• Published 21st Jun 2012
  • 3,512 Views, 71 Comments

My Little Gundam Wing: Friendship is Gundam - ShadowWalking18

The Gundam Wing pilots end up in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2

Another chapter.

Slowly, the five gundam pilots began to stir. Their conciousness returning after the sudden flash of light after their meeting of the strange creature named Discord. The sound of birds singing, and the gentle feel of a light breeze blowing against them were the first things that they registered.

"What the?" Duo said as he opened his eyes, but immediatly closed them as the sudden light of the sun greeted him.

The god of death could hear his friends near him, also stirring from...whatever had happened. Duo slowly opened his eyes again and looked around. They were in a forest, trees surrounded them, save for a small opening in the tree line that allowed the sun to gaze down on them. A small pool of water glistened in the light.

"Where are we?" Duo heard Quatra say. Everything seemed....bigger. More brightly colored, and he...felt....odd.

"I don't know but..." Duo stopped mid sentence as he looked toward his friend.

'What in the hell...' Duo thought as his mind registered what he was seeing.

There, before his very eyes stood a winged....horse. Pegasi if he remembered his mythology. One was pure white, with a mane and tail in a style similar to how Quatra had his hair, it even had the same platinum blond color as well as same blue eyes. Of course what was odd for this white pegasus was that it also had a horn, and a strange five jewel design on the flank. One jewel was surrounded by four others, one green, blue, red, and the last yellow. Behind these five gems was a star burst symbol.

"Ugh...that was unpleasant."

Duo looked with wide eyes to where he heard Trowa's voice and saw another pegasus, only without the horn. This one had a tanish sort of coat, brown colored mane and tail identically styled in the same way Trowa's hair was, and green eyes. This pegasus had a half clown mask symbol on its flank.

"I think the real question is not where are we, but what are we now?"

Duo turned and saw two other pegasus, one a solid dark green with prussian blue eyes and a dark brown mane and tail, again like the rest styled in a very similar pattern, this time like Heero's hair. It had a symbol of a gun on it's flank, with pure white feathers behind it.

The other was a dark blue color, with a black eyes and hair that was styled similarly to Wufei's hair. On this one's flank was a picture of a red chinese dragon. It also had two gray wrist bands on it's front legs.

"What the....Heero? Wufei?" Duo said, which drew the four pegasi's attentiont to him. They all gave him a wide eyed and surprised look.

"Uh....Duo?" The Quatra look alike horse said.


"You might want to look in the pool of water over there." The Wufei looking pony said.

Duo blinked and slowly took a few steps over to the pool of water and gazed at his reflection. The sight caused him to gasp. Duo...he was still Duo right? He was also a pegasus, only his coat was pure black. He was also wearing a small gold necklace with a cross at the end of the chain. His mane and tail were the same color as his hair had been when he was...normal, and both were styled in the same way he had kept his hair when he was alive and...well...not a horse. On his flank he had a picture of a scythe, his Deathscythe Hell's thermal energy scythe to be exact.

'Well....at least mine is cooler.' He thought, of course that thought was soon replaced by another. One that he vocalized.

"What the hell!?!" Duo yelled.

It took sometime to calm Duo down. Needless to say he had been...slightly surprised.

"What the hell happened to us!?!" Duo screamed.

"Duo! Just calm down for a moment." Quatra said, trying to calm his friend down.

"Calm! How can any of us be calm right now!? We've turned into.....winged..horses!" Duo said as he began to hyperventillate.

Heero rolled his eyes and walked over to the panicing pilot and slapped him across the face once.

"Owwww." Duo said as he rubbed where he got hit.

"Panicing won't fix this. So just take a deep breath and calm down." Heero said simply.

"Alright, just don't hit me again. That hurt." Duo said.

"If you felt it," Trowa said, "Then we can assume that you're not dreaming, and no doubt the rest of us are not as well."

"So if we arn't dreaming, then where are we? And why are we horses?" Duo asked.

"That is a good question. We were dead, though I don't know if we can say that we still are if we are able to experience pain." Quatra said as he rubbed his chin with a hoof.

"Perhaps that creature Discord had something to do with this." Wufei said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"Perhaps, though how and why I'm still not sure about." Quatra said.

"The guy made tea appear out of nowhere and then drank the cup." Duo said, still feeling wierd about all that was happening.

"Well, let's go over what we already know." Heero said, "We were dead, but now suddenly we are alive again."

Trowa nodded, "A bizarre and strange circumstance. Death is one thing, but sudden reincarnation in this way seems out of the ordinary."

"If we were reincarnated, we wouldn't have any knowledge of our past lives. Yet I can remember everything clearly." Wufei said.

Quatra nodded, "As do I."

Duo, Trowa and Heero agreed as well. All five of them could remember their final hours when they were human, and the events that lead to their current situation.

"So that Discord fellow turned us into flying horses." Duo said, looking at his new form once more.

"Pegasi to be exact, thought..I don't know what I am." Quatra said as he looked at his own reflection.

"Yeah, don't think pegasi had horns." Trowa said with a raised eyebrow.

"Does it hurt?" Duo asked, poking the horn.

"No," Qatra said, "but the poking is slightly irritating. Could you please stop."

Duo stopped and gave a goofy grin, "Sorry."

Quatra smiled lightly, "Don't worry about it."

"Well, I think we should try to determine our location." Heero said.

"Right. We should try to find some high ground to get us above the tree line." Quatra said.

"Why don't one of us climb a tree and..." Duo began, but stopped from the looks he was getting from his fellow pilots.

Duo grinned and rubbed the back of his head, chuckling uneasily, "Oh right...don't think we could climb a tree like this huh."

"Let's move out then." Heero said, as he began to walk off into the woods. The rest of the gundam pilots followed.

As they walked, they all were surprised by how easy they were adapting to their new bodies. Which was odd, considering that walking on four legs was alot different to walking on two.

"Hey, anyone else wondering how we arn't having any trouble with these new bodies?" Duo asked.

"It is odd. But, everything about what has happened is." Trowa said, casting a few glances to the left and right.

"Perhaps when Discord brought us here, he imparted the motor skills for the new forms he gave us. Though I still do not understand how he did it. What type of being would he have to be to be able to do such things?" Quatra said, pondering on the thought.

"Whatever he was, and whatever his reasons I don't think they were for our benefit." Wufei said.

Heero nodded, "Agreed. He probably has something planned for us."

Duo smirked, "Well if he does he's gonna be a bit disappointed. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not really one for taking orders from some sort of goat serpent thing."

Suddenly all five of the pilots stopped and began looking around. They all felt something coming closer, towards them.

"We're being watched." Trowa said.

"Know what it is?" Duo asked as he looked into the woods.

A low growl, and the sudden appearence of several glowing yellow eyes.

"Wolves." Heero said.

The wolves stepped from the shadows and growled, teeth bared and ready to strike. Of course this was not what caught the pilots by surprise. It was what the wolves were made of. They were made of wood.

"Uh...those are wolves right?" Duo asked, looking at the wolves.

One of the wolves snarled and charged, going into hamstring Trowa. But the acrobatic gundam pilot easily side stepped the attack and then quickly kicking the wolf in the head, sending it to the ground.

"Whatever they are," Trowa said, "they are trying to eat us."

Seeing their companion down, the rest of the pack charged, going in for the kill. The pilots were ready, and years of combat training and experience kicked in. *Play for awsome fight music*

Wufei landed a swift round house kick into an attacking wolf, sending it flying. Heero punched another directly in the snout, wood cracking and shattering from the blow and sending the wolf staggering back in pain.

"How can wolves made of wood be walking around. Let alone feel pain?" Duo asked as he dodged the snapping jaws of a wolf and gave it a hard kick into the throat.

'Ya know these hooves sure are useful.' He thought as he kicked another wolf.

"I don't know, but it might be connected with Discord." Quatra said as he dodged a wolf that got close to getting its teeth into his back leg.

'I'm sorry,' Quatra thought as he gave the wolf a sharp kick in the head, 'please forgive me.'

Seeing more of their pack members taken down by the group of five ponies, the wolves quickly turned tail and ran, unwilling to attempt to take down such dangerous pray. Any injured that remained soon got up and took after their pack, and leaving the five pilots turned ponies behind.

"Wolves made of wood. What's next, bears made of stars?" Duo said to himself.

"This is a strange place, wherever we are." Quatra said.

Trowa nodded, "We should get moving again. Who knows what else could be lurking near by."

The pilots continued through the forest, keeping an eye for any more strange and possible dangerous creatures. They met no other attacks, and instead of a hill or place to get them above the tree line, they found themselves at the edge of the forest. Steppng out of the trees, they were greeted to a surprising and yet comforting sight.

It was a cottage, a sign of civilization. But what was odd about this cottage was the numerous numbers of various small bird houses and other forms of shelter for animals of varying sizes that dotted around the cottage. There was even a chicken coop and a path way leading away from the cottage, and to a town they could make out in the far distance.

"Hey, looks like there's civilization after all." Duo said, glad to see the cottage.

"We should proceed carefully," Quatra said as he smiled lightly at the cottage, it seemed to peaceful.

"Agreed, we don't know if these new bodies of ours are a common sight or not. Let alone if we can communicate with whoever lives here." Heero said.

"Whoever lives here sure likes animals. I've never seen so many rabbits and doves and well....all of these things in one place, let alone where someone lives." Duo said with surprise.

The group made their way towards the cottage, Heero and Duo kept low and slowly peeked in through a window. The interior of the cottage seemed to radiate comfort and cozy. But was surprising was that there were even more animal houses inside the cottage, as well as several mouse holes.

"Who the heck lives here?" Duo said, confused by all the animals that he saw inside the house, and what was even more shocking some of them doing house work.

"I feel as if we walked into a disney movie of Snow White." Duo said with a raised eyebrow.

Heero kept his usual expressionless face and simply said, "It certainly is strange."

Duo and Heero rejoined the others near the front door. Trowa, Quatra and Wufei stood near it, no doubt waiting for an answer to their knock made not one second ago.

"Don't think anyone's home. And get this, there are animals in there doing house work, like out of a kids story book." Duo said laughing slightly.

The others looked at Duo as if he was crazy, but when Heero confirmed this they blinked in surprise. Everything else aside, the pilots were more and more curious of where they were, and if anything about where they were made any logical sense at all.

"Wolves made of timber, and now animals with some semblence of advanced thinking, this place gets stranger by the minute." Quatra said scratching the back of his head.

"If no one is here, we should move on then. I'd rather not wait around here." Wufei said casting a glance over to the town in the distance.

Quatra nodded, "Perhaps we will meet the owner of the cottage on the path to town. Or meet someone on the way there, it is better then just sitting around."

"Sounds like a plan." Duo said and began to walk down the path, the rest of the pilots following.

As they drew closer and closer to the town, Quatra could not help but look around at the landscape. Everything seemed so peaceful and tranquil. It brought a smile to his lips; Duo and Trowa could not help but smile at the peace and quiet. Wherever they were it seemed to be lacking in the technology earth had.

"Seems odd to know that we arn't even on earth anymore." Duo said as they made their way closer to town.

"It is a bit surprising. But this place is very peaceful, and the air tastes so sweet." Quatra said with a smile.

"I wouldn't let yourself get caught off guard. We were sent here by an abomination of great power, who knows what could live here." Wufei said.

"Hey look there it is." Duo said as they finally reached the edge of town.

"Maybe we will find someone who....knows....where we....are...."Quatra said as he and the rest of the gundam pilots looked at what they saw.

Ponies. Hundreds of ponies of various colors and types. Some had wings like them, while others had horns. And others, a good deal in fact lacked either wings or horns. And all had markings on their flanks.

"Uh...." Duo said.

"What the..." Wufei said looking around.

"This is most..."Quatra said.

"This is wierd." Heero said, with Trowa nodding silently.

The five pilots stood, looking at the town and the ponies that went about the day. Doing things that they would expect humans to do.

"We're not in kansas anymore." Duo said.

Another chapter :) I'm glad people like this :) Don't expect much seriousness to come about. This is really a good light hearted fic with lots of laughs and a bit of romance here and there. Shouldn't be very long but hope you all enjoy it.