• Published 3rd Apr 2016
  • 8,378 Views, 205 Comments

My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon - Foxhelm

A Reboot of BrassHeart's My Little Mage: The Nightmare's Return, allowing for more stories and incorpating and re-purposing more MLP Gen. 1

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Path to Nightmare Moon

“We can't leave Rainbow behind,” Twilight said as she tries to keep pace with Applejack and the others, however, she's not faring well in that regard. Applejack often pulled out to make sure they didn’t lose Twilight.

“If we ‘ad stayed, we may not be able ta reach Nightmare Moon in time to use the trap Celestia set to our advantage, also if she came with us we would have that nut on our heels.” Applejack stopped and then everyone else, they were right at the remains of the front door. Applejack look scanned the area and there a sudden air around as she drew her sword and she looked up.

“What is it, Applejack Darling?” Rarity asked.

“All this time Ah thought Ah was sensing Nightmare Moon, turns out Ah I was sensed is her,” Applejack said through her teeth in anger as she pointed her sword to what she was talking about.

Upon one of the ledges, Hydia sat. “Well, it looks like I am not the only one whose plans did not work out. However, I have a backup plan.” the succubus said as she snapped her fingers and a band of other residents of Magiville appeared. Twilight remembered the largest of the lot. Big Mac was unmistakable. The others were as followed: A much more muscular but smaller all around male Skyborn with a crew haircut, he was clearly one to engage in a fist fight, what Twilight noticed was a tattoo of dumbbells on both of his upper arms. A male Skyborn with a dark gray mohawk with light blue stripes and a more conservative masculine get up as Rainbow Dash with a patch of a lightning bolt and a cloud on his chest, A female Earthborn dressed as orchestra performer with a cello hovering next to her, A female Magicborn with purple-tinted sunglasses as with blue hair of different shade, a tank-top with unattached sleeves and armed with two discs that seem to be vibrating, another female Magicborn with mint-green hair and a harp, whom Twilight recognized as Lyra Heartstrings, a male Earthborn wearing a brown trench coat, a white shirt, green necktie, brown pants and in his hand was some sort of wand, and finally a female Skyborn with blonde hair and golden, atypically oriented eyes. “Kill the appren…”

“SEE THIS, YAH TROLLOP!” Applejack shouted, cutting the succubus off, as she pointed to her pauldron causing the succubus to stop those she bewitched.

Hydia then swooped down and landed on Big Mac, she got a better look at the pauldron and saw the three apples painted on it. “So you’re an Apple. I already bewitched this one.” She said as she crushed Big Mac’s check. “And he clearly is the stronger of you two.”

“He’s just a cleric, Ah am a paladin.” Applejack said calmly. This caused the succubus to freeze for a monument. “And the granddaughter of Annie Smith.” The paladin added to goad the demon on. “When Ah say go, ‘go’. Rainbow and Ah will catch up.” Applejack said as she turned to Twilight.

“Applejack, what are you planning?” Twilight asked.

“Let’s just say Ah have some unfinished with her.” Applejack said as she then back to Hydia. “So, Salt-lick. What are ya afraid of little old me?” Applejack asked mockingly.

Hydia broke from her frozen state. “Kill the harmless Apprentice or complete my revenge on that foolish paladin that got in my way all those years ago?” Hydia paused and thought about her options, “Kill the paladin, big boy.” She ordered as she placed a kiss on Big Mac’s cheek and returned to her loft.

“Go!” Applejack ordered as she narrowly evaded Big Mac's hammer.

“APPLEJACK!” Twilight shouted but was stopped from doing more as she felt herself being levitated by Rarity.

“No time, Darling.” Rarity said as she pulled the levitated Twilight with her as she tried to catch up with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

Watching the four go through, “You're all alone now, my little paladin.” Hydia tutted.

Applejack only smirked in response.

After the group of four past the main entrance of the castle, Rarity placed Twilight back down on the ground. “You know the way.” Rarity said gesturing ahead. Reluctantly Twilight started heading forward as they scanned the courtyard for any threat as they speed-walk through it. They ignored one area, the floor.

As they traveled about halfway through the courtyard four pairs of furry claws reached through holes in the floor. They reached for the legs of the four mages, but they missed most of them. Rarity was always one to watch her step, which at times was a problem but this attention to detail allowed Rarity to avoid every trap. These traps would have been evaded by the rest had there been enough light. Twilight, on the other hand, knowing the path to the chambers in question, knew how to speed-walk her way. Pinkie Pie traveled by bounces and skips making it hard for any to try to grab her from below.

However, not all got away. Fluttershy let out a shriek of fright as a pair managed to grab her by her ankles. This did not go unnoticed as Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie turned to see Fluttershy being pulled into the void. “I am sorry,” Fluttershy muttered in sorrow as she jabbed the werewolf that grabbed her with her staff. The werewolf gave a howl of pain as Fluttershy was able to get out of the hole. But shortly after her, werewolves popped out of all the other holes, cutting the druid off from both Twilight and company and the entrance.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Twilight called out as she tried to run back to the druid but was blocked by Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Twilight’s eyes meet Fluttershy’s and there was something she never sought she saw, a firm resolution. She saw that resolve before, in Rainbow Dash’s and Applejack’s eyes, but she was taken aback seeing it in the timid druid.

“I will be fine. Go!” Fluttershy said there was no stutter, no wavering, it was as if something woke up inside of her. “We’ll meet up.” Fluttershy continued unshaken. Twilight nodded and returned to the mission at hand Rarity and Pinkie Pie following close behind. Fluttershy turned back to the werewolves. “I think it would be more advisable that we talk,” Fluttershy said to the pack, fanning her usual timid self.

“Oh no, my little druid. You took my prized pet from me. I am going to make sure you pay. Kill her!” Catrina ordered as she emerged from another hole and cracked the whip to order the Diamond Dogs to fight.

Fluttershy only gave a sorrowful sigh.

Twilight did not like what was happening. Rainbow Dash was held up by the Shadowbolt, Applejack by that succubus and now Fluttershy by the werewolves. She was losing possible bearers, but as the book that Pinkie Pie found said that as long as there were three or two bearers, the elements would still work. Soon they arrived at the throne room where they paused. There were two beings there, a small faun who ran away from the scene and hid behind old curtain throwing his arms into the air, the other was a much more goat-like being set in one of two thrones. One of the thrones was solar-themed while the other lunar, much like the doors of Celestia’s throne room in her castle. The sun themed one was in the same place as Celestia’s actual throne with an empty space matching the moon-themed throne’s present location.

“I am afraid that you will be going no further,” the more goat-like Grogar said as he rose from the moon-themed throne.

Rarity looked at the Grogar. Blue Fur: Check, Overall goat-like appearance: Double Check, Over-exercised muscles: Triple Check, Unfashionable and unhealthy fascination/fixation with bells: Quadruple Check. Rarity’s eyes burned with a righteous fury as she levitated the scale Stvenmgnyt gave her. She looked around and saw a chandelier over the head of the satyr. She followed it to a chain and gave a smile. “Twilight, darling, Pinkie Pie and you’ll have to venture forth on your own.” She said as sent the scale to the chain. “Terribly sorry.” she as she removed her gloves. “But I have a customer to measure.” she finished as she had the scale cut the chain.

The chandelier came down with a resounding thud upon Grogar. “You have skills, my little enchantress. But it will take more than that to beat me.” Grogar grunted as he struggled to get the chandelier off of himself.

“But Rari…” Twilight started but was stopped when her eyes met Rarity’s eyes. It was clear there was no talking her out of it.

“Don’t worry, this shalln’t take long, Darling. I’ll catch up swiftly.” Rarity assured Twilight. Twilight silently and reluctantly accepted the situation with a nod. She still has Pinkie Pie as another bearer. The two headed to the corridor to the chambers. Just before Pinkie left she pulled out a can of red paint and a big paintbrush. “Now we have business to discuss.” Rarity said to the old satyr. Earning her an angry goat-like growl. “No need to be hostile… not yet, anyway,” she finished with a condescending smirk.

Twilight followed the path that Celestia ‘charted’ with her eyes closed. She often traveled the corresponding route in Celestia’s castle while reading a book for the better part of a decade, so the route was blazed into her mind. First right out of the throne room, straight to the opening at the end of the hall, take that right, then the next left, forward to the second right, take the downward leading stairs get off on the right side and it’s the second door on the left.

“That was quite a route,” Pinkie Pie said as they got off the stairs, straitening herself and putting the can of paint and the brush back where she got it from. “So which door are we looking for?” she asked.

Twilight opened her eyes. “Ha, five minutes, beat that Shining!”


“Sorry, he’s my BBBFF,” Twilight answered only so see a clearly confused Pinkie Pie. “My Big Brother Best Friend Forever. And it’s the second door on the left.” She clarified.

“So you have a big brother, Applejack has a big brother and little sister, Rarity has a little sister, Fluttershy has a younger brother and I have two older sisters and a younger twin sister. That leaves Rainbow Dash as an only child.” Pinkie Pie commented. “Should I throw a ‘Yay we have another friend with siblings’ party or a ‘sorry that you are alone with no siblings’ party? Maybe it would be in better taste if I throw neither.” Pinkie Pie commented as she thought about the new tidbit of information. “Of course, I am going to have to plan his next birthday party, maybe his engagement party, wedding reception… So many new party ideas. THANK YOU, SHINING SPARKLE!”

“His name is Shining Armor.” Twilight corrected after rubbing her ears.

“THANK YOU, SHINING ARMOR!” Pinkie Pie shouted again to no one present, but like the last time, it echoed throughout the castle.

“Subtlety and stealth are not your strong suits, are they?” came a familiar voice. Emerging from the shadows right in front of the door to the chambers was the Tantabus his sword at the ready. “You have done well. But I must stop you. My mistress wills it. However, I do implore you to reconsider my offer from before.” as he brought his sword to a mid-guard, ready to fight. “This corridor is designed in favor of the defending force. On top of that with all the darkness present, I hold all the advantages.”

Pinkie Pie took a pose that matched the ‘thinker’ with her tongue sticking out. After a few seconds, her head started to move like a traditional clock clicking until as it returned to its proper place, once there an alarm clock ring was heard as her head moved much like that little rod that interacts with the bells of a traditional alarm clock. Twilight said to the Tantabus, “What the…”

“I had a mental snap the last time I tried questioning her, I am not doing that again.” He commented, “But pleasantries aside.” He dove at Twilight with the point ready to run her through. Twilight screamed.


The Tantabus and Twilight were at a loss as Pinkie Pie managed to place some sort of inflatable shield between the Tantabus and his target. “You’d think they’d know I would stop Uncle Tanzanite from hurting Twilight by now.” Pinkie Pie said facing you readers with her left thumb point over her shoulder towards as the two as they looked to the shield, each other, Pinkie Pie and back to each other utterly at a loss. Pinkie Pie turned back to the two and conjured a set of knives she used before. She threw them not unlike how she did to pin Rainbow Dash. Mid-flight they transformed into a set of multicolored bowling pins, as they hitting Tantabus they made the sound of the bell of a grandfather clock while knocking him over. They then fell around him as he fell, after he and the pins hit the ground they turned into a set of iron tent spikes that were well driven into the ground, each with the insignia of Twilight and her friends on them.

While this pinned the Tantabus, he was able to free himself, but by the time he was back on his feet, Twilight was able to past him and get to the door. The Tantabus attempted to reach Twilight but he was stuck again with knives, but this time it was not half a dozen, but a barrage of them. He was barely able to cover his face.

As the Tantabus was stopped in his tracks, Twilight noticed the door had a lock spell on it. She quickly dispelled it and opened the door. She turned back and saw the Tantabus pull the knives out of his armor. “Twilight, GO!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she tackled the Tantabus.

“NO!!!” Tantabus screamed as Pinkie Pie held him back as Twilight entered the chambers slamming the doors shut behind her with her own locking spell in

“Don't worry, we're going to have lots of fun, Uncle Tanz....” Pinkie said as she let go of the Tantabus.

“MY NAME IS TANTABUS!!!” The Tantabus shouted as he swung his sword and at Pinkie Pie. The jester was barely able to somersault away. “HOLD STILL AND FACE ME!”

“But dodging you is so fun.” Pinkie Pie chuckled in response.

“Fun, I’ll show you fun, my little trickster,” he growled as he renewed his assault.

Things were not going well, but she made it. She let out a sigh of relief, she was able to stop running and think. She would rather have at least one of the others with her, but there was nothing more than she can do about that. Spike was right, she had to let go of what she could not control. She turned around and saw a bed and on it was…

“Nightmare Moon, so that was Celestia’s trap,” Twilight whispered as she looked around, she noticed the shattered stones at the feet of the pedestal where it looked like it held five stones around a sixth. “Those must have been the dummies to draw Nightmare Moon in.” Twilight continued to walk and talk as silently as she could. Twilight found the spell she was looking for, it was one of the most powerful spells she learned. Celestia warned her that such a spell had to be used extremely conservatively, as they drain the caster of a lot of their power. “I can do this,” Twilight whispered as she put her tome aside.

She took a few breaths as she approached the slumbering demigoddess, her staff’s star top and her focusing crystal glowing as she moved the staff in a magical circle and accompanying runes and symbols. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.” she said as she pulled all her magic into a ball which glowed so bright it was a star in its own right, “This is for Princess Celestia!” Twilight said still very silent as she threw the magic ball at Nightmare Moon keeping her eyes closed.

A hand rose and brushed the magic ball to its right.

“It's rather rude to wake resting Royalty.” Nightmare Moon said in a state being awake and well rested as she stretched as if she was waking up from a very restful nap. She didn’t even turn to face Twilight as she spoke. She shook her head loosening her neck as she got out of the bed. Finally, she looked up to see Twilight was in the chambers and all on her own. “Are We to believe that the Tantabus elected to spare you so that We can make certain you are dead?”

Twilight failed. She poured all she has into that spell, and she failed. Her best shot was swatted aside like a parasprite. Her blood froze as Nightmare Moon brought her full attention to her. She stepped back as her heart started to beat louder and faster. “I – I did – didn't... co-me... here on an-ny accord... bu-ut my own,” Twilight said trying to show courage as she backed further away in horror and terror from her opponent. She was too late. Everyone they faced wasted all the time she had and now they were engaged in their respective second round with her allies.

Nightmare Moon took one step forward and did a swift survey of the chamber, the absence of anyone else there was inescapable. “And yet you are still alone against Us, my little mage.” Nightmare Moon commented.

“I can beat you and avenge Princess Celestia on my own,” Twilight said trying to re-channel the resolve she had when she tried to cast the spell. It was clear she wasn’t fooling anyone.

Nightmare Moon could not help but laugh as the room grew darker, darker and darker as if all the light was being consumed. Twilight never knew she could ever experience such fear. It that instant she learned one truth, She was going to die.