• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 1,398 Views, 80 Comments

In Wub - gingerfuntime

After being transported to Ponyville somehow, Levi meets a very strange musical pony.

  • ...

The Apology

"Twilight, no. I really don't think talking about it is gonna solve anything between me and Vinyl. I don't even think she'll even want to talk to me. Let's just wait this one out and hope it fixes itself." I tried to persuade her.

"River, please just let me take care of this. I can handle this." she said with confidence. I shot her a look of disbelief.

"What? I've read many a book about diffusing conflict between two ponies." she said, trying to make me feel better.

"Twilight, books won't help! This just needs to take its own course and just let whatever happens happen. That's worked for me in the past, and it's gonna work for me now." I said.

I realized I'd raised my voice at her because her eyes shimmered slightly in the glow of the library's dull lamps.

"Twi, I'm sorry to get so angry, I just... I just don't wanna mess anything up between me and Vinyl. Other than what's already messed up, I mean..." I said, pensively.

"I know, River..." she said, choking back sobs. "I've just never really been able to help anyone with my knowledge from books and scrolls and the like. And, it's what I love. I wish once, just once, what I put my heart into would help someone. But, I guess you're right." she said, tilting her head down at the floor.

My heart exploded.

Out of sheer pity and shame in myself and my actions, I said, "Let's go. I'm sure talking about it will diffuse any hard feelings faster than doing nothing anyways." I gave her a small smile.

She looked at me, disbelief clear in her expression. "You're just saying that to try and make me happy..." she said, doubtfully.

I knew, deep down, that I was. But I wasn't going to let her know that. But somewhere else deep down, I knew she was right as well. I'd avoided conflict and anything that could ever cause me pain as much as possible in my life. I decided I wouldn't do that any longer. I was a new soul now that I lived here with my new life and ideals. But I'd already made enemies. It was time to set things right.

"No, Twi. I'm not. You're right, and I don't know why I doubted you. I want to make things right with Vinyl, and this is the best thing I could possibly do." I said, honesty shining in my eyes.

She became visibly happier in a matter of moments.

"I am right aren't I?" she said. "Well, no better time than now, right?" she said, her eyes now shining.

"Right." I said.

We arrived at the small flat that Vinyl resided in. Twilight knocked on the door.

At the first knock, thoughts raced faster than Rainbow Dash through my brain. She knocked for a good three seconds, but my thinking made time seem to slow down to a creep. What do I say? How am I supposed to make her believe that I'm sorry? How do I make things right? Is this a mistake? Should I just give up? No, you have to fight for her, you love her remember?

A second knock.

This is ridiculous, just run. You can let Twi and Vinyl talk it out. It can be like elementary school. I can have Twilight represent me and not have to be here at all. No, you need to man up for the first time in your life, you pussy. Take what you want, beg on your knees if you have to. Grovel at her hooves. Make her believe you.

A third knock.


The final knock.

"Who is it?" Vinyl called from inside.

"It's Twilight. May I come in?" Twilight replied.

"Oh, of course. One second, please." she replied, dryly.

That didn't sound like the normal Vinyl. Normal being a relative term, relative to eccentricity crossed with intellect, creativity, and fun. This was a dry, monotonous voice, belonging to a Vinyl who was broken, maybe lonely. Now I was intrigued. My thoughts immediately assumed she and Octavia broke up. That was he ideal outcome, to me at least. I felt like scum, but I hated Octavia.

She opened the door, and put her signature sunglasses on. For the brief moment that they were off, I thought I saw a tear.

"Hey, Twi. Hey..." she said as she stopped on me.

Her door slammed shut.

"Vinyl! Come out, we just wanna talk to you! River's very sorry about what happened and he wants to explain and make it up to you!" Twilight tried to persuade her.

"Well, if he's so sorry, why doesn't he apologize and not have somepony else try to do it for him?!" she said angrily.

Twi shot me a look and nudged her head toward the door.

I sighed and trotted slowly up to it.

"Vinyl, I'm really sorry about what happened between me and Octavia. There was no need to do what I did. It was rash, ridiculous, and stupid." I said.

Twi shot me a harsh look as I looked back at her, wanting to go home.

I sighed again. "But, I'm most sorry about how things ended between us. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't... I can't live without you. I know it's cliche, but it's true. I beat the hell out of myself everyday for how I hurt you. I'm not expecting you to forgive me, or return these feelings, but I just wanted to tell you how much I care about you and how much I wanna see you happy. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I guess that you just want me to leave you alone, so I will." I held back a tear. A thought came to me, and it was the only thing I could think to do.

"Goodbye, Vinyl. I'm gonna miss you." I sobbed a bit.

I took a deep breath in and started galloping back to the library without another word to or from Twilight or Vinyl. My tears blinded my vision, pure anguish and pain filled my body. I stormed inside the library and fell down on the ground. It was good that Spike was off at Canterlot for royal duties, because I cried. Like a little bitch, I cried. Long and hard, my eyes swelled with tears of a lost friend, a lost life, and a lost future.

Twilight finally got back after I finished crying. I sat in a corner on my haunches with my hooves over my eyes.

"River, what was that all about?" she asked, confused, but also trying to comfort me.

I mumbled my response at first, prompting a "What?" from Twilight.

Slightly louder, I said, "I wanna go home. Back to earth, back to my shitty other life. I just wanna leave."

"Why? You can still make things right with Vinyl, and everything'll be alright, ok?"

"She hates me, and I want to make her happy again, to forget about me. This is the only way I can think to do it, to get out of her life forever. And this is the only way how." I said rigidly.

"But, River... You love her right?" she asked. I nodded at her slightly. "Then, the only logical thing to do is fight for her, Right?" she looked at me. I didn't waver, quiver, or shake. My decision was final. "R-Right...?" she asked again, this time less confident.

"My mind's made up Twilight. I want to go home. Vinyl will be happier that way. And that's all I really want at this point. Besides, the police are probably looking for my body back home, and my family's probably worried sick about me." I said, a sad smile crossing my face.

"Please, River..." Twilight tried to plead. She obviously couldn't try and make me do what I knew deep down was right, but was too afraid to admit I was wrong.

"Listen, Twi. I thought Equestria would help me, change me to be something better than I was. But I was just fooling myself, really. I'm still the spineless, weak, shell of a man that I was when I got here. Fun time's over Twi. Now please just send me home..."