• Published 21st Jun 2012
  • 3,512 Views, 71 Comments

My Little Gundam Wing: Friendship is Gundam - ShadowWalking18

The Gundam Wing pilots end up in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 1

This is...something new, and I got the idea after seeing some pictures on Deviant Art, by SapphireGamgee. Any pictures you see here is done by her and she desreves pretty much ALL the credit for inspiring this fic. I hope you all like it as I really found the idea to be interesting.

It has been years since the events of After Colony 196 and the rebellion of colony L3 X-18999. Under the guidance of Relena Darlian, and after her death, Mariemaia Khushrenada, the earth and the colonies have remained in peace, and now another year passes in this continued and everlasting peace.

But, this year is not simply a continuation, but is also the time for endings. As the sun slowly sets to mark the end of a day, it also marks the end of five pilots, who fought for all their lives to keep the peace on earth.

Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatra Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei. As these pilots pass into their final judgement, they would soon find themselves in a very strange and new world.

Duo slowly opened his eyes, and was greeted with darkness. He blinked and looked around, still only seeing darkness.

"So....this is death huh?" Duo said to himself.

The God of Death crossed his arms and looked around once more, "Well...this is boring. I thought hell would be more....firey."

Suddenly he felt himself fall into the darkness, at an increasening speed.

"Ahhh!" He screamed as he fell, and fell...and fell.

"This is a long fall." Duo said, now waiting for when he would hit the bottom and enter into the pits of hell. If that was where he was going.

Suddenly, he stopped. Duo blinke and looked around. Looking at the ground he saw his reflection. He now looked as he did when he was seventeen. Duo smirked and admired himself.

"Well at least I'll look good when I get to hell. If I ever get there." Duo said.

He looked around again and spotted a light in the distance. Seeing nothing else except darkness in every other direction, Duo began to walk towards the light. The ground beneath him rippling like water with each step.

As Duo stepped into the light, his vision was blinded for a second. When he could see again he found himself standing in a small room, a lounge to be exact. Two couches sat in the middle, surrounding a small coffee table. But what surprised him the most were the four people sitting on the couches, who looked back at him with equal surprise.

"Quatra? Heero? Trowa? Wufei?" Duo said looking to each individual gundam pilot.

"Duo. So you came here as well." Quatra said, smiling slightly glad to see another friend.

"Seems the gang is all here." Trowa said, smirking slightly at the coincidence.

Heero looked up, his face expressionless and said, "Where is here?"

"I'd say death. We did die after all." Wufei said as he sat in meditation on the sofa, next to Heero.

Duo looked around, "I don't know about you Wufei, but I was kinda thinking that death would have been...well...more spacious." Duo gave a grin as he finished.

As the five tried to determie their location in the afterlife, they heard a someone chuckle.

"Did you hear that?" Quatra said as he looked around.

The rest of the pilots were silent as they listened, the chuckling continued.

"Oh this is perfect. You five are just perfect." A voice said.

"Whose there! Come out and show yourself" Duo said, as he tried to find the owner of the voice.

"Okay, if you want." The voice said, and in a sudden flash of light something appeared before the five gundam pilots.

"What the.." Trowa said, unsure of what he was seeing.

Before them stood a tall....thing. It had the head of a horse, but a goats beard and a deer antler on the right and a goat horn on the left. One fang was longer then the rest, and had varying sized pupils. It's body was long and slender, almost like a dragons and had a right arm that looked like a lions claw, and a left arm that was the claw of an eagle. The right leg was that of a lizards and the left was a goats leg. In addition it had one bat wing and one bird wing and a snakes tail.

"The heck are you? A hollywood reject?" Duo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Now I've seen everything." Wufei said looking at the strange creature with slight disgust.

Heero was just silent as he looked at the creature with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty.

"Well, here I am. Tea anyone?" The creature said before a cup of tea appeared in his claw and each of the pilots hand.

"Whoa!" Duo said in surprise as he held the small cup of hot tea. Could he even drink this if he was dead?

"Um....sir..," Quatra began slowly, unsure of how to proceed with this strange and obviously powerful creature, "if I might ask. Who are you?" What was he, Quatra thought as well.

"Hmm, oh me," the creature said as he sipped his tea, or...perhaps more precisely the cup, "oh no one. My name is Discord, and you are?"

Quatra was surprised by this strange creature, as well as the strange way in which the cup had been drank instead of the tea. He, and all the rest of the pilots set their cups down, and he said, "My name is Quatra Raberba Winner."

"Duo Maxwell." Duo said, pointing a thumb at himself with a smirk.

"Trowa Barton." Trowa said simply, keeping his face expressionless.

"Heero Yuy." Heero said simply.

"Wufei." Wufei said.

Discord chuckled, "Well I guess you are all probably wondering what you're doing here."

Quatra noddded, "Yes. We were sure we had all passed away, and we are sure we did, though this place...is certainly a strange for of afterlife."

"Yeah, kinda boring actually."

Discord laughed, "Well I wouldn't worry about it for too long. You'll be back and about in a few moments here."

"What do you mean by that?" Trowa asked.

A clock suddenly appeared in Discords claws, "Oh look at the time. Time certainly does fly," the clock grew wings and flew off disappearing in a puff of smoke, "when making chaos. See you all soon."

Before any of the gundam pilots could say anything, Discord snapped a finger and everything was soon engulfed in a blinding flash of light, before everything went dark again. All the pilots could hear was the fading sound of Discords laughter.

*Play this*

Well thats a beginning chapter. Hoping this gets some likes, know that this is going to be a very difficult project, mostly cause its something I've never done before. Still...I shall try to give you all a good, and funny fic. Enjoy and please do leave a comment on how it is and if it needs any work on parts, I really want this to be a well loved fic :)