• Published 21st Jun 2012
  • 3,512 Views, 71 Comments

My Little Gundam Wing: Friendship is Gundam - ShadowWalking18

The Gundam Wing pilots end up in Equestria

  • ...

Five New Ponies Confirmed

Okay if anyone can guess the reference made in the chapter name you all get a free derpy.

Ain't she cute! Well all that aside let us get on to the story.

The five gundam pilots stood there, looking at the town, or more importently its inhabitants. Ponies, pegasi and unicorns each one a different blend of colors and supporting a strange mark on their flanks. Exactly like them.

"Uh....was the tea spiked or something?" Duo asked.

"I don't think so," Quatra said, "if we were I don't think we would have faired as well as we did against those wolves. Besides...this seems too clear to be the working of a drug."

"It is not that surprising," Trowa said, "after everything else that we have seen."

"So...what should we do?" Duo asked.

"The logical thing would be to find a place to stay, as well as information about where we are." Wufei said.

"We should becareful when interacting with the locals. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves until we have proper data on our location." Heero said as he watched the inhabitants of the town, looking for any possible threats.

"Well, let's go then. Wonder if they got anything to eat, I'm starving." Duo said as he began to walk into town. The other four pilots followed.

The pilots walked through the streets of the small town, and noticed that despite their similar bodies to the inhabitants they were attracting unwanted attention. Now granted they had gotten the common wave of a hoof in hello or a greeting, but what happened after that was worrying. The ponies would go wide eyed and stare, some even bowed.

"Uh guys...whats going on?" Duo asked the other pilots.

"I don't know, though it is rather strange." Quatra said as he looked over to a pony who noticed his look and bowed more.

"They're bowing to you Quatra." Heero said.

"What?" Quatra said in surprise.

"I noticed it as well. Apparently your body type isn't common around here." Trowa added in as he looked at the bowing and surprised ponies.

Quatra felt a bit uncomfortable that he was the cause for all of this attention, now that the others had mentioned it he noticed that most of the stares were at him.

The five continued to walk, Heero, Trowa and Wufei ignoring the stares while Duo gave friendly hellos to everyone they passed. Quatra also presented himself in a friendly fashion, though every time he waved, smiled or even looked to one of the ponies they would either hide from his eyes or bow even more.

The five continued to walk until Duo stopped. The four other pilots stopped and looked to see what made the God of Death stop in his tracks. There, standing infront of them with a smile was a pink pony. Her mane and tail were puffy like cotton candy, in fact she smelled like it slightly as well.

"Hi there, names..." Duo began his usual introduction.

However before he could go on the pink pony gasped, jumping into the air and taking off like a bullet from a gun leaving a trail of dust behind her.

Duo blinked confused, "Uh...what just happened?"

"This place gets stranger by the minute." Heero said as he continued to move on.

The rest of the pilots agreed as the continued on. Finally they reached the interior areas of the village where Trowa pointed out.

"Over there, a library." He said, pointing towards a large tree house with a sign of a book outside of it.

"You sure it's a library? Looks more like the keebler elf factory." Duo said, chuckling slightly.

"It probably is, unless the sign represents a book store. Still either would be beneficial to give us a clue of where we are." Quatra said.

"Anything is better then staying out here being gawked at." Wufei with some irritation as a pair of ponies stared at them, or at least a Quatra.

The pilots headed over to the tree house and slowly opened the door. Inside were shelves upon shelves of books, supporting the possibility of a book store or library. In the center was a table with a statue of a pony's head on it, sitting in a chair at the table was the lower half, for the rest of her was blocked by a wall of books on the table where her upper half and head would be, of a purple pony with a strange star like symbol on her flank. In fact the pilots realized that all the ponies outside had one, just as they did so they guessed it had to be of some importance.

"Um excuse me miss," Quatra said as he approached, "but if it is not too much trouble may we have a word?"

"Hmm?" The pony said as she looked peeked out from behind the books. Her eyes widened as she saw Quatra.

"Oh no! Oh excuse me if I knew you were coming.. but but I didn't and the princess didn't say....oh dear! SPIKE!" The pony began to panic as she jumped away from the books and tried to make the place spotless.

The four other pilots blinked in momentary confusion, while Quatra tried to calm the frantic pony down.

Quatra sighed, "Miss. Miss please why are you panicing?"

The pony, a unicorn by her horn on her head looked at Quatra and bowed, "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know a member of the royal family was coming. Please don't tell the princess how bad of a host I am please!"

Quatra blinked in confusion, and the other pilots looked at the unicorn in confusion.

"Royal family? What do you mean by that?" Quatra asked.

The pony blinked and looked at Quatra, "You...you're not a prince? But you're an Alicorn."

"Hey now we know what you are Quatra." Duo said as he walked over.

"I guess, but the prince thing is a bit much." Quatra looked back to the unicorn, who was getting up slowly.

"Miss, I'm not of this royal family. I'm sorry if I had you worried." Quatra apoligized.

The pony took a deep breath a sighed, "Oh no it's my fault. I guess I shouldn't have overreacted so much, my name is Twilight Sparkle and who are you five?"

"My name is Quatra Raberba Winner." Quatra said with a smile.

"Name's Duo Maxwell." Duo gave a friendly smirk.

Heero looked over and said simply, "Heero Yui. Pleasure."

"Trowa Barton." Trowa said simply.

"Chang Wufei ." Wufei said.

"It's nice to meet you all. Is there something I can help you with?" Twilight asked.

"Yes we were wondering if you had any books on geography of the area, maps and such?" Quatra asked, asking in a way to conceal his lack of knowledge of this world.

Twilight smiled brightly, "Of course. Right in the Equestrian Geography section." Her horn glowed with a purple aura and almost twenty books floated off the shelves and to Quatra.

Twilight looked at Quatra, obviously waiting for him to take the books. Quatra felt alarm as he was not sure how he was suppose to do what Twilight was doing. As his panic rose Quatra felt a suddenly realization in his mind, he knew what to do. He could not explain how or why, but whatever power brought them to this world also imparted the knowledge to do what the natives could do as well.

His horn glowed softly and he took the books from Twilight, "Thank you."

"Of course, glad to help." Twilight said with a smile. She then looked at Quatra for a moment, "though I have to say it is odd to see an Alicorn that is not part of the royal family. In fact it's odd to see another Alicorn at all, I though only the princesses were the only ones."

"Um well..."Quatra said as he tried to think of an explanation.

"And what did Duo mean by, know what you are now?" Twilight asked.

Duo realized his mistake and said, "Uh well..."

"In fact, your names are rather odd as well. They don't sound like any sort of pony name in Equestria." Twilight said as she rubbed her chin.

"I find it odd that your intent on interrogating us based on our names and what we look like. Frankly I don't think its any of your business right now of who we are." Wufei said with irritation over Twilights words.

Twilight blinked then blushed slightly in embarrassment, "Oh I..I wasn't...I mean...I'm sorry. I guess you are right, your new here and I really shouldn't be saying things like that, I'm really sorry."

"It's not a problem. Thank you again for the books, we will be sure to return them to you when we are done with them." Quatra said gratefully.

"Take your time," Twilight said with a smile, "its always good to see ponies ready to learn. By the way, what do you need those books for anyway? If you don't mind me asking."

"Information." Heero said.

"Yeah, we need to know a few things for something ahead. Again thank you." Quatra said as he turned to leave. The books still floating beside him and his horn still glowing.

"Of course. See you around." Twilight said as she waved goodbye.

The pilots walked out and stayed silent till they were a good distance from the library. Thankfully their were fewer ponies about staring or bowing to Quatra. And those that did quickly left the area.

"So Quatra...uh...how the heck are you doing that?" Duo asked as he pointed at Quatra's horn.

"I'm a bit curious myself. Though it must be something common here as Twilight was doing it as well." Trowa said in observation.

"I don't know, but I just felt that I knew how to do it. Though I can't explain how." Quatra said as they walked. They kept the conversation as quiet as they could so that only the five of them could hear the other.

"Hmm, wonder if the same is for these wings we got." Duo said as he extended a wing out.

"We can test what we can do later. Right now let's focus on figuring out where we are." Wufei said.

Heero nodded, "He's right. We should figure out our location and what this world is like before anything else."

"Right," Quatra said with a nod, "umm perhaps somewhere away from town."

Quatra sighed when he saw two mares bow to him as he passed. Duo just chuckled before patting his friend on the back.

"That would probably be for the best." Trowa said.

Away from Ponyville, under three on a hilltop overlooking the town the five gundam pilots were busy reading through the various books they had acquired from Twilight. The language seemed alien at first, but they found themselves able to understand and read the words. As well, Duo was amazed to find that he could hold a book with his hooves, that fact alone was a surprise to the pilots for a moment.

"This is so awesome. Not sure how I do it but it is awesome." Duo said as he turned the page of a book.

"You've been saying that for the past hour." Wufei said with irritation.

"I know, but it's just so cool." Duo said one last time.

Wufei rubbed his head and returned to his book.

"From what we have gathered, we can say for a fact that we arn't on earth anymore. In fact I would be surprised if we were." Quatra said as he closed his book and added it to the rest of already finished books.

Heero put his away as well, finishing the last page, "So it seems. I'm willing to guess that strange creature we saw in death sent us here, alive and young again."

"Agreed. Though I want to know why." Trowa said as he tried to figure out what possible reason it could be.

"These books tell us the geography, but not much on the history of this place." Wufei said as he put his away.

"Still, it should allow us to create a good cover should someone ask where we came from." Heero said.

"So what should we do now?" Duo asked.

"Well we can return the books, though after that we should acquire some on the history of this place called Equestria." Quatra said.

The other pilots nodded and they gathered up the books and made their way back to town. Along the way they noticed that the streets were very very empty. Old combat instinct was telling the pilots to prepare, but for what they didn't know.

"I don't like this, I feel like we're walking into something." Heero said as he looked around.

"Yeah, its quiet. To quiet." Duo said with a slight smirk at the reference.

As the five reached the door of the library, the door suddenly burst open with a blast of confetti.


Sorry for the long wait. Life gets busy right now as I need to focus on my grades and such. I'll probably be having a beta reader soon :) so I will be going back in the previous chapters to edit them more later. For now do enjoy this new update :)

Comments ( 38 )

I believe that the reference is to episode 3.

Still, I like the last one the best.:pinkiesmile:

Can't wait for the next chapter.

YYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmy favorite gundam pilets withmy number 1 girly girl cartoon show that we bronies love i just hope my #1 gundam is in this as well (if you dont already know YOU sir need to work on your detective skills) :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::moustache::moustache::twilightangry2::facehoof::twilightblush::twilightoops:

I love you for the new chapter.

Brilliantly written my friend, though there's one thing I would like to mention. I think it would better fit the personalities if Heero and Wufei switched a few of their lines... at least with the annoyed and serious part. That's what I felt when reading this... but as it is now it works as well since they are so similar in character. In hindsight your version is probably the more accurate one since Heero rarely shows much emotion from what I remember from the show.

Now enough of my critique and let me congratulate you on another well written well made Chapter.
Speaking of new Chapter... when does this play in the MLP universe? Maybe you mentioned it somewhere, if so I didn't see the woods through the trees, but does this take during or after season 2? If it plays DURING season 2 I can't wait to see how the Pilots kick the ever loving chiting off the CHangelings during the wedding. THAT would be a fight they would be most comfortable in... not to mention they would show up the royal guards without breaking a sweat.

And Pinkie just sighed her death warrant... never surprise a Gundam Pilot (especially Heero Yui)

1452569 Yes Five Gundams Confirmed

1455435 Eyup

Heero: Pinkie:pinkiehappy:
Quatra: Twilight:twilightsmile:
Trowa: Fluttershy:yay:
Duo: Applejack:ajsmug:
Wufei: Rainbow:rainbowdetermined2:

1458045 I'm guessing those are desired pairings?

Yes and pairing I think would work out

Heero: Twilight :twilightsmile:

Duo: Rainbow Dash :rainbowdetermined2:

Trowa: Rarity :raritywink:

Quatra: Fluttershy :yay:

Wufei: Applejack :ajsmug:

If you want to know wha I choose this pairings then ya'all should take a look at the lates Block from Shadowwalking 18, my comment there should clear it up.

I saw what you did with the chapter title, I would even say I predicted with the ZERO System had it not be for the fact that I was the one who gave you the idea in the first place, Great Job:moustache:

Now it will be interesting to see the reactions of the Gundam Pilots at their "Ambush" (read Surprise Party)... EVERYPONY COMBAT STANCES INMEDIATLY!

Well, since in Chapter one you said was left implied that all the Gundam Pilots died of old age, would that imply the fact that you're going to make refferences to Frozen Teardroops?(even despites a lot of many Gundam Wing Fans seems to not acknowlodge it as Canon even when it is...), I hope not completely, because it would make things way too complicated...or not?:trollestia:

As for the whole Space Battleshipping issue, I may propose something a little different but maybe workable if used right:

Odin Lowe Jr. (AKA:Red One, Black Alpha, Zero-One, Duo Maxwell, Lancaster, Heero Yuy.)/Fluttershy:fluttershysad:

Duo Maxwell (AKA: The God of Death, Father Maxwell)/ Love Triangle beteween Applejack:ajsmug: and Rainbow Dash:rainbowkiss:

Triton Bloom (AKA: Nanashi, No-Name, Trowa Barton, Gundam Pilot 03, Doktor T)/Pinkie Pie:pinkiehappy:

Quatre Raberba Winner *Yes that's how his actual name is written, check it in any Gundam Wiki or in GundamOfficial.com*(AKA: Instructor W)/Rarity:raritystarry:

Chang Wufei (AKA: Master Chang)/Twilight Sparkle:twilightsmile:

Prince Milliardo Peacecraft (AKA: Lieutenant Colonel Zechs Merquise, The Lightning Baron/Count, Preventer Wind, Mars Federation President Cyrene Wind)/Princess Luna

Commander Terize Kushrenada/Princess Celestia:trollestia:

Well, If anyone excuse me, I'm going to play hide and seek With Filly Derpy in that Mobile-Suit manufacturing plant over there, Whoever finds each other first gets a muffin!...*same as the one in Heero's flashback*


*We see the whole factory destroyed, blown away sky high and many mobile suits destroye as well, even the rest of a wrecked OZ-MS06 Leo over what used to be an apartament building and a boy in an olive green tank top and brown shorts looking among the deribs and finding something... While I and Derpy look away from a nearby park

Me:... W-what... the... tartarus just happend!?
:derpyderp1:: ....i JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG!, I just moved that thing over there and then it went boom!
Me: ...

heero and (if luna is an option go for that but if no) go with:pinkiehappy:
god of death and :rainbowlaugh: cuase comon who else
trowa and :flutterrage: cuase the whole circus animal thing
quatra and :raritywink:she can make alicorn suits
wufei and :ajbemused: both have a sense of honnor and bucking trees is a good way to train so win win
:twilightsheepish: gets no one to study i mean get to know

1455076 I guess it would be like the whole Lake Victoria Incident or the battle against Marimeia's army... I do hope the have either their Mobile-Suits or those had been actually transformed into full-body armor(with Face-mask incluide) that still have each and every hability of their mobile-suit form, then again the changelings would try to confuse them by turning into each and everyone of them... without knowing is useless thanks to the IFF transponder installed on the suits

1470081 While I can't really support the "all abilities and knick knacks" idea (with their weapons it would be simple overkill, especially Zero's Buster Rifle) I CAN support the idea that their suits turned into actual armor... as for seeing through the ruse of the changelings that's even easier since they know each others fighting styles to the T... the Changelings don't. simple as that. In the movie Endless waltz Duo simply recognised Trowa by his fighting style.

You are supposed to 'are'nt' not 'arnt'

I can already tell that Quatre is going to have lots of awkward moments.:twilightoops:

1470380 But what if instead of getting all their weapons as such they get magic equivalent ones, more like Zero, Rock, Battle, Nataku and Deed from Superior Deffender Gundam Force?

I can't wait for this to update!!!!:pinkiehappy:

1459508 The title of chapter three is a direct and obvious reference to Gundam Wing Episode Three, "Five New Gundams Confirmed.":ajsmug:

Now where's my Derpy?

1467117 What makes you so sure Treize and Milliardo will even appear in this fic?:ajbemused:

...And that's how EVERY Gundam crossover on this site died.

I am still wondering when the Royal Guards will start fraintically screamming in panic "IT'S A GUUUUUNNNNDAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!"

Loving the story varry good so far best gundam crossover yet. Mind i only seen 3 others one has dash as a gundam pilot one is a one year war cross and the last is the poies reenacting g-gundam. but out of the 4 ive read and falow yours is the best turning the gundam pilots that got me hooked on gundam to ponys you are 20% cooler then any writer here.:rainbowdetermined2:


No Im just on my last year of college and have six classes to do so a bit busy :( sorry about that I will get back to the stories when I get a bit more free time. Once I finish some papers I have to write that should be it, if not will be after I finish my classes which are very important.



nice try little parasprite, nice try:ajbemused:

I predicted with Epyon System that somepony's jimmies are rustled.:trollestia:
But seriously, are you really THAT obsesses with shipping that you insist on shipping Treize (who died, like, decades before Frozen Teardrop) with Celestia even though it is clear that he won't be in this story?


well, at least you used a good tactcal combat information management, at least you didn't use THE L.E.O. System:trollestia:

I could have gone for Rocche Naoto but that could have mean another Char Clone... althought thinking about it, suggesting him to get into the stoy along with Zechs would have made it look like Char Aznable and Jhonny Riden working together in a single camping....:rainbowderp: .... I STAND CORRECTED, THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!!!

I just put as an option Trieze because I didn't think characters from G-Unit would Cut it, let alone Tiel's Impuse and Blind Target at first

And just like that it dead

Any chance we could se a fouth chapter in the forseable future, like saying... before the actual calendary changes into After Colony/Mars Century?

Damn it, stop teasing me. Also it's a good thing the Gundam Pilots are unarmed for that "ambush".


Triton. Trowa's real name before his injury that gave him amnesia. I know.

I too love the show a lot, and it took a bit of effort to get this started. I am hesitant each time I write a chapter for it, due to the fact I don't want to get anything wrong. Want to be a editor and proof reader?

5352785 Really:raritystarry:? That'd be amazing! I'm not to great about catching typos and such (I'm okay, just not great), but I love characters and have pored over Wing pretty much my whole life. I know the characters very well, and if you're hesitant to write because you aren't sure you're getting their personalities down, it'd be an honor to help you polish out the kinks. Also, it's good to hear someone who knows Trowa's backstory. I swear, every Gundam Wing fan who hasn't read Episode Zero ships Trowa with Catherine:pinkiesick:. But yeah, if you want help, I'd consider it a privilege to!

This fanfic is great I never thought I’ll see them again you did an amazing job

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