• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 2,192 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbow Dash & The Seekers - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will make a decision to either stay in the Wonderbolts or join the Seekers.

  • ...

The Gentle Seekers

The moon shines bright throughout Canterlot as the amazing performance of the Seekers was over. As everypony were leaving to get home, Rainbow Dash was hanging out with the awesome flyers. She was really touched by the stallions for letting her to perform with them.

“...And that's why we became the Seekers,” Starscream was telling a story about how the Seekers was formed.

“That sounds like an amazing backstory,” Rainbow Dash impressed.

“Indeed,” Thundercracker added. “If it wasn't for my brains, then the Seekers would've never be brought together. That's why I held an important piece of our team.”

“Actually,” Sunstorm corrected him, “it was the one and only Starscream who brought us together and become an unstoppable team!”

“No big deal,” Thrust whined, “anyone can form a team on their own! Starscream isn't special!”

“Ummm,” Skywarp spoke nervously. “I could've formed our team, if I wasn't afraid of leading.”

“Leading doesn't gain the upper power,” Dirge added. “Only the one who possess the gold's gain control!”

“Actually,” Bitstream explains, “money doesn't control everything. Of course, the money will tricks and pulls in others to do the host betting. However, if the host ran out of cash, then-”

“Blab, blab, blab,” Acid Storm interrupt him. “We all know how money works, egghead! No need to explain it to us, dorkin stain!”

“Oh please,” Ramjet shouted. “You morons are missing the big picture… we all agree that I should be the leader.”

The other seven looked at each other and responded, “No we didn't.”

“Yes, y’all did.”

“No we didn't.”

“Yes, y’all did!”

“No we didn't.”

Yes, y’all did!”

Rainbow was confused about what they were doing and turned to the leader for information. “Deeply sorry,” Starscream apologized to the pegasus. He turned to his men and yelled, “ENOUGH!! NOT IN FRONT OF A PROFESSIONAL!!

He sighs in embarrassment and calmed in front of the pegasus. “I must apologize, Rainbow Dash. I just can't control these hooligans. They've always been acting like children. And I’m the big daddy, always watching over them.”

“It's fine,” Rainbow accepted it. “Sometimes everypony always have to act like a little filly. Even some of my friends act so crazy.”

“I’m pretty sure none of them are like these yahoos. Each one of them have one word that define their personality.”

“Right,” Rainbow hardly believes that. “I don't believe you can use one word that'll describe your boys.”

“Alright, I'll show you then.” Starscream turned his attention back to his teammates and began. “Skywarp is a coward. Thundercracker is a egomaniac. Sunstorm is a bootlicker. Bitstream is a nerd. Acid Storm is a jerk. Dirge is greedy. Thrust is jealous. And Ramjet is a liar.”

HA I'M NOT,” Ramjet cried.

Rainbow Dash was surprised by Starscream perfect description of his men. “Wow,” she said, “that was impressive. However, what's in one word that describes you?”

“Well,” he whined. “I don't like to brag, but I consider myself as the leader. Mostly, some consider me as the handsome.”

“Right,” she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

“Alright, now it's your turn. What's in one word that describes you?”

“Well, I consider myself as the awesomeness. But other would use loyal.”

“That is what I believe. I mean you're the element of loyalty by the way.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.”

“Greetings Seekers,” a royal voice spoke. The rest of them turned and found three princesses approach before them. Rainbow Dash and the rest of the flyers bowed before them.

“Hello,” Starscream greeted. “It's a great honor to meet you majesties. Princess Cadance. Princess Luna. And most importantly Princess Celestia.” He stood up, trotted towards the princess of the sun, and kissed her hoof.

“Oh,” Princess Celestia blushes. “The feeling is mutual. I do say you and your men put on quite a performance. But y’all last performance with Rainbow Dash was spectacular. I have never known she was with your group.”

“Actually,” Rainbow Dash cut in, “your majesty. I'm not with their team. I'm with the Wonderbolts.”

“But how do y'all train for that amazing performance earlier,” Princess Cadance asked.

You see-”

“We let her do whatever she wants and we followed her technique,” the leader finish for the pegasus. “I know it may sound risky, but it was worth it.”

“Nevertheless, it was amazing,” Celestia congratulate them either way.

“We presume thous are attending the dinner party for tomorrow night,” Princess Luna informed.

“There's a dinner party,” Skywarp nervously spoke. “But no pony told-”

“Yeah,” Ramjet covered the coward mouth and lied, “a dinner party for tomorrow night. We totally know about it. Just letting you wonderful majesties know.”

“Indeed,” Starscream agreed with the liar. “Don't you worry, your majesties. We will be there.”

“Splendid,” Princess Celestia said. “We will be looking forward to seeing you all there. Good night, my royal subjects.”

The Seekers took their final bow to the princesses and began marching off. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, rushed to the princess of the sun and asked, “Princess Celestia! I hope you're going to look forward to me and Wonderbolts tomorrow. I swear I will be here on time.”

The princess turned toward attention to the young pegasus and was confused about what she's talking about. “What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?”

“You know… The Wonderbolts are going to perform again tomorrow. You do know that right?”

“I'm sorry young pony, but I haven't received any news about the Wonderbolts performing again. I had heard that they were going to perform for the day… not two.”

“What?” She tilted her head and was hopelessly confused about what's going on. Spitfire told her that they were going to perform again, but she lied to her instead.

“Are you alright Rainbow Dash,” Celestia worried asked the young pony.

“Yea-Yes your majesty. I'm fine.”

“Well then… have a pleasant good night, my little pony.”

“You too, Princess Celestia.”

After the princess left her, Rainbow Dash was so angry over another white lie from her own teammate. Out of all of the Wonderbolts, she trusted Spitfire the most. She's like a big sister to her, but she lied to her.

Suddenly, a shout grabbed the rainbow flyer attention, “CRASH!!” She turned around and spotted her backstabbing boss, Spitfire. “What in the hay were you thinking about joining those jerks,” she demanded her.

“What do you mean,” the rainbow pony asked. “I didn't get a chance to perform and the Seekers were just a bunch of gentlecolts who wants me to perform with them. Unlike you backstabbers.”

“We've already said that we were sorry about lying to you.”

“Oh, it's not just that. I spoke to Princess Celestia a while ago and she said that the Wonderbolts aren't performing tomorrow! So, do you got anything to explain why you lied to me… again?!”

Then, Spitfire formed a nervous look on her face as she was sweating. “Is there something going on that I shouldn't know,” she growled.

The leader sighed in defeat and confused her sin, “I’m so sorry, Dash. The dinner party was a surprise honor about you joining the Wonderbolts. We've been planning for this for weeks, but now you know.”

The young flyer was surprised by the secret dinner for her honor. Rainbow gasps and apologize to her leader, “I’m so sorry Spitfire! I-I’m just so mad about-”

“It's alright Dash,” she cut her off. “I shouldn't have lied to you. All I wanted to surprise you for the party tomorrow. Can you act surprise for it tomorrow night?”

“I tried my best,” she laughed.

“Thanks Dash. Now, I'm pretty sure you want to go celebrate with your friends. Go on and have an awesome time! That's an order soldier!”

She saluted and yelled, “YES MAM!!” Finally, the elite flyers went off and head back home.

After the mares had left the area, Starscream and his minions were lacking in the shadows and overheard their conversation. “I ain't buying any of that touching story,” Starscream angrily said. “I believe those amateurs are deceiving her.”

“But we can't prove that,” Sunstorm said, “your worshipfulness. How are we going to find evidence if they're playing her, your greatness?”

Ramjet bump the kiss up behind the head and shouted, “UH HELLO!! We just have to go over to their precious base and snoop through their stuff until we found some heat.”

“But we don't know where they keep their files!”

“Then we just need to search through their offices and lockers until we found any negative reviews about Rainbow Dash.”

“How do you know so much of these informations?”

“Well, I was a number one professional theft.”

“Okay,” Starscream complain, “one you're lying about this.” He then congrats the liar, “And two not a bad idea, Ramjet. You and Sunstorm will break into their academy and search for anything that will make Rainbow to leave those losers.”

“Why am I stuck with this dork,” he whined.

“Just do it! And make sure you two rendezvous in the forest. Make sure no one see what you're doing. Got it?!” Finally, they both saluted and began headed to the Wonderbolts academy.

The next day…

At the boutique, Rarity was helping her friends to pick out some dresses for the dinner party tonight. They were so excited for Rainbow Dash being noticed as a Wonderbolt. As they were waiting for their dresses, they cheered for the pegasus about her performance from yesterday. “That was some amazing performance ya did yesterday Rainbow,” Applejack encourage her friend.

“Ya,” Pinkie shouted, “you were extremely absolutely positively amazingly super duper absolutely- no wait I've already said that! You were duper super- no I said that backwards! You-You-”

“You were amazing darling,” Rarity interrupted the random pony breakdown.

“Yeah that!”

Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy spoke, “you were spectacular out there. I was absolutely stunned by that Rainboom you pull.”

“I can't believe those Seeker guys were so generous about letting you to perform with them,” Starlight added.

“Those guys are so awesome,” Rainbow Dash said. “I am glad that they're the first whose be a part of my awesome Sonic Rainboom! You're right Starlight; they're so nice. And I gotta say those stallions are gentlecolts… well some of them.”

“You know us guys,” Spike interrupted, “we always wanted to impress the ladies.” The mares wasn't impressed by his smooth talk and thrown an unamused looks, causing the baby dragon to walk away while giggling.

“Anyway,” Twilight spoke up, “what happened between you and the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash? Won't you supposed to perform with them yesterday?”

Rainbow groans from that ridiculous moment and answer, “It was completely stupid! The Wonderbolts lied to me about that! They told me that the show was postponed until Sunday! The reason why they lied to me, because that I’m a show hog! Even though, they were showing off backstage after their performance!”

“I'm sorry to hear that Rainbow. Are you and the Wonderbolts alright now or not?”

“Yeah, we're cool. I was totally chill out after my nasty argument with them… Well, you know. After the Seekers let me go performing with them.”

“Speaking of Seekers,” Applejack grinned at her friend, “ah see ya nuzzling with that Starscream fella!”

“So,” the mare said as she was blushing.

“So, are ya two a thing?!”

WHAT,” Rainbow yelled. “Come on Applejack! Don't be ridiculous! I just met the guy, so don't come up with conclusions!”

“Oh come on Dash. There's no reason to keep ya feelings a secret.”

“Indeed,” the fashion mare agreed. “You can admit that you like that handsome stallion, darling.”


Finally, they were silent and ended the argument between their friend and the seeker. Until, Pinkie turned and whispered to the fourth wall, “She totally loves Starscream.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and asked Rarity, “So, is our dresses ready yet?”

“I just want to know what type of style y’all want on your dresses,” Rarity inform them. “You Rainbow Dash?”

“Ummmm…” She was thinking for a while and then finally came up with a perfect dress. “Can you fix the dress I wore from the first gala we went?”

“Of course, darling! And the rest of y’all?”

“Just surprise us Rarity,” Twilight speak on behalf of the others.

“Splendid! I’ll get right on it!”

Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest, Ramjet and Sunstorm was trotting through the wilderness. As they were wondering, the kiss up Seeker was moraling to the liar. “I'm just saying,” he said. “You totally reminded me of Starscream. You talk like him, you act like him, you're evil like him, and you're deceitful like him! Maybe you will be the leader of the Seekers someday!”

“How do I get stuck with you as my partner,” Ramjet whined.

“Oh come on! You know you love hanging out with me! Admit it!”

“Yeah I totally love being your partner buddy,” he lied.

I knew it,” Sunstorm cheered. Until, he thought that Ramjet was lying. “Wait what-”

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Starscream grabbed the two idiots and shoved them up against a boulder. “Tell me what I like to heard,” he demanded.

“Uhhhhhh, everyone thinks you're cooler than Autobot Jazz!”

“Yeah and you're a way better leader than Megatron,” Ramjet lied.

He tossed the two of them to the ground and yelled, “NOT THAT!!” Then, he rubbed his chin and said, “Although, I do love hearing that, but that's not the point! Do you two got any information about those stupid Wonderbolts?!”

“Well,” Sunstorm explained, “we checked through their files to find any heats, but they're only fell with kiss up junks about Rainbow Dash.”

“So,” Ramjet finished for him, “we break into their lockers and found some juicy stuff about what they really feel about her!”

“How juicy,” the leader asked while rubbing his chin.

It's night time…

The mare friends are heading to the dinner party in their royal chariot. Their driver was not other than Spike, the baby dragon. They were all excited for their pegasus friend big break and respect from her fellow Wonderbolt teammates. Although, Rainbow Dash was pretty nervous along the way to Canterlot.

Finally, her friends notice her behavior and helped with her nervousness. “Are ya alright sugarcube,” Applejack concerned. “Ya acting pretty weird ever since we left Ponyville.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash surprised. “Nothing is wrong with me. I'm just excited to get noticed as a Wonderbolt is all. You know since only a few ponies already know I am.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight curious, “what's really going on with you?”

She sighed in defeat and admitted what's wrong, “I’m just nervous about if certain someone, who's totally awesome and all, would might loved this dress is all.”

Then, they all knew who she's talking about and giggles with excitement. “I KNEW IT!! YOU LIKE STARSCREAM!!

“What,” the rainbow mare gasps while she blushes. “No way! I wasn't talking about him! I was talking about… Soarin, or… Spitfire!”

“Don't deny it darling,” Rarity laugh. “You're in love with Starscream! Ooooh, how adorable is this!”

“Seriously Rarity! Like I said... I don't like the guy alright! I already know that he's an awesome flyer and very professional and all, but I don't like him that way.”

“Fine fine. Just letting you know that if grabbed his attention, just toss your hair back and forth then continue walking pass him.”

“I'm not doing that… period!” After she'd ended the conversation, she whispered to herself, “Thanks Rarity. I knew I could count on-

“What was that darling?”


Meanwhile, in front of the entrance to the Canterlot Castle, Starscream and the rest of the Seekers were trotting inside. They were all wearing the same tuxedos, so they can dress politely for the dinner party. While they were walking inside, they were arguing with each other.

SO,” Acid Storm whined to his boss, “when are we going to tell those losers secrets to that stupid mare!”

“Patience you fool,” Starscream response. “We will tell her in due time.”

“You're really are the wisest than all of us,” Sunstorm kissed up to his master. “That's why you're the leader of the Seekers.”

“But he isn't the charming one among us,” Thundercracker bragged.

“Thank you Cracker,” Ramjet accepted his compliment. “That really meant alot to me.”

Thrust sighs in frustration and yelled, “It always has to be something with you guys! I always hated when you all bragging about how good you are!”

“And how come we didn't get paid for our spectacular performance yesterday,” Dirge whined.


Finally, the others calmed down and obey their boss. The leader sighed and calmed as well. “We will tell that pegasus sooner or later. Until then, we shall act cool and never reveal our dirty little secret. Got it?!”

The Seekers nodded to their superior and obey. “Good. Now-”

“Well,” Princess Celestia greeted the flyers, “greetings Seekers.” They quickly turned their attention to the princess and bowed before her. “I'm so glad you all make it to the party.”

“Thank you your majesty,” Starscream greeted to the princess of the sun. “We wouldn't miss this for the world.”

“I'm glad to hear that. I hope everyone of you will have a good time.”

“Thank you Princess Celestia. We will.”

Then, an chariot has arrived in front of the castle. An servant stood in front of it and shouted to everyone, “Announcing the arrival from Ponyville! Princess Twilight Sparkle! And the Elements of Harmony!”

After the door has been opened, Twilight and the others stepped out and trotted inside. As they were entering, Princess Celestia welcomed them, “Hello Twilight. I'm glad you and your friends arrived to the dinner party.”

“Thank you Princess Celestia,” Twilight greeted her teacher. “I'm just glad that my friend is being treated fairly.”

“Well,” Starscream welcome Twilight and her friends as well, “hello your majesty.” He grabbed the princess of friendship hoof and kiss it. “I'm so glad to finally get a chance to meet you. I heard a lot about you and your adventures with your friends.”

“O-Oh,” she blushes and calmed, “Thank you Mister Starscream. It's a honor to meet you as well. Sorry I haven't says this before, but you and your men performance from yesterday was outstanding.”

“Why thank you, your majesty. And I can see you and your friends looks absolutely beautiful. However, where's Rainbow Dash?”

Twilight turned around and look for her, until she spotted her friend trotted inside. “Oh, there she is now.”

When the leader of the Seekers spotted her, his eyes widen by the pegasus shine of beauty. His mouth hang open by her cloud theme cape. Starscream is completely paralyzed by Rainbow Dash awesome dress and appearance. Then, each of his men compliment her wonderful presence:

“Sh-Sh-She's beautiful,” Thrust gasps.

“Oh my gosh,” Thundercracker surprised.

She’s perfect,” Sunstorm whispers.

“Sh-Sh-Sh-She's looks absolutely lovely,” Ramjet said without lying.

WHAT IS HAPPENING,” Bitstream screamed because he's blind by her beauty.

As Rainbow Dash was following her friends to dinner, she was confused about the weird looks on the Seeker faces towards her. When she drawn near to Starscream, the rainbow pegasus tossed her mane back and forth while walking pass him. After the mares entered the dining room, the leader of the Seekers smiles by the young flyer interest in him.

Rainbow Dash and her friends made their way through the crowds and found their table. After her friends sat down, she immediately spotted her teammates wearing their jerseys. The rainbow pony informed her friends, “Ha girls, I’m gonna go hang out with my teammates. You know… letting everypony know that I'm a Wonderbolt!”

"Go ahead Rainbow," Starlight spoke on behalf of the rest. "This is your night, remember. Just enjoy your time."

"Thanks girls!" After her friends waved goodbye to her, Rainbow Dash trotted to her teammates. “What's up guys,” she greeted her teammates.

Spitfire was about to respond, until she eyed Rainbow Dash dress. She harshly grabbed the mare and growled, “Crash! What the hay are you wearing?! You were supposed to wear your jersey!

“Nopony told me that I need to wear my jersey. I thought this dress would be good for this party.”

“We Bolts always wear our jerseys to dinner! Now, you're making us look bad. Way a go ruining our repatation, Crash!”

“Look! I don't care-”

“Just shut up and seat your flank down!”

Rainbow then grunted in anger as she sat next to Soarin. She turn her head around and watched her friends enjoying themselves. Suddenly, she spotted the Seekers making their way to their dinner table. The young flyer smile at them, until her boss bump her in the head. “What was that for,” she cried.

“Act professional, Crash!”

Maybe you shouldn't act like a total jerk,” she mumbled to herself.

“What do you say, Crash?!”

“Wow Spitfire,” Blaze interrupted her boss, “do you really need to be so negative right now?”

“Yeah,” Fleetfoot agreed, “we're at a party remember. Just play cool.”

The leader took a deep breath and apologized, “Yeah. I'm sorry Rainbow Dash. I don't know what came over me.”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash said, “apology accepted. Either you're mad at me for not wearing my jersey or… you're just jealous of my awesome dress.”

Spitfire tilted her head and laughed, “Maybe.”

After they were calmed down, Soarin passed the rainbow pony an apple pie. “Here you go Crash,” Soarin said. “I’ve saved this pie just for you. Consider this as an apology for acting like a jerk to you.”

“That's really sweet of you,” Rainbow Dash flattered. “And I would like to have this pie.”

“Well, as long that you're happy-”

Suddenly, Soarin shoved his face into her pie, causing scattered creams on Rainbow dress. As the stallion slowly drawn his face away from the treat, he noticed that the mare is completely enrage. “What the buck Clopper,” she yelled. “What was that about?!”

“I-I-I don't know what happened? I didn't mean to-”

“Oh saved it! You also ruined my favorite dress!”

“Here I’ll lick off the mess,” Soarin insisted.

Before he could lick her dress, Rainbow Dash pushed him away from her. “Haven't you done enough,” she yelled at him.

“Here Crash,” Spitfire helped her friend, “let me clean your dress.” She grabbed some napkins and rubbed the stains away.

To make matters worse, Misty Fly was passing by Rainbow Dash with a cup of cider in her hoof, until she accidentally spilled it all over her dress. While the rainbow pony was soaking wet, everypony, except her friends and the princesses, were laughing at her. Before the Wonderbolts could apologize to her, the rainbow pony rushed outside with tears in her eyes.

Spitfire turned her attention to both Soarin and Misty Fly and formed an angry look. “What were you two thinking,” Spitfire yelled at them. “We all agreed to respect her during dinner.”

“I don't know what happened,” Misty Fly said. “I was just passing by with my drink, until some force just shoved it towards Crash.”

“Poor Crash,” Soarin said while lowering his head. “I didn't mean to upset her.”

“Well,” Spitfire spoke, “I hope she'll be alright.”

Rainbow Dash stood alone on the balcony, sobbing over the incident occurred earlier. She actually believes that the Wonderbolts would turn over a new leaf for her. Sadly, they still disrespect her no matter what.

Suddenly, her tears ended when an unexpected tornado was formed around her. After the whirlwind ended, Rainbow Dash dress was dry from the spill. Then, she found Thrust formed the wind and landed next to Starscream and Skywarp. She was surprised by their appearances on the balcony.

“Thank you so much Thrust,” Starscream patted his men.

“Whatever,” Thrust rudely respond and left them.

“You're welcome for drying up your wonderful dress,” he said to the mare.

“Thanks,” Rainbow said, “but it still smells like cider.”

“No problem.” The leader turned to the coward flyer and says his name, “Skywarp!”

“Yes sir,” he replied. Skywarp then rushed to the rainbow pony and sprayed some perfume around her dress, until the odor fades away. After he was finished, he took a gentle bow and trotted inside.

Starscream marched toward her and smell the given perfume. He moaned the smell and says, “You smell like a bag of roses.”

As she's blushing, Rainbow Dash was curious about what's the gentlecolt is up to. “Thank you,” she accepted his compliment. “But why did you want your men to do those things for me?”

“Because this is your big night, my dear. I hated to see your tears running down your beautiful face. I just want to give you the time of your life.”

The mare pegasus just stood there and didn't say anything else. Until, she thrown herself and hugged Starscream for his encouragement. The leader of the Seekers wrapped his arms around the young pony as well. Then, they both began nuzzling each other.

Finally, after they've separated, Starscream grabbed her hoof and spoke, “May we head back inside, my lady?”

“We shall,” she answered.

Before they trotted inside, Starscream held out his right leg towards the mare and she wrapped her left leg around his. As they have entered the dining room, Rainbow Dash noticed that her friends were all amazed by how she and Starscream are together. Sadly, she spotted her teammates wasn't pleased about her being with the Seekers.

After they've stopped at the Seekers table, Sunstorm was ever so kindly enough to pull out two seats for his boss and the rainbow pony. As Rainbow Dash sat down, she noticed that the other stallions eyes were sparkly by her presence. “You look absolutely radiating,” the kiss up stallion said.

“Indeed,” Skywarp agreed, “you look so pretty, Rainbow Dash.”

“You're more beautiful than the sun itself,” Bitstream added.

“It's like looking in a mirror,” Thundercracker bragged. “I mean if I was a mare.”

“You're like a billion bits,” Dirge added.

“That's so sweet of you guys,” Rainbow Dash said while blushing. “I bet you colts said that to a bunch of mares.”

“To be honest,” Starscream cut in, “you're the most beautiful pegasus in Canterlot-No! In the entire Equestria.”

The rainbow mare smiled and started to nuzzle next to the gentlecolt. She really appreciate the kindful compliments from the Seekers, except for Ramjet and Thrust. However, she didn't notice Acid Storm appearance among the Seekers.

Then suddenly, their connection was interrupted by a nervous voice from behind, “Um, Rainbow Dash?” The mare turned around and spotted Soarin, rubbing his back head.

“Soarin,” Rainbow Dash confused. She crossed her hooves and drawn an angry look. “What do you want? Are you here to smash pie on my dress again?!”

“No. And I am so sorry for that earlier. I just want to ask you for a dance. I heard they're going to put on some dancing music soon. Do you want to dance with me?”

Rainbow Dash was surprised by the stallion offer and was touched as well. “Oh! W-Well… I wasn't expecting this to happen… I mean yes. I would love to dance with you, Soarin.”

“Thanks Dash! I look forward to seeing you on the floor.” He gave her a wink before he left.

The rainbow flyer blushes and giggles a little bit. She calmed herself and act professional in front of the Seekers. “Sorry about that,” she apologized. “You fellas won't mind if I join my teammate on the dance floor.”

“Not at all my dear,” Starscream insists. “This is your night. Enjoy yourself, for Pete sake.”

“Thanks guys.”

When the music started, most of the ponies began a couple dancing. Before Rainbow Dash was about to enter the dance floor, the leader of the Seekers drawn her in and whispers, “Remember to perform a dramatic entrance. Do a electric slide across the dance floor.

After she'd nodded at Starscream, Rainbow Dash did an electric slide through the dance floor and pointed at Soarin among the Wonderbolts. Due to her stunt, everypony stop what they were doing and stared at the rainbow pony. She's waiting for the stallion to join her, but he just sat there with a confused look on his face. “SOARIN,” she whispers angrily.

Soarin was completely confused about what she's talking about and shook his head. “Heh,” Fleetfoot laughed, “lame move there, Rainbow Crash!”

Then, everypony, including the Wonderbolts, laughed at the rainbow pegasus for her stunt and nickname. Even her closest friend, Spitfire, laughed at her as well. Rainbow Dash did nothing but lowered her head in embarrassment.

Suddenly, she was swoop off her hooves by Starscream and welcome her into a dance. Everypony stopped laughing and was surprised by this unexpected event. Rainbow Dash lifted up her head to her dancer and smiled. “Hello ma petit chou-fleur,” Starscream said.

“You know French,” she asked.

“Uhhhh… A little bit.”

Finally, Starscream and Rainbow Dash began dancing to the tango song. They locked hooves together as they marched across the dance floor back and forth. He spins the mare around for ten seconds and lean her over while grabbing hold of her body. As they resumed dancing back and forth, they're having a conversation.

“I can see that the Wonderbolts haven't changed a bit,” Starscream said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “I should've known that they would always disrespect me. Sadly, I wasn't expecting Soarin and Spitfire to do this to me.”

“Well, we Seekers would never do just a thing to you if you're on our team. We will always treat our female members top respect.”

“You really mean that-


Then, he shoved Rainbow Dash to Ramjet and began dancing. As the liar was dancing with the mare, “You know Rainbow Dash. I want you to know that I don't like you dress and you don't look pretty,” he lied.

The rainbow flyer giggle and laughed, "That's really sweet of you, Ramjet. I know you're lying.”

“I'm telling the truth, Dash. You don't look beautiful and your dress doesn't match your personality.”

“Well, I really appreciate it.” She leans in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing the liar to blush.

Suddenly, Ramjet stopped dancing and just froze still by paralyzed from the kiss. Rainbow Dash was giggling from the Seeker reaction to her kiss. Starscream, on the other hand, swoop in and reclaim his dancing partner. Thundercracker and Sunstorm stepped in and carry the statute colt to their table.

As they resumed dancing, the leader of the Seekers laugh at his men embarrassment. “You know that was Ramjet first kiss,” Starscream informed his partner.

“Really,” Rainbow Dash surprised, “I thought you guys gets all the mares?”

“Actually, my dear, we just got famous yesterday. But enough chatting. Lets just dance.”

They both spin around for a couple of seconds and wrapped their hooves around each other. As Rainbow Dash let go and dropped herself down, Starscream quickly grabs her lower back. After he had grabbed her, she raised her upper hooves and lifted her lower left leg.

Rainbow Dash shoved her dancer away from her. Before Starscream rushed to the mare, he was stopped by the pegasus mane tail. She lifted her tail up and stopped at the stallion face. She quickly turned around, pushed her partner, and grabbed him at his lower back. The young flyer watch and giggles as her partner was blushing.

Finally, Starscream separated and carry his partner as they were twirling around. To impress the crowd, the Seeker tossed the mare to the air and rushed above. Then, they both did a slow motion backflip and their bodies smoothly touching each other. Their big finish, Rainbow Dash let go and fell to the ground, with the gentlecolt waiting below to grab her. After he grabbed the flyer, they spin around and hold each other in their hooves.

The audience was speechless from their performance and started to applaud. As the two performers were waving to the crowd, Rainbow Dash can see her friends cheering for her amazing dance moves. Sadly, her teammates wasn't please with her performance with Starscream.

Starscream tapped the mare shoulder and whispered to her ear, “Can you meet me in garden alone?

Rainbow Dash smiles and nodded to him, “I would love to.

After getting through the adoring audience, Rainbow Dash and Starscream sat next to each other in the garden. They nuzzles next to each other as they both stared at the moon. Thanks to the gentlecolt, the grateful pegasus has a wonderful time tonight.

“Rainbow Dash,” Starscream says to the mare, “it was a mighty honor to spend this wonderful night with you. You're the most awesomeness mare I’ve ever met.”

“That's sweet of you Starscream,” the rainbow pony said while blushing. “Without you, this night would've been a total wreck.”

“Please! I am sure your friends would've comfort you from those naughty Wonderbolts.”

“Let's not mention those guys. I just want this moment between us never end.”

He was about to remain quiet and comfort the daring pony, until Starscream offer the her a sweet deal. “Would you like to join the Seekers?”

“What,” Rainbow Dash surprised. “Y-You want me to be a part of the Seekers?!”

“Why yes. I know that we have already got famous and noticed, but our group can't only be guys. The only way to become a major group is to have a female flyer among us. And you fit the role perfectly. So what do you say, Rainbow Dash? Would you like to become a Seeker?”

“Starscream… I really appreciate this great offer… but I’d already joined with the Wonderbolts. Sure they're really jerks and played me, but I am the element of loyalty. As a loyal pony, I should stay loyal to my teammates no matter what they've done to me. Again, I really appreciate the offer. I hope you will understand.”

The leader of the Seekers sighed in disappointment and respond, “I understand, Rainbow Dash. I shall respect your decision. However, if you ever change your mind, there's still an opening position with your name on it.”

“I appreciate that, Starscream. Thanks.”

“You're very welcome, my dear-”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash rushed towards him and connected her lips with his. Starscream was surprised by the unexpected kiss and relax. They both remain kissing each other for couple of minutes.

After they've separated, the loving flyer closed her eyes and lay her head on her lover shoulder. “I love you,” she said while nuzzling his neck.

“I love you too, Rainbow.”

As they were nuzzling each other, an green inferno flames went across Starscream and shown an insect form. Starscream is a changeling as well as his men. He quickly change back before his lover noticed and resume comforting Rainbow Dash.