• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 3,282 Views, 186 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 4 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Albino Diamond PT1

Yellow Diamond, over on Homeworld, stayed within her main chamber, and continued her typical work within her palace. It was a rather boring process, and as it had always been, the Diamond kept her planets in check. As far as anything interesting went, the only unique thing that did occur was the unexpected call from Onion, and that only really brought her nothing but gripe. Still, she figured that, perhaps, something had to happen one way or another, but it just hadn't come around just yet. With her Pearl gone for the moment, handling maintenance in the upper balcony, Yellow Diamond called up Blue Diamond for a chat.

"Hello, dear. Everything going well?"

"Not really. To be honest, nothing much had really occurred for me. And you?"

"I've gotten an interesting report actually, if that interests you."

And that did.

"Report? What sort of report?" Yellow Diamond asked. Blue Diamond shrunk her screen in order to show the report alongside her. The report was a simple one, and it mainly went over what had occurred down on Earth just a few hours prior, describing a sort of infectious, yet temporary blue neon light that had opened up down on the Crystal Gem Temple for a short time. The effects remained anonymous, aside from a slight chill to their skin. That wasn't the only report that came around, as an extra picture showed the same creature the Crystal Gems had fought within the blue light as well. It wasn't no attack, but it was something that Yellow Diamond found interested in anyway.

"I see. Well, Blue, do you think that we don't do as much as we should?" Yellow Diamond asked.

"What do you mean? You're a rather busy Diamond yourself, dear."

"But that's not much. The colonies aren't in any danger, the Crystal Gems don't come by very much, and we hadn't had very much incidents since the Diamond Dogs had been apprehended -"

"It's better that nothing catastrophic has happened. That just proves how in order everything is in. I'm sure you can appreciate that," Blue Diamond said. Yellow Diamond did not want to put her species at risk, surely. Yellow Diamond just sighed and nodded in agreement to her fellow diamond, but before Yellow Diamond could take away the call ...

"M-My Diamond!"

Yellow Pearl came in, quite a bit panicked in her tone. It wasn't uncommon to see Yellow Pearl look panicked over anything, although she looked a bit troubled more than normal. Here, Yellow Pearl rushed in to meet with her Diamond, trying to get her words out correctly, but she was in quite a freak out state of mind, and wasn't getting it out right.

"Pearl? What's the trouble? Can't you see I'm busy here," Yellow Diamond pointed out.

"S-Sorry, but, my Diamond, there is -"

"Whatever it is, Pearl, can't it wait?" Yellow Diamond cut in. Yet, unfortunately, the exact thing in question could not wait for Yellow Pearl to finish as it came right in. The doors swung open, and in stepped the adversary.

The figure was just taller than Yellow Diamond herself was, only taller by an inch or two without the hair, which was spiked upward and to the back of her head. Her hair was pure white, and her skin a gleaming silver. Her eyes, irises diamond shaped, were a very faint light blue, as they stared Yellow Diamond down. She looked very formal as well, with her base outfit matching with Yellow Diamond, but also having a nice flair flowing behind her from her neck, like a scarf of sorts, or a cape. Her color scheme seemed to be extremely lacking, as it mainly was made up of greys, silvers, and whites, and her own gemstone was a nice silver as well, right on her forehead. On her chest emblemed the diamond authority universal symbol, of all four diamonds: white, yellow, blue, and pink. Yellow Diamond, and by extension Blue Diamond, both looked on in sheer shock on who actually decided to just show up. There was only one Gem with that kind of gemstone ...

White Diamond!

"Surely, you weren't thinking on holding my arrival, Yellow Diamond? Or did you forget on who is who here?" White Diamond accused firmly. Yellow Diamond actually jumped to her feet.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't receive any call on your arrival."

"Don't need one," White Diamond simply stated. Obviously it was clear on her mentality here. It was then that White Diamond saw Blue Diamond on the other screen.

"Ah, Blue Diamond, you're here too. How about you both meet me outside? I have a few questions for both of you," White Diamond instructed, as she was walking off and away. What exactly did she had in mind was unclear, but the diamonds knew better than to defy an elite of elites ...


After a short while, Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond were on outside with White Diamond at front. The two Diamonds both waited quietly as White Diamond, her hands behind her back, looked over Homeworld around her. Any Gem within eyesight gave her their respects, as White Diamond expected from them to really do. Still, White Diamond had her questions, and the first one came up when she notice the new statue within the city of the Osicone incident.

"What is this? I didn't ask for this to be built here."

"It's a memorial, White Diamond."

"Memorial you say. For what exactly?"

"I-It's for the battle against the Osicone," Blue Diamond said. White Diamond did not look convinced at all. It was then her eyes drifted down to both Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl, both worried on their own levels.

"You two still kept your Pearls?"

"There's nothing wrong with them," Blue Diamond answered. White Diamond got down to get knees, judging them both. Yellow Pearl tried to look alright, but was in a cold sweat, and Blue Pearl couldn't even look at her. White Diamond's fingers graced over them, and even lifted up Blue Pearl's hair to see her singular eye. The diamond moved her hand away after that.

"Might I suggest some new Pearls to serve you. These two look rather ... tacky. " White Diamond suggested, standing up. Both Pearls felt hurt on being called tacky, and while Yellow Pearl would like to correct, they couldn't say anything against her.

"Where's your Pearl?" Yellow Diamond asked suddenly.

"You mean my pearls. They're waiting back on my space palace. I don't need them going everywhere with me, unlike you two, apparently. Did you tell them to follow you?"

"... Well, no, but -"

"There you go. And I also want to ask about my Rupee. I do believe you owe me her," White Diamond brought up. Neither Diamond had heard of that name since the first initial visits by the Crystal Gems, and as far as they know, she was not around.

"She actually got poofed, White Diamond."

"... By. Who?" White Diamond asked, nice and slow so each word wouldn't be missed. Yellow diamond took a glance at Blue diamond before she cleared her throat.

"Sources are unclear. We found her stone in tact, but she has yet to come back," Yellow Diamond answered. White Diamond rolled her eyes.

"I ask one project done, and something just happens to go wrong. Have one of your Gems fetch it for me."

"Y-yes White Diamond," Blue Diamond said. With a small motion, Blue Pearl went on back to get the gemstone. She might as well go and do that, even if the order wasn't a direct one from her own diamond. White Diamond looked over to them both.

"Now, you two, I do have one particular subject that I do want to bring to your attention," White Diamond said.

"And what's that?"

"... Earth."

Of course, that subject happens to come around at this point. And what a place to even bring it up, right out in the open. White Diamond was completely okay with it, all things considered, yet it was a bit of a long shot for the two diamonds to be with. The other gems scattered about the place watched and listened.

"I just thought I'd let you two know, that our previous quarrels with Earth had been ... finished."

"Finished?" Blue Diamond asked.

"One of my squads had located the last remaining Crystal Gem down on that petty planet of theirs. She is currently in our custody, and awaiting for further notice in her fate. Normally, I'd not bother, but since we had a ... unfortunate, history with them, I felt it was more mandatory," White Diamond explained. Blue Diamond felt a little troubled on this information. It was also rather clear that White Diamond wasn't aware of what exactly happened on Homeworld beforehand. White Diamond raised an eyebrow upon seeing that both Diamond looked a little unsure.

"Is there a problem?" White Diamond asked, sternly. Blue Diamond corrected herself fast.

"No. Nothing. I'm just impressed that any Crystal Gem would be alive still, after so long," Blue Diamond corrected. Any other Gem in earshot knew better than to butt in on the conversation, as Blue Diamond added "I would like to know on who exactly was captured. For the sake of records." while trying not to sound too sympathetic towards whoever was captured. Not suspecting anything off about the question, White Diamond complied.

"I'm unfortunate to say, Blue, that it so happened to be your own Sapphire. She'll be given her punishment in due time."

"S-Sapphire?" Blue Diamond gasped. The information was a bit hard to take, and that gasp caught White Diamond's attention.

"Oh? Why so troubled, Blue Diamond?"

"W-Well ... I haven't heard of Sapphire in such a long time, and -"

"And. What? You worry for that traitor of yours?" White Diamond suddenly said, moving over closer to Blue Diamond herself. Blue Diamond was silenced by her own boss.

"She's not a traitor ... Or, at least, doesn't mean to be ..."

"It doesn't matter what she means to be - a traitor is a traitor. And traitors need to be punished, as we all are aware. They made their choice to stay trapped together on that planet Earth, and defied us, no matter what Gem they are." White Diamond stated. There, White Diamond moved away, leaving Blue diamond a little stunned. Even Yellow Diamond seemed slightly unnerved.

"Speaking of together, perhaps you two would like to join me? After all, it's been a while since we've last spoke to one another."

"Uh, yes, of course. Come on, Blue," Yellow Diamond said. Blue Diamond just nodded. It was hard to say what was going to happen, or how they should tell White Diamond this news, but they'll figure it out eventually. White Diamond looked off passed the other diamonds, and saw Blue Pearl coming back with the gem in question in her hands, Blue Pearl trying her absolute best not to harm it any further.

"Good to know."


The Barnhouse was, for the moment, rather calm and collected. Inside, Emerald was chilling out with some time towards Bismuth, as some other Gems and Ponies were doing their own thing. Up in the barn loft, after some electrical working, Emerald, Rainbow, and Bismuth got themselves some cartoons to watch after some snooping around. Outside, Flint was actually doing some much needed target practice with his Gem Spark Launchers, using them on some of Bismuth's practice dummies. Observing him were Applejack, Jade, Pearl, Pinkie, Lapis, and Jasper. As far as practice mainly went on for Flint, it was pretty well, as he made his shots at each target coming at him.

"Hey, Rainbow, you sure you don't want to come and watch?" Pearl called.

"Eh, it's cool," Rainbow replied. Suddenly, some sort of crash happened on the TV, getting the three to laugh.

"Wow, why do humans do this?" Bismuth laughed.

"Humans have that charm about them," Emerald answered, also laughing. Applejack was glad that TVs aren't too common in Equestria if they can keep Rainbow away from watching this. Still, as things were going on here, Jasper looked on into the distance, away from the barn. Looking out, she began to see a group starting to rush back towards them. It was kinda hard to tell at first, but eventually the others outside did begin to make out those within the group. Turned out, the group was Steven and company, coming back from their fight during the blue light a short time earlier. Leading the group though by a good foot or two was Ruby, fuming, panicked, and completely ticked.

"Looks like the others are back," Jasper said, as the first to arrive back was Ruby. Flint stopped what he was doing as they showed up, already seeing how ticked off Ruby looked. overall, the whole group was a bit worried, but Ruby was most troubled out of all of them. Her head was completely steaming, and her eyes wide in panic.

"GEMS, WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!!" Ruby shrieked. That got everyone up in arms, and Emerald, Bismuth, and Rainbow to come out of the barn.

"Ok, ok Ruby, calm down -"

"NO PERIDOT, I WILL NOT!" Ruby screeched, silencing the green Gem. Peridot had seen Ruby angry, but even this was a bit much for her.

"What's the problem? A Gem beast?" Rainbow asked.

"No, worse!"

"Gem mutant?" Asked Pearl.

"Even worse!"

"A freak of nature?!" Pinkie chimed in.

"NO! COME ON, GUYS!" Ruby yelled, her anger kinda in control at the moment. Steam off her head turned to smoke, as Peridot and Amethyst tried to get Ruby to calm down. Rarity decided to come forward and say what happened.

"It's so bad! Oh, of all the horrible things to happen, this is THE. MOST. AWFUL. THING!" Rarity said, adding drama to the moment.

"Go on, stop keeping us in suspense," Jasper said.

"It's Sapphire: she's been captured by White Diamond!"

Now the news was serious, a huge amount of shock hitting practically everybody and everypony. As if being captured wasn't bad enough, but now it was the captor being White Diamond! Peridot filled in on the information as they were running off back to the others at the barn, and the news hit many of them kinda hard.

"Do I know White Diamond?" Pinkie questioned, head tinted in confusion. If they could recall right, none of them had actually met White Diamond face to face just yet, or at least not in any of their visits off onto Homeworld. Ruby, very emotional, went on to answer.

"She's the highest of elite, leader of the Diamond authority! And now she's going to kill Sapphire if we DONT GET MOVING!" Ruby yelled. The steaks were pretty high, and the panic in Ruby's voice made it pretty official. Bismuth was very confused on the subject matter herself.

"But wait, why would she capture Sapphire? Thought you said they like us now," bismuth pointed out.

"White Diamond never met us yet, and she doesn't know about the Osicone event," Twilight explained, which was true. You'd think they'd at least hear something about White Diamond while there on their visits, one way or another, but they didn't meet her once yet. So it would make sense for her to still have the old hatred towards the Crystal Gems.

"How'd the rest of you escape?"

"We didn't: We just hid off away and a squad of White Diamond's gems captured her -"

"WHICH WE COULD'VE STOPPED IF YOU'D JUST LET ME!" Ruby accused, finger aimed at her group.

"Ruby, Sapphire cares about all of us, I'm sure she didn't want anypony else to be captured as well. Why else would she say she was the last Crystal Gem?" Twilight reminded. While it is true, Ruby didn't want to hear it, especially if it meant doing nothing while Sapphire kills herself. Buck was right about her when he told them, but now there was only one thing left for them to do.

"I know, I know," Ruby said, a swell of guilt filling her up as tears came up on her face.

"Well, what're we waiting for? Come on, everybody, we gotta Gem to get -"


Everyone quickly turned over to Flint. He of course heard everything said, but he drew the line at doing anything to stop White diamond and her plans.

"Stop? what do you mean stop?!" Ruby demanded.

"We can't go and face her - no Gem anywhere can. Sorry, ruby, but Sapphire made her choice, and we have to just -"

"NO!!! NO, DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT!!!" Ruby screamed, even making the normally calm Flint jump.

"Yeah, she did so much for us before, we can't ;leave her alone," connie encouraged.

"If she didn't want any of us involved, it was probably for a good reason, and you know it! If we were to go right in and try to defy her, then we'll end up in a Gem war all over again! Besides, not even the other Diamonds could say anything to her, what makes you think -"

Ruby had finally had it with him. Without Sapphire to really control her, Ruby jumped at him! In one powerful punch, Flint was knocked off his feet, sent right down to the floor in a heap.

"Ruby, wait, stop!" Twilight said, trying to get to her. Ruby ran to Flint, wanting to beat him to the ground, but Jasper was quick to grab her. The heat Ruby made though was a bit too much for Jasper, and she quickly gave it to Bismuth. Unlike Jasper, bismuth could tolerate Ruby's heat, and keep her from going any further. Flint got himself up off the ground, as Jade, Pearl, and Steven helped him up. Ruby was not done yet, not even close.

"I can't believe you! How can you even bother to order anyone around?! You have not done ANYTHING SINCE YOU SHOWED UP, NOTHING! YOU ALWAYS LOOK FOR SOME EXCUSE TO NOT DO ANYTHING, OR AVOID ANYTHING HAPPENING!!"

"Ruby, that's not -"


Flint stayed deeply silent, each adom at his being getting skewered by Ruby's angry words. While no one in the group really said anything, they had a bit of an agreement towards Ruby. Yes, Flint did save Steven from being corrupted, but other than that, it was mainly silent stairs when it came to him and doing anything. Had he really been that harsh? That selfish?

"Flint, wait, don't be upset. she didn't mean it," Jade said, worried, and trying to calm him down, but -

"BE QUIET! You hadn't done anything either! All you and flint did was stand around here, and bugger off!" Ruby snapped, making Jade be quiet. Flint felt even more hurt now.

"Ruby, calm down, please. It's not worth it," Fluttershy pleaded.

"No! NO! I'm AN ETERNAL FLAME, BABE, LET ME GO!" ruby screamed, as she squirmed and struggled under Bismuth's grip. As the other Gems either tried to calm Ruby down, or tried to keep from causing trouble, flint began t0o think on what Ruby had said. White Diamond is a high risk, naturally, but Flint had honestly done nothing. Jade at least went with Steven to explore the ocean that one time as he stuck home and worried. Steven fused with Connie AND Amethyst, and he didn't do anything to stop them except to complain and insist. His bigger involvements only actually benefited himself and Jade: with him repaying Garnet by turning Steven back to normal, and turning Diopside back to normal only because she was an old friend of his. Any time after that it was mainly quiet for him ...

Ruby was right.

"ENOUGH," Flint finally bellowed. The voice managed to get over the chatting crowd, even quieting ruby, as she finally got herself free. Flint got up, and turned around to face the crowd. He knew why Ruby was angry, surely. And with that in mind, he gave a low sigh, and locked eyes with Ruby for a moment before ...

"Bismuth, you go to the forge, and get all of the weapons suited up for us. We're going to need it if things do end up ugly. Fulgurite? You, Pearl, Peridot, and Jade start repairs and upgrades to the Galactic ray, and be sure to add a camouflage cloak to match a homeworld ship. White Diamond will know right away the second she sees us flying in on that thing as it is. Twilight, you and Lapis Lazuli fly on back to the Homeworld, and try to figure out where White Diamond is. If anyone knows where Sapphire will be located, it'll be those closer to her. Steven, you go and get all of the Crystal Gems together. We need all the help we can get if we are to be successful. There's no room for any trial and error, is that understood everyone?"

"YES sir!" Ruby said, much more excited this time.

"You got it, Flint," Bismuth said.

"On our way. Let's hurry, Twilight," Lapis said.

As unexpected and sudden it was, they all finally had Flint on board with a plan like this, and it does seem Flint knew very well what he was doing. With their instructions, everyone went off on their way.

"Connie, perhaps it's best for you to stay here. It's a very dangerous mission," Pearl advised. Connie was about to agree, but Flint actually denied it with a shake of the head.

"No, Pearl. In fact, she and Steven are very vital. I know it's not me for saying this, but if White Diamond is that foreign to humans, then many of the Gem technology weapons won't even work."

"Work? what do you mean?"

"The main weapon made by Homeworld that isn't a Gem weapon is a Gem destabilizer, and they only mainly work on other Gems. They don't have any lethal effects on organic life. And the fact you not only can fuse to become Stevonnie, but also have some swordsmanship, it's important for you to come."

"But my parents don't want me doing these things with you guys," Connie said. Flint got his hand on her shoulder.

"Connie, I'll deal with them. We need you."

Connie had never felt so important in her life. Flint's tone was full of admiration towards her, and the advantages to confronting White Diamond are quite a large one, and one that could make all the difference. Connie had stars show up in her eyes on hearing this come from Flint, and a smile grew on her face.

"Y-Yes. Thank you. I'll do it!" Connie beamed.

"Connie's first mission!" Steven beamed. Who'd of guessed Connie's first mission would actually be this huge? To go into the White Diamond palace to rescue Sapphire.

Flint nodded, but before he could go, Ruby had another question.

"And what're you going to do?"

"Peridot and Jasper still have their Cutie Marks on them. White Diamond will recognize them in a moment's notice, so I need to find something to cover them up. If anywhere will have it, it'll be Equestria. Ruby, you go off and get Pinkie Pie, we'll need her on the level too," Flint instructed. Ruby was a bit humbled by Flint's sudden shift in charge. Just a minute ago, he was about as talkative as a brick wall, but now he's up in arms, and up for everything. Ruby saw the leader in him, and she went off on her task. Flint was soon off on his way as well, following Ruby off to the Warp Pad.

Time to get to work.


Back over with the Diamonds, things were going on a bit ambiguous for two of the three Diamonds. The main ship that White Diamond brought them to had a special appearance, to the shape of a sort of mannequin head: spherical in shape with a diamond symbol at the center. The entire structure itself had a silver sheen to it, and looked like a moon of sorts, but made up of metal. White Diamond's teleportation was rather simple, as one of the pads within the ship itself activated, and the Diamonds were soon standing within White Diamond's ship. The room they ended up in appeared to be a sort of shipping dock, a number of White Diamond space pods all lined up in a row. The ship's all resemble the ship that a typical Ruby squad would use, but deep blue instead of red. The room was wide, white in metal, and and the slight transparent window showing space outside to show Earth far below. Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond began to follow White Diamond, along with their Pearls, which were keeping close to them. White Diamond took the lead, naturally, and she was greeted by some of her own guards, who actually happen to be differently shaded Quartz soldiers. These two were quick to let the three diamonds move pass, keeping their diamond greeting symbol salute as they went pass.

"Those Quartz are peculiar," Yellow Diamond noted, observing them a little as they walked passed them.

"Those two are other examples of my projects. Far more efficient than your typical Quartz Gem. Smarter and more obedient," White Diamond explained. The Pearls themselves were a little disturbed on that sort of regard.

Soon, the Diamonds all arrived within the main throne room. White Diamond's throne was pretty special: wide open in space, and with a space scenic view over to the left and right. Yellow Diamond had a similar look, but this was more impressive. The whole room was darker iron and impenetrable steel. The main White Diamond emblem was right behind the throne itself. The throne was on a higher platform, up by a few steps, and White Diamond was happy to go right over and have a seat on it. Pearls were also evident, eerily looking like the Crystal Gem Pearl down to color, and even Gem placement. The only real difference between these Pearls and the CG Pearl is the perfect sphere shape of the stone, and the grey Homeworld attire. There were about seven Pearls lined up, all in unison and at attention for any order. Yellow Pearl felt a bit rough on seeing the sets of Pearls, and Blue Pearl even hid behind Yellow Pearl.

"You've made some improvements," Blue Diamond said.

"Thank you, dear. The latest of technology for Gems are found here in this station," White Diamond said, though she was unimpressed with the Pearls reacting to her own set.

"So, about Sapphire ..."

"Ah, yes, Sapphire. How do you Diamonds want to handle her? Boil her in a lava pit? Strand her in an asteroid belt? Or maybe, even use her as a practice Gem for training Quartzes," White Diamond suggested, especially intrigued on that last suggestion.

"Well, may we actually see Sapphire?" Blue Diamond asked, hopefully. Blue Diamond was hoping to see her in person, but instead, White Diamond snapped her fingers, and one of the Pearls rushed off like a ninja, and quickly came back after a minute or two with a projection screen. After some quick activation, the screen in front of the Diamonds showed Sapphire in question. Sapphire was looking down to the floor of her cell, with her hand containing her Gemstone locked up tight, out of view from her sight. The cell cage matched those used for any typical Homeworld jail cell, and Sapphire can't escape out. Once more, something looked different for Sapphire. Her colors were duller, her hair shaggy, and her eye looking a little glossy.

"We had her Gem cracked as a weakening standpoint. The more she struggles, the tighter the grip. She's not going anywhere," White Diamond said proudly. Blue Diamond felt very troubled on seeing her own royal court member under such stress. And to think that this isn't the official punishment yet made it even worse.

"Sapphire ..."

The screen was put away after they saw her, Yellow Diamond more used to it than Blue Diamond was. White Diamond though was quick to catch the unsure expression on Blue Diamond's face.

"You still have trouble with seeing Gems this way? I thought you'd been desensitized by now," sighed White Diamond.

"But ... But she's a member of my court."

"She was, you mean. She rebelled, same as any other Crystal, and you know it," White Diamond informed.

"I know, I know ... Maybe we can try another way?" Blue Diamond suggested. Blue and Yellow Pearl began to feel troubled, and stepped back as White Diamond got up to her own two feet. Yellow Diamond didn't want to put herself into any trouble with White Diamond at any point, so she had to stay quiet.

"Now why would you think that?"

"Well. Just killing her, it-it's a bit much for her. She's a Sapphire, a rare Gem. There's not very many left ..."

"Oh? ... So you do have feelings for her after all," accused White Diamond, a bit harshly.

"I'm sorry. She was a member of my court, you know," Blue Diamond said. White Diamond sat down and took a moment to think a little bit more about it. She began to see something off in Blue Diamond ...

Then she got an idea.

"I suppose you're right, Blue ..."

She snapped her finger again, and this time a pair of her Pearls rushed off out of sight for a moment or two. It took them a little longer, but soon they came back, but this time with Sapphire with them! Sapphire couldn't move well, and she was slightly limp in her strength, the cuff still over her Gemstone to make sure she can't get away. Blue Diamond turned around and saw that Sapphire was there.

"My Diamond? ... Is that you?" Sapphire asked, her eye not moving. It was mediant that Blue Diamond recognized how badly Sapphire was hurt. And that was not the worst of it ...

"Blue. As Sapphire was apart of your royal court, perhaps it would be appropriate for you to finish her off. She is, after all, you're responsibility."

This was White Diamond's test. If Blue Diamond can kill Sapphire off, then White Diamond had nothing to worry about. Blue Diamond looked down to Sapphire, her eyes more worried than she had ever been. To make matters worse, one of White Diamond's Pearls even went and got her a large axe to finish Sapphire off with.

"You don't want to, White?" Yellow Diamond asked.

"I would, of course. Just testing something," White Diamond stated. Blue Diamond got her hand around the handle of the giant axe, and she looked down to Sapphire. Sapphire's glossy eye didn't move or budge, but she knew that she would just see the end of Blue Diamond's axe. She was a rare Gem. She was a Crystal Gem. And she was done for ...

"... I ... Can't do it."

Or maybe not. Blue Diamond's muffled words were hard to make out for most of them, but Blue Pearl had heard them loud and clear. White Diamond waited and waited, looking at both Blue Diamond's reaction, and her Blue Pearl and Sapphire.

"Come on, Blue, we don't have all year."

"But ... But I can't," Blue Diamond said, much clearer this time. White Diamond, albeit disappointed, nodded her head.

"Alright. You have your reasons for Sapphire. So how about a Gem with less significance?"

Suddenly, one of White Diamond's Pearls locked onto Blue Pearl, and in one quick move, Blue Pearl was pinned down, with her arms behind her back. It didn't take any rocket science to know what the less significant Gem is here.


"You have enough desensetivity to handle a Pearl's death, I'm sure of it. Sapphire is a rare Gem, yes, and I'll have your tacky Pearl replaced in the upcoming weeks with a new, and more up to date model," White Diamond informed, as she waited to see what Blue Diamond would do. Perhaps White Diamond could understand why BD would be hesitant against her court member, but surely she won't have a problem finishing off a simple Pearl, right? Blue Diamond didn't know what to make of this, for Blue Pearl had done nothing wrong ...

"... I won't do it."

"Excuse me?" Questioned White Diamond.

"I said, I won't do it."

"You said you "won't" that time ... Are you questioning my authority, my dear?"

"Deja vu," Yellow Diamond thought. She asked that same question WAY long ago.

"I don't feel like loosing any of my court members."

"But that's just a Pearl. She's your personal, and expendable servant - you can't be pure enough to not finish her off, surely."

Blue Diamond couldn't take it.

"I love my Pearl. I know it's unprofessional, and unorthodox for a diamond to say, but I care deeply for those I'm close to. Love is not something to be embarrassed over."

There was a silence that hung in the air for a while after that. Was Blue Diamond serious about that? Blue Pearl especially was surprise, for she had never heard anyone say such things about her before. She was loved. Love is a very strong emotion to feel for anyone, and to her as the expendable Pearl she was, this was simply new and heartwarming.

"M-My Diamond ..." Blue Pearl started to feel a tear slide down her face, but White Diamond stood up again. White Diamond's test had proved to be a failure on BD's part, and so, there was one thing for her that was left to do. She snapped her fingers, and one Pearl released Blue Pearl, but another one took away Blue Diamond's axe, and gave it to White Diamond. Blue Diamond thought this move was going to kill off both Sapphire and Blue Pearl, and she even got in between them, scared, but protective of her people ...

White Diamond's sights were set on far bigger things ...

In one fast motion, White Diamond swung her axe hard, and the sharp end sliced clean, and quick, right through Blue Diamond's neck! For a split second, her head flew right off just before her entire body vanished in a cloud of blue smoke. All that remained was her gemstone, falling down to the ground ...

Right in front of Blue Pearl.

"How annoying," commented White Diamond, as she placed the axe down, and turning to the stunned Yellow Diamond.

"Yellow, you're the more sensible one. Why don't you pick what should be done with Sapphire? Blue Diamond was too cowardly to do the job, anyway," White Diamond offered. YD would normally, but she just saw this same Gem poof one of her own right in front of her. Yellow Diamond got an idea of her own.

"Well, I know this is a bit naive of me, but if I am to make the correct option, I insist on seeing these multiple punishments you have in mind. I'd hate to make the wrong choice. And as for Blue Pearl there, have her locked away. Can't have any free roaming Pearls aboard your own station."

"That's much better," White Diamond said with a grin. She then turned to her Pearls.

"Okay, you heard the Diamond, Pearls. Lock the Sapphire and Pearl away, and show my fellow Diamond some of our disposal tactics. Oh, and get admiral Onyx here to watch ol Blue. Have her let me know the minute she reforms," White Diamond ordered. Her Pearls went on and did just that, and Blue Pearl and Sapphire were whisked off out of the throne room. Yellow Pearl stayed very close to her Diamond, even gripping her leg, worried she would be next ...


For the while to follow, things had gone very busy for the mane six and Crystal Gems alike. So many of them were highly busy in their own work in getting this all done so far, and none of them were wasting anytime with any of their tasks. After all, Sapphire's life was on a thread. None of them are to go off and leave her behind on the amount. Bismuth at her forge, was the busiest she'd been ever since the real Gem War had gone down in terms of weapon making. There was so many different types of Gems to make weapons for, from swords, to rifles, to shields. Regardless of which Gem weapon was needed to be fixed up and done, Bismuth had an absolute blast being in the zone with her weapon enhancements. As for those working on the ship, they too had their work cut out for them. It's been a long time since they had even used the Galactic Ray, mainly because they had only needed it once to go off to Homeworld and back, and it became obsolete due to the new Warp Pads made from the Alicorns, and diamonds. This meant that the ship was kind of rusty in age, and Peridot, Pearl, Fulgurite and Jade had to work on it a bit fast in order to get it properly finished. The addition of a camouflage cloak for the ship was an especially tricky trial and error for the ship, but they refused to give up on their own struggle on the task. Once again, they had their own in extreme danger, and they can't waste any time in getting the ship ready along with themselves.

After a while, they all got gathered up over by the barnhouse, and the Galactic Ray was outside and ready to go. Flint got the Mane Six over to the ship, as it was getting itself ready. Pearl, and Fulgurite met him outside the ship.

"Flint, there you are. The ship's all ready to go," Jade said with a smile. Flint nodded.

"Good. And that camouflage cloak?" Flint asked. Peridot got herself outside after Pearl and Fulgurite did, this time with a controller in her hands.

"Watch and be amazed," Peridot said, as she made a simple click of her remote. The ship's outer coat began to go transparent for a short moment, and soon the image shifted and altered until it looked very much like the usual ship that a ruby would use: red coat with a yellow window screen and three stubby legs. Just like the actual thing. Flint looked to the ship for a moment or two before sighing.

"Not exactly what I had in mind, but it'll have to do. Did Lapis and Twilight return yet with the information?" Flint asked.

"Right here!" A voice called from the air. Right on time: Lapis and Twilight flew right on down to them, and some of the other Crystal Gems had caught up with them as well, so getting them wasn't going to be an issue. Lapis and Twilight landed, and it was Twilight who gave Flint a slip of paper, folded up neatly.

"It took some time to figure out, but, one of the Blue Peridots informed us that they're on White Diamond's own station. Over near some sort of other base near Earth," Twilight explained, as Flint opened up the note with a simple flick of the wrist, and read the information on it.

"They, Twilight?" Flint questioned.

"Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond are with her. White Diamond supposedly wanted some more time with them. At least that's what the Peridot told us," Lapis said. Flint folded back up the information, and gave it back to Lapis Lazuli.

"Typical of her. Alright, is everyone here?" Flint said, addressing to everyone. Looking around through the crowd, he saw pretty much everyone, from the Ponies, to the Gems, but Connie and Bismuth seemed to be missing. This just frustrated Flint a bit more, as Ruby got right over to the ship.

"Where's Bismuth? We can't wait any longer -"

"RIGHT HERE!" Bismuth suddenly said, slamming down a large chest right in front of Flint. Connie was with her as well, actually riding on her shoulders. By the sound of the chest hitting the ground, it sounded loaded.

"Sorry for being late, Flint. We had to test a few of them first," Connie said, as Bismuth helped her down on the ground. Flint opened up the chest, and he saw weapons galore in there - each one unique and had a different affect depending on who made for.

"Nice. Bring the items in the ship. Everyone, get on board, we're about to head off," Flint instructed, as everyone began to head on in. As they were, Pearl and Emerald actually went over to him.

"Well, dang, dude, where'd you been hiding that?" Emerald asked.

"Hiding what?" quizzed Flint.

"Well, and I mean this in the nicest of ways, but you've been very quiet and withdrawn for the longest time. and suddenly, here you are taking charge of the entire operation like a true leader. I'm very impressed," answered Pearl, trying not to sound insulting about the subject. Flint already got the worst of it from Ruby, so this was hardly anything compared to that. Still, Flint just turned away, and began going onto the ship.

"It happens. Get in you two, time to go," Flint said, Pearl and Emerald heading on inside. Flint looked back to make sure no one else was outside, and sure enough, the whole place was cleared, and everyone was on board. Soon, Flint was inside the ship itself, and the mechanics began to work on the controls to get the Galactic Ray off the ground. The others got seated (some extra seats having to compensate for the extra passengers), as Flint stayed over to the back of the main room. Flint, much like an actual commanding officer, looked over the others from where he was. When Fulgurite looked back, Flint simply nodded, and the thrusters started up. It wasn't very longer until the disguised ship was off the ground, and beginning to head up higher into the sky. Since the ship was disguised as a Ruby vessel, the functions had to match one as well, so it was straight up and steady unlike the usual blast of energy the Galactic Ray would usually have. If Twilight and Lapis are correct, then it won't be too long until they end up seeing the station.

"Oh, this is so exciting," Pinkie said at one point.

"Oh yeah; now you Ponies can see the real power of the Crystal Gems in action. fighting against the authorities, just like the old days," Bismuth said, which was interesting towards a number of them.

"We're not going there just tp pick a fight, Bismuth. We're going to get Sapphire, and nothing more than that. I asked for those weapons as a last resort."

"Oh, come on, I didn't make all those weapons just to keep them here," Bismuth retorted. She REALLY wanted to try out the weapons she made, or at least see them in action by the other Gems. Flint will have to tolerate her until this was over, so arguing wasn't going to be an option at the time. As Flint turned back, Bismuth glanced over to Pearl, and gave her nudge.

"Hey, P? Mind doing a Gem a favor?"


As they continued going off higher and higher into the atmosphere, the normally bright winter day started to become darker and darker, leaving Earth's atmosphere, and going on up into space. As they began to move off, just off to their left from the planet's surface ...

White Diamond's station.

"That was quick," Lapis commented.

"WHOA. A giant head," Amethyst said, Steven, Connie, and Pinkie joining her in looking at it from the front window.

"That's got to be it. Start course," Flint instructed. With a few workings of the control, they all started to move off towards the main White Diamond base. As they begin to get closer and closer, They all kept an eye out for any patrolling ships or drones that could be going on about the area, but there didn't seem to be much of any. When they begin to near the base itself, one part of it opened up for them, so it did seem that the ship recognized the ship as one of their own. The large doors revealed the area as the shipping hold - the same one the Diamonds teleported into when they arrived. The ship landed over to the center of the hanger, and the group could see their main door just off outside leading into the place, but also with the huge Gem guards.

"What kind of Gems are those?" Connie asked.

"Quartzes ... but, they both look a bit off," noted Ruby.

"Quartz guards. Oh, they'll recognize us for sure," Rarity said.

"Not if we play our roles," Flint said.

"You mean your roles? Ponies aren't actually assigned to these things, you know," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Don't worry, I've got it all planned out," Flint revealed.

"You do?" Peridot asked.

"Yes I do. Oh, by the way, you and Jasper better put these on," Flint said, pulling something out of his Gemstone. The two items in questions looked like transparent squares, or stickers. One orange, and one green. Something he managed to pick up while in Equestria on short notice.

"And what're these exactly?" Jasper questioned.

"These are magic cloaking sheets. It was a rather short notice item Celestia gave me before we left. These can alter their color and size to cover up your Cutie Marks from sight," Flint explained, as he placed the sticky sheets over Jasper and Peridot's Cutie Marks. After that was done, it appeared that they didn't had any Cutie Marks at all, which was good. The Mane six didn't need to hide such things, as White Diamond never saw them yet. Flint stood straight, and cleared his throat to address everybody and everypony.

"Now, listen everybody, here's what we're all going as, so pay attention. Lapis Lazuli, you're going to have to be placed as being in charge of the group."


"Yes, you. You're a member of the royal court, they'll listen to you far better than anyone else," Flint explained. Lapis understood perfectly, and nodded her head as Flint addressed the others.

"Bismuth, Jasper, and Amethyst are hired protection. And Lapis, you also own a personal Pearl as well for extra aid. Fulgurite, Peridot, and Jade are the mechanics of the ship. The mission you have was to obtain more humans, and Equestrian Ponies for the Zoo, and here to -"

"The Zoo? ... Seriously?" Connie cut in. A rather odd reason to bring humans here.

"Y'all know that zoos are for animals, right?" Applejack added in.

"I don't have time to explain. Trust me, it'll work, and you'll figure it out eventually. For now, just stick to the roles and it'll be fine."

"... What about me?" Star asked at a point.

"Star Quartz, you, Emerald, Ruby, and Diopside are Homeworld Gem survivors left behind on Earth, and are coming back home with Lapis's aid. Now, if this all works, you all are to go on, and try to locate Sapphire.

"... If you say so."

"And what about you, Flint? You don't have anything to play as," Twilight noted. Flint gave a rough sigh.

"I don't have one. I'm staying out of sight, and scout out Sapphire from the shadows."

"Flint, are you crazy?! At least we got excuses to be around here," Ruby said.

"If they find you trying to get Sapphire free, who knows what they'll do to you?" agreed Fluttershy added, "Here, maybe you can be -"

"No, I'm not playing as anything or anyone. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, and if I find her first, I'll be sure to tell you," Flint made clear. Jade was especially worried.

"Flint, please. I know you have your ... reasons, but -" Jade was silenced when Flint brought his hand over to her mouth. The look on his face was enough to had Jade stop talking alone.

"Here's your role, Jade ... You were taken away from Homeworld by a renegade Flint Gem. During the renegade, you're accidentally launched off to Earth just after the Gem war, and it isn't until now that you're finally found ... Understand?"

"... I understand."

"Good," Flint finished, moving away from the exit of their ship. Before the door was fully open, Flint turned on his camouflage cloak, turning almost invisible.

Well, it was now or never.

Assigning themselves to their roles, Lapis and Pearl exited the ship first, followed by the other Gems, with the ponies and humans acting as if they're being forced along.

"You won't take me, you rock heads!" Steven yelled as he went along, making it more authentic. Bismuth and Jasper kept behind them, keeping them in line as it seems, as the other "rescued Homeworld Gems" followed them out. Flint, staying practically invisible, stayed close by, but still quiet and out of sight. For Amethyst, she had to shapeshift her own body to look like a Homeworld Amethyst. A simple shapeshift, but one she had to keep on going with. The other Gems too had to alter their outfits to avoid showing off their "Crystal Gem" status. Soon, the two Quartz guards stood firm in front of Lapis Lazuli.

"State your purpose," One of the brutish guards stated.

"Greetings. I've arrived with some more humans and ponies for - the zoo," Lapis said, finding it rather silly herself even. Both guards glanced to one another. Lapis and the others waited for a response from either one of them. However, one of the quartzes began to think a little bit on seeing her.

"Quite a large group for a simple retrieval," the guard noted.

"It didn't start this big. Some Gems here were actually found on Earth: Homeworld Gems, who were left behind. I had to get them back to Homeworld," Lapis explained. The quartzes thought it over for a little bit, as one of them looked over the ponies and humans that they had brought over. Before anything could continue ...

"What pray tell is going on?" A voice suddenly said. Coming up, oddly enough, looked like another Pearl in appearance. Her outfit made up of a large cloak, not dissimilar to those seem on priests within churches, or even on Blue diamond, with the hood missing. Her hands were behind her back, the four diamond symbol on her chest, and her gemstone placed on her forehead. The guards stepped aside to let her walk forward, seeing the group in question. The second she noticed Lapis Lazuli though, her look turned to intrigue. But that intrigue turned to anger towards the guards.

"What had you two been telling them? Don't you two recognize members of the royal court when you see them?" She asked, her eyes narrowed down in anger. The quartzes (surprising the Crystal Gems as well) actually backed up.

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't tell them anything," said one of the guards. The newcomer turned to the others. Peridot, out of the group, barely saw Flint starting to slip passed them as they were distracted, getting in before they did. However, Peridot didn't say anything, not wanting to blow his cover.

"Lazuli. What an interesting surprise ... Albeit unexpected."

"Eh, yes, um, I'm here to deliver these ponies and humans to the zoo."

"Oh, the zoo! It's been FAR too long since we've collected any specimens for the zoo. Yes, understood. A bit of a coincidence for you to be here: your Diamond is here as well."

"My diamond? Y-You mean Blue Diamond?" Lapis asked, looking and pretending to be surprised.

"Naturally, dear. We'll take care of the offerings. Jasmiths, take the humans and bring them over to the zoo at once," she ordered.

"Yes, your clarity," the two quartzes said. The name of the Gems was unfamiliar to every other Gem there, as the ponies and humans were split up from the main group. They did not want to cause any trouble, and while some wanted to keep them close, they couldn't do much of anything. The other Gem standing nodded to the Jasmiths, as she looked to the rest of the group.

"Now, follow me over here, and I'll get you all to your proper placements," the Gem instructed. As worried as they are towards seeing the ponies, Connie, and Steven being taken away like this, the Crystal Gems had no choice but to let them go, otherwise blowing their cover right away. If they are to blow their cover at any point, they had to at least find Sapphire first, above all else.

"If you insist. Come, everyone," Lapis said, as they begin to go off.

They were in.


"Most. Interesting."

White Diamond had her eye on the security cameras, and the monitors showed Connie, Steven, and the Mane Six being forced along by the Jasmith soldiers. As she was looking, another figure peered over and looked to the screens. It appeared to be pony-shaped, and the colors were unmistakable.

"These the ones?" White Diamond asked. The pony walked out into the light, revealing herself as the unicorn the Mane Six had dealt with earlier ...

Starlight Glimmer.

"Most definitely," replied Starlight, a sinister grin on her face on seeing the ponies being pushed along. The sight of it was a nice one for Starlight.

"As expected. And those other Crystal Gems must be off after their precious Sapphire as well."

"I bet. Now when can we go and beat them down? Just wait til I come in, and get even with them, oh so help me -"

"Nah, nah. Let them have their own little fun for a while longer."

"What? But White Diamond, I didn't decide to join your group to let them go!" Starlight retorted crossly. White Diamond petted her like one would to a cat, as she saw Onyx on the screen, letting the Jasmiths pass to the zoo with their offerings.

"Easy, my little Pony. You'll get your own back. But first ... let's give them some false hope."


"And here, we have our science chamber, Diamond," the Pearl said, as she brought in Yellow Diamond and Yellow Pearl to another area of the White Diamond station. Yellow Diamond had been brought around the station to a number of different examples White Diamond had mentioned. In this case, the room was where the many scientists conducted their experiments. The trip to see the many torture tactics had been, at the very least, grating. Yellow Diamond went through it all fairly well, being a Diamond of rule and protocol of the authority. Her Pearl though was a bit frazzled, and had to keep her eyes shut throughout most of the stops, or to at least wait outside. The experimentation room is just as bad as Yellow Pearl had probably guessed. The trio were out on a higher balcony, just near some stairs leading down a ways to a door.

"Pearl, wait here," Yellow Diamond said.

"Yes, my Diamond," Yellow Pearl replied, grateful that she wasn't going to follow her in there. White Diamond's Pearl stood aside to allow Yellow Diamond to go in and observe what was what. Yellow Pearl and White Pearl were standing outside the door in silence, Yellow Pearl a bit uncomfortable.

"... Soooo ... How is it being White Diamond's Pearl?" Yellow Pearl asked eventually.

"No different than yours."

"Oh ... Right. Well, my Diamond had managed to chart up five new colonies added to our star maps," Yellow Pearl said with pride, hand to her chest, and a cocky grin on her face.

"My diamond discovered ten new star systems, studied two black holes, and invented four different method to incubate and create multicolored Sapphires and Star Gems over the previous five months," White Pearl shot back, nonchalantly.

Well, she was humbled.

"Oh ... Uh ... Impressive."

"What else is expected? Not that a tacky Pearl like you would understand."

"I'M NOT TACKY. I am long-lasting, and efficient. I don't need a set of myself to get the job done for my Diamond."

"Your Diamond doesn't get enough work to require more than one Gem to accomplish. And just as well, we are the latest in Gem beings. See for yourself," White Pearl said, extending her hand as if showing off a ring or something. Yellow Pearl looked to her hand, gently placing her own hand under it. Her own skin was a bright silver, smooth like dolphin skin, and even a slight sparkle from the light. Barely, but just noticeable on close examination. Yellow Pearl looked to her other hand: yellow, no sparkle, and the same feeling as human skin. It was hard, but Yellow Pearl tried to walk it off.

"I-I'm the original. Show off what you want, but I am the original better Pearl."

"Original, old, and out-dated," White Pearl said dryly. Yellow Pearl couldn't counter her any better, and had to keep quiet. Seriously, White Pearl got her beat. Before she could continue, Yellow Diamond came back from the experimentation chamber. Yellow Diamond, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose, and trying to relax her nerves through a long breath. Whatever Yellow Diamond saw in there, Yellow Pearl was glad that she didn't see whatever was going on in there. White Pearl nodded on seeing the Diamond exit.

"Have you made your decision, diamond?" White Pearl asked, as apart of her instructions from her own diamond. Yellow Diamond wasn't so sure on what exactly to really do, as many of the options were pretty rough on Sapphire in punishments. With the circumstances, White Diamond would need some sort of answer from her, and considering Blue Diamond was still waiting to reform at the moment, and her Pearl off in custody as well, the steaks were a bit high.

"I'll think it over."


"Here you are, fellow Gems. You all can wait here until after proper information, thank you," the Gem guide had said. The Crystal Gems had gotten themselves over into a sort of waiting room by the looks of things, with one main door to the room and a number of seats. No more no less.

"Thank you. That will be all," Lapis said. The Gem nodded, and she went off on her way. Not too long after she had walked off out of sight, the Crystal Gems began to get up, and checked the halls to be sure they were alone. When their guide left, no other Gem seemed evident here.

"All clear?" Asked Pearl.

"All clear. Come on," Lapis said.

Time to find their Sapphire.


Sapphire shuttered, her eye glossing up some more, as she remained in her cell. The other Pearls had placed the poor Gem off back in containment, and although she was silent, she could still see futures coming around. Although that one did feature the Crystal Gems in it, Sapphire had her hope secured that they're still down on Earth, and safe from White Diamond's clutches, but the visions of her Crystal Gems AND ponies ... And Steven ... Still going around in White Diamond's station to try and get her still appeared and reappeared in her head. The cuff around her Gem hand had took its toll on her, her Gemstone cracked underneath it, and having devastating affects on her. As she stayed in her cell, she could hear voices from outside her prison cage, namely of other White Diamond workers.

"Sapphire. I-I'm so sorry," Blue Pearl said at one point, who'd been thrown into the same cell with Sapphire for the time being. Blue Pearl hadn't been cuffed up in the same way, since she wasn't technically a Crystal Gem like Sapphire, but still remained restrained.

"... Pearl, don't be ... I knew I'd be here ..."

As they stayed in there, they heard that another Gem, admiral Onyx, had got herself back over to the cell in question to check in.

"Onyx? Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, what's it to you?" Onyx said, as she actually got the cell opened. Sapphire would run for it if she wasn't stuck this way. Onyx went on over to Blue Pearl, and actually took her, breaking her chain as she did so.

"Alrighty, you Pearl. You got a date with your Diamond soon, so get up and let's go."

"B-But she - I-Isn't she ... poofed?"

"Oh brother, blah blah blah, just follow me and shut up," Onyx said, pulling Blue Pearl along. Sapphire may not be able to see right now, but she knew well what's going on with Blue Pearl and Onyx. Sapphire couldn't do anything to help her. As Blue Pearl left, more visions of the Crystal Gems getting involved with White Diamond constantly kept showing up. In her stressed state, Sapphire tried to keep herself calm on the subject.

"No. No. They're all safely down on Earth. T-They're not here. They're alright," Sapphire kept telling herself.


"Alright, in you go," one of the Jasmiths instructed. For Steven, Connie, and the Mane six were pretty much escorted along their own way through the White Diamond station. Being forced along wasn't exactly easy for them, but now the duo of Jasmiths had them forced off into another chamber. This one was the start of a tunnel, and had a odd resemblance to those bottle return machines one might find in a store, only a lot bigger - big enough to hold them all in, albeit close together.

"Ok, everypony stay calm," Twilight said. Suddenly, the floor began to move from under them, moving them along down the tunnel.

"What're they gonna do to us?" Connie asked.

"Well, we're about to find out," Twilight replied, as they continued down the tunnel. The walls of the tunnel began to go transparent. The tunnel actually passed through space for a brief moment, but when they were looking ahead, the tunnel connected to another area, and moving off right through space. The group looked around, unsure what was coming next for them. At the end of the tunnel, it seemed that it was going off to nowhere, with the end looking like it phased through some water. The humans and ponies had to sit there, as they all slipped through the water wall, and into another area of the station. As they were going through this part of the tunnel, a number of finger limb enhancers suddenly appeared in front of them. These were glowing a strong light blue, as they hovered down in front of them.

"What are those?" Connie asked. Suddenly, the various amount of fingers began to do their own work, and started to investigate. At first, many of the fingers began doing a number of physical checkups on them: checking their eyes, taking their temperatures from the mouth, checking their ears and teeth, that sort of thing. They tried to get them to quit it, but it wasn't much use. The fingers got their information on that, but suddenly, the tunnel began to split. The Mane Six ended up going in one direction, and Steven and Connie ended up in their own tunnel. Connie and Steven weren't sure what was coming next, but more fingers eventually came up again, and they had one more main thing that the preparation had to do: remove their clothes.

Yes, they were going there!

"No, no, no, no, stop!" Connie suddenly said, as the fingers began to go the extra mile, and grab at Connie's shirt to take it off! Steven lost his shirt already, but Connie was extremely desperate to not undress right now, reasons obvious. It was no use though, for in one quick move, both kids were without their shirts. Of course, Steven brought his arm up and covered his eyes, trying to make it remotely better. However, the fingers were not done yet, as a set began to reach down for Steven's pants. Steven though was quick to slap them away.

"No, I can do that myself," Steven decided. It was going to end up that way anyway, so, he just took them off himself. Connie had her back turned away from Steven as he did this, and the fingers took the pants away. It didn't take long until both kids were red-faced, and right down in their underwear. Talk about embarrassing.

"Well ... I-It could be worse," Connie managed to say.

Then came the next part. As the two were being sprayed with some disinfectant from the fingers, they both began hearing a loud thump ahead. When looking forward, Connie and Steven suddenly saw what appeared to be a pounder, slamming down onto the moving floor! Connie and Steven tried to run away, but they couldn't move quickly enough to escape the slamming mass, as it whacked down onto them both. Rather than killing them on the spot, Steven and Connie were actually given a new outfit to wear. For Steven, he was in a white robe with a blue over coat, with some sort of brown rope. For Connie, the outfit had a similar design, but with a close blue shirt instead. The two were outfitted with some purple-blue ear rings as well.

"Well ... Ok then. Robes," Steven commented. As they kept going, all of a sudden, both Connie and Steven stopped, two glass walls showing up.

"Oh great, now what?" Connie groaned.

"I'm ready for anything at this point. Come on, what do you have now?!" Steven said.

"Bring it!" They both then said.

And they got it: seconds after they said that, the whole room suddenly filled up with water! There was no time for them to even react to anything, as a hole opened up right under them, and the two were quickly sucked right down in. Connie and Steven held onto eachother for dear life, not knowing where they were going, where they'll end up or anything. Nor if Twilight and her friends will end up in the same place or not. They couldn't really see much of anything within the rushing water, so they both kept close until ...

"Whoa - oof!"

In a quick shoot out, Connie and Steven both ended up hitting the surface of some shallow water. They were glad to had not drowned on the way there, but, exactly where did they end up was more up for question. Nearby, both humans heard some breathing of some other creatures, and lucky for them, they saw the mane six. The ropes weren't on them, but they had the ear rings as well. They took a look to eachother before they looked on ahead to the shore ...

"Here we go."

It took a while for Twilight, Steven, and company to grasp what had happened, and where they had ended up. The group of eight were just off shores of what appeared to be some sort of large forest, with medium trees, and tropical plants scattered about the place. The shores were very clean with white sandy beaches, and they did seem to be alone in the center of this shallow lake. It seemed a little bit odd to see, but it was FAR off from what a zoo would usually show. The sky above, although showing a few stars still, were bright blue to show day time, as if it were down on Earth or Equestria.

"Where the hay are we now?" Rainbow asked, shaking off some of the water in her fur and feathers.

"This must be that zoo Flint was talking about. Not what I expected, really," Connie said.

"It looks ... Pretty nice here," Fluttershy said, the first to walk over to the shore, as she looked around the forest. However, when she stepped on the grass, the grass looked less like actual grass, and more like patterned carpeting, with different shades of green for the ground underhoof.

"Well, it beats cages," Rainbow said, as she flew over and landed by Fluttershy. The others moved over to the shore themselves, drying off, and looking around the forest of this zoo they were stuck in. No iron cages to get these humans and ponies stuck in, but when Connie looked up to the sky, something looked a bit off itself.

"Wait. does anyone see something off up there?" Connie asked, pointing her hoof up to the sky in question. The others looked up, and it didn't take very long until they also saw what Applejack was talking about. Looking to the sky and stars, they can make out lines to show transparent plates, going all the way around the skies above.

"I take back my "It beats cages" comment," Rainbow said.

"Well, let's try to stay calm, everypony. There's a way in here, so there must be a way out," Twilight said.

"Way ahead of ya! GERONIMO!" Pinkie said, suddenly bolting right back towards the water. Lightning quick, Pinkie Pie made a mighty leap high up into the air, and dove head first into the water where they popped up in. The idea was there: go back the way you came. However, all Pinkie Pie got was a face full of water and sand, as she slammed headfirst into the water. Her body ended up stiff on the surface when her face hit the ground. Obviously this wasn't going anywhere. Pinkie popped up out of the water, dizzy and having a bump on her head.

"Oooooo, catch the birdies," Pinkie said in a daze, her hooves trying to catch the supposed birds around her head. No, that didn't help anything.

"Pinkie, that wasn't what I was going for," Twilight said.



Pinkie just trotted back to shore, rubbing the bump on her head. Twilight couldn't blame her for trying to go back the same way, but even if they did, how would they go all the way back the same way exactly?

"It was a good try anyway, Pinkie," Steven said, as Pinkie cringed from touching her bump on her head. But before either one of them could continue talking about the issue. They begin to hear something venture out of the forest. Looking to the forest, a human began to venture on from there, and over to greet them. He was dressed the same way as Steven was, ear rings included. His hair and skin matched Connie, though his hair was poofed like Steven, and grew upward and forward. Another human joined in on them. This one also wore the same clothes, but the human was a female, light skin and blond hair that flowed down. As some more time went, more humans, and even a number of ponies went on out to see them, the ponies and humans dressed in the same clothes and having the same earrings as the Mane Six, Steven, and Connie do. Ages varied from young kids, to elders.

"Greetings!" They all said.

"EEP!" Fluttershy shrieked, bolted off from the shore in a startle. the Pegasus ended up behind Applejack and Connie, as they looked to see what was going on.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Just stay calm, and perhaps they can help us," Connie said quietly.

"Oh ... Uh, hello there, everybody, everypony."

"Welcome, new friends. What might you be named?" The first human asked. Connie cleared her throat.

"Well. I'm Connie."

"Wonderful to meet you, Kon Nee," the female human said.

"Eh ... Close enough. and, you are ...?"

"I am J10, and he is Y6," J10 said. These obviously weren't any normal names, if not nametags. The group, a little more relaxed this time around, went over more inland, away from the water. This time, it was Rarity who spoke, clearing her throat.

"A pleasure to meet you both, but I'm afraid we have to be on our way. We're on a tight schedule, you see," Rarity explained, starting to walk on through the ground a little bit until a rustic red pony stopped her.

"On your way where? Everything we ever wanted is right here," the pony said. Before Rarity could continue, Twilight decided to test something first before Rarity could say much more.

"Let me ask you two a question. Can either one of you tell us where Earth and or Equestria is?"

"... What're they?"

Well that concluded it. Seems rather clear that these people and ponies were a bit more foreign than expected. These humans and Ponies were here for so long, they don't have a clue on either place, despite it being the current location for both species. The new arrivals were left stunned, but, before they could continue any further, suddenly their earrings began to glow, and -

Greetings, everyone. It's for the daily routine. Please enjoy your meal during this designated eating period.

"W-What? Who said that?" Fluttershy shuttered.

"Any answers, you guys?" Connie asked.

"Kon Nee doesn't know what a little voice is," Y6 said, the other humans and ponies joining in on a good chuckle before J10 began to speak.

"Our little voices guide us through life here," J10 said. After she said that, the earrings lit up again.

You all must be hungry now.

After that, the locals began to go in, agreeing to these voices, and heading on over inland to eat. No, it didn't make the situation any better. If anything, it might've made it worse. Once they had left, only then did Rainbow get her own opinion up.

"Oh mane, not again!" Rainbow snapped, not believing what she just saw.

"They don't seem very bad. Maybe it's just a coincidence," Fluttershy said.

"Seriously? Oh, it's Starlight's village all over again," groaned Rainbow.

"Alright, alright, everypony calm down. I'll find a way out of here, but let's just play along for now. It'll probably be easier when it's dark," Twilight suggested, looking up to the sky.

"AJ's right. We might as well wait it out until we find the right moment to leave. We can't just charge off."

"Well why not?!" Griped Rainbow.

"This is a stealth mission, remember? To get Sapphire without anypony noticing?" Twilight reminded.

"Oh. Yeah. Right. Oh, fine, but we're not staying any longer this time, ok?" Rainbow made clear. Everybody, and everypony pretty much had to agree here. Twilight and the Mane six didn't want a repeat from before back with Starlight Glimmer and her village of controlled, altered inhabitants. Starlight had her magic and way of words to alter people, but this was a bit different from before. A reveal of the main one behind this won't fix it this time (they didn't know who was talking, anyway.) So, after that agreement, they went on inland to join the other locals in the "designated eating period", as Twilight flew away.

"Hope the others are doing okay," sighed Steven.


Meanwhile, going around the main halls, the other Crystal Gems were trying to keep out of sight as much as they can, while they tried to look around for Sapphire. So far, they've been doing fairly good at avoiding the main threats here, but as far as finding the target, they were having a bit of trouble as they went through.

"This isn't getting anywhere. We've been wandering around for who knows how long, and we hadn't found any trace of her," Fulgurite noted.

"Tell us something we don't know, Fulgurite. Look, if we are to find her before anyone find out, then we have to split up, and scout the area," Jasper decided. It was a risky move, and one that Flint most like didn't wanted, but if it meant to get Sapphire out faster, than so be it.

"Split up? Jasper, that's crazy! They'll pick us off one by one that way," Pearl retorted.

"Do you have any better ideas that'll make this go any faster?" Jasper questioned. However, before any of them could go any further, suddenly they heard someone beginning to walk down the hall towards them.

"Onyx, did you get those humans and ponies into the zoo yet?"

"Saw those Jasmiths put them in myself, Pearlis."

"That's minister Snow Pearlis to you, Onyx."

"Everybody quiet," Peridot said, quick and quiet, as the others quickly moved off down a ways, hiding off just out of sight. Walking down the hall was Onyx, and the supposed minister, who turned out was the same Gem who escorted Lapis to the waiting room in the first place to get them in.

"Oh, you and your titles. Geesh," Onyx said casually. Pearlis rolled her eyes.

"Thank your lucky stars, Onyx, that White Diamond even remotely placed you in her rankings at all, otherwise I'd ask her to put you with the rest of the Quartzes."

"Proves I don't need to be a hybrid to keep up with the crowd," Onyx smirked. Pearlis groaned, but the idea of these hybrids roaming about the ship was a surprise to the Crystal Gems. So, Pearlis and those Jasmiths are hybrid Gems, not just regular run cut Gems?

"... Hybrid? What's that?" Star asked quietly, only to be hushed by Ruby.

"Did you handle the Blue Pearl, at least?" Pearlis asked. Onyx nodded, her hands behind her head.

"Yeah, she's good, waiting in the throne room with our Diamond. Hey, speaking of blue, what do you think they'll do to Sapphire when they're done with her?" Onyx asked, the Crystal Gems really homing in their hearing to hopefully catch where she is. Pearlis and Onyx stopped for a moment down the hall.

"Not entirely sure. Sapphire may be a rebel, like those other, more primitive Crystal Gems, but she is a rare Gem. I don't think White Diamond will just go and cut her Gem off that easily. Probably have her as a practice dummy," Pearlis wondered, a smirk and a giggle escaping her on the last part. Onyx found it a bit unneeded though.

"Don't you think we have enough of those? Seriously, we got one dummy per fighter at this point, and Sapphire's just sitting there in her cell. Why not just get Blue Pearl for it instead?" Onyx suggested. Pearlis rolled her eyes.

"That tacky thing? She'll end up in a crumbling heap in three seconds with those soldier brutes, believe me. However, perhaps an experimental placement can suit that Pearl more. Mind going off and checking in for a possible opening?" Pearlis requested. The mention of experimental placement made Onyx shutter under her skin.

"No way, man, I'm not going off and wandering in that clod house," Onyx retorted. Pearlis turned to her crossly.

"That is no clod house. That is the experiments that change the future, and you know it! How dare you stand there and insult such progress," Pearlis snapped. Onyx just casually took it in stride.

"Sure, Princess, whatever flies your ship."

Onyx and Pearlis both walked off on their way from there, the Crystal Gems having heard everything from their position. The two other Gems didn't say exactly where Sapphire is, but the fact she was in some sort of cell made the concept simple enough. Once the two were far enough away, the Crystal Gems got out of hiding.

"Did you all catch that?" Jasper asked.

"... What does she mean by "hybrid"?" Star asked.

"I think that's what Pearlis is. It's like an advanced fusion, or something," Peridot said, trying to remember correctly.

"That's the least of our problems: we got an idea on where Sapphire is located. Now come on," Ruby said, starting to run down the hall. However, Diopside went on in the way of her.

"What about Steven?! We can't leave him," Diopside said urgently.

"He's fine, don't slow me down!"

"But the zoo!" Retorted Diopside.

"Dio, we all care about Steven. I promise you, we'll go and get him, but let's get Sapphire safe first and then get the humans out," suggested Pearl. Diopside still stood in the way for a moment or two, trying to think. She wanted to help them, but she couldn't leave Steven alone to do so. Then she got it.

"Let's split up then!"

"Split up? Diopside, you know where we are right now? We're in the elite of elite's own station," retorted Peridot.

"No no no, she may be onto something. There's twelve of us, and two main locations. We'll just split into two groups, and meet up at the ship. We hop in, bolt off, and done!" Fulgurite realized.

"Makes sense to me," commented Amethyst.

"Fine, we'll do it. Split into two teams, and we'll get to it," Bismuth said.

"Who's on what team though?" Diopside asked.

"There's probably more guards in the prison hold over the zoo. Me, Bismuth, Ruby, Fulgurite, Pearl, and Star Quartz, and take the prison hold, the rest of you go for the zoo. Got it?" Jasper made clear.

"Got it," the rest of the Gems agreed. There was no time to go and disagree on much, especially now, so they needed to get themselves moving. One group went off following Pearlis, while the rest went off to the zoo. If they can get this all done, then they'll get a lot more done in shorter time.

Even with their supposed stealth doing it well, the security got their sights all for White Diamond to see. The diamond got the screens on just as they decided to split off ...


Over in the zoo, the humans and ponies within the zoo went along their daily routine instructions by this little voice in the earrings. As for this day, it was going pretty well, but the entire thing was strictly apart of instruction, and not fully on their choice. And the newcomers knew it after watching them go about. They do have their fun times, which on the surface seemed to be alright. After eating artificially grown Gem fruit, other instructions went out to them. When they went over to the food, it turned out the food did at least grow from the trees around them.

"Looks, the fruit is purple today," Y6 said, giving the fruit to AJ. If anypony had a worse problem with this, it would be the farmer pony. For a start, the fruit all grew automatically, just popping right up in the trees for the humans and ponies to eat. While the idea of fruit just coming from nowhere wasn't entirely new for Applejack, the fruit had a sort of crystal sheen to them rather than a basic fruit, despite the fact that they can bite into it rather easily. Applejack held the odd fruit in her hoof for a bit, and even took a bite of it herself. It was no apple off her family farm, but it tasted okay anyway.

This had been the basic idea throughout this routine of theirs. Things like 'time to go out and play', or 'enjoy some time in the sunshine' kept getting instructed to them. Once again, these simple activities would normally be enjoyable on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but all of these instructions and ideas were not their own at any point in their stay, and it was getting a bit troubling for some. The Mane Six had their own reactions to this, and while some like Pinkie and Fluttershy took it on easier, others just needed some more encouragement to play along with this odd game of Simon says. Steven and Connie went along with the motions too, but they both knew that they can't stay here. Even if it was so peaceful and friendly ...

now it's time to stop and smell the flowers.

This wasn't just a metaphorical statement from this little voice either, but this was a literal idea. The number of people went over to a forest field of growing flowers, where the locals began to enjoy the smell, and giving them to one another. A number of bushes had a number of flowers and buttercups on them, all about a pinkish color, and large enough to fit in both hands.

"What if I ... don't want to smell the flowers?" Steven asked J10.

"Why wouldn't you want to do that?" J10 asked, as she put the flower in Steven's hair. A nice gesture, yes, but it honestly didn't make Steven feel any better.

Eventually, the group went off to meet up at the beach soon after this. Even with these things ringing in their ears, it will give them some time to discuss what the hay to even do now. For the moment, the only ones who weren't at the beach were Twilight, and Rainbow, who'd had gone off to check for any sort of way out of this zoo. Lucky for them, the other humans and ponies were still busy with their own little instructions, so they wouldn't bother them. Not like they would help them very much anyway. As they waited, eventually, Twilight and Rainbow landed down at the shore.

"Find anything girls?" Connie asked.

"Not a thing. There's no air holes, vents, windows or anything," Twilight said.

"There better be some way out of here. I'm getting sick and tired of these things jabbing on in my head," rainbow complained, her front hoof whacking at her right earring, trying to get it off her ears. No matter how many times she could whack at it, it just wouldn't come off of her. As she was ...

Time to clean up, everyone. Let's all take a refreshing bath.

"No, shut it!" Rainbow yelled, whacking at her ears over and over again. Finally she had enough.

"Pinkie, tear these off of me," Rainbow demanded, head lowered and ears up. Pinkie was a bit hesitant about doing so, but her mouth did end up grabbing hold on one of the earrings, and she began to tug and pull on it bit by bit. Rainbow cringed on each tug and pull, but no matter how much was done, there was nothing good coming out of it besides pain. Rainbow even flapped her wings to pull against Pinkie's pulling, but nothing worked.

"Rainbow, stop, you're just hurting yourself," Connie said, making Pinkie let go of her. Last thing they needed was to get eachother torn apart before they could get out of this place. Rainbow had her ears stinging, but the stupid earrings were still on her head. Almost as if on cue ...

Aren't you going in?

"UGH," Rainbow groaned, walking out to the shallow lake, and dunking her head in it. It wasn't even her whole body, it was just her head slamming into the water. After her soaked head came out of the pond ...

Don't you feel refreshed now?

"Whatever," Rainbow simply groaned, as she walked back, embarrassed and wet, to the shore of the pond. It was simply stupid, but at least the voice did shut up for a moment.

"I can't believe the Diamonds would even make such a place for humans and ponies. I thought they didn't care much for it," Connie noted.

"Well, apparently they do. Here, let's keep looking around," Twilight said, starting to walk inland again, but Rarity went over to her.

"hold on, darling. You've been flying around all day looking for a way out. How about you just relax, and we go have a look?" Rarity offered. The unicorn wasn't wrong about that. Twilight had been flying around like a fly inside a house for pretty much since they showed up. So, Twilight just nodded, and had a seat.

"Thank you," Twilight said. After that was decided, the others began to leave, and began their search around.

For the next twenty minutes or so, Twilight just relaxed over by the shores of the zoo's pond. She'd been with the Gems for well over a year now, yet she never would've guessed that she would find that Homeworld Gems would keep humans and equestrian ponies like this. Rather elaborate too: none of the locals seemed to be harmed in such a way, or even wanted to leave by the looks of things. Twilight took a moment to look down into the pond, seeing her own reflection with the earrings on her. She twitched her ear, hearing the sound of the earrings clinking. She didn't know if Flint intended for them to fully end up inside the zoo, but regardless of the case, if they can't find a way out, then they were simply stuck here. As she sat there, her earrings glowed again.

Having fun in there?

Twilight didn't respond at first to the voice coming in from her earrings, thinking it was just some instruction to the locals again, as it had been all morning.

Don't act mute just because I'm talking, Twilight Sparkle.

Now she was paying attention. Her eyes shot open, as she jumped to her hooves, staring off into space as if trying to find the source of the noise. The voice sounded too familiar now.

"W-Wait. Starlight?!" Twilight gasped. It was indeed Starlight Glimmer: hidden in another room of the White Diamond station, managing to find where the voices were being handled in the earrings used on the humans. With some tweaking, Starlight got a more specific signal, and able to talk and hear Twilight Sparkle.

That's me. How does it feel to be in the utopia now? You might as well just give in like everypony else.

"So, this was your idea," twilight assumed, as she relaxed a bit, listening to whatever word that Starlight was going to say.

No: the Diamonds had this idea WAY before I did.

"Where are you? how are you talking to me?"

I'm with White Diamond now. And she helped me get my own back with YOU. Now you're trapped here.

"Starlight, you're making a big mistake. If you just -"

Mistake? Ha! Says the pony who interfered in MY life, for no reason at all, ruining everything I've done to make harmony for me, and everypony else!

"This again? Starlight, listen to me. True friendship can't be forced onto somepony else, you have to earn it. Keeping me and my own friends out of the way isn't going to change that!"

Oh, bare me your overblown ego! You're just upset because I tried something different from yours. Why argue anyway? you already lost!

"Are how's that?" Twilight questioned.

Because we already are closing in on your Crystal Gems. Yeah, White diamond and I knew the INSTANT you stepped hoof in this station. I bet they'll be gone in just a few minutes. And then, you'll forever stay in that Gem zoo with no way out.

Twilight Sparkle froze up. This sort of information made her skin shiver, ears drop, and leaving the alicorn to think on the danger. Was Starlight serious about this? Twilight tried to correct herself.

"Starlight Glimmer, We never came into your village just to torment you. You kidnapped our friend, she asked us to help her escape."

And WHY didn't you just do that then, and leave me at that?

Twilight then just decided to be clear to her.

"Because we saw the dangers in your policies, Starlight. You've been trying to force ponies to be friends - true friendship isn't like that at all. you have to earn it, to befriend them, to get them to know you. Taking me and my friends away from Equestria, or even Earth for that matter, will not change that."

Oh no you don't! Don't try to throw your ego at me, Twilight. I got my revenge now, you are stuck here forever, and that is - Starlight? What're you doing? W-White Diamond! I'm just checking out your zoo, really. Is that a intercom, Starlight? This? Well, yes, but I didn't mess with it or anything, if that's what your thinking! Thought we made an agreement not to lie to eachother when I brought you here, Starlight. I can see your "Twilight Sparkle", as you put it, on the monitor. Can I help it if I want to make sure the offerings are in safely? As you say, better safe than sorry. Then WHY are you even in here? I didn't bring you here to mock them, now get back to the throne room, and stay there. Well, if you just give me - NOW. STARLIGHT. .... And I'll be going. .......... And you heard all that I assume, Twilight?

"Yes," Twilight just said, blankly. Wow, that felt awkward. Her ears were ringing from White Diamond's bellowing, but she got it all anyway.

Figured as much. That pebble.

With that, the earrings stopped glowing, and left Twilight Sparkle distraught again, but now feeling a little awkward. Who'd of wanted to hear an argument over the phone, anyway? Still, Starlight did worry her a bit more on the subject of the other Gems being in trouble ...

"Please be careful, you guys ..." she thought.