• Published 14th May 2016
  • 2,175 Views, 147 Comments

Pony Tails - Bluecatcinema

There are many stories to be found in Equestria...

  • ...

Order And Chaos

In the study of Twilight's castle, Starlight was looking through some of Twilight's old friendship reports, jotting down notes on a piece of paper.

"Who knew there was so much to learn about friendship?" Starlight mused, acknowledging the sheer number of reports. "Not me, that's for sure..."

As Starlight continued her work, something strange happened; Her quill broke free of her magical aura.

"What the...?" Starlight frowned.

Starlight tried to envelop the quill in her aura again, but it evaded her every attempt. It started dancing around in the air, as if it was mocking her.

"What's going on here?" Starlight growled.

The quill started writing on its own, scrawling the word "Surprise" on Starlight's paper.

"'Surprise'?" Starlight mused.

The quill flew into the center of the room, then with a bright flash, was replaced by Discord, the Spirit of Chaos.

"Surprise!" Discord whooped. "Oh, the look on your face! Priceless!"

"Discord, I presume." Starlight said flatly.

"The one and only." Discord smirked. "And you must be Twilight's new student, Starlight Glimmer. Fluttershy's told me a little about you. Figured it was time we were introduced."

"Yeah, nice to meet you." Starlight said unenthusiastically.

In truth, Starlight had laid eyes on the Draconequus before, during the time when she was spying on Twilight and her friends. But she saw no need to tell Discord that.

"Well, now that we're acquainted, would you mind giving me some privacy?" Starlight asked. "I was kinda in the middle of something before you showed up."

"I know." Discord grinned. "There you were, taking notes like a good little student. Regular teacher's pet, aren't you?" He flashed a leash and collar on Starlight. "Can you roll over and play dead too?"

"Seriously, could you please leave?" Starlight scowled. "I don't have time for this nonsense."

"Ooh, Twilight has taught you well." Discord sniggered, removing the leash and collar. "You're just as tightly wound as she is!"

"And you're just as annoying as I've heard you are." Starlight shot back.

"So my reputation precedes me." Discord said regally. "And like I said, I've heard all about you, little miss ruin-Equestria-over-a-petty-grudge."

"Wel- I-" Starlight spluttered. "I don't see how that's any of your business!"

"Oh, but it is." Discord smirked. "I'll bet all those timelines without Twilight and her friends keeping the peace were just packed with chaos!"

"Not all of them..." Starlight hung her head, remembering the barren wasteland she had seen.

"Still, props for thinking big." Discord admitted. "When I heard about what you'd pulled off, I was actually impressed... and I am not easily impressed."

"I wish I could say I was proud of it..." Starlight frowned.

"It was a step up from your first scheme, at least." Discord declared. "A whole village of ponies with the same Cutie Mark, and no real individuality?" He conjured up a bunch of identical, gray-colored ponies, all standing in a row. "It all sounds far too..." He cringed distastefully as he snapped his fingers, making the ponies disappear. "...Orderly for my tastes."

"Did you come here just to remind me of all the terrible mistakes I've made?" Starlight growled. "Because you're doing a great job."

"Of course not." Discord shook his head. "In fact, I can sympathize. I don't much like who I used to be: An arrogant buffoon, caring about nopony but himself. But I saw the light, and now, I'm a good little Draconequus!"

A flash of light later, and Discord was decked out in an angel costume, complete with halo.

"So I've heard." Starlight snarked.

"But you know, it actually feels good to have another former-baddie around." Discord pulled Starlight into a one-armed hug. "We could form our own little club! The League of Former Villains!"

In a flash of light, both Starlight and Discord were wearing black t-shirts with the initals "LFV" written in red.

"Doesn't that sound nice?" Discord crooned. "Of course, I'll be club president, since it was my idea. And you can be my assistant, secretary, minutetaker... It'll be so much fun!"

"Yeah, sure." Starlight removed Discord's arm. "A club of only two members. Sounds like tons of fun. And by the way, you're still an arrogant buffoon."

"Ooh, you got some sass in you." Discord grinned. "Good to see reforming hasn't taken away all of your attitude."

"Thanks... I think." Starlight shrugged.

"I was a little worried that Twilight would make you into a total clone of her." Discord smirked. With another finger snap, he gave Starlight a cheap wig version of Twilight's mane, and some cardboard wings.

"Honestly, I think I'd be lucky to turn out like her." Starlight scowled, pulling off the wig and wings. "Every day, I work hard to live up to her expectations, make her proud, and never be like the pony I used to be ever again."

"And you're doing a marvelous job, I might add." Discord clapped. "I see Twilight isn't keeping you on a short leash."

"Well, we have had our disagreements." Starlight admitted, recalling the incident with Trixie. "But I know it's only because she wants me to stay on the straight and narrow, so I don't fall back into my old ways."

"Now that sounds familiar..." Discord mused.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Starlight said sacastically.

"Hey, at least you haven't had a relapse yet." Discord frowned. "I don't know if you're aware of this, but I was tricked by Lord Tirek into... backsliding."

"I heard a little about that." Starlight nodded. "You sided with Tirek, and he double-crossed you."

"Yes... not one of my best decisions." Discord admitted. "I made a big mistake. In fact, I thought I'd crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. But, to my surprise, Twilight and the others forgave me. After I betrayed their trust, they welcomed me back with open hooves." He stretched his arms out to emphasise his point.

"Yeah, that is how they do things." Starlight smiled. "They all forgave me after everything I did, and Twilight even made me her student. Some days, I feel like it's more than I deserve..."

"Now, now, let's not get into the whole 'regretful former villain' thing." Discord used his talons to force Starlight's frown into a smile. "It demeans us both."

"Well, pardon me if I find getting over a lifetime of bad deeds more difficult than you do." Starlight huffed. "At least I have a supportive friend and teacher like Twilight to help me through the dark times."

"Need an apple for teacher?" Discord sneered, conjuring up a big red apple. "If I didn't know better, I'd think Twilight just needed a lackey around... or an apple polisher close at hoof."

"Don't talk about Twilight like that!" Starlight yelled.

"Hey, easy there." Discord held up his mis-matched hands in defense. "I was just joking."

"Well, it wasn't very funny." Starlight growled. "Where do you get off, insulting Twilight after everything she's done for you?"

"Geez, somepony's sensitive." Discord snorted. "The truth is, I have nothing but respect for Twilight."

"You have a funny way of showing it." Starlight frowned.

"Well, it's hardly my fault if she's so darn fun to mess with." Discord shrugged. "Even if I respect her, I still can't resist a joke or two at her uptight little self's expense." He conjured up a squeezy doll version of Twilight. "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you? All the messing around you did with Twilight during that time travel business, you'd be well aware of the face she makes when she's really ticked off..."

Discord squeezed the doll with his bear paw, causing its eyes to pop out with a loud squeak. In spite of herself, Starlight couldn't help laughing.

"Ha-ha-ha!" She chuckled.

"Ah-ha!" Discord grinned triumphantly. "Made ya laugh!"

"Yeah, you got me." Starlight smiled.

"See what I mean?" Discord asked. "You can respect somepony and still poke fun at them."

"All the same, I won't be poking too much fun at Twilight." Starlight admitted. "She is my teacher, after all."

"And aren't you the loyal student?" Discord mused. "Rainbow Dash would be proud."

"Um, thanks..." Starlight said humbly.

"Well, I shouldn't keep you from your studies any further." Discord declared. "Wouldn't want to disappoint Twilight, would we?"

"No, I wouldn't." Starlight nodded.

"Still, try to have a little fun along the way." Discord smirked. "All work and no play make Starlight a dull pony..."

"I'll keep that in mind." Starlight replied. "Now... my quill, please?"

"Of course." Discord bowed. "Consider it my parting gift to you."

Discord vanished in a flash of light, and Starlight's quill returned to her. Starlight caught it before it fell to the floor, and returned to her notes, pleased to see that the "surprise" Discord had written had also vanished.

'Weirdest study break ever...' She thought.

A short while after Star continued her studies, Twilight entered the room.

"Hi, Starlight." Twilight smiled. "How's the study going?"

"Pretty well." Starlight smiled. "Even if I did get an unexpected interruption... in the form of a certain Draconequus."

"Discord." Twilight surmised. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble?"

"Actually, he wasn't so bad." Starlight admitted. "I actually had... fun. And I think he may have helped me see some things more clearly... even if it was in a weird, off-kilter kind of way."

"That's Discord, alright." Twilight rolled her eyes. "He can be helpful, in an irritating, 'not helping' sort of way."

"No argument here." Starlight smirked.

"But he does keep things interesting." Twilight smiled. "And he's actually come a long way since the old days."

"Now I see how you and the others could all be my friends after that happened." Starlight mused. "If the Spirit of Chaos could turn over a new leaf, so could I."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said Discord hasn't had his slip-ups... or couldn't still cause trouble every once in a while." Twilight declared. "Still, nopony ever said changing would be easy..."

"You're telling me." Starlight chuckled.

"And as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes you need a little chaos to balance out the order." Twilight shrugged. "But don't tell Discord I said that..."

"Too late!" Discord sudddenly flashed back into the room. "I heard that, Twilight!"

"Of course you did." Twilight sighed.

"And I won't ever let you forget it!" Discord smirked. "Never, ever, ever!"

"Now Discord, be civil." Starlight chided him. "Or I might tell Twilight that you actually respect her."

Discord's smirk slid right off his face.

"Oh, really?" Twilight grinned. "I didn't know he thought that highly of me... Thanks, Discord. That means a lot to me." Her grin widened. "It really does."

"Ooh." Discord glared at Starlight. "You know, you may not be a bad guy anymore, but you are still totally evil..." His glare morphed into a grin. "I love it!"

Discord pulled both Starlight and Twilight into a hug.

"Gotta give you credit, Twilight." He admitted. "When it comes to students, you really know how to pick 'em."

"One more thing you 'respect' me for, right?" Twilight smirked.

"...You're never gonna let that go, are you?" Discord rolled his eyes.

"Never, ever, ever." Twilight grinned.

"Eh, whatever." Discord shrugged. "At least I can add another new friend to my little list... right, Starlight?"

"Right." Starlight nodded. "And I can say the same."

"Look at you." Twilight smiled. "You're both coming along so nicely."

"Well, I can't speak for Discord, but I know I owe that to you, Twilight." Starlight declared.

"You are quite the teacher, I'll admit." Discord nodded. "Keep up the good work."

"I intend to." Twilight grinned.

"Well, I really must be off... for real this time." Discord announced, setting Twilight and Starlight down. "Good luck with the lessons!"

Discord vanished in a flash of light.

"Okay." Starlight mused. "I can say without a doubt that Discord is the weirdest friend I have."

"Me too." Twilight agreed. "But a friend nonetheless. And every friend is worth keeping. Even the weird ones..."