• Published 18th May 2016
  • 3,481 Views, 124 Comments

Shim Sham's Bizarre Adventure - Joey JoJo Shabadoo

Sunset Shimmer and her friends must defend their home from a bizarre type of magic known as a "Stand" and the only way to do it is to attain Stand powers of their own.

  • ...

Part 13-1: Black Soul

All the pieces were falling into place. Soon, a power far beyond the limitations of normal magic would be within her reach. All she had left was to wait, as her last remaining obstacles dealt with themselves, then she could finally make her move.

The man had finally stepped out of the shadows, no longer watching from the confines of his hideout, hidden away in the depths of the forest. He had travelled between worlds, bringing with him an entirely new type of magic. The creator of the Unicorn Arrow and former ruler of the Crystal Empire. The man the girls had been patiently hunting down, had finally revealed himself.

His name was Sombra.

“Wow!” Pinkie gasped. “I don’t know who that is.”

“Yeah, I’m kinda lost, too.” Applejack added.

“Isn’t that the name of the Crystal Prep coach, or am I thinking of someone else?” Rainbow Dash pondered.

“I’m not surprised you don’t know me.” Sombra replied. “After all, it was your Equestrian counterparts, and that accursed dragon, that I crossed paths with. Regardless, even if you are from different worlds, I can still sense the same power radiating from you.”

“The Elements of Harmony?” Sunset deduced.

“Indeed. In the past, the power of the Element's were bound by their stones and only the chosen could wield them, but, you girls seem to have inherited that power without the need for those stones, or rather, your Stands have. But, what about you, Sunset? I still don’t understand how you fit into all of this. How did you learn of the Elements of Harmony?”

“You’re not the only who’s crossed between worlds. I studied under Princess Celestia before coming here.”

“A student of Celestia? Well, no wonder you're adapt at using magic.”

“What about you? How did you even get here? And why?”

Sombra grinned, eager to tell the tale of his survival. “After waking from my thousand year slumber, I wasted no time in attempting to reclaim my throne, but in my hubris I was caught off guard. The Crystal Heart was stolen and it overpowered me, blowing my body to pieces.

Thanks to my dark magic, I was slowly able to repair myself, but by the time I had completely revived, my empire was already under new rule. Not wanting to repeat my mistakes, I became a shadow and went into hiding for the time being. As a shadow, I travelled throughout Equestria and on my journeys I learned of Princess Twilight’s exploits and was intrigued enough to visit her kingdom.

With the Elements of Harmony on her side, attempts at revenge would be futile, but when I snuck into her castle I discovered something far more intriguing, the mirror portal. Without even thinking I examined the portal and unintentionally passed through it, emerging on the other side, in a brand new world.

My body had morphed into something completely alien to me. I could not sense any magic in this new world, but shockingly, despite no longer having any dark magic in my new body, or even a horn, I was still able to manifest my Stand. With that in mind, I remembered the Unicorn Arrow and wondered if it’s powers could be used in this world.

Once I retrieved the arrow, buried in that frozen wasteland, I returned to this new world and set a plan in motion: To use the arrow to grant the beings of this world Stand powers and then monitor their progress, all for the purpose of one day discovering the powers I needed to help reclaim my throne and achieve the goals I intended to fulfil all those centuries ago.

But, it seems fate as favoured me. It didn't take long at all, for one of my henchmen to discover you girls and your magic. With the power of the Elements of Harmony already embedded within you, your Stand powers became far stronger than any of the Stand users I recruited. I couldn't have asked for better luck. Who needs to recruit powerful Stand users when Equestria's greatest power is sitting right here, waiting for me?”

Sunset still had one question on her mind. “What are you planning to do with the Elements of Harmony?”

“Obviously, I’m going to attempt the Ascension Ritual I tried all those years ago. That fool Starlight even created a functioning Ritual Circle for me, as if fate hadn’t been kind enough already. Now, all that’s left to do is defeat the six of you, take your powers for myself and then Equestria will be mine.”

“As if we’d ever let you do that!” Declared Sunset, as she and her friends readied their Stands.

“Why do you care? I have no interest in this world, or the well being of your friends. If you surrender now, I can make this as painless as possible and leave you and this world in peace, I only want Equestria.”

“Because Equestria is still my home!” Sunset answered. “For the friends that you manipulated in this world and for the friends in Equestria that we promised to protect, we'll defeat you, right here!”

“You can’t win.”


“Your friend’s powers may be incredible, but that's not enough. They lack experience, they can't measure up to a true Stand user. Besides, nothing can escape from Black Soul’s all consuming darkness.”

Sombra’s words were eerily cold, they weren’t just confident, they were absolute. Even still, Sunset rallied her friends together, no matter what they faced she was confident that their abilities could overcome anything.

“Even after my warning you still wish to fight? Very well then, but I must warn you, from this point forth, you’re fighting in my world.”

The space around the girls was suddenly enveloped in darkness, as Sombra and his Stand disappeared into the abyss. The darkness drowned out all noise from the outside world, replacing it with dead silence. The girls couldn’t even tell if Sombra was moving or not, as the darkness surrounded them like a thick, black fog.

The girls stuck close together so they wouldn’t lose each other. Fluttershy threw up a barrier around them to keep them safe. They used this time to come up with a strategy to fight Sombra.

“Well, I'm stumped already. You got any ideas, Sunset?” Dash asked.

“I don’t know...” Sunset answered. “It's totally empty out there. No light, no sound, nothing. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. How do you fight someone if you can’t even see or hear them?”

“Oh, gimme a break!” Applejack chided. “This is just like his eye thingy. It’s just a trick to intimidate us, make us think he’s stronger than he actually is!”

“We don’t know that for certain, Applejack.” Rarity replied. “He could still be planning something. We must remain cautious.”

“Well, I’m not afraid of no black smoke!” Pinkie yelled. “I say we march right out there and start flailing wildly until we hit something!”

“I like the flailing idea!” Dash added.

“Of course you would.” Applejack retorted.

“What’s that supposed to mean!?”

“Nothing, I just thought you’d might use your head for once.”

“Don’t be stupid, Applejack. You can’t just go around headbutting the air, you’d mess your neck up.”

“I believe she was speaking metaphorically, darling.” Rarity informed. “She means you should think before you act.”

“What good will thinking do!? He’s out there waiting for us to make a move, so I say we hit him with the best moves we got!”

Applejack responded, once again. “That’s just what he wants us to do! You don’t know what his Stand his capable of, anything could happen out there!”

“Are we seriously having this conversation again!”

“Yeah, we are! And we’ll have it a hundred times until you start listening to me!”

“GIRLS! PLEASE!” Sunset cried out. “How are we supposed to fight this guy if we’re too busy fighting each other!?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash meekly apologised as Sunset let out an exasperated sigh. “Fluttershy, what are your thoughts?”

“Oh! W-well, I thought maybe we could ask Pinkie.”


“Well, I mean, it’s just... Pinkie’s Stand makes her invulnerable, right? So, what if we sent Pinkie out there to fight Sombra and then we can see what kind of powers he has. I don’t want to see Pinkie get hurt, but if her Stand is protecting her then I think she’ll be okay... right?”

The girls turned to Pinkie who gave a salute, like a soldier ready to brave the terrors of no-man’s land. Fluttershy dropped her shield to allow Pinkie to leave and then reset it.

“Watch out for Mini me, okay?” Pinkie smiled, while Fluttershy held Birthday Train close. “As long as she’s in there, I should be just fine.”

“Good luck.” Waved Fluttershy.

“Make sure you taunt him into using his best moves for us.” Dash added.

With a wave goodbye, Pinkie skipped into the darkness. Within mere seconds the thick fog encompassed her entire view, not a sound nor sight could be seen or heard from any direction. It was complete silence.

Pinkie needed to draw Sombra out. She took a deep breath, but before she could say anything, a fist flew out of the fog and sucker punched her in the stomach. The impact was powerful, as the rest of Sombra’s cloaked body emerged from the void.

“Hey!” Pinkie yelled, still standing. “No fair! I wasn’t ready!”

Sombra ignored her whining and proceeded to pummel her face with slow, powerful jabs. As expected, Pinkie absorbed every blow, with each punch contorting her face into a new goofy expression. She tried her best to anger her adversary, but the man remained focused on punching her, showing no reaction.

As Sombra pushed Pinkie back with his fists, the two of them came into the girl’s view. They were relieved to see that Pinkie was taking her beatings like a champ. Although, Sunset had other concerns. Sombra didn’t seem to be trying very hard, clearly aware of Pinkie’s invulnerability. He dealt one final blow that knocked Pinkie’s head back, only for it to snap back into place like a rubber band.

“What’s wrong?” Pinkie giggled. “I guess you’re not so mean and tough after all.”

Sombra simply analysed his current situation, paying no mind to Pinkie’s antics. “It seems your Stand really does make you immortal, that means your weakness must be the Stand itself, which explains why you've kept it protected inside that barrier. How surprisingly clever.”

“Why, thank you.”

“Unfortunately, nothing can protect you from Black Soul.”

Sombra reached his hand out, grabbing Pinkie by the face and lifting her off her feet.

“Um, this is a little awkward. Could you let me go?”

The darkness around Sombra’s hand grew more intense, as well as his grip.

“Go to sleep.”

The world around Pinkie quickly sank into darkness. Sombra, her friends, even her own senses quickly wained, as her consciousness was consumed, leaving Pinkie all alone in a black void. She tried calling out, but there was no sound, she tried to move, but she didn’t go anywhere. There was no smell, no vision, nothing, she was left wandering an endless space, completely alone.

However, in the outside world, Sombra dropped Pinkie’s soulless body to the ground, leaving her in the same state they found Suri, completely lifeless.

The girls were left horrified and confused, their minds couldn’t grasp what just happened. A power not even Pinkie’s immortality could withstand? Even Birthday Train became lifeless in Fluttershy’s arms before disappearing.

"P-Pinkie Pie... lost?" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"I've never seen a Stand just disappear like that..." Sunset added.

“Fluttershy.” Applejack spoke. “Lower the barrier.”

“But, I-I don’t think-”

“Lower it now!”

Sunset grabbed Applejack’s arm. “Wait! Don’t be reckless! What were you just saying to Rainbow Dash earlier?”

“Well, waiting around hasn’t done us any good! I didn’t come all this way just to sit in some bubble!”

“But, what are you going to do!?”

“Break him, that’s what!”

Applejack marched toward Sombra, who seemed confident after defeating their immortal friend.

"Oh? You're approaching me?" Sombra taunted.

"I can't whoop your behind if don't get closer!"

"Then, by all means, come as close as you'd like."

After staring each other down for a brief moment, Applejack’s Stand burst forth and swiftly delivered a powerful kick, aimed at Sombra’s right side. He quickly reacted to the Stand’s sudden movement and caught the leg with his right hand. Although he had a tight grip on the Stand's leg he could still feel it’s raw strength rippling through his arm, briefly paralysing him and preventing a counterattack.

“Gimme a Break...” Sombra muttered, holding Applejack’s Stand back.

“That last thing I want to hear from you is some attitude.”

“...a Stand that excels in physical strength.”

“Oh, you were talking about my Stand...”

“Unfortunately, once you overcome that strength, there’s not much else it can really do, can it?”

“All it needs to do, is knock you senseless!”

Applejack attempted another kick using her free, left leg, but was caught, once again, this time by Sombra’s left hand. Now, he could keep the Stand held in front of him.

“You were a fool to think you could best me, in a battle of strength.” He ridiculed, lifting Applejack’s Stand into the air, by its legs, before slamming it into the ground, sending a shock wave of pain through Applejack's back.

She fell to her knees, having lost the energy to stand from the sudden back strain. She was astounded not only by the man’s power, but also from how he was able to catch her Stand with his bare hands, as were the rest of the girls.

“No way!” Dash chastised. “I thought Stands could only fight other Stands! How is he doing that!?”

“Because, it is his Stand.” Sunset answered. “He did the same thing to me, it must be Black Soul. It surrounds his body like armour, allowing him to fight Stands using his own strength. No, enhancing it even, but that can’t be all. There has to be more to it, something even Pinkie couldn't defend herself against, but what?”

Sunset looked over at Pinkie, still looking empty. If Pinkie was immune to physical damage, then Black Soul must have some other way of attacking its opponents, something that didn’t require physical harm.

Sombra reached for Applejack, with his hand coated in darkness, as she was recoiling in pain.

Sunset instinctively yelled. “We need to get Applejack away from him, now!”

“Way ahead of you!” Dash had already sent Ride on Time flying toward Sombra. The Stand flew past, slashing at his eye, forcing Sombra away from her incapacitated friend.

As her Stand flew back for another swipe, Sunset noticed the wound it left only tore a part of Black Soul. Underneath, Sombra was unharmed. Before she could say anything, it was already too late. The Stand aimed for Sombra’s face once again, but the moment it was within range, he held his open palm out, letting it fly right into his clutches.

Dash felt frozen as Sombra held her Stand tightly in his grasp. As his grip on the winged beast tightened so too did the force paralysing her, until the mere act of breathing became difficult, like Dash's whole body was being strangled.

“Sunset! Give me your jacket!” Rarity demanded.

“What? Why?”

“I need something to fight with!”

Sunset passed her jacket over to Rarity. With Lady Fascination’s powers she transformed it into a spear and flung it toward Sombra, hoping it would free Rainbow Dash, but he caught it with his free hand.

“Oh, come on! His reflexes can’t possibly be that fast!?” Rarity complained.

“Lady Fascination.” Sombra spoke. “Its power transforms objects into whatever the user desires, but if there are no objects for it to manipulate it becomes powerless. I guess it wouldn’t be a fair fight unless I returned this.”

Sombra reared his free arm and tossed the spear back to Rarity. She braced herself, but the spear never reached her, as Freesia's barrier had already protected her.

“Oh, thank goodness, Fluttershy... Fluttershy?” Rarity looked around, having missed Fluttershy, already advancing toward Sombra.

“This stops, now!” She asserted.

With Freesia ready for battle, she dashed over to Sombra, who was ready for her. Freesia threw a right hook, Sombra caught it, however the impact of Freesia’s fist was far greater than he anticipated. It wasn’t enough to knock him down, but it kept him stunned long enough to leave him open to Freesia’s left fist, aimed at his gut.

That single gut punch was enough to force Sombra into freeing Dash’s Stand. Even with Black Soul protecting him, he could still feel the force of Freesia’s strength pulsate throughout his body, but it wasn’t over yet. Without even realising, Freesia’s punch had launched Sombra off his feet leaving him in the perfect position for a follow up.

He concentrated all of Black Soul’s armour to his front for maximum protection, as Freesia unleashed a barrage of fists all over Sombra’s body. Even with his Stand shielding him, he could just barely hang on, with the last punch landing with enough force to send Sombra hurling into the darkness.

Sombra flew quite a distance before landing flat on his back. In all his years of experience as a Stand user, this was the first time he had truly been bested in a physical confrontation. His body was still quivering from the onslaught. If he hadn’t maximised his Stand’s defences to his front, he would have lost, right there.

“Freesia...” He thought, as he rose to his feet. “I knew it could generate barriers, but its physical strength is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I need to remove it, immediately.”

After taking a moment to recover, he was ready for round two, but not before releasing Black Soul. It sunk into the ground, in an effort to infiltrate Freesia's barrier.

The girls gathered around Fluttershy who was worn out from her massive assault against Sombra.

“I’m so sorry...” She gasped. “I don’t know what came over me... I-I just got so mad. Nothing we did was working... and I was just standing there... I-I had to do something before something awful happened...”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy.” Rarity assured.

“Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face when you were about to lay the smack down on him!” Dash raved.

“Uh, girls.” Applejack alerted. “We’re not done yet.”

Sombra emerged from the darkness once again. He didn’t seem to retain any damage from Fluttershy’s impressive attack. His Stand most likely protected him, or at least, that’s what Sunset surmised, but it seemed his Stand wasn't active, as his body was no longer covered in shadows.

Before he could make a move, Fluttershy preemptively through up a barrier to protect her friends.

“Stay back!” She demanded. “I won’t let you hurt them!”

“Fluttershy, wait!” Sunset asked. “His Stand isn’t active, this is the best time to attack!”

“No! I don’t trust him! He’s just trying to lure us into a trap!”

Sombra looked unimpressed. “So, we’re back to this stalemate again... and after you displayed such amazing feats of strength, too. What a waste.”

“Say whatever you want, but I’m not letting you in.”

Growing bored of their uneventful stand-off, Sombra casually wailed on the barrier with his bare fists. Even though each hit rang inside Fluttershy’s head, she remained steadfast.

“I’m not bringing this barrier down. Not until my friends have recovered.”

“So, you’re just buying time, then? I’m afraid time isn’t a luxury you can afford.”

Suddenly, from the darkness beneath them, a shadow erupted from the ground. Taking on a human-like form, it jutted from the black, like a tendril, leaning straight into Fluttershy’s face.

The sudden shock petrified Fluttershy as the shadow manifested an arm that latched onto her face.

“Go to sleep.”

Acting fast, the girls tried to defend their friend from the shadow, but with no success. Attacking the Stand did nothing, it had no corporeal form.

Sunset quickly realised the only part of the Stand that was solid was the hand that grabbed Fluttershy, but by the time Sky batted the hand aside, it was already too late.

“NO!” Sunset yelled, as a lifeless Fluttershy collapsed onto her, while Black Soul returned to its user. Freesia’s barrier vanished. “I had no idea he could plant his Stand in the ground...”

“Of course, I can.” Sombra replied. “You're fighting in my world. My Black Soul had already hidden itself in the floor beneath you before I even arrived.”

The girls suffered another devastating blow. Not even Fluttershy’s impenetrable barrier could protect them from Sombra’s power. They were tired and weakened, as their two most reliable Stand users had been picked off and their strongest offensive powers weren’t enough to overpower Sombra.

“As I said before, You can’t win.” Sombra expressed coldly. “This realm of darkness is my world, a world without light, without hope. The only way to escape this nightmare is to go to sleep, like your friends.”

“No...” Sunset muttered, she laid Fluttershy down and faced Sombra. “There’s still another way.”

“Oh, really?”

“And it's the same way you get rid of any Stand power. Defeat the user.”

“Do you truly believe you can pull off such an arduous task?”

“Of course! I don’t care if this is 'Your world'. Every Stand has a weakness and that includes yours! I don’t know how, but as long as we can keep fighting, I know we can find a way!”

“Stupid child. I'll say it one final time.

You. Can’t. Win.

This is my realm of darkness and those foolish enough to enter it will be at my mercy.”

Sombra aggressively stood his ground. He was indignant in his belief that Black Soul far outclassed the girl’s Stands.

“I swear we’ll find a way!” Sunset was just as indignant in her beliefs, even if she knew deep down that she had no idea on how to stop him.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were already down, victims of Black Soul’s mysterious power. Applejack and Rainbow Dash on the other hand received a taste of Sombra’s physical might, as he made quick work of their Stands. Even Rarity’s powers were severely limited in Sombra’s dark realm.

“Rainbow Dash, give me your jacket.” Rarity requested.

“What? Why?”

“I need the materials to create a new weapon.”

“Just use your spear!”

“I can’t find it in all this darkness!”

“But... fine, just make sure you give it back.”

Utilising this new jacket, Rarity constructed a rapier sword. “This should help tear off that black armour of his.”

Rarity turned to her friends. “Alright, ladies, listen up. Applejack and I will rush him down. Really get in his face. Rainbow Dash and Sunset, you stay back and use your ranged Stands to back us up. I don’t care how strong he thinks he is, he can’t keep up with all four of us at once.”

“Charge in and kick him real good, sounds like a plan!” Applejack agreed.

Intending to overwhelm Sombra in a two-on-one confrontation, Applejack and Rarity charged toward the king with all their might, but Sombra was prepared. As soon as she was about to close the gap, a black wall protruded from the ground in front of Applejack.

Sombra’s Stand had taken on a defensive form, blocking her path. She attempted to dodge around it, but it tracked her every move. She attempted to knock it down, but even against her Stand’s powerful kicks, the wall stood firm.

While Applejack was distracted by the wall, Rarity charged forth, sword at the ready. She threw all her momentum into one big swing across his chest, but Sombra, hands casually tucked into his pockets, simply waited until the last moment to jump back from the slash.

His nonchalant demeanour mocked Rarity, but she wasn’t going to let such uncouth behaviour deter her. Keeping her distance, she switched strategies and started poking at Sombra, but her stabs were slow and easy to avoid.

“Just because your Stand can create weapons, doesn’t mean you actually know how to use them.” He ridiculed.

“Keep quiet, I just need to focus.”

With Rarity clearly having issues, Dash and Sunset took action, as their Stands flew into the fray. They dove for Sombra’s face, but he narrowly avoided Ride by leaping back a large distance. Sky charged in next, but he simply batted the week Stand aside with his fist, knocking Sunset down along with it.

"Pathetic, Sunset. Stay down, your Stand isn't built for combat." However, even with his confidence, he still had Rarity and Rainbow Dash to contend with, Sombra was forced to get serious.

He immediately devised a devilish ploy. He called back Black Soul and quickly reattached it, covering his body in shadow once more. As soon as Ride on Time dashed toward him, he caught it once again, but this time, he held it hostage, against his chest.

“What are you doing with her, you fiend!?” Rarity ordered.

“Are you focused now? I hope so. Don’t want to accidentally stab your friend with that toothpick of yours, do you?”

Rarity was stuck, she wasn’t as confident in her swordplay as she thought she’d be and Sombra certainly wouldn’t hesitate to use Dash’s Stand as a shield.

Just then, Sky rushed back in to attack Sombra, decking him in the face, but to no effect. However, as Sombra threw the weak Stand away, again, he was left open to another surprise attack.

“Make way!” With her roadblock gone, Applejack dashed at Sombra's side, once in range, her Stand delivered a savage blow to his head. Even with Black Soul’s armour, the attack knocked Sombra down freeing Dash’s Stand.

Sunset and Dash breathed a sigh of relief. Sombra picked himself up, but this time there was no pause, as soon as he was upright, Rarity charged him. Though still slightly dazed from Applejack’s attack, he still managed to dodge Rarity’s sloppy sword swipes.

She swung her sword upwards only for it to slip through her fingertips and fly above her. This was Sombra’s chance, with an opening like that he could land a swift and decisive counterattack.

As Sombra clasped his fist and rushed in, a sword swipe came from above and brushed across his cheek. The sudden strike forced him to instinctively leap back to prevent any further followup attacks. The slash cut straight through Black Soul’s protection, leaving a scratch on his cheek. His Stand repaired itself, but the damage had been done.

Sombra examined his opponent, Rarity wasn’t the one who attacked him, it was Sunset's Stand, Sky Should Be High. Rarity hadn't made a mistake, she threw her sword on purpose.

"What!?" Sombra cried.

"Rarity may not have good swordsmanship, but I do." Sunset boasted, as her Stand flew in, swiping away at Sombra. Her Stand may not have the strength to brute force her way through Black Soul's protection, but with sword in hand it didn't need to, as it gradually tore away at the dark Stand's protection.

With Sunset's Stand proving to be a competent swordsman, Sombra couldn't afford to be patient any more. His Stand detached and morphed into a wall, to cover Sombra's tracks, as she escaped into the darkness.

"What!? Where did he go!?" Sunset cried.

His presence cloaked by the abyss, the girls had no idea where he disappeared to, until he suddenly emerged from the shadows, his Stand reattached, blindsiding Sky with a sudden charging punch, that sent both the Stand and its user flying.

"That cheating devil!" Rarity yelled. "His black armour muffled the sound of his footsteps!"

As Sky was knocked down, the sword it wielded flew in Rarity's direction. Lady Fascination caught the weapon, as Rarity chased Sombra down, continuing her attack, but this time was different, Sombra was done waiting and lunged straight at her.

With her Stand flying above, Rarity had left herself wide open. She didn’t know how to react, as Sombra’s sudden offensive manoeuvre threw her off guard and within a second, he had closed the gap between them, dove underneath her Stand and fired an explosive punch to her gut. The sound of the blow echoed throughout the dark realm, as her friends watched in awe at Sombra’s destructive force.

Rarity was forced into the air, but Sombra wasn’t finished, to seal his victory, he threw one more crushing blow to her face, sending her flying through the void, rag-dolling across the darkness.

A feeling of dread fell over Sunset and the girls, as Sombra laughed in loud alleviation.

“Now that was satisfying. A fight is so much more enjoyable when you hold back until just the right moment. Although, I must admit, I may have overestimated your abilities. Your Stands may be powerful, but in the end, you are still just weak children. Your youthful vigour can only carry you so far, when faced with an opponent as experienced as me.”

“Have you been holding back this whole time?” Sunset asked, visibly shaken.

“What? Feeling disheartened? Has all your talk about finding my weakness and defeating me, amounted to nothing? Well, to not crush your precious ego any further, let’s just say I’ve been very passive up to this point, but no more.

The Stand users you battled before fought for petty reasons. They misused their powers and squandered their potential, but not me. I fight with conviction, with resolve! I'm not fighting for revenge, but to become the strongest! To obtain the ultimate power! Now, brace yourself children, this is the power of a real Stand user!"

Author's Note:

I initially tried to condense this fight between seven different characters into one chapter.
Oh, what a fool I was.

Stand Name: Black Soul
User: Sombra

Power: B
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: D