• Published 18th May 2016
  • 3,481 Views, 124 Comments

Shim Sham's Bizarre Adventure - Joey JoJo Shabadoo

Sunset Shimmer and her friends must defend their home from a bizarre type of magic known as a "Stand" and the only way to do it is to attain Stand powers of their own.

  • ...

Part 4: Good Manners and Customs

The girls were confronted behind the school by a shady old man, but not just any shady old man, the shadiest guy in the whole town.


“Cute.” The man grunted. “But, it’s Superintendent Discord.”

“What’s the Superintendent doing at school on a Sunday?” Sunset questioned, folding her arms, suspicious of the man's motives.

“Oh, I just finished a meeting with the Principal.” He explained, brushing her off. “I caught wind of some strange rumours, spreading among the students recently and I just wanted to make sure the kiddies were all safe.”

He took a gander at the arrow, held tightly in Sunset’s hands. “Some of the more recent rumours I’ve been hearing seem to involve a particular “weapon”.”

His confident, sarcastic demeanour emitted an aura of unpleasantness. The Superintendent was an authority above even the principal herself. He rarely, if ever, interacted with the students, at least not in person. His appearance before the girls was an obvious sign that something was seriously wrong, so they remained cautious.

“Now, ladies. Will you kindly follow me to the Principal’s office, there are some things we need to discuss.” The girls were hesitant, but didn’t have much of a choice, disobeying Discord could result in expulsion if he felt like being particularly cruel.

Their walk to the Principal’s office was awkward and uncomfortable. Discord kept a close eye on them the whole way and no one spoke a word to each other. As they entered the office, the girls stood around the desk as Discord casually slouched into the comfy swivel chair. He took a moment to get comfy before sitting up straight and addressing them formally.

“So, ladies. What were you doing behind the school, with that thing?” He asked, casually. “And no funny business. I may be old, but I've dealt with enough students in my time to tell when someone is blatantly lying.”

The girls couldn’t tell him about the arrow’s true purpose. There was no telling how he would react. They needed some sort of excuse and hoped that he'd buy it.

“It’s from the archery club.” Rainbow Dash hastily explained.

Discord was skeptical. “We have an Archery Club?”

“Uh... Yeah! It opened up right around the time we had the Friendship Games.”

“Wasn’t that the event where a student created inter-dimensional portals that nearly caused all of reality to collapse in on itself?”

“She was just having a bad day.”

“Weren’t you girls at the center on that mess?”

“Ye- No!”

“Was that a yes or a no?”

"Um... maybe?"

Discord rubbed his forehead in woe. "Oh dear, it didn't take long for you to crack, did it?"

Applejack irritated by Discord’s indirect prodding and slammed her hand down on the desk in protest. “Look, what’s this all about? We ain’t done nothing wrong.”

“Well, no, but you girls seem to have a knack for getting involved in strange occurrences.” Discord pointed at Sunset. “Especially demon girl over here.”

She laughed nervously.

“Yeah, but we also saved everyone from those “occurrences”.”

“Yes, yes and that’s all very nice, but we’d much rather prevent these incidents from even happening in the first place, than risk the world ending, again, or heaven forbid, the school board get involved.”

“So, what are you gonna do with us?”

“If you girls aren’t currently involved in any shenanigans, then you’ll be free to go. All you have to do is answer one simple question. Do any of you girls know what a “Stand” is?”

As much as they tried to hide it, the girls were noticeably shocked by such a direct question. There were no audible gasps, but their uncomfortable body language was enough to confirm his suspicions.

Discord released an exasperated sigh. “I’ll take that as a yes, then?”

“How much do you know?” Sunset asked.

“I’m not a liberty to say.” Not the answer Sunset was hoping for.

Discord leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. “Listen, girls. I don’t want to get my hands dirty. I can let all of you go right now and we can forget this ever happened, but only under one condition: Give me that arrow.”

Sunset backed away from the desk clutching the arrow to her chest. “Why?”

“Obviously because it’s dangerous. It would be much safer if you entrusted it to me.”

“I don’t think I can trust you.”

Discord rose from his chair, standing firm. “That’s a fair point, I guess. I hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but in the interest of saving time it seems we’ll have to use force.” With a snap of his fingers, the wall behind Discord burst apart as the girls were bombarded by a barrage of dart like bullets.

The gunfire continued for a few seconds before Discord gave the signal to cease fire. The assailant was using some kind of Stand to fire their bullets, but was obscured by dust and debris. Discord and his colleague expected the girls to be out of commission, but a green light shone through the dust. The light was emanating from a barrier cast by Fluttershy’s Stand, Freesia.

“Fluttershy!?” Yelled Sunset. “How are you doing that!?”

“I don’t know! I just wanted to protect everyone and Freesia acted on it’s own!”

“Well, whatever you’re doing, don’t stop!” Sunset clapped her hands to grab the attention of the other girls, who were still amazed over the damage the bullets did to the room.

“Come on, let’s get the heck out of here!” The girls escaped through the door behind them as Freesia maintained its barrier, shielding them.

“Huh... that didn’t go as planned.” Discord mused.

“Hey!” The assailant aggressively shouted. “No one told me they had Stand powers!”

“Oh, please. They stole your precious arrow, of course they would have Stands by now. You really should have seen this coming.”

“What I should have done is come here on my own. All this planning and sneaking around is just a waste of time.”

“Oh, I highly doubt you’d beat all six of them all by yourself, not with that bird-brain of yours.”

“Will you shut up and chase after them already! They’re escaping! I’m gonna call the other two idiots!”

“No need to shout.”

The assailant rushed off, still in a huff. Discord casually strolled after girls as he muttered. “Tch, teenagers…”

The girls ran through the hallway, hoping to escape through the school entrance, but the door was locked from the other side. They were distressed at first, until they realised they had magic powers. Applejack summoned Gimme a Break, confident it’s kicks could blast the doors wide open. Despite unleashing a powerful, decisive blow, the doors didn’t budge, leaving Applejack recoiling in pain from the impact.

“Are these doors made of steel or something?”

Unbeknownst to the girls, on the other side of the door was a figure wearing a familiar hoodie, somehow reinforcing the doors with their own power. Not one to back down, Applejack kicked at the doors, repeatedly. The force of her attacks took their toll on the hooded figure, but they were just as determined to keep the girls locked inside.
Eventually, Applejack tired out.

“Okay...” She gasped. “Those doors ain’t budging...”

“They must be using some kind of magic to trap us in the school.” Sunset deduced.

“So, is there a way out or what?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“If they’re using magic to reinforce the doors, then they’ve probably done the same thing to the rest of the building, too. Which means our only way out is through the wall back in the Principal’s office.”

The girls were uncertain about back-tracking to the office. Possibly facing Discord or any other potential threats on the way seemed too risky, but they didn’t have to think about it for too long, as Discord had already caught up to them.

“Leaving so soon, ladies.”

“Back off, creep!” Asserted Rainbow Dash. “We’ve got magic powers and we’re not afraid to use them!” She summoned her Stand, Ride on Time, ready for battle.

Discord was impressed by her courageous attitude and humoured her. “Then let’s see these powers of yours. Hit me with your best shot.”

Dash was puzzled for a moment. She didn’t actually know how strong her Stand was, or if Discord could even see it. “Wait a minute... I’m not so sure if I should attack you, even if you totally deserve it for trapping us.”

“But, you were so sure of yourself a moment ago. What happened to all that determination? You’re not afraid, are you?”

“Never!” Dash replied, offended by the very notion that she could be afraid of someone like Discord.

“Well, come at me, then!”

“Fine! You asked for this!” Dash directed her Stand to attack, without even thinking about how. Ride on Time spreads its wings, its feathers sharpened like razor blades and in a second it sliced through the air and charged toward Discord as fast as lightning. The decisive sound of a blade ripping through flesh could be heard and a second later, Discord’s head slid off his neck and plopped onto the ground.

The girls screamed in terror.


Rainbow Dash was just as shocked as everyone else. “I DIDN’T MEAN TO! HE TOLD ME TO ATTACK HIM, SO I DID!”





“Would you girls be quiet!? My body can't hear me over all the screaming!”

The girls fell silent immediately. They recognised the voice, but there was no way it could be him, but it was. Discord’s head looked up at them reluctantly. “Thank you, now just give me a moment, would you ladies?”

He rolled himself slightly toward his body, calling out to it. His body had its arms folded, tapping its foot impatiently, as if it was waiting for Discord’s orders.

Neither Discord’s head nor neck showed any signs of bleeding and his body effortlessly picked him up and firmly reattached him. Discord was back in one piece again. “Ah, that’s much better, although I’ll have to have a word with the janitor later. That floor is filthy.”

Discord noticed the girls hadn’t said a word to him. It seemed his decapitation trick worked a little too well. “Oh, please, girls. Did you really think I’d try and fight you without Stand powers of my own? What do you think I am, an idiot?”

Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief as Sunset confronted Discord. “Your Stand did that?”

“Indeed, Good Manners and Customs as I like to call it. It allows me to survive any injury, no matter how ridiculously life threatening it may be. Pretty neat, huh?”

“So, it uses rapid cell regeneration to heal wounds?”

“Uh, sure, let’s go with that.” Discord’s hand suddenly began melting, as if it were liquid before reforming into the shape of a sledge-hammer. “Sorry about this, ladies, but we really do need you out of the way. I promise I won’t try that hard to incapacitate you.”

Discord attempted to swing his hammer arm down on Sunset, only to be thwarted by Freesia’s barrier once again. “Again, with the barrier...”

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Sunset sighed, giving her a pat on the back. “We should be safe in here.”

“Oh, really?” Discord transformed his other hand into a hammer and started pounding on the barrier, relentlessly. While the barrier itself never gave in, Fluttershy looked distressed.

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked, noticing her pain.

“It’s, starting to hurt.” She answered. “Every time he hits Freesia's barrier, there's a rush of pain in my head. It’s like a migraine.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t stand to see Fluttershy suffering, just to protect her friends. “I’ll get him off your back.”

She ordered Ride on Time to fly at Discord, but as they were still inside the barrier, her Stand crashed right into it. The collision caused a jolting pain in Dash’s face as her Stand seemed to be out of commission.

Discord continued his assault as he explained. “No Stand is invincible, girls. I wonder how long Fluttershy can keep this up before she collapses from the pain.”

The girls needed a plan. If only there was a way for them to attack Discord and defend themselves at the same time. It was then that Rarity’s Stand, Lady Fascination, alerted her to something. The girls weren’t the only things inside the barrier. There was also the trophy case and the old flagpole, near the front entrance. Rarity didn’t know why her Stand was so fixated on them, but she brought it over to see what would happen.

Lady Fascination levitated the pole and used it to break the glass. It gathered up the trophies and melted them all down, including the wooden frames. The liquefied materials were then mixed together and forged into a sturdy, golden shield with a well furnished, wooden handle. Her Stand repeated this process with the flagpole, transforming it into a sword.

Rarity was thrilled from having figured out her Stand’s powers, although, like Freesia, Lady Fascination simply acted on it’s own. Her Stand equipped it’s weapons as she declared. “Lower your barrier Fluttershy, we’ll take it from here.”

“Where’d you get those sweet weapons?” Dash asked in excitement.

“Oh, I just made them using a few materials lying around.”

Dash scanned the area to see where Rarity could have found such materials, discovering the broken trophy case. “Hey! Did you use the sports team’s trophies to make those?!”

“I’ll put them back later, darling, helping Fluttershy is far more important.”

The girls tried escorting the weakened Fluttershy, away, but with her barrier gone, Discord wasted no time in attempting to strike them. Lady Fascination swooped in with its shield and stopped Discord’s attack immediately.

The shield was as tough as Freesia’s barrier and was left unscathed. Discord was impressed with Rarity’s creativity and the sturdiness of Lady Fascination’s creation. He was about to start taunting again, but the moment he left himself open, Lady raised its sword and sliced Discord in half.

Having been vertically bisected, Discord’s body lost balance and the two halves fell apart from each other. Just like with his head, there was no blood, bones or any view of the inside of his body. Being chopped in half was hardly a concern to him.

Rarity felt slightly annoyed. After all the trouble she went through to make those weapons, her attack was shrugged off like it was nothing. Her Stand continued to slice Discord into smaller and smaller pieces until he was nothing, but a pile of scraps. Unfortunately, being cut into tiny pieces didn’t faze Discord either, as the pieces liquefied and reassembled themselves, bringing Discord back, good as new.

“That’s a shame, Rarity. And here I thought you’d be a cut above the rest.” Discord chuckled at his own pun that nobody else found funny. “Anyone else want to take a shot, or can I finish this now?”

“I bet Sunset’s Stand can beat you!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed.

“Yeah, Sunset’s an expert at magic, I bet her Stand is way more powerful than ours!” Applejack added.

“Wait, what?” Sunset was confused at their sudden confidence. If anything, her Stand was the weakest of the group, not that her friends were aware of that yet.

Discord was intrigued. “Oh? Well then, Miss Shimmer, you must show me this power.”

“Um, I really can’t.”

Against Sunset’s wishes, the girls continued to spur her on.

“You got this Sunset!”

“Show ‘em that magic of yours!”

“Put that boorish brute in his place!”

“Um, do your best…”

“Girls, please, I’m serious!” Sunset pleaded, but her friends refused to listen. Their faith in Sunset could never be broken by mere words. Perhaps she was being too hard on herself, maybe she just hadn’t discovered her true powers yet, maybe now was her time to shine. She faced Discord, summoned her Stand and without hesitation, attacked.

Sunset’s Stand sent a punch right into Discord’s gut, causing him to reel back in pain before immediately recovering. “Huh? Was that it?”

“Um, yeah, that’s it.”

“Oh, that’s rather dull.” Discord shrugged off his disappointment and raises his hammer arm. “Oh well, makes my job easier.”

Before he could land the finishing blow, he was struck in the face, by a soft, doughy object that dropped to the floor. “Is that a doughnut?”

He looked to his side to find Pinkie, holding her bag of doughnuts in one hand and clutching a doughnut in the other. Discord was about to ask why she thought throwing a doughnut at him would help in this situation, but was interrupted by another doughnut in his face.

“What are you doing?” Discord asked.

“Saving my friend!” Yelled Pinkie, throwing another doughnut in Discord’s face.

“Will you stop that!” He ordered, becoming agitated.

Pinkie responded with yet another doughnut to the face. What were once worried murmurs had turned into stifled giggling, which only irritated Discord further. He walked over to Pinkie, with the intent to deal with her first, but her Stand, Birthday Train, came running down the hallway and climbed its way up onto her shoulder.

Pinkie stuck out her hand, signalling Discord to cease his approach. Not to be rude, Discord waited patiently, as Pinkie's Stand whispered into her ear.

After finishing their conversation, Sunset asked them: “Pinkie, what are you even doing?”

“Oh, I just asked Mini Me to run around the school to find a way for us to escape!”

“Did she find anything?”

“Oh, she found something alright.”

“An exit?”

“Nope, something better!”

“Something to beat Discord with?”

“You’re getting warmer.”

“Pinkie, could you just tell us?”

“Alright, but you better hold onto your pants!” Pinkie psyched herself up to deliver the big news. “She found out the secret to Discord’s Stand!”

Discord brushed off Pinkie’s claims as nonsense. “You’re bluffing, there’s no way you’d have the attention span to figure that out.”

Pinkie’s Stand was insulted. “Yeah, well at least my user isn’t a big, smelly coward!” She stuck her tongue out in protest.

“Mini Me!” Pinkie scolded. "You can’t say that, it’s not his fault he smells.”

Sunset was also losing her patience, but Discord was seconds away from blowing a gasket. “Pinkie, will you just tell us!”

“Alright, alright. The secret’s in the Principal’s office. Follow us, we’ll show you.”

The girls didn’t understand what she meant, but Discord was noticeably flustered and made a mad dash toward Pinkie, who ran away from him, until she was backed into a wall.
“Back off, man!” Pinkie yelled, striking a menacing pose. “Or I’ll show you my Stand’s true power!”

Discord, once again, called Pinkie’s bluff. “Oh, yeah, try me! What could that tiny little pink pony possibly do?”

“Alright, but you'll have no one to blame but yourself.” Pinkie raised up her hands as she prepared to unveil the full, terrifying might of her Stand's powers.


Everyone was frozen.

In embarrassment.

Nobody understood what Pinkie just screamed, or what she was even trying to accomplish with her bizarre posing.

“Um... wrry?”

Discord had enough of Pinkie’s childish antics and swiftly slammed his hammer fist into her face, crushing it into the wall behind her. The girls were petrified as they had just witnessed their friend’s head, seemingly smashed like a grape. Even Discord was surprised by his own strength. “Oh dear. I hope that doesn’t leave a mess.”

However, something was amiss. There was no blood, nor any sounds of bones being crushed, also Pinkie’s arms were still moving as if she were still conscious, she even gave a thumbs up to her friends.

Discord backed away, baffled by this abnormal behaviour. Pinkie pushed her head out of the hole, left by the impact. It was as flat as a pancake, but she looked completely unharmed, she even had a goofy grin on her face. She put her thumb in her mouth and blew until her head popped back into shape again.

“Well, that was certainly a crushing defeat.” Pinkie laughed. Her body completely recovered from Discord’s attack, but that didn’t discourage him. Discord slammed his hammer arm into her stomach, but her body simply folded around it, stretching like taffy.

“What!?” He cried.

“Oh no! He’s making me bend to his whim!” Pinkie yelled, before laughing again.

“Stop it!” Sadly, for Discord, no matter how much he beat Pinkie Pie down, her body just absorbed his blows like some kind of spongy material.

“This is ridiculous! Your Stand must have a weakness! I demand to know how your Stand works!”

Pinkie halted her shenanigans and crossed her arms. “That’s rich. Why should I tell you anything, when you lied about your Stand.”

The girls were outraged by this news, attacking them was one thing, but Discord lying about his Stand powers was just disrespectful.

Applejack was especially insulted and quickly developed a simple plan. “Sunset! We’ll keep the liar busy, you go investigate the Principal’s office!”

Sunset followed Applejack’s orders and rushed down the hallway. Discord attempted to give chase, but was blocked by Freesia’s barrier as Fluttershy seemed to have regained some energy.

Using her Stand to kick the office door open, Sunset expected the worse, but it seemed luck was finally on her side. Standing in the ruins of the Principal’s office, was an anxious looking Discord. Although he tried to runaway, Sunset’s Stand quickly flew behind him and held his arms behind his back, preventing his escape. Discord pleaded with Sunset, hoping she might let him go if he appeared more defenseless, but she was more interested in working out how exactly Discord’s Stand worked.

She called Applejack on her cell phone to check in with her friends.

“Sunset? Did you find anything?”

“Yeah, how’s Good Manner’s?”

“My manners are fine, although Granny always seems to catch me eating with my mouth open.”

“What? No, I mean Discord’s Stand.”

“Oh! Well, now that you mention it, he was going in hard against Pinkie Pie, but now’s he’s stopped moving. He’s looking kinda scared too. Did you do something?”

“I guess I did. Now I see what’s going on.” Sunset glared at Discord, preparing to give him a stern talking to. “Your Stand doesn’t make you invincible, it’s just an illusion. It creates a copy of the user to make them appear invincible. It masquerades as the user and does all their dirty work while the real you hides away somewhere safe.”

Sunset, enraged by such trickery, pointed her finger dramatically. “You’re nothing but a coward! You hide, you cheat, you lie and worst of all, you nearly killed my friends!”

Discord desperately pleaded for forgiveness. “I’m truly sorry, okay? I never intended to kill anyone! I just wanted to rough you up a bit, that's all! Please forgive me!"

"Why should I?"

"Hasn’t our school always preached about friendship and forgiveness? You wouldn't go against those teachings, would you? I mean, your friends seem to agree with them, they forgave you of all people.”

His last comment struck a nerve. Sunset didn't want to waste anymore time on the embarrassing old fool. Intentional or not, she won’t let anyone use the events of her past as leverage against her, especially not someone as dishonest as Discord.

Sunset calmly raised her phone to speak with Applejack.

“Um, you alright, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked, having overheard their conversation.

“I’m fine, it’s over, but just to be safe, you should give his Stand a sound beating.”

“Can do!”

Ignoring Discord’s pleas, Gimme a Break relentlessly struck Good Manners with a flurry of kicks. Although she didn’t say anything, Sunset had already theorised that if Discord himself was neutralised, his Stand wouldn't be able to function properly, preventing it from absorbing damage. Meaning the real Discord could now feel the sting of a hundred kicks drilling into his body, just like his Stand.

The final kick launched Good Manners towards the school’s front doors and collided with such force, that the hooded figure, silently locking them in from the outside, couldn’t hold it back. As Discord’s Stand landed outside, the hooded figure abandoned their post and ran away. Just like his Stand, Discord himself was also flung through the hole in the office wall, landing outside the school.

As his Stand melted away, Discord flew quite a distance. Sunset was about to give chase when another Stand suddenly blocked her path. It appeared similar to her own, although less of a demon and more of a wicked sorceress, complete with robes.

“Looks like we underestimated you and your friends.”

Sunset turned to identify the Stand’s user. A young woman around the same age as the rest of the students, wearing a Crystal Prep uniform stood before her. Her most distinguishing feature was her purple hair with blue highlights.

“Who are you?” Sunset demanded. “Why are you attacking us? Why do you have a Stand? What are you trying to accomplish?”

“Whoa, calm down. I’m don’t have permission to answer any of those questions.”

“At least tell me your name.”

“Why bother when I’m about to wipe you out.” The girl directed her Stand as Sunset braced herself. “Go! Diva!” Her Stand flew in for a punch, Sunset was too slow on the draw to defend with her Stand and was struck in the face.

The punch caused Sunset to stumble back, but that's all it accomplished. It didn't feel as devastating as she thought it would, in fact, Diva was pretty lame.

“That wasn’t very impressive.” Sunset expressed with the utmost sincerity.

“Oh yeah! Like your Stand is any better!” The girl reacted, suddenly getting defensive. “Come, on! Let’s see which of our Stands is faster!”

“Um... okay?” Sunset wasn’t sure what the point of this activity was, but she played along. The two Stands stood opposed to each other and readied themselves for fisticuffs. The Stands barraged each other with a flare of fists only to stop after about thirty seconds as the girls realised bashing their fists together at full force, repeatedly was a pointless and painful endeavor.

While the girl was angered by Sunset's resistance, Sunset found the whole situation amusing.

“What’s so funny?” The girl yelled.

“You’re Stand is just as weak as mine!” Sunset chuckled.

“Stop laughing!”

“Shut up, Starlight! The mission’s over.” A gruff, but feminine voice called out to the girl. Wearing a brown jacket and pants. She had white hair and a mopey expression on her face.

“You, shut up, Gilda! I can handle this!”

“Really? What about them?” She pointed to Sunset’s friends, as all six of them regrouped.

“Well, you could help.”

“No thanks. This was Discord’s mission, but he's already gone and screwed it all up. I ain't sticking around here anymore.”

“What about that girl in the garish hoodie?”

“Suri? She did the smart thing and left already. You should, too.”

“And Lightning?”

“She didn’t even show up! She’s practicing for try outs or something. Wish I came up with that excuse.”

“Fine! I’ll just beat them on my own! I know I can do it! I just need to figure out what Diva can do!”

“Not this again...” Gilda sighed, having heard this a million times already. She walked over to Starlight and tapped her on the shoulder. The instant she turned around, Gilda landed a single, decisive jab to her stomach, knocking her out cold. Gilda caught Starlight as she fell, hoisting her over her shoulders, ready to take her home.

“Gilda! Wait!” Cried out Rainbow Dash.

Gilda turned around and her sour expression suddenly changed to a smile. “Oh, hey Dash! I haven’t seen you in while. Still hanging out with these dweebs?”

Dash laughed off Gilda’s joke. “Yeah, so, how’s Crystal Prep?”

“Meh, school’s, school, no matter what name you give it.”

“Oh, right. Hey, I don’t suppose you could tell us anything about all these Stand users, could you?”

“Love to, but I can’t, I gotta deal with this bonehead.”

Rainbow Dash and the girls sighed in disappointment, but Gilda didn't leave without giving them something. A warning. “I’ll tell you this much: If you keep snooping around in other Stand user's business, don’t blame me if you end up dead.”

With that morbid message, Gilda took her leave.

The girls stood around awkwardly, their only lead was gone and even though they’ve learned the identities of some of the Stand users, they hadn’t learned anything about their goals or who they were working for, if anyone at all. Perhaps, what they needed was some down time, to relax and process what’s happened so far, at least that’s what Pinkie felt.

“So, anyone wanna get some milkshakes?”

“After that ordeal, I think some refreshing milkshakes are just what we need.” Replied Rarity.

The girls agreed, but as they left, Sunset thought to herself. Her friends abilities were exceptional, yet her own powers were completely underwhelming. At the very least, she was able to come up with a name for her Stand.

“I think I’ll call you: Sky Should Be High, because we should be way better than this...”

Author's Note:

Back from the dead.

Stand Name: Good Manners and Customs
User: Discord


Power: C
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: B

Stand Name: Diva
User: Starlight Glimmer


Power: C
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: A

Stand Name: Sky Should Be High
User: Sunset Shimmer


Power: C
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: C
Potential: A