• Published 18th May 2016
  • 3,481 Views, 124 Comments

Shim Sham's Bizarre Adventure - Joey JoJo Shabadoo

Sunset Shimmer and her friends must defend their home from a bizarre type of magic known as a "Stand" and the only way to do it is to attain Stand powers of their own.

  • ...

Part 11: Nothing Out of the Ordinary

“Wow!” Pinkie exclaimed at the strange man in a cowboy suit, who just fell out of the bushes and suddenly introduced himself. “Cheese Sandwich? Is that really your name?”

“Indeed it is, Pinkie!”

Pinkie gasped. “How did you know my name?”

“What? Oh, that’s your name!? I just called you that because you were pink.”

Pinkie gasped a second time. “How did you know where I got my name? You’re good!”


“So, why were you hiding in the bushes, spying on high school students?”

“Huh? Why was I hiding?” Cheese was stumped, as he scratched the side of his head with the barrel of his gun, briefly forgetting what he was doing.

“Hey! What’s with the gun?” Pinkie asked.

“Gun? Oh yeah!” The sight of his flashy firearm jogged his memory. “It's called a Stand.”

“You have a Stand, too!?” Pinkie exclaimed, excited to meet a fellow Stand user.

“Why, yes, it appears I do.”

“What is it? What can it do? What’s it’s name?”

Cheese got into position, adjusting his hat, once again putting on his serious face. He pointed his gun at Pinkie, while striking a dramatic pose. “This is my Stand: Nothing Out of the Ordinary.” Cheese then sporadically dropped his serious demeanor. “I call it NOOTO, for short.”

“I wanna show off my Stand, too!” Pinkie cried, summoning a small pink pony to rest on her shoulder like a parrot. “This is my Stand, Birthday Train.”

“Waddup!” The Stand replied.

“But, that’s a pony.”

“I know! Isn’t it cool!?”

Absorbed by Pinkie’s enthusiasm, Cheese couldn’t help but burst out laughing, as Pinkie laughed with him. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, except Suri, who was quietly fuming in the bushes.

To snap Cheese out of his moronic laughter, she picked up a small rock and used Hunter Soul to toss it at the back of his head. The rock successfully caught Cheese’s attention as he turned to the bush that was hissing at him.

“Could you excuse me for a moment?” Cheese requested. “My bush seems to be calling me.”

“What are you doing?” Suri sharply whispered.

“I’m having fun.”

“You’re supposed to be fighting not having fun.”

“I don’t know, that sounds kinda dangerous... what if we all became friends, instead?”

“Yeah, sure let's all be friends and sing songs, like we don't have a care in the world."

"That sounds awesome!"

"NO! Now, unless you want my Stand to take over your consciousness and do all the fighting for you, like a puppet, I suggest you stop laughing and start fighting.”

“Alright, fine. No need to get all possessive over me.”

“Your bush was kinda loud. What did want?” Pinkie asked.

“Sorry, Pinkie, but my bush says we can’t be friends.”

“What!? Tell your bush he’s a big meanie!”

“I don’t think that’s going to help, I’ll probably just make it mad.”

Pinkie rolled up her sleeves. “Then let me give it a piece of my mind!”

“Uh, I don’t think that’s going to help, either.”

Not wanting to be found out, Suri used Hunter Soul to possess a few small rocks, to throw at Pinkie, which all bounced off her face.

“Hey!” She yelled. “Your bush threw rocks at me!”

“Yeah, we should probably leave the bush alone. I’m the one you’re supposed to be fighting.”

Pinkie marched back to her spot in a huff. She never thought a bush could be such a bully.

Before their battle began, Pinkie felt she needed to explain something, first. “You know, I’ve been messing with my Stand powers all week and honestly, I don’t think they’re really cut out for fighting.”

“Well, that’s fine.” Cheese responded, raising his gun. “This will be over in a jiffy.”

“No, I mean, I don’t think you're going to accomplish much by fighting it.”

“What? But, it’s just a little pony. What could that miniature equine possibly do?”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out!” Pinkie widened her stance, leaving herself unguarded for Cheese.

Cheese had no idea what she was trying to do, but he took aim with his gun, anyway. He was hesitant for a moment, he really didn’t want to hurt her too badly and so he aimed for her shoulder. He still wasn’t sure how exactly his Stand worked, but felt this next shot would help him get a better grasp of what it could really do.

He aimed for her shoulder and fired with the same loud bang as before. The gun fired a bullet that exploded upon impact knocking Pinkie to the ground.

Cheese breathed a sigh of relief. “I think I get it now! This little doohickey fires whatever I need, at the time I fire it, like its turning my thoughts into ammo! So, when I'm not thinking of anything, it just defaults to air bullets. Oh man, I hope those bullets didn't hurt her too bad.”

Assuming his job was done, Cheese was about to take his leave, but the moment he turned around, he got a bad vibe. “Wait a minute, my Cheese senses are a-tingling.” He spun back around and was shocked.

Pinkie was back on her feet with a large hole where her shoulder should be, her arm hanging by a thread. There was no blood or broken bone, her body looked more like torn up bubblegum.

Cheese screamed. “What happened!? Are you a zombie!?”

Pinkie giggled as her shoulder repaired itself, healing completely. “Of course not! If I were a zombie, I’d be all shambly and rotty.”

“Right... Oh! I bet your Stand did that, right?”

“Yep. I told you fighting it was pointless.”

“We’ll see about that!” Cheese took aim again, this time firing multiple shots into Pinkie Pie, hoping to inflict some permanent damage. Her body was filled with holes as Pinkie recoiled from each shot, but even after taking so many at once, she wouldn’t fall down.

Impressed by Pinkie’s resolve, Cheese realised he needed more firepower if he was going to stand a chance of winning. Without even thinking about how, he instinctively spun his gun on his finger as it transformed into a shotgun.

Pinkie was enamoured by the sudden transformation, giving Cheese prime opportunity to unload a buckshot blast into her. The force of the blast was finally enough to knock Pinkie to the ground.

“Whew!” Cheese sighed. “This Stand is just full of surprises! But, I wonder...” Cheese fired his gun into the air, as a burst of confetti and streamers rained down on him.

“Streamers!? I wish my Stand could shoot streamers!” Cheese’s celebration was cut short, as Pinkie Pie had already recovered from her bullet wounds. Even her clothes looked good as new.

The gung-ho gunman was stunned, but Suri was horrified. Of all the Stands she had encountered, this one was by far the most unfair. How could she possibly defeat a Stand that made its user immune to all damage? She was losing her mind, trying to figure out how she could even defeat an immortal, until she noticed something wander into the bushes just beside her. Pinkie’s Stand had found a comfy little spot where it sat patiently.

“What?” She thought. “Why is her Stand just sitting by itself? It’s not even doing anything, it’s just watching. Why isn’t it doing anything?” The sight of such a powerful Stand doing nothing irritated Suri even further. “There must be a trick, a gimmick its exploiting and I’m going to find it.”

Hunter Soul slowly crept up to Birthday Train and grabbed it by the tail without it noticing, but once the pint-sized Stand was in its grasp, it reacted by screaming uproariously

"TAIL! IT'S GOT MY TAIL! A SPOOKY GHOSTIE'S GOT MY PUFFY PINK TAIL!" The Stand cried, immediately alerting Pinkie to Suri’s position. Suri wasn’t prepared for such a reaction and desperately shook the tiny pony to calm it down, but to no luck. Her cover had already been blown.

“HEY!” Pinkie yelled. “Who’s that girl hiding behind the talking bush and what is she doing to my Stand!?”

As Pinkie dashed over to Suri, she had no choice but to make a run for it. She tossed Birthday Train aside, throwing it against a tree, stopping Pinkie in her tracks, as a sharp pain suddenly shot through her head. “Ow! Sudden headache...”

Cheese and Suri paid close attention to Pinkie’s head pain. By sheer dumb luck, they managed to stumble upon Birthday Train's weakness, but how? They took a closer look at the Stand and examined its behaviour. It was rubbing it’s head from the bump, in roughly the same place Pinkie was.

“I GOT IT!” Cheese proclaimed. “It all makes sense now!”

“What!? What did you get!?” Suri replied, eager for info.

“It’s so obvious! If Pinkie’s the one whose invincible, then that means what we should be attacking is her Stand, instead!”

“Yes! Of course! Her Stand grants her immortality, but the Stand itself is defenseless. Which means we can easily overpower it. You hear that, Pinkie Pie!? We figured you out! Now, stop with these foolish games and surrender already! Pinkie?”

There was no sign of her.

“Wha-? Where did she go?”

“Oh!” Cheese responded. “She hightailed it down the street while you were talking to yourself.”

“Why aren’t you chasing after her!?”

"You didn't order me to."

Suri grabbed Cheese by the collar. “Go! After her! NOW!”

“Yes ma’am!” Cheese kicked into high gear, with Suri following behind.

Pinkie managed to get a decent head start, but now she needed somewhere to hide while she thought of a way out of this unfavourable situation.

“Welp, the jig is up, Mini Me. What do we do now?” She asked her Stand, running along side her.

“We should get help from our friends.”

“Good idea... no wait, they’re still waiting for us at the school!”

“Then why are we running away from the school and down the street!?”

“I don’t know, I panicked!”

“Agh! Why didn’t we think this through!?”

“Agh! Why is being a Stand user so hard!?”

Pinkie continued her escape while Suri and Cheese followed close behind, as they tried to come up with a strategy.

“Okay, I think I’ve figured out a way to beat her Stand.” Suri explained.

“You 'think'?”

“The fact that she hasn't called her Stand back means it must need to be active in order for its powers to work, but if it's running alongside her like that, then it must have a limited range. So, if one of us can pin Pinkie down somewhere, the other can search for her Stand and once we've found it we’ll crush her.”

“Cool, so you pin her down and I’ll go after her Stand.”

“What are you dumb? You’re going after Pinkie. You should have no problem using that gun to keep her busy. My Stand is much better suited for searching.”

“Do I have to?”

“Either that, or you can just snipe her from here.”

“I can’t do that!” Cheese’s Stand suddenly transformed into a flamboyantly coloured sniper rifle in response. “Oh, I guess I can. This thing’s just full of surprises!”

“Well, take the shot.”

The two of them stopped running as Cheese looked down his bright, rainbow scope, setting his sights on Birthday Train.

He hesitated, knowing full well, that any damage the Stand took would injure Pinkie and this time, she wouldn’t be able to just shake it off.

“Will you just shoot her already! My feet hurt from all the running I’ve done today.”

“Okay, okay... boy, how did I get myself into this mess...?”

Cheese prayed that whatever he fired out of his gun was at least non-fatal and fired. The shot was a direct hit at the Stand’s hind leg. The force of the blow knocked the tiny pony to the ground which also knocked Pinkie down, too.

“Yes!” Suri rejoiced. “There’s no way she’s getting up after that!”

Pinkie clasped at her leg from the pain. “Argh! My leg! My precious leg! It’s... it’s... slightly irritated?” She checked her leg more closely, it was sore but it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as she thought. With that she immediately stood back up.

“No!” Suri refused. “How is she getting back up!? What did you shoot!?”

Cheese responded with a goofy grin. “Streamers.”

“More streamers!? What could you possibly accomplish with streamers!?”

“Um... make everybody happy?”

Suri screamed incoherently.

Pinkie didn’t understand what all the yelling was about, but brushed it off, finding a hiding spot was more important.

She did a brief search and came across her workplace, the Sugarcube Cafe. “Alright, I should be safe in there!”

Whilst Suri ranted at Cheese for his incompetence, Cheese caught sight of Pinkie running inside the cafe.

“Hey! Look at me when I’m yelling at you!” Suri demanded.

“Why did she run inside that cafe?” Cheese asked.

“What?” Suri diverted her attention to the cafe. “She’s probably hiding in-”

Before she even finished her sentence, Cheese had already begun heading toward to the cafe.

“Hey!” Suri called. “What are you doing? I’m not finished with you!”

Cheese stopped, jogging in place. “What? We already have a strategy, right? I’ll go inside and keep her pinned down, while you hunt for her Stand in the surrounding area.”

“O-oh, right. I knew that! You don’t have to explain my own plans to me!”

“Well, off I go then!”

As Cheese waltzed over to the cafe, Suri searched the surrounding area for any signs of Pinkie’s Stand. The cafe was on the corner of the street, so there weren’t any alleys to hide in. Which left very few areas for her to search.

If she couldn’t see it in plain sight, then it must have hidden itself somewhere. There was a manhole cover leading to a sewer, multiple cars and people’s pockets that it could hide in, as well as the roof.

These hiding places would be difficult to search for a normal person, but luckily, Suri’s Stand could fly through these various areas and search them with ease, without Suri ever having to lift a finger. It was only a matter of time before she discovered Birthday Train’s position.

Cheese kicked the door open dramatically, but the customers were too involved in their chat to really pay him any attention. Feeling determined, he quickly got to work. He scanned the shop hoping to catch a glimpse of Pinkie’s whereabouts, but to no luck.

Even so, he made a solemn vow right then and there, that he would not rest, he would not sleep for an instant, until the pink perpetrator was brought to justice, but first he decided to buy some doughnuts.

So, he walked on up to the blue lady, with the pink swirly hair behind the counter who said:

“Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you today?”

And Cheese said: “You got any glazed doughnuts?”

And she said: “I’m sorry sir, but we’re fresh out of glazed doughnuts.”

And Cheese said: “Well, you got any jelly doughnuts?”

And she said: “I’m afraid we’re out of jelly doughnuts, too.”

And Cheese said: “You got any bavarian cream-filled doughnuts?”

And she said: “I’m sorry sir, but we’re out of those, too. We’re usually low on supply near closing time, perhaps you’d-”

And Cheese said: “You got any cinnamon rolls?”

And she said: “Um, no, I just told you-”

And Cheese said: “You got any apple fritters?”

And she said: “Sir, are you even listening to me? Can’t you just pick from our-”

And Cheese said: “You got any bear claws?”

And she said: “Wh-what? Why would we have bear claws!? Sir, I’ve been very patient, now will you please order something we actually have or leave.”

“What? No! You’re supposed to go check.”

“Sir, I can assure you, we do not stock bear claws.”

“Aw, forget it, you ruined the whole bit. I’ll just have the cotton candy hiding in the back instead.”

“Cotton candy?” Although she had no reason to believe him at this point, she was still curious as to what Cheese was pointing at. A pink poof was poking out of a storage box in the back room. The lady recognised that poof, anywhere.

“Pinkie! Are you hiding in the storage boxes, again!?” She scolded.

“Ah! We’ve been had!” Pinkie yelled, bouncing out of the box. “Mrs. Cake, how could you rat me out like that?”

“Don’t give me that tone, young lady. I’ve told you time and again, those boxes are for cakes only!”

“Yes, ma’am...”

Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Cheese pulled out NOOTO. All he had to do was keep Pinkie pinned down, until Suri found her Stand, with that in mind, he transformed his pistol into a star spangled tommy gun and opened fire.

Pinkie was given no time to react and took the gunfire head on, forcing her up against the wall. Of course, with her own Stand power, Pinkie wasn’t in any danger of being hurt.

“Hey, nice shooting!” She praised. “But I’m immune to bullets.”

“I know.” Cheese replied, confidently. “Those weren’t bullets.”

“Whuh?” Pinkie took a closer look at her wounds. Not only did Cheese not fire any bullets, but he didn’t even aim for any of her vital areas, he aimed around her arms and legs. “Hey! These aren’t bullets, these are thumbtacks!”

“Suri told me to keep you pinned down, so I did.”

Mrs. Cake had no idea what the two of them were doing, she couldn’t see any of the tacks they were talking about, nor the gun Cheese was supposedly holding. “Um, we’re going to be closing up shop soon, could you two play your little game somewhere else?”

“Alright, Mrs. Cake.” Pinkie sighed. “Come on, Mini Me, I could use some help here.”

Pinkie’s stand emerged from her hair and proceeded to pull the tacks from out of the wall, freeing Pinkie from Cheese’s trap.

“Ooh.” Cheese exclaimed. “You hid your Stand in your hair? I would have never considered that."

"I keep all sorts of junk in my hair." She explained, shaking out cookies, pencils and books from atop her puffy mane.

"You’re more clever than I thought.”

“Why, thank you.”

“But, now that I’ve found your Stand, I can finally bring out the big guns!”

Cheese slowly walked backwards toward the shop’s entrance, while the other customers watched in bemusement.

As he reached the entrance, he pulled out his Stand once more. This time however, it took the form of a rocket launcher resting on his shoulder.

Pinkie was frozen in shock. “Ha... ha... don’t you think that’s a little extreme...”

“Alright party people! Brace yourselves!”

“OH, COME ON!” Suri screamed. “Where is it!?”

Outside the shop, Suri was still on the hunt for Birthday Train, unaware of it’s whereabouts. “Hunter Soul has looked everywhere! The sewer, the roof, the surrounding buildings! How can it just disappear like that!?”

Suri’s patience was wearing thin. Nothing had gone right for her all day, she started questioning why she was even doing any of this in the first place.

Just when she was about to quit, she snapped out of her slump, frightened by a sudden explosion erupting from the cafe. The shock knocked her on her rear.

There was no smoke or fire, just a terrifyingly powerful shockwave that knocked over the tables, sent pastries flying, shattered all windows in the building and reduced perfectly groomed hairstyles into frizzy messes.

“Whoo!” Cheese panted. “Now that HAD to have done something!”

“CHEESE!” Suri yelled.


“Don’t 'yeah' me! What did you do!?”

“I found Pinkie’s Stand!”

“And that meant blowing up the entire shop!?”

“Not the entire shop, just most of it.”

“And the people!?”

Cheese checked the unconscious customers lying on the floor to make sure they were, at least, still breathing.

“They’re fine.”

“That was so cool!” Pinkie jumped out from behind the counter, completely unfazed by the explosion. “Ooh, but I don't think Mrs. Cake would appreciate all this damage, if she were still conscious.”

Suri and Cheese stared in astonishment. After taking an explosion like that, Pinkie only showed signs of minor dizziness, which she quickly recovered from.

“Welp, I’m out of ideas.” Cheese resigned.

“But, where did-?” Suri questioned. If Cheese found Pinkie’s Stand, then it must still be in the shop, but Suri couldn’t see it anywhere.

She looked behind herself to find a small pink pony running across the road toward the park entrance. The sneaky little, phantasmal horse had already begun it’s escape before Cheese even fired his rocket and he didn't even notice. Not wanting to waste anytime, Suri immediately chased after it.

Having reached the limit of the range it could stay away from Pinkie, Suri used Hunter Soul to fly ahead of the Stand, finally capturing the equine in it's ghoulish clutches.

Pinkie felt a sudden strain on her body and sprung into action to save her Stand, but Cheese blocked the way.

“We gotcha now!” He declared.

“No! I need to help her! I can’t call her back when she’s stuck like this! You gotta let me past!”

Cheese thought for a moment and stepped aside. “Meh, okay.”


“Well, even if I wanted to stop you, I’m too worn out after that last explosion to stop you now. We can't all be bottomless chasms of energy like you.”

“Thank you!” Pinkie hurried to save her Stand. Suri had it dangling by the leg, which Pinkie could feel pinching at her own.

Suri watched Pinkie as she came closer, waiting for the right moment to strike. As soon as Pinkie was in the middle of the road, Suri squeezed down hard on Birthday Train’s leg. The sudden pain caused Pinkie to fall to her knees in the road.

As Pinkie was about to pick herself up, a speeding car came careening down the road, as the driver suddenly lost control.

Before she could react, the car crashed straight into her, slamming her back into the ground. The man exited his car in a panic. Cheese was also shocked by the sudden collision. The man had no idea how he lost control of his vehicle, as Hunter Soul emerged from it.

“I-I’m so sorry! I don’t know what happened! I-I’ll call an ambulance right away!” The man apologised, shaken by the accident.

Pinkie jumped back to her feet. “Hey! Watch where you’re driving, mister! You could have hurt somebody!” Pinkie was, of course, perfectly fine, much to the man’s dismay.

“Uh... yeah... you’re not gonna press charges, are you?”

“Press what now?”

“Never mind, I’m just going to leave and pretend this never happened.”

While the man was confused over the situation, Cheese knew exactly what happened. A desperate attempt from Suri to buy a little extra time.

With Pinkie distracted, now was the perfect time to really do some damage to her Stand and finally defeat her.

“Put me down, you meanie!” Birthday Train demanded.

“Yeah? Or what?”

The tiny horse, stuck it’s tongue out in protest.

Angered by it’s childish insult, Suri was about ready to strangle the little monster, when a distant gunshot rang out, causing a pain in Suri’s hand as she dropped the Stand.

“OW! What!? Streamers!?”

“Leave my little pony alone!” Pinkie tackled Suri to the ground and pinned her down by triumphantly sitting on her.

“Get off me, you idiot!”


"Hunter Soul!"

Suri's Stand flew into Pinkie's body, but her will to protect Birthday Train prevented Hunter Soul from controlling her.

"Are you kidding me!?"

With Birthday Train free once more, Suri saw no way out of this situation. Her one chance at defeating Pinkie had slipped from her grasp. She had no allies to fall back on and now she was stuck on the ground with her face in the dirt. Suri had been utterly defeated.

“Alright! Alright... I give up...” Suri pleaded.

“What was that?”

“I said: 'I give up!'. Now get off me, you idiot!”

“Hmm.... okay!”

Suri picked herself up and dusted herself off.

“So, what are you going to do me?” She asked, bracing herself for a beating.

“I don’t know.”

Suri wasn't sure how to respond to that, other than with shocked confusion. This would usually be the part where she expected her opponent to unleash a relentless pummeling on her, but Pinkie didn’t seem interested in hurting her at all.

“Aren’t you going to hit me, or something?”

“Why would I do that? You already said you give up.”

“So, you’re not going to do anything to me?”

“Well... now that you mention it... nope. Thought I had something there, but it’s gone now.”

Suri didn't get it, but if she had an opportunity to escape without taking her lumps, she wasn’t going to waste it, she had other matters she needed to attend to and promptly ran away.

Tired of working with incompetent grunts, losing battles to more powerful Stand users and gradually losing any chance she may have had at creating a group of super powered friends to hang out with, Suri was going to take her anger out on the source of all her problems. The man who brought these powers into her world in the first place.

Cheese caught up with Pinkie, surprised to see her let Suri go without even so much as scolding her.

“Wow, letting her go, just like that?”

"Yeah, I guess I am.” Pinkie answered. “Stand battles are pretty fun, but I’m not really interested in hurting people, but that's how Stand battles always seem to end up, so I thought, at least this one time, I could let her go.”

“So, you’d rather annoy your enemies into submission, instead?”

“Definitely, that’s way funnier than hurting them. What about you? Why were you fighting with her?”

“Same reason as you, I was having fun!”

The two shared a laugh together, before Cheese had to cut it short.

“Well, I don’t know much about all this Stand business, but it seems you’ve got it under control, so I guess now’s the time for me to take my leave.”

“You’re leaving already?”

“Yep, the wind’s calling me, it’s saying: 'Cheese, your arc is dragging on too long, you gotta leave the story now.' I appreciate it when the wind gets straight to the point, like that.”

“Do you think you’ll ever come back?”

“If the wind says so.”

And so, Cheese left the scene, making sure to avoid the cafe, in case anyone recognised him and started asking any awkward questions involving any recent explosions.

Pinkie was left alone to wander through the park. Even though she let Suri go, she wondered if it was the right thing to do, as if there was something else she could have done.

Suri hurried through the forest and into the old abandoned house. This time she wasn't going to get distracted, nor was she interested in asking any questions, she was determined to confront that man and show him who the real boss was.

She barged into his room, kicking the door wide open, this time she wasn't holding anything back.

“I was monitoring your progress. It seems you failed in your challenge.” The man remained calm in spite of Suri’s aggressive behaviour.

Suri didn’t care, she set herself a new challenge. Without even thinking, Hunter Soul possessed the man’s chair and pulled it out from underneath him, hoping that the sudden fall would break his smug aura.

While the chair was gone, the man did not fall, or appear to have moved at all. It was as if he was sitting on the very darkness itself. “Suri, was that some sad attempt at provoking me?”

Suri didn’t let this small upset deter her. “Don’t talk down to me like that! I’ve had with you! That cold attitude, always plotting behind everyone’s back, never speaking to anyone, who do you think you are? What gives you the right to boss me and my friends around!?”

“So, they’re your friends now?” The man laughed.

“Well... sort of, or they might have been if you hadn’t scared them away!”

“And you plan to do something about this?”

“I’m going to prove to you, that human Stands are just as powerful as the ones from wherever you’re from! By defeating you myself!”

“Defeat me? What would that accomplish?”

“I... I... I’ll be the new leader! Everyone will come back and you can crawl back to whatever world you came from!”

The man stood up in protest. “That’s your motivation? You wish to put your life on the line just to bring back your secret little club? Pathetic. Those are the dreams of an entitled, petulant child.”


“You view Stand powers as nothing more than a tool, to make yourself feel special, but they are something far greater, than mere children's toys. They are the gateway to immeasurable power, a power beyond mortal understanding, the power to rule unopposed.”

The room gradually grew darker. The light from the monitor, the window and the hallway behind them, grew dimmer, as the man edged closer. Suri stood her ground, she was prepared for a fight, but nothing could prepare her for what the man’s Stand could do.

“I did not wish to use my powers for anything other than intimidation, as using them in a real fight could cause unnecessary complications, but seeing as everything has nearly fallen into place, I can afford to take a small risk with you. After all, you look so tired and worn out, I think it’s time I put you to sleep.”

The darkness in the room expanded, until it was completely devoid of all light, save for the man’s glowing red eyes, piercing through the abyss. Suri was blinded from what was happening. Something clawed at her legs, but she couldn’t see it. Something clutched onto her arms, her Stand tried possessing it, but to no effect. She could feel her consciousness slipping, but didn’t understand why.

Before she even understood what was happening, she had already lost.

Author's Note:

We're heading into the end game, now.

Stand Name: Nothing Out of the Ordinary
User: Cheese Sandwich

Power: B
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: B