• Published 18th Sep 2016
  • 4,221 Views, 58 Comments


Lonely and depressed Celestia finds an infant creature to raise as her own son.

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Chapter 3 Royal Introduction

For a solid week, Cadance and Blue have secretly been spying on their aunt just to find out the name of their new cousin. After some extensive work mainly Cadance becoming Twilight's foalsitter and BlueBlood wining and dining Milky Way with no success by the way. Due to Milky already having a coltfriend in the royal guard's named Blast Sentry. As both ran to meet each other with what they knew to be great news for their own victory. They stopped outside their aunt's door looking at each other with a hint of smugness. But before either one could knock on the door it opened to reveal a very surprised and confused Celestia. Stepping back both teen Royals looked at each other before looking to their aunt.

And in unison, they both spoke very loudly. "Auntie can I see my new cousin Darwin if you please?"

"Wait how did you find out his name?" They both asked each other in unison.

"Well if you must know It was from my excellent skills and abilities to gather information," BlueBlood said while his eyes darted back and forth.

Well, I used my feminine wiles and seduced the Information from the unsuspecting masses Cadance said also not looking her cousin in the eyes.

Oh will you two just stop, I know full well the Twilight told you Cadance and for you, BlueBlood Milky Way told you. Celestia said looking a little crossed at her niece and nephew. And if I recall your bet was the winner gets the losers desert for a week. Now I think both Twilight and Milky Way should be the winners as you two just used them to get what you wanted with regard to their feelings.

Both of them lowered their heads in shame but Cadance spoke up first." Actually, I did like being Twilight's foalsitter and I plan on continuing to do so. That is if she will have me that is." Cadance said with a hopeful smile.

"I would like that princess," Twilight said looking at her with a joyful smile.

Everyone turned to look at BlueBlood who stood there looking off into the distance.

"What?" He said turning to look at them.

"What do you mean what? I think you owe Milky Way an apology." Celestia said looking at her nephew.

"I don't think I need to apologize when I had already done so before." He said looking at all of them.

Celestia turned her attention to Milky Way.

"It's true your Majesty he did when he found out that I already have a coltfriend," Milky Way said with a small blush.

Shaking her head Celestia sighed."Very well if you must then come with me." She said as she turns to enter her chambers.

Everyone follows suit as they all enter the room Cadance and Blue, headed over to see and meet their new cousin only to see a baby dragon sitting on the rug looking up and giggling.

"Um, Auntie I a little confused my cousin is a baby dragon?" BlueBlood asked scratching his head with a hoof.

"No, this is Spike he is Twilight's dragon I met him before," Cadance said also looking confused.

"That Is what I wanted to tell you, your highness. You see the prince started crawling today and well he hasn't stopped." Milky Way said pointing her hoof to the ceiling.

Following her hoof, everyone looked up to see the young prince crawling across the ceiling as if it were the floor giggling all the time. Which in turn caused Spike to giggle too.

As everyone else began to panic Celestia merely used her magic to bring her son back down and into her waiting hooves.

"Now what do you think you were doing young colt?" Celestia asked her son to only receive garbled and raspberries. "You were giving poor MilkyWay a heart attack, that is no way for a prince of Equestria to act my son now apologize." She said turning her son in her hooves to face Milky Way and the others.

The young prince looked at the frazzled-looking mare and reached out to her. Milky Way leaned close only for Darwin to gently stroke her cheek and kiss her nose.

Apology accepted you little devil but don't do that again. Milky Way said while nuzzling the young price.

Holding her son Celestia turned around and presented her son to his cousins. "Cadance Blue I would like you to meet your cousin, Prince Darwin."

Seconds later the was a squee heard in the room and everyone turned to look at Blue Blood.

"What, well he's just so cute, "Blue Blood said as he emphasized with his hoof to the happy baby being held by his aunt.

As Blue said this Cadance moved closer to her new cousin and started to make baby noises at him making Darwin giggle.

"So when are you going to reveal him to the nation Auntie, "Cadance asked looking to her aunt.

"I think I'll wait just a bit maybe when he is a year old that why the nobles and the rest of Equestria will be ready," Celestia said as she nuzzled her son.

With a huff, Blue Blood looked at his aunt." Don't concern yourself with what those stuffed shirted nobles think besides most of them couldn't find their own plotholes with a map and a guide."

"Blue Blood please refrain from that form of language in front of mares, my student, and your cousin, "Celestia said with a slight scowl but quickly smiled after."Although you are absolutely right although it is still not suitable for a prince to say."

Lowering his head Blue Blood apologized but still held a slight smirk.

This whole time Twilight was sitting on the bed with Spike as he sucked on the end of his tail oblivious of everything around him. Looking to see this Celestia believed that it was time to continue with Twilight's education. "Now if you two will return to your duties I believe my young student still has a few lessons to learn today," Celestia said as she ushered her niece and nephew out the door.

Before she could close the door she saw one of her most trusted guards rushing to her door with a somber expression.

"Your majesty, I have some disturbing news," The guard said as he tried to catch his breath.

"Lieutenant calm down what seems to be the problem what news do you have?" She asked trying to calm the Pegasus Guard.

Reaching under his wing he pulled out a newspaper and handed it to the princess. Upon opening the paper Celestia read the headline and had become shocked and enraged at what she saw.

Princess Hides Truth of Alein Offspring Nobels Demand Answers!!!

Before Celestia could say anything another guard approached it was her most trusted guard and dear friend.

"Captian Glory, could you explain this?" She asked levitating the paper to the large gray Unicorn stallion.

Taking the paper the captain read it and he was also enraged due to his training the Captain calmed himself before speaking. "Princess I believe I know how this information was leaked to the press," He said taking a deep breath. " A former Sergeant named Snob Hill and I say former because I found out he was having mostly Private Armor as well as others doing his job and he would take credit for it. I found out and I demoted him to Private and bumped up Armor to his rank. Thinking since his family was nobles he could get away with it. He didn't like it too well and I know it had to be him because this newspaper is owned by his family."

"Now, Captain, we can not just go accusing somepony because his family owns the paper," Celestia said before Glory stopped her from continuing.

"Yes your Highness that is why I interviewed the reporter who wrote the article and her has proof that not only Snob Hill gave the paper the information but he also ordered him to write it under penalty of termination from work," Glory said showing the Princess all the evidence only fueling the anger she was feeling for being betrayed by not just one of her ponies but a royal guard.

"Captian I would like for you to go and place Snob Hill under arrest for the crime of treason," Tai said in the most authoritative voice she had.

Turning around Captain Glory called for some guards the first to arrive was Shining Armor. " Armor I want you to take a squad to Hills home and place him under arrest discreetly but if his family tries to intervene arrest them as well treason against the crown will not be tolerated," He said before turning back to face Celestia. Princess, may I ask what do you plan to do now that all of, Canterlot possibly all of Equestria knows of the young Prince's existence?"

"Yes please notify Kibitz that I would like a press conference set up in one week and have Professor Trotter notified as well everything will be explained at that time and I will also introduce my son to all of Equestria," Celestia said to the Captain then she turned and made her way over to continue her lessons with Twilight as if nothing has happened.

Nodding his head then saluting Captain Glory turned and left the Princesses chambers to follow her orders. Knowing full well that there might be someponies out there that will disapprove of the Prince and may try to do him harm. " It would be best to have a couple of battalions on standby as well have the Shadow Watch on guard to protected the Prince 24/7," He thought to himself remembering the Shadow Watch was formed during the time before Nightmare Moon as Princess Lunas secret spy ring, agents who are sworn to protect Equestria and do things the normal guard or the civilian population are aware of. Turning down one last hall Glory stopped in front of a lone door. Knocking on it three times it opens to reveal a Batpony standing there.

"Can I help you are ya lost or something?" The Batpony asked raising an eyebrow.
(Fem Fatal Batpony Shadow Watch Specialty Seductress) https://derpicdn.net/img/2016/9/19/1253653/full.png

"Stow it Fem I don't have time for this where's Night Bloom I need to talk with her immediately," Glory said rolling his eyes at the attempt of the Batpony acting clueless.

"Yes sir Captain right this way," She said saluting then leading the Unicorn into the room to another door.

Once they passed through the second door they stopped in front of a desk sitting behind it was a Thestral She was older almost the same as Glory maybe a few years younger. http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/18299681_1997103907185278_1703449828492574720_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTUxMTY4OTQ0NDk1OTYzMzk1NQ%3D%3D.2

Looking up from her paperwork to see the stallion standing there she smiled warmly. Hello dear, come to pick me up from work this time ?" She asked still smiling.

"Sorry honey but we have something important to discuss and I'd like to do it here away from the guards or the public eye," Glory said as he walked around the desk to kiss his wife and the head of the Shadow Watch on the lips.

So for the next two hours, Glory explained everything that has happened from Celestia find the baby to declaring him her son all the way to Snob Hills' actions. Hearing what a royal guard did out of spite made her fangs show as she growled.

"That Bucking spoiled little Son of a Biscuit, please tell me he's being punished and not having his family protecting him?" Night Bloom shouted more than asked still pissed to find out what he did.

"Don't worry the Princess ordered for him to be arrested for treason and I ordered that if his family interfered they would be arrested also," Glory said making Night Bloom calm down greatly.

"So what your saying is you want the Shadow Watch to become the Prince Darwins guards?" She asked.

Yes and no the Royal Guards will be his main protectors but I want the Watch to keep an eye on him from the shadows until he is old enough to be trained by the Guard and the Watch," Glory said, surprising his wife at the decision for the prince to be trained in such a way.

"Are you sure about this I know the Guard's training is difficult, bucking hell out of ten recruits maybe half will pass basic training but for the Watch, that same ten none might pass are you sure you want to put the Prince through that hell?" She asked looking concerned.

"I don't know I just have this feeling that the Prince is going to pass both training regiments with flying colors," Glory said shrugging his shoulders.

Night Bloom learned long ago never to question her husband's feelings about something. She remarked to one of her subordinates that if he was a Batpony, Thestral, or a Vamp-pony he would have been in the Shadow Watch hell he would have been in charge, but since he's a Unicorn he chose to join the Royal Guard.

(Thestrals, Batponies, Vamp-ponies have a special skill they are able to hide in and move through any shadow making them very skilled as spies. But due to their omnivorous nature, most ponies tend to avoid them.)

After everything was taking care of the two ponies made their way out of the office to head home for dinner.

Over the week not much had happened a few paparazzi were ejected from the grounds after trying to get shots of the princess and her so-called son as the papers were putting it. Cadance and Blue Blood were a big help to their Aunt as they got the younger nobles onto the Princess's side. One, in particular, a young stallion by the name of Fancy Pants who owned the second-largest newspaper in Equestria refused to have anything written about the Princess until or the alleged foal until the press conferences and then he would voice his opinion but not sooner and he wishes for the other papers to follow suit. But nothing changed the papers would write outlandish ideas just to make a bit. Two days before the conferences young Fancy Pants decided to take drastic measures he with help from his best friend Blue Blood and financial support from his fiance a Ms. Fleur de Lis he purchased all the newspapers and tabloids leaving the big four. The Tribune, Eq Today, The Gazette, and his paper The Times.

The day of the conferences and reveal of the Prince had come. First to speak was Princess Celestia she stood there and told the nobles the papers and the gathered ponies the story of how she had found her son. What she had learned of his creation what he was meant to be used for. Many there had tears in their eyes when she finished. Next was Professor Trotter to explain the scientific aspects he was about finished when a reporter asked the one question that was on everyponies mind.

If the Princess is biologically the prince's mother then who is the father?

Clearing his throat Trotter looked at the reporter then smiled." Mares and Gentle Colts if you pardon me but I will keep these answers short after the long research I have conducted I can say as of now the father of the Prince is still unknown if you wish for more information I will be releasing some of my findings to the national archives."

"Now I believe it is time to introduce you to my son, Ponies of Equestria I give you Prince Darwin Everfree Heir to the Throne of the Sun," Celestia said proudly as she raised her son up so all in attendance could look upon him.

There was silence at first but then, came a mighty roar from the crowd cheers called out. Both congratulating the Princess and welcoming the Prince home.
All though there were some nobles that cringed at the sight of the prince muttering freak, monster, or demon, but they were overshadowed by the rest of those in attendance.
The populace, reporters, and other nobles saw an adorable colt being held by his mother.
After another hour of QnA. The Princess took her very tired son to her chambers for a nap. The next few days the papers had all had essentially the sale headlines welcoming the new Prince home or congratulating the Princess.

But unfortunately, Captain Glory's concerns were correct for that next week there had been five attempts to either foalnap or outright kill the Prince. The first attempt was foiled by the Prince himself a Gryphon mercenary was hired to assassinate Darwin while Celestia was in Day court. According to the Shadow Watch that was assigned for security, the Gryphon snuck in incapacitated Ms. MilkeyWay and made his way over to the crib to end the Prince. Upon reaching said crib the criminal was confused as Darwin was not there. Unknown to the Gryphon the Prince had somehow become invisible and moved into a strategic position to strike. Then in the blink of an eye, the Prince was on the back of the neck of the Gryphon. Seconds later the sickening sound of bones crunching was heard then the Assassin dropped to the floor dead. After examining the body it was discovered that the Prince had severed the spine at the base of the skull. But that was not all that was discovered the body had an unidentified neural toxin so potent that one drop was powerful enough to kill one hundred full-grown stallions and what was found in the Gryphon was equal to one tablespoon. This information was ordered to be withheld from the Princess and the ones responsible for hiring the mercenary were hunted down and removed from their position of power and executed. This was also withheld from the Princess. Other than those five there have not been any other incidences.

Time has a way of moving without you noticing sometimes, in this case, one year had gone by. A year since Darwin had become her son that day was chosen to be his birthday even though he was aged to be older this day was the day that Celestia had learned he was her biological son so it was as if he was born on that day.

Author's Note:

See I told you that Blue Blood was going to be a nice guy in this story.