• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 7,418 Views, 178 Comments

Equestria: The BEN Chronicles - HylianJuggalo

Everyone knows BEN has been freed, but what about Jadusable, the kid who started it all?

  • ...

Epilogue Part IV: One Last Chance (Final Bronycon Release - Day 4)

I woke up to the soft glimmer of light licking at my eyes through the cracks of the window blinds. Feeling weak, yet, surprisingly refreshed, I sat up quickly and took in my surroundings. My clothes lay in a pile at the side of the bed, its sheets drenched in sweat, and to my side, a content, cozy, and peacefully smiling Applejack, who carefully wrapped her hooves around my right arm as her grin widened. I smiled as well, but freakish terrors and memories assaulted me, and I gripped my head in pain, holding back a scream.

I will never be the same man again.

I slowly rolled my way out of bed, and took hold of my phone to gaze upon the clock – 6:33 AM, August 4th, 2019.

As I sat up, I thought about the time I’d spent here, and how it had rubbed off on me – I liked it here. Virtually no crime, almost everyone is happy, I’ve started living out my dreams by making games for the population here, with my own company in Manehattan…

I looked to the sleeping orange mare in the bed next to me as I dressed, and smiled. My mind may be ruined and tortured…

…but I have a beautiful wife…

I held back a giggle and gently planted a kiss on the farm gal, only to watch her curl up in a smile again, and doze away happily. I stepped out into the hallway and made my way to the guest room, which we had, for about a year, had repurposed into Scootaloo’s own room, and I gently creaked open the door.

…and a loving daughter.

I slowly stepped in to give the orange Pegasus a ruffle on the mane, and look out the nearby window at the rolling expanse of hills and the crowning jewel of town hall, a beacon, some miles in the distance.

I have a safe home…

Fluttershy and Dash suddenly flew past my window, both carrying a cloud together.

…and wonderful, caring friends.

I may be ruined and tortured on the inside – I may be mentally scarred for life, but despite that…

I’m happy.

But the real question is, is the rest of Equestria?

Sure it’s been seven years, but that doesn’t change the fact yhat this world is not what it should be. I truly wonder – is there a way to really set things right with the world?

Can I have one last chance? One last time to truly apologize to everyone I wronged? To say goodbye to the dead?

To… maybe, start fresh and stop this before it even begins?

I stepped out of and gently closed the door to Scootaloo’s room, making my way down the hall as more demented memories rushed over my brain in droves like a blanket of total darkness and evil. I made my way to what was now the spare guest room, with the old furniture I had been accompanied with my first day here placed idly about. I sat down on the chair behind the desk, opened a nearby drawer, and produced two objects – a big ass bottle of whiskey and the one ocarina.

I stared at the woodwind on the table for some time, letting the comforting burn of the alcohol run through my throat. After nearly gagging to death on the fermented gases and firey taste, I set the bottle down, staring blankly at the old disc jewel case and degree that sat gently beside a boombox radio atop the table. My hands gently danced along the CD case, examining its cracked frame, torn makeshift cover art, and scratched medium.

“Please work…"

I placed the CD into the player and immediately turned it to the last and final track on the list- an ABK song. Maybe not the ICP I knew, but still part of the same record label, regardless. The CD sputtered a bit, but managed to open the final song. I turned it down softly to avoid waking anyone, then immediately reset the song and paused the player, turning it back up some, taking another drink from the bottle of heavy booze. As I did, and set the drink down, I took notice of the glowing golden mark of the Triforce on my right hand.

I may be happy…

But I don’t want to be a hero. I don’t want to see people suffer. I have been wanting to go home for years…. And I can’t help but feel I need to make things right.

I stared at the glowing mark on my hand, then to the ocarina on the table. I set the alcohol down then took hold of the blue instrument, examining it. As I ran my eyes along the magical device, the marking on my right hand glowered with an ever intensifying light.

It’s time to make the ultimate sacrifice. Trade my happiness for the betterment of others.

I then opened the lower drawer, drawing out a few pieces of loose parchment, some ink, a quill pen, and string. I closed the door, tying one end of the string to the knob, and the other side to the radio’s ‘Play button. I then sat down and began to write.

As I finished, I stared at the ocarina a few moments more, then sighed, looking out the window at the rising sun, putting the mouthpiece of the instrument to my lips.

"Goodbye, Equestria."


Applejack awoke a soft, melodic tone dancing along her ears, and as the pony sat up, she rolled over to greet her lover.

“Good mornin’ swee- Nick!?”

The farmer shot up in a panic, tearing her covers off of her and running down the hallway to the source of the still echoing tune thumping in her ears – which lead to the end of the hallway, to the guest room. But swinging it open, she was met with an entirely new song, and all the farmer could see was a lone bottle of half-consumed alcohol, a baby blue woodwind instrument, and one piece of paper, with messy words scrawled across it. Slowly, the orange Applejack made her way to the desk, picking up the parchment and running her eyes across it.

To my beautiful Applejack,

This is Nick, but I’m sure you already know that. Words can not describe how thankful I am for all you’ve done for me. Working on your farm and the diet you have put me on has made me so much healthier. You have personally saved my life on two separate occasions, and thus, I owe you dearly. I owe your entire family for taking me in that day, all those years ago. I know it’s been seven years, Equestria is now returning to a state of normalcy, but I can see in your heart, you’re still hurting and wounded. Sweetie Belle’s murder and the loss of the millions around the world are killing you, I know that. Now, I know that we are close, and I want you to know that you make me happier than I ever can be. I know having me hold you and kiss your gentle lips make you grin, and brings light into your day. To see me taking care of Scootaloo like my own daughter and helping Mac around the farm as best I can, I know, all helps you, and pulls you back together, but I have an honest question for you.
Are you truly happy with me as a husband, and knowing your world has fallen apart at its seams, the battle scars still fresh in the public mind? Are you happy with this new life?

Don’t answer that. I know you’re happy with me. I know you would give anything to keep our love together; you deserve it after all we’ve been through, and I’d happily give what I can to you, if I were still here. Yes, Applejack, I have left this world, and in a few moments more, Equestria will fade away, long forgotten by the sands of time. Do not be scared, baby. The decision I made is for the best.

I’m giving you your old life back.

You see, the ocarina used during my hour of need against BEN? It has magical powers. I know my leaving you is going to break your heart, but know that I’ll always be thinking of you, and our wonderful night together. You are the love of my life. I’ve considered staying in Equestria for some time now; I have a degree with expertise in making video games. I considered starting a career here, making consoles and games for the masses of your world, bringing them quality entertainment. I considered buckling down, relaxing, and starting a new life, with a wife, a daughter, and land of my own, selling the source of life – food, to those in need. It makes me smile thinking about it.

In the end, I decided, though, I would sacrifice my happiness for your own. In a few months, Equestria, you, and your family shall be born anew, while I’ll be forced to start over from scratch, losing my education and happiness with you. That’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make just so you can be happy. No, don’t start crying, Applejack. I want you to wipe those tears away. I only have a few seconds to tell you everything I need to.

I have gone back in time. I am serious.
The Ocarina of Time, that beautiful azure woodwind that I’ve been carrying with me for seven years, has the power to let its owner time travel. By doing this, I hope to avert all the pain your world and I have gone through. However, by the same coin, everything will go back to the way it was. EVERYTHING. This is what I meant by sacrifice. I’ll go back to a time with BEN, and try to set things right. You’ll get your family back, and I’ll get mine. Nothing evil will have happened here, and everyone that has died will never have died. That’s the good part.

The bad part is the sacrifice: By going back in time, you will have never met me. We would not be where we are today. Scootaloo will still wander, without her family by her side. I would lose my education, and my degree, forcing me to go through school again for another six years, and in the human world, I may not even GET the job I work so hard to get, even though it would probably be garunteed, had I stayed in Equestria. I won’t be as happy as I would be, if I had stayed with you and Scootaloo. Your world will go back to thinking humans are evil, despicable creatures.

But then I remembered what true sacrifice meant – acceptance of your deed.

When I was a boy, my favorite thing to do was play Majora’s Mask, a game from childhood that brought me joy. There’s one thing about this game, and our predicament, that are chillingly similar.
The fact that Link helps all these people in the game, just to go back through time, and to know that they didn’t remember what he did for them. That alone taught me one big lesson, and by going back in time, I’ve taken that lesson to heart.

All of what you do is forgotten in the sands of time – be selfless and help people when they need you. You do not need recognition for your deeds, for as long as your actions have made them happier, you will become immortal, because through your selfless, unrecognized charity, you will go on living.

And I’m happy with that.

With sincere, deep regret in my heart, I want you to know that I love you. And to show you that love, I’m giving us all one last chance to make things right.

Farewell, Applejack. I love you. -xoxoxo

Nicholas Mathew ‘Jadusable’ Brownford

Applejack stopped for a moment, staring at the letter as small droplets of water began to splash onto the yellowed parchment, the grip of her hooves tightening on the paper.

“I love ya too, Nick.”

And Applejack stood there, continuing to cry, as her body, along with her quaint home, and the rest of Equestria began to slowly fade out of existence.


As a blinding white flash singed my retina, I grew extremely light-headed and fell to the ground, putting my hands before me. But there was no ground beneath me as I continued to fall. All that was in my way was a searing, blinding white light and a high pitched squeal, as if I’d been exposed to a flash grenade. In due time everything subsided, and I slowly regained my vision - more vision that I remember, as if I had... two eyes? And... where was I? As the rest of the blur of light faded away, I came to what looked to be a calm, modern neighborhood. With... granite roofs rather than thatched straw. And cars, - recognizable brands, like Volkswagen, Ford, and Chevy plated upon them. And concrete, and...

No cartoony shades. A grimy, rough, realistic look about everything. Perfectly real.

Home. I made it home. It was over! YES! IT WAS FINALLY OVER!

I threw my arms up in celebration without a care in the world and... arms? I brought my limbs to my face, staring at them intently. Smooth, unscarred, uncut flesh. No missing fingers, no broken bones, no...

I then brought my hands up to my left eye, feeling the jellied orb in perfect health, and ran my tongue along my teeth, as it danced around the pearlescent blades like fingers upon a piano. I dug into my pocket immediately. Nothing but a wallet and cellphone, and... the jingle of car keys around my neck on a lanyard. I immediately grabbed my phone, with no water damage, cracks, or exposed wires visible - and immediately turned on the screen.

My heart sank.

Monday, September 6th, 2010, 2:10 PM.

It really worked.

“Can I help you sonny?”

I immediately jumped as I heard the voice from behind me, dropping my phone to the concrete. The voice was aged, familiar, and vile at that, which meant- I turned around to lock my view with the two hazel eyes once more, the left glazed over and blinded.

The one thing that started this: the old man.

“I didn’t mean to scare you, boy. Can I help ya?”

So here it all began. Oh, what I would give to beat this geezer to a pulp. Make him pay for what he did to me. Throw his table at him and smash his brain out on the concr-

“Nick, control yourself. Don’t get angry. You know... you remember what that did for you.”

I pocketed my phone and let out a barely audible sigh. I looked to the table before me, with the Freudian blot tests, then to an aged, cardboard box that sat alone in the back of the open, exposed garage behind us.

I knew what I had to do. I had to use this last chance... to make things right.

“Yes sir. Do you happen to have any old video games? ‘Bout ten, fifteen years old?”

In surefire fashion, the man replied swiftly.

“Just so happens I got a few in an old box. I’ll be back in a jiffy, alright?”

As I stood there, scarring trauma after scarring trauma flashed through my mind’s eye. Equestria, the first nights with BEN... all of it came rushing back to me as the older man in front of me slowly made his way towards me with the legendary cartridge, and the rorschach test on the nearby table were littered with projections of Equestria, instead of the mask.

The old man stopped, placing the game into my open hand. I looked at the shoddy chunk of plastic, the sharpied ‘Majora’ glaring back at me with disdain and evil like text out of the Necronomicon.

“I- um- thank you, sir. How much would you like for this?”

“You can have it for free, no charge at all. Ya see, boy, this belonged to kid about yer age that don’t live here anymore. Please, it’s on the house. Have fun now, ya hear?” the man finished with a cold, wicked, crooked smile that would leave any sane man running in fear. Unfortunately, I was far from sane. Especially after what MY mind had gone through. I was gonna be spending some SERIOUS cash on a shrink in the coming weeks.

“Thank you sir.” I replied with a smile and a wave, turning to walk away as I took notice of my car that sat on the curb outside the house.

When…. I stopped and turned back.

“Sir… I hope It’s not to much to ask, but… what happened to your left eye?”

He stood there for a moment, as if to recollect a memory, then he looked away, and down, with a sad expression on his face.

“Grenade… Normandy… *sniff* Worst damn day of my life. I lost five childhood friends that day. Two of ‘em didn’t even get their rafts to the shore…”

I stood there, a sullen gaze overtaking me.

“So… you served. My father lost his to a grenade too… And I lost a lot of my… friends to war.” I could barely squeak, the raw emotion taking me and memories of Equestria hitting me like a freight train.

The man looked up to me, wiping away some tears.

“You… you look like you’re military material, boy. You remind me of poor Ben.

Here, I had to ask as if I didn’t already know.


“Ben was my grandson. My son… he came back from Vietnam with all kinds of brain problems… ended up going crazy and drowning poor Ben in the tub one day… You remind me of Ben…”

I simply frowned, bringing one hand out to touch the man’s shoulder.

“Thank you for your service.”

“I’m glad to see there’s still kids that care about the old vets. You’re alright, boy. That game belonged to my grandson. He loved it… I just feel terrible that he never got to finish it before he went; he loved it so much…”

I smiled, bringing my hand out to shake the man’s, which he complied to with a grin of his own.

“Thank you for the game, sir.”

At that, I began to walk to the car again, and amidst the man’s tears, there came those infamous, misinterpreted words.

“Goodbye, Ben!”

At that, I set the cartridge down on the roof of the car, and turned to face the old man, who was still staring at me. I gave a calm, peaceful smile, and replied promptly.

“Ben is in good hands, sir. Don’t worry.”

I waved and promptly hopped in the car as I took the game in my hand, the engine roaring to life with a click.

In the thirty minutes of driving I had to cover between the highway and my old (or in reality, current) apartment, I had plenty of time to think about how I was going to handle everything. But what really bothered me to no end was the fact that I would never be able to see those ponies again. I would never be able to visit Equestria and make sure it was safe from harm. If the technology for dimensional travel ever came out, I would likely be long dead. There was no way back. I was going to have to accept the fact that I belonged here. The many other worlds and dimensions brought about by mankind were best left untampered, in the pure forms they were given. Equestria was better off without me. That also went for everything else. I heard a buzz from my phone as I rolled up into the parking lot and turned off the engine. I picked up the black box and stared at it as the white text sat on the locked monitor.

- 1 New Message -

With reluctance, I opened the screen and a grin of relief, happiness, and satisfaction grew over my face as I made my way up the stairs.

Hi sweetie I was wondering if you’re coming home for the weekend dad is on his way back from Topeka ily

I held the phone there and began tapping out a reply message immediately.

Love you too. Tell dad I might drop the game design track and go into the Marines. I think I understand my calling.
Pocketing my phone again, I brought my key to the door and at that moment, while I was still dwelling upon having to abandon fictional universes, I thought back on what BEN had told me back in Termina. Everything he’d taught me about dimensions, life after death, spirits…


I slowly let the door shut and dug through my backpack as I set it to the floor. I took the two controllers, and three games out, setting all but one of them on the nightstand. I held the shoddy Majora cartridge in my palms, the flesh encasing this plastic rhombus starting to sweat and perspire. I slowly began to walk over to the empty 64, and opened my mouth to speak.

“Ben? I do not know if you can hear me. I do not know if you can see me. But if you can, please know that a year and a half from now, if things do not change right this moment, bad, bad things are going to happen, for both of us.”

I continued to speak, closing the distance to the game console.

“I am sorry that your father drowned you. I am sorry that I may be seen as your enemy. I am sorry, that you were not able to live your life out, Ben, and I’m especially sorry your prized possession was taken from you before you could finish it. I will properly set you free from that game you’ve been stuck in...”

My hand began to tremble and shake as the cartridge slowly found its way into the console tray, and my fingers slowly, fearfully dancing along the black machine and landing upon the power switch.

“...but please, I speak for everything and everyone that has wronged you: we are sorry. And as that speaker... I want to ask you...”

The power clicked on, and the spinning N64 logo came to the TV.

“...If we can start fresh. What say that first you and I...”

Here came the mask, spinning to the screen with a terrifying woosh.

“…finish what you were never able to? Let’s beat your file...”

As the cutscene continued to play, I my yellow controller became sticky and saturated in my sweat. I could make things worse this time around if I didn’t play it right.

“Together, as friends. Not enemies.”


As I selected the file, I didn’t know what to expect. The game simply went to a black screen, and instead of loading, Text came up, and a smile went across my face. Ben was a deceiver, but… something about these white words… I knew they were sincere.

“I would like that very much. Thank you, Jad.

“Please, Ben – call me Nick.”

“Let’s do it, Nick.”


“As friends.”

As we made our way through the final moments of Majora’s Mask in one final hurrah of childhood, I took a look around my apartment. I looked to the wall which held my replica Hylian weapons, the dresser which had a pokeball, and around the remains of the living space which was crawling with various pop-culture memorabilia. As we finished up the moon dungeons and made our way to the lonely Majora child sitting against the tree, I stopped for a moment and paused the in-game conversation with the moon child to see if there was even the remote possibility…

“Hey Ben?”

The game cycled through the conversation until where the child would normally begin with ‘Well...’, and sparked up a new text box.


Do you think you could do me a favor? I have a long list of vacation destinations I want to hit this Christmas...” I finished, taking a last look at all of my decorations.

And at that, the moon child said his final line in the game...

“I’ll see what I can do, Nick.”

The game spawned us in the final battle arena, and my pulse jumped with anticipation. But that anticipation was not out of fear this time – it was good knowing I had given Equestria a second chance. The whole time here, I felt a twinge of regret hit my heart. I really didn’t want to leave, thinking back. I had left Applejack, a dear friend, just like Navi had left Link. Even if through the dimensions, she longed for me, I still cared for her.

Without her, I would have died long ago. To leave Equestria saddened me. To leave my friends, ones better than those I kept here, hurt.

And then of course, there was Scootaloo. That adorable little Pegasus who, just like Link, grew from a child, to an adult in such a short frame of time. I thought of how I ended up abandoning her, and how I saw the little pony like my own child; a child who transformed into a loyal and tough woman under my wing (quite literally under my wing, when you think about it).

I really didn’t want to leave.

But it was for the best. I had to let go of something I held dear… if I wanted to see IT flourish. And at that thought, the words of the mask man rolled around in my head, solidifying an important fact of life.

“Wherever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow.

However, that parting need not last forever.

Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time,

That is up to you.”

It was time to move on. And if I played my cards right with my new friend, I could see the ones I loved once more.

Plus, I’d get to go on vacations other geeks could only dream of. Not a bad way to live.

“Let’s beat this mask down, Ben.”

Life wasn’t bad for me when I was a kid. I had pretty much anything I could ever ask for.

Now, it's only gotten better.

Author's Note:

Dedicated to my lost family

Michael Meisenhelter - 3/3/63-11/4/15

Charles Meisenhelter - 10/8/22-6/18/18

Special thanks to:
My mother

All of my loyal readers who stuck along for the ride.

When I first set out to make this story, my original intention was purely to be an edgy fuck. I want to be the next shockfic, like Cupcakes, and never expected to take this seriously.

When I realized I was building a cohesive story that people enjoyed, I wanted to buck the tropes of the self insert. I did this by limiting it to appearance only, and realistically asked myself one question:

What would I ACTUALLY do in such a situation? What - honestly- do I have a problem with, personally?

I want to deeply apologize to the fans who had felt abandoned by my sudden hiatus - the age certainty shows in the writing in some spots - much can change in the better half of a decade.

I was fortunate enough for this project to bring me a great, perhaps best friend in a reader of mine, Gyrofest96. Seven years on, this culminated in us finally meeting in person, to share the final BronyCon together.

It was through him I persevered through the remains of this story, and I thought it only appropriate to spend this vacation making a final sendoff to this fanbase, and at least finish what I started.

Thank you all. It's been one hell of a ride.

Comments ( 7 )

Congrats on finally finishing it Bro! I'm happy to see that complete tag on your story. Have fun at the con <3

Hope you that you're doing well man thank you and love you.

I NEED a sequal.

I started reading this in, say... 2014? Thought it was the coolest thing. Felt like it was the Aliens to BEN Drowned's Alien... that being, an action-packed (but still horrifying) sequel to a comparatively psychological affair. 5 years later and it's finally wrapped up. Wow.
This story means a lot to me. Re-reading it every now and then intermittently checking FIMFiction every couple of weeks to see if it's updated and shit like that. You can only imagine the look on my face when I checked here again a few hours ago (perhaps somewhat regrettably a month late) to see the COMPLETED tag. Fucking hell, man.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You may have not garnered hundreds upon hundreds of readers or whatever, but you sure as shit left an impression on me. Congratulations on finally finishing it.
(Loved the seven sages reference, by the way. Was that planned from the beginning?)

On a related note, I'm personally choosing to interpret this final chapter as a sort of... alternate ending, I guess. Call it a headcanon if you'd like. The other one being where Nick settles down in Equestria. Both are satisfying in their own different ways.
ᴵ'ᵈ ᵗᵒᵗᵃˡˡʸ ᵇᵉ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᶠᵒʳ ᶠᵘʳᵗʰᵉʳ ᵒⁿᵉˢʰᵒᵗˢ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ

Not a bad fic, with luck they could heal each other... Even so, I wonder what could happened if Nick had not returned to that day? After all, In Majora's Mask, Link was always back to Day 1 not day 0. Even so, it was a good fic, a little shocking and dark, I will not say that Nick did the best decisions but it was good, even if it make me feel bad for AJ... Maybe she could had gone with him? After all, Tatl followed Link

You might actually get one. the REAL ARG came back after an 8-year hiatus recently (as of March) to finish up the story.

I may write one in response.

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