• Published 3rd Jul 2016
  • 3,283 Views, 186 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 4 - EquestrianKirin

  • ...

The Albino Diamond PT2

While the zoo seemed awfully fair at the moment, anyway, some navigation from one of the Crystal Gem groups had gotten them in a ton more trouble. Jasper, Bismuth, Pearl, Star, Ruby, and Fulgurite continued trying to get around the place, trying to find the prison hold. If Sapphire is to be anywhere in this place, it would be there. The group had been walking around the place for a while, with Jasper in lead. As they continued going along, Fulgurite peered around the next corner, and from her standpoint, she them noticed a rather large door ahead, shaped like an pentagon, and having a darker sheen to it. There didn't seem to be any guards at the door, but some guards were going on inside. As they were, the Crystal Gems could hear the sounds of angry Gems inside: namely complaints and yells. Fulgurite squinted her eyes a little bit, and she could actually see some prison cells inside the room they were going.

"That's gotta be it. Come on, gang, let's go," Ruby said, as she and Fulgurite raced for the door. The others went a bit slower, as Fulgurite got there first. However, while she expected a hall, she suddenly found herself skidding to a halt. A few more steps forward in her run, and she would've fallen off her platform. The prison hold, just to start, was HUGE. much larger than any prison hold on Jasper's old ship would be. The design of the place, although, had a similar look to it by the appearance alone in the shapes of the prison cells, and the similar method to keeping the prisoners in. The guards moved along through many of the levels, which by the looks of it, went up to seven, and there was a number of halls that split it up along the way, with bridges connecting from one side of floors to the other, and mini warp pads to teleport from one floor to the other. The warp pads were not the same as regular warp pads, for these were big enough to accommodate only one Gem at a time, and didn't extend to anywhere outside the prison itself. Think of it like a teleporting elevator. As for the guards, these weren't exactly Jasmiths as before, but instead these Gems were more like police officers: medium in height and muscle, with exceptionally large Gems on their heads, beaming light through the dimly lit prison. Each one was dark purple, and yellow in the eyes, with the outfit matching the White Diamond following. None of them were near the group, thank goodness.

"Strange. Don't recognize any of those Gems," Fulgurite noted as she was looking.

"Must be more of those hybrids Pearlis was talking about," figured Pearl, and she was probably right. They've came across two types of hybrids within the place, anyway, so these had to be some sort of mixture of sorts. But, before any of them could continue, Star looked up to about the sixth floor, on one of the bridges going across the way, and began to notice something. moving around up on the floor, as another guard had fast, some sort of transparent figure had caught her eye in the light distortion bouncing off of his body.

"Okay. There's a lot of this prison to look around, so we better -"

Before Jasper could finish, suddenly Star Quartz was soon jumping up to the bridge! One light leap did the trick, but it caught the others off guard. She landed perfectly silent on the bridge, looking at the figure. All she had to do was look down to the others for her and the figure to jump down. Star landed okay, though the other figure was a bit more rough. In the shadows, the camouflage cloak was off, and Flint was standing there.

"Flint, there you are. Did you find Sapphire?" Ruby asked, hopefully.

"Oh, nevermind that, what're you doing here? It's too risky, especially with these Carnethyst guards roaming around," flint said, quietly yet urgently.

"... you know what they are, Flint?" Star questioned.

"I heard some Jasmiths talk about it, now you need to go before they see you," Flint insisted, finger aimed to the door. If any of them got captured, and they find out what was what, it'll be all over for everyone involved.

"No way, you clod, I'm not leaving til I find Sapphire, and that's that," Ruby said firmly. Flint knew by now how determined Ruby was in finding her signature other, so he didn't push that subject further.

"Alright, fine. Where are the others though?"

"We had to split: The others are getting Steven, Connie, and the Ponies outta that Gem zoo, while we get Sapphire. I know it's dangerous, but, it'll get it done a lot faster this way."

Flint felt his worry fill up again, but rather than go out on them, he pinched the bridge of his nose, and gave a long breath. He couldn't blame them for making their own decisions without him there to get things going, and he did say to have them as offerings after all.

"Ok, ok. I've looked through three of these floors already, and I can't find her anywhere. I honestly think though she might be in here somewhere, so we better hurry up and find her fast," Flint instructed.

"Way ahead of you: Bismuth, you take Pearl and Star to the right, I'll take Fulgurite and Ruby to the left. Fulgurite, Star, if either one of your sides finds her first, tell the other, and we'll meet up back here," Jasper advised.

"You got it, J. Let's get our Sapphire back," Bismuth said.

Soon, Bismuth and Jasper's group went apart from there to have their own look around the place. Each side had about seven floors to check, along with the number of hallways to see to. So, with each side with each floor, they looked through each cell, trying to find where Sapphire was in the place. Three of the seven floors weren't searched, mainly because Flint had already gone through them himself before they arrived, so they didn't have to look around as many floors as they originally thought. That didn't make it any easier though: For Bismuth and Jasper's group, avoiding sight of the Carnethysts was no easy task. The guards moved like living drones, moving off in a straight line, rarely glancing off away from their path to look into the prison cells. The light seemed to be their main source of sight, for they didn't react to much if the Gems were outside the light. Flint had the easiest time with the stealth tactic, having his own camouflage, but the other Gems don't have any of that on them. Jasper and Bismuth had the most trouble with it.

"Sapphire? Sapphire?" Ruby called quietly, time to time again.

"Quiet, Ruby, we'll find her I promise," Jasper said, trying to keep their stealth up. As they kept going though ...

ah AH ah AH AH
ah AH ah ah ah

"Sapphire!" Ruby gasped. Fulgurite and Jasper both stopped and turned back to her.

"Ruby, can it will you? That could be any Gem in here," Fulgurite said.

ah AH ah AH AH
ah AH ah ah ah

"No. No, that is her. Only one Gem can sing like that - I'm coming Sapphire!"

Almost blindly, Ruby began to run off in front of them! She could hear her other calling her, and Ruby will NOT leave her alone! Fulgurite and Jasper tried to grab her, but even with Jasper's strength, and Fulgurite's speed, Ruby slipped past them, and ran off as fast as she could.

"Dangit. Ruby, get back here!" Jasper demanded quietly, trying to go after her. She and Fulgurite tried, but another Carnethyst suddenly appeared, and they had to stop. This gave Ruby more of an opening to find Sapphire.

"Fulgurite, warn the others," Jasper said. Fulgurite was quick to oblige, and was soon off and out of sight. Oh well, at least the others will get the warning anyway.

ah AH ah AH AH
ah AH ah ah ah

Ruby raced around the area a bit more. If there was one advantage going for her, it was her size. Any medium or large Gem would be caught almost immediately, Ruby had some more stealth going for her since she was small, and therefore, less noticeable from a distance. Ruby didn't really care much for that, her mind set on finding Sapphire above all others. She prayed to her life that Sapphire would be okay within this horrifying place, as she kept her eyes up front, and the most focus she had. The singing was stronger and louder as Ruby went down one the bottom level's right wall. When in there, the singing was especially strong. Ruby looked down each cell in the hallway for a bit. Soon, when she got to about the second cell down ...


"Psst. Sapphire," Ruby said, giddy and happy. Sapphire could hear someone, but she wasn't sure at first.

"What? No it can't be. Must be imagining it."


"Wait. Ruby?!"

It took Sapphire a bit, but she did eventually recognize the voice belonging to her beloved Ruby.

"Sshh. Don't worry, I'll get you out of here in no time," Ruby assured her.

"B-But. No, Ruby, how're you here?! You can't be here!" Sapphire asked, as Ruby tried to work the controls to Sapphire's cell lock. It was a bit complicated, so Ruby had to try her best at it a little longer.

"I am here, and you're going to be okay. I'll get you out, we'll all leave, get back to the ship, and you'll be at home safe and sound."

"All leave? Ruby, who else is here with you?"

Ruby stopped for a short moment.

"The whole gang's here, we're all here, and we're getting you out. Hold tight, I almost got it."

"Ruby, don't! Please, I'll be fine, you all have to get out of here," Sapphire pleaded.

"No way! I'm not leaving here without you! You're going to be okay."

"Ruby, stop! Please."

Ruby did pause to look to her stressed lover, her glossy eye looking right at her.

"Ruby, I-I'm so sorry. There's a reason why I didn't want anyone coming for me: White Diamond, her court, the punishment, I foresaw it all, and I don't want anyone of you to suffer in any of it! Please, Ruby. Please, get everyone else, and go back to Earth. For me," Sapphire pleaded, hoping her lover would listen to her. Sapphire meant every word of it, and the fears of any of them suffering White Diamond's wrath would be her nightmare come alive. But now they're here, Ruby made her move, and finally opened her cell wide open. Ruby looked to her lover with a confident grin. With that door open, she only had one statement to say.

"Then let's change the future."

Sapphire didn't know what to say now, as Ruby went right up, summoned her weapon, and broke the restricting cuff in one strong punch, cracking it like an egg. A relief to have her Gem released, but it was still cracked.

"Ruby ..."

"We'll fix you up soon as we get Steven here."

"S-Steven's here?!"

"Sshh. He's safe. Now come on, hurry up," Ruby insisted. Sapphire didn't know what to do. As Sapphire was being escorted out of her cell, it was then that the others just showed up to help her out.

"Sapphire, oh thank goodness you're okay," Pearl said.

"Not entirely," Jasper noted, the cracked Gem easily seen by the others.

"Oh dang, nasty. Don't worry, Sapphire, we'll get you home and fix you up, good as new," Bismuth assured Sapphire, as she picked her up. All Sapphire could do was huddle up, hiding her face in Bismuth's chest as if hiding from whatever might be coming up. Just as they were about to go.

"Where do you think you might be going?"

Pearlis found them out. Right behind her were all of the Carnethyst guards, outnumbering the group of six ten fold.

"... we're outnumbered," Ruby said.

"Ha! What else is new?" Bismuth said, her hands turning into hammers. Pearlis and the guards weren't so easily intimidated by the Crystal Gems and their own weapons, and they began to close in.

Time for a fight.


its time to go to sleep. Sweet dreams, everyone.

Back in the zoo, it had turned to nighttime for the zoo creatures. All the locals, following the instructions, began to drift off to sleep. Their resting area here was mainly the comfortable bushes, and while many of the humans were sleeping, Steven and Connie were getting restless. The two were sleeping next to eachother, and it wasn't until after a few minutes that Steven woke Connie up. Connie yawned, and stretched her arms.

"Wow, I'm really getting deep in this schedule," Connie yawned. While they do want to leave, something else had been nagging at Steven's mind since they arrived, and since it was just him and Connie right now (with the locals fast asleep, and the Mane Six farther away), he might as well get it out now.

"Hey, Connie. Ready?"

"I'm always ready," Connie answered. The two quietly got up, but they both took a second to look over at the other humans ...

"You thinking the same thing, Steven?"

"Look at these people. How could they be so happy? Do they even know they've been trapped here? ... I feel wrong," Steven said.

"I know what you mean. But, these humans and ponies had been here for generations. They don't even know what their real home is anymore," said Connie. Although she didn't want to leave them either, facts are facts. Where could they go that'll be the same as their utopia they're living in now?

"But. But we can't leave them here like this ... Can we?" Steven wondered, troubled still. Connie and Steven both looked over to the other sleeping locals one more time, one of which seemed to be having trouble sleeping, even if he was supposed to. Steven and Connie didn't know if they could even pull it off with so many people and ponies at one time. Getting Sapphire was the main idea, not making another "Great Escape" happen. They both could hear whimpering from the small boy, who was laying by himself on his own bush. Steven was the one who went over to him, and all he could do was gently stroke his hair. The little boy stopped whimpering after a little bit, and actually started to smile. It was the least Steven could do. Steven did this for another minute until he got back up to his own feet, wiping away a tear from his face. Connie did the same, wiping a tear from her own eye, before they both started to walk away.

They both know that they can't do anything about it right now. All they could do was go ...

"Psst, Steven, Connie, over here," a voice whispered from the bushes. Poking her head out, Fluttershy had found there they were.

"Fluttershy. Where're the others?" Connie asked.

"They're over here. I think Pinkie Pie found a way out," Fluttershy said, as she snuck back into the bush, a hoof gesturing them to follow her.

Steven and Connie both went off after Fluttershy for a little bit more, until Fluttershy found the others over by where Pinkie Pie had said. The area in question was right by the very edge of the zoo, right at the wall, and there actually was a pentagon door, hidden rather weakly by some large tropical leaves. Steven removed the leaves, and cleared the door.

"It's the door!" Steven realized. There was no other place that would get them out, so they had to make do with the door here. Steven tried to open it first, but it didn't seem to exactly work, the door being locked up tight from outside.

"It's locked."

"I got this, stand back," Rainbow said, her hoof scraping the ground. The others knew exactly what Rainbow was going to do, and quickly moved aside, as Rainbow took a few more steps back for some extra speed. Once she had a good ten feet of distance, she gathered her strength, lowered her head, and she charged forward with lightning speed, wings beating for good measure. Even with speed that matched a cheetah, all the slam did was give Rainbow a headache, a loud bang on the door signifying Rainbow Dash's strike. Her charge didn't even deny the door, let alone open it. Rainbow sat down, eyes spinning in a daze, as she tried to gather up her senses.

"You okay?" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. I'm cool," Rainbow replied, shaking her head.

"Here, let me have a crack at it," AJ said, moving over to the door. Instead of ramming the door, she her Apple bucking hooves up, and kicked the door over and over again. Each powerful Applejack kick is enough to bang down every Apple off of her own trees, but it still wasn't enough to get the dang door open.

"Doors harder than a platinum turtle's shell. That door ain't budging," commented Applejack, wiping off sweat from her forehead. Soon, Steven turned to Twilight.

"Hey I know! Twilight, teleport us outta here!"

"Teleportation doesn't work like that. I have to get a visual idea of where I wanna be, and I don't know White Diamond's station enough to do that. It's even harder with multiple ponies too. Sorry," Twilight said. She might be able to do it, but she didn't want to risk teleporting them into outer space. Steven snapped his finger on hearing that, but in a way of being shot down an idea rather than getting one.

"There's always a catch," sighed Steven. Before they could continue ...

"Stee van! Kon knee!"

Guess their racket had woke up the locals. Appearing out of the bushes right by the door, Y6 and J10 had woken up from their noise, and went over to investigate.

"So it is you making the noise. What are you doing?" Y6 asked.

"Is this a new game?" Asked J10 excitedly.

"Can we play?" Added Y6.

"Oh, you two. Eh, no this isn't a game: we're trying to get this door open. Any ideas?" AJ asked.

"What's this ... door?" J10 asked. Well it was worth a shot.

"It's like a wall, but you're able to open it up," Connie said, trying to explain.

"Walls don't open up. They're walls!" Y6 stated. AJ raised an eyebrow at this. No, that didn't help, but J10 did realize something that probably could help.

"Wait! There is a old story about a door: some one was taken away through one when they got ... Hurts."

"What exactly are hurts?" Asked Y6.

"I don't know," answered J10. So, these people don't even know what pain is? However, if it meant to open the door ...

"I know what hurt is!" Steven said.

"You do?" Y6 and J10 asked.

"I'll show you. Guys, slug me in the face," Steven said, waiting for somepony to comply.

"Steven, we're not going to hit you!" Connie said.

"If it means to get outta here," retorted Steven. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie had an idea instead pop up in her head.

"Hold on a minute -" Twilight tried to say, but Pinkie quickly cut her off.

"Me next, me next!" Pinkie said, suddenly bolting off into the forest. After a bit, she came back with half of a coconut, punched two eye holes in it, and got it right on her head. Pinkie wasn't going to hit him, but she was willing to take the hit herself. Pinkie banged her coconut helmet with her front hoof, and readied for the hit.

"Eh, Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked.

"Come on, who wants a go! come on, come on, I'm ready for ya!" Pinkie said, ready for the hit at any moment. Naturally skeptical, but at least somepony was willing. Twilight though got the coconut helmet off of her fast.

"Guys, stop. If hurt is what opens that door, Rainbow would've got it open already. She did slam head first into it, right? We better think of something else before somepony gets more hurt," Twilight pointed out. As they tried to figure things out (Y6 and J10 kinda lost in the whole thing), Rainbow Dash took a look up to the sky. Her own daredevil mind began to go to work, and then she realized something that just might work.

"Maybe the commotion isn't big enough," Rainbow decided.

"Huh?" Pinkie asked.

"Wait here. I got this. Y6, J10, you two better move away from the door," Rainbow said, wings spread wide. They first thought Rainbow Dash was going to just charge at the door again, but instead, the Pegasus shot skyward. Once she was high enough, she began to fly around in circles along the rim of the zoo, going faster and faster. Y6 and J10 did so, as they all watched what Rainbow Dash was trying to do. It wasn't until she just became a blur of rainbow colors that Twilight began to put the pieces together.

"She's not," Twilight commented. But, she was: after gaining enough speed, Rainbow bolted up to the very top of the zoo, kicking off the ceiling to shoot downward. With her increased speed, it was just fast enough for her to do the incredible.

The sonic rainboom!

Exploding mid way down, the sonic rainboom spread out all across the sky of the zoo, waking everybody and everypony up with a startle as they all saw the signature rainbow colors spread out in a ring. The locals were simply mesmerized by this sight, for they had NEVER seen anything like it before in their lives. Rainbow Dash skidded down to a stop, stopping right back where she started, wings spread and full of pride. Y6 and J10 had stars in their eyes in astonishment to the Pegasus's feat. The rainbow rings hit the sides of the zoo walls, causing a sort of Indian bell chime to ring out inside the place. The singular, long chime lasted for a good ten seconds before fading away.

"That should get them running."

"Rainbow, what're you doing?! you're going to give us away," Twilight said.

"I am, actually. now come on, hide out here, they should come any second," Rainbow said, pushing everyone behind some of the forest brush, not too far from the door. Y6 and J10 were gone at the point, heading out towards the beach to see if that rainboom would come back. Not what they figured, but still worth something. They stayed hidden in the bushes for a while more until ...

"What was that?!" asked a voice.

"It came from in here!" said another.

"Come on, open it up, the other might be in there," a voice suggested, sounding familiar.

"I'm trying my best. hold on ... got it!"

As they were waiting, they began to hear some sort of odd sizzling, and soon, as they hoped, the door to the zoo actually managed to open up, giving them the opportunity. The mane six waited to see who was actually on the other side, expecting more of White Diamond's guards, but instead they found the other Crystal Gem group! Diopside, Amethyst, Emerald, Peridot, Jade, and Lapis Lazuli were all there, and judging by the dripping acid from Diopside's mouth, she was the one who got the door open.

"Good job, Diopside," Emerald commented, as Diopside wiped her mouth clean. No point in hiding now, especially from friends.

"Guys!" Steven beamed, as the others came out to greet them. Steven couldn't help himself: he went right up and hugged his friends on seeing them.

"Steven, thank goodness. How're you, are you all okay?" Lapis asked.

"Oh, we're fine, don't worry about it. Where're the others?" Twilight asked.

"They're rescuing Sapphire. Come on, let's high-tail it to the ship before anyone sees us," Emerald said, as they began to go. They closed the door, and they were heading down the hall when ...

"Hey! The offerings are out!"

"Oh clod," Peridot gulped, turning around to see Onyx, and Jasmith patrollers behind them! The only thing left to do was run, and run they did.


"Now, I'm going to ask you again. Who's in charge here?"

In the throne room, The dormant Blue Diamond gemstone was brought to her by some of White Diamond's pearls. Starlight Glimmer had just finished going through a bit of a lecture from White Diamond herself. Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl were both standing side by side, over near the White Pearl set, and Yellow Diamond awaiting over by White Diamond herself. Starlight was standing over in front of White Diamond, pretty much stuck in place, and looking up at her.

"You are."

"Who helped you get your revenge on that Alicorn?"

"You did."

"Who is going to listen to my orders?"

"... I am."

"That's better. Now, you just stay over with my Pearls, and be a good unicorn," White Diamond instructed. Starlight got what she wanted, but this was not what she wanted outta the deal. She reluctantly moved over to where she was told, and sat down over by Yellow and Blue Pearl. How embarrassing of her to just jump at Twilight without much of word. Before anything could go any further, there was another sound from the door: Onyx had arrived into the throne room. White Diamond was about to question her, but she saw her answer when another, much larger Gem entered the room.

Blue Diamond!

However, she did not appear the same as she was before. Reformation doesn't normally take on too much dramatic change, but in this case, it was a big one. When Blue diamond removed her hood, it showed how much she had changed: Her skin was lighter blue in color, along with her eyes, with her robe still faded in color to the original dark blue. The biggest change though was her hair. It was much longer now, pure white, and stretching down to the center of her back, almost like Sapphire's hair in a way in terms of structure. In fact, her hair not only went down her back, but looped around her chest, as if trying to cradle her Gemstone. Her eyes also had darker blue eyeshadow underneath, with some black eyeliner along the bottom lashes.

"See you've changed, Blue. Now then, had you come to your senses, or do I have to break you again?"

Blue Diamond recoiled under the threat.

"N-No. I'm fine now."

"Good. Now, I wish for both of you to stay a while longer, and we'll have the Crystal Gems here shortly," White Diamond said casually, as she got up and took a few steps behind Blue Diamond.

"Wait. My Diamond, I thought we had her already? she was the last one, wasn't she?" Onyx asked, confused.

"Sapphire's are always planning ahead, Admiral Onyx, and they're always prone to lying if it means anything."

"They can't be here now!" Yellow Diamond suddenly stated.

"Course they're here! We have their Sapphire, now don't we? Besides, it's probably better to wipe out all of them while they're here."

"B-But how?" Blue Diamond asked.

"They'll tell us when I bring them here. Pearls, apprehend them! Bring them back alive ... barely. Alive."

With a nod of the head, all of the White Pearls were soon rushing out of sight, splitting up in the halls to different locations. White Diamond simply walked to the door soon after her Pearls had left, but before leaving, she turned back to the other Diamonds and Pearls still over by the throne.

"I'll only be a moment. Yellow, you actually have some common sense. Keep Blue and that pebble horse out of any mischief until I get back, okay? Come along, Onyx."

It wasn't until after she left that Blue Diamond collapsed to her knees, hugging her own body, and looking rather petrified. Blue Pearl quietly moved over to her Diamond, actually moving away her hair so Blue Diamond could see her true eye. Blue Diamond was actually in tears at this point, as Blue Pearl tried to comfort her as best as she could do. Yellow Diamond began to feel more troubled about the subject more and more, but her position as a Diamond meant that if she tried to go against her, she'll risk losing everything she had. Still, seeing White Diamond just decapitate Blue Diamond made Yellow more angered towards her. She had enough ...

"Pearl, you stay with her."


"Excuse me?"

It honestly didn't take very long until Yellow Diamond had actually caught up with her. White Diamond was alone, having sent her Pearls and Onyx off on their way to apprehend.

"I just thought that, before you go and apprehend them, you should be known of some needed information about Homeworld and the Crystal Gems," Yellow Diamond insisted. White Diamond knew that now wasn't the time for such things, but since her Pearls and her other Gems were on high alert, she might as well at least hear YD out. So, she stood there, arms crossed in authority, and looked to Yellow Diamond eye to eye.

"... Go on."

Yellow Diamond sighed, and cleared her throat, having eyes closed and in professional stance.

"Well, in previous months, the -"

"Yellow, do open your eyes. How am I suppose to tell if your lying with your eyes shut?" White Diamond cut in. Yellow Diamond complied, and continued.

"Right. Well, due to previous events, the Crystal Gems and Homeworld are eh ... On more, appropriate terms."

"Oh yeah?" Quizzed White Diamond.

"You see, it turned out that this Osicone event that we thought was nothing but mere myth and legend, had come to life on us. The Crystal Gems arrived on our Homeworld a month prior to the event, and it was them who ... I know it's a little embarrassing, but ... They. Defeated it for us. They saved Homeworld, basically."

At first, White Diamond didn't really seemed to change her main expression, apart from a raised eyebrow of course, but second by second the reality of it sank in her mind. That would explain why Blue Diamond was so reluctant earlier, anyway. Yellow diamond waited for some sort of reaction to come from her, the anticipation hard enough to contend with. White Diamond was sure Yellow Diamond did not lie to her in that whole speech, although she did seem a little embarrassed on the subject - who wouldn't? A ruler like her needing ruffians to handle something so large and so world-changing. White Diamond finally spoke up after a while, taking a step forward.

"... Go back to the throne room. That sword of yours will make a excellent execution axe," White Diamond stated. Yellow Diamond couldn't believe her ears.

"W-What? Did you not hear me, White?! The Crystal Gems saved Homeworld!"

"I got that. So. you mean to tell me that your court and army had become so tacky, and incompetent, that it takes a rag tag band of ruffians, not even any aid, just ruffians alone, to do your job?" White Diamond scolded.

"I know it's embarrassing, but they -"

"THEY had rebelled against Homeworld for a thousand years since we showed up on Earth. They had attacked and killed hundreds of Homeworld soldiers during the Gem war. And it's they who need to know their place with us."

Each point WD brought up got her moving a step closer to Yellow Diamond until she was toe-to-toe with her.

"So here's what's going to happen now. I'm going to get the Crystal Gems. I'm going to punish them, and YOU are going to help me, and let me do what needs to be done. Surely you see the reasons now, among other things."

"Other. things?" Asked Yellow Diamond

"Don't play any games with me, you know it, and so do I. now, you be a good Diamond, and wait in the throne room. IS. THAT. CLEAR?" White Diamond finished. Yellow diamond knew it was a losing battle now. Rather than say anything, all Yellow Diamond did was just nod slowly, eyes closed, and gaze down. Only then did White Diamond back away.

"Good. now, off you go then. I'll be with you in a few minutes."

After that, Yellow Diamond began walking on back to WD's throne room, defeated and withdrawn, as WD casually went on her way like nothing even happened.

"And to think, I just called her sensible. Hah," WD said under her breath.


Meanwhile, the other Gems further away from the oncoming guards were pretty much on the run right now. With Lapis's group ahead, they tried their best to get to the ship, but the Jasmiths and Carnethysts were not making it any easier for any of them. Seemed that every corner outta four, more guards would block them off from getting out.

"Where the hay are these guys coming from?" Asked rainbow as they ran.

"Don't know, don't care. come on, I think I see the door out of here," Emerald said, pointing ahead. What have they got to lose now: as fast as they all could, they raced right through that door, and quickly closed it behind them just before any guards could get in. To make sure no one would get in, Peridot focused her metal abilities to seal the door shut. They could hear the guards skid to a stop by the door, trying to open it, but with no luck. They banged, rammed, and tried forcing the door down until one voice seemed to creep up over the sound.

"Guards! White Diamond is coming, she'll handle them," a voice commanded. That just made them even more worried.

"ok, we gotta - ... go."

They were NOT in the right place. not at all. In fact, the room was the last place any of them wanted to be: the science chamber!

"OH, look, I think I see the door out of here," Peridot mocked.

"Oh shut up, like you knew where we were," snapped Emerald.

"Guys, stop it. White Diamond is coming, we need to find a way out of here and quickly. Who knows what she'll do to - oof!" As Lapis was explaining, and walking along ahead down the hall, she accidentally bumped something. Looking ahead, she saw that it was a hanging tube, ending in a sort of bong or something, but inside showed a small, wrinkled, Pearl Gemstone! It wasn't their Pearl in there, but horrifying to see. Looking up, there were a lot more hanged up, different Gem types amongst them, and a sign simply saying "Gem power cells. Return when not in use." Simply, these Gems were a power source for ... Well, for something, it was unclear what.

"I think I can guess," Emerald simply said. They all began to hear the guards again, and all they could do was go on ahead down the hall for somewhere to hide, or better, somewhere out.

What happened next seemed to be a disaster waiting to happen: as they went onto the next room, they got their taste of what the workers actually do here. The room they were in was a large one, splitting off down through other doors to different areas of the lab, and this one alone looked just like a preparation room. Up above on the wall was a large painting of a Diamond Gem, with a DNA symbol going through it. The rooms that followed had a similar layout to a laboratory, or hospital, only on a much larger scale for a diamond to walk around in. At first it looked fairly tame, but as they continued onward, something started to present itself.

"What is this place?" Connie wondered.

"I think it's a science lab. Do Gems do these sort of things?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh, all the time. But most of them are more ... well, tame, than this," Peridot said. And it showed: as they past a apparently empty room, something charged at the glass, banging on it hard, and making them all jump. Looking inside, while hard to see at first, it looked like something - a human - stuck in a cage. Inside the cage, the human was silent, a notable stitch over his chest, and the human pacing back and forth. There was a number engraved in his arm, reading as "Cut- 52371-A". Connie and Steven froze on the horror of it, as the other Gems moved them along. Now was not the time for any sight seeing.

"What did they do to him?" Steven had to ask, quietly.

"I don't want to know what they do in here, let's just find a way out," Peridot noted. As they kept going, another sound soon went off: a bag of rocks was dumped down into another chamber with a human in it. Before it was presented to this human, the food was colored and shaped to resemble human food. The human, whom was rather thin, took the food with abandon, and unwittingly ate the rocks as of they were just food. something disturbing to both Gems and Humans alike. It seemed to be a minor test, but they passed through some more doors and found something that made them shutter.

This room had rows of cages, glass lined, many of them with humans, or other creatures from Earth or elsewhere. This was impossible to ignore, as the door was over on the otherside. This place seemed to be a storage area for them, and looking in, it was painfully clear these humans were not normal. Some had limbs missing, some had their skin different colors, some had stitches over different parts of the body (over vital areas). It wasn't only humans though: Gems filled some of these cages, and their conditions looked as horrid, or even worse: some gems had fused colors like watercolors, some had limbs flip-flopped around on their bodies, and some even showed signs of infection of some sort of them, either shown on just the Gem, or on the body in patches.

This place was for human, and Gem experimentation.

"Oh my Celestia ... come on, let's hurry," Rarity said, at last. It was enough to immediately bring on either cringes or tears depending on who it was, but they all had to get out of here, and fast. Or it could be them in those cages as experiments.

The group was quick to get on out of there, the imagery stuck with them now, and onto the next room. This room had a bit of a split to it: one door to the right, one door by a window, and a set of stairs heading off upward along the wall. For the window, it lead out into a large, white, circular room, easily large enough to fit in all the diamonds comfortably. No humans, Ponies, or Gems were in this one aside from the Crystal Gems and Mane Six.

"How could Gems do such things?" Rarity wondered.

"I thought Gems stopped doing that," Diopside noted.

"Wait, all Gems did this before?!"

"No, not all Gems. Blue Diamond actually forbade the practice on her colonies. There're some things even the Diamonds don't approve of," explained Diopside.

"I believe that," Peridot commented.

"There's got to be another way out of here. You guys want to try the door, or the stairs?" Twilight asked. Before anyone could continue, Pinkie curiously began to look inside the room from the window. As she tried to see the whole thing, a stray hoof pressed down on one of the buttons, opening the door into the large room.

"oooOOOOooo! In here!" Pinkie said, going in to check it out.

"Pinkie, get back here, this is not a game!" Twilight called, as Pinkie Pie tried to find another door. As Pinkie looked, she actually found something that she thought was it. Above the way, as the others came in to get her, Pinkie saw another door to a higher room that looked like one of the landing pods from the hanger.

"Look, up there! It's the way out! I win I win!" Pinkie beamed.

"Then Come on, let's get going," Amethyst yelled from the door.

What happened next they didn't know how it happened: as they began to head out, something happened to the door after a while. Either it was fate contriving the situation or there was some timer to the door, but soon the door automatically slammed shut! That left Peridot, Lapis, Diopside, Amethyst, and Jade trapped inside the room, as everyone else was outside. Pinkie Pie tried to get the button to unlock the door, but it was no use. Lapis tried to open the door, but it wasn't working.

"What happened! Guys, get us out of here!" Diopside called.

"It's not working from here, the button turned off," Pinkie said, trying over and over again. Turned out it was actually out of power, an drained power cell just turning off after that use. Go figure.

"This is so contrived," groaned Emerald.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out!" Steven promised, but he didn't had a clue how. Diopside and Peridot looked up to the door, and noticed something else after a closer look from Peridot's visors.

"Hey, the stairs connect to that room up there, see if you can open the door from there," Peridot suggested. They quickly got moving from there right up the stairs, and soon got right up to the room in question. The room had a number of controls to it by a control pad, and the door right there, but that was about it really. Pinkie was quick to go right to the door, and opened it up. However, the pink mare didn't find what they were looking for. The room just lead to some extra items, and actually a bin full of clothes once belonging to the zoo humans. Connie and Steven's clothes were there, and Applejack's hat ended up sitting right on the top of it.

"Alright, our old clothes! Uh, can you give us a minute?" Connie asked, wanting to change into her old wardrobe. AJ simply grabbed her hat, and got it on her head where it belonged.

"Go ahead, I need a minute to figure this out," Twilight said. As Steven and Connie changed their clothes, one at a time in the bin room, Twilight tried to make heads or tails of the controls. She couldn't seem to figure out what did what, or what it was supposed to do, so her hoof gave a simple tap on it, showing silhouettes of Gems on the control pad to activate it. When Steven and Connie changed back ...

"What did you do?!" Peridot yelled. Looking down, they saw something different with the Gems in the room. It was a little hard to tell at first, but soon they could see that all the Gems were now Peridot size! Peridot and Jade were ok, but Amethyst, Diopside, and Lapis had shrunk down until they were the same size.

"Uh oh, what happened in there, you guys ok?!" Applejack called.

"You tell me," Lapis said.

"Don't worry, we'll fix this! ... I hope," Twilight said. But how could she fix this if they didn't even know what happened? As they were looking, Rarity got an idea, and turned to the only real Gem with them.

"Excuse me, Emerald, your a Gem, can you maybe try it?" Rarity asked. Emerald just nodded, and went right over to it, having a seat at the controls. The others inside the room couldn't see exactly what was going on, but when they saw Emerald sit there, Peridot grew even more worried.

"Alright, let's see what we got here," Emerald said, just ready to get to it. When he was looking at the controls and commands though, little by little, he started to get a little puzzled with what was supposed to do what. Emerald didn't do anything at first, his finger hovering over the controls to this experiment room. Eventually, Emerald got to work, and made a few clicks to it. It didn't open the door, but it did alter the Gem bodies again, this time to match a general Quartz soldier.

"Eh ok," Emerald said, quickly clicking the screen again. However, the Gems inside then ended up VERY small, about the size of their own Gemstones!

"Dang it, uh, how about -" Emerald altered it again, and suddenly each Gem was the size of a diamond! The size made them uncomfortably squished in the room.

"Sorry bout that."

"Emerald, what're you doing?!" Rainbow snapped.

"Hey, I've hadn't used these in thousands of years, I'm a little rusty," Emerald snapped back.

"Try mandatory instead," suggested Jade. Not the best idea, but best to change them back first before opening that door. Emerald knew how to do that, but mandatory only made it even more complicated in option and direction.

"Oh geez. You know what your doing, Emerald?" Asked Steven.

"No, not really. This is far more complicated than I remember," replied Emerald. Suddenly, Pinkie pushed Emerald off, and Pinkie took control of this screen.

"Stand back, everypony! I have the perfect, unable-to-fail, fool-proof method to solve any touch puzzle!" Pinkie announced.

"You do?" Asked Connie.

"Yessir! Now watch the master. At work," Pinkie said. Like a pianist, she began to relax her front hooves as she prepared herself for the upcoming test. The others were beginning to sense that something just wasn't going to go right here ...

And Pinkie started randomly clicking the screen like a mad typist!

"Pinkie, stop!" Connie immediately yelled. Something to go wrong, and this was it. Pinkie quickly clicked around screens, and buttons, trying to get it right. The affects inside had a rather hard affect on the Gems in it. Each Gem began to morph, alter, and basically get messed up in one way or another: Diopside ended up flattened to the floor, and her head and neck shoot upward. Lapis was thin as a twig for one second, but she suddenly ended up from a water Gem, to a round water balloon in shape, her body sloshing around with her arms, and head unaffected. Amethyst felt very uneasy, and soon her body started to twist and turn like a noodle, ending up in knots. Peridot ended up with a cartoony large head, with her legs shooting her upward with extra length.

"WHAT'RE YOU CLODS DOING?!" Peridot shrieked. Connie and Steven tackled Pinkie to the ground before she could go any further.

"Pinkie, stop, that's not helping!" Connie yelled, making the mare stop doing anymore damage. Seeing the results of the Gems inside the room did not make things any better. Whatever they were doing obviously had hard affects on the Gems inside.

"Ok, ok, stay calm, stay calm," Twilight told herself, trying her best to keep calm in this situation at hoof. As they tried to figure something out, Connie then gave it a try herself, Steven alongside her.

"Wait, Nopony touch that thing!" Rainbow yelled. However, as Rainbow tried to pull them back, Steven stumbled, and shoved a bar way high up.

"Oh no," said Jade, just before their bodies turned normal for a quick second, but they suddenly began to grow again, getting squashed against eachother. They all were basically giant balls stuck in the room, their head and arms the only things not inflated into a ball.

"Watch it. If we grow any bigger, we're gonna pop!" Diopside pleaded.

"Eh, I'm fine with this," said Amethyst. But that was not the worst problem they got to contend with. After a bit, they began to hear footsteps. Something big was coming ...

"AH! Fix it, fix it, fix it, fix it!" Rainbow pleaded.

"I'm trying as fast as I can!" Connie said, trying to work the controls again. Before any more damage could be done to the other Gems inside the room, suddenly one simple flip of the switch, and everything just stopped. The controls were turned off, and door unlocked, and the Gems inside returning to their normal forms.

"Finally, much better. Thank yaaaAAAAHHHH!"

Peridot's thank you turned to screaming, as unfortunately, White Diamond was already there, and while the small problem was over, they all had nowhere left to go ...

"Allow me to present your next move."


It happened.

It actually happened.

After being thrown down to the throne room floor, the Crystal Gems were all captured, and trapped within White Diamond's own grasp. When the Diamond's saw this, they weren't sure what to do. Yellow Diamond tried what she could do, but that didn't work, and Blue Diamond looked on in pure dismay. Starlight was happy to see the Mane six now at her hooves, and White Diamond was feeling a sense of pride now. At this point as well, all of WD's Pearls, Pearlis, and Onyx, and a number of other hybrid Gems were also within the room. Outta the Crystal Gems though, there was thirteen out of fourteen, but that was one thing White didn't know about. To add more pain to injury, Sapphire was brought out as well, so she could witness the fall of the Crystal Gems.

"It's a nice day for Homeworld, is it not? I hadn't visited for more than a single Earth day, and we have the entirety of Crystal Gems now at our feet. Isn't that just a lovely surprise, Diamonds?" White Diamond began, as she looked them all over. They'd attack sure, but White Diamond had a unique method to keeping them contained: a light chain attached to the Gem's stones. Any movement, and the stone will risk breaking on them. For the Mane Six, it was a platinum chain - more primitive, but it got the job done.

"And Starlight here told me a bit about you, ponies. You did quite a bit have you? A few interesting experiments can come well out of you," White Diamond said.

"You're making a mistake, White Diamond! Ok, we are Crystal Gems, but we saved Homeworld before, honest - " Diopside tried to explain.

"From the Osicone, I know. Yellow here said something about it. First of all, you can't confess for someone else. And second, while it is a bit of a stretch, it doesn't excuse the crimes you committed. Rebels of the war, right?" White Diamond cleared up. So much for explaining that to her to save them.


"And that was thousands of years ago, let it go dude! Some of us weren't even in that war!" Amethyst yelled.

"Doesn't matter who did what in the war, or there after. You're the Crystal Gems, and the crimes on assaulting, and attacking the elite themselves is inexcusable, and unavoidable. So, you might've did something different from before, the past CAN NOT be ignored over what you did."

"... Did what?" Star suddenly asked. White Diamond kneeled down to her level, though still towering over her.

"Don't pretend you don't know."

"... You mean the Diamonds? What Diamond? Peridot, do you know?" Star asked, a little more legitimate in her confusion. Before Peridot could answer, White Diamond stood up straight, and whacked Star right in the head, sending her off her feet!

"Hey, hey, leave her alone!" Demanded Bismuth.

"And what're you going to do about it?"

"Keep beating her up, and find out!" Bismuth threatened. Outta all the Crystal Gems, Bismuth was easily the best candidate to threaten any Diamond, let alone White Diamond herself.

White Diamond wasn't even remotely intimidated by this threat, as she began to walk over to the other Diamonds in question, Yellow Diamond first. As she was Amethyst got an idea. when looked back, their chains all connected to one machine, but it was just out of reach.

"Psst, try and keep her busy for me," Amethyst said.

When White Diamond got to Yellow, she didn't need to say anything, other than to bring her hand out. Yellow took a look to the other Gems there, looking in disbelief. What was she to do? Should she not listen to her and help them, or stay in White's graces? Honestly, she wasn't sure anymore, especially after what happened to Blue Diamond. Yellow Diamond summoned her Gem sword after a bit, and all she could do was look away, as White Diamond took it. White Diamond smiled to her, but Yellow didn't feel any better, as White moved over to the group, the sword at the ready. White Diamond looked over every single one captured, and wondered which one should get the blessing of death first. Her finger came up, and hovered over the group of captured Gems, seeing some still trying to break their restraints despite the risk. As she was looking though, she did see one Gem that saw interest. Soon, her finger stopped on Ruby first, and once that was chosen, the sword was raised up to make the finishing move on her head. Even after the poof, Blue Diamond couldn't take it, and she grabbed the sword by the blade before White could finish it.

"White, please, they don't deserve death anymore!" Blue pleaded, though it was just making White more annoyed.

"Will you just sit down and -"

"But, White -"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" White bellowed. Scared, yes, but Blue refused to give her back the sword, backing up with it as White tried to get it.

"Such stubborn Gems, aren't they? Shall I send them to the science chamber?" Pearlis suggested. Since they just saw what was there, some of the Gems, humans, and ponies shuttered on the idea. The idea was basic enough.

"The humans and ponies can, but let me kill off the Gems first, Pearlis. Good suggestion," White said. Pearlis smiled in pride, Yellow Pearl rolling her eyes along with Onyx. Then White turned back to Blue Diamond.

"This is getting ridiculous, Blue. Give back the sword, and let me finish this."

"I-I won't! They're saviors to Homeworld, White, don't you see?" Blue said again. White gave a long breath before turning to the Gems again, but only to find Yellow Diamond standing in between her and them.

"You too, Yellow?"

"Listen, White. I have all my respect towards you, but these Crystal Gems and their allies had proven themselves to us already. I'm on their side - I'm sorry to say," Yellow finally said. It was about time Yellow Diamond finally had said so on the matter, and that did get some smiles from the Crystal Gems, but White Diamond was still not convinced.

"I'm sure Pink Diamond would have something to say about that," White growled. Pink Diamond? That name almost seemed to echo throughout the room in their ears. Some had never even heard of the name before, and others were left speechless on it.

"We will be sure to tell her once we find her, White, I promise you that," Yellow promised, as Blue Diamond got up and moved over to her.

... Everything just stopped. White Diamond's normally serious expression turned into a more confused one, along with many of her hybrid Gem followers. White Diamond took a moment to eye check them to be sure if they're lying to her or not with that statement, but they do seem firm by what they're saying. All of a sudden, a realization seemed to hit the elite diamond.

"Oooohhhh ... I see the problem here ..."

White Diamond simply turned and sat down on her throne again.

"So. What do you know about Pink Diamond? Go on," White insisted.

"We're not sure. all we know was that she disappeared from Earth, and then the rebellion started from there. No reports of her whereabouts had come since," Yellow Diamond informed.

"I see ... and who might I ask, told you this?" White Diamond asked.

"Blue Diamond told me, and she got it from one of her Gems."

"And who would that be, Blue?" quizzed White Diamond. Blue Diamond didn't want any more of her subjects to take the fall for her own, but before anyone could do anything else ...

"I did."

Everyone in the room turned over to Lapis Lazuli, who was on her feet, with her gaze to her feet. White Diamond found this interesting, and snapped her fingers again. One of her Pearls rushed over and, strangely enough, released her from her chain, just so she could come forward.

"So. You told your Diamond that Pink Diamond was missing."

"Yes, I did."

"I think you honor your Diamond."


"Well then, this explains a lot. Blue, Yellow, allow me to get your minds in the right point of view, and MAYBE you'll understand who's on what side, alright?" White Diamond simple stated. Everyone in the room remained quiet. As White Diamond had them busy, Steven and Connie felt something tough their own platinum chain, right behind them, and quietly trying to unlock the chain - Amethyst's extended hand. some extra skill in her body manipulation was put to the test here.

"Listen, Yellow, Blue. I can probably guess the feeling that you might not want to share some true information, on fear of upsetting those you follow. However, I'm afraid your Lapis had failed in her duty to provide the right information for you. Would explain why she had to disappear."

As White was talking, Amethyst had actually managed to cut through the chains keeping Steven and Connie down, and was moving onto the Mane Six. With a little gesture, she had them keep quiet, and stay pinned down to play it off.

"Anyway, perhaps this is why you accepted them back so easily. They rebelled, of course, but Pink Diamond. Well, she never got to see it, now did she? Tell me: had you ever wondered why she hadn't given you any sort of signal ever since leaving? not a single visit, or a simple "hello"? Or -"

"Will you get on with it, already? Sorry, but don't keep us in suspense," Yellow insisted.

"Alright, we'll play your way."

Amethyst was doing very well now, quietly going down to the last platinum chain holding down the ponies.

"Well, two of my own Pearls laid witness to what had happened. She saw it with her own eyes, didn't you Pearl?" White Diamond said. One of White Diamond's seven Pearls nodded in response as White Diamond continued.

"She reported to me exactly what happened down on Earth that day ... The rebellious leader, Rose Quartz. Do you know what she did to start the rebellion in the first place?"

White Diamond snapped her fingers again, and one of the Pearls (the one who saw it herself), raced off for a second, and came back with a dormant Gemstone. White Diamond held it in her hand for a bit, for both Diamonds to see.

"Imagine this, as Pink Diamond for a moment ... here's what that Rose Quartz started ..."


In one flex of White Diamond's fist, the Gemstone cracked, and crumbled in her strength. Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond froze, as White Diamond released what remained, the shards falling to the floor in a crumbled mess. Everything there was quiet, almost as if time seemed to had stopped.

"... no ... no ... I-It's not true," Blue Diamond breathed out, tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't try to deny it, Diamonds. The Crystal Gems shattered Pink Diamond!"

Now it was out. The Diamond's souls were deeply cut with this emotional stab at their being. The two Diamonds turned to face the Crystal Gems, not saying much of anything, as the information and reality of the situation sunk into both of them. It wasn't just the diamonds though: Steven took it the worst. Never had any of the Gems even remotely told him, or any of his friends this. Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Bismuth were especially quiet and withdrawn on it, Pearl the most.

"No," Steven said, tears starting to form up, "Rose Quartz would never do that! A-And, sure, she had to fight but ... but she would never shatter someone!"

Steven's words echoed around about as much as White Diamond's words did, but the elite Diamond didn't seem to care much for it. Suddenly, she went forward, got her finger under Steven's shirt, and in one swipe, tore it clean off of him, revealing Rose's Gemstone! The force was hard enough to knock Steven back a good ten feet.

"Steven!" Connie gasped. Steven couldn't hide the gemstone anymore, and he wasn't sure what to do, his mind and emotions trapped with the overall concept. White Diamond smirked before speaking again.

"Looks like I don't have to go very far. And as for you two Diamonds. Surely now that I told you this, you wouldn't have any problems with killing them, right?" White Diamond figured. Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond both still were trying to take this in, but as Blue Diamond got down to her knees, it was Yellow Diamond who re-summoned her sword. White Diamond smiled a devilish grin, as she stepped aside to let Yellow Diamond do her thing. The first Gem that she stepped up to was Steven himself, sword at her side, and eyes staring him down.

"... Rose Quartz ..."

As she kept looking though, there was something different from him. The Gems tried to get their restraints off of them like mad, but Yellow Diamond began to raise her sword, aimed down to Steven ... But she didn't move it any further than that.

"... This isn't Rose. He never knew of her death ... It's pointless to kill him."

"You can't be serious, Yellow." White Diamond could see that both Diamonds aren't going to finish things for her, even with the information she revealed to everyone.

"So be it ... SLAUGHTER THEM!"

Then it all began. The Pearls rushed forward towards the Gems to finish them off, and it was here that the ponies all sprung into action, and attacked the oncoming Pearls! Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie charged at the Pearls first, slamming them off as hard as they could. Rarity and Twilight raced over to the device keeping the energy chains on the Gems, and quickly got rid of that with Twilight's magic blast, releasing the Crystal Gems! White Diamond was surprised, but she snapped her fingers for one of her Pearls to go off to handle one extra act to make things more interesting. Jade and Lapis went over to Steven and Sapphire to lend them a hand as everyone else. The first thing they had to do: Heal Sapphire. Steven was quick to get his healing spit to work, and got it straight on Sapphire's Gemstone before they could do anything else, getting the Gem back at full strength.

"Thank you, Steven," Sapphire simply said.

As they were doing this, but Jasmiths and Carnethysts alike poured in, hearing the commotion from outside, as one of the Pearls got all the way to the top of the main throne door. After a ton of the guards got inside, only then did the Pearl activate ... something.

There was a Gem-like button right on top of the door, and once that was clicked, the room itself suddenly started to grow bigger and bigger around them. The wide open space was now large enough for a stadium, and the only door ended up locked tight. White Diamond got herself ready, when her own Gemstone glowed to summon her own weapon. Yellow Diamond had a sword, sure, but White Diamond had her own unique weapon in mind: a large, battle ready Halberd. The weapon was about as tall as she was, a perfectly sharp blade at the end of it, with a small, yet noticeable band that flowed in the movement, showing the White Diamond insignia.

"Now we're talking. Pearl, level up!" Bismuth called. This was that favor Bismuth asked Pearl to do before arriving. Just before they got off, Pearl had basically turned into the weapon chest, and now, her Gemstone glowing bright, the enhancements all came out for the Gems to use. As the Gems summoned their weapons, the enhancements almost immediately attached themselves to the weapon in question: Amethyst and her spiked ball attachments, Fulgurite and her cleats, Pearl and her spikes for her spear, Jasper and some horns for her helmet, The brass knuckles for Ruby and Sapphire, and so on. Unexpected, but it evened the odds in the fight anyway. Ruby and Sapphire, happy to be together, immediately fused back into Garnet, and got the weapon enhancements in her gloves.

"Welcome back, Garnet!" Steven said.

"Great to be back."

"Last chance to pick a side, Diamonds," White Diamond warned. Blue and Yellow Diamond both, actually, stayed aside from this.

"Please yourself."

It honestly didn't take very long until it was all out war in the arena, the Crystal Gems verses White Diamond's colony. The amount of large soldiers that the others had to face, Carnethyst or Jasmith, made the fight a bit more challenging, but with the Crystal Gems at full strength (or at least as full as it can be). Pearlis joined in on the fray herself, yet Onyx found it, while exciting, a bit too crazy for her to handle, so she stayed aside for this one. Starlight, almost naturally, was taking her own battle against the Mane Six. No way she was going to let them win against her, not again. Before it was a more unfair fight against them, but now with them all together, and with enhancements, the fight was at more even odds, or even more on the CG side than Homeworld. White diamond fought time and again, but took a moment to observe the fighting moves of the Crystal Gems. As they were fighting, it was mainly the Quartzes: Bismuth, Jasper, and Amethyst, who were more rebellious in their approach, but were doing a good job keeping up their own. Fulgurite and Pearl's main method revolved around a hit n' run: attacking fast, and not giving the enemy much time to react. Some though weren't even fighting: Fluttershy and Jade more in particular who were trying to stay aside.

Perfect targets.

Suddenly, White Diamond was running right over to them, getting the spear of hers out and at the ready to slice them all up!

"Fluttershy, Jade, run!" Rainbow shrieked. Jade for one didn't want to fight, but now she had no choice. Thinking quick, she summoned her own little Gem weapon to the playing field: a staff with a striking dragon at the end of it. In a desperate strike, Jade started to wing her staff around, and that seemed to be releasing something at White Diamond. The Diamond stopped, as one of these green projections, which looked like eastern dragons, slammed her face. The hit was minor, but it did give WD something to work with.

"Well, you got your weapon after all. I should've killed you myself when I could," White Diamond commented, her huge halberd spinning to reflect more projectiles from Jade's staff, each time getting closer and closer to them. Before she could make any final hits towards them ...


Something suddenly was shot at her, right at her Gemstone! The shock of the hit made her stumble back, but she didn't feel any gemstone crack or damage to it. As for the shot, the one responsible for the sharpshooting stayed high above, and White Diamond eventually saw who had shot her.


"Flint! Eh, um *ahem* Flint. how unexpected of you," White Diamond said. Personally, she was especially surprised to see him, as he locked and loaded his weapon.

"Back away from the Jade, White Diamond, or else," Flint warned.

"Still as much of a rebel as before, Flint?" White Diamond said, her spear at the ready. But instead of fighting White Diamond right away, Flint gave a few more quick-shots to the enemy team fighting the Crystal Gems, each one actually getting knocked back to poofing on the spot! Flint got about ten or twelve Gems poofed before he jumped down into sight.

"Flint, there you are!" Garnet said.

"Sorry I took so long -" Flint shot a Jasmith in the face, poofing her "- been a bit busy with some more guards outside. How're you all holding up?"

"Right as rain," Garnet said, as she tossed two Carnethyst Guards over to Bismuth, who smashed their torsos together for two poofs with one hit.

"This what you had in mind with your plan?"

"Not at all, but guess we have to improvise," Flint just said. They were locked in, what else can they do other than fight their way out?

White Diamond continued her watch over this onslaught from both sides. Even with the Crystal Gems getting the beat down, they proved to be VERY durable Gems in battle. That, and she's seeing more and more Gems being poofed in front of her. She was still surprised to some extent that Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond refused to fight, though she figured if she didn't tell them, they'd be all over her. Soon, White Diamond saw something strong in revelation. It took half an hour of abuse, but the guards were defeated. The only one standing was Pearlis, who just stood there amongst the field of Gemstones scattered everywhere. The Crystal Gems were still standing, weaker, but alive and willing. White Diamond was now in the firing line of the group.

"Ok, White Diamond, listen, we don't have to continue this: just let us go back home, and this fight can end," Garnet said. White Diamond swung her halberd around to show off her skills for a second.

"I'm the leader of the Diamond Authority, I didn't come to existence to surrender. However, I do have to say I'm a little bit intrigued with your strength. You managed to beat my hybrid Gems, after all. Still, perhaps an all-out brawl may not be worth everyone else's necks."

"What're you getting at?"

"I'm getting at a dueling match. If you win, you all can kindly leave. If I win, then you all remain here as experimental mannequins to the science chamber. I'm sure SOME of you are aware of what goes on there, correct?" White Diamond referred, of course, to the Mane Six and whoever was with them. With the steaks high up as they are, perhaps it would be good to try such a duel, and see how well it'll go. With the door locked, what else could they do?

"Seems like a advantage to you, my Diamond. Shall I notify the science chamber?"

"Wait until after the duel, Pearlis. So, Gems, bring out Rose Quartz," White Diamond said. Garnet tried to think on the subject more, and with her future vision now working properly, she can get her mind straight. Bismuth was ready to fight, no doubt, along with some others. As they had a moment though, there was one idea that came up in Amethyst and Connie's head.

"Steven, wait, you can't go alone," Connie said.

"Let's face her together, we can do it," Amethyst added. Before things could continue, suddenly the Pearls showed up behind them, and forced Steven out into the arena. Connie and Amethyst got past the Pearls and to Steven's side.

"No other Gems are to interfere in the duel. Less you want to get killed on the spot, of course. So, you two, back off," White Diamond ordered. Amethyst and Connie didn't move away from him though, as they do want to help him face her. Steven tried to think on what to do, but White Diamond herself was getting impatient.

"I said MOVE AWAY! Only one Gem is to fight me, as if I have to say it again," White Diamond demanded. Steven, Connie, and Amethyst all looked to eachother. By themselves, they don't stand a chance against the Diamond. But right there, thinking it over, the trio realized the loophole in White Diamond's demands.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Amethyst asked.

"It's worth a shot. We can still face her together," agreed Connie.

"Let's do it," finished Steven.

When it was decided, the three Earth fighters moved out fully into the arena, side by side, with Steven in the middle. White Diamond was about to protest when Steven raised both hands, and Amethyst and Connie raised one of theirs. Once they all gripped hands ...

Well, that was all they needed to bring out White Diamond's opponent.

"Wait. Are they? ..." Questioned Flint.

"Oh my," commented Rarity.

Indeed they were. The three glowed bright as their bodies started to fuse together! Yes, their answer was fusion - a three way fusion! As they were fusing, the earrings finally fell off of them, landing down onto the ground as their new body shifted and grew into this new being.

This fusion now was something no one had ever seen before. If Smoky Quartz and Stevonnie were both firsts in their right, then this tri fusion was the very first triple fusion Steven had ever done. For starters, the size of the fusion was exceptionally tall, almost as tall as the Diamond she was facing, with her head lining with her chest. The structure of her body was a bit of a mixed one, since two of three parts of her were thicker, so was she, though not in the same was as Smoky, but thicker than Stevonnie. Her skin was similar to Stevonnie, except being a bit duller to look like clay, and she still had Smoky's freckles on her face. Speaking of face, she had now gained an extra eye in the center of her forehead, just like Garnet, and she even had an extra set of arms now. The upper pair of arms though were slightly thicker than her lower arms by an inch or so. Her hair was a bit more brownish and prominent, leaning more towards Stevonnie than Smoky, yet it was still a bit shaggy like Smoky was, and reaching just down to the middle of her back. As for Gemstones, they still remained in the same spots and same colors as Smoky Quartz, since Connie didn't had a gemstone to alter coloration with. Her clothes were more in line with Steven, with his shorts and signature star shirt, though his shirt turned into a tank top, with a extra purple band on the right side, and sleeves only shown on the lower arms.

The fusion took a moment to check herself, trying to get her minds and body ready, as everyone looked to her with a mix of reactions. Most of these were shock, of course, but some (Pinkie, Garnet, Rainbow, Bismuth, etc.) were especially amazed. Even the Diamonds were at a loss of words when seeing her.

"Oh my stars! Oh, oh, I-I need to sit down," Yellow Pearl said.

"Amazing," was Blue Pearl's only main comment. The only one upset was White Diamond.

"What do you call this?! I said one Gem!" White Diamond bellowed.

"She is one Gem. One being. Your rules never said anything about a fusion," Flint suddenly said, realizing the loophole in her plans fairly early too.

"How dare you! You three unfuse at -"

"Pearlis, don't. If they all want to die with Rose, then so be it. Besides, it's been a while since I fought any fusion," White Diamond said, moving Pearlis back as she got her halberd ready.

"Blue, are you able to identify her?" Asked Yellow. Blue Diamond looked to the fusion in deep surprise. This fusion wasn't any regular mixture of just two Gems, by any means. Thinking over on who was in there: one was a full gem, who was a full human, and one was a balance of both human and Gem.

"... I'm sensing a strong balance in her. A perfect mix of human and Gem DNA. This is all too new to me," concluded Blue Diamond. As for the fusion, she got out her own Gem weapon, which mainly was Smoky's weapon of the Yo-Yo.

"I'm ready," she simply said.

White Diamond rushed at the fusion first, spear out and ready to skewer her, but the fusion took a quick side step to dodge, and the Yo-Yo struck WD in the back. The hit was strong enough to knock WD over, but the combat veteran was quick to get back up and recover before going back at the fusion again. This time, the fusion rushed to her, and their arms locked. While White Diamond had more strength, the fusion had the extra arms, and was using those to punch her in the stomach over and over again, rapid fire punching. It was enough to actually weaken the White Diamond enough, but not enough to stop WD to toss the fusion over her head. The fusion though landed on all four arms for good balance, and got back up faster than White Diamond had.

"Alright, you got this!" Rainbow cheered.

"GO FUSION GO!" chimed in Pinkie. As the fight continued, Star Quartz turned to Peridot.

"... What kind of Gem is she? She appears ... different."

"You tell me, I've never seen or heard of a Gem like her before since Stevonnie," replied Peridot, referring to her being half human.

The duel went back and forth with who had what advantage, everyone around watching in anticipation on who might win. Naturally, the Crystal Gems and Mane Six were hoping the fusion would win, while White Diamond's followers were hoping on the leader. As the fight kept going on though, it was starting to become clear, that while the fusion had more tricks up her sleeves, she was getting more tired. Being half human had some disadvantages over any normal Gem fusion, and White Diamond could see that. As WD whacked the fusion with the blunt end to her halberd, the fusion got to her feet, but staggered a little as she tried to stay balanced.

"Tired already? A shame you're half human in there," White Diamond said.

"I. I'm -"

White Diamond quickly knocked the fusion off her feet. The fusion was tired, but she tried her best to keep it together, metaphorically and literally, so she can beat the Diamond to the ground. If she were to lose right now, then that's it for the Crystal Gems and Mane Six, and off they'll go to the science lab. White Diamond turned over to the fusion, her halberd at the ready to finish her off. The fusion got to her feet, and swung her Yo-Yo around, knocking White Diamond again, but this time the hit was miscalculated. The halberd in White's hands ended up flying in the air, and soon made a nosedive.

Straight for the fusion!

One of the Gems had enough: summoning her wings, she flew right for the fusion from the crowd.

"Lapis!" Garnet called.

But it was too late to stop her: Lapis knew her closest friends were in that fusion, and she wasn't going to stay by and watch them die in front of her. Lapis gave it all she got, and managed to shove the fusion out of the way. She saved her, but the gigantic blade sliced straight into her back, right on the gem! Lapis froze, and was forced to the ground, the halberd staying stuck stiff for a few seconds in her back. Lapis simply laid there on the ground, the halberd finally succumbing to gravity after five long seconds, falling down to the ground next to her, and popping out of her now sliced gem.

"Lapis!" The fusion gasped. Just to show how little she cared, White Diamond took her chance, and rammed the fusion all the way to the ground hard, her foot slamming between her two gemstones.

"You should really pay more attention."

"B-But, Lapis, did you not see what happened?!" The fusion retorted. However, White Diamond simply laughed in a civilized manor, as if the fusion made a small joke.

"No wonder there's barely any of you left. Running into danger, risking your own gem, for some pathetic pebble instead of letting them go and making it easy on yourself. Lapis is wasting her time with you," White said, moving her foot to step down on her throat!

The other Diamonds had enough.

"How can you say that?" Blue Diamond asked.

"Don't give me that, they're backstabbers anyway. Perhaps if someone had done her job right, I wouldn't have to do this myself. Besides, why should you care? You and Yellow seen Gems die before, and you could care less about any human scum like this."

"That's not the point, White. WE actually try to do good for our race."

"Doesn't mean much coming from you, does it? And as for you, fusion ..." White Diamond removed her foot, and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her up just enough so her feet were off the ground. The fusion tried and struggled to get herself free, trying to beat down the Diamond, but this time there was no release. Being half human meant she still had to breathe, and while she can hold her breath a lot longer than a normal human, it was only a matter of time before suffocation will set in. Jasper and Bismuth were ready to go in, but Garnet oddly brought her hand up to stop them both.

"Garnet, why not? Can't you -" Bismuth stopped cold when she looked to Garnet's face. While concealed by her shades, Jasper was sensing something in her that almost seemed foreign to such a level-headed leader. Something that immediately told the others that something extremely bad was wrong here ...

A face of fear.

"Looks like we'll be having some openings for the science chamber after all, Pearlis. I'll give you the honor for first experiments once i'm done here," White Diamond said.

"Th-Thank you my Diamond!" Pearlis said.

Over at the body, Lapis remained still on the ground. The strong cut was easily evident within the poor Gem's gemstone, even going down her back from there. She could hear Steven's voice choking, and White Diamond's laughing. Both those sounds echoed in Lapis's poor head, every other sound was blocked out of her mind almost completely. She heard everything that White Diamond had said, the horrible things that she said. With her body still glitching slightly, Lapis slowly began to get up. Her muscles were tense, her fingers digging into the floor, with what water was left of her wings now started to act far more sporadic. The water was apparently as glitchy as her body was, shivering and stuttering each time a glitch happened to her. As she slowly began to get up, her movement was catching the attention of everyone. The water grew larger, and moving more rigid and erratic. White Diamond glanced over to Lapis Lazuli, and soon the Gem on the ground was glaring right at her, with teeth grinding against eachother, and her eyes now stuck as mirrors!

"Oh no," Blue Diamond breathed out, actually stepping back, surprising Yellow Diamond and their Pearls. The water grew more and more erratic, looking like there were spiked chained rings circling her, speed matching a whirlpool. She got to her feet, the water spinning extremely fast, consuming Lapis, just before she finally rocketed at her! The hit was so fast, and so strong, White Diamond was actually sent flying off into the air, slamming the button on top of her door. The hit made the room shrink down as Lapis went all out on White Diamond, shooting around at her again and again like a comet. Each hit left more cuts and scrapes all over White Diamond's body. The Diamond slammed down hard on the ground, skidding down towards her throne at one point. When the Diamond looked back to Lapis, she was up in mid air, her water power now made her look almost monstrous, several large, ice cold water tentacles whipping around erratically. The water around Lapis made the body blurred, and the eyes staring her down.

It was at that moment when White Diamond realized.

She messed up.

Next thing she knew, the spiked tentacles dug right through White Diamond's stomach like a jackhammer, and Lapis didn't relent until White finally succumbed to her injuries, finally poofing altogether. The gemstone fell down to the floor, but no one was exactly cheering at first. Lapis was still glitching, still hurting ...

"Lapis!" The fusion called. However, Lapis was suddenly charging at her in a defying screech! The fusion dodged just in time, but Lapis slammed into the wall, shooting out to attack the ponies of the group!

"Take cover!" Garnet called, everyone bolting away as multiple tentacles stabbed the floor, cracking each one of it. Lapis even saw the Diamonds standing, and lunged herself at them. Yellow pushed Blue Diamond out of the way just in time, causing Lapis to slam into White Diamond's throne, and crumbling it into rubble.

"Can't you do something, Blue Diamond?!" Onyx yelled.

"I can't! She's too far gone to remotely be reasoned with," Blue Diamond revealed. Indeed, that was the horrifying truth.

This cracked Gem had gone out of her skull.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Lapis's scream rang in their ears, as the tentacles shot out in every direction, hitting walls, floors, and anything else they can reach. Some of the tentacles tore apart the door, and the fusion quickly got out Steven's shield before any Gem or pony could get hurt by the mad flailing. Parts of the ceiling even fell down onto the floor, the rubble giving them some cover to work with.

"Lapis, stop, it's your friends remember?" the fusion called. But it was no use. Lapis was too far in to recognize anyone and anything at the moment.

"No point in trying that, anypony got any ideas?!" Rainbow asked, covering her head as more water weapons were shot at them. It was hard to watch Lapis suffering like this, and with this violent damage, it could cause more trouble for all of them if this keeps up. One hit wrong and they could all get severely hurt, or worse, get tossed into space from hitting the glass! This was a very desperate situation, and the longer they let her go, the more damage she'll do.

"Lapis, please, you have to remember something!" Twilight called. Lapis charged at the voice, and Flint quickly shoved her out of the way, saving her before Lapis struck him. One hit, and got poofed almost instantly!

"Flint!" Jade gasped. This was getting worse and worse, and Lapis chose her next target as the fusion! A huge wave of tentacles struck the fusion, strong enough to split her apart in one easy strike! It just showed how strong Lapis Lazuli actually was now, as Amethyst, Connie, and Steven fell to the floor, with the ponies rushing to their aid. One Gem who was seeing this, Jasper, was seeing just how horrifying the situation was: Lapis was out of control, White Diamond, many of her followers, and even one of their own Gems were poofed on the spot, the only person able to heal her was knocked out cold thanks to her (not to mention it would be too long until he could wake up), and Lapis was closing in on the other Diamonds. The Pearls coward behind their Diamonds for protection, but it wouldn't be much help compared to this psychopath. Jasper looked around a bit more, and soon she began to work out one solution, but it was a long shot ...

"Star. Think you can get up there?" Jasper whispered, pointing up to an area of the glass.

"Yes. Why?"

"Then go over there. Get her attention, and get ready to seal the window up once I'm done."

Star, unsure what Jasper was really meaning, did as she was told, and quickly moved over there. Lapis began to hear someone move, and turned herself around to see Star Quartz in position. The blue Gem turned herself around, her tentacles just missing the other diamonds, and she focused on Star. Jasper began to get herself ready, and with the others slightly distracted, only a few saw what she was about to do before she started to run!

"Jasper, come back!"

"It's too dangerous Jasper!"

But Jasper didn't listen to anyone. Lapis hovered slowly, the water tentacles menacingly whipping around her. Lapis roared down at Star, who was staying where she was told despite the situation. It was too late for anyone to actually stop Jasper, as the orange warrior made a huge jump at Lapis. Jasper just managed to grab her, arms wrapped around Lapis's torso, the mad gem screeching as the tentacles flailed around violently. Lapis struggled to get free, but Jasper was not going to let her go, not now. What was Jasper's plan for this? ...

The light up in the room began to glow, and both Jasper and Lapis were no longer able to be seen. The water that was flailing around grew dormant, and fell to the floor, along with a much larger figure. This figure was huge for one thing, about the size of one of the Diamonds, but she had a body design to actually match that of a centaur: a pair of large muscular arms along with two other arms for feet. Lapis's top remained, though the bottom half had Jasper's homeworld outfit design. Her skin had a mix of light and dark sea-green, the Gemstone on her nose purely lime green, along with her four lining eyes. Her hair, long and flowing upward, appeared pure white, similar to Diopside. One pair of these eyes (at the moment, the upper pair) still showed Lapis's mirror eyes over the regular eyes underneath.

Jasper's plan: fusion.

"Oh no. NO! JASPER, GET OUT OF THAT FUSION, HURRY!!" Garnet screamed, far more fear in her voice. The fusion Jasper was in turned to face Garnet, but who was in control was not yet for sure. Jasper still had to fight with Lapis's blind rage the whole time she will be fused together, and the other Gems knew that. Jasper also knew that if she were to just unfuse, then Lapis would just go after everybody again.

"S-STAR. WINDOW, NOW!" The fusion bellowed.

"STOP! Fulgurite, stop her!" Garnet quickly ordered. Without a second thought, Fulgurite swiftly raced over to Star, who was starting to work with the window to get it open. Fulgurite managed to get up to her, but Star was a lot stronger than Fulgurite realized, and the fusion forced herself to stay over near the window. The internal struggle Jasper was having with Lapis was a harsh one, and little by little, Jasper kept feeling her control slip away, and Lapis was in control time and time again. Groans and growls escaped the fusion's mouth, as she gripped her head, trying to keep herself down, to the point of shivering. Each shiver was glitching on Lapis Lazuli's part.

"Jasper, what're you doing?!" Garnet called, worry filling her voice.

"S-Stay - Stay back, Garnet. All of you! I -She - W-We'll kill you!" the fusion warned, both sides mixing in with tones. The speaking was mixed with growls as well, which wasn't a good sign.

"Lapis! I know your in there, now calm down," Applejack said.

"I-If you don't mind that is," added Fluttershy. AJ even got very close to the fusion at one point, but the fusion snarled at the ponies, and slashed at them with her fingers like they were claws. The ponies just missed, AJ's hat getting scratched in the process. The fusion gripped her head again, Jasper coming back around.

"Jasper, what're you doing with my Lapis?!" Blue Diamond asked.

"S-Star, hurry up. She - I c-can't hold b-back much l-longer!" The fusion snarled. Star Quartz got back to dislodging the window, Fulgurite trying all she can to stop Star, but it wasn't working. Finally, in one powerful yank, the glass dislodged! Immediately, they were starting to get sucked out, all expect the fusion at a safe distance. At first, the fusion wasn't fighting it much, but suddenly Lapis took control of the fusion, the arms gripping the sides of the window!

"Lapis!" Blue yelled, blindly rushing in to grab the fusion's arm. The suction of the open window into space, outside actually showing Earth. It's a long way down back to Earth if she were to let go. Yellow Diamond grabbed Blue Diamond, trying to get some extra strength, but even then it was hard to keep her in.

"What're we waiting for, come on!" Bismuth said, rushing in and grabbing the fusion by the other arm. Many of the Crystal Gems joined Bismuth in trying to save them both. Here, Steven, Connie, and Amethyst came back around, and they were witness to the danger. Jasper took control again, and saw what the others were trying to do.

"N-No! You'll d-die standing there!"

"We're not letting you go!" Garnet yelled.

"You both won't make it!" Blue Diamond agreed. Unfortunately, the fusion was lost again, the bottom eyes now mirrors again. It was Lapis in control, but she wasn't biting or snarling. Instead, her eyes locked with her diamond ...

"I--I-I-I'm ... s-s-s-sorry ..."

She opened her mouth, and with one horrifying bite, she bit off her own hand! The other hand threw everyone else out of harm's way, enough strength to move everyone. That officially dislodged the fusion completely. The fusion roared one more time, as she succumbed to the force of the pressure and gravity. Just as she went through, Star lodged the window back in place, finally stopping the suction altogether, and calming everyone down. The horrifying ordeal was over, and Star jumped down to the others.

Jasper and Lapis were gone.

"... Everyone alright?"

"I think so," answered Twilight. The diamonds moved over to White Diamond's stone still on the ground, but their troubles were not over yet: the gemstone began to reform. Next thing they knew, White Diamond was standing again, in battle stance, just to find everything destroyed around her, and Lapis missing. Pearlis (who only now came out of hiding, rushed to her aid.

"My diamond! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah ... what happened? Where's Lapis?" White Diamond asked.

"Lapis. She's gone. Just moments ago," reported Yellow Diamond. White Diamond looked over to the Crystal Gems and Mane Six further away. That other fusion wasn't anywhere around, neither was Jasper. Many of her own Gems were missing, and the entire room was simply trashed, possibly from Lapis herself. The only ones left of her side was Pearlis and Onyx.

"You two. Tell me exactly what happened here. Every detail."

"Well, when you got poofed, that Lapis Lazuli was attacking every creature in a blind rage: the Crystal Gems, the Diamonds, everyone in sight! I never seen anything like it," said Onyx.

"Well, let's not get too carried away, but yes it was a rather impressive display. The Crystal Jasper actually fused with her, and they ended up being launched out into outer space," finished Pearlis. White Diamond could believe that after seeing what was going on with her room. The Diamond looked over the other Gems and Ponies, seeing how distraught they all were at this point. Garnet didn't had a clue what will come up this time, much of her future vision hadn't predicted this kind of outcome. She was still here, still together, and many of the others (Lapis and Jasper being the exception) were alright as well. Eventually, White Diamond sighed ...

"Well, haven't you all better be going?"


"Yes. A deal is a deal. Now, off you go them."

Garnet was probably the most shocked. Is she really letting them go after everything? They might as well take it.

"Come on everybody, everypony, let's go home," Garnet simply said. It took a while to get them going, but eventually the Crystal Gems and the Mane Six all began to go back to their ship. They got Sapphire back, and that's all they needed. The Diamonds and their Pearls began to leave as well, but as they were ...

"Yellow. Not yet. I have something for you."

Rather than call any of her Pearls to do this, White Diamond instead had Pearlis herself retrieve it. Being part Pearl, Pearlis understood the matter, and rushed off for a few minutes. She came back later, this time with some sort of disk in her hands, which Yellow Diamond took.

"A information disk. Feel free to use that how you will," White Diamond simply said. She didn't say what was on that disk, but Yellow Diamond took it anyway. With a nod, Yellow Diamond went off on her way. White Diamond had some repairs to do.

"My Diamond?" Asked Pearlis. White Diamond sighed.

"How embarrassing. To be defeated by a normal Lapis Gem - a cracked Lapis Gem no less ... And where's Starlight?"

"She left during the mayhem ... Shall I notify the science chamber yet?"

"No need. Onyx, go to Homeworld. Try and see how much has changed within Homeworld," ordered White Diamond Onyx nodded and went on her way, leaving just WD and Pearlis.

"B-But, that planet. Isn't that the same one?"

"It is. Consider this another test. If they can, somehow, manage to solve this problem ... Then perhaps they do deserve to stay after all."


As for the Crystal Gems, their walk back to the hanger was a lot easier to do, now that many of the guards were gone. It was more of a quiet walk really, with Lapis and Jasper gone, and Flint poofed. Hard to really believe that they got out the way they did, especially after everything. They escaped the zoo, found a new fusion, saved Sapphire, and now were able to get back home. Steven and Connie still wondered how they could help the humans in the zoo, but as it stands, they really can't do all that much. Their ship wasn't big enough for all of them, and there wasn't anywhere to put them ...

"Steven? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Connie asked at one point.

"I'm thinking about a lot of things. What are you thinking about?"

"That human zoo."

Steven slumped.

"Oh, that. I don't know what to do. But I know that they can't be here."

"I know, but ... what can we do?"

Eventually Steven and Connie stopped, and turned to eachother.

"Let's make a promise. Someday, somehow, we will help these humans and ponies leave, and be free in their own world. Agreed?" Steven said.

"Agreed," promised Connie, the two shaking hands to seal that promise before going off to the others.


Soon, the group did find the hanger, and were soon all in the ship. Since they were free to leave, the ship no longer had its camouflage cloak on, and the Galactic Ray began its flight off home. Still, Steven really had more on his mind, and mainly about the biggest thing that happened.

"... Why didn't you tell me about that, Garnet? That mom shattered Pink Diamond?" Steven finally asked. Garnet knew there was no hiding now.

"Rose did a lot of things that she wasn't proud of. But it was all for the Earth. For Amethyst to be herself. For Pearl to be free. For me to be together. And for you to exist. She did what she had to."

"Even if it meant shattering someone?"

"... Yes."

Steven took a moment to place his hand on his own gemstone. One can't change the past, can one? Steven only had one thing to say, as they all went home ...

"Thanks for telling me."


... It's time ...

Author's Note:

Well gang, season 4 is done, FINALLY! This is what happens when you got so much on your brain and you don't want to skip anything X3 wish I could've done more with some, but ... Eh, I got enough here, thank you x3.

Hybrid Gems, human zoo, White Diamond, science chamber, new fusions, OH DANG SO MUCH!!! Hope I didn't overload anypony's brains with all this to keep up.

Well, until season 5 folks ^^ Have a nice day ^^

Comments ( 28 )

I hope Lapis and Jasper will make it back to the Crystal Gems.

7860379 Hope and pray, everypony

My brain just crash and need to reboot:pinkiecrazy:.

7860461 x3 just like I planned

7860520 ok I've just rebooted my brain, what the actual hell did I just readed?:rainbowderp::twilightoops::derpyderp2:

my brain crashed, what in the twisting nether just happened? (world of warcraft reference)

I dead onyx doe can't English

Hoping you all recover from the epicness and craziness

7862076 I was in school the entire time I read this (and still am) and I need candy to process this

7862446 I see what you mean x3 happy you liked it

It was at that moment when White Diamond realized.
She messed up.

7804502 Lost Wagers. *snickers* Sorry if I replied late.


:twilightblush:8140300 I am sorry. I tried to explain as simple as possible but I failed

8141034 EHHH

I always figured Fusion was about "the space between relationships". Could Jasper reasonably fuse with Lapis? Would their emotions be stable enough that it'd be a semi-willing fusion?

Still, though, talk about cramming a lot in. You essentially did The Rescue/Zoo arc in 2 episodes, and threw in the ruby return episodes and Malachite as well. Yikes.

It was a crazy finale was it? It had to be with White Diamond's intro ;)

Wow the diamonds turns good so fast then the change your mind ep steven universe

yes very surprising and there is only way to explain it is that equestria magic is mixing with their gem magic and that is how jasper get a cutie mark.

it was at that moment she knew
there was a clip I couldn't find it I don't use such language as that but I couldn't find the clip that said that so its next best thing sorry :( ( sad face for having to use that word )
nondirty one
It was at that moment she knew
she messed up

Super thumbs up and Favorited!

Best season yet!!! Onto Season Five.

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