• Published 18th Sep 2016
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Lonely and depressed Celestia finds an infant creature to raise as her own son.

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Chapter 4 A Birthday Surprise

Time has a way of moving without you noticing sometimes, in this case, one year had gone by. A year since Darwin had become her son that day was chosen to be his birthday even though he was aged at three months this day was the day that Celestia had learned he was her biological son so it was as if he was born on that day.

So a celebration was to be held in the Castle all the preparations were going smoothly and Celestia took the day off from her duties to oversee everything. While this was happening the young Prince was being cared for by his nanny Milky Way in the garden with his best friend Spike. Twilight, Cadance, and Shining Armor were there as were a large number of armed Guards. It turns out Celestia did find out about the attempts on Darwin's life and she was not happy. First for being kept in the dark about them and second for not being the one to kill the guilty parties herself. In his time as a guard and as captain, Glory has never shown fear until he looked upon the face of the Princess when she heard the truth. He could have sworn that her mane and tail changed from the beautiful tricolors to flames as hot as the sun its self. As the three younger ones played under the watchful eyes of the grown-ups Shining couldn't keep admiring his new uniform after just a year he had risen in rank to Lieutenant JG.

"You know Shining if you stare at it too long you might get demoted for not doing your job," Came the sweet voice of his fillyfriend Cadance.

Turning to look at her with a sheepish grin Shining rubbed the back of his head laughing. "I know and I'm sorry but I just can't believe it I'm an officer now," Shining said as he moved closer to Cadance. Just think if it keeps going this way I could make captain and then we could....."

"We could what Shining?" Cadance asked turning to see why he stopped talking only to see him on the ground knocked out and a small ball neck to his head.
"Shining are you alright what happened?"Cadance cried out seeing a bruising start to form on Shining's left eye.

Twilight and Milky Way both were running over apologizing for what happened.

Moments before Shining got his shiner.

(Once again Spike will be green and Darwin will be brown.)

"That's the way just roll the ball back and forth see isn't this fun?" Milky Way said as she showed the prince and his dragon friend how to play with the ball.

Darwin and Spike played but during this, they had a little conversation in their baby talk.

This isn't very fun, is it?

No, not really we finally get to come outside and the grown-ups won't let us even explore.

It's not fair I wanted to go look at the funny rock thingy but when I tried Nanny stopped me and said it was dangerous.

Hey, I got an idea how far can you throw the ball?

I don't know why?

Well if you throw it far away then the grown-ups would go get it and then we could go explore.

That,s a great idea but where should I throw it?

Looking around Spike pointed.

Over there and be sure to throw it hard.

Getting the ball Darwin waited until Nanny and Twilight weren't looking and then with all his strength the young prince hurled the ball in the direction Spike pointed. The small rubber ball flew with the speed of a bullet only to hit Shining Armor in the face.

Twilight and Milky Way both saw what happened and both of them ran over to see if the Lieutenant and her brother were ok. This distraction gave the two babies ample time to start crawling away on their first adventure. The two made it halfway to the statue garden before they were surrounded by a magenta field and lifted off the ground to come face to face with a very upset little filly.

"Now I don't know how but I know you planned to distract everypony so you could crawl off but you hurt Shining and that was not nice so I want both of you to apologize right now," Twilight said in a very stern tone.

Hearing this Spike lowered his head while Darwin tried to use his wings to fly away only to give up and cross his front legs pouting knowing that their adventure was cut short. Darwin stayed like that until they came into view of a dazed Shining sporting a black eye. Seeing this the Prince lowered his head in shame knowing that he had hurt one of the grown-ups that he saw more like a big brother. Struggling in Twilights grip Darwin broke free and before he fell to the ground he furled his wings out and glided over to land in Shinings lap. Tears in his eyes Darwin reached up with one of his hands and touch the wound he had caused. Babbling in baby to Shining the stallion could only look at the Prince.

I'm really sorry that I hurt you Shining please don't hate me.

Pulling the Prince into a hug, Shining just smiled down at him. "It's ok, little guy, I've gotten worse but I got to say you got one heck of an arm there you threw that thing at least a hundred hooves."(One hundred hooves = One hundred feet) Hearing this Darwin smiled back at the Stallion before turning to look for Spike only to have him placed in Shining lap too. Spike also apologized in baby talk and Shing forgave him as well. After that tender moment, Cadance decided that it was time to go inside and get ready for the party seeing as it was not only Darwins but Spikes big day as well. Everypony decided to have both baby's birthdays on the same day even though Spike was hatched a few days earlier. As they moved inside Darwin took one more look back vowing one day he will get to go see that funny rock thingy.
At the party Celestia didn't hold back, there were games of all kinds as well as treats. There were two large cakes one saying Happy Birthday and the other Happy Hatchday. One of the most memorable moments was when Captian Glory showed his wife Night Bloom why he kept insisting that the young Princes be trained by both guard units. The evidence being Shinings shiner and just how far Darwin threw the ball. The shocked expression on Nights' face was enough to make the old stallion bust up laughing. This did not help the young Lieutenant feel any better.
Celestia was amazed at how strong her son was. Even Professor Trotter showed up to the party for two reasons of course first being to check up on his favorite and only patience and the second Trotter could never pass up free food of any kind. As he did a quick checkup on the birthday boy he found out that Darwin's muscles were developing at the normal rate of any foal but he did have a theory as to how he threw the ball so far and hard.

"You see I believe the Prince's body remains in a state of rest for most of the time but under degrees of extreme danger or agitation he exhibits his unique traits," Trotter said to the few ponies standing around him. "Pray tell where was he headed to when young Miss Sparkle caught up to the two of them?"

"Oh, they were headed towards the statue gardens more precise to that weird looking one," Twilight said smiling at knowing the answer.

"That would explain everything," Trotter said to a very confused group of ponies. " You see that statue is Discord the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony and he stands for everything that the Prince was made to fight against. You see Darwin is by all logical views a weapon for Peace and Order and I believe he must have sensed something and wanted to make sure it wasn't a threat. I wouldn't be surprised if you put him out there right now he would crawl right to it and more than likely try to destroy it not really knowing why." Trotter said to everypony around him unfortunately only Celestia, Captains Glory, Night Bloom, and surprisingly Shining Armor were the only ones to know what he meant.

"I can't believe it when this sweet little angel,(Night) little colt,(Glory) little guy,( Shining) grows up he will be a one-pony army and probably be as powerful if not more so than his mother," Thought Glory Night and Shining at the same time.

Celestia smiled at the news, just like any mother would but deep down she was scared, scared that if her sweet baby boy were to turn evil there would be no force in Equestria to stop him. But she knew that would never happen after all he had ponies that loved him and taught him right from wrong and most importantly he had a mommy that would do anything for her sweet little angel. Pushing those thoughts back Celestia knew deep down that everything will be alright. It was a party and it was time to spend with her beloved son. After the party and everypony went home Celestia said good night to Milky Way and thanked her once again for her wonderful work in the care of her son. As she closed the door Celestia made her way over to her bed where her son waited to be fed his dinner. Even though Darwin was a year old Celestia did not stop breastfeeding him as often as she liked, mostly at night or in the morning. But this night something happened that made Celestia realized that Darwin was truly her son. Getting into position so he was able to feed she watched as he crawled not to her teats but her head. With wide eyes, she saw Darwin move up taking her muzzle into his small hands, and lean in to kiss her on the nose before speaking his first words.

"Wub Mama," Darwin said smiling at his shocked mother. He became scared because Celestia didn't move for what felt like forever but then he was picked up into the front hooves of his mom and received kiss after kiss.

"Oh, my precious little boy your first words I must tell Lun... " Celestia said before the realization of what she was going to say, hit like a hammer to her heart.

Lifting her son up she walked over to the balcony doors and opened them. Stepping out into the night sky Celestia looked up at the moon as the image of the Mare in the Moon could be seen. Tears began to fall from her eyes and she would have sat there crying all through the night if not for her son crying out mama. This brought her back looking down at her son she smiled only for Darwin to look at her saying mama then pointing to the moon. As if asking why she was crying.

Raising her son into the air. Celestia spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice." Look, look Luna this is Darwin my son your nephew. I know it will be some time before you can return but when that day comes I want him to know the truth and to love you as much as I. Oh, dear sister will you ever truly forgive me for what I had done." She said as more tears fell from her eyes as she held her son close to her heart. Turning to return to their chambers Celestia began to sing a lullaby but this song was not only for her son but to her sister that she wished was by her side.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness, I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay moon princess, good night sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay moon princess, good night sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you
All these miles away

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there
The whole time she sang if Darwin could have talked he would have sworn he saw the moon crying.

And just like the funny rock thingy, Darwin vowed that someday he would meet this Luna and make mommy happy. Some would say those are big dreams for a baby but then again nopony has met any pony like Prince Darwin Everfree of Equestria.

Everfree Forest

In a very familiar open field, a blanket of fog sets unmoved by the breeze strange sounds can be heard coming from it. Then movement a shape one that has not been seen in this world for a year now. But something was different about this one. Instead of being able to see the face, this one had a large covering over it, in fact, the entire body was covered in this strange yellow material, and in its hands, the thing carried a small box with a tube connected to it by a rope of some kind.

Moments later another one of these creatures emerged from the fog. It looked taller than the first and when it spoke it had a deeper voice make it sound more like a stallion.

"Doctor Everfree we have to hurry the portal will only stay open until dawn which is in two hours then it will close for another six months," The tall stallion said turning to look at the other one. "Luna, are you listening to me?" he yelled making the shorter one turn to look at him.

"Yes I heard you Macintosh Apple but I'm not going back not yet I have to find out what happen why has a portal opened connecting our world with this strange one and where is my sister she disappeared in the middle of this after those bastards shot her where is she wheres her body," The creature now known as Luna shouted at the one called Macintosh. I'm sorry Mac I didn't mean to yell at you I just wish I could find out what happ..." Luna's words were cut short when she saw what looked like a crude grave of stones and a headstone etched into it were words Luna could see that they were not carved with a hammer and chisel but Etched as if a laser was used. Reading the words tears began to fall from her eyes.

Mac walked over to her side placing a hand on her shoulder he looked down and read the words on the stone. Here lies a female creature may she find rest

"What the heck wait if she died here then who buried her and where is project X-11257? Mac asked looking around a little confused.

"Darwin, she named him Darwin," Luna said placing a flower on the grave before standing and looking at the stallion with her. "And it looks like whoever buried her took him with them," She said looking from the grave to the only visible structure in sight, being what looked like a castle on the side of a mountain.

"How in tarnation can that be possible the place looks like it'll fall off any second," Mac said tilting his head while looking at the castle in the distance.

"I don't know maybe it's magic," Luna said laughing a little until an alarm went off scaring both of them.

Mac looks down at the box he was carrying. "Well, shoot looks like our visit will have to wait sensors show a large number of those, wooden wolf-looking things are coming this way."

"Very well but next time the portal opens we're bringing a small group with us and we will be staying until the portal opens again," She said as she walked through the fog disappearing from sight only for her voice to be heard. "And I hope you don't have any plans for those six months we're here Mac?"

"Why am I even here I'm a Geologist, not a damn space explorer," Mac said as he entered the fog only to yell. "Take me to your leader!"

Unknown to the two strange creatures but a set of yellow slitted eyes had been watching them the entire time. After it was truly safe did observer make himself known as a thestral pony flapping his leathery wings he took off heading for the castle to inform the Princess of what he had discovered praying to the night mother that all would be safe and well.