• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 1,400 Views, 80 Comments

In Wub - gingerfuntime

After being transported to Ponyville somehow, Levi meets a very strange musical pony.

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Take Me Home (Ending 1) [Epilogue Included]

"Just take me home Twilight..." I said, my mind made up. She wouldn't move or do anything but give me a look of complete discontent.

"Please, River... We can work this out, and you can stay here and be happy... That's what you want, isn't it?" she asked, visibly tearing up.

"It's what I used to want. Now that the one I love can't even bear to face me or talk to me, I see no other point in staying here. You said when I got here that you had a spell to send me back. Do that for me, please..." I said.

She tried to speak up, but stopped herself. She'd given up on me. I knew that now. But, then again, I'd given up on this world too.

"I need some preparation, so wait here." she said, coldly.

I sat in the front room of the library, wishing that I didn't have to do this. And I didn't, but I'd deluded myself that I did. I knew I could work this out, but I was too scared and weak to do anything about it. I was reverting to my normal self anyway, and this world couldn't handle my kind of person. This wasn't meant to be. I wasn't meant to stay here, to be happy. My mindset can't let me, it seems.

My waiting continued for an hour, until she finally came back.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I just had to make a few phone calls." she said. "I wanted to do this out in the open if that's alright with you." she said to me, still as cold as ever.

"Sure. Not like it matters." I said glumly.

She walked me out the front of the library. We continued down Main Street until we got to the Cakes' shop.

"I need to get some things real quick. Come in with me?" she asked.

I obliged, seeing as I would be leaving soon. I figured "why not get one last taste of paradise?"

We walked in and I was overwhelmed. It seemed almost everypony in town was in the shop. There hung a large banner with the words "Please Stay River!" on it. Everypony that I'd helped, talked to, or even just passed by on the street was there.

I saw Brawny Spirit, Cheerilee, Carrot Top, even Pinkie Pie. It was a "party" of sorts, but no one was dancing or carousing around. It was a kind of somber occasion. I didn't know what my emotions were doing. I was mixed between happy and sad. Happy because people actually cared if I left, but sad because I knew Vinyl wasn't there. She was the only one I held paramount to the others, and she didn't show.

"River, you can't go. We love you and we want you to stay. Please don't leave." Twilight said to me, with a caring look in her eyes.

I looked around at all my friends. I had a town full of friends. I'd never had that many friends in my life. I realize I could be happy here. And I knew there was only one thing I could say.


"Guys... I really appreciate all you've done to try and get me to stay. But, I think we all know I can't. I used to be human. Many of you here don't know what that means. It means I'm not one of you naturally. That being said, there's no way I could ever fit in right here." I said, solemnly. "I'm sorry, but it's the best thing to do."

"No. You fit in fine here. Everyone loves you. Hell, I love you. You leaving is making Ponyville lose a small part of itself. If you leave... I don't know what I'd do."

I heard a voice coming from behind the front desk. Everypony moved out of the way so I got a clear view of the counter. And sitting there was the reason I wanted to stay here, Vinyl Scratch herself.

My heart stopped. She really was here. Oh my God.

"V-Vin-Vinyl..." I couldn't help but stutter. "I thought... I don't... Don't you...?" I stumbled over my words.

I kept trying to form a coherent sentence. Thus far, to no avail. She hopped over the desk, not without a little outcry from Mrs. Cake about knocking over the tip jar, trotted over to me, and kissed me. Yeah, you read that right. It finally happened.

It was heartfelt. There was meaning behind that kiss, besides to shut me the hell up. I was frozen in confusion. Why would she do that? I thought she hated me. A million things were going through my head during that 3 second kiss.

After she finally pulled away, she said "Stay, River. For me? I knew you liked me the whole time we lived together. Don't deny it now." she said, while playing with my mane.

"Well, I won't deny that I liked you a lot. But I don't know if I can stay here..." I said, thinking. "Aw hell, who am I kidding?" I said. "I'll stay." I said with a smile. Vinyl kissed me again.

Epilogue type thing I guess

"See ya later guys!" called Vinyl, escorting the remaining guests out of the party. "Pinkie, that party was tops, girl!" Vinyl said as she knocked hoof with Pinkie.

"I always do my best to keep the parties pumpin'!" she said with her normal perpetual beaming smile. "Would you guys like some help with the cleaning?" she asked.

"Oh, no we'll be fine, Pinkie. Go on ahead." Vinyl said, looking back to wink at me.

It'd been six months since I decided to stay. Vinyl and I had been dating ever since, and I couldn't be happier. Octavia and she broke up the day that Twilight and I went to talk to Vinyl. Icing on the cake. I moved back in with her and I started getting her gigs. So I'm her agent, per se.

Pinkie walked out the door and Vinyl shut it behind her.

"Well that was a great show, and it was all thanks to you." she said as she tapped my nose.

"Well what's a show without the showman?" I asked jokingly.

"Show-woman. I'm not a man." she joked.

"Oh, whatever." I retorted.

Witty, I know.

"Well, Mr. Agent man, I have a present for you..." Vinyl said, walking out.

I followed, obviously.

We got back to the house. She walked upstairs seductively and came back down some minutes later with the light dimmer. She clicked it down a couple notches and it got way moody.

I think you can figure out where that went.

So, as I sit here, trying not to make any noise and wake Vinyl up, I'm contemplating my entire existence thus far. My life has basically been shit up until these last six months, and I'm grateful. Because if I never had the life I had, I wouldn't be here. And right here is where I wanna stay. I'm right where I wanna be, and for once, this story has a happy ending.