• Published 20th May 2016
  • 9,963 Views, 92 Comments

Bodies Are Nothing to Be Ashamed Of - Justice3442

Ever have one of those nightmares where you show up to school in your underwear? Adagio Dazzle has. Except it’s not really a nightmare… in multiple senses of the phrase.

  • ...

As a Wise Handyman Once Said...

Bodies Are Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

With a snort and a jerk of her body, Adagio Dazzle once again found herself in one of life’s many unpleasant states which she had mostly grown to loathe since she had been trapped on this mostly magic-forsaken world.

And that unpleasant state was ‘awake’.

Everything was dark, no doubt because of her trusty eye mask. Still, something was amiss. Several things in fact. She felt quite a bit more vertical than usual for waking up, also her… erm… bed…? felt quite off… Like she was only getting support on her back and rear. Also, she could hear talking... Maybe Aria or Sonata had the TV on so loud she could hear it upstairs?

Ugh… Those two morons… Decades with knowing the rules regarding watching TV and they still slip up! Adagio slipped off her mask and was immediately greeted by the harsh light of day in all its horrible fluorescent glory.

Wait, what?

Bleary eyed, Adagio looked around, her eyes focusing on something purple, covered in spikes, and grumpy-looking. “Ar-Aria? What… What time is it?”

Aria glanced upwards momentarily then directed her eyes forward. “It’s like 10, Dagi.”

Adagio squinted. “In… in the morning?!”

Aria sighed. “Of course it’s in the morning! Why would you think otherwise?!”

“That’s so early, though!” Adagio moaned.

Aria sighed. “Yeah…” she said in agreement.

Adagio stretched, her bare arms emerging from the fluffy purple comforter she was wrapped in. She shivered slightly as her flesh was exposed to the cool air. She let her arms retreat back into the warmth of her comforter before giving Aria a scrutinizing look. “Wait a minute… I don’t remember going to bed with you… How much…” Adagio crossed her eyes and glanced upwards into a creased brow. “How much did I drink last night? Also… did I drink last night?” She added as she noticed a distinct lack of pressure on her head.

Aria rolled her eyes. “I don’t keep track of your booze intake and I didn’t sleep with you last night, Adagio.”

Adagio’s nose wrinkled and she gave Aria a scrutinizing look. “But… but… You never crawl into bed with me! Only Sonata does that when she has a nightmare or just wants to pet my hair while whispering and moaning about how fluffy it is.”

Aria threw her head back and groaned. “I know, Dagi! Could you keep it down? I’m trying to pay attention!”

“Attention? To what?”

A vexed look on her face, Aria motioned forward.

Adagio looked forward to notice Ms. Cheerilee staring at her with an annoyed look as the teacher tapped her foot impatiently. Adagio looked around to see that she was surrounded by desks and students at Canterlot High, and that she herself was also seated at a desk. Her desk which was next to a dark green wheelbarrow for some reason.

Adagio chuckled to herself. “Ah, I’m dreaming.” She frowned. “But I’m dreaming I’m at school? Wow, how dreadful.” Adagio opened her comforter and smiled, then let it fall away from her body revealing she was wearing nothing but a pink bra and panties. A tad less showy than what she usually went to bed in, but it’d do. “At least it’s one of those dreams where I show up in my underwear,” Adagio quipped with a smile.

If they hadn’t been staring already, every pair of eyeballs, save Aria’s, in the room was now fixed solidly on Adagio.

Without a hint of shame or modesty Adagio smiled and placed her hands on her hips, reveling in the attention.

Aria exhaled through her nose and brought her right fingertips up to her forehead. “You’re not dreaming Adagio! You’re actually at school!”

Adagio’s smile quickly disappeared as her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh!” Slowly, a syrupy smile poured back onto Adagio’s face as she looked over the room of people staring at her. “Oooh…” she purred out. A confused expression suddenly took hold of her features and she turned to Aria. “Wait?! You took me to school asleep?!”

“Don’t blame me!” Aria snapped.


“School! School! Sonata shouted up from the base of the Dazzlings’ stairs. “IT’S TIME FOR SCHOOL!”

“ALRIGHT ALREADY!” Aria yelled back as she blearily descended the stairs, gripping firmly to the stairs rails as she hit the corner and looked down. “Keep your clothes on, Sonata. I’m…” Aria’s face muscles tightened as she looked down the stairs. “Sonata… Why is Adagio in a wheelbarrow?”

Next to Sonata was a dark green wheelbarrow, Adagio’s massive locks of orange curls spilling out the sides as the woman they belonged to snoozed quietly wrapped up in a purple comforter.

Sonata answered, “Because I couldn’t get her to wake up!”

“So?” Aria replied with a shrug. “Just leave her then.”

“I COULDN’T DO THAT!” Sonata cried.

Uh… Sure you could,” Aria replied. “You just leave and not deal with it. It’s a lot easier than… than doing what you did!”

“No!” Sonata cried. “I couldn’t do it because Vice-Principal Luna said we might get EXPELLED if we keep missing school!” Sonata clenched her hands tightly and held them up to her chest. “EXPELLED, ARIA!”

“So?!” Aria cried. “Adagio cares less about school than I do! And that’s saying something! She keeps saying she’s going to keep on keeping-on what she’s doing until her looks start to give out then find some old-rich guy and marry him for his money! As she’s fond of pointing out, that plan does not require an education!”

Sonata gave Aria a worried look. “But what if like… She gets horrible disfigured by like… Say some random psychotic girl with a knife who’s maybe… Maybe… maybe REALLY mad at the Telemummies?!” Sonata grit her teeth and glared out into open space. “Stupid mummies abusing No-No all the time! One day, Aria! ONE DAY THEY WILL GET THEIRS! THEM OR THE NEAREST PERSON NEXT TO ME WHEN MY INCONSOLABLE RAGE GETS THE BETTER OF ME!”

Aria’s eyes widened. “Yikes!” Aria turned. “Alright, you can wheel her to school.” Aria began walking up the stairs. “Let’s just, like… get a shirt and some pants for her or something…”

“THERE’S NO TIME!” Sonata cried as she grabbed the wheelbarrow and started rolling it towards the front door.

Aria let out an exasperated sigh and descended the stairs. “Whatever…”


“Oh, I see,” Adagio said simply.

Aria quietly blinked a few times before responding in a surprised tone. “You’re not mad?!”

Adagio looked around, once again taking stock of all the gazes directed at her almost naked body. “No, no… I think things turned out quite alright.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Whatever, you voyeuristic screwball.”

Adagio turned and shot Aria a glare. “Excuse me! Voyeuristic suggests I like to spy on others! While true, that’s hardly appropriate to what’s going on here! 'Exhibitionist' was the word you wanted.”

“Adagio!” Ms. Cheerilee cried from the front of the class. “Get some clothes or at least cover up!”

Adagio turned to glare at Cheerilee. “What?! That’s discrimination! Would you make one of the guys cover up if he was in his underwear?!”

“YES!” Cheerilee replied.

Undaunted, Adagio continued, “Why should anyone be ashamed of their body?! I will not be confined just because your mind is stuck in a dogmatic institution that shames nudity!”

A male student with yellow skin and green dreadlocks under a grey beanie rose to his feet. He motioned towards Adagio. “Yeah! She’s just displaying how nature made her! What’s wrong with that?!”

Another male student stood up. This one with light blue skin, long dark blue hair tied with a ponytail. He wore a green headband around his forehead and a t-shirt with the planet Earth on the center. “She’s exactly how the earth wants her to be! She can show that beauty if she wants!”

Cheerilee raised her hands and massaged her temples with her fingertips. “She’s not even FROM this planet!”

Adagio narrowed her eyes. “Now that IS discrimination! In fact, I never wore clothes back where I’m from! This entire conversation is morally bankrupt.”

A surprised look came over Aria. “Wow… Never thought you’d be the one declaring that instead of being the one told that…” she muttered.

A female student with yellow skin, and long golden hair stood up. She wore massive peace-sign earrings and rose-tinted glasses. “Come on, Ms. Cheerilee! You don’t need to be a square about this!”

Cheerilee frowned. “A… A square…?”

Another female student stood up, her skin green and her red hair done up into dreadlocks. “Yeah, Ms. Cheerilee. I’m sorry, but you’re like… totally harshing the vibe in here!”

Another female student stood up. She wore a tan, wide brimmed hat over her dark green hair and her yellow-orange tee-shirt sported a green leaf on the front. “I have to agree with everyone here! You should just let Adagio live as freely as she chooses!”

Aria knit her brow and leaned towards Adagio. “Can you get expelled for starting an orgy?”

Adagio smirked at Aria. “Baby steps, Aria. Baby steps.” She turned to give Cheerilee a devious-looking smile. “See, Ms. Cheerilee? All the dirty hippies agree with me.”

A female student with grey skin, and yellow hair looked towards Adagio, the girls lazy eye drifting off slightly as she smiled and stood up. One by one, all the other students save Adagio and Aria stood up.

Cheerilee looked over the classroom with a worried expression as she took stock of just how much she was outnumbered. She sighed. “I’m sorry everyone, I don’t want you to think I’m… unhip or uptight. But it’s not up to me! School rules clearly state that students have to cover… Aria! Why are you taking off your shirt?!”

Her green vest already removed, Aria pulled her short-sleeved shirt over her head revealing a dark purple bra. “Because I’m an adult!” she cried as she threw her clothes on the ground. “I’m not going to be a part of your system!”

A cheer went through the classroom as every student began to disrobe.

Cheerilee looked over her class with a shocked expression momentarily, then hung her head. Her maroon bangs covered her face as she let out a long continuous sigh.


Sunset Shimmer trudged past rows of green lockers, her face fixed into a scowl as she marched with purpose in her steps. She soon arrived at a classroom door and stopped. Her eyelids crinkled as she heard the muffled talk of what sounded like…

“… And who can tell me where Napoleon was exiled to after he lost the Battle of Waterloo?”

... a regular class?

“Yes, Adagio?”

Okay… just… what?

“That would be Saint Helena.”

“Very good, Adagio!”

“Heh heh… Well, this stuff is easy when you lived it.”

The students inside the class all let out mirthful laughter.

Sunset could feel her face muscles constrict. This didn’t make sense at all. She knocked on the door a couple times then opened it. “I’m sorry, but I heard Adagio was brought to the school asleep aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand…” Sunset trailed off as her jaw dropped.

“Oh!” Ms. Cheerilee said, anything resembling a shirt, skirt, or trousers notably absent from her body. She smiled. “Hello, Sunset! Did you need something?”

Sunset looked over the room. Adagio, Aria, and in fact the entire class were stripped down to their underwear.

Sunset shook her head. “Nooooooooooooope!” she said as she closed the door. She began to walk away then stopped after a few steps. After looking up at the ceiling ponderously for a second, she smiled and turned around. Sunset walked back towards the door and opened it. Smile still on her face, she looked at Cheerilee. “Actually, would it be okay if I sat in on this class?”

“Of course, Sunset!” Cheerilee said with a grin as she motioned to an empty desk. “We’d be happy to have you.”

“GREAT!” Sunset said as she quickly stripped down to her magenta bra and panties and happily walked through the classroom to the desk.

The classroom door suddenly flew opened as a collection of pink curls shot through it. “Sorry-but-Sonata-just-told-me…” Pinkie paused as she looked into the room. “Oh, hehe silly me! You all already had the same idea!” she said, clearly having already stripped down to her frilly pink underwear.

Adagio and Aria exchanged shrugs.

“‘Idea’…?” Sunset parroted in a questioning tone.

Sonata’s head and naked shoulders popped out from behind Pinkie. “Yeah! Pinkie thought Adagio might feel subconscious being the only person in her underwear!”

Adagio and Aria exchanged grins and then both broke into a fit of hysterical laughter which Pinkie and Sonata quickly joined in.

Sunset just smiled to herself, and put her hands behind her head, intertwining her fingers as she leaned back. Strangely enough, she found her smile growing as she glanced at Sonata, Aria, and finally Adagio.

Maybe… Just maybe, they aren’t so bad…

The End.

Comments ( 92 )

Those last two paragraphs :rainbowlaugh:. Thanks Justice, I needed a laugh today

Mine God.

Someone's getting fired.

You've done it again.

Until Cheerilee joined in, I was certain this was her nightmare.

This was great and hilarious.

Faved before I even finished. Loved it!

Teacher evaluation week is going to be very interesting.

I didn't want to laugh.

Adagio turned to glare at Cheerilee. “What?! That’s discrimination! Would you make one of the guys cover up if he was in his underwear?!”

YES!” Cheerilee replied.

I tried to resist.

“Because I’m an adult!” she cried as she threw her clothes on the ground. “I’m not going to be a part of your system!”

I failed. Nicely done.

...and I now have the sudden mental image of a second chapter where Vice-Principal Luna walks in on this, questions it calmly, then brings it up to Principal Celestia as a serious suggestion.

7232496 I am playing with the idea if I can stretch this basic idea out until more than this one class and a few ancillary students get pulled into the shenanigans. Luna and Celestia are top of the list of characters who need to do react somehow to this. :derpytongue2:

And I am now tracking this.

...if it does stretch to the whole school, I suddenly have a mental image of it becoming 'thematic' for the Friendship Games.

Is there a nudism group here? Because the amount of stories in this vein is surprisingly large. It's kind of funny.

Heh. Clothes probably weren't fun to adapt to for any of them. Welcome home, Sunset, if only for a little while.

Another fantastic siren story.:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache:

Oh dear. :rainbowlaugh: Then again, CHS randomly becoming clothing-optional is probably a thing that could actually happen in THIS messed-up world...

I love how Cheerilee just decided to join them.

Sonata's so funny and adorable in this thing :rainbowlaugh:

Sonata’s head and naked shoulders popped out from behind Pinkie. “Yeah! Pinkie thought Adagio might feel subconscious being the only person in her underwear!”

So freaking adorable!:rainbowkiss:

Adagio turned to glare at Cheerilee. “What?! That’s discrimination! Would you make one of the guys cover up if he was in his underwear?!”
“YES!” Cheerilee replied.
Undaunted, Adagio continued, “Why should anyone be ashamed of their body?! I will not be confined just because your mind is stuck in a dogmatic institution that shames nudity!”
A male student with yellow skin and green dreadlocks under a grey beanie rose to his feet. He motioned towards Adagio. “Yeah! She’s just displaying how nature made her! What’s wrong with that?!”
Another male student stood up. This one with light blue skin, long dark blue hair tied with a ponytail. He wore a green headband around his forehead and a t-shirt with the planet Earth on the center. “She’s exactly how the earth wants her to be! She can show that beauty if she wants!”

Another female student stood up, her skin green and her red hair done up into dreadlocks. “Yeah, Ms. Cheerilee. I’m sorry, but you’re like… totally harshing the vibe in here!”
Another female student stood up. She wore a tan, wide brimmed hat over her dark green hair and her yellow-orange tee-shirt sported a green leaf on the front. “I have to agree with everyone here! You should just let Adagio live as freely as she chooses!”

Hippie idiots...

Good story. I quite enjoyed it.

And so, CHS instituted "Pants-free Fridays".

Best. Class. Ever!
Never stop writing the sirens!

Can someone tell me why I read this?

Even more, can someone tell me why I liked this?

7232870 because it's well written and funny.

Okay, I get why Adagio and Aria whent along with this, but Sunset is pretty straight laced, why on earth would she even consider doing that?

Initial reaction: :facehoof:

After reading: :rainbowlaugh:

Fight the power!
Down with skirts! Up with blouses!

It would be even crazier if someone show up completely naked.

7232962 Homesickness, maybe.

7232962 Maybe she's a pervert. Maybe she missed the freedom of nudity that being a pony gave.



Yeah! Pinkie thought Adagio might feel subconscious being the only person in her underwear!


7233226 It's Sonata. Perhaps the mistake is intentional. :facehoof:


If that's the case a little mention would have helped. Nothing major just some mention to help explain it is all so it wouldn't feel so out of character for her.

Heheheheh, I can see this, allof this happening. Well done Justice! Poor Cherilee.

This is the goofy awesomeness that the world needs! Keep up the great ideas!:pinkiehappy:

And then Miss Cheerilee was fired.

Oh, who am I kidding? The Great Principal Trollestia would probably join them.

Her green vest already removed, Aria pulled her short-sleeved shirt over her head revealing a dark purple bra. “Because I’m an adult!” she cried as she threw her clothes on the ground. “I’m not going to be a part of your system!”

I wonder how many people got this reference?

It's spoken dialogue by a character who is eccentric, quoting another character often portrayed as dim witted. Pretty sure that's a deliberate mistake.

Poor miss Cheerilee, always cops the stories with the weirdos!

This definitely needs a follow up chapter or two.

7232962 Maybe a vibe in the air, made it feel like 'What the Tartarus day' and decided to join in on the antics for once.

7233342 Or you could infer meaning from subtle implications instead of wanting all relevant information to be spoon-fed.

Yet another reason why we're all grateful that the outside world seems to have no idea that Canterlot High exists.

What drugs are you on..? :rainbowhuh:

7233646 and where can we get some?

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I can already see a sequel entitled: Adiago's Schoolwide Nudist Colony.

7233483 Oh my gosh I was going to comment about that but I was checking to see if anyone beat me too it.

7234817 I think maybe we could ask Alondro what he's on...
Although whatever he is on probably would kill us.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Oh, an EQG fic on FP, nothing to worry abou-

As a Wise Handyman Once Said...

wait what

7235070 Caught my eye too, what have you been saying?

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