• Published 31st May 2016
  • 7,766 Views, 163 Comments

The Bat and the Teacher - Ximer

A human struggling to adapt to Equestrian society accidently gets involved in a love triangle with two mares that are as different as day and night.

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Vesper’s head snapped to the side as Tenebris struck his daughter across the muzzle in the presence of the elders of his order. A disappointed expression staring down at her balefully as he drew his hoof back for the third time but put it down seemingly changing his mind.

“What’s the use, your disdain for what I’ve tried to do for our family…our tribe, that flame can’t be extinguished,” Tenebris admitted.

“Amazing, something we agree on,” Vesper spat back.

“Fortunately, I know of…other ways of making you more cooperative,” The stallion grinned.

A look of realization crossed Vesper’s eyes and she struggled against her bonds, but it was no good, the guards were thorough in ensuring she couldn’t leave until her “punishment” had been carried out by her father.

“Father, you don’t have to keep doing this…if you really were trying to do this for us, then why?”

“Because we were here first, those day walkers drove us into the dark woods, claimed our lands were untamable, and banished our leader. When are you going to grow up and learn that the world doesn’t revolve around friendship all the time?” Tenebris scoffed.

“You have to let the past stay the past,” Vesper said quietly.

“Look where that’s gotten you, alone like you feared, like you were warned after Wraith’s separation-“ Tenebris started.

“That you caused,” Vesper interrupted. “I know I’m still loved, and there is nothing you can do to take that from me.”

“Is that so?” Tenebris smirked a fanged smirk as he slowly approached Vesper. “Then let’s see if I can’t fix that, shall we?”


“I think your plan is crazy, it’s going right to the heart of bat pony country!” Twig exclaimed as Benjamin relayed the information that Fang had given him to the griffon.

“You’re exaggerating, look, all we need to do is sneak in grab Vesper and get out. And with the guards no doubt going there to investigate then this will be the perfect time to slip in and take her.” Ben argued.

“You’re still asking for problems wanting Fang to be free. I mean how do you plan on getting him out?” Twig asked, rubbing his beak as if it would relieve the stress he was getting from taking in what he considered a terrible idea.

“So I was thinking we could get some help from Silver Lining and he could teleport a dummy Fang in long enough for us to use the real one to get in and out.” Ben replied, bringing up another member of their role playing group.

“Silver Lining…you want to bring Silver Lining in on this?” Twig asked skeptically. “The stallion is cowardly enough in the game, why in the world would he agree to this?”

“Oh I’m sure you’re exaggerating, besides this will be done so fast we’ll be in and out, a forty five minute adventure tops,” Ben put on his best salesman face.

“Yeah, to Shady Hollows maybe, what about the return trip?” Twig asked, noticing a sinking expressing fall upon the human. “That’s what I thought, you don’t have a way out in case things go south, do you?”

“Alright, fine you win,” Benjamin huffed. “At least I’m trying to think of something, I can’t just leave her there...I can’t do this without you Twig.”

“Why me?” Twig asked raising a skeptical eyebrow at the human.

“Because you’re the closest thing to a best friend I have,” Benjamin replied. “Please Twig…I can’t remember a lot about my old home, I can’t even remember what my mom and dad’s names were. All I know is that she’s my family now.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Twig sighed shaking his head.

“Thanks Twig, I don’t think this could work without you,” Ben smiled.

“Thank me when Vesper is back in Ponyville…now, any other surprises or plans you’d like to fill me in on?” Twig asked.


Fang opened his eyes as the last few rays of light were slowly beginning to disappear from the cell window. His ears twitched as he picked up the sounds outside the window, before he found himself being pulled through reality itself and dropped outside the building.

Fang cast a quick glance through the window to a ponyequin head and a few pillows beneath the sheet. While the disguise was hardly perfect it would be enough to satisfy the guards who had taken more of an interest in Wraith than him, since it was determined early on that the stallion, wouldn’t or better yet couldn’t, shut up about how great his order was.

Fang felt five long, but firm appendages wrap around his neck, catching him off guard. Benjamin held him up with a look of raw anger in his eyes, but the stallion didn’t move to stop the human, he had played a part in all of this.

“No tricks this time, understand?” Ben asked in a hushed voice.

“I told you I was done with that stuff,” Fang replied, his hind legs dangling slightly.

“Your words means shit to us right now, bat!” Twig spat.

“Guys, can we not do this now?” Silver Lining asked.

Benjamin released Fang who rubbed his neck lazily. “I was expecting your other mare to be part of your merry crew for this, guess she’s too shook up?” he asked.

“Leave Cheerilee out of this, she’s been through enough as it is. I don’t want her involved.” Ben replied.

“As fascinating as catching up with your would be killer is, I do need to remind you we’re on a dead line,” Silver Lining reminded them somewhat condescendingly.

As the group began to formulate their plan of attack, Cheerilee was already ahead of them unbeknownst to Benjamin. She had left shortly after he did, neither one willing to reveal their intentions to the other for fear of the other’s safety. Since she was traveling alone, the earth pony was already a good hour ahead of him by train.

Cheerilee knew that Benjamin would have insisted on coming with her, but she felt as if this was her fault. If she had just been a bit nicer to Vesper, if she had just been happier with the herd they had formed, if she could have loved the two who now occupied her thoughts the most, maybe she wouldn’t be in this predicament.

It was this train of thought that made Cheerilee’s sadness lift momentarily. All this time, she had been plagued by her past, and by past relationships, but now a human and a bat pony had reached past the walls she had put up and shown her that she could love again.

The train’s whistle blew as it approached the inky darkness of Shady Hollows. A look of determination washed over Cheerilee’s muzzle as one by one the light from the windows was snuffed out by the darkness of the forest, almost as if it was a living being and feasted on the little remaining light.

“Hold on Vesper, I’m coming.” Cheerilee said as she was cast in darkness.

Cheerilee became eerily aware of the sound of her own heartbeat as darkness filled the train car. It wasn’t long until she felt it start to slow down and come to a halt with a hiss of steam. For the first time since she had left Ponyville, the mare felt a creeping fear slowly come over her.

She was in bat pony territory now, and aside from the few bioluminescent lights that dotted the area Cheerilee was at a cruel disadvantage. There seemed to be quite a few lunar guards out, but the scene seemed…wrong to Cheerilee somehow. It was as if something was off about the entire town, of course she had thought the same about Vesper, but it had mostly been culture related.

Cheerilee could see eyes slowly bobbing through the darkness that reflected light, the fluttering of bat wings seemed to surround her, as her ears twitched nervously atop her head. She was out of her element and had dove unthinkingly into theirs, but she hadn’t come all this way to give up. With a held breath she took her first steps towards one of the lights she could see in the distance.

The forest whispered around her in a language unfamiliar to her, only after she rationalized that this was a bat pony’s native tongue did she understand what she was hearing, and not some dark being. Still, she couldn’t shake the awkward feeling that she was the subject of their conversation.

Cheerilee had no idea what she was looking for, truth be told she had expected things to be more straight forward than fine buildings, and well established roads with a few lights dotting the streets. The more she explored, and the longer she was exposed to the limited light, her eyes and other sense slowly started to adapt to the unfamiliar environment.

It wasn’t until her hoof hit something hard and what she could only assume was metal that she stopped her aimless exploration. Though she couldn’t make it out with her eyes, she could feel out that the object she had nearly tripped over felt like a train track. This confused Cheerilee as she was certain the station was in the other direction and it was well lit.

With no better leads to follow she decided to grope the ground until she found more of the strange track that seemed out of place, and felt somewhat fresh. While Cheerilee’s talent wasn’t based on the soil or farming, she still had earth pony magic in her hooves and could feel something wasn’t quite right about the tracks.

As Cheerilee followed the tracks her ears twitched at the sounds of shouting and cruel laughing. Then there was a light around what appeared to be some kind of structure. It was a hideous orange that carried a thin mist in the air like steam. The scene before her was enough to make her question her choice of coming in the first place, it wasn’t too late to get some of the guards after all.

This thought made Cheerilee’s skin crawl. If those suspicious tracks had been there, even with the guards, how had they missed them? Unless they were ignoring them on purpose. Cheerilee’s realization was starting to chase away her bravado.

“I can’t let her down,” Cheerilee whisper to herself.

“No, I suppose you can’t,” came a voice that sent chills down the mare’s spine. “But, then again, you should have probably brought back up.”

Cheerilee spun around quickly to see a frightening bat pony stallion flanked by several others, each cackling with glee as they glared down at her, a few upside down in trees. The one whom she assumed had addressed her had a smug expression on his muzzle that let all who see him know who was in charge of things.

“Cheerilee, I presume, Vesper’s memories have revealed a bit about you…” The stallion said acting cordial. “You know we’ve never been formally introduced, my name is Tenebris.”

“Where is she?” Cheerilee demanded, trying to hide her fear.

“She didn’t tell you? She came back home of her own free will, to save you and that simple primate you both sullied yourselves with.” Tenebris replied with a shrug. “Though when one has already been tainted as you have, I can see why you picked him.”

This insult spurred Cheerilee into action, causing her to take a wild swipe at the stallion, which Tenebris was able to dodge with ease, as well as her follow up. His coat blending into the darkness that was only broken up by vague trails of light here and there, and his glowing eyes.

“My my, she did pick a feisty one didn’t she?” Tenebris taunted, earning a round of laughs from his companions.

“Shut up!” Cheerilee shouted trying to land another hit only to be pushed to the ground this time by the stallion as he maneuvered past her. It was clear that the bat pony was merely toying with her, like a cat plays with a mouse before finishing it.

“You’re out of your league earth pony, I’ve been at this for a long time. What makes you think you’re any different?” Tenebris asked.

Cheerilee picked herself up, refusing to let this stallion know that his words had cut deep, and that even if she wasn’t as strong as him, she was going to try. “I came here for Vesper, I’m not leaving without her…” she said coldly.

“Now I believe you…and I might be worried, if Vesper hadn’t had a recent change of heart about a few things.” Tenebris smirked.

Tenebris motioned with his head and the jeers from the others fell silent as a lone figure began to approach from the inky darkness. A set of ruby red eyes were staring into Cheerilee’s as if they were searching her soul. When the light touched the figure the mare gasped at what she saw.

There, beside her father was a savage looking Vesper. Her eyes were wild and carried no hint of familiarity to them. A collar was fastened around her neck with a crescent moon symbol which seemed to be stained red and glowing. It looked as if she had been put through Tartarus and back.

“V-Vesper…what have you done!?” Cheerilee nearly lost her composure at the sight of her herd sister.

“I did what any father would do, I did what was required to protect my family from the wrong influence, to make things right again. I failed with Wraith, but here I have succeeded. You day walkers have lived off our land and taken enough.” Tenebris replied.

“Vesper you can’t believe this…” Cheerilee said quietly.

“She didn’t, at one point, but during the civil war between us there was a procedure that gave us an edge when dealing with the super strength of you earth ponies, the cost being one’s mind…I’ve simply refined the process and used it on her.” Tenebris bragged. “But perhaps showing is better than telling…make daddy proud.”

Vesper grinned wickedly as she slowly approached Cheerilee, her figure seemed to ooze dark magic. The earth pony could feel it as she drew closer, and practically smell its sickly presence. In an instant, Vesper was in front of her striking the mare in the leg. Cheerilee retaliated out of instinct but she was too slow this time as the bat pony flew up just high enough to avoid her buck before releasing a painful, unseen soundwave at point blank range.

Cheerilee stumbled around in the dark in a daze as the world went out of focus. The last thing that she saw was an angry bat pony flying towards her with a hoof coming right at her.

“Stop!” Tenebris ordered.

Vesper froze, her hoof inches from Cheerilee’s muzzle. The gathering of bat ponies laughed as the would-be rescuer fell to the ground in a dazed state of being. Her eyes unable to stay focused on anything or anypony for very long.

Tenebris approached Vesper, giving her a few pats on her head before rolling Cheerilee over roughly. “So, now the only question is when is your lover coming?”

Cheerilee didn’t respond, not that she didn’t have a witty retort, but she was too stunned to give it. Tenebris seemed disappointed when he didn’t receive an answer and motioned with his head for the earth pony mare to be taken away.

“Having the princesses breathing down my neck was bad enough,” Tenebris commented as Vesper approached him. “Not another soul is to get close to our project before it’s ready, the sun is about to set on our light loving counter parts.”


Benjamin stared at Fang as the train brought them closer and closer to their destination. His mind was heavy with thoughts of both the mares he cared for, the friends that had agreed to help him, and the former friend that could still very well betray them.

“You don’t trust me.” Fang said, breaking Benjamin’s train of thought.

“I’m putting just enough in you to get this done.” Ben replied.

“And then?” Fang asked.

“What happens after is up to you, I would hope you’d do the right thing.” Ben said looking past the bat pony.

“Look I get it, I messed up, but you can’t say that we were never friends. I mean, c’mon it’s not like giving me the cold shoulder forever is going to get your mare back.” Fang commented.

“Fang, you tried to kill me, I have two scars on my back because of you, what in the whole wide world of Equestria makes you think that this just throws all of that under the bridge like it never happened?” Ben’s voice struggled to stay under control as he lashed out at the bat pony.

Twig and Silver Lining were silent during their exchange, both watching the two grow slightly heated as the lingering distrust of Fang was brought to light. Fang’s aura of confidence seemed slightly deflated after conversing with Benjamin. Truth be told he didn’t know what he expected of the human, so much of what they were was still a mystery.

“I don’t know what I thought…maybe a part of me wants redemption, maybe I’m just tired of not having my own voice and having to pick between a lifetime of servitude under one banner or the other. I can’t take back the things I did, I can only try to make it right.” Fang said.

“I hate to break you two up, but I think your chance to do so is coming up fast.” Twig said, pointing towards the dark woods the train was starting to enter.

“When we get there we’ll need to be careful, anypony could be associated to Tenebris’ order.” Fang said, his mind turning to the task at hand.

“All we need to do is get Vesper out,” Benjamin huffed.

“Assuming he hasn’t already thought of that.” Fang rolled his eyes.

“What do you mean by that?” Silver Lining asked cautiously.

“This isn’t your ordinary bat pony you’re crossing paths with here. Tenebris is ruthless, and once he has something he isn’t just going to let it go.” Fang warned.

“I’m not here for him,” Benjamin said as the train car was bathed in darkness. Fang’s eyes seemed to be the only unnatural source of light as the train brought them closer and closer to their destination. When they finally did arrive, it was almost as if the place was deserted, save for a few lunar guard.

Not missing a beat the guards approached the group, spears at the ready. Fang seemed unsure of what to do, but Twig studied both bat ponies momentarily before clicking his tongue against his beak’s roof in discontent.

“You’re not lunar guards.” Twig said as a matter of factly.

The bats paused at this, giving Twig enough time to grab their heads in his clawed hands and smash them together. Both were rendered unconscious, proving just how strong Twig was despite his injury. Benjamin and Twig grabbed the spears dropped by the guards while Fang borrowed a set of armor. Silver Lining started to ignite his horn but was stopped by Twig.

“Chances are they know we’re here already, no magic unless absolutely needed, got it?” Fang instructed, receiving a head nod from Silver.

“Fang, this is your turf, if they took Vesper where would they be keeping her?” Benjamin asked.

“Assuming he hasn’t done something to her by now? He had a meeting place that was pretty out of the way, it used to be the old train station, until Celestia ordered a better, more up to date one be built.” Fang informed the group as they followed his form from what little light they had.

“What would Tenebris want with an old train station?” Silver lining asked.

“I wasn’t part of his inner circle, so I never got included in on what he used it for, I just know that if you went there for punishment, chances are you didn’t come back.” Fang replied.

As the group made their way towards what appeared to be the remains of a dilapidated building, four more guards swooped down. They weren’t waiting this time and started to attack immediately. Twig was able to dispatch two of them, while Fang fought with the third. The fourth came in low for Benjamin but got too close and found himself in the arms of the human.

While the lunar guar was struggling to get free, Benjamin knelt down and nodded to Silver who bucked the bat stallion in the head, causing the stallion to go limp in Ben’s arms. After his brief victory Silver recoiled at what he had done and started to panic.

“Oh jeez, did-did I kill him?” the unicorn asked.

“No, he’s just going to be asleep for a while…and have a nasty headache I don’t even want to think about.” Benjamin replied.

“Keep moving, more will replace them if we don’t!” Fang hissed.

The group followed his lead until he stopped just in front of an old worn down building. Light was streaming out from holes and boarded up windows. A fog was heavy on the ground that stunk with the smell of something awful, something that didn’t belong. It affected Benjamin the worst making him blink several times to ensure that his vision wasn’t failing him when he saw the mist swirl.

“I think there’s something here with us.” Benjamin said cautiously.

“Yeah there’s something here…” Twig grumbled, digging his talons into the soft soil, his muscles tensing as he prepared himself for whatever might be beyond the fog.

“It’s a shade,” Fang muttered as his ears twitched, following some unseen force. “Unicorn, do you know any fire spells?”

“A few,” Silver Lining replied, quickly picking up on what fang wanted at the mention of fire and levitated a few dead branches from the ground. One by one the ends of the branches were set ablaze and quiet shrieks could be heard from the fog.

“There!” Fang pointed into the now illuminated murky darkness.

There, cowering and snarling at the group was a pony shaped shadow, independent of any body. Its void like eyes glared hatefully at the four travelers who dared to shine a light on the building it had been tasked with guarding.

“Wonder who he used to make it?” Fang mumbled, as he cautiously approached. The shade hissed in return.

“What do you mean by that?” Ben asked.

“Bat Pony voodoo isn’t like your typical magic that Silver there used to give us these torches. No, Tenebris stole somepony’s shadow to use until morning.” Fang explained.

“What happens when morning gets here?” Twig asked.

“Well, the soul dwells in the shadow…whoever that is will die if they aren’t reunited.” Fang answered bluntly. “Or kill us the second these fires go out.”

“There has to be some way to tell it to go back into its body, I mean…what is this place anyways?” Silver Lining asked.

Twig approached the slowly rotting door to the building and raked his talons across the door, turning it to splinters with ease. Inside, were several lights on crystal power generators, tools, ominous looking barrels and a brand new train engine with the number 000 on the front plate.

“What in the wide world of Equestria…” Silver Lining’s words failed him as his light shined on the inky surface of the big metal engine.

Ben, ever curious walked over to one of the barrels and shifted one, hearing a liquid weight slosh about inside. All eyes focused on him as he slowly pulled the lid off and found a black liquid inside.

“Cover it back up, quickly!” Twig barked snatching the barrel lid from Ben and slamming it back down on the container. He was then swiftly spirited away across the room and slammed against one of the windows, a black miasma like being in front of him.

“Twig!” Ben shouted darting after him.

Silver starter to follow but was stopped by Fang. “Don’t be a fool, keep the light up. That thing will tear you apart if you don’t!”

Ben shouted at the shade getting its attention, causing it to drop Twig to the floor of the building. Before it could get a solid location on where Ben was, he ducked behind an over turned desk and did his best to still his breathing, knowing the others were safe as long as they kept their torches up.

Soon, the desk creaked above his head and what looked like a hoof firmly rested on the edge. The dark beast scanned the area, letting out a hateful snarl once it couldn’t find him. Ben slowly made his way towards Twig, hoping that he wouldn’t groan or make any other noises to draw attention to himself.

In the darkness Ben could hear things fly and flit about him, he knew it was the shade darting past and trying its best to find them like an old man groping in the dark for his glasses. Ben found this odd, why would a shade be unable to see in the dark, especially if Tenebris used a bat pony?

Just as his eyes lit up in realization, a horrible cry came from behind him. Ben turned to see the shade diving for him. He had no idea if his plan would work or not, but something was telling him to try in the back of his mind. He could feel the cool breath of death from the creature as he raced towards Twig before turning around in a less cluttered part of the building.

“Vesper!” Ben shouted making the shade stop momentarily, before slowly approaching him menacingly.

“Vesper, this isn’t you, the bat I know would never hurt others, she protects them.” This made the shade stop its advance. “The Vesper I know would never give up, even if she knew things looked bleak. I may not be able to stop you, but that doesn’t make me love you less.”

Twig looked up and saw Ben and the shade he weakly got to his claws. “Ben, that things a killer, run!” Twig grunted in pain.

“It’s Vesper’s shadow Twig, it won’t hurt us anymore.” Ben said calmly as he slowly stretched out his hand to the shade.

“That thing tried to kill me…you, how can you be sure?” Twig nervously watched as Ben’s hand grew closer to the shade which merely tilted its head.

“Fang said the shadow holds the soul, think, why can’t this one see in the dark if it belongs to a bat pony?” Ben felt a cool aura wrap around his hand as it breached some unseen force, the warmth quickly exiting his body as the shade locked eyes with him.

Despite the sudden shock of the temperature dropping he held his hand still. The shade floated closer, as if inspecting his hand before slamming into him, nearly knocking him over. This was no attack though whatever the shade had smelt it seemed to like it, and as Ben slowly wrapped his arms around the black mist like creature, his body started to heat up once more.

“I don’t believe it…”Fang said as he watched the strange scene unfold.

The shade almost seemed to be cuddling Ben, but it was a much baser instinct that seemed dictate its actions, while it couldn’t be called love, it certainly seemed like some sort of connection existed between them, was this Vesper’s shade? While the others cautiously considered it, Benjamin smiled as he held what he firmly believed to be some small part of Vesper as close as possible.

“Well, color me surprised.” Came an unfamiliar voice. “Though I’d expect nothing less from the mate my daughter picked.”

“Tenebris!” Fang hissed as Ben shielded the shade with his body. Twig was on much more stable footing now and glared at the bat and his minions that seemed to pour in like liquid through the cracks and holes of the building.

“Why it was you and not one of her own kin I’ll never understand, but to tame a shade…you have my respect, colt.” Tenebris commented.

“Funny, I get the feeling respect isn’t why you felt the need for all the back up.” Benjamin retorted.

“Careful colt, I’m in a generous mood right now, we wouldn’t want to say anything that changes that.” The bat stallion snorted. “I’m still a bit miffed that you found my train ahead of schedule, since it was going to be all over the news in due time.”

“The news…those barrels…you wouldn’t!” Twig shouted as realization dawned on him.

“Ah, but I would, the question is where to send my little message?” Tenebris chuckled.

“All this will do is start another war!” Silver Lining exclaimed.

“And here I was thinking they brought you along as the token Unicorn of their little group. That is exactly what I want to happen, I want another civil war.” Tenebris proudly stated.

“Pfft, because the last one went so well,” Fang rolled his eyes.

“All over Equestria, bat ponies are waiting for the signal to strike, both friend and foe, powerful and weak. This will not be a war of divided territories, but of neighbor against neighbor. We were here long before those who walk in the light and we have a rightful claim to this land.”

“Maybe you do,” Ben said. “But you weren’t the only ones living here, what of the deer? Did you ever drive them out from any land they owned?”

“You dare try to lecture me about my history?” Tenebris hissed.

“No, just making sure you keep all the facts in there, even the ones that don’t support your cause.” Ben smirked. “You may have held land, but you took it too, you’re as guilty as the ones you want gone.”

Tenebris growled and flew towards Benjamin, losing his cool, prompting his minions to follow suit. Silver Lining saw the sudden surge of bat ponies and panicked, releasing a sudden surge of magic from his horn. In a bright flash, the building was illuminated, blinding most of the bat ponies present, and chasing away the shade in Ben’s arms.

Tenebris swatted at the air, unsure if he was even hitting Ben, until a sharp hit to the gut informed him that he had missed his target. “That was for Vesper!” Ben shouted as loud as he could, giving the bat stallion a miniature head ache, which was followed by another sharp pain coming from his left leg suddenly as Ben continued to capitalize on the momentary shock his unicorn friend had thrown him in.

Twig was not as merciful as his human companion. He ruthlessly tossed the dazed bat ponies about like rag dolls, those that were unlucky enough to be fit enough to strike back at him found a set of talons digging into their skin and tearing into them, horrifying screams sending panic through the rest of the ranks as the griffon tore them apart.

Fang blended in easily enough and was quick to begin turning on his kin. While they looked like him, and shared the same tribe, he knew what another civil war would do to the land, and there would be no recovering from it.

Silver Lining, not being one for fighting did his best to hide. He assumed he would get in the way more than anything and tried to make himself as undetectable as possible. He watched as his friends fought off the hoard that had come crawling from seemingly nowhere and a part of him felt invigorated, but it was drowned out by the logical side of his mind telling him he wasn’t a fighter.

Tenebris gritted his teeth and surged forward blindly, making contact with Benjamin’s chest. The impact knocked the wind out of him and gave the bat stallion the momentary edge he needed to get away, but not before Ben reached blindly and grabbed the necklace around his neck, tearing it as he flew towards the train’s controls.

Tenebris didn’t have time to concern himself with it and pulled on several levers, filling the room with engine smoke as the train’s engine fired up. A loud whistle reverberated through the building, causing the stallion to laugh as the train started to lurch forward, a few of his cronies throwing open the doors for the engine to pass through.

“You lose human!” Tenebris taunted as the train started to gain speed.

Benjamin didn’t have time to curse his luck as two of the bat ponies jumped him at once. He felt crowded and tired as a mob began to form around him. He thought he could hear shouting and for the briefest moment a warm wave passed over him as a ringing in his ears blocked out everything else.


Vesper stood in total darkness, unable to see but she could still sense things, to a certain degree. She could hear screams and cries of pain, the familiar sounds of those she cared about around her and then, warmth for a brief moment before it was gone. Now, there was nothing, nothing but an odd sensation throughout her form.

“Get away from her!” a voice cried out, one that sounded as if it was underwater.

Vesper wanted to open her eyes but nothing she ordered her body to do obeyed. It was like being in a personal hell, held just on the edge of death, but kept from dying so that she was aware of what went on around her. It cut into her heart deeply that her father would resort to such cruel tricks.

As Vesper struggled internally, Cheerilee, tried to keep the shade at bay from her friend’s husk of a body, even though she was chained to a wall, while Vesper’s eyes remained red and glowing as they locked onto the shade as a curiosity more than a threat.

Cheerilee pulled as hard as she could, knowing what a shade was, and struggled even harder as the two grew closer. “No Vesper, don’t touch it, it’ll kill you!”

The earth pony watched in silent horror as the two raised a hoof towards the other, slowly bringing them together until they fit perfectly together. Much to Cheerilee’s shock Vesper wasn’t dead, instead she seemed to be smiling, softly at first but the smile grew as the two grew closer and eventually the shade washed across her herd sister, casting a previously missing shadow on the floor.

Vesper closed her eyes as a few shivers traveled across her frame. When she opened them, gone was the ominous red. They were their sweet, playful brown once again, putting hope in Cheerilee’s heart as she watched with a held breath.

“V-Vesper?” Cheerilee stammered, gaining the bat mare’s attention.

“Cheerilee!” Vesper exclaimed, throwing her forelegs around the mare in a hug. “Don’t worry I’ll get you out of here, just give me-“

Before Vesper could complete her thought, an explosion sounded nearby, illuminating the dark woods of Shady Hollows. Vesper rushed to the window to see a building ablaze in the distance. Her observation was cut short when several hoof steps could be heard approaching before an elderly looking bat stallion opened the door.

“What in bloody blue blazes is going on? And why aren’t you on the front line?” the elder demanded, pointing a hoof at Vesper.

“Last time I checked…I didn’t take orders from traitors.” Vesper turned, glaring at the stallion, who stumbled backwards, realizing his mistake.

Vesper was upon him before he could cry for help, the impact alone being enough to end him. She felt bad momentarily, but she had no idea what she had been manipulated into doing, no idea what had transpired, but all of that had to wait, she and Cheerilee had to escape.

“If I remember correctly I think he had a key on him.” Cheerilee says motioning with her head towards the fallen elder.

Vesper searched the dead bat pony and found the key in a pocket easily enough. She quickly released Cheerilee and the two began their escape as cult guards scattered and scrambled in panic and disarray without their leader to direct them. It wasn’t hard for the two mares to escape with all the confusion but Vesper didn’t follow Cheerilee in the direction of the train station.

“What are you doing? Train’s this way…” Cheerilee said almost out of breath.

“Ben is here, we can’t leave without him.” Vesper replied in an unusually serious tone.

“Ben?” Cheerilee followed the bat pony’s eyes to the burning building. “Ben no…”

Both mares took off towards the building as the towns ponies began to panic, a few of the guard now trying to blend in with what they were supposed to be, but that wouldn’t work now. Vesper gave them knowing glances, a few of them glared back but most got the message and disappeared into the shadows.

Near the burning building were several injured bat ponies, a unicorn with blackened fur, a crippled griffon and a human, clutching his side in pain. The two mares didn’t waste time approaching him, his form badly bruised from the fighting.

“Sweet Celestia, Ben are you okay?” Cheerilee asked.

“You have to stop him…” Ben said through pained breaths his voice urgent. “He’s…on a train, lined with explosives…”

“Tenebris already left, he could be anywhere by now.” Cheerilee said.

“If he isn’t stopped…then the country falls into civil war again…it’s what he wants…death and destruction.” Benjamin said.

“I’ll do it, there’s only one set of tracks in and out of Shady Hollows before it can branch out to other sections of Equestria.” Vesper said shakily.

Ben gently wrapped his hand around her leg. “You can’t look at him as your dad, he’s the enemy…come back to us in one piece.”

Vesper took a deep breath and nodded before taking off into their night air. Her wings propelling her as quickly as they could. Despite all that her father had done her heart was still torn in two, this was the stallion that taught her how to walk, how to write, fly, everything a father should do, but he had also betrayed her. All of the emotions came to a head when she heard the sound of wheels clacking against metal tracks.


Tenebris sighed in satisfaction as the train raced through the clear night field. Though Shady Hollow might be in shambles, he would at least succeed in his plan. That was all that mattered to him now, ensuring that the future of Equestria was one cloaked in darkness, as it should be.

The sound of four hooves suddenly touching down on one of the train’s flat cars got his attention. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was they had sent after him, he simply grinned as he picked up his daughter’s approach.

“So they sent you, above all others, to try and finish the job?” Tenebris chuckled.

“I can’t let you hurt anypony else.” Vesper shook her head.

“You really should be more concerned about yourself right now.” Tenebris snorted before taking a swing at her, which she was able to block, followed by his next blow. The stallion hovered briefly with his wings to get in a better kick on Vesper, scoring a hit that knocked her into a barrel.

Vesper moved to out of the way in time to avoid being hit again, this time getting in a hit of her own but it was a short lived victory as Tenebris quickly went on guard and blocked whatever she seemed to throw at him, landing a few counter punches of his own in retaliation.

“Come on Vesper, I taught you everything you know, how could you ever hope to beat me?” Tenebris mocked.

“You’re right,” Vesper replied as Tenebris drew back and tried to hit her once more, only this time the bat mare took an unfamiliar stance and grabbed his foreleg. “How about something new!” she pulled with all her might on his fore leg, making the stallion cry out in pain before she starter to land blow after blow to his chest.

Vesper released her father who stumbled a bit before trying to attack her again. This time though, she jumped over him, grabbing him by the neck and slung him over her shoulder before planting him on the wood floor of the train.

“It’s over father, you can’t win.” Vesper said catching her breath.

Tenebris merely smiled “But you haven’t beaten me, or have my lessons about finishing your enemy never stuck with you?”

“Why can you not let the past die?” Vesper stomped her hoof angrily against the floor.

“All a stallion does and should ever do should be for the betterment of his herd, his family, if he does then he can hold his head high no matter the cost…even if it cost him everything.” Tenebris said.

“…this is a suicide train!” Vesper exclaimed as it dawned on her what he was talking about.

“Now you understand…you and your friends had lost before they even started fighting me, this is simply the move to put all of Equestria in checkmate, the night of gnashing teeth and weeping will end in flame.” Tenebris chuckled.

“Stop the train, stop it now!” Vesper screamed, pressing her hoof on her father’s chest, causing him to grunt in pain.

“Y-you’re too late, kill me and you forsake your oath, don’t kill me and thousands die…” Tenebris gasped for air before his daughter removed her hoof and paced briefly as she thought. “A shame you came so close, and yet you still can’t do what is required to win.”

“Life is more than a game to me,” Vesper huffed reaching up and slamming on the break as they neared a corner. “I don’t care about winning or losing, I care about my family and friends…and I will break those that hurt them.”

Vesper turned her back on the stallion for a moment as she tried to reach down and undo the latch that held the train cars to the engine pulling them. Despite her best efforts, it remained locked in place, refusing to give no matter what she did. Vesper was suddenly knocked to her hooves by a jolt through the train as it picked up speed once more.

Tenebris was leaning on a tool of some kind before proceeding to swing it at Vesper. “I didn’t do all of this tonight just to have it ruined by some impudent mare!” he shouted attacking her again, this time breaking and locking the break in place just as they rounded the corner.

The ropes holding some of the barrels in place broke causing a few to go over the edge while one sailed towards Vesper. The mare ducked in time for the container to hit and pin her father against the boiling hot engine as the train was derailed.

Vesper flew higher and higher, feeling a sudden heat beneath her hooves as an explosion tore the train apart. The bat mare panted quietly as she hovered alone in the flame licked night. A part of her was glad that she could finally rest easy knowing that there would be no signal, no war, no strife between the tribes like her father wanted.

The more she thought about her father, the more bitter tears started to flow from her eyes. He was right in the end, she hadn’t been the one to kill him, his own ambition had been his undoing, but she felt responsible all the same. There was no bliss in her heart for winning this fight.


Cheerilee sighed as she closed the door to her school house behind her. The first one to arrive and the last one to leave, which was how her days were beginning to run together again. It almost felt like the same old routine…almost. The mare smiled when she turned around to see Vesper waiting for her.

“How’s school prep going?” Vesper asked as the two walked home together.

“Well enough, how goes the hunt for Tenebris’ private army?” Cheerilee asked in return.

“They keep coming out of the wood works, it’s like there’s no end to them. Some aren’t even bat ponies…it’s scary to imagine what could have happened if his plan had been successful.” Vesper replied slightly dejectedly.

Cheerilee started to regret asking but placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “I bet Ben would appreciate some company before we head home, I know he’s probably been bored out of his mind.”

Vesper nodded enthusiastically as the two mares picked up the pace towards the hospital. Ben had been put in the same room as Twig had for his wings, so at least he wasn’t too bored, but both of them together could cause trouble for the nurses which made Vesper laugh and Cheerilee roll her eyes in frustration more often than not.

Soon enough, they were at Ben’s bedside, the sight of his injuries still made Vesper’s heart ache, knowing her own family did this. Yet, despite his pain, he place a loving hand against her muzzle. Three of his ribs and his left leg had been broken in the fighting, and when Silver Lining ignited the barrels in the building, he was lucky to be alive.

“You need to hurry up and get better so we can teach you how to actually take care of yourself.” Vesper said.

“Hey, I didn’t do that bad…right?” Benjamin tried to laugh weakly.

“Leave it to a stallion to laugh at a near death experience.” Cheerilee sighed.

“What’s important is that you’re okay and alive…both of you.” Vesper smiled at her herd.

One of us walked in light, one of us in darkness. We never should have met, but a bridge brought us together, and we found something more in the middle.

Comments ( 8 )

Chheerilee stumbled around in the dark


is there a pic of Vesper in color?

This was so beautiful that I nearly cried at the end.

Well this started pretty good but the shift from quirky romance drama to cult battling adventure was frankly stupid, it has so many plot holes that it totally ruined the story.

I mean as soon as the shift happened every single character seemed to pick up a idiot ball and bash themselves in the head with it to make sure they would make the stupidest decisions possible and they only won because of plot armor.

I went into this story expecting a romantic comedy about two completely different mares putting up with each other for the sake of the human they both love, and it was, for the first half. But then all of a sudden it goes into conspiracies to start war, dark magic, torturing family members and death, none of which were hinted at in the tags or synopsis. It just didn't transition well for me. No like or favorite.

This was an enjoyable read, shame it wasn’t Ben who did the final blow seeing as us humans can do some pretty insane stuff when cornered or the like, but none the less was a great read and thanks for writing it!

Keep up the awesome work my good author!

Garbo story lined with plotholes the size of the sun and clichés that would make Satan want to die. I mean really the most overused story directions ever. This garbage makes blueblood sympathizer stories look bearable

That was amazing I loved it and one of the best bat pony fanfics I have read/listened to and keep up the good writing and I did see a few spelling mistakes but they were not that bad :ajsmug:

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