• Published 14th May 2016
  • 2,175 Views, 147 Comments

Pony Tails - Bluecatcinema

There are many stories to be found in Equestria...

  • ...

Patient And Patience

Starlight was once more on her way to the Crystal Empire, taking another break from her studies to visit Sunburst. Although she had come to enjoy it, the fact that her last visit had been interrupted by having to foalsit Flurry Heart had been a real crimp in her plans.

'Not this time, though.' She thought happily. 'This time, it'll be just me and Sunburst. Just like old times. And nothing's going to get in the way of that.'

Once the train pulled into the station, Starlight made her way to Sunburst's house. Along the way, a number of Crystal Ponies waved to her, recognising her as the student of the Princess of Friendship. Starlight waved back, appreciative of the gesture.

Before long, Starlight reached Sunburst's home. She knocked three times, barely able to contain herself. But to her dismay, Sunburst seemed to be taking his time in opening the door.

'What's wrong?' She thought worriedly. 'Don't tell me he got called to the castle again...'

Starlight was about to knock again when the door opened.

"Finally." She smiled. "I was worried something had-"

Starlight stopped in her tracks as she got a good look at Sunburst. The stallion's mane was messier than usual, his cheeks were flushed, and his nose was dripping mucus.

"Hi, Starlight." Sunburst sniffed. "I almost forgot you were coming by..."

"What's wrong, Sunburst?" Starlight asked.

"I caught a bit of a bug this morning." Sunburst sighed.

"Oh, you poor thing." Starlight declared.

"Thanks, Sta-ah-ah-ah..." Sunburst stuttered.

Thinking quickly, Starlight lit up her horn, a sphere of magic surrounding her.

"AH-CHOOOO!" Sunburst sneezed, spraying the contents of his nose over the sphere.

"That was close." Starlight cringed, as she watched the green slime dripping down the sphere.

"Magic health bubble?" Sunburst surmised.

"Yeah." Starlight nodded. "A little something Twilight taught me."

"I'm sorry about this, Starlight." Sunburst apologised. "I hate that you came all this way for nothing."

Starlight's face fell... then set in determination.

"Don't be so sure." She declared. "I didn't come all this way just to hop right back on the train to Ponyville. Besides, you shouldn't be all on your own when you're sick. You need somepony to take care of you, for a while at least. And I'm going to be that somepony."

"You don't have to do that." Sunburst shook his head.

"Of course I do." Starlight smiled. "We're friends, and Twilight always says that friends help each other in times of need. You wouldn't want me to be a poor student, would you?"

"No..." Sunburst smiled.

"So that's that." Starlight grinned. "Now, let's get you inside. Don't want you catching your death of cold, now..."

"Okay." Sunburst nodded.

They both entered Sunburst's home.

"Now, why don't you have a nice lie-down, and I'll fix you something that'll help with your sniffles?" Starlight suggested.

"I can't just lie around." Sunburst sniffed. "I have some research I was planning to do today, and-"

"And nothing." Starlight said firmly. "You'll get better a lot sooner if you don't push yourself."

"But Starlight-" Sunburst started.

"Don't 'but Starlight' me." Starlight frowned. "You get into bed, and I'll fix you up some nice soup. Sound good?"

"...Yes." Sunburst nodded, the look on Starlight's face quenching what little resistance he had left.

"That's what I like to hear." Starlight grinned.

"And to think, I didn't believe you actually used to be an overbearing, tyrannical dictator until now..." Sunburst muttered under his breath.

"I heard that." Starlight snorted. "And if you weren't sick, I'd totally make you pay for it."

"Lucky me..." Sunburst croaked, as he headed to his bedroom.

Starlight made her into the kitchen, and cooked up some leek soup.

'That was always Sunburst's favorite...' She reminisced fondly.

Once the soup was ready, Starlight brought it up to Sunburst. She was delighted to see that he had followed her instructions and was laying in bed.

"Here we go." She smiled, carrying the soup bowl over. "Doctor Starlight has just the thing to cure what ails you: Leek soup, your favorite!"

"Oh, thanks." Sunburst smiled.

Using her magic, Starlight dipped a spoon in the soup, then moved over by Sunburst's mouth.

"Open wide." She smiled.

Sunburst opened his mouth obligingly, and Starlight placed the tip of the spoon inside. To her surprise, he cringed awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" Starlight asked.

"Nothing." Sunburst answered. "It's just... a little hot. You might want to blow on it next time."

"Oh. Okay.." Starlight obliged by blowing on the soup. She then dipped the spoon back in, offering it to Sunburst. "Try it now."

Sunburst accepted the offering.

"Mmm, that is good." He smiled.

"I thought you'd like it." Starlight grinned, passing the bowl over to him. "Enjoy."

Sunburst drank down the rest of the soup in short order.

"My compliments to the chef." He chuckled.

"Thanks." Starlight grinned, taking back the bowl. "I'll just go and wash up. If you need anything..." She used her magic to turn an empty tissue box into a small bell. "Just ring."

"I will." Sunburst nodded.

Starlight headed back to the kitchen, cleaning the bowl of soup residue. But mere seconds after she started, she heard the bell ringing. Pausing only to put the bowl into the sink and turn off the faucet, she teleported back to Sunburst's room.

"You rang?" She smiled.

"Sorry to bother you so soon." Sunburst apologised. "But I need you to bring me more tissues. Otherwise, I'd have to wipe my nose on my bed covers."

"Gross." Starlight cringed.

"I think there's a spare box in the study." Sunburst declared.

"Be right back." Starlight nodded.

Starlight teleported to the study. After a quick look around, she spotted the box of tissues atop a pile of books. She picked it up, and teleported back to Sunburst.

"Here you go." She pulled out a tissue and passed it to Sunburst.

"Thanks." Sunburst smiled, blowing his nose hard.

"No problem." Starlight cringed, revolted by the act. "I'll just finish up with the bowl, then I think I'll clean up a little around here. No offense, but it's kind of a mess."

"None taken." Sunburst declared.

Starlight returned to the kitchen, finished with the bowl, then started cleaning up. By the looks of things, Sunburst had been on quite the research project before being afflicted by his ailment.

'Same old Sunburst.' Starlight thought. 'Always reading...'

As she continued her work, Starlight heard the bell ringing again. Quick as a flash, she returned to the bedroom.

"Need something?" She asked.

"I'm a little chilly." Sunburst declared. "Can you fetch me some more blankets? They're in the linen closet."

"You got it." Starlight nodded.

One quick trip later, and Sunburst was bundled up in the extra blankets.

"That okay?" Starlight asked.

"It's a little tight, actually..." Sunburst declared.

"Oh, sorry." Starlight loosened the blankets. "Better?"

"Much. Thanks, Starlight." Sunburst smiled.

"My pleasure." Starlight grinned.

Starlight returned to the study, and finish cleaning up.

'Okay, I think I've earned a little rest.' She smiled, sinking into a soft chair.

Starlight barely had a chance to get comfortable before the bell rang again.

'What now?' She frowned.

Starlight returned to Sunburst's bedroom.

"Need anything?" She asked, slightly annoyed at the interruption to her little break.

"Could you get me a glass of water, please?" Sunburst asked. "I'm feeling a little parched."

"Coming right up." Starlight nodded.

One quick trip to the kitchen, and Starlight gave Sunburst his water.

"Thanks." He smiled. He took a gulp, before pausing. "It's not very cold, though..."

"I didn't know you wanted it cold." Starlight pouted.

"I suppose it doesn't really matter, since it did the job." Sunburst shrugged.

"Yeah, sure." Starlight nodded. 'Hopefully, that'll be the last thing you'll need for a while...'

Unfortunately, Sunburst had more requests: a cold compress, juice, an extra pillow... and each time, he seemed to find something wrong with what Starlight provided; The compress was too wet, the juice had pulp, the pillow was lumpy... It wasn't long before Starlight was at her wit's end.

'Please don't let that bell ring again...' She pleaded, as she sat down in the chair for what felt like the dozenth time.

As if to mock her, the ringing cut through the air once more.

"Ohhhh..." Starlight groaned, teleporting to Sunburst's side. "Yes?"

"Can I have some more leek soup, please?" Sunburst asked.

"Coming right up." Starlight said flatly. 'At least I know how to keep him from complaining about this one.'

Starlight put together another bowl of soup, this time making sure to cool it down a little before giving it to Sunburst. To her dismay, however, Sunburst still grimaced after taking a spoonful.

'What is it this time?' She thought, before saying "Problem?"

"No, no." Sunburst declared. "It's just... a tad lukewarm."

"Seriously?!" Starlight exploded, the last straw having been broken. "Last time, you said it was too hot!"

"Well, it was." Sunburst shrugged. "But this one isn't hot enough."

"You... you... you're impossible!" Starlight roared.

"Excuse me?" Sunburst frowned.

"Every time I did something for you today, you found some kind of problem with it!" Starlight yelled. "You're so picky!"

"Well, I am ill." Sunburst frowned. "I need just the right things to ensure my recovery. Besides, you offered to help."

"Only because I didn't know how much you'd complain!" Starlight growled. "You've been needy, picky, whiny, and all around annoying!"

"Well... maybe if you did a better job, maybe I wouldn't have to complain!" Sunburst shot back, hurt by Starlight's words.

"Excuse me?!" Starlight snarled. "I've been busting my flank for you all day, you ingrate! Maybe I shouldn't have stuck around after all..."

"Maybe not." Sunburst frowned. "Then I wouldn't have to endure your shoddy caregiving."

"Well, that can easily be fixed." Starlight glared. "I'm outta here! Good luck getting better by yourself!"

Starlight stormed out of the house and into the street, still infuriated.

"UGGGGGGHHHH!!" She growled. "That whiny, needy, annoying... ugh!"

Starlight planted herself on the street, her front hooves folded over each other.

Moments later, Cadance walked down the street, levitating Flurry Heart's stroller with her magic.

"Oh, hello, Starlight." Cadance declared. "I heard you were in town."

"Hello, Princess Cadance." Starlight stood up respectfully. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just taking Flurry Heart for a walk." Cadance announced. "I heard that Sunburst isn't feeling too well, so it's good to see you're here. Having his best friend nearby will definitely lift Sunburst's spirits." She smiled at her daughter. "Won't it, sweetie?"

"Geh-ha!" Flurry Heart giggled.

"More than his spirits need to be lifted." Starlight pouted. "His attitude could use an adjustment."

"I'm sorry?" Cadance frowned.

"I'm the one who's sorry." Starlight growled. "Sorry I ever came to visit..."

"...What's wrong, Starlight?" Cadance asked.

"Let's just say Sunburst isn't what you'd call a low-maintenance patient." Starlight said flatly. "He's been constantly asking me to do things for him. Soup, tissues, extra blanket, more tissues, juice, more soup... and he kept telling me I was doing it wrong. I just couldn't take it any more! Who knew he was so... needy?"

"That's stallions for you." Cadance rolled her eyes. "They all get the sniffles, and think it's the plague. You should see Shining Armor when he gets sick. Now that's needy."

"But does he relentlessly criticize every little thing you do?" Starlight frowned. "While showing no gratitude at all for your efforts?"

"Not especially." Cadance admitted.

"Exactly." Starlight pouted. "You'd think he'd be grateful for me putting all that time and effort into taking care of him. But no, he just whines like an overgrown foal!"

"Bleh?" Flurry Heart tilted her head.

"Oh, er... no offense, Flurry Heart." Starlight cringed.

"Geh-hah!" Flurry Heart giggled.

"I've never seen that side of him before." Starlight admitted. "Ever."

"That must have been hard for you." Cadance acknowledged.

"It was." Starlight snorted. "All that work, totally unappreciated..."

"And did you offer to help Sunburst so he would appreciate you?" Cadance asked.

"Well, no." Starlight admitted. "I did it because... I wanted to help him. He just made me so mad."

"I can see that." Cadance nodded. "Caring for others can be hard sometimes. And just because Sunburst complained doesn't mean he couldn't appreciate your efforts."

"I doubt that." Starlight scowled. "Lousy ingrate."

"An ingrate who needs his best friend." Cadance pointed out. "Are you really going to abandon him over something as simple as a disagreement?"

"Well, I..." Starlight frowned.

"Considering the two of you just found each other again after being apart for so long, I doubt that's the last thing either of you wants." Cadance said sagely.

"No." Starlight sighed. "It isn't."

"Just because somepony doesn't take your help the way you think they will, doesn't mean you should stop helping." Cadance told Starlight. "And being sick rarely brings out the best in us. It's up to you, though. I'm sure you'll make the right decision."

Cadance walked down the street with Flurry Heart. Starlight pondered her position for a moment, before rushing back inside Sunburst's home.

"Sunburst?" She said meekly, entering Sunburst's bedroom.

"Oh, you're back?" Sunburst glared. "I thought you were leaving."

"I was." Starlight sighed. "But after a little advice, I realised I couldn't just abandon you."

"You couldn't?" Sunburst's glare weakened.

"No." Starlight nodded. "You're my best friend, Sunburst. I could never leave you. And I guess I did kinda overreact to everything." She sighed. "I'm sorry. I was just trying so hard to help you, and I thought you didn't appreciate my efforts."

Sunburst lowered his head with guilt.

"Starlight... I'm sorry, too." He sighed. "You were right. You're my best friend too, and you were just trying to help. But I was being needy, and picky, and all those other things..."

"I know." Starlight snorted.

"It's just... I've been on my own for so long." Sunburst admitted. "I've had to fend for myself all these years, soldier through all these little illnesses... I guess I just liked the idea of somepony taking care of me so much that I... well, went a little overboard."

"I know a little about going overboard myself." Starlight sighed. "I guess I can't blame you. We both know what it's like to have to take care of ourselves... If the situation were reversed, I'd probably do the same thing."

"I really do appreciate you taking care of me." Sunburst smiled. "You're a real pal, Starlight."

"I like to think I've learned a thing or two about friendship from Twilight." Starlight grinned.

"I'm sorry we couldn't just... spend time with each other." Sunburst sighed. "It seems like something's always getting in the way."

"I wouldn't say that." Starlight countered. "We got to spend time with each other today, right? Sure, it didn't turn out exactly how I hoped, but nothing ever seems to for me. Doesn't mean it didn't turn out okay in the end."

"I guess you have a point there." Sunburst nodded.

"Of course I do." Starlight joked. "Now how about I whip you up some more soup?"

"That would be wonderful." Sunburst smiled. "And I won't complain about the temperature this time, I promise."

"You better not." Starlight joked.

For the rest of the day, Sunburst was far less critical of Starlight's offerings, to Starlight's delight. Alas, it wasn't long before Starlight needed to get back to Ponyville.

"Get well soon, Sunburst." She smiled, as she made to depart.

"I'm sure I will." Sunburst grinned. "After all, I had the best caregiver in Equestria today. I already feel so much better."

"So do I..." Starlight chuckled, as she left the bedroom, glad to have helped her oldest friend in his time of need.