• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 3,283 Views, 186 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 4 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

Together for Better PT1

It had been a very interesting year for both Earth, and Equestria. It was hard to believe that so much has happened over the course of one Earth year. At the beginning, the group known as the Crystal Gems started off with only four members, secluded on Earth for many years since winning Earth from Homeworld in their struggle. Incredible to think then; now their group had increased by nine more Gems, and even more so, Homeworld was now on better terms with them. All of this, and it began with the introduction of the Mane Six, otherwise known as the Elements of Harmony. The Ponies and their world surely had made things interesting, for better or worse depending on the situations. So much had been achieved over one year, and the Gems and Ponies couldn't be happier for it, even if it had been a bumpy ride. Speaking of year ...

"Happy Anniversary!"

At the Beach House, there was a big surprise awaiting for one of the Gems in particular. The second she entered through the Beach House door, she was soon caught in somepony's confetti-filled party cannon. The Gem in question was named Lapis Lazuli, and the ones celebrating were Pinkie and Steven (for the start anyway). Lapis didn't expect this sudden surprise, but the others came to the conclusion that it was going to happen.

"Anniversary?" Lapis questioned, as she never heard of one exactly.

"Yeah! It's your one-year anniversary Lapis, for joining the Crystal Gems," Steven said with a happy grin. Lapis took a moment to think back on it. She remembered well on how she met Steven, but didn't realize how much time passed since then.

"Wow, one year already? I didn't even notice," Lapis joked. Soon, she suddenly saw that Steven had something in his hands, holding it out to her. For what it was, Lapis saw that Steven had a gift for her; a straw hat, with blue ribbon and a cute fake dolphin on its rim.

"Ta-da," Steven said as he presented the hat to Lapis. Lapis tried the hat on, which was a perfect fit. Plus it looked rather nice on her head.

"Aww, Steven that's so sweet, I love it. Thanks," Lapis said, she and Steven sharing a sweet hug. It was a nice gift to get from her favorite human. Soon though, Pinkie hopped in between them.

"Come on you two, the party's waiting!" Pinkie beamed.


It wouldn't be a Pinkie Pie party without a party to celebrate with. Lapis was brought right over to the barn by Steven and Pinkie, where the party was to take place. Lapis soon saw that many of the Gems and Ponies were also there, as requested by the two party planners. The place was completely decorated with all sorts of streamers, balloons, and other party favors. The barn was cleared out so they could dance inside, which itself wasn't easy to do. There was also a table set up for some goodies to have for later, even if some of the other Gems detest that. While not every Gem in the Crystal Gems or every pony in the Mane Six could make it, it was still quite a party, and it didn't take long before the anniversary Gem was getting into it. The party was made more like a birthday party than an anniversary, but it was still fun to do. It wasn't just her though; others in the group like Amethyst, Rainbow Dash, Fulgurite, and Emerald all were basically having a blast at the party, though some others were still more mellow. Even Connie, after much convincing to her parents, was able to join the festivity with the others. Over at the table though, one of the Gems, Flint, eventually turned over to Steven close by.

"Eh, Steven. While it is appreciated for you ... Putting faces on things," Flint began, holding one of the balloons which had a silly face on it. "But, aren't we a little mature for this -" Before he could finish, suddenly Lapis popped up next to him, soon staring him face to face. She had a party blower in her mouth, and on each one of her fingers. With a smile, Lapis blew the party blower right in Flint's face, quickly moving off out of the way before he could do anything. It may be just an anniversary, but Lapis Lazuli was a child at heart, and she enjoyed it all the same. Flint felt a little embarrassed, as Amethyst and Fulgurite snickered quietly nearby. Even Connie and Jade smiled, trying not to giggle themselves. Flint could only sigh; he couldn't really get mad at Jade for finding it funny.

As for the party, then came the dancefloor. Some of the Gems were already dancing away, when Steven began to head over. At the moment, Connie was also inside, standing aside though and watching the others dance. For those dancing, they were basically having a good time in their own way. Some (Pearl for example) danced with more grace while others (Amethyst or Peridot) pretty much went all out. When Steven saw Connie standing aside, he went right over to her.

"Will you join me?" Steven asked, a bit more formally than needed. Connie began to feel a little sheepish; yeah she knew the Gems to some degree, but, performing in front of a crowd just wasn't her. Steven though didn't had such problems.

"Uh, I dunno Steven, I really don't think ..."

"Take my hand," Steven said, extending his hand out. After a little bit, Connie decided to try. She trusted Steven more than most, and if Steven thought it was alright, then very well. Guided by Steven, the two kids went out onto the dancefloor, the other Gems around them both and dancing away. The music was the perfect beat to have them both dance to, so there was a plus. Steven soon started dancing with the music, though Connie needed a bit before she started to dance herself. Like Pearl, Connie's dancing was more steady and flowing while Steven was more of a party boy vibe; energetic and fun-filled. Connie slowly began to enjoy it more and more, and soon forgot to be worried. Since the two were close to the center of the dancefloor, it didn't take very long before someone from the crowd ended up noticing.

"Psst, Pearl, look," Lapis said, pointing to the two. Seeing the two dance together was simply cute to see. Connie and Steven even went off in a duet dance together, both kids enjoying the moment together. Steven was happy, Connie was happy, it was all good ...

But, something started to glow ...

Steven's gemstone!

"Wait, what's that?" Peridot asked, once she noticed the glow increasing. Connie and Steven (both eyes closed, focusing on the beat), didn't really notice the increasing glow. The brighter the glow, the more noticeable it was. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, both Connie and Steven began to glow bright white, the only main sight being Steven's gemstone hovering amongst the bright light mesh. They all could still hear the laughter of the two kids, beginning to turn into one.

Then it happened.

After the light faded, the others got a better view of what just happened. First of all Connie and Steven were missing, which was surprising in of itself. However, it's who was there that was shocking. Calming down from laughing, another person entirely was standing there. She was tall, a few inches away from matching Garnet's height excluding hair, with tan skin and dark brown poofy hair that went down past her shoulders, right down her back. She looked downright beautiful; smooth womanly curves, and a sweet face. As for clothes, she had a pair of blue shorts, and Steven's signature star shirt with a extra flowy light blue skirt, though the skirt just reached to her upper stomach like the shirt. She also didn't had any shoes on, some noted. Once she opened her eyes, only then did she realized something was different. She even had Steven's gemstone on her stomach.

"W-Wha? What happened? Everything's shorter now," she said, trying to comprehend what happened herself. Not a voice answered her at first, shocked and speechless, but Pinkie Pie ...

"OMG! NEW FUSION!" she yelled out in excitement, celebrating with another party cannon blast at the girl. A new fusion? She turned to the others, and saw they were left surprised as well. It was then she looked at herself, seeing she was taller, more matured, and having a more womanly body. Soon, she looked surprised, but it shifted towards excitement after a little bit.

"Whoa, look at you!" she said, seemingly talking to herself. Her expression turned stern, as she took a deep breath.

"I'm a fusion," she stated. The Gems and ponies couldn't even comprehend what happened, but after thinking and thinking more clearly, some took this as exciting.

"Holy smokes," Peridot said. When Amethyst turned off to the side a little, she then started to snicker when she saw Garnet, who had a big smile, her hands in front of her mouth. Guess she was happy about this. Pinkie took this opportunity in her hooves, and hopped right into her hair. The fusion's hair was soft, and enough to cover her up.

"W-What? But, how, this shouldn't - I. I'm speechless," Pearl said, looking her over a bit. Amethyst wasn't though, and hugged her, looking up to her.

"Wow! You two look great together! How does it feel Steven? Connie? ... Stevonnie?" Amethyst said, completely psyched. Guess they got her name, at least. Stevonnie still was beside herself, the first time being fused and all. Still, after a little bit, Stevonnie smiled.

"It feels great!" Stevonnie decided. Pinkie popped up from Stevonnie's hair, her front hooves around Stevonnie's shoulders like she was getting a piggy back ride, as Lapis and Garnet went over.

"This is amazing! Steven's first ever fusion - how sweet is that?" Lapis said, very excited.

"Doesn't look half-bad either," added Emerald, with a wink. It was right there though, that Pinkie Pie just realized something, a dramatic gasp escaping her mouth as she jumped out of Stevonnie's hair. Today was Lapis's anniversary, yes, but with a brand new first time fusion at the same time, that meant one thing ...

"We have TWO celebrations; Happy birthday Stevonnie!" Pinkie beamed, getting Stevonnie a party hat, and blowing a party blower at her face. Stevonnie kinda jumped from that (who wouldn't when it came to Pinkie), though she was technically right. The only one who wasn't too excited, and more stern with this sudden occurrence was Flint, thinking over what exactly should be done with this. Two Gems fusing was fine, but two humans fusing like this was something entirely new to everyone, nevermind just him.

"Man, Twilight will flip when she hears about this," Rainbow said (Twilight couldn't make it to the party this time around). However, Pearl - although happy to see them fuse, felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't know how to put it, but soon she just tried it anyway.

"Hold on a minute. Steven, Connie, as great as you two might feel, I suggest you two un-fuse this instant," Pearl got out. Stevonnie felt puzzled.

"Aww, what? But we just got this!" Stevonnie protested, referring to Steven and Connie.

"This is far too different, and you know it. Un-fuse at once," Flint suddenly ordered, agreeing with Pearl's troubles. However, Stevonnie didn't; they just got this fusion to work, and they didn't want to get out of it right away. Besides, being fused was something exciting to say the least, and phenomenal at most. Flint felt rough on it though.

"Garnet, help me out here," Flint firmly stated, thinking that Garnet would be wanting it too. Instead, though, Garnet moved over to Stevonnie, resting her hand on her shoulder.

"Stevonnie. You're no longer two people. You are no longer one person. You are an experience. Make sure it's a good experience," Garnet advised, ecstatic about it same as a few others. While Pearl didn't worry too much, Flint was losing patience.

"What? Garnet, they just fused, aren't you even a little bit -"

"Flint, calm down. Don't worry, Stevonnie. Go have fun," Garnet decided. Stevonnie was happy to hear that, but Flint still wasn't sure about this. He knows fusions, and he knows what troubles they come with. Having two organic species doing an inorganic fusion could spell trouble for both of them - as far as he knew anyway. As for Stevonnie, the newcomer fusion couldn't wait to get rolling, and Lapis wanting to join in too (what other chance was there to join this?)

"Thanks you, Garnet," Stevonnie said with a smile.

"So, what do you want to do with this, Stevonnie?" Lapis asked. The anniversary was fun, but adding a new fusion was even better. Flint just kept an eye on Stevonnie for a while as they thought over what to do, Jade seeing him.

"Um, Flint? I know your worried, but ... Well, maybe you should just let them try it," Jade said. Flint couldn't believe his ears.

"Jade, this is fusion we're talking about."

"I know it is, it's new for everyone. But they don't seem to be having trouble with it. Look," Jade said. Flint looked and saw they both were happy, but he only took it as just from experiencing something new and different. It was at this point, Stevonnie and Lapis both went out of the barn, decided to show the others what happened. Garnet couldn't be more proud of the two; their relationship defying the impossible pretty much. Still, she sensed that Flint still was on the edge of things ...


While the party was being cleaned up, the attention shifted towards the new fusion at this point. Stevonnie was joined up by Lapis for the first part, as everybody and everypony else were doing other things. The first thing they had in mind on doing was going off to show off what Connie and Steven did. Such a big accomplishment shouldn't go without showing the others. After some thinking on it, Lapis and Stevonnie went right on back to the Beach House. Stevonnie was still trying to get used to walking with her new body, since the two people fused to make her were much shorter. Lapis though was there, and she was more than happy to help her out until she was more used to it.

As for who they were seeing first, the first Gem they were going off to check out was Jasper. While the anniversary was a nice reason, Jasper just wasn't the one to be involved in such a party, even if it was by Pinkie Pie. It took some walking around, but eventually Jasper was found over by an isolated part of the beach; the same beach where she had been basically training since staying with the Gems. When Lapis Lazuli and Stevonnie had found her, Jasper had just finished smoothing out the rock wall with her pounding fists - typical pastime. The orange Quartz blew off some stray pebbles and dust from her fist, and only then did Lapis get her attention.

"Jasper, Jasper! You got to see this!" Lapis called, waving to her as she went right up to her.

"What's the matter, Lapis, I'm in the middle of something here," Jasper replied, only seeing her at first. After a little bit though, Stevonnie went right out to show Jasper herself. Lapis went right over to Stevonnie, posing like she was presenting her to Jasper. For Jasper, the newcomer just seemed like a regular human to her. Yeah, the gemstone was oddly familiar, but honestly, her reaction wasn't as big as the other two had expected.

"Um ... She's just a human, Lapis, I know what a human is," Jasper said, unimpressed.

"Jasper, this is Stevonnie, this is Steven and Connie's fusion!" Lapis cleared up, Stevonnie waving hello with a big smile. When that was said, Jasper's expression turned to disbelief, eyes wide. Steven? A fusion? Fusion with who?! Jasper looked down to Stevonnie.

"... Steven ... Fused? Wait, Connie?" Jasper asked, looking over Stevonnie up and down. Stevonnie felt a little uncomfortable from Jasper's lookover, probably from Connie's side showing up here.

"But, isn't Connie one of Steven's human friends?" Jasper wondered.

"I know right? It's incredible!" Lapis beamed, almost taking off again into the air. Jasper was still trying to comprehend the fact that two humans fused with eachother like two Gems do. Eventually though, Jasper shook off her shock, and straightened up again, looking down to Stevonnie.

"You two do realize you've done the impossible, don't you?" Jasper asked. The Steven side of Stevonnie smiled big, and gave Jasper a thumbs up. Guess that answered that question. Before Lapis, Jasper, or Stevonnie could go on, they then began to hear a sort of leonine groan close by. Turning around, they suddenly saw their Lion coming over. Alongside the Gem dog Blue, He'd picked up a similar scent a while back, and followed it to where Stevonnie was. However, once Lion saw Stevonnie, he looked just a little taken aback by the sight. Stevonnie though was excited, and went right over towards Lion.

"Hi Lion!" Stevonnie said, arms wide for a hug. Blue, not recognizing Stevonnie, quickly backed up with his tail between his legs, but Lion allowed Stevonnie to hug him. He even rubbed against her as she did so, knowing very well who it was unlike Blue. While hugging Lion was nice, Stevonnie soon noticed Blue cowering away.

"No, no, no, Blue it's me; Steven," Stevonnie said. Blue didn't comprehend it as fast, letting his nose go to work in sniffing out who was in front of him. His nose picked up Steven's scent, but it also picked up Connie's scent at the same time, mixing things up for the pup. Blue shook his head, rubbing his nose with his paw after a while. Lion though suffered no such problem, rubbing against Stevonnie like a pampered cat. Lion wasn't as confused as Blue and Jasper were, but not as excited as Lapis Lazuli either. He was more content like Garnet, if compared to anyone. Lapis went over to comfort Blue after a bit, rubbing his head so Blue's confused-caused headache would relax a little bit. Lapis was happy that Lion was good with this fusion, though Jasper was still beside herself with this concept just thrown at her. Jasper was a Gem who once detested fusion altogether, nevermind fusing with other species.

"Did anyone else see this, Lapis? This is unnatural."

Before Lapis, or Stevonnie could answer, Lion actually growled at Jasper's rough comment. Lion didn't had a problem with it, and insulting Stevonnie wasn't going to help anything. Lion's opinion was set in stone, apparently.


For Stevonnie, it was going fairly well so far, as she and Lapis went off to their next stop. They've went around with Beach City for a while, time for them both to head off to Equestria. Luckily for Stevonnie, even if fused, the magic keys were still working, and she can still use them to get to Equestria. Stevonnie and Lapis Lazuli went right over to Ponyville to show Stevonnie the place. The ponies in town, although used to seeing the Gems by this point, were a bit surprised to see Stevonnie walking down towards the local library. They've seen Steven, and Connie a few times before, but not in this fusion form. Still, Lapis and Stevonnie both went along their way, more focused on getting over to the library. Stevonnie found the attention slightly unnecessary, and uncomfortable. There wasn't one moment as Stevonnie walked through without at least one pony in Ponyville looking at her. While the reactions from the other residents were a bit mixed, when the two did see Twilight ...

"Oh my Celestia! I'm speechless! I mean this is beyond comprehension, the first item in history a human and Gem fused as one - a Fusion hybrid!"

"I thought she was speechless," Stevonnie whispered to Lapis. Lapis wasn't sure if that was Connie or Steven talking, but, either way she had to agree. Twilight had learned a bit about Gems thanks to her time with Steven, but not a thing was ever said about this. Twilight was very intrigued with this whole concept, flying around her for a bit.

"Wow, so are both of you in control, or does the control shift with you two?" Twilight asked, getting her notes out, quill at the ready for Stevonnie's teaching. Stevonnie felt like her own person, and since it was the first time out, Stevonnie simply felt confused as ever. Stevonnie glanced to Lapis, who could only shrug at the question.

"Uh ... both, I guess?" Stevonnie said. Twilight quickly wrote it down fast, though Stevonnie honestly felt unsure of her own answer. Lapis knew this too, seeing the look on her face.

"Uh, Twilight, maybe you shouldn't just jump in with -"

Before Lapis could finish her sentence, suddenly Stevonnie's stomach gave a loud, and noticeable growl. Since Stevonnie was made up of two humans, her stomach growled up a storm, surprising everyone including Stevonnie herself ...

"Uh ..."

"Hungry, Stevonnie?" That was all Twilight could really think after hearing that. Guess being two humans in one meant that Stevonnie had double the appetite as well. Twilight noted this, as Stevonnie wondered what in Ponyville will be enough for her appetite to eat. Stevonnie looked down to her stomach.

"Wow," Stevonnie said, both hands on her stomach. Looks like their next stop was going to have to be food-related ...


"Steven and Connie aren't in any danger, they'll be fine. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"How many times do I have to tell you they shouldn't be roaming around like this?"

Ever since Stevonnie left off to Equestria, things had been a bit edgy back at the Barn house. Garnet and Flint both were inside the barn, and the other Gems and Ponies who were there outside could overhear the two debating over the situation. The debate was over should Stevonnie stick around or not, and both sides were a bit stubborn about it. Garnet was being more calm about the subject than Flint, but the Gem was getting rather serious about the subject matter. If Garnet was split, Ruby would be blowing her top off at him while Sapphire, although upset, would try to be quiet. This meant Garnet ended up just annoyed and tired of arguing with Flint. Jade, who'd normally be with Flint, stayed outside as their debate continued. For those outside, they could hear the others inside just enough to get what they were saying (if they focused on it that is).

"You are acting irrational, Flint, you saw how happy they were, didn't you? This is the first time in known memory two humans fused!"

"They don't know what they're doing, Garnet! This is fusion, something Gems could only do, not humans, you should know that out of any of us, love fusion!"

"My love life is not your business, nor proof to back you up!"

The others outside were starting to worry a bit on this; Pinkie and Peridot having their ears right to the barn door. It really didn't sound very good to either one of them, as Jasper began to head over towards the barn. She still had some thought over the subject of Stevonnie, and wanted to try to make sense of it from the only other common fusion she knew of.

"Hey you two. Garnet in there?" Jasper asked. The two turned to face her, unsure exactly how to answer. It may not be a good time for Jasper to enter this kind of argument.

"Eh, well, yes but I don't really think it's the best time," Peridot explained nervously. Jasper was unconvinced.

"And what for?"

"Well, Garnet and Flint are having a teeny tiny itsy bitsy little tiff," Pinkie replied, her hooves close together to prove her point. However, that tiny little tiff soon got out of hand when they all heard a loud bang from inside, startling Peridot and Pinkie. Peridot barely opened the barn door, and looked inside. When she turned back, she looked shellshocked.

"Eh ... anybody care about a used airplane propeller?"

"Out fo the way," Jasper groaned, pushing both aside, and opening the barn doors. Flint and Garnet looked ready to fight at this point, Garnet's fist through the engine of the aforementioned propeller. The two looked over to her as Jasper came inside.

"Time to talk, Garnet?" Jasper asked. A bit frustrated from Flint's arguing, Garnet wasn't in the best mood to talk to her. Peridot, Jade, and Pinkie watched from afar, each side of the opened door.

"What is it, Jasper?"

"It's about "Stevonnie". That new fusion?" Jasper asked. Garnet now had two problems to deal with.

"We're in the middle of something, Jasper," Flint said, sounding annoyed in his voice, and his eyes glaring to Garnet. Jasper groaned; she didn't want to wait to handle her own situation.

"Oh brother - what's your problem?"

"Trying to get to this stubborn fusion's heads that letting Stevonnie just run around like a idiot is a bad idea," Flint answered, making Garnet even more annoyed with him. That same insult got her punching the propeller in the first place. Jasper just saw this as a minor inconvenience though, eyebrow raised like Flint was lying to her.

"Why don't you just watch her if it bothers you so much?"

Flint was about to answer, but he then considered the idea. Why don't he just go and watch her? Something goes wrong, at least she won't be alone when it does. Jasper, hand to forehead, couldn't believe how thick headed he was to not think of that sooner.

"Really? Just go watch her until she's done playing around, and we'll split her up then, okay?" Jasper said, moving him to the barn door. Garnet considered the options, but didn't stop her, for dealing with Flint got her bothered enough. Flint decided to go with the idea, and walked off to look for her. The others went on in to see her soon after that.

"Nice job, Jasper," Garnet said.

"Yeah yeah. Now, about Stevonnie. You are aware of what happened in guessing?"

"I honestly couldn't be prouder for them both. Their own friendship was what brought this up, and it defies all Gem knowledge. Isn't it exciting?" Garnet said. Jasper wasn't too thrilled, but it was still quite the thought-provoker.

"So you're fine with Flint doing this? He's a ... rather protective Gem," Jade said, unsure of the sudden decision. Garnet looked outside, as Flint put on his camouflage and disappeared from regular sight.

"Then Stevonnie won't have anything to worry about," Jasper pointed out. A strong knight is a great protector, after all. Still, Garnet felt very slightly unsure about it ...


"Feeling better now?" Lapis asked

"Yeah, I'm good," Stevonnie replied. The two had visited the Sweet Apple Acres, and the Apple Family were quite happy to meet Stevonnie, not to mention give her some lunch to have. Stevonnie felt much better after the Apple family's cooking, and now the two were basically going around Ponyville to figure out what else to do. Even if the whole anniversary thing was kinda pushed aside, Lapis Lazuli was still enjoying herself, especially when hanging around Stevonnie. Stevonnie was doing pretty well herself, for her supposed "birthday". Both sides of her were having a lot of fun with being together, and trying out Stevonnie.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Lapis asked after a bit. Stevonnie took a moment to think over what they can do. Sky's the limit in Equestria, really.

"Well, what do you want to do? It is your anniversary," Lapis," Stevonnie pointed out.

"But it's your birthday too," Lapis replied. Both facts were true, though the two had some trouble figuring out what they can do for the afternoon. Suddenly, Lapis and Stevonnie got an idea in their heads, almost at once. The two turned to eachother, smiles on their faces ...

"Last one to the lake's a pebble!" Stevonnie said, starting to run off ahead. Lapis immediately took flight and went right after her.

The two Gems, smiling and laughing the whole way, went straight towards the water hole. Ponyville had a swimming hole close by, and both the pals knew exactly where the place was (well, Connie might not know, but Steven guided them along). Stevonnie ran much faster and easier than Steven and Connie could've done, so, running towards the water hole was fun in itself. When they got there though, Stevonnie managed to reach there first, even with Lapis flying. Stevonnie was more than ready, diving right into the cool and clear waters of the lake, as Lapis joined her by diving in the water like a sea bird. The two splashed, swam, and basically had a great time throughout for a full half an hour before the two stopped to rest. When they chilled out, the two were laying in the water, the waves from their play going through their hair as they rested along the bank. After that, Stevonnie then got back up to her feet. Lapis was treated to a view of her lovely hair as Stevonnie swung it for a second before she started wringing it out.

"Well, that was a nice half an hour spent," Stevonnie said, as Lapis got up. It did feel funny that Lapis had to look up to someone who she was used to looking down to, but Lapis was enjoying it all the same.

"Yep. So, what now? There's still plenty of day left," Lapis said. Stevonnie thought for a little bit more, but then something clicked, Stevonnie snapping her fingers as quickly as she got the idea.

"Oh! Lapis, what's the time?" Stevonnie suddenly asked. Lapis didn't had a clock with her, but still tried to think a bit.

"Well, judging by the sun ... Two?" Lapis guessed. Stevonnie was hoping for that answer.

"Perfect; we can still make it!"

"Make it where?" Lapis asked, legitimately confused.

"To the movies! Dogcopter 4's playing, and we got tickets for it - front seats! We have just enough time to make it," Stevonnie said, excited for it. It was an idea coined after Steven and Connie went by the theater just days before Lapis's anniversary, and seeing the franchise of Dogcopter continuing with its 4th movie (although the movie itself began being shown back in winter), and Garnet insisted to buy just two tickets over three. It didn't sound fair before, but it was nice now considering the situation. Still, Stevonnie was happy, starry eyes and all.

"Is it any good?" Lapis asked.

"Hope so; Dogcopter 3 ended on a open note, so, they got some questions to answer," Stevonnie replied. Connie didn't had the chance to see it herself, and Steven didn't know it released until they got back anyway, so they got their activity set. Lapis never seen any of the movies, so, perhaps this will be something interesting for her. Stevonnie got out her magic key for a quick fix, and got the magic door opened up right away. Soon, Lapis and Stevonnie went right through the door, and went from Equestria, right back to Earth.

Next stop: the movies!

Author's Note:

And so we begin with Season 4! Hooray, Stevonnie's here! And yes, I know what I'm talking about in Dogcopter 4 and it's release date :rainbowwild: