• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
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Comments ( 34 )

Interesting, Equestria has it's own problems with the Old Blood, eh? Curious to see where it goes.

I'll keep an eye on this one, Bloodborne crossovers are rare on Fimfiction so this will be interesting

7204946 "Bloodborne"? What's that? It sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it.

Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive game that's like dark souls in terms of difficulty but has a darker and more evil presence to it. I have played the game and its fun as heck so I suggest you give it a try.

Actually, it's more accurate to say that it's just Dark Souls but run through a find/replace tool and with guns.

Nothing wrong with that, mind, but let's not kid ourselves.

ok first Lol and second what do you mean by Find/Replace tool?

It's a joke from Yahtzee's review of the game, seeing as every mention of Souls was replaced with Blood, just about.


THERE'S ONLY ONE CHAPTER. I feel the feels.
I can't wait for more!

I usually don't like X-Overs, but seeing that is a Bloodborne X-over i will give a try.
Keep it up. Just remember, for the love of god don't make the MC an overpowered edgy hack.

No matter where they go, even in Equestria, Hunters are unwelcome. Poor bastard.

Ohhhhhh that's really interesting to hear and by the way may I ask whats your favorite weapons in the game.

Saw spear and axe, all day erry day.
Though I'm starting to enjoy Ludwig's blade, too.

Imma guess that was some sort of "infected" phoenix. I don't know if infected is the correct word to use because I have not played any of the Bloodborne games or know much about its lore.

My favorite weapon is the Threaded cane to me that cane is perfect against group of enemies or reaching your enemies with a bit of speed

Yeah so far the first church weapon I got seems to handle itself ok especially against giants but when im going against bosses im going to use the threaded cane and also don't tell me what type of weapons are ahead of me as I am trying to train to beat the blood starve beast

I might I just don't know how to feel about DLC to be honest here

7210066 Instead of Calling it an infection it's more of a forceful transformation... or at least partially. In the game lore a group of explorers found the blood of a old god inside some abandoned ruins because of (spoilers). The blood was called as such because the old inhabitants seemed to workship it and upon research it was discovered that it could heal any and all diseases and injuries. They found a way to mass produce it and as a result the city become rich beyound measures since you could not even die from old age as long as you keep consuming blood vials of the old god. While the blood by itself do not transform the host it do reach out to others of their kind, so the city of Yharnam was swarmed with cthulhu like creatures. The old gods exist in a higher plane of existance so they can't be seen unless you have enough insight in how the World works so that you can see beyond the veil. When the transformations started the people did not understand why since most of them had lived of the stuff for hundreds of years without any consequences. when in reality it was the old gods that called out and transformed the people into their followers, and anyone who Heard the call in their minds could be transformed even if they did not drink any blood. The ones who changed either had more blood in their bodies making it easier for the old gods to call out to them or they were weak minded and fell to their influence.

I'm loving this story so far.

My one criticism is the fact that it is being told in second person. I understand The Hunter is a bit of a blank slate that you're supposed to project yourself onto, but second person is always awkward to read. I might consider suggesting an edit to the series to make it in First person, maybe taking some of those telly lines and turning them into self thought moments. Or something.

If not, then by all means continue as you have been, I'm merely one voice, one nearly faceless person on the Internet. Take me as you will.


Wow. Forgot about this story once, but now I'm back and loving every second of it!

Though, I feel really embarrassed asking this, what video game/show is this a crossover with?

Bloodborne, made by the same devs as the Dark Souls games and is, in fact, a Souls game in all but name.

Its time to Smile and make Cupcakes.

*gets up and walks away*
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope...
*The Official continues off into the sunset*

And that's how Cupcakes was made.

Poor Pinkie Though...

SHIT!!!!!!! CUPCAKES PINKIE!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiehappy:

Oh God's Pinkie!!! O_O when's the next chapter I want to know what happens next but I also don't...

7232568 It's all fun and games until you get beaten by a Bloodtinge/Skill build in PvP. :moustache:

Their play styles are basically opposites, as are their mob/boss difficulties. Like easier mobs harder bosses or harder mobs easier bosses (easier, not easy). Dark Souls is “block and armor”, Bloodborne is “dodge and parry”. Sure you can pary in DS but isn’t such a fundamental part of combat.

Dang, that pony would’ve made a great Hunter if he wasn’t nuts.

Stop using so many Blood Vials, starting using Rally, DODGE, parry, heck block since you have superstrength, and most of all: git gud!

Look, Ma! A dead story! Can I poke it with a stick?

Just more aggressive.

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