• Member Since 13th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Wednesday


There really is not much to say, except I am here for the same reason I write on Fanfiction. I want to entertain you with my writing, not just detail it but make you feel that you are in the story.

Comments ( 78 )

A world where it's all mares, but they are hermaphrodites.

I like it, especially with it being in the mother's perspective.


What? :twilightsheepish:

Gotta mix things up a little. I apologize if it's not your cup of tea.


Yeah, surprise is what I'm going for. I want to write something that isn't about a hero or magical powers passing down to someone, or a big bad villain hellbent on destroying or enslaving.

Just a slice of life that is not so normal for the two main characters.

I like this new story. It's interesting to see a mother wanting to protect the her kid from mares.

Another falls to Bendy's ideas...


7095044 a-day-at-the-sauna-with-futa-mares was his first of that type I think, but Bendy tends to spam short stories. Usually good for a chuckle, and inspired two from me, actually. short stories, not futa stories. I don't write those o.O


I must apologize on correcting you, but I did not know that story existed. This was completely my idea and original. And seeing what you mean now, I must inform you that I despise the show Futurama. Those shows seem idiotic to me.

Same thing with American Dad, Family Guy, and whatever else there is out there.

Sorry, but this is a story I'm strictly doing of my own idea and my own inspiration to write a story that does not involve any theme of magical powers inherited or gained, or that a big bad villain comes in to destroy and enslave.

7095115 First off, I wasn't saying that I'd bitch about you stealing the idea, relax. You said it was an original idea several times, like you're trying to make yourself believe it. Second, the stories have nothing to do with Futurama. He just used the pic and name combo because they work and he likes Futurama. Third, he does everything with those stories, and usually as one-shots.

TL;DR Calm yo tits, I said it reminded me of Bendy's stuff, not that you stole it.


Dude, I'm perfectly calm. I'm just giving you my opinion in return. There is no hostility about this. It's just a story.

So please, no insults. Professionalism please.


I caused a misunderstanding with you, so I apologize for it.

Can we keep this professional, please?

Both funny and sexy, great first chapter hope to see more

How old is this kid and why does he have lethally high blood-pressure???


Patience my friend. Patience.

This looks like it's going to be GREAT!


Oh it is. I promise you that.

Y'know if they've been living in Equestria for a year,one would've expected every time the kid was flirted with he'd be like: orig04.deviantart.net/8db0/f/2016/044/b/3/one_punch_man_valentine___ok_by_stickypeach-d9rlc8s.png

7095455 Can you at least tell me about the blood-pressure thing?

This is going to be very :moustache: interesting.

7095164 professional? No, I use this site casually. :rainbowlaugh:

I don't see were you're taking offense at this. I said it reminded me of something. Never have I made accusations of plagiarism.

My comment about you sounding nervous was an observation. The only times I've heard that kind of denial when no accusation was made was because the author was already nervous about being in the wrong. Calm yo-self. As much as you make the claims, we're all using someone else's stuff. Unless you're going to try and tell me you own MLP


Nervous, yes. Lol. Because I worry my writing will flunk. I have to worry because I'm writing a novel that I hope will be published.

As for owning MLP, no. I wish I did though. Lol. I'd change one thing, and it's that one stallion is an alicorn so as to eliminate this theme of female alicorns only.

To me, it seems sexist. But that is just my opinion.

yes perfect

...not bad, but not for me. I'll leave a like, but won't follow it.

So a mother and son, stuck in Equestria, where all the ponies are female hermaphrodites that want to bang the shit out of the mothers under-aged son . . . nope. I'm out.


To me, it seems sexist.

...Are you fucking kidding me.

Speaking from a male's perspective, if I was that mother, I'd have had a knife specially made. As you may know, when you make a knife, there has to be a balance between it's durability/resistance to dulling/wear and tear, and sharpness. The one commissioned would have zero regard for anything but sharpness.

And then I would use it to castrate all of them.


Torch the wound closed.

I may not be a parent but fucking nobody would be able to do that to my child.

I love this it funny and I'm surprised that they aren't hitting on the mom as well till next time just give me MOAR!!!:flutterrage:


Just an honest opinion to joke about.

Calm down please.

yes the comedy has began

But one thing tho


There's nothing funny about SJWs bringing their 'opinions' to literally every corner of the internet. Especially ones where the fights aren't necessary to begin with.

It's a cartoon that was originally designed just for little girls. Little girls respond more comfortably to their own gender as authority figures. I also don't think they even put that much thought into it. It's not sexist. It's good marketing and business strategy.

Also, you misspelled "anthropomorphic" in the story Description.


Why are you on edge?

It's not being on edge. It's called "Having an opinion."

Hermaphro-... Mares with di-... Pedophilia by mares with di- O.o..................................................................... danail24.exe has stopped working........... rebooting............


PS: For the record, I'm well aware of the "futa" concept, in fact I come across it every day but still it's deffinitely not my cup of tea.


It's all good. Not everyone has the same taste.

They both done gone a just fucked up and she right it gonna be a long day for them *shakes head in shame of both of them*

Carter's mom was in the right, what she did was slightly manipulative but it was needed. Rainbow was disrespectful and rude to the person that she NEEDS approval from in order to have barely-legal sex with Carter AND she also was lying to him about her relationships, that's F*cked up.

Carter shouldn't be mad at his mom and his mom shouldn't feel shame over what she did.

I hope the next chapter is from Carter's POV I want to see his perspective of the world they live in.

(Why does Rainbow call him a stallion? There hasn't been a stallion in a hella-long time and Carter isn't one in the first place.......it's aggravating! Is Rainbow calling him that just to spite his mother?)

Awesome chapters you are doing a amazing job. I can't wait for the next chapters.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

7179409 now to replay that video five more times, or until I stop laughing.
Edit: *9 hours of watching videos later and returns to fimfiction* FUCK now I'm watching it again

7179626 Thanks for being cool about it bro. :coolphoto:

Dang dude that got dark

0-100 real quick

oh i cant wait to read this .

Hey. That's pretty good!

Be careful Carter, oh man it's the one time!

As a purveyor of female horse pingers...I dunno. This entire world seems to run on fetish. I mean..no males?

It's good, just rather outlandish.

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