• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)


Comments ( 76 )

Loved it! Instant like and fave!

What was your favorite part?

Giving her heart to one, but her body to many? I bet Cadance is proud! :rainbowlaugh:

I hear another sequel coming... Cadance wants to weigh in.

7284441 I'm perfectly fine with another Twilight and Rainbow-orgy. :rainbowwild:
Lots of possibilities, role play, a little bit punishment, getting them introduced into some anal fun ...

Nevertheless, great story! :twilightsmile:
Looking forward to the sequel.

Heh, your pic looks awfully familiar...

7284582 Lucky coincidence, isn't it? :scootangel:

holy hell, that was hot as fuck. You earned a like my friend.:twilightsmile:

What was your favorite part?

Sounds like Night Spear is going to get a very different type of tongue lashing shortly.

C'est la vie.
(Pardon my French.)

This was really hot, but then you stopped right at the best bit. I was looking forward to some Twilight Rainbow bonding, and it never happened. Bit disappointing, but still a very hot story.

Gangbangs with lotsa cum are my jam! I just wish it was a little longer.

Eh, Twidash alone has been done. And done. And done.

What would be added to make it longer?

7286575 I know, I'm even writing one, still good to have in a story.

A little harsh there, but the title is atrocious.

What can I do, though? The title to the original, "Dream Cum True" was mandated by the commission I got, and the title for the sequel was too good an opportunity to pass up.

I know I really should have expected it from the title, but the cum fetish was still a lot more than I'd hoped. :applejackunsure:


Congratulations. After being part of this site for over a year, you managed to get downvoted harder and faster than anyone else I've ever seen. And I've seen some pretty toxic motherfuckers.

So, uh. Why doesn't Twilight have wings in the cover art? Were they surgically removed after the first fic?

7288439 Maybe the guards fucked her wings off? :rainbowlaugh:

7289077 Alright there sweetie, time to take it down a notch. I would show you to the exit door, but the sheer size of your entitled opinion might block your otherwise graceful departure.

Now, I'm fairly certain telling someone to kill themselves is a ban-able offense on this site, and rather than report you myself, I'm going to leave it up to Dirty Little Secret to do so. Seeing how you've been on the site for less than two weeks at this stage according to your profile, I doubt that'd mean any sort of loss for you. That's not to say you've been using alternate accounts either, so I could be wrong with how long you've been active with the site.

This site is not full of, as you so eloquently put it, 'sensitive pussies'. I'm fairly certain such an overwhelmingly negative reaction to your initial comment means said comment was completely and utterly unnecessary, thus people will downvote it purely because you told someone to "kill themself". I can say that, with all due authority, if I went and left such an asinine comment on someone's story, that it too would receive an innumerable amount of downvotes.

And given how you said "I'm gonna guess this site is full of sensitive pussies then", that just further reinforces my hypothesis that you've been on this site for less than two weeks, and thus you have much to learn about what goes on here.

I've been active on this site for an excess of three years (registered for less than that), and I've been around to spot the subtle differences in how people convey themselves through their comments. From the gross lack of grammar and punctuation in some, to the downright stupidity and ignorance in others, and you fall into the latter category. So please, before you go around inadvertently painting yourself as this huge asshole, have a bit of courtesy and abstain from making such comments. That, or find a more jovial way of structuring that kind of comment. Words to that effect might include: "That title makes me want to punch a wall." or "That title makes me want to smash my keyboard over my head." You get the idea yet?

Being a nice person takes you a lot further than being a douche, Hon :twilightsmile:

I'mma get this out of the way.

Did you ever see something so stupid, so bad, yet so funny, that it made you want to grab the nearest object and smash it over your head? That title made me wanna do that :rainbowlaugh:

But anyway, review time.

I felt the story to be rather fragmented.

For example:

He closed the gaping window and placed his trademark spear between Rainbow and Twilight in one smooth motion

Which did he do first? He would have had to run past Rainbow to get to the window and shut it, then run back past her again in order to put his spear between the two. Doesn't seem very professional to run past a possible assailant twice to close a window then to stand between the one whom you're guarding and the assailant. Your usage of 'and' implies he did everything at once.

Then this:

Twilight berated herself a little on the inside. She should have known that Rainbow could always say something worse.

You know what a comma splice is eh? I feel like that period/full-stop could be replaced with a semi-colon to read a bit better.

Another thing I noticed is that a good amount of your paragraphs don't extend beyond four lines (maybe sixty percent?), which I find tends to break immersion.

I don't know if there's a drop in the story's quality, or if it's me reading this at 1am thus messing with my ability to think straight.

At the end of the day, to put myself out there, I can lend a hand with editing/proofreading if needed. This story is like a diamond in the rough, and with a.... few... fixes, could become a much better read.


Telling someone to kill themselves might just get you decked irl, and you'd deserve it. Downvotes do nothing other than show how much people dislike your opinion. Unless you get banned, which you deserve BTW since you broke one of the few rules of conduct, you're getting off pretty easy.

"Dusky Fluffentuft"

Ok, that is the most ridiculous name I've ever come across. The effect is only emphasised by context.

I actually cringed at that title, i know it's porn, but really?

Yeah, but who doesn't like cum?

That downvote brigade was pretty impressive.

Because art is hard, and I'm a writer, primarily. :rainbowwild:
Also, honestly, I didn't take this story terribly seriously, so I didn't feel like the effort of making the cover art correct would be worthwhile.

Is there some site somewhere that isn't?

New headcanon approved!


rather than report you myself, I'm going to leave it up to Dirty Little Secret to do so.

Well, I'm not going to do it.
Too much of a free speech advocate, myself.
The Fimfic staff can police what can and can't be said in comments on their own -- without my help.
(Also, I doubt there's anything anyone could type in the comments that would actually hurt my feelings. There's nobody I respect so much that I'd let their opinion of me get me down.)


Which did he do first? He would have had to run past Rainbow to get to the window and shut it, then run back past her again in order to put his spear between the two. Doesn't seem very professional to run past a possible assailant twice to close a window then to stand between the one whom you're guarding and the assailant. Your usage of 'and' implies he did everything at once.

Well, that probably reflects my own uncertainty of what he should have done first? Is it more important to stop the known intruder, or to fix the security breach and prevent the intruder's possible accomplices from entering? Stopping a known threat rather than an unknown potential threat seems more important, but what might sway it in the other direction is that he has no backup: while he might be able to handle the single intruder, if more come in it's very unlikely he'll be able to stop them.

And since it wasn't terribly important to the story, I did kind of attempt to gloss over it.

Then this:

Twilight berated herself a little on the inside. She should have known that Rainbow could always say something worse.

You know what a comma splice is eh? I feel like that period/full-stop could be replaced with a semi-colon to read a bit better.

Oh, I know all too well what a splice is. And I've put a lot of hard work into breaking myself out of the habit of using them too much. And I've especially been trying to avoid the overuse of semicolons. Maybe I've gone too far.
(I bet you see what I did there! :rainbowwild:)

Another thing I noticed is that a good amount of your paragraphs don't extend beyond four lines (maybe sixty percent?), which I find tends to break immersion.

Now that's an interesting thing to hear. I've never heard of paragraph length being something that breaks immersion.
The trick, I suppose, is in fixing it. Do you think existing paragraphs should be merged, or do you think existing paragraphs should be added onto to become longer? And if I could really ask too much out of a comment reply, could you perhaps find an example or two where you think that should be done?

I don't know if there's a drop in the story's quality, or if it's me reading this at 1am thus messing with my ability to think straight.

Well, to be painfully honest, I don't put a ton of effort into a one-shot clop sequel of a one-shot clopfic, so it was all written in a couple sittings and had only one proofreading/editing pass through it before publishing.
So, yeah, I didn't really expect it to be my highest-quality work ever... but still, I'd hope it came out acceptable.

At the end of the day, to put myself out there, I can lend a hand with editing/proofreading if needed. This story is like a diamond in the rough, and with a.... few... fixes, could become a much better read.

I wouldn't mind that. :twilightsmile: I don't often get third party proofreaders/editors anymore, and it might be useful to get your opinions about this one.
(Oh, and by the way, this kind of comment is my favorite kind of: one that has insightful things to say about the craft that went into the writing!)

Obviously, you've never read my story featuring Thundernight Moonglade Kerfluffle Fangling! :twilightsmile:
Actually, if you've read my other stories, you might notice that several of the bat pony guards borrow parts of their names from other famous bat ponies of mine. ^.^ I like to think that most of them are related.

Believe me: nobody cringes at the title harder than I do!
But it had to be done.


Someone killing themselves shouldn't be a joke to you. That's not funny, it's inhumane, no one laughed and you're an immature piece of shit for saying it. I dare you to tell someone to kill themselves just a few times in real life and see how quickly you get your face inverted.


A sequel. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Now that's an interesting thing to hear. I've never heard of paragraph length being something that breaks immersion.

The trick, I suppose, is in fixing it. Do you think existing paragraphs should be merged, or do you think existing paragraphs should be added onto to become longer? And if I could really ask too much out of a comment reply, could you perhaps find an example or two where you think that should be done?

Alright, I'll humour you. Marshall Twilight, whom writes good stories tends to not let his paragraphs extend beyond 4 lines. As an example, click this and just scan through the page to see what I mean.

What I try to remember about paragraphs is something I was taught in school: paragraphs should always be between 4 - 8 lines, and anything beyond that tends to become a 'brick' of text to an extend. I've seen a few people write 15 line paragraphs, and the point about something that long is they're a chore to read through.

Longer paragraphs (of a reasonable length) are supposed to build immersion and give depth to the story. Without immersion and depth, you can't really expect to grab your reader's attention with it.

Here's an example:

“Not with that attitude!”

Twilight just shook her head. The things that Rainbow went on about sometimes... Nopony could never guess what might come out of that little blue mare's mouth next. At least it couldn't get any worse, right?

“So...” Rainbow leaned in conspiratorially close. That was never a good sign. “Which one of your new vampony guards has the biggest wang?”

This can all be one paragraph. Rainbow is speaking in both examples of dialogue, so having exposition about what another character is doing between different dialogue clauses of the same character is fine. In the strike-through of Rainbow's name, you could probably replace that with just 'she' on combining everything. There is a matter of perspective that comes into it, and while a character is speaking, things happening during their dialogue can be from their perspective while maintaining the 3rd person perspective on Twilight.

Same problem here:

“You met all of them at Pinkie's 'Nighttime Bat-Welcoming Bash'.”

Rainbow just stared at her from under heavy brows. The point had been made.

“Oh for pony's sake!” Twilight stood up, shaking her hoof at Rainbow. “Don't you get enough action already?”

This is all the same clause:

“Granted.” Really, Twilight impressed even herself with how well she'd adapted to the role of being in charge. “Starglide and Squeaks, help him with Rainbow Dash.” She headed for the other end of the line, more slowly and more assuredly than Rainbow had. “Spear, Midnight, Dusky – you three are mine.”

Her guards knew their stuff by now, and even if they hadn't ever been shared with another mare, they knew what to do. Midnight Fray was behind her in moments, already getting lined up with her entrance as her tail rose. Night Spear and Dusky Fluffentuft were stepping in front of her, side by side, when she stopped them.

That's a few examples, and don't get me wrong, I simply cannot be arsed to comb through the entire thing (as short as it is) to fix something that you seemed to be rather relaxed towards.

this kind of comment is my favorite kind of: one that has insightful things to say about the craft that went into the writing!

If I come across a story I genuinely like but find hard to read because of of arguably avoidable issues, then I'll always leave some constructive feedback on what could do to be improved.

After all, it beats telling someone to kill themselves any day :rainbowlaugh:

That was interesting... Makes me wish I could know what it is like... Too bad there are no batponies in this realm in which we are not all ponies ourselves.

7289077 OR! or maybe...

You're just an asshole.

Now, as I said before, I'm all for free speech...
But perhaps this isn't the time and place for this particular discussion?
Could I ask that you simmer down, or at least move it to PM's?

Alas for the lack of ponies!

Well, two things:
A) I wrote this in a different font, which affects how many 'lines' there are per paragraph. I write with a different font in every different story, but this time it was a relatively large one, which may have skewed my perception of how long my paragraphs were.
B) But what about the rule of different characters' thoughs/actions/dialogs being put into separate paragraphs? :raritydespair: In most of your examples, it's separated because a different character has a distinct thought/action between the other character's different lines of dialog.

Oh... and what if instead of a blank line between paragraphs, I had instead indented paragraphs? Would that also provide the immersion via formatting you crave?

Most girls. Like me. Who's a lesbian. (Actually I'm bi, but I waaaay prefer girls)

So yeah, cum is a huge turn-off.

I am continually amazed at the diversity of audience my stories tend to collect.

And I guess I have my answer. Who doesn't like cum? Lesbians, that's who. Makes sense.

This story is a sequel to Dream Cum True
This time, Twilight shares her guards with Rainbow. But maybe the guards aren't really who Rainbow is interested in...

Oh...Oh yes.


Just thought I'd fix your spelling mistake.


Hopefully the story lives up to that kind of enthusiasm.

7299460 this is a sequel of Dream Come True, read the description

7329568 No excuse for misspelling. We have god damn Autocorrect functions on computers nowadays.

It's not a misspelling if it's intentional.

7331658 I was joking.

See, this is why we need a way for people to see our faces, so they can tell that we are joking or being serious rather than having to go by wording. XD

7341249 That...is...not a bad idea, but I think pass on it. I'm doing an animation project right now.

Hehe that was a fun story.
Cant wait to see part basically a orgy of 12 ponies lol

That sounds like a lot of work to write...

then skip to the orgy then :P
ether way nice story a lot of fun to read lol

I just have one thing to say...


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