• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 1,400 Views, 80 Comments

In Wub - gingerfuntime

After being transported to Ponyville somehow, Levi meets a very strange musical pony.

  • ...

The Treehouse

I woke up the next morning on an air mattress on the floor. "What the...? How did I get down here?" I muttered, still sleepy.

"Vinyl?" I called.

"Hey, there he is!" I heard from the kitchen.

I walked in to find her opening a box of Pop-Tarts. "You guys have Pop-Tarts here?" I asked, astounded that a measly breakfast snack was dimensionally transcendent.

"Of course. They're a bit of a delicacy here." she explained.


"Did you put me on that air mattress?" I asked.

"In a way." she said.

"I woke up at like three and went to go get an air mattress. I put it on the floor and left to go make some tea. When I came back you fell off the couch and onto the mattress." she explained.

"Well, sorry." I said, shrugging.

"Nah, it's cool." she said, smiling.

I grabbed a Pop-Tart out of the box and took a bite. "Ugh. They're stale." I groaned.

"Meh, whatever."

I ate the rest of the box.

"So what're the plans for today?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing really. I guess I should probably go pick up some more food before we starve." she said jokingly.

"Other than that, the day's ours." she said.

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"Uh... Maybe go to the park, call some friends for lunch, maybe make some songs." she said, now upside down on the couch, tossing a ball up in the air.

"Songs?" I asked. "Do you think I could help maybe?" I asked, hopeful.

"Maybe..." she said, jokingly looking me over.

"Oh!" she jumped up.

"What?" I asked.

"We could go to my treehouse." she said, childishly giddy.

"Holy crap, you have a treehouse??" I asked, excited.

"Why are you so freaked?" she asked.

"I never had one as a kid. I mean my friends had them, but I never had one to myself." I said, being slightly introspective.

"Well, now you will! We could, like, co-own it." she said, happily.

"You really started to like me quicker than I figured you would." I commented.

"Well, kid... I guess I saw some of me in you. And I'm pretty awesome." she said, jokingly smug.

"Such modesty, such grace!" I joked back, bowing my head. We laughed and started splashing each other with the sink water. After our little water battle, we sunk down on the floor next to each other, laughing. I looked over at her and she looked over at me. The tingling in my stomach started up again. Am I feeling a spark here? Oh please Celestia let there be a spark here. I thought to myself.

"Well, let's go to the treehouse." she said.


"This. Is. Awesome!" I yelled.

"Calm down, dude." Vinyl said, laughing at how joyful I was. Joyful. I never thought I'd ever use that word to describe myself. And then I realized, if it was just a treehouse I'd still be happy. But Vinyl made it one of the happiest things of my life. Rule #32: Enjoy the little things. And I was.

"So you like it?" she asked.

"No, I hate it." I said sarcastically.

"Whatever." she joked.

I sat in a purple bean bag chair in the corner. "Ahhhhhh..." I exhaled.

"Comfy?" she asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." I replied.

"Not for long!" she exclaimed, jumping on top of me. We started to wrestle around for a little bit. I finally bested her and pinned her hooves to the floor, me being on top of her.

Celestia, please just let me have this one.

She started to laugh. So did I. She sighed. So did I. She stared into my eyes with her beautiful baby blues. Not red. I could feel it this time.

Do it. DO it. DO IT. Do it you pussy! I screamed at myself.

I couldn't. Even if I couldn't be with her, I couldn't live with us not being friends.

"This is getting a little awkward." she joked.

"Yeah, sorry." I said as I got off her. I laid on my back on the ground.

"Alright, let's get home, bud." she said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, right behind ya!" I called after she descended from the treehouse. I exhaled in defeat.

"You really screwed the pooch on that one, dude." I said to myself. "I love her, dammit." I told myself. "Ugh..." I put my forehoof over my eyes.

"You coming, gramps?" she joked.

"Oh! Uh, yeah." I followed her out of the treehouse.

I'd follow her anywhere.

We got back to the house and she pulled her computer out from her saddlebag resting on the coffee table. "Alright, let's get cooking!" she said, motivating herself.

I sat next to her to quietly observe her creative process. With her hair being so bodacious, I couldn't help but smell it. Dear Celestia it smelt good.

Levi, you're getting creepy. Stop it. I told myself.

She pulled up her software. I couldn't tell what it is, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"Hey, do you wanna try?" she asked.

"Uh, I'd hate to take your time away from making this." I said.

"Don't worry," she said, "I have another computer up in my room. Lemme go grab it." she said, standing up. Her graceful gait up the stairs and her effortless beauty made it impossible to look away from her.

I love you, Vinyl. I thought.

Those four simple words were the hardest bucking words to say. She came back with a laptop between her teeth. "Alright." she said as she set it down on my lap. "This is a backup I keep just in case this old thing breaks." she said, pointing to her computer.

"So this software's called..." was what she began to say before I got lost in her again. There must've been some part of me listening, because I remember every function of every filter, oscillator, and operator in that damn program. But I must've gone full retard those first few seconds, because I can't remember the freaking name of it.

After we collaborated on a little starter track we left each other to our works and got lost in the music for a few hours. Every now and then, I'd think about her and space out. She'd snap me back out of it and I'd go an hour without thinking about her. And it just repeated like that for about 7 and a half hours. The bass alone gave me a headache to best a god. After that, my brain couldn't work above simple motor functions. "Good night, Vinyl." I moaned heading to the air mattress on the floor.

"Night, Levi." she said as she snuck up and hugged me from the back. I looked back at her and she just smiled up at me.

"It's River, technically." I joked.

"Shut up." she joked back. She went up the stairs bouncing slightly. It reminded me of Pinkie Pie. I said those four words in my head over and over again that night. I love you, Vinyl. I love you Vinyl. I love you, Vinyl. I loved her. I was never more sure of anything in my entire existence.