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The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer

Comments ( 38 )

>4 months later
>dad im w/ foal

I scrolled through the story so fast that i managed to piece together a funny joke

I’ll never confess to actually reading this story, but I’ll be damned if you aren’t a fantastic writer.

May Celestia bless the writer who dreamed up the awesome power of ZESPER.

Goddamit now I have a new fetish, (orgasm denial/buildup).

Thanks for adding yet another to the pile, Shake.


Goddamn shakes another good one. More?

Ironically, the new members of the Cake family would indeed be named Honey Pot and Kettle Black.

I... read this more for the socio-economic discussion of spellcasting offspring in non-caster families and the possible ramifications on a micro- and macro-sociological level when it comes to the integration of magic castes/cliques.

I'm a dweeb.

Nice story so far, though there's something you may want to edit.

"Or, the next time Mom goes to Pumpkin's bedroom, you can come to mine."

That should be "Pound's".

And political science. Good guess.

By the way, this "Game of Drones" idea sounds absolutely awesome. Did you come up with it yourself, Shakespearicles? And can others steal it? XD

It's probably not quite as bloody as the original, Thorax is just too precious a cinnabug. Though Pharynx might wish to make it gory. That may lead to a troubled production... Oh, and, did I understand it correctly and it actually shows pony characters? As in, the Changelings make a show about pony characters engaging in Changeling-typical behaviour?

I'm hoping for more, just no malicious torture, like in the TwiNight fic where Shining is tied up. It's just not my thing. Everything else that happens I'm fine with. Fingers crossed for Pumpkin to get Pounded. Maybe a double fuck date with mom and dad. And of course more CupPound and Pumpkin carrot. What have you done to me, Wolrd's Greatest Writer?!


Oh, and, did I understand it correctly and it actually shows pony characters? As in, the Changelings make a show about pony characters engaging in Changeling-typical behavior?

Yes. The changeling actors appear as ponies in the show, but behave as changelings, inbreeding and all.

Now that's not going to be awkward at all.

Good thing Headmare Twilight had ordered princess-sized couches for the student lounges. That way, all six friends could sit together to watch the newest episode of their new favourite show, a show they were all too young to be watching in the first place. That made it even more fun, of course! Huddling together, snacks and drinks in various hands, talons and hooves, they relaxed and started watching.

After a while, a voice piped up.

"You know," Silverstream began, "some of the new characters seem really... familiar. I can't quite put a hoof on it, though."

Gallus cocked his head at her words. "Yeah, I noticed too. Thought I was the only one. Ocellus, you said you helped work on this season?"

The one Changeling of the group nodded eagerly. "Yes! I helped with the writing! King Thorax was really impressed with it!"

"I guess." The group fell silent. It did not last long. "Seriously, something about them bugs me!"

"Careful you don't offend Ocellus there, Gallus," Smolder chuckled. Then she frowned. "But I get you. That Gaur princess, Yonaeris, and the dragon she has sex with... what was that one called again?"


"Yeah, her. Don't they remind you of someone?"

"N-no," Ocellus stuttered. A drop of sweat ran down her forehead.

"Well, I think—nevermind, it switched to the pony watch. That new guy, the green one, he's hilarious!" Smolder chuckled again at the pony character's antics. "Hahah, Snowbank, you really know nothing! Tap that Changeling ass already!"

"Nah, he's going to hop in the sack with that Kelpie princess," Sandbar finally said. "What was she called again?"


"Right! Though... I guess he could have a threesome with both?" The colt shrugged his shoulders. "They write him so naive he's all but stoned, right? Have you ever met anypony like Snowbank? I don't see it," said Sandbar.

Ocellus remained very still. Quietly trying to blend in with the background.

9720611 I feel a spin-off coming on...

This opening was really, really telly. I think you could have assumed a bit more familiarity with the first fic considering that it was a contest winner. But I’m still interested to see where this goes - I’ll check in again once I’ve finished reading.

okay, having gone through this now, I’m... I’m not sure I really like the direction this whole shebang took. Putting aside the rape/dubious consent angle (which to be fair can be perfectly hot in the right circumstances) this just felt really mean. I felt it in the last fic, too, and while in Grimm’s works it’s more or less to be expected, here I felt like it was meant to be humorous and it just didn’t really land for me. I do appreciate this fic as a nearly complete inverse of it’s predecessor, though, as far as the power dynamics, the setting, and the relationship were concerned.

Overall, I’m pretty conflicted on this one. It’s certainly one of the better written ones, in my opinion, but that comes with a series of caveats I’m not sure I can ignore.

I know incest is your bread and butter, but I'd kill to see you write a Yona x Sandbar fic.

I can't place exactly what but this just feels less-goodly written than the first.

"It's a primal fear that all non-unicorns have, deep down."

I somehow have the feeling that all sides have shades of this, really... I guess it's a true testament to Celestia's rule that incidents don't really happen, period. It doesn't take much fear and distrust, or all that much time, for those to gestate into hate.

Besides, not even most unicorns have T. Sparkle's level of ability, as I'm lead to believe - at best, most of them can perform basic telekinesis, some can teleport short distances... but that's about it, special talent notwithstanding. With just a basic set of tools (and at a rather average level at that), I can see a unicorn fearing earth pony strength or pegasus flight, and don't even get me started on pegasi - if you somehow take the sky away from them (via shields, inhibitors or plain old weights), they're not even on par with earth ponies otherwise, forget unicorns...

"Pumpkin, if you were the only unicorn in the world, the only one able to use magic when nopony else could, you would be a goddess among insects."

Pretty heavy stuff, for what appears to be a clopfic...

"Zesper? What the heck is that?" She read the description. For help with arousal.

... why do I get the feeling that it's not what she thinks it is? :D

"Well you're already winning since you're at least willing to try," he said. She frowned.

Seriously. This is some heavy fucking shit, right there. May be a clopfic, but it's clearly a short drama about a marriage well past the point of "serious trouble"... I mean, he's got a smoking-hot, willing mare on top of him, and he still finds enough bile inside him to let that one out... To say they have "issues" would be the understatement of the decade.

Yeah, the one guy that's going to go all Freud on the goddamn clopfic. ;]

Also... May be a bit of a touchy subject, possibly, but that line's not something you just imagine out of thin air...

- also,

"I don't know why Mom would want to do that all night and all day,"

Shouldn't that be "wouldn't want to do that"?

you sir are gods gift to us depraved. i fucking commend you for a lifetime.

I don't know if your issues are the same as mine but to me this one isn't as good as the first because it has more dark aspects to it. I don't mean the bondage or even the semi non consent. Those are just the kinks that are part of the story. I mean the racial overtones being hit so hard. Then there is Pumpkin's feelings for her brother that pretty much get stomped on and replaced. Its been awhile since I read the first one but I don't remember it having those types of darker feels in it. I mean yeah Cup Cake was cheating on her husband and that would hurt Carrots feelings as far as lost love goes but the reader was never presented with that. The tone was kept away from such things where here we feel Pumpkin's hurt heart at the start.

I love seeing the story in Pumpkin’s POV. She is indeed one smart mare.

What a misleading description for some medication am I right? :trixieshiftright: Now this gets more interesting

"A knife is a tool , Pumpkin. Just like a hammer. And yes, like magic. The difference between a tool and a weapon depends on how it is used."

That's some pretty deep wisdom for a clopfic:rainbowderp:

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