• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 2,190 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbow Dash & The Seekers - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will make a decision to either stay in the Wonderbolts or join the Seekers.

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The Awesome Seekers (re-edit)

Author's Note:

I have gone too far with the whole ridiculous anger towards the Wonderbolts and decided to re-edit the whole chapter. I don't care if anyone still don't like this. If y'all don't like it, then don't bother reading this.


Rainbow Dash entered the boutique and screamed for joy, which strudel her friends. She began spinning around and back flipping with excitement. Her friends stood there and hopelessly confused about why she's so happy. Finally, Applejack spoke out first, “Good grief, Rainbow. Why are ya so hype up all of a sudden?”

“Because my month of probation is finally over! I can finally be done with cleaning after the Wonderbolts and resume performing with them!”

“Wait,” Twilight cut in, “they haven't been letting you perform with them ever since the incident last month?”

Rainbow Dash stopped dancing and answer, “Well… yeah. But none of that matters, because I get to perform once again! YEAH!!"

“Darling,” Rarity interrupted her celebration, “have the Wonderbolts treated you fairly while you're with them?”

“Well…” Rainbow Dash rubbed her head before telling her friends about the Wonderbolts. “I mean they did make me clean after them every day. They kept laughing at me every time one of them said ‘Rainbow Crash.’ And this one time they pulled a prank on me by throwing trash at me while I was asleep.”

“Sounds ta me that they're taking advantage of ya and disrespect ya,” Applejack said with disappointment.

“Oh come on Applejack! All of that was just random horse playing back at the academy. No harm done.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy asked with concern, “are you okay? You can tell us if the Wonderbolts are giving you a hard time. You could always be honest with us.”

“It's alright Fluttershy,” she says while rubbing the shy pony mane. “I’m not letting this ‘Rainbow Crash’ nonsense get into my head. Trust me, I have totally move on.”

Then, she flew to the door and spoke, “Now, could y’all excuse me while I head back to academy and rock with the Wonderbolts. See ya girls.” Finally, she exited the boutique and headed to the Wonderbolts academy.

Rainbow Dash landed on the platform of the floating academy and began marching towards the hanger. She stopped at the runway and looked both ways before crossing. She doesn't want to make the same mistake last time. She resumed calmly walking, until a voice strudel her, “HA! LOOK OUT!!

She panicked and dashed to the other side. Sadly, she crashes through the brushes and stopped inside of a trash can again. As she crawled out of the trash, she found her fellow Wonderbolts laughing at her incident. She sighed in disgust and said, “Rookie mistake again.”

Then, Spitfire shoved her and laughed, “Ha! I can't believe you fall for that!”

“Wait what?!” She should've known that it was a trick, because she’d follow the rules and there was no pony around. “You guys trick me?”

“Yeah we did,” Soarin laughed at her. “Geez, you should have seen the look on your face when you crashed into that trash can… AGAIN!!"

“Yeah,” Fleetfoot laughed as well. “You are so gullible Crash!”

Rainbow lowered her head in embarrassment, until she rushed it up and yelled, “Ha! That wasn't cool guys! I could've gotten myself killed!”

“Geez,” Spitfire whined, “calm down Crash! It was just a prank. No harm done.” She began apologizing to her teammate, “Look we’re sorry, alright. The others talked me into it, even though I think you have been through enough pranked on for this weekend. If it make you feel better, we swear that we won't prank you anymore.”

Rainbow wasn't sure if she's telling the truth, but out of all the Wonderbolts Spitfire is the only one she could trust. She nodded her head and said, “Thanks Spitfire. That really means alot to me.”

“You're welcome Crash. Now, everypony let's head to the mess hall.”

As they were heading to the mess hall, Rainbow Dash shook the trash off of her and joined them. “Hey Spitfire,” she reported to the leader. “I have been practicing for the show in Canterlot. What position am I going to be in?”

“What are you talking about Crash? You're on probation! Which means no performing!”

“But the month is already up. Don't you remember.”

The leader rubbed her chin and trying to remember. “Oh yeah,” she shouted, “the month is up! I forgot!” She pay her attention back on the rainbow pony, “Yeah, I'm sorry Crash, but the show has been postponed to Sunday. I will give you the information and the technique on Saturday.”

“Well… alright then. At least, I’m not the maid anymore.”

“Yeah… about that…” Then, Soarin and Fleetfoot tossed the rainbow pegasus a mop and a bucket. “We need you to clean the bathroom, the locker room, cafeteria, and the bedroom by the end of the day.”

She was both shocked and confused about cleaning after her teammates again. Even though, her probation was finally over with. “How come I can't go training with you guys?”

“Sorry Crash, but we can't afford a janitor around here. You're the only right fit for the job.”

“But I don't under-”

“No butts Crash. There's a clang toilet with your name on it. Soarin really made a big one… again.” Everypony shook their head at Clipper and began leaving for practice. “Better get to it, Crash!”

After they've left her alone, Rainbow Dash was grew so much anger towards them, until she'd calm down. As she took a deep breath, she began mopping the floor. “Don't worry Dash,” she spoke to herself, “just calm down. Soon, you will get to perform with them again and they'll respect you once again. You're gonna rock this academy! Soon, they will call you ‘Rainbow Awesome Dash!”

The next day...

Rainbow Dash has woken up from her slumber.
She was really tired from cleaning after the Wonderbolts again. She drawn her attention to the clock and immediately panic at the results. “11 AM,” she screamed, “I AM LATE FOR TRAINING!!"

She quickly dashed to the bathroom and washed her face furiously. Sadly, she skipped brushing her teeth and breakfast, then head to the doors. Suddenly, after she exited her mansion, she accidentally crashes into Derpy. She quickly gotten up and lifted her derp friend. “I'm so sorry Derpy,” she apologized. “I swear that I didn't see you there.”

“It's alright Rainbow Dash,” she nicely responded.

“Sorry, but I got no time to chat! I have to head to the Wonderbolts academy immediately!”

Before she could rushed to the academy, Derpy said with a confused look, “Why are you going there instead of Canterlot?”

“Because I have to-” She stopped herself and turned to her derp friend. “Wait? Why would I go to Canterlot? Did Princess Celestia asked me of something important?”

“Princess Twilight told me to get you, so you can make it to your performance with the Wonderbolts. Didn't they tell you that it was today?”

Then suddenly, Rainbow Dash was completely shocked by the unexpected events. Her face grew completely red and fire spark in her eyes. She roared in total rage, “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!” Finally, she dashed very fast towards Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash finally made it all the way to Canterlot, without being exhausted from flying. She began searching everywhere for the Wonderbolts, because she got a bone to pick with them. She immediately spotted them performing in front of thousands of ponies, including her friends and the princesses.

After they were done, the crowd loved their performances; even the princesses were pleased as well. While the audience cheered their name, the Wonderbolts waved as they were exiting the flight zone. Rainbow Dash waited for them to show up behind the crowds.

As they were passing by, each one of them were bragging about how good they were out there:

“Wow,” Misty Fly said, “those ponies really loved us out there!”

“Those ponies really love it when I did that flip,” Blaze shouted.

“I can't believe that many ponies went to see us,” High Winds surprised.”

“The Clipper have won again as always,” Soarin bragged.

“Oh yeah,” Fleetfoot cheered. “We really impressed those pack house out there!”

“Alright,” Spitfire spoke. “I guess we could say another job well done!”

They all cheered at the same time, until Rainbow Dash interrupt their celebration. She trotted to them and says, “Well, well, well! If it isn't the backstabbing Wonderbolts! Here in Canterlot!”

The Wonderbolts were shocked by her appearance. Spitfire stood in front of her and demanded, “Crash! What in the hay are you doing here soldier?!”

Rainbow Dash shoved her face towards hers and talked back to her superior. “Don't play dumb with me! You jerks told me that the performance for Canterlot was postponed until Sunday! Unfortunately, one of my dearest friends came over to my house and told me that it is today! What do y'all got to explain this?!”

Spitfire drawn her attention to her fellow Wonderbolts for a moment until she telling the truth. “Alright Crash! Do you really wanna know why we lied to you?! It's because we don't want you to perform with us!”

The rainbow pegasus was completely shocked by the truth and began to grew unyielding rage. “What do you mean y’all don't want me to perform with you guys?!”

“Because you're a show hog Crash,” Soarin hurtfully explain. “Ever since you performed that last trick and try to steal the spotlight for yourself. You have a incredibly large ego Crash.”

“I'm a show hog! Looks to talking from a bunch of jerks who lied to me and didn't have the guts to tell the truth! I don't have a ego problem! If anypony it's you guys have a problem when I heard y’all bragging about how good you are!”

“I see what's going on here,” Fleetfoot open her big mouth. “You still hold grudges against all of those times we call you ‘Crash!’ No wonder why you're acting like a jerk Crash!”

“Do y’all even listen to yourselves?!” She sighed and shook her head in disappointment. “I should have known you guys would use me like this. And I should have expected from you three jerks,” she yelled at her three friends. “Mr. Clopper! Miss Slutfoot! And most importantly Miss Spitfu-”

“Watch your mouth Crash,” Spitfire interrupted her before revealing her true nickname. “You better check your temper tantrum. Look, we’re sorry that we lied to you. To make it up to you, we're going to perform again tomorrow and we’re going to let you get all the spotlight this time. Do you like the sound of that?”

Rainbow Dash was about to argue with her teammates some more, but she took a deep breath and sighs instead. “Fine,” she said while shaking her head. “But… if you guys lie to me again, then it's over.”

Spitfire turned to the other with a worry look on their faces. “We understand Cra- I mean Dash.” The rainbow pony slowly formed a smile as her teammates apologized to her. “Alright then, let's head back to the academy and start training for tomorrow.”

The Wonderbolts were about to leave Canterlot, until the voice from the host echoed, “Wait a second, ladies and gentlecolt! It would appears that we have more entertainers!”

The news has drawn the attention of Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Wonderbolts. They all rushed to see what's going on. As they looking up at the sky, they have already spotted nine pegasus in the sky.

The nine flyers were soaring through the sky in three men rows. Then, three from behind exited from the group and began backed flipping. What amazes the audience the most was when they stopped, they form their own clouds. As they were bouncing on them, colorful raindrops were pouring from the clouds. Everypony, except the Wonderbolts, were amused by their special talent.

Then, three more flyers have just drilled through the clouds. The cloudmakers flown in front of the drillers and remain still. The three spinners were heading towards them, until the drill over them, without even looking. They stopped spinning and were skydiving, until they've landed on top of three other flyers, without causing them to stop soaring.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash said with a impressed look on her face. “That was perfect!”

“Eh,” Spitfire whined, “no big deal.”

Finally, after the drillers jumped off the three flyers, they joined with the cloudmakers. Until, the three elites stop flapping their wings and went skydiving as well. They were coming down really fast towards the ground with their eyes shut. The gasps from the audience, whose are afraid that they will crash. Luckily, before crashing to the ground by a couple of inches, the elites flew yet again. They've stopped before the crowds and began flying after each other in circles, which formed a huge cloud.

For their final technique, the unknown performers regroup and perform their final act. They all headed towards the gigantic cloud and shoved it up to the sky. After they've separate themselves from the cloud, they charges towards it with brute force. As they've went through the monster, actual fireworks deployed out of the cloud.

After it was over, the nine stallions flew directly to the ground and formed a awesome poses. First, the cloudmakers landed upside down. Then, the drillers landed on top of their lower hooves. Lastly, the elites dashes towards the drillers, causing them to back flips. The elites slides across the platform and stopped with their wings held high.

After they were finally done, the crowd goes wild. Everypony were completely impressed by the unknown flyers amazing performance. Even the princesses themselves we're speechless. Rainbow Dash was surprised by their ending and only got one thing to say about it. “That… was… AWESOME!!!"

The host went from his broadcast to the platform and stood beside the group. He then spoke from his microphone, “Ladies and gentlecolt! We can all agree that they were completely amazin-”

Suddenly, the group leader stolen the microphone and shouted with excitement, “HELLO PONIES OF CANTERLOT!!” The audience were cheering for him. “I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE MY VERY OWN TEAMMATES!!

The leader stood next to the cloudmakers and announced, “I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE RAINMAKERS!! BITSTREAM!! ACID STORM!! & SUNSTORM!!"

Then, he stood next to the drillers and announced, “NEXT I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE CONEHEADS!! THRUST!! DIRGE!! & RAMJET!!"

Finally, he stood next to the two elites and announced, “I WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE ELITE FLYERS!! THUNDERCRACKER!! SKYWARP!! & I'M STARSCREAM!! AND WE ARE…

The rest of them rushed to the microphone and shouted together, “THE SEEKERS!!!” After they've revealed their names, everypony among the crowd cheered for them. Rainbow Dash was amazed by their performances; they're even better than the Wonderbolts.

The Wonderbolts, on the other hand, were completely outrage by the unknown performers, for stealing their spotlight. “Alright,” Spitfire shouted in anger. “Who in the hay are these jerks?! And how dare they steal our act!”

Rainbow Dash interrupted their rage against the Seekers and give out her opinion, “Well, I think those guys are awesome out there. Besides, it looks like they've never stab each other in the back!”

“Would you please shut up about that,” Soarin whined. “Sometimes you’re so annoying Crash!”

HA! Don't you ever tell me to shut up!”

“Yeah,” Fleetfoot agreed with her, “you shouldn't have said that. You should tell her to go crash into another trash can!”

“Why you no good c-”

“Watch it Crash,” Spitfire steps in front of the rainbow pony. “Look everypony just calm down! There's no need to trash talk each other while these hoggers are stealing our spot-”


A familiar voice disturbed their agreement with a simple greeting. They all turned and spotted the Seekers heading towards them. “I can't believe this,” Starscream surprised. “I can't believe that I am meeting the best flyer of all of Equestria! And she's standing right before me!”

Spitfire, who's completely flattered, responded nervously, “O-Oh! Well, I wouldn't call myself the best at all! But it meant a lot from a-”

“Move it flares,” Starscream yelled when he shoved their leader. He drawn his attention back at Rainbow Dash and resumed, “It's a great honor to meet you, Rainbow Dash.” He grabbed and kissed the pegasus hoof.

Rainbow Dash blushes as she drawn her hoof away from the gentlecolt. “O-Oh,” she said nervously, “It-It nice to me-meet you too.” She cleared her throat and resumed, “You guys were so awesome out there! How do y’all pull off those awesome tricks?”

An dark blue stallion, Dirge, wrapped his hoof around the mare and says, “If you want to know our tricks, then show us the gold.”

Starscream shoved his teammate aside and apologized, “Sorry for my foolish teammate, Rainbow Dash. I can't put a leash on these guys. Anyway, we had saw the Wonderbolts performance earlier, but we didn't see you with them. How come you didn't perform today?”

Rainbow Dash look back to her teammates and answer, “It's because I overslept last night. I woke up very late and miss out.”

The leader of the Seekers turned to his teammates and nodded at them. “Well,” he said to the rainbow mare, “I’m pretty sure the audience are begging for us to do an encore. Would you like to join us?”

Before she could reply to his offer, Spitfire separate the two of them and spoke for her, “Sorry pal, but she's far too busy to join you guys.”

HA,” the rainbow pegasus yelled. “What if I want to join those awesome stallions?! Besides, I didn't get a chance to perform, so maybe I should do with these guys!”

Then suddenly, everypony began arguing with each other. Until, Starscream came up with a brilliant idea. He headed out on stage and march towards the host. As everypony were applauding for his appearance, the host spoke, “Oh! Hello mister Star-”

Starscream grabbed the host microphone as he shoved him aside. He turned to the crowd and shouted, “HELLO EVERYPONY!! DO ALL OF YOU WANT AN ENCORE?!!” Everypony cheered and shouted for joy, which means that they want more. “ALRIGHT WE ARE GONNA GIVE YOU ALL THE BIG ONE!! BUT FIRST DO YOU ALL WANT US TO DO ANOTHER ONE WITH… RAINBOW DASH!!!

Meanwhile, the group of pegasus stopped arguing after Starscream mentioned the rainbow pony name. Then, the crowd cheered for Rainbow Dash to join them. An white Seeker, Ramjet, pushed her to the others Seekers and they brought her to the stage. “Looks like Rainbow Dash wants to join us than you jokes,” he mock the Wonderbolts and joined the others.

As she trotted with the Seekers, Rainbow Dash was being cheered by thousands of ponies. Her modification was faded, because she doesn't know what they're performing. She stood next to their leader and asked, “What are we going to perform? Me and the Wonderbolts always practice for our performance. I don't know what to do-”

“Hush,” Starscream covered her lips with his hoof. He leaned to her ear and whispers, “Just do what you wanna do. You can do whatever you want.

They moved to their positions and waited for orders from Starscream. He yelled, “LET'S GO!!” They all flew to the sky at the same time and follow the ring leader. They began to fly horizontally around like they're forming a tornado. When Rainbow Dash flew next to the leader, he whispered to her ear again, “When I give the signal, just do whatever you want to pull.” The rainbow mare was confused, but she nodded to him.

Then, they separated from each other and began spinning around like a twister. Rainbow was focusing on staying balance as she was spinning really fast. Finally, Starscream shouted to her, “NOW!!"

After receiving the signal, Rainbow Dash separate herself from the Seekers and perform her own technique. First, she dashes in front of the audience repeatedly. Next, she show off by trotting joyful through the runway while speeding. Then, she flew very high, skydive very fast towards the crowd, but quickly pulled a curve above them. Finally, she's going to perform her big ultimate technique, the Sonic Rainboom.

As she was taking some distance from the crowd of ponies, she heard a whistle from the Seekers. After she had turned to them, she found the elites and the coneheads formed a circle for her to go through. The rainbow pegasus nodded at them and began backing up.

She took a deep breath and tried to focus on her velocity and momentum of her ultimate trick. Then, she gave everything she got to release a maximum speed. Rainbow is trying to break through the sonic barrier before going through the others. Finally, she have released her ultimate Sonic Rainboom in front of thousands.

As her speed increases two times, Rainbow Dash went through the pony circle, without scattered it. The rainmakers releases colorful rains in front of her. After she'd went through the rain, the raindrops began to follow the speeding rainbow. Finally, the rainbow mare smoothly landed on the platform as raindrops made contact with the back of her head, which formed a rainbow above her.

After the rest of the stallions landed next to the mare, everypony in Canterlot went wild for their performance. They all cheered everyone of their names. Then, Starscream lifted Rainbow Dash left hoof and shouted, “GIVE IT UP FOR THE BEST FLYER OF ALL EQUESTRIA!!” The rest of the audience cheered her name repeatedly. The rainbow pony wrapped her hoof around the leader and waved to the ponies. Finally, as tears of joy was running down the mare face, she drawn the leader to her and began nuzzling him.