• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 2,192 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbow Dash & The Seekers - SlayGuy295

Rainbow Dash will make a decision to either stay in the Wonderbolts or join the Seekers.

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Switching Sides

As the sun is grew dim, Rainbow Dash and Starscream were about to go their separate ways. “Thank you for the wonderful tour, Rainbow Dash,” the Seeker appreciated. “I had a great time meeting your friends as well.”

“You're welcome,” Rainbow said. “I had a great time spending it with you. You're awesome to hang out with.” She flew into the air and says her goodbye. “Well, see you around.”

“See you around.” Rainbow Dash was about to head home for bed, until Starscream stop her by shouting her name, “RAINBOW DASH STOP!!” After she'd landed next to him, he pleaded, “Please join the Seekers!”

Rainbow Dash surprised by the offer again. “But I said-”

“I know what you said, but I can't take it anymore!” He falls on his knees and grabbed her hoof as if he was proposing to her. “Rainbow Dash… you're amazing! You're so bold and brave! You're the perfect member of the Seekers! You're better than my men-heck you're better than me! Please Rainbow Dash! We need you on our team! I need you.”

She was speechless by Starscream touching speech. As much as she wanted to join them, Rainbow Dash just can't. She lifted the Seeker head and answer, “Starscream, thank you for wanting me to join your team, but I just can't. Of course, the Wonderbolts aren't treating me fairly, but that was when I was a newbie. Later in the future, I will be respected by them and gain a higher rank. I know that it's hard to get used to the pressure, but it will be worth it. I'm still loyal to the Wonderbolts. I'm the element of loyalty. And the element of loyalty never abandon her teammates.”

“Not even if they're deceiving you,” he added.

Rainbow Dash was confused by what the Seeker just said. “Starscream… what are you talking about?”

“Rainbow Dash, those jerks are using you, so they can get more attention and more recruits. I heard what they say about you after me and my team were leaving the party. They said that you're a useless pony and doesn't deserve to join their team. They believe that you're weak and never become one of them. Please... you don't need those backstabbers. Join us and will love you like our only queen. I... I love you, Rainbow Dash."

She doesn't believe that her own teammates would say those things behind her back. Rainbow Dash lowered her head and spoke, “Starscream… I understand…” The Seeker eyes widened by her response. “I understand that everything you just said is… is… FULL OF CRAP!!” Her scream strudel Starscream.

“You're lying to me! You just made it up so you can convince me to join your team! I can't believe that you think I'm too stupid enough to believe that! Here I thought that my team are jerks, but you're worse than they are!”

“B-But Rainbow Dash,” Starscream cried. “What I’ve told you is true! Those bolts are taking advantage of you!”

“How can I know that you're telling the truth?!”

“If you don't believe me, then ask the bolts yourself. Then, you shall see who's lying.” Finally, Rainbow Dash abandon the Seeker and rushes to the Wonderbolts academy.

When Rainbow Dash made it to the academy, she landed on the runway and began searching for her team. “Crash!” She turned and found the rest of the Wonderbolts matching towards her. “Mind explaining to us why you didn't show up for training,” Spitfire demanded.

“I was-”

“I told ya what she was doing,” Soarin interrupt. “She was too busy making out with the Seeker leader!”

“I was giving him a tour of my home town,” Rainbow yelled. “And you don't have to worry about those jerks, because I am done with them!”

The bolts were surprises. “Why is that,” Spitfire asks.

“Because that snake lied to me!”

“Ahhhh,” Fleetfoot mock her, “did poor little Crashie cry?” Some of the bolts giggle from the taunt.

“What did he lie to you about,” Misty Fly curious.

“He said that you guys were only using me so y’all can get more famous,” Rainbow Dash answers. “Like I'm going to believe that right! I know you guys would never do that to me.” The Wonderbolts began shifting their eyes to each other nervously. “Right?”

“R-Right,” Soarin answer. He quickly turned to the others and shouts, “Come on guys! Let hit the showers!”

“Hold on a second! What's going on here?!”

“What are you talking about, Crash,” Fleetfoot ask nervously.

“Why are you guys acting suspicious?” Then, she realize that everything that Starscream told her could be true. “Are you guys taking advantage of me," she demanded.

The bolts turned and shook their heads at their leader. Spitfire lay her hoof on the rainbow pony shoulder. “Rainbow Dash, listen. We would never-”

Rainbow shove her friend hoof away from her and demanded, “Don't bull crap me, Fire! Are you guys taking advantage of me?!”

Finally, Spitfire lowered her head, sighs in defeat, and answer Rainbow Dash question. “Yes.”

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what just happened. She has discovered that her heroes and role models are fakes. “WHAT,” she cried. WHY?!!

“Because you're too famous,” Spitfire explains. “Ever since you have done that Sonic Rainboom, everypony couldn't stop talking about. When we check on the recruitment sheet, we were very low on volunteers. Then, we decided to enroll you in, so we can get more recruits. Ever since we allow you to become a Wonderbolt, so many pegasus signed up because of you.”

“So,” Rainbow Dash yelled, “the only reason why you want me to become a Wonderbolt, so y’all can become more famous than before! All of this time, I thought y’all welcome me to the bolts is because of my hard work and bravery! But it was all a lie!”

“Crash,” Fleetfoot said, “calm down-”

“Shut up! And it's Rainbow Dash to you!” She turned to her best friend, Spitfire. “I thought we were friends, Spitfire! Or was that a lie too!”

“No,” Spitfire pleaded. “We are friends, Dash! We are-”

“Then, why do you lied to me?! True friends don't lie to each other! You're not my friend! NONE OF YOU!!,” her teammates took a step back from her yelling.

“Rainbow Dash, please calm down! You're right! I shouldn't have use you-”

“I am the most loyal pony in entire of Equestria and y’all used me! Y’all betrayed my loyalty and used me! I thought we could trust each other-Who am I kidding, y’all had never trust me than before!”

“What are you talking about? We had never-”

STOP LYING TO ME!! The time when all of you blame me for Spitfire disappearance! I can't believe y’all actually believe that I tried to take her spot! I thought y’all known me as the element of loyalty not the complete opposite!”

“But,” Soarin added, “there was hair pieces left at her room that matches yours-”

“It doesn't matter! If y’all really are my true friends, then y’all should have known better to trust me like my friend Rarity! And I can't believe that Wind Rider, one of the best Wonderbolts, was the one who frame me, just because I was about to beat his record! Looks like something you bolts have in common! Stabbing each other in the back!”

“Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire yell, “you're being ridiculous! We would never betray one of another!”

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! What about the time when you tried to make me join you and Fleetfoot and kick Soarin to the curb?! True teammates doesn't work like that, Spitfire!”

“You know she got a good point,” Soarin agreed with the rainbow pony.

“You're not helping Soarin,” Spitfire yelled at him. “And you wonder why we call you Clipper!”

“Well, excuse me that we have to suffer from those fake nickname, so Rainbow Crash can stay on the team-” After realizing what he has just done, he quickly covered his mouth.

Rainbow Dash was both shock and heartbroken after discovering another lie. Tears were running down on her face, but she shook them off furiously. She turned to Spitfire and yell, “You told them to use those fake nicknames just to make me feel better about mine?!”

“Crash,” Spitfire calm her down, “please don't be mad. I told them to do it, because they were-”

IT IS DASH!! My name is Rainbow Dash! I can't believe you jerks would want me to believe that horrible nickname was ever good for me! Being called ‘Rainbow Crash’ was the worst thing that ever happened to me!”

“Oh come on,” Soarin roll his eyes. “It can't be that bad.”

“Really?! It can't be that bad,” she ruefully mock his voice. “I tell you all why that stupid nickname is horrible to me! When I was a little filly, I have always dreamed about becoming a awesome Wonderbolt! I was like your number one fan back then!”

“Until, one day at flight school, I accidentally made a fool of myself and one of the gayass colts called me RAINBOW CRASH!! Everyday at flight school… every single day of my life… everypony kept calling me Rainbow Crash! Every single night, I cried in my sleep, because that stupid nickname will always haunt me until I die! Thanks to my Sonic Rainboom, I have finally gotten rid of that stupid nickname. Until, you jerks brought it back from the grave!”

Everypony were shocked by her sad childhood backstory. No pony haven't said a word for about a few minutes. Finally, Spitfire lay her hoof on her friend shoulder and spoke, “Rainbow Dash.” The sadden pegasus lifted her head. “I am so sorry for what happened to you when you were a filly… but it was a nickname. I mean come on.” Everyone agrees with their leader.

“Do you know why I told my teammates to have those fake nicknames? It's because so you can accept that name and wear it proudly. Sadly, it's seems that you still haven't accept it.”

Finally, Rainbow Dash rage exploded after hearing those exact words from her former friend. She shove her friend hoof away from her and yelled right in her face, “You know what! I had already accepted that dumb name, until I have discover that you bolts used me! I shouldn't be the one to be ashamed of myself! It's you… you… FAKES!!

The Wonderbolts gasps from her hurtful words and were upset by her attitude. “Rainbow-”

“You know what! Screw you! Screw all of you! I don't need any of you jerks anyway! I can just join another team that will treat me with respect!”

“What are you saying,” Fleetfoot ask.”

Rainbow Dash wasn't afraid to say it in front of her false idols. She release all of her anger out with a single roar. “I QUIT!! She began marching away from her former teammates.

The Wonderbolts were both shocked and heartbroken by the lost of a great teammate. Spitfire shook her head and rushed to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash,” she cried. “Please wait-”

I should have let you and Soarin fall to your deaths back in Cloudsdale,," she growled at Spitfire.

Spitfire gasps from her friend hurtful regret. After Rainbow Dash left the academy, she remembered that horrible accident when she and the others almost fallen to their doom. Only Rainbow Dash Sonic Rainboom has save their lives. Now, she truly regret betraying her best friend.

It was midnight, Rainbow Dash was trying to find the Seekers base throughout the land. After a couple of minutes, she has finally found their headquarters with a giant S symbol on top. When she landed at the door, she began knocking on it, hoping they are still awake.

GUYS,” Thundercracker voice occurred within the base. “THE TAX COLLECTOR FIGURE OUT WHERE WE LIVE!! QUICK HELP ME ESCAPE!!

Help you escape,” Thrust voice. “What about us?!

I think we should lure him in and take all of his money instead,” Dirge greedy voice.

We are professional flyers,” Bitstream voice. “Not common criminals!

Guys,” Starscream voice ended the madness. “We could just see who's at the door.

Dirge sighs in disappointment and agreed, “He’s right.

You really are the wisest leader,” Sunstorm praises his master.

When Starscream opened the door, he was surprise seeing Rainbow Dash this late. “Rainbow Dash,” he said with a surprise voice. “What brings you here?”

The rainbow flyer lowered her head and said, “You were right.” Starscream tilted his head. “Those backstabbers were using me this whole time. They completely used my loyalty for their own advantage. You were right about them this whole time. I can't believe I was an idiot to fall for their stupid tricks.”

Then, the gentlecolt lean towards and comfort Rainbow Dash. “My dear Rainbow,” he said. “You're not a idiot. Those bolts are the real idiots. They had their chances to redeem themselves, but they blew it. They had made a big mistake of taking advantage of the best flyer of all of Equestria. I'm so sorry for what happened to you, my dear.”

Rainbow Dash accepted his comfort and hug back. They began nuzzles each other cheeks together. Starscream wrapped his wings around her body. “Feeling better,” he asked. She nodded as they're separating from each other. “Do you want me to escort you home-”

“Actually, I want to ask you something,” Rainbow Dash cut him off.

“W-What is it?”

“Do y’all still have a opening position in the Seekers?”

Starscream smiles at the mare and respond, “Why… yes. We have a opening with your name on it.” He grabbed her hoof and drawn her inside. “However, we need to let the others to decide if you're Seeker martial.”

When they have entered the sleeping bunker, they found everyone of the Seekers asleep. “Excuse me,” he said to Rainbow. Starscream matches towards his men and yelled as a drill sergeant, “ON YOUR HOOFS MAGGOTS!!” Every stallions quickly gotten up and stand up straight. “Boys. Rainbow Dash has quit those sinful Wonderbolts and wants to join our team. What do you say, guys? Do we want Rainbow Dash on our team?”

“I don't think so,” Ramjet said while trotting towards a table. “Maybe we shouldn't let her in-” Suddenly, he and Sunstorm removed a sheet and revealed a cake and drinks. The cake said Welcome to the team Dash with frosting. What makes it weird is that it has Thundercracker face on it.

“It has been decided,” Starscream lure Rainbow Dash towards the others. “You're officially one of us-” He stopped when he stopped the ego-maniac face on the cake. “THUNDERCRACKER!! I especially told you to add Rainbow Dash face on the cake! NOT YOURS!!

“Ha,” Thundercracker protest, “you can't hide this handsome devil away from the spotlight!”

“Just go back to the bakery and get another one. This time with her face on it!”

“B-But it's midnight!”

“Then, wait outside of the bakery until it's open!”

After Thundercracker left, Sunstorm and the others were curious about the cake. “Are we still going to eat the cake,” he said.

“Oh, we're eating the cake!” As the Seekers were diving upon the cake and drinks, Starscream lure Rainbow Dash into another room. After he had shut the door, he began apologizing. “Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry for what happened between you and those disgusting freaks. Do you need anymore comfort?”

“No,” she responded. “It's fine. It's just I have always wanted to be a Wonderbolt ever since I was a little filly. But dreams doesn't come true.”

“Oh Rainbow Dash!” He gave her a hug. “It wasn't your fault. It was those pathetic bolts who chose their sinister path. You chose the light and they chose the dark. I wish we came along and become your dream team.”

“It wasn't your fault,” she said while hugging back. “I wasn't Wonderbolt martial after all.”

When Starscream noticed that tears were dripping from the mare eyes, he drawn the her face to his and wrap the tears away. “You were, my dear. It's just those amateurs wasn't the martial at all. You're the real Wonderbolt this whole time. The reason why you're not with them now is because they have betray your loyalty. However, as for the Seekers, we have three words that represent our image. Bravery! Noble! And most importantly, loyalty! And we pick the right mare for the job.”

Thanks to the professional kindful words, Rainbow Dash hug him tight and nuzzles on his neck. “Thank you so much, Starscream,” she appreciates the support. “I really needed that.”

“Anything for my friends.”

“Right… friends.”

After they've both separated, they both nervously scratch the back of their heads while blushing. “Now, come along then,” he said while heading for the door. “There is a celebration happening with your name on it!”

Thanks to the comfort of the gentlecolt, Rainbow Dash began developing strange feelings for Starscream and can't contain it anymore. Without hesitation, she stop the stallion by grabbing his hoof. “Starscream,” she said. The Seeker tilt his head confused. “D-Do you want to go on a date with me?!”

Starscream was surprised by her intention and turned away. “I thought you already have a special stallion in your life? You know for being a amazing flyer.”

“Sadly, I don't. But how about you and me become a awesome couple?”

He turned around and respond, “You know there are rules prohibit teammates dating each other.” The sadden pegasus lowered her head in disappointment, but was lifted by the gentlecolt with a smile on his face. “However, we are the Seekers and we don't believe in that rule. So… why not.”

Finally, the two professional couples hug each other. Rainbow Dash began shedding tears, but this time tears of joy. Even though she has quit her dream team, she has found the perfect one and the perfect stallion along with it. Her future has started to shine bright.

Comments ( 4 )

Awwww! This is my SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

I looked at the picture and my god that chin, you could break a rock with that chin.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" That being put in Rainbow Dash's words. You should really continue. I love the story. :rainbowkiss:

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" That being put in Rainbow Dash's words. You should really continue. I love the story. :rainbowkiss:

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