• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 4,220 Views, 58 Comments


Lonely and depressed Celestia finds an infant creature to raise as her own son.

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Chapter 1 Welcome Home My Son

As Celestia lands on her balcony, she quietly walks into her bed-chamber. Stopping next to the bed she carefully levitates the small child from her back onto the center of the bed.

"All right now let us see what you look like little one." She says in her motherly tone.

Using her hoofs she carefully removes the blanket that the baby was wrapped in. She could finally find out the full extent of the infant's appearance. Its mane was almost a translucent silver the skin a light gray like fine ash. Looking on Celestia noticed that it had small nubs on top of its head possibly horns. What surprised her was a tail about half the length of the body swinging back and forth. Her examination was cut short by the sound of the baby fussing.

"Oh, there-there I'm here little one."She said nuzzling the baby.

Upon hearing the cries Celestia's pet phoenix Philomena flies down from her perch landing on the bed next to the baby.

"What is it, girl?" Celestia asks her pet.

The Phoenix looks up at her owner then back to the fussing baby. Lowering her head she opens her mouth to deposit a small amount of birdseed next to the baby's head.

Cocking her head, Celestia looks at her pet than at the baby." Is he hungry, is that what he told you, girl?"

The Phoenix just chirped and nodded her head as she flew back to her perch.

"So you can speak to animals, my precious angel."She said as she nuzzled him once more.

Thinking for a moment Celestia climbed off the bed. Placing a soundproof spell around the baby she walked to her chamber doors. Opening them to see a guard to the left. Getting the guard's attention.

"Yes, your Highness?" The guard called out.

"I want you to go to the kitchen and bring me a warm glass of milk," Celestia said in a commanding tone.

The guard looked at her for a moment before bowing and trotted away.

Closing the door behind her Tai (yes I'm calling her that for now)trotted over to her closet looking through a large box." Ah, here it is I'm glad I kept the bottles that Luna and I had when we were still foals," She said to herself.

Moments later a knock was heard at her door.

"Your Majesty." A voice called from the other side of the door." Your order of milk is here."

Tai opens the door just enough to pass her head through. Using her magic she levitates the glass before quickly shutting the door behind her. Walking back to her bed she uses her magic to transfer the milk from the glass to the bottle. Levitating the bottle Tia carefully climbed back onto the bed bringing the baby into her front hooves she brought the bottle down to its mouth. Gripping the bottle with its hands the baby pulled the nipple to its mouth and began to drink. Seconds later it pushed the bottle away and began showing a disgruntled expression.

"Come now little one you must eat something," Tia said as she attempted to give the baby the bottle again. And again the baby pushed it away and turned its head refusing to drink. With an aggravated huff Tia levitated the bottles over to her desk. Looking down at the infant once more Tia sighed deeply.

"What are we to do you need to eat little one." She said as she laid there still holding the baby in her front hooves.

Then an idea hit her if it will not nurse from a bottle maybe it will nurse naturally. Place in the infant back onto the bed Tia moved over to her bookshelf and began looking for a particular book. Upon finding it she levitated it to her desk. Opening the book to a certain page she carefully read the spell over and over to make sure there were no mistakes. Closing the book and replacement back on the shelf Tia began concentrating. Her horn began to glow focusing the magic she cast the spell in doing so light emanated from beneath her near and between her thighs where her teets were located. There was a faint glow and a sense of warmth emanating from that region seconds later the spell dissipated and Tia could feel that her teets were full of milk as they began to dribble down the inner part of her thighs. As quickly and carefully as possible she climbed back onto the bed positioning herself so that the baby was close to her leaking teets. Tia watched in amazement as the baby sniffs the air and began moving itself to its free meal. With a startled gasp Tia watched and felt as the baby grabbed hold and latched on with its mouth to her teat and began to drink. The content smile on her face quickly disappeared as the realization of what was happening kicked in. Looking over at her desk she saw the folder and began to wonder what secrets it held. Knowing full well from which you read earlier even with her extensive knowledge it still remained elusive. Deciding there was only one course of action Tia levitated a parchment quill and inkwell to her and began to write a letter to the one pony she knew that can help her.

Dear Professor Globe Trotter

You are the foremost expert in the study of known and unknown species of life in Equestria and all of Equis.

I am writing this letter to seek your aid in solving a mystery.

I request your presence to discuss and determine the origin of a certain creature.

Most importantly I ask that you keep this information secret for the time being.

For I do not believe that the existence of this creature should be released to public knowledge at this time.

I am sending along a royal seal to allow you access to the castle without the guards impeding your movements.

As I said before the knowledge you will receive must remain secret you cannot tell anypony of what you see or learn under penalty of punishment.

I implore you to quickly arrive.

Sincerely Princess Celestia Everfree

Tia cringed at the thought of calling this innocent baby a creature. Shaking her head of such thoughts she used her magic to place the quill and inkwell back on her desk. As she rolled up the scroll and teleport it to its destination. Knowing full well that Professor Trotter never leaves the university except when he is off on one of his adventures. She remembered noticing a cot in the back of his office one day when she visited the University. Her thoughts were brought back from the feeling of the baby switching to her other teat. Letting out a content sigh while watching the infant feed she wondered if this was how her mother felt while she took care of Luna and her when they were foals. This thought brought a tear to her eyes knowing that her sister was still banished to the moon. Tia's thoughts were brought back to the present again by the sound of the baby fussing looking down she saw that its little belly was full of milk. Once again casting the soundproof spell she brought the infant into her front hooves placing it over her shoulder. Patting its back gently she waited for the inevitable burp but what surprised her was the tremendous belch that emanated from the baby's mouth. Luckily the barrier was up otherwise Tia believed the entire castle would've heard that thunderous noise. Bringing the child back down into the front of her she looks upon the face of the happy infant as it smiles up at her. Cooing as it once again tried to reach with its tiny hands to her muzzle deciding to allow the baby some leeway. She leans down as the baby took hold of her muzzle bringing its own head up its kissed her on the nose. Tia was surprised that this action she couldn't believe that something so young could demonstrate a form of affection such as that. She returned the affection by lightly kissing it on its cheek and then began blowing raspberries on its small tummy. Hearing the child laugh caused Tia's own heart to soar.

The realization had struck her that time had slipped by looking at the clock on her wall she realized it was time to lower the moon and raise the sun. Placing the baby back down on the bed she carefully removed herself stepping to the doors of her balcony. Turning back to look at the baby with a smile on her face.

"Would you like to watch Mommy work?" She said with a giddiness using the word mommy.

The baby watched in awe as Celestia magically open the doors to her balcony. Stepping out she stood there for a moment closing her eyes and focusing her magic her horn began to glow. Even from the vantage point of the bed, the baby could see as his new mommy began to float in the air. Blinking with an innocent expression on its face the baby watched as the moon descended past the horizon and the sun began to show its brilliance.

After her little display, Celestia landed back onto the balcony and turned to reenter the room. Closing the doors behind her she walks over to the edge of the bed and looks down at the baby.

"So my little one did you like the show?" She said as she leaned in closer.

Looking from the doors back to her the baby only giggled. This response caused Tia to laugh as well.
"I am so happy that you liked it my little one." She said as she began to nuzzle the baby's cheek as it still giggled.
Moments later a small yawn escaped from the baby Tia looks down and sees its eyes begin to flutter.
"Oh, I see someone is tired now that you've been up all night so that's understandable sleep well my little one." She said as she wrapped the baby in its blanket and placed them at the head of the bed.

Celestia carefully got up from the bed and walk to her bathroom where she could clean herself and make herself more presentable. If she would have remained for a few moments more Celestia would have noticed a strange event happening to the babyfur began to grow all over the body as its a small patch of hair on top of its head grew to resemble a true mane yet it continued down from its head along its entire back and a crossed its tail ending in a small tuft of hair. What she would also have witnessed was the appearance of two small growths on its back that closely resembled newborn Pegasus wings. Luckily it was the weekend so she did not have to leave her room or deal with those pesky nobles in day court. As she returned to her bedchamber she was about to climb onto the bed when a knock was heard at her door. Wondering who would disturb her at this early hour she preceded to the door. Hearing the knock again a voice came from the other side.

"Your majesty sorry for disturbing you at this early hour but there is a unicorn here who says you had summoned him." Came the voice of one of the guards outside her door.

A little surprised at the news a smile crept a crossed her face." I did not think he would show up this early?" She thought to herself as she made her way to the door. Using her magic she opened the door to greet an older unicorn whose mane was quite disheveled wearing a pair of glasses that appeared to be quite thick. Upon his back, his saddlebags were overstuffed with papers.

"Ah Professor Trotter it is good to see you yet I did not expect you to arrive at this hour," Celestia said as she moved to the side to allow the old unicorn to enter her room.

With a bow and slight grumble, the unicorn looked between the two guards before entering the princess's private chambers. After entering Celestia used her magic to close the door once again and she erected a soundproof barrier. Needless to say, this confused the old stallion.

"Well your highness when I received that letter of yours explaining about an unknown creature I became ecstatic so I hurried over to speak with you about it," Trotter said in a garbled but professional voice.

"Yes up about that I would prefer you not to refer to him as a creature," Celestia said as she began to walk back toward her bed. Stopping at her desk first. "Everything you need to know about him is in this folder a request that you read it to better understand the circumstances." She said as she levitated the folder to the unicorn who took it in his own magic.

Opening the folder Trotter began reading but unknown to most his ability to gather information through the written word surpassed anyone's expectations. Able to read the entire collection of the Encyclopedia Equestria within one hour. (Just so you know that's twenty volumes with over a hundred million words in each volume so the guy can read fast) After reading the entire folder Trotter placed it on the floor in front of him sitting down on his flanks. He blinked his eyes in amazement at what he had read.
Clearing his throat he began to speak. "Princess, do you realize what you have here?" He said gesturing with a hoof towards the folder in front of him.

"I must apologize I did try to read some of it but yet I was lost on key points to it could you explain?" Celestia said as she continued her way toward the end of her bed.

"What you have here is a scientific marvel of a being that is." Stopping for a moment to clear his mind Trotter began to explain again. Tell me Princess do you know the work of Professor Gene Splicer?" He asked her waiting for a reply.

"No, I did not believe so." She said with an inquisitive response.

"Professor Splicer is the mare that successfully proven that all life possesses a single trait that she had dubbed DNA." He said waiting for this new information to sink in before he continued. " As I was saying this DNA is the building blocks of life all life has it from a blade of grass to yourself. But the larger the life form is the more complex its DNA is." He said before taking a breath to continue." I'm not saying that a hydra is more complex than you or I they are merely just overgrown reptiles. "He said trying to clarify his last statement.

Absorbing this information the princess nodded for him to continue.

"As I was saying the being that this folder speaks of possesses multiple strands of DNA from some creatures that I've never even heard of as well as some that are actually quite familiar but the most important thing is I believe all of them are predatory." He said with a stern tone.

"Do you believe that he is dangerous?" Celestia said with a hint of fear in her voice after hearing the word predatory.

Oh no no no I don't believe he is dangerous at the moment you see as I was reading there were some notes explaining a form of mental conditioning." He said stopping for a moment to take a deep breath then preceded to explain his findings.

"There seems to be some sort of lock that will keep him docile until a situation is needed for the use of force. What is quite astonishing about this is, whoever created him actually inputted the knowledge of different forms of combat like you would program a machine," He said before Celestia interrupted him.

"Created, what do you mean by that?" Celestia said with a confused expression.

"Yes, your highness you see he wasn't born he was made artificially. And to be quite honest I believe he was made for one purpose." Trotter said as he used his magic to push his glasses back up onto our face.

"And what purpose would that be?" Celestia asked in a motherly but commanding tone.

"I believe he was made as a weapon of war everything that I have read points to it, the DNA the mental conditioning it all points to making the ultimate soldier," Trotter said as he tried to ease the princess's worried demeanor. "But please don't lose heart princess there are notes in this folder personal notes by one of the scientists that were involved and she explicitly states that the subject Darwin as she called him could actually lead a normal life given positive emotions and caring surroundings," Trotter said while trying to think of a positive way of explaining his understanding of the notes.

"So what you were speaking of is nature vs. nurture am I correct?" Celestia asked after listening to his explanation.

"Exactly that's exactly what I mean your highness, given loving and caring surroundings this individual's combat-oriented nature could be subdued to a point where it would only manifest itself in dire situations or in a controlled situation," Trotter said reassuring the princess.

"There are a few other things that I've discovered while reading your highness one you might find a little disturbing the scientist who wrote these notes, her name was Celestia Everfree," Trotter said trying to read the expression on the princess's face.

With this information, Celestia began to ponder that creature she saw in the forest was that the one that bears her name was that Celestia Everfree. Her thoughts were cut short as Trotter cleared his throat to gain her attention again.

"Princess, I know you did not summon me here just to read these notes is there something else you wish to discuss with me?" He said trying to gather all the information he could.

Looking from the bed to the stallion before her Celestia closed her eyes and began to explain the events." Last night I sensed a flux of unknown magic in the forest. Upon investigating I discovered a strange bipedal creature that appeared to have extensive wombs. Within its arms, it held that file as well as a small bundle of cloth. " Celestia said as she moved to the bed using her magic to uncover the baby.

To Trotter's amazement what he saw before he was astonishing there lying on the bed was an infant but unlike anything, he has ever seen before. Turning to look at the baby Celestia's eyes grew in shock upon seeing its appearance. Taking note of her expression Trotter moved up beside her.

"Princess is something the matter you look confused is something the matter with the infant?" Trotter said in a very concerned tone.

"Yes, he did not look like this when I found him. He was completely hairless except for a small patch on his head." Celestia said with fear that something terrible was happening to the baby.

Trotter moved to the side of the bed to get a closer look at the infant upon examining it he turned and levitated the folder to him and began scanning through the pages. Finding what he needed Trotter smiled and nodded to himself before he spoke. "You don't have anything to worry about Princess, I've looked over these notes again and it appears that the baby is merely following his genetic programming."

"Please explain to me what this genetic programming is?" Celestia asked still concerned about the baby.

"Evolutionary Adaptability simply put this baby was created to adapt to any environment instantly and if possible obtain DNA from any species he comes in contact with. May I ask how was he fed?" Trotter said in a blunt tone.

With a slight blush on her face, Celestia simply told him that she tried to feed the baby a bottle of milk but he wouldn't take it so she cast a spell upon herself to Lactaid for the child to drink.

Nodding his head as even listened Trotter deduced what had happened." I see now I understand you said before that he had no hair yet after his feeding it appears that he obtained some of your DNA which I believe caused him to grow a coat of fur and what appears to be small wings protruding from his back. Strange though that they appear as if they're both feathered and skin." Trotter said as he examined the infant closer.
Shooting his head up in shock Trotter returns to look through the notes once more upon finding what he was looking for you close the folder and set it on the edge of the bed. Taking a few steps back he sat himself down on his hindquarters.
Clearing his throat and focusing on the right words to say he looked at the princess did my eyes. " Princess there are a few things that you should know first within these notes it states that they used a bonding agent to combine all the DNA together the catalyst was human DNA." Before the princess could interrupt he lifted his hoof to stop her. "Allow me to finish as I was saying the catalyst was human DNA the DNA that was used was an unfertilized egg from the one called Celestia Everfree. There were some scholars that believe before it even the formation of the three tribes humans lived on Equis and then one day they'll simply disappear. No pony knows what happened to them but there are signs of they actually existed here in our history and culture there are remnants of human involvement. Those same scholars believe that that humans used genetic engineering to create life, artificial life and that life evolved into everything that has lived on Equis so far. That includes ponies know this is just a hypothesis but I do believe that this Celestia Everfree is a human counterpart to you that being said this child by all accounts genetically is your son. "Trotter said taking a deep breath after his long-winded explanation.

Receiving this shocking news Celestia stood there looking from the professor to the baby and slowly the words finally formed to leave her mouth." My son you mean to tell me that this baby could actually be my son?" The realization of those words hit Celestia hard enough for her to fall back on her hindquarters.

"It is just a hypothesis princess but if I took a blood sample from both of you, I could compare them to see if there is a genetic match but reading these notes I am strongly leaning towards the belief that he is. " the professor said smiling at the princess.

Shaking herself out of her stupor Celestia cleared her voice. "Yes, a blood test would be fine please set it up as soon as possible and I must remind you, professor, that everything you have seen and learned today must remain secret for the time being. And I ask if it is all possible that you become. "Stopping for a moment Celestia looks at the baby with a smile on her face. "If you will become Prince Darwin's personal Physician?"

"So you have already given him a name, can I ask why you chose Darwin?" Trotter said looking from her to the baby.

"I thought it would be appropriate since the other me had given him that name," Celestia said as she stood back up on her hooves holding herself in a regal pose.

Laughing a little bit Trotter turn to the princess and bowed. "Well since the young prince happens to be made up of all the different species that I know and some that I have not yet heard of and I am the foremost expert on known and unknown species and all of Equis it would be an honor your majesty beside this way I'll be able to figure out all the different species that reside in the young princes DNA," Trotter said with an over-exuberant show of excitement.
"Oh yes, I just realized there are few things that you must consider princess. The first two things are to obtain a maid and a wet nurse that can be trusted and luckily I know a pony that fits both descriptions my niece Milky Way. And seconds is to figure out how to keep the new prince hidden from the public until his eventual debut. " He said sitting back down on his hindquarters with a worried look from the second thing he said.

"Yes I see your point but my personal guards are loyal and will keep the secret hidden until the time is right as for the maid position I think you but I do not understand why I would need a wet nurse?" Celestia said while she was contemplating and all the events that would unfold.

"The wet nurse is quite simple you won't be able to feed the prince when he requires it, do to your royal duties. And as I said my niece is certified with that as her special talent is producing milk." He said shrugging his shoulders.

Celestia nodded in agreement but two things still plagued her mind one should be able to solve quickly the other involved her new private student Twilight Sparkle and she would arrive Monday to begin her lessons.
Looking to the professor Celestia asked. "This blood test you spoke of how would we go about collecting samples and how long would it take to verify?"

"Oh that's quite simple any small amount of blood would be sufficed and the amount of time an hour maybe two," Trotter said in a nonchalant way.

Seconds later Celestia's horn glowed as to small tissue papers floated in the direction of Trotter. The professor cocked an eyebrow looking a bit confused at this action until he noticed on each tissue a small sample of blood.

"Will these suffice for the test?" Celestia asked, hoping that the answer would be yes.

Looking at the samples Trotter nodded and took both into his own magic maintaining a small protective bubble around each one he place them inside the folder. "If you will not be needing me anymore at this time your highness I will take these two samples directly to the medical wing and have that test run immediately and I will also contact my niece and informed her that she will be working in the palace as your personal maid from now on," Trotter said as he bowed and started to leave.

Celestia nodded and watched as the professor began to leave her quarters. He stopped just before the door turning around to look at the princess. "My opinion may not matter very much in the scheme of things but I do believe you will make a wonderful mother," Trotter said as he bowed once more before leaving.

Outside in the hall, Globe Trotter made his way to the medical wing of the castle upon entering he only had to ask one nurse where the equipment was for blood tests. Finding said equipment Trotter began one of the most important tests that he had ever been part of carefully following all instructions in the processing of blood samples he waited. Patiently he waited for the results but patience was never one of his strong points while waiting for the results he opened the folder once more and began to read the notes. Looking over them closely he had found key pieces of information one, in particular, was that the prince not only was quadruped but able to freely move and function in a bipedal position as well. Smiling to himself his thoughts were brought back to reality by the sound of the testing machine ending its cycle. The machine printed it's a readout on the test it was given. Looking closely Trotter's eyes fell on only three words.

Parental match positive.

Chuckling once more to himself he took the printout folding it carefully and placing it in the folder. " This should make her the happiest mare in all of the Equestria." He said still chuckling to himself.

Leaving the medical wing Trotter noticed a single unicorn guard calling him over he levitated the folder did read out to the guard. "You must deliver this to Princess Celestia immediately do not open it I have placed a spell that only the princess can remove. Make haste your princess requires this information immediately." Trotter said with a little hint of authority in his tone.

With that, his job was done for the day deciding to head back to the university but on his way, he would stop at Milky Way's home and notify her of the good news.

Moments after Trotter had left her chambers Celestia allowed those few words he had said to her sink in good mother she stood there merely repeating those words good mother. A smile crossed her face and a feeling she had not felt in so long absolute joy. The knock at her door brought her back to reality moving to the door she uses her magic to open it slightly looking out she sees a loan unicorn guard standing at attention in front of her.

"What is a guard is there something the matter?" She asked looking at the guard truly concerned if something has happened.

"Your majesty Professor Trotter asked me to deliver this letter to you he said it was most urgent that you receive it immediately." The guards said trying to sound officials although he was intimidated to be in her presence.

Celestia used her magic to envelope the letter the guard held with his levitation. Nodding and thanking the guard for his studious actions she dismissed him closing the door behind her.
"This must be the blood test the results." Celestia thought to herself as her mouth began to dry with anticipation.
Carefully opening the letter she scans through all the medical jargon until her eyes laid upon those three words. Seeing them her own eyes grew in excitement a large smile crept a crossed her face and with all said and done for the regal princess of the sun did one thing no one would have suspected she cried out in the canterlot voice,

I'm a mother!!!!

Seconds later Celestia realized what she had done being thankful that the soundproof barrier was still erected. But unfortunately, her outburst did have consequences for upon the bed where a once sleeping form laid was now a crying infant that was awoken by a thunder's shock. Hearing the baby Celestia moved quickly to the bed and bringing her son in two were front hooves she rocked him back and forth soothing the frightened child.

"Shhh it's ok shhh mommy's here I know you got scared but your safe Mommy will never let anything harm you," Celestia said as she held her son close to her chest.

After a few moments, the baby calms down and began to fall back asleep.

Looking at the infant one more time before placing him on the bed and positioning herself to have him laid next to her side treating a wing over the baby. Celestia said one last phrase before she laid there and closed her eyes to sleep with her son.

Welcome home Prince Darwin my son welcome home.

Author's Note:

News flash in this story Prince Blueblood is not an Asshole surprising he is a nice guy and I know what your all thinking but it's my story so there. :rainbowwild: :derpytongue2: