...NOT...WANT...A...PARTY!” Shouted slowly, emphasizing each word.

“This is not going to end well. Well, I am going get a slice of cake.” Rainbow Dash said as she headed to the library's kitchen, The Golden Oak library was set up for the librarian to live in the tree.

“Oh no, you don't Rainbow Dash. We stand by our girl.” Rarity said as she enchanted Rainbow Dash’s boots and levitated her back.

“Ah man.”

“Why is not wanting a party a bad thing!?” Twilight asked annoyed with the whole thing.

“I...I...always thro...throw parties for ne...new people... it's how they get to...to know everyone be...because they don't know anybody and parties help ma...make p-people hap..hap..” Pinkie Pie was holding back tears.

Realizing what she just did. “Oh no, please don't.”

“BUT you don't want a party!” Pinkie cries, and she literally cried waterfalls.

“I'll have the party,” Twilight said trying to prevent things getting worse.

“Co...come again?” Pinkie Pie said as she stopped the waterfalls but was still very close to crying again.

“I'll have the party.” Twilight gave in.

Pinkie Pie’s smile was impossibly large. “Let’s…”

“After the Summer Sun Celebration,” Twilight said.

“After the Summer Sun Celebration. Humm, that’s a tough act to follow. But it wouldn’t be Tuesday without having two parties back to back, the second being bigger than the first. Okay, everyone, we got to reschedule.” Pinkie said and opened the door. Everyone then left in a huff.

The last to leave, save the five people Twilight meet was Big Mac.”Miss Sparkle, good day, evening and night.” the giant said as he ducked to exit the library.

“Wow, a name with five words. You must have made an impression on the big guy.” Rainbow commented. “He’s usually not that vocal with people he just met. So, about the cake?”

“We have to respect Twilight’s space. Let’s go.” Rarity said as she headed out. “Good night, darling.”

“See you tomorrow morning, Twilight,” Fluttershy said as she left.

“Check ya later.” Rainbow Dash then flew out.

“G’nite.” Applejack said as she left. “Come on, Sugarcube.” She said to Pinkie Pie.

“Be ready to have your socks knocked off for your party.” Pinkie Pie said as she shut the door behind her. Twilight noted how that made even less sense than it would have if someone else had said it.

“Spike take a…” Twilight started but stopped as she saw Spike still sucking on the gem Pinkie Pie gave him. “I’ll write it myself, but I’ll need you to send it.”


Twilight then walked into what would be her room.
‘Dear Princess Celestia.
The preparations are all in order.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
Everyone in this town is crazy! Case and point Pinkie Pie, she thinks tomorrow is Tuesday, but today is Sunday.
I still believe Nightmare Moon is coming’ Twilight wrote and she had Spike send it. Twilight then went over to the books, maybe there was a book about Nightmare Moon and how she was beaten, the short story in the book that caused her to started this three-month research had little information. Twilight knew to never judge a library by its appearance, the older more run down ones are known to have books with the most accurate information, or at least closer to the original source material.

A man that appeared in his late forties sat in the darkness as the sun set, he was dressed as if he was one with the shadows. He sat as if in meditation. His breathed slowly until he finally entered a trance. He heard a regal female voice in his mind “Is everything in order, Tantabus?” the voice asked.

“Celestia will be traveling on her flagship over the Starplains to oversee the summer solstice celebration in a backwater... hamlet is too nice of a word... called 'Magiville'. I have found a captain for our future aerial elite team, Shadowbolts being the team’s working title. Also, Grogar, father of Arimaspi, Catrina the cat-witch and Hydia the last succubus have some forces and I am told they are ready for an all-out war.” The man, Tantabus replied to the voice.

“Those fools! We need only one death, HER!” The voice said in reply, irate about the idiocy of her ‘allies’.

“Don't worry, I have embedded several of the Order into each of their forces, as for the Shadowbolt it's just her currently. As for Hydia, Catrina and Grogar, I am concern about them backstabbing you. I have promised them pay for their service. However I have only given my word, I never claimed to actually speak for you and you and I know, your word trumps mine.” Tantabus informed.

“They shall not be paid! They and their brood tried to steal from Us during Our exile...” the voice paused, she knows she must calm down, Tantabus has served her well, he was not the one to be angry at.

“It shall be done as you command. However, your grace, I still feel that the ascended Skyborn Mi Amore Cadenza should also be...”

“She is of little, if any concern, to Us. Without Celestia to shield her she shall submit or die once We claim Our throne. Your concern for Us regarding her is not needed, Our faithful servant.”

“My concerns are not just about what she can do to you as a possible threat and symbol of resistance. She can be viewed as another symbol, a means to humiliate both the memory Celestia and Mystica. I am told by my agents, Fi-doh, Spaht and Bray that at least Catrina and Grogar will…”

“Are you suggesting that We shield this Pretender!”

“Yes and no. I am thinking more along the line of letting the non-Mysticans be used as cannon fodder when we charge Chantalot and/or use them as the scapegoats so as to make you look like one trying to restore order, given that you are Celestia’s sister.”

“Subtly encourage both love and fear of Us among Our subjects.” the voice then gave a subdued laugh of triumphant. “We commend you for your dedication to Our standings. You have done well thus far. After tonight We shall reward you and your line handsomely.”

“I am nothing but your servant, your highness, an agent of your will. Accomplishing your desires is all the reward I want.” the man replies.

"Your humility serves you and Us well. We look forward to finally meeting you face to face, Our most dutiful servant. DO NOT FAIL US!” the voice finished and was gone.

The man's mediation ended as he opened his eyes. “Shadows, the time has come. AVE REGINA!”

“AVE REGINA!” a collection of twelve other Nightborn men and women chanted in response.