• Published 14th May 2016
  • 2,175 Views, 147 Comments

Pony Tails - Bluecatcinema

There are many stories to be found in Equestria...

  • ...

Fan To Fan

Rainbow Dash and her new friend Quibble Pants were on their way back to civilisation, having been dragged into a confrontation between Daring Do and her enemy, Dr. Caballeron. After helping Daring Do to save the day, they set off out of the jungle.

Unfortunately, Rainbow had to endure Quibble's constant chatter about what he'd like to see in future Daring Do books along the way. Her best efforts could only get him to be quiet for a few minutes, after which he would start right back up again.

"...And as a final twist, maybe they could reveal that the pony who's been helping Daring Do is actually Caballeron's brother..." Quibble remarked. "What do you think?"

"I think my brain melted a few miles back." Rainbow snarked.

"Maybe I've been talking a little too much..." Quibble said awkwardly.

"Ya think?" Rainbow snorted.

"Well, excuse me for not taking the revelation that Daring Do is a real pony, and not a fictional character, as well as I could." Quibble pouted. "It's not like I already knew about it, like you did." A thought occurred to him. "How did you find out Daring Do is real, anyway?"

"I've known for a while now." Rainbow boasted. "In fact, this wasn't even the first time I teamed up with her."

"Wait, back up." Quibble gaped. "You've been on an adventure with Daring Do before?"

"Yep." Rainbow nodded.

"Well, how?" Quibble asked. "And how did you find out A.K. Yearling was just a facade?"

"I'd like to say I figured it out through my super-awesome detective skills... but I don't have any." Rainbow admitted. "Long story short, I got really annoyed at how long it was taking for the next book to come out. So me and my pals decided to go see A.K. herself and ask her why it was taking so long."

"Why didn't I ever think of that?" Quibble mused.

"Even if you did, it wouldn't have mattered." Rainbow snorted. "'A.K.' wasn't too thrilled about us dropping by. She wouldn't answer my questions, and pretty much told us to get lost."

"Harsh." Quibble winced.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't about to give up that easy." Rainbow smirked. "I went back to talk to her, but I saw some thugs trying to threaten her. Then... bam! She takes off her disguise, and there was Daring Do, large as life! I thought I was dreaming, but it was totally real!"

"I know the feeling..." Quibble nodded.

"Since I've never been the kind of pony to just sit around and watch the action unfold, I decided to jump in and help." Rainbow declared. "She wasn't too happy about that, either. She told me she was a solo act, and didn't want a sidekick. Then she told me to just go home."

"Something tells me you didn't listen to her." Quibble smirked.

"Oh, yeah." Rainbow nodded. "Like I said, I like to be where the action is, and I wanted to help Daring. Only... I might have tried a little too hard, and accidentally let Ahuitzotl and his flunkies get away with this magic ring that could cause an eternal heatwave."

"Whoa." Quibble gaped.

"Daring let me have it pretty hard for that." Rainbow sighed. "I even ended up thinking she was right. If it weren't for my friends convincing me otherwise, I would've just packed up and went home."

"But you didn't." Quibble pointed out.

"Nope." Rainbow shook her head. "Me and my friends jumped right back in there. Not only did we save the day, but I saved Daring herself. It was actually one of my most awesome moments..." She closed with a smirk.

"If you do say so yourself." Quibble teased.

"And I do." Rainbow chuckled.

"So you and your friends have been keeping Daring's secret ever since?" Quibble asked.

"Seemed like the right thing to do." Rainbow shrugged. "And you'll do the same, right?"

"Of course." Quibble nodded. "I wouldn't dream of revealing the truth about Daring. Besides, it's not like anypony would believe me if I told them..."

"It is the kind of thing you need to see to believe." Rainbow grinned. "Forget the 'Adventucations', there's nothing like adventuring alongside Daring Do for real."

"On that, we can agree." Quibble smiled. "I'm guessing it felt just as amazing for you the first time as it does for me?"

"You better believe it." Rainbow smirked. "I was still buzzing for days afterward. But then came another surprise. Next thing I knew, Daring put me in her new book as a sidekick."

"She did?" Quibble gaped.

"Well, she didn't use my name, but a pony who looked just like me was on the cover." Rainbow shrugged. "And Daring wrote her as being pretty awesome. Doesn't take a genius to put two and two together."

"Lucky you." Quibble mused. "Even if I didn't like the later books, I would have really loved to have a character based on me. That's pretty much every fan's dream. And you got to live it."

"Who knows? Maybe you can, too." Rainbow declared. "The next Daring Do book just might have a character based on you."

"That would be amazing." Quibble smiled. "I might actually be tempted to read it."

"Me too... if she tones down the know-it-all parts, of course." Rainbow joked.

"Ha-ha. Very funny." Quibble rolled his eyes. "Need I remind you that it was the 'know-it-all' who found the Seven-sided Chest of Chico Moztok?"

"Like you'd ever let me forget." Rainbow snorted. "But I guess it was some good thinking back there."

"You guess?" Quibble narrowed his eyes.

"Don't push it, mister smarty-hooves." Rainbow smirked.

"Yeah, well... you were pretty great in there yourself." Quibble admitted. "Especially with the whole 'saving my life' part."

"Eh, it wasn't even the first time I saved a pony's life." Rainbow shrugged. "But it was one of my more stylish saves..."

"And spectacular." Quibble admitted. "The dive, the swerves... I've never seen flying like that before."

"You should catch one of the Wonderbolts' shows sometime." Rainbow remarked. "I'm actually one of them, you know."

"I should be surprised, but somehow, I'm not. "Quibble declared. I've never met a mare like you before, Rainbow. You really are one of a kind."

"You're just noticing this now?" Rainbow joked. "Well, you're not so bad yourself, Quibble. That big brain of yours really came in handy today."

"I've been waiting for you to say that." Quibble chuckled. "Guess we're both awesome, right?"

"Right." Rainbow nodded. "But I still think I'm the most awesome."

"Oh, really?" Quibble raised an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"Oh, maybe the fact that this is the second adventure I've gone on with Daring Do." Rainbow smirked.

"Okay, you've got me there." Quibble pouted.

"But I'm not that much more awesome than you." Rainbow consoled him. "Maybe four or five percent more awesome."

"Gee, that makes me feel so much better..." Quibble joked.

Soon after, they finally reached civilization. They returned to the convention, which was winding down, and collected their belongings in preparation to return to their respective homes.

"Finally, back where we belong." Quibble smiled, as they exited the venue together.

"Yeah, adventuring is great, but sometimes, a pony needs the comforts of home." Rainbow nodded.

"Too bad we missed the rest of the convention, though." Quibble sighed.

"Hey, there's always next year." Rainbow declared. "And hopefully, there'll be no bad guys to kidnap us next time..."

"We can only hope." Quibble nodded. "And I'd really like hanging out with you all day again, too."

"Why wait until then?" Rainbow pointed out. "If you're ever near Ponyville, drop on by. Sure, I live in a cloud house, but there's a balloon service in town, so that'll help."

"Sure." Quibble chuckled. "And if the Wonderbolts ever perform in Whinnyapolis, maybe you can drop by 21st street. I live at number thirty-three, right on the corner. I'd definitely be up for some Daring Do discussion."

"I'll see if I can make room in my busy schedule for it." Rainbow smiled. "But for now, Ponyville awaits."

"Bye, Rainbow." Quibble declared. "It was great to meet you."

"Same here, Quib." Rainbow grinned. "From one Daring Do fan to another, it's been real."

"Maybe a little too real..." Quibble joked. "As fun as our little trip was, I'd prefer to keep the adventures in the books."

"Not me." Rainbow shrugged. "I love a good dose of adventure every once in a while. But hey, we can like different stuff and still be friends, right?"

"Right." Quibble nodded. "Like I'd ever pass up the opportunity to hang out with a pony like you..."

"Flattery'll get ya nowhere, pal." Rainbow smirked.

"Somehow, I doubt that..." Quibble joked.

"See ya around, wise guy." Rainbow smiled, as she headed for the train station.

"Not if I see you first." Quibble grinned.

The two ponies went their separate ways. They were apart for the moment, but would be forever bonded, not just by their shared love of Daring Do, but by the incredible adventure they had just experienced.