• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 3,069 Views, 85 Comments

Halo: Equestria - shenadri

  • ...

"As my father once said, if they have a club, you should have a bigger one!"

All the members of the room could only gawk as five destroyers of the Griffon Empire were reduced to ashes in a span of seconds, in the meanwhile, Twilight was observing the horizon, the setting sun sending blood red rays in the horizon, while Applejack leaned against the farthest wall, cleaning her shotgun.

"How is this possible," one of Whisperwind guards said in awe after a long silence, still watching where the destroyers were, "those destroyers were the most formidable ships we had, newly created from the shipyards, their armor ... "

"That armor is nothing more than wet paper against Harmony's antiaircraft fire, and being completely honest." Applejack said from a corner, still checking her weapon, "if we were in space, you would see the true potential of those weapons"

"Still they couldn't do anything in Reach..." Twilight added, her face somber

Planet Reach, 5 years ago

The constant rain and the sound of artillery discharges in the distance were already monotonous for the defenders of the planet, however, they were new and frightening sounds for the two humanized ponies as they advanced through the mud on the way, after finishing their training and reconditioning, was not a surprise when both Spartan were assigned orders to support the now besieged planet of Reach, the colony had been swept away by the pact and before the planet was purified, Twilight and Applejack had been sent to collect vital data at the Reach facility, as well as to look for survivors

As if there had been any ...

When they reached the planet, the only thing the two ponies could see was the devastating crossfire that was fought in space above the peaceful planet, massive plasma discharges, antiaircraft artillery and the occasional explosion between the ships, as well as debris floating between failed Attempts by both factions to see each other were all over the place, a spectacle so astonishingly frightening that Twilight could only watch, gaping, as both factions were mercilessly destroyed.

"Commander?" a Spartan asked carefully, causing the former librarian to turn her head (without helmet) towards the human, "we are waiting for orders"

"eh ... yes, soldier," Twilight replied, turning his head and focusing on the hangar, the other visible figure was Applejack, checking a datapad and eating an apple at the same time, her face in a perpetual frown. apart from Applejack, four other Spartans, their armor shining against the cold neon lights, waiting for instructions.

The alpha squadron, The only time Twilight would command a squadron in battle.

Twilight gently shook her head, the memories dispelling, before turning around and looking at the still stunned griffons, some of which were simply lying in the floor, their limbs no longer responsive by the raw power that the spartan girl had commandeered against their ships.

"Applejack, I need to get some transportation for these soldiers to their homes, we WILL not sweep down to Chrysalis and the Griffon emperor's level, however, we need to prep the Harmony to move north, we are going to help my brother and his wife with the assault on the Crystal Empire," Twilight barked, all the humor out of her voice, when Applejack nodded, also giving a thumbs up her way, Twilight added," you know what, I believe that we better go in the Harmony, so we can do a more... direct approach to the bugs, what do you think?" Twilight continued, smiling.

And sending a shivering though all the present spines.

"A'h don't know, Twi" The farmer answered, "Ah believe that these vermin should be go towards their emperor in shackles, also, Sugarcube, we don't 'ave the support or the resources to move out with the Harmony without disengaging the cloak, and while ah believe that you and that smartypants of Halson do a remarkable job on the old Harmony, we still have guests on board."

"I know that, but..." Whatever Twilight was going to say went unnoticed while a shrill beeping sound began, making everyone jolt, however, the purple princess simply rolled her eyes, and lifting her hand towards her helmet, pressed a button.

TWILIGHT SPARKLE, ARE THOU ALRIGHT, WE SAW... the projected voice of Princess Luna BOOMED out from the speakers on Twilight's helmet, making all the presents flinch, and making a purple spartan to go on her knees, her eardrums ringing for the unexpected volume.


"DON'T SCREAM AT ME, COMMANDER SPARKLE.WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T NEED TO SCREAM AT THE MICROPHONE APPLESEED,oh... OHHH... I am mighty sorry, Twilight Sparkle about yelling, we thought that we needed to talk clearly to this microphone!"

Applejack simply sighed, pulling her hand toward her face with a resounding 'clank' "let me guess princess, ol' Twilight forget to tell you not to use the RCV in the microphone for contacting us, that all right?"

"Fair Applejack, isn't technology wondrous," the voice of the lunar alicorn, now subdued, was heard on the speakers, "I can take orders from this room and the ponies in the gallows can tend to my commands!" the happy squee that the Lunar princess did over the radio make the apple farmer to smirk, "really, an age of wonders!"

"that ain't nothin', yer highness," she replied, "wait for us to take you in one Pelican to fly out, only make sure that Twi ain't driving the machine." the farmer added, pointing one finger towards the griffons, which were exchanging confused glances.

"APPLEJACK, WHAT DID LUNA SAID" Twilight yelled, "OH GREAT, I BELIEVE I AM HALF DEAF RIGHT NOW!" she screamed again, trying to pull out her helmet, only to hit a column near the end of the vast throne room

"Anyhow Princess," Applejack said, between snorts of laughter, "I believe that we are moving north, to try and help Twilight's brother and Cadence against the Changelings, however, we need some troops to do an effective offensive."

"What do you have in mind, fair Applejack?" Luna asked, surveying the skies in the 'Harmony' observatory

"Remember when we were saying that we were a one man army?" the response came from the main speaker in the room, making the Lunar princess to wonder, then nodding, ignoring that the two spartans cannot see her at the moment, "now you would know why"

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, next chapter will be more action packed

Comments ( 4 )

Interesting at least.


I hope this story is not dead, tis a fun read

Well that was a good read.

Twi and AJ are now Spartans.

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