• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 3,066 Views, 85 Comments

Halo: Equestria - shenadri

  • ...

friend or foe

Author's Note:

Minor corrections due to a mistake on the equestrian map, sorry for this and in this link you will have an actual map of Equestria so you can get the general idea where Warlock and Cowgirl crash landed

Near the Heighagara mountain range, 30 minutes after the take down of the UFO

The lieutenant Swift Wing could only think on one thing when he finally arrived to the crash site. Massacre

"Holy mother of mercy..." one of the other soldiers muttered, near the crater, there were corpses of at least the two battalions of changeling spellweavers that were after the survivors of Manehattan, their bloodied and burnt bodies scattered trough the impact site, the lacerations on the bodies and the sunken chitin indicating that some blunt force was used, and the ones that were near the object all had somekind of blunt trauma near a huge hole in their chests, the equestrians that were near the bodies were in shock, examining the remainings of the shapeshifters.

One of the less experienced soldiers was puking near the metalic object, not able to wistand the bloodshed.


When Swift Wing turned around, he came to a unusual vision, one purple... 'thing' was pointing a strange device straight to the lonely soldier, her purple bulky armor against the strange machine, breathing steadily, but with pained gasps, the long device was very similar to the rifles that the griffons had developed.

"Give me one reason why I don't have to pull the trigger on your soldier, captain", the thing spoke with a deep feminine voice, however, the lieutenant opened his eyes in surprise, because he recognized the voice from a distant memory.

"Twilight... Twilight Sparkle?"

The behemoth paused, then, pointed again, this time to the LT, who recoiled a little in fear, "Actually, yes, but how do you know my civilian name, captain?"

All the other equines were shocked, however, the lieutenant took a defensive instance, and then, sighing, he took away his helmet, the spell that make all the guards look the same breaking apart.

"First of all, it's Lieutenant now, young filly, and second of all," he said, smirking, "damn if it is good to see you again, brainy grape, we all thought that you were obliterated with your friend when that science lab on your castle exploded"

The hulking form simply remained there, stunned, after a while, moving down the weapon, she sighed, and lifting her hands towards the helmet, she proceeded to remove the armor, exposing her fur to the cool night air.

"I hate when you use that nickname, uncle Swift."

The face that meet the pegasus was one that he couldn't forget, those big purple eyes that were always buried in a book, or looking with astonishment the movements of the magic that was learning from the solar alicorn, or even those same eyes that looked benevolently or with tenderness to other beings, no longer existed, Swift Wing could only see the empty eyes of a person who has seen the worst of the war and survived , the Lieutenant kept watching that face so strange yet so familiar, a prominent scar on her left eye from her forehead until the cheekbone, it was tarnishing the once perfect face of his niece, and the soldier wondered what she had been through to have the same face as the most veteran soldiers in war nowadays.

"What the hay happened to you, Twilight, you look..." he began, trying to make conversation.

"Devastated, changed, or like shit?" Twilight provided, looking fowards her uncle, she giggled, then grasped in pain, "that happens when you crash a flying machine and get expelled from the front window."

"Uh, yeah, let's go with that" he provided, "but seriously Twilight, what happened to you, you look so different, for Celestia's sun, you even are cursing right now!"

"Seven years of living with marines, fighting for your survival from an alien invasion force tend to do that" the purple princess said scornfully, clutching her ribs, "great, I think that I have some broken ribs" one unicorn approached, interrupting the somewhat tender moment.

"Do you need any medical attention princess," the mare asked, lighting up her horn, "I could help you with the pain."

"The hay you do!" one angry voice said, then another armored figure jumped down, her orange armor glistening with trails of blood, both red and green, and she hurriedly came near the pegasus and the transformed alicorn, shotgun at the ready.

"Wait Cowgirl, I can assure you that these are friendly!" Twilight yelled, stoping the other behemoth's in her tracks "Do you check them with the Thermal and the Thaumic visors that I made reglamentary in all the Mark VI armorsuits?" she continued, when the other spartan shrugged her shoulders, Twilight pitched her nose, and then she facepalmed, "I build those features specifically to avoid getting us killed Applejack, and besides, you can use them to separate friend from foe here on Equestria!"

"So, that hulking giant friend of yours would be the element of Honesty, Applejack, right, brainy grape?" the pegasus joined the conversation, smiling.

"I am remembering that nickname when we go back to the Infinity" Applejack answered, then, lifting her hand and wipping some of the blood from the metal covered apendage, she trusted it foward the pegasus, "but yeah, nice to meet'cha!"

"Likewise, so, what exactly happened here, Twilight?" Swift asked, motioning his hoof to the remainings of the pursuer's

"Well, we got shot down while doing a reconnaissance mission, trying to identify the hostiles that we picked up while in orbit" Twilight droned, gaining confused stares from the soldiers around, except for her uncle and a nod from Applejack, "then we fought against a force of at least 40 changelings and some griffons..." she continued, but then a somewhat synthetic voice interrupted.

"Actually, Warlock, the deadcount goes for 65 changelings and griffons, both forces were totally wiped out, now the scans show no more hostiles nearby," the voice dronned with accuracy, "the killcount goes for Cowgirl though, you only killed 7 enemies using your sniper."

All the guards were flabbergasted, mouths opened in disbelief, then on astonishment when the orange armored pony get something from her helmet, and a humanoid appeared out of thin air.

"Greetings, equestrians, my name is Seed, and I am Spartan Cowgirl 021 assignated personal AI" the orange being greeted, then turning around to face the princess, she continued "Warlock, I got some news from dusk, he said that the warthog survived the crash, and that he can't land our ship by himself, he need some help with that, however we can't go back up to space, due to our transport being destroyed."

"He can fly remotely another pelican?" Twilight said, looking to the AI's ember eyes.

"Yes, however we need to point him to came down at a designated EP, and he needs to do that on the next solar cycle, because we were floating against the planet's stationary orbit."

"Damn," Twilight muttered, "Well, no time to waste then, Lieutenant Swift Wing, we spartans Warlock 001 and Cowgirl 021 will be scorting your battallion back towards the city of Canterlot, think of us as reconnaissance and heavy support units provided by the UNSC for the remaining of your mission, understood?" when her uncle nodded, she continued, "now, we need to regroup with your batallion and move out."

"Warlock... Twilight, the thing is that those that are waiting ahead of us aren't part of a batallion..." the purple spartan turned around, looking to her uncle, "those are survivors from a recent bombardement and the destruction of the city of Manehattan."