• Published 10th Jun 2016
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Halo: Equestria - shenadri

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"While I find it funny that my sister is hit on the snout, Lady Applejack, we have a pretty delicate situation right now, four years ago the war began" the Princess of the night said, pointing with her front hoof to the two spartans "While you two were missing, all our allies simply abandoned us, except for Cadence and Shining Armor, and even now, the Crystal Empire is being besieged by griffons and changelings."

"What do you mean siege!" Twilight exclaimed, trying to get out of bed, "My brother and my sister in law are being attacked and we're sitting here ?!"

"Twilight, please calm down," Celestia said, a look of pain and anger in her eyes, "While I would like to help the empire, we have neither the strength nor the resources to go to their aid also right now we are a bit tight, since you brought refugees from Manehattan, the royal guard and the military are quite busy controlling those ponies, not to mention that you're hurt and the only military aid I could send consists on a couple of balloons with at the best 200 ponies, I will not send more innocent to their deaths. " The sun princess said, again lost in her memories, with an edge of steel in her voice, in the room, however, tempers were about to explode, Applejack was again clenching her fists, a look of incredulity toward her regent, Rainbow and Rarity were together in the bed of the athlete, none of them really wanting to look up, and tears running from the eyes of the ex-fashion guru, Pinkie Pie was simply in a corner, moving so uncomfortable in her front hooves.

"No more"

the whisper was almost unnoticed by all except for the sisters.

"Twilight?" Celestia asked, her arched eyebrow indicating a new concern on the monarch.

"NO MORE!" Twilight shouted, startling everyone in the room, "I WILL NOT TOLERATE MORE WAR AND MORE DESTRUCTION, I HAVE BEEN STRUGGLING FOR ALMOST SEVEN YEARS IN A WAR NOT EVEN MY OWN, I DID DRAG MY BEST FRIEND DUE TO A DAMN MISCALCULATION, I HAVE KILLED, FINALLY I RETURN TO MY COUNTRY, FOR WHAT, TO FIND IT ON A WAR, I HATE THIS!" After all this time, finally the purple warrior broke down, tears of regret, of pain and loss breaking the proverbial dam and tracing down her cheeks, almost immediately, all her friends and the two princesses were near her, trying to console the now distraught alicorn.

After Twilight finally calmed down, and wipe away her tears, she finally could see her mentor to the face, however, when she did that, a look of mild surprise was on her face, making Celestia take a step back.

"I know that my face is swelled due to your friend's punch, Twilight, but you are beginning to worry me, there is something in my face ?" the alabaster alicorn said, looking troubled.

"Princess, is not disrespect or anything, but you magical field is greatly diminished," Twilight said flatly, looking intently at Celestia, "apparently is a recent effect, and it seems that it is increasing, please tell me, you have experienced weakness, dizziness, nausea or something similar? " the purple warrior kept talking not noticing that all the other mares in the room were in a state of shock by the words of the former librarian.

"But Twilight, how can you see the magical field?" Celestia said, amazed.

"A couple of years ago, on Earth, I was researching how to integrate magic and science, one of the many inventions or developments that I managed was a way to see the aether field, certainly on earth is weaker than in Equis, but after I pleaded to the scientists when they were changing us in order to join the battlefront, i could talk them so they give me one advantage, my eyes can see the different patterns on the aether field simply paying attention to it.

"This is most troubling, young Twilight, because this means that somepony is actively trying to damp my control and my magic," Celestia said, looking a little cast down, but before they could continue to talk, a little purple humanoid burst from Twilight's discarted helmet.

"Warlock there are five ships coming through from the general direction of Manehattan, they are approaching Canterlot, and they are griffon battleships and apparently one big cruiser." The AI said, looking to the spartan, which was trying to get up from the bed, partially succeeding, Twilight hissed in pain when she tried to get up, her ribs still mending after her accident.

"Woah there, nelly" Applejack jumped, resting her hand on the shoulder of the hurt soldier, "don't exert yourself, sugarcube, you are just mending your wounds, and we don't want them worsening," she continued, making the purple pony laid again on the bed, then, turning to her friend's AI, she began to bark orders. "Dusk, where are those airships?"

"They are pretty far, at least five or six kilometers out of the mountain range where we rescued all the survivors from Manehattan, I am following them via the surveillance satellite that we put in orbit before re-entering the planet," The AI said, ignoring all the other's questions, Applejack began to pace in the room, one hand on her chin, after a while, she simply stopped, clapping her hands together, "Ok, Dusk, there is what we are going to do, engage the optic camouflage on the Harmony, we are going to move all the VIP's in this room to the ship."

"Roger." the AI said, disappearing, nodding to herself, Applejack turned around, looking to all the ponies gathered in the room, "Princesses, we need to move all of our friends to the Harmony, also I'm moving purple smartass over there," she said, pointing to the prostate Twilight, "We are going to investigate all about this diminishing power's problem after we deal with the griffon's, I need you two to please stay in the palace and try to investigate what are those damn birds doing in our land."

Before the farmer could continue, Twilight finally got up from her bed, and looking towards Applejack, she clenched her fists.

"I am going to stay with my fellow princesses, Applejack."